Error in ADF Web Service Connection

Hello everyone.
I have the following problem.
Create a "Web Services Proxy" to consume a Web Services outside the application.
Web services require authentication and create a Web ADF Services Connection to authenticate, but when you programmatically use the ADF Web Service Connection I get the following error:
     at java.lang.Class.isAssignableFrom(Native Method)
     at oracle.adf.model.connection.webservice.impl.WebServiceConnectionImpl.getJaxWSPort(
     at edu.esade.portal.wsclient.wordpress.WordPressCliente.getDatosBlogsBndQSService(
     at edu.esade.portal.wsclient.wordpress.WordPressCliente.getDatosBlogsPortClient(
     at edu.esade.portal.wsclient.wordpress.WordPressCliente.getBlogs(
     at edu.esade.portal.wsclient.wordpress.WordPressCliente.main(
The code I use to get the connection is:
private DatosBlogsBndQSService getDatosBlogsBndQSService () {
Context ctx;
try {
ctx = ADFContext.getCurrent().getConnectionsContext();
WebServiceConnection wsc = (WebServiceConnection) ctx.lookup("DatosBlogsBndQSService");
DatosBlogsBndQSService proxy = wsc.getJaxWSPort(DatosBlogsBndQSService.class); // line 62
return proxy;
} catch (NamingException e) {
return null;
Finalmente la configuración del recurso es:
<Reference name="DatosBlogsBndQSService" className="oracle.adf.model.connection.webservice.impl.WebServiceConnectionImpl" credentialStoreKey="DatosBlogsBndQSService" xmlns="">
<Factory className="oracle.adf.model.connection.webservice.api.WebServiceConnectionFactory"/>
<XmlRefAddr addrType="WebServiceConnection">
<wsconnection description="URL-XXX" service="{URL-XXX}DatosBlogsBndQSService">
<model name="{URL-XXX}DatosBlogsBndQSService" xmlns="">
<service name="{URL-XXX}DatosBlogsBndQSService">
<port name="DatosBlogsBndQSPort" binding="{URL-XXX}DatosBlogsBnd">
<soap username="transportUserName" password="transportPassword" addressUrl="URL-XXX" xmlns=""/>
<operation name="consultarPosts">
<soap soapAction="URL-XXX" xmlns=""/>
<output name=""/>
<input name=""/>
<operation name="listarBlogs">
<soap soapAction="URL-XXX" xmlns=""/>
<output name=""/>
<input name=""/>
<SecureRefAddr addrType="transportPassword"/>
<SecureRefAddr addrType="transportUserName"/>
When the Web Service did not require authentication to work without problem, the error arises when you need to login and use the "ADF Web Services Connection", is there some other way to log in using the Web Service proxy client directly?
Any help is welcome.

