ERROR CODE 8003.  I AM USING 10.6.8

How do I get to clean out trash as I keep getting ERROR  CODE 8003

This one keeps coming up.   You may find some guidance by following through some of the links in 'More like this'  >>>>>>>>>
The link below may prove more positive.   Read about ways to solve Trash problems.       Solving Trash Problems     
Then, for clearing stubborn trash.                Download Trash It! for Mac

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  • How do I deal with error code -8003 ?

    When I try to empty my Trash with a certain app in it I get error code -8003. I can't find reference to that code anywhere and do not know how to clean up the trash.
    "The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003)."

    Try using Trash It!
    Possibly helpful articles:
    The X Lab: Solving Trash Problems
    You can't empty the Trash or move a file to the Trash
    Error -8003 or other problems with emptying the OS X Trash

  • Empty trash bin gives an error code 8003

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    The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003).
    I used the diskutility to repair permissions, and that didn't solve it. I also rebooted the system, and that didn't resolve it either.
    I don't see any messages in the Forums with this topic.
    Anyone got any ideas what the problem is and how to fix it? I've got quite a bit of disk space that I'd like to recover and I can't the way it is right now.

    I don't see any messages in the Forums with this topic.

  • I tried to empty the trash, full of back up file from my hard disk and it just says: "The operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003)"

    I have an external hard disk of 319.73 GB that I use as back up memory and where I put all the movies and other files that I can't leave on the computer as they occupy too much memory space . One day I was deleting all the previous dated back up to have more space on it , but had to stop the trash for doing it cause it was taking too long and now every time that I try to empty the trash it just says "The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003)" and even if I press CONTINUE it won't empting it . I'm not really pratical with this things and I tried already to find out the solution here and on Google but apparently nobody ever had a similar error code and I don't know what else to do.
    I've a MacBook Pro with a Mac OS X 10.6.8 Version.
    Thanks again for the help and sorry if I did some english mistakes !

    Hey donnie90,
    It seems like this article might be the best for helping you address this issue:
    You can't empty the Trash or move a file to the Trash
    Thanks for coming to the Apple Support Communities!

  • HT201250 i'm getting message: can't be opened because you don't have permission to see its contents. and he operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003).

    I took my computer in to have the Backup restored onto my computer after having a new harddrive put onto my 1year 1/2 old MacBook Pro. When i got it home there was a new User that i had to logout of to getting into my normal user. Don't know why this was, just figured the Mac guys that installed my backup did this for some odd reason. Today i could not open any of my files in the backup on the time machine. All the folder had line going thought them and when i clicked on them I revieved this message: can’t be opened because you don’t have permission to see its contents. After talking with that same mac store. I decided to just delete all the files out of the time machine as it was just put back on my computer and i have everything i need. Hours later when i tried to empty the trash i got this messsage: the operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003).
    Any advise how to fix my problem?
    thanks in advance

    While you see a single trash can, in reality there are trash folders on each mounted volume.  I don't use TM but what you are describing implies that a TM drive is no different with the way trash is treated.  So when the TM is unmounted the trash folder on there is gone and thus the trash looks empty.  Remount the drive, the trash folder on it now causes the trashcan to look like something is in it.
    If TrashIt! could not remove the file, I'm sorry, you will need to use the terminal.  We can do this one step at a time so you only have to copy/paste the lines into terminal (except the first time).  So launch Terminal (in utilities).  You might want to make the window that is shown a bit larger with the grow box since it's pretty small.
    This first line is the only exception to the copy/pasting since you have to enter some information.
    sudo ls -laR /Volumes/your-TM-volume-name/.Trashes
    where your-TM-volume-name is the name of your TM volume.  That's the part you have to fill in since I don't know it.
    When you hit return the sudo in that command will cause a prompt for your admin password.  Enter it and hit return again.  Note the password will not be shown as you type it.  Post the results so I can tell you what to do next.
    Note this ls command is not doing anything but listing the files in the TM's .Trashes folder.  Remember I said each drive has it's own trash folder.  .Trashes is it.

  • Empty trash The operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003).

    I can't empty my trash.  The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003).
    I have started up in a guest account and that show empty trash bucket.
    I have use 'option' or all three, control, option, command.  and nothing works.
    This has been a problem for about 3 weeks now.
    I have an external WD hardrive for back up, these are the files that I try to erase - and I have unlocked each one, still no luck....
    Can some one give me a hint what to do?

    Plus all of you that have tried to help me with my 'empty trash' problem.  I have it solved!
    I am running a Western Digital external hard drive.  I phoned them just now and they asked me to unplug the WD drive, and I reset the back up occasions, it was backing up every hour, which was way too often. The trash emptied when I unplugged and now I have rebooted and the trash is still empty
    Thanks to all who gave me suggestions as to what I needed to do to empty my trash can!  It had more than 1600 items living there.  What a relief.

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    You’re running an outdated copy of Safari on your Desktop. That won’t work.
    In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Applications
    from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-A to open the Applications folder. Check that the Safari application is in that folder. If it is, use it, and delete the copy on your Desktop. Never move or copy built-in applications.
    If you've deleted Safari from the Applications folder, back up all data, then reinstall OS X. If your Mac was upgraded from an older version of OS X, you’ll need the Apple ID and password you used to upgrade, so make a note of those before you begin.

  • Error Message When Emptying Trash - (error code -8003)

    I have recently had to erase and re-install my hard drive a couple of times (under instruction from Apple) and now I have previous hard drives in my trash which I am wanting to erase (along with other stuff). However I have tried to empty the trash the usual way to no success, I have tried using the 'trash it' app again to no success and I have even opened up Terminal and typed in: sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash. (This I copied and pasted from another users issue for an error code -36. with their trash)
    MY error message however reads as follows:
    The Operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003).
    Can anyone help please?