Hi Shay.
I not use Web service data control, I use only Web Service proxy and the client class for populate data to view object programmatically.
However, in a test class do I have this:
public class WordPressCliente {
private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WordPressCliente.class);
public WordPressCliente() {
private DatosBlogsBndQSService getDatosBlogsBndQSService () {
Context ctx;
try {
ctx = ADFContext.getCurrent().getConnectionsContext();
WebServiceConnection wsc = (WebServiceConnection) ctx.lookup("DatosBlogsBndQSService");
DatosBlogsBndQSService proxy = wsc.getJaxWSPort(DatosBlogsBndQSService.class);
return proxy;
} catch (NamingException e) {
return null;
private DatosBlogsPT getDatosBlogsPortClient() throws Exception {
URL baseUrl = DatosBlogsBndQSService.class.getResource(".");
URL url = new URL(baseUrl,ArchivoUtil.getInstance().getPropiedad("ws.integracion.wordpress"));
QName qName = new QName("","DatosBlogsBndQSService");
System.setProperty("http.username", "atsistemas");
System.setProperty("http.password", "atsistemas2011");
DatosBlogsBndQSService integracionWordpress = new DatosBlogsBndQSService(url,qName);
DatosBlogsPT wordpressPT = integracionWordpress.getDatosBlogsBndQSPort();
if (ArchivoUtil.getInstance().getPropiedad("ws.integracion.wordpress.autenticacion").equals("true")) {
System.out.println("hay que validar el WS");
BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider)wordpressPT;
bp.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, ArchivoUtil.getInstance().getPropiedad("ws.integracion.wordpress.usuario"));
bp.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, ArchivoUtil.getInstance().getPropiedad("ws.integracion.wordpress.clave"));
DatosBlogsPT wordpressPT = getDatosBlogsBndQSService().getDatosBlogsBndQSPort();
return wordpressPT;
private DatosItemsPT getDatosItemsPortClient() throws Exception {
DatosItemsBndQSService datosItems = new DatosItemsBndQSService();
DatosItemsPT itemsPT = datosItems.getDatosItemsBndQSPort();
if (ArchivoUtil.getInstance().getPropiedad("ws.integracion.items.autenticacion").equals("true")) {
BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider)itemsPT;
bp.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, ArchivoUtil.getInstance().getPropiedad("ws.integracion.wordpress.usuario"));
bp.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, ArchivoUtil.getInstance().getPropiedad("ws.integracion.wordpress.clave"));
return itemsPT;
public List<Blog> getBlogs() throws Exception {
List<Blog> lista = null;
try {
DatosBlogsPT cliente = getDatosBlogsPortClient();
FiltroBlogs filtroBlog = new FiltroBlogs();
ListarBlogsInput blogInput = new ListarBlogsInput();
HeaderESADE header = new HeaderESADE();
lista = cliente.listarBlogs(blogInput,header).getBlogs().getBlog();
} catch (ClientTransportException e) {
ADFUtils.showMessage(Constantes.TITULO_01, Constantes.MENSAJE_01);
return lista;
public List<Post> getPostsPorBlog(String idBlog) throws Exception {
List<Post> lista = null;
try {
DatosBlogsPT cliente = getDatosBlogsPortClient();
ConsultarPostsInput postInput = new ConsultarPostsInput();
FiltroPosts filtroPost = new FiltroPosts();
HeaderESADE header = new HeaderESADE();
filtroPost.setBlogId(new Long(idBlog).longValue());
lista = cliente.consultarPosts(postInput,header).getPosts().getPost();
} catch (ClientTransportException e) {
ADFUtils.showMessage(Constantes.TITULO_01, Constantes.MENSAJE_01);
return lista;
public static void main(String[] args) {
WordPressCliente wordPressCliente = new WordPressCliente();
try {
Iterator i = wordPressCliente.getBlogs().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Blog blog = (Blog);
logger.debug("Blog Id:" + blog.getId() + " url:" + blog.getUrl() + " nombre:" + blog.getNombre() + " publico:" + blog.isPublico() + " lang:" + blog.getLang());
try {
Iterator j = wordPressCliente.getPostsPorBlog(Long.toString(blog.getId())).iterator();
while (j.hasNext()) {
Post post = (Post);
logger.debug(" Post Id:" + post.getId() + " autor:" + post.getAutor() + " titulo:" + post.getTitulo() + " size ambitos:" + post.getAmbitos().getAmbito().size() +
" tags:" + post.getTags());
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {

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    Since you are getting a "SoapFault Exception", you must be trying to use SOAP messaging.  The DI API does not understand SOAP messages.  You would need to use the DI Server (SDK Help has information on DI Server) for SOAP based messaging and in turn you may also want to look at the Business One Web Services (B1WS) tool that s located in the Tools section of the SAP Business One main page here on SDN.

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    Yes we did make progress. Follow the steps listed below.
    A WSDL for BODS can be provided from your vendor (Amazon or Twitter) or created in-house.  In my tutorial I will be using ServiceNow.  ServiceNow is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) provider of IT service management (ITSM) software.
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    To verify that the WSDL works you can open it in a browser to see the xml schema.  Since the WSDL is HTTPS the browser will prompt you to enter credentials in order to view it.  The username and password will need to be provided to you from vendor you are trying to connect to.
    BODS requires that any web service connection that is https to have a certificate saved to its internal configuration on the job server where the application resides. The certificate is referenced when the call goes out to verify authentication. 
    You can get the server certificate from the vendor who is providing the web service or you can also download the certificate from the browser and save it in base64 binary encoded format to a file and use that.  In my example I will be using Firefox to export.
    if you have fire fox, then on the left side before the URL Address bar there will be a lock icon, click on view certificate, select the details tab, select the *.service-  and click on export, in the dialog box, select the Save as type X.509 Certificate (PEM), you can save this with any name on your machine.
    Now go to the JobServer machine, go to %LINK_DIR%\ext\ folder, open axis2.xml in notepad,
    since it's https uncomment the following tag (transportReceiver)
    <!--transportReceiver name="https" class="axis2_http_receiver">
    <parameter name="port" locked="false">6060</parameter>
    <parameter name="exposeHeaders" locked="true">false</parameter>
    it should look line something below
    <transportReceiver name="https" class="axis2_http_receiver">
    <parameter name="port" locked="false">6060</parameter>
    <parameter name="exposeHeaders" locked="true">false</parameter>
    uncomment the following tag (transportSender) and comment out the parameter KEY_FILE and SSL_PASSPHRASE, enter the complete location of the certificate that you saved from the browser in the SERVER_CERT parameter. you can save the certificate also in this folder
    <!--transportSender name="https" class="axis2_http_sender">
    <parameter name="PROTOCOL" locked="false">HTTP/1.1</parameter>
    <parameter name="xml-declaration" insert="false"/>
    <parameter name="SERVER_CERT">/path/to/ca/certificate</parameter>
    <parameter name="KEY_FILE">/path/to/client/certificate/chain/file</parameter>
    <parameter name="SSL_PASSPHRASE">passphrase</parameter>
    this should look like
    <transportSender name="https" class="axis2_http_sender">
    <parameter name="PROTOCOL" locked="false">HTTP/1.1</parameter>
    <parameter name="xml-declaration" insert="false"/>
    <parameter name="SERVER_CERT">enter the certificate path</parameter>
    <!--parameter name="KEY_FILE">/path/to/client/certificate/chain/file</parameter-->
    <!--parameter name="SSL_PASSPHRASE">passphrase</parameter-->
    save this file and open this file is browser to make sure that the XML is valid
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    Creating a Datastore
    Select Project -> New- >  Datastore
              Datastore name: Applicable Name
              Datastore Type:  Web Service
              Web Service URL: https://<instance>
              Advance <<
              User name: *****
              Password: ******
              Axis2/c config file path: \Program Files (x86)\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Data           Services\ext\Service_now

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    Hello Experts
    I'm using Xcelsius Engage and I'd like to use Web Service connection.
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    Hi Matt
    Thanks a lot!!!
    Indeed the solution was in the follwoing thread: code to create XML
    Parsing the query result fixed the problem.
    For others who might have the same problem:
    Here's a working web service (C# code, for vb code follow the link to the thread above):
    public Service () {
        public struct QueryResult
          public string SlpName;
          public string Commission;
      public QueryResult[] RunQuery()
          // Open Connection - Query Data from DB table - Close connection
          SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("Data Source=(local);Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=SBODemoUS");
          SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(
            "SELECT SlpName, Commission FROM OSLP", connection);
          DataTable DT_QryResult = new DataTable();
          // Parse data to be forward to Xcelsius
          QueryResult[] QryRes = null;
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          int i=0;
          foreach (DataRow row in DT_QryResult.Rows)
            QryRes<i>.SlpName = row["SlpName"].ToString();
            QryRes<i>.Commission = row["commission"].ToString();
          return QryRes;
    Best regards,