    Choosy Bernie wrote:
    (error code -8003)
    AFAIK there is no error such error code. Methinks your Mac is delusional.
    Have you tried this Terminal command?
    sudo rm .Trash/*
    Do you have another drive or Windows installed? If you have Windows installed boot from your Windows partition and run Chkdsk utility.

  • I have purchased two movies on the store that at the time were unable to download, due to a full start up disc. I have now freed up the space and the remainder of the movies wont download. It gives me the error code 8003. I have a good network connection.

    I have purchased two movies on the store that at the time were unable to download, due to a full start up disc. I have now freed up the space and the remainder of the movies won't download. It gives me the error code 8003. I have a good network connection and the space for the movies, but cant seem to get it to work. Anysuggestions? It doesnt even let me delete the downloads and start again.

    1. iTunes won't offer cloud downloads for songs that it "thinks" are in your library, even if it "knows" the files are missing. If you've exhaustively searched for the missing files and there is no prospect of repair by restoring to them to their original locations, or connecting to new ones, then delete that tracks that display both the missing exclamation mark and are of media kind Purchased/Protected AAC audio file. Don't hide from iTunes in the cloud when asked, close iTunes, then reopen. You can download from the cloud links or iTunes Store > Quicklinks > Purchased > Music > Not on this computer > All songs > Download all.
    2. Why? Not sure, perhaps 3rd party tools or accidental key presses combined with previously hidden warning messages when trying to organize the library. There is a hint that using the feature to downsample media as it is synced to a device may also be involved, though I've not replicated it. Whatever the reason a backup would protect your media.

  • Can't empty my Trash-Keep getting "Operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003). Anyone know what to do?

    Can't empty my Trash-Keep getting "Operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003). Anyone know what to do?

    I had the same problem yesterday with an application file that was deleted after installation of an update. I used "Put Back" to move it back to its original location, then used "Show Package Contents" to delete/empty trash for small groups of files at a time. I suppose the application file itself may have been too large to empty at one time. I hope this helps.

  • Unable to empty trash error code 8003 appears ?

    Unable to empty trash error code 8003 appears ?

    I had the same problem - tried all sorts but nothing worked. Eventually I used a tool called Trash It! which did the job (though apparently it is only to be used as a last resort).! Emptied the Trash and no problems since.

  • Unable to empty trash error code 8003

    Unable to empty trash  error code 8003
    MacBook Pro
    OSX 10.6.7
    4GB RAM

    I had the same problem - tried all sorts but nothing worked. Eventually I used a tool called Trash It! which did the job (though apparently it is only to be used as a last resort).! Emptied the Trash and no problems since.

  • I can't empty trash. Error code -8003

    I can't empty the trash (neither "secure" nor regular).
    OSX 10.6.8
    Full error message: "The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003)."

    This is not unusual, and has been discussed here a few times.
    There maybe some useful tips here:

  • Trash won't empty. error code -8003 comes up

    I am trying to empty trash but get  'The operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003). Any help gratefully received! Thanks, Nick
    OSX 10.6.8 MacPro 2x2.66GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon, 11GB ram

    See More Like This on the right side of this page.
    Try using Trash It!.
    Error -8003 or other problems with emptying the OS X Trash
    And of course the X Lab page referenced above by baltwo.

  • Error code -8003? Can't empty trash

    All I'm trying to do is empty my trash. All that's in the trash are a bunch of empty folders, but whenever I go "Finder > Empty Trash," I get the usual thermometer bar for a few seconds (which seems odd in itself, considering how small the files in the Trash are), then this error message:
    The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003).
    I ran Disk Utility, Repaired Permissions, it gave me a clean bill of health. I then re-started the iMac, and when it was fully booted, tried to empty the trash again. Same error message.
    Then I ran OnyX v2.1.4, no problems, restarted, tried to empty the trash, same result.
    Then I ran Maintenance v1.3.2, no problems, restarted, tried to empty the trash, same result.
    In each case of verifying or repairing disk or permissions, all three utilities generated humongous logs, which I've saved.
    I looked on Apple's Support site for error codes. I was directed to this page:
    Which says "Mac OS System Error Codes: 1 to 32767," which one would think to be inclusive of error code -8033… but it ain't: the error codes go from 103 (ds32BitMode (booting in 32-bit on a 24-bit sys) to 20000 (dsShutDownOrRestart user choice between ShutDown and Restart)
    I've tried several other sites that claim to have listings of Mac error codes, but it's my understanding -- please correct me if I'm wrong -- that error codes are not static; they evolve with the system.
    BTW, all this happened after installing the latest software update, which included the 356th new driver for HP Printers this week alone, and something else I can't remember.
    Whatever the case, I can't get rid of these empty folders. Any ideas?
    Bart Brown

    Thanks for the links and tips -- I was so brain-fogged last night (allergies + incredible pollen count = brain fog), and it's been so long since I had an "empty trash" problem, I completely forgot about the option key.
    What's REALLY bizarre (to me) is how I accidentally fixed the problem:
    I opened the Trash window (in "list" view), and did a Command-Option-Right Arrow (which opens all folders and subfolders), trying to see if I could find anything OTHER than empty folders. There were a few files, but nothing out of the ordinary. I closed the Trash window, and decided -- just for the **** of it -- to empty the Trash again. Finder > Empty Trash, and poof! All gone!
    Thanks again -- very useful links!
    Bart Brown

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