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    Error :unable to Load URL occurs" because Crystal xcelsius only support single schema web service created from Query as a web service and Flynet tool available in xcelsius 2008.
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    We are having trouble connecting to Exchange Server
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    Correlation ID: bb0fe99c-6f4e-e084-b191-881fbf0fa977, Error Code 10 
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     Content-Length: 0  Cache-Control: private  Date: Tue, 03 Feb 2015 18:53:40 GMT  Set-Cookie: X-BackEndCookie=; expires=Sun, 03-Feb-1985 18:53:40 GMT; path=/autodiscover; secure; HttpOnly  Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5  X-AspNet-Version:
    4.0.30319  X-Powered-By: ASP.NET    
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    I am not sure why SharePoint webservice call (X-CalculatedBETarget) is going to different server?
    let me know if you guys have any ideas.

    Thanks for the Response Raj.
    I already followed the same instructions in the Links.
    When SharePoint Autodisover.svc webservice send a request to Exchange server & Exchange server redirecting that request to different server, this is the problem i am facing right now.
    supposed to be but it connected to different domain
    Let me know if you have any suggestions?

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    "Unable to Load URL"
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    I have even tried re-installing QaaWS.
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    Can anyone help as sometimes this functionality works and sometimes it does not. The 2 queries i want to use point aty teh ssame database and BO Universe.
    Edited by: Anthony Jones on Jan 8, 2009 12:18 PM

    Hi Anthony,
    You might check that type of the licence type of the user QaaWSPrincipal. I had a problem where the QaaWSPrincipal user was Concurrent Access License while my server was Named User only. Switching to Named User resolved the problem.
    However, I am not sure that this is your issue as the you have one QaaWAS url working. YOu might want to check your URL is available
    http://<name of server>:<Tomcat port number>/dswsbobje/qaawsservices
    This contains a list of all URLs. Finally, you might look at importing the wsdl into other applications to see if the issue is Xcelsius or QaaWS related. You can copy to MS Office InfoPath with steps described below.
    Hope this helps

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    This might be due to following reasons.
    Please check whether firewall exist between Pi and external system. If so check with  network team weather port or connectivity is established between PI server and external system. This should be the main reason.  Also check the target URL and see whether you can able to consume the webservice directly from Soapui without PI.  If your workstation is within PI's landscape and you see the same timed out error, then the network connectivity is the issue.  Ask them to enable the port.

  • Using Encrypted Web Service connections within Xcelsius 2008 SP1 - FP3

    Hi all,
    I'm running the latest version of Xcelsius Server 2008 and have setup a simplistic dashboard that uses 4 web service connections to dynamically call queries within a SQL Server 2008 database. The dashboard has been exported to html and I can serve this to the WWW.
    I have since created a new https website (using a self signed certificate) and can now serve my Xcelsius dashboard via https. My problem is that I have had to run my old website in parallel (as it serves the said non-encrypted web service) which is linked within the swf source (that is running on the new https enabled website).
    Upon trying to alter my existing xlf file so that it references the encrypted web service URL (which works fine via the browser) it prompts me to accept the self signed certificate. Once I click yes, and then add the certificate to the certificate store the whole thing locks up and I am forced to close Xcelsius.
    Am I right in thinking that Xcelsius will not accept self signed certificates or encrypted web services at all? For me this is big security concern because if I want to share my dashboard via the WWW I have to accept the fact that I need to run an unsecure web service.
    Is this something that is only supported in Xcelsius Enterprise?

    Hello Paul,
    Sorry not to have replied to this sooner.
    We have had experience of hosting Xcelsius Dashboards using Https: for one of our clients here at Flynet.
    We noticed a number of issues , we did have problems relating to the Firewall on our Gateway server for example. We also had issues with the number of active connections processed when the dashboard is running. I think the default for Https: is 2 , so the connections can be queued up. Have you retried with one connection open. The Dashboard we did however did have up to 12 connections, so Xcelsius can handle multiple connections.
    When developing the Dashboards using Xcelsius I did have to import using the Web Service URL of the remote server which was Https: However due to issues sometimes with our Gateway Firewall and the way our Local Network had to access the https: URL , what I tended to do was develop using a localhost Web service and then switch the URL to use the https: Web Service once the dashboard was exported to the server it was to be hosted on.
    What we did notice for example is that we could have a dashboard running locally quite happily using the https: web services which are actually on []   then we would start getting #2 type flash errors. To solve this we had to restart our Windows Firewall on our gateway server. We could run the dashboard fine if run from our web site.
    I am not sure if the issues you have are related to this. I have had problems when I had to import the https: web service URL on my local machine  , I am prompted for the Username password for the Https: location , but when trying to import Xcelsius has a problem and exits. Due to these problems I tended to use a local Web service when developing. I know this isn't always practical.
    I was running on Vista 64 bit , but I also have XP and Server 2003 running on Virtual machines.  
    I will be happy to share information my experiences with you.
    Best Regards,
    Ian Learmonth
    Updated to add: I have just successfully imported an https: Web service. Mapped it to the dashboard , run it and invoked sucessfully. This was on Windows XP professional SP2. 
    I did the same thing on Windows Vista 64 bit and had an issue. So not sure what operating system you are using or whether it's a Certificate thing. I can try and find out a bit more on our Certificate if you need to find out what the issue is.
    The Vista issue seems to have been resolved by running Xcelsius as Administrator.
    When successfully importing I was prompted for the Username and Password for the URL but not the Certificate.
    Edited by: Ian Learmonth on Apr 23, 2009 12:18 PM
    Edited by: Ian Learmonth on Apr 23, 2009 12:30 PM

  • Unknown protocol: classpath when SOA server parses WSDL of ADF Web Services

    We used ADF to create synchronous web services (via Application Module Service Interface). Everything worked fine, we were able to created SOA composites that references those ADF web services and deploy them to SOA server successfully.
    However, since last weekend, all SOA composites that reference the ADF web services started to give the following exception when loaded during SOA server startup:
    [2012-01-17T14:27:35.373-05:00] [soa_server1] [ERROR] [SOA-20003] [oracle.integration.platform] [tid:$WorkWithListener@39ed0f9] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 0000JJh8SfNFg4aPXMg8xb1F5Sgf000001,0] [APP: soa-infra] Unable to register service.[[
    oracle.fabric.common.FabricException: javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException: faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Error reading import of oramds:/deployed-composites/default/MainOrch100000000002001Composite_rev1.0/SOAAMServiceRef.wsdl: javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException: faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Error reading import of oramds:/apps/epm/fcc/service/SOAAMService.wsdl: javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException: faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Invalid URL or file: classpath:/META-INF/wsdl/ServiceException.wsdl: unknown protocol: classpath: WSDLException: faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Error reading import of oramds:/deployed-composites/default/MainOrch100000000002001Composite_rev1.0/SOAAMServiceRef.wsdl: javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException: faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Error reading import of oramds:/apps/epm/fcc/service/SOAAMService.wsdl: javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException: faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Invalid URL or file: classpath:/META-INF/wsdl/ServiceException.wsdl: unknown protocol: classpath
    at oracle.fabric.composite.model.CompositeModel.loadImports(
    at oracle.fabric.composite.model.CompositeModel.getWSDLManager(
    at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.soap.WebServiceEntryBindingComponent.getDefinition(
    at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.soap.WebServiceEntryBindingComponent.load(
    at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.soap.WebServiceEntryBindingComponent.load(
    at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.deploy.CompositeDeploymentConnection.deployServices(
    at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.deploy.CompositeDeploymentConnection.deploy(
    at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.deploy.CompositeDeployerImpl.deploy(
    Caused by: javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException: faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Error reading import of oramds:/apps/epm/fcc/service/SOAAMService.wsdl: javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException: faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Invalid URL or file: classpath:/META-INF/wsdl/ServiceException.wsdl: unknown protocol: classpath
    ... 32 more
    Caused by: javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException: faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Invalid URL or file: classpath:/META-INF/wsdl/ServiceException.wsdl: unknown protocol: classpath
    ... 37 more
    Caused by: unknown protocol: classpath
    ... 37 more
    Any suggestion about what might be causing this issue?

    Just thought to put the solution here, in case anyone else that uses SOA encounter the same issue.
    It turns out the setDomainEnv.cmd file for SOA server was corrupted, so that the list of PROTOCOL_HANDLERS are bad. It should have
    set PROTOCOL_HANDLERS=%PROTOCOL_HANDLERS%;oracle.fabric.common.classloaderurl.handler;oracle.fabric.common.uddiurl.handler;
    But something changed it to be only have, Therefore the classpath protocol could not be recognized by SOA server. Once we corrected the PROTOCOL_HANDLERS, this issue is gone.

  • XML Parser Error while creating Web service Client using JAX RPC

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    Im facing XML Parser Error while creating web service client using JAX RPC. Im using Net Beans IDE for development purpose. I have wrote configuration file for client. Now i want to create Client stub. However i dont know how to do this in Net Beans. So i tried to do it from Command promt using command :
    wscompile -gen:client -d build -classpath build config-wsdl.xml
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    error parsing configuration file: XML parsing error: com.sun.xml.rpc.sp.ParseException:10: XML declaration may only begin entities
    Please help me out.
    Many thanks in advance,

    Can i use the client generated using jdeveloper 11g to import into the oracle forms 10g, i.e., form builder 10g. Currently this is the version we have in our office.

  • ERROR DEPLOYING A WEB SERVICE (SOA Order Booking application)

    Hi everyone...
    I got some problem here, I hope somebody help me...
    I've quite laboriously managed to get SOA Suite installed and I'm half way through the deployment of the order
    booking demo, and encountered an error that I can't find a reference to in
    online searches. I'm up to the step "4. Deploy the Credit Service application"
    and get the following error:
    Operation failed with error:
    Error compiling :/home/oracle/product/
    ERVICE-CreditService-WS/WebServices: Error instantiating compiler: Web service
    artifact generation failed:oracle.classloader.util.AnnotatedClassFormatError:
    Bad version number in .class file
    Invalid class:
    Loader: SOADEMO-CREDITSERVICE-CreditService-WS.web.WebServices:0.0.0
    Configuration: WEB-INF/classes/ in
    Dependent class:
    Code-Source: /home/oracle/product/
    Configuration: <code-source> (ignore manifest Class-Path) in META-INF/boot.xml
    in /home/oracle/product/
    Deployment failed
    Elapsed time for deployment: 53 seconds
    #### Deployment incomplete. #### 20/06/2007 11:00:22
    So, does anyone can tell me what am I have to do?!

    I am currently having the same problem with the SOA Order booking demo application. All of the installation went fine until I tried to run the web client. Whenever I try to access http://localhost:8888/soademo, I get a 500 internal server error.
    Did you ever find a solution for this problem?
    Thanks in advance!

  • Error activating a web service based datasource ( BI 7.3)

    While activating a datasource based on web services i get the below error:
          "Internal error while deleting web service"
           "Error when activating datasource"
    As per one of the posts, we need to activate the services listed under "bc" ( path : virtualhost->sap->bc ) in tcode: SCIF.
    There are many services listed under the "bc" node that are inactive. Please let me know which are the services that needs to be activated under this node.
    Alternatively pls also suggest if there is any other way to solve this issue.

    Hi Jayanthi,
    Please get help from Basis Team.
    Kuldeep Jain

  • FIM MA Export errors. There is an error executing a web service object creation.

    While checking for the permission, we have figured that the Built-In Synchronization account is being deleted by an Expiration Workflow.
    FIM MA Export errors. There is an error executing a web service object creation.
    While checking for the permission, we have figured that the Built-in Synchronization account was deleted by an Expiration Workflow
    Is there a way to restore. Thanks.

    I would re-run FIM setup - I think it can re-create this account
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