Error in Desk top search

whem am trying to search the documents through windows explorer I am getting following error and no result are getting populated on search results but I am able to search the document through UI and clicking on search icon on ms word document and excel etc.
Info 2/24/11 12:03 AM RecordsManagementBatch - Event RecordsManagementBatch has finished
Error 2/24/11 12:17 AM Event generated by user 'weblogic' at host ''. Exception type is 'java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException'. [ Details ]
An error has occurred. The stack trace below shows more information.
at recordsmanagement.RmaSearchService.getSearchResults(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor515.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at intradoc.common.IdcMethodHolder.invokeMethod(
at intradoc.common.ClassHelperUtils.executeMethodEx(
at intradoc.common.ClassHelperUtils.executeMethod(
at intradoc.server.Service.doCodeEx(
at reportpublisher.RPServiceHandler.getSearchResults(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor514.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at intradoc.common.IdcMethodHolder.invokeMethod(
at intradoc.common.ClassHelperUtils.executeMethodReportStatus(
at intradoc.server.ServiceHandler.executeAction(
at intradoc.server.Service.doCodeEx(
at intradoc.server.Service.doCode(
at intradoc.server.ServiceRequestImplementor.doAction(
at intradoc.server.Service.doAction(
at intradoc.server.ServiceRequestImplementor.doActions(
at intradoc.server.Service.doActions(
at intradoc.server.ServiceRequestImplementor.executeActions(
at intradoc.server.Service.executeActions(
at intradoc.server.ServiceRequestImplementor.doRequest(
at intradoc.server.Service.doRequest(
at intradoc.server.ServiceManager.processCommand(
at intradoc.server.IdcServerThread.processRequest(
at intradoc.idcwls.IdcServletRequestUtils.doRequest(
at intradoc.idcwls.IdcServletRequestUtils.processFilterEvent(
at intradoc.idcwls.IdcIntegrateWrapper.processFilterEvent(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor293.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at idcservlet.common.IdcMethodHolder.invokeMethod(
at idcservlet.common.ClassHelperUtils.executeMethodEx(
at idcservlet.common.ClassHelperUtils.executeMethodWithArgs(
at idcservlet.ServletUtils.executeContentServerIntegrateMethodOnConfig(
at idcservlet.IdcFilter.doFilter(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
at Method)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
at oracle.dms.wls.DMSServletFilter.doFilter(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.doIt(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Please help me to come out of these problem
Thanks and Regards

Dear Shailesh,
Before you begin configuring Compliant User Provisioning, you must import initial system data. This data is the default system data that is prepackaged with the system. It is the minimum set of data required for the application to function properly and is imported directly from the application itself.
After installing Compliant User Provisioning, you must configure the interactions with the appropriate back-end systems via connectors. This is essential to provision approved users to the back-end systems. Compliant User Provisioning supports several connector types for the back-end systems.
Compliant User Provisioning uses the Search Data Source group to extract data from the data source to return user-related search queries. The User Details Data Source group is used to get additional information about the user.
You can use:
-SAP User Management Engine as the User Data Source
-LDAP as the User Data Source
-multiple data sources as the User Data Source

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    Sorry didn't know that the first step was just supposed to be "subject".
    So here it is again.
    "I am transfering my stuff from my lap top to my desk top (both Mac). I cannot get my CS4 to open. It gives me a 150:30 error, licencing thing. I have no idea what to do and after hours of searching none of what I found helps. I don't know anything about this stuff so please don't answer with "maybe this willl work, or maybe that."  I need a real answer please and I cannot find a way to actually contact Adobe. I also don't have a disk drive on this Mac. Thanks"
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    Hi Sonia,
    While transferring Adobe from laptop to PC the licensing files got corrupt and the right way to use Adobe Applications is to install first as transferring from a different machine can give you problems.
    You can try steps from this article if that helps otherwise you have to reinstall and manually delete some files , everything is mentioned.
    You can download CS4 from here:
    Download CS4 products

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    In "finder" click "finder" then "preferences" and navigate to the "general" tab. 
    Select which items you would like to have show on your desktop.

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    an oh! one more thing, you can change the default folder or create a new one to store all screenshots. Also you can change the file format. Look at the following links

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    hello carlcarmichael, you could put a shortcut to the search site onto your desktop - this is getting described in [[Create a desktop shortcut to a website]]

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    Drag the Word icon back to where it belongs.
    Applications > Microsoft Office 2011 > Put Word there.
    I'm assuming you have Office 2011. If you have 2008 there should be a similar location to put Word.

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    Some general information for a Cloud subscription
    Log out of your Cloud account... Restart your computer... Log in to your paid Cloud account
    -Sign in help to install or uninstall
    What it is
    Cloud Getting Started
    PS - you did not need to uninstall from your desktop to install on your laptop
    Cloud License allows 2 activations
    -Install on a 2nd computer
    -Windows or Mac does not matter... 2 on the same operating system, or 1 on each
    -Both computer Cloud subscription activations may not be in use at the same time

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    Destination Path Too Long
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    7. These files do not have long names, and I can not "skip" these files these are files that I have created for business or fun.
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    the destination path is the full path you are copying to. In case of a library for example that would be (by default) c:\users\username\folder. The length of paths quickly adds up and may not exceed 255. Copying the file to a longer destination
    path would render the file inaccesible in standard ways.
    Consider to try copying the files to a shorter destination path (not to c:\folder\longfolder\subfolder\folder\ but to c:\x\for example). Please post back if that does not work either.
    The foldername in your screenshot alone already has 40 about characters. Consider using shorter descriptive names for your folders. For example 'Bible scripts FB2010' only contains 22 characters and contains more or less the same info)
    If you still use large folderstructures to 'easily' track down your files, consider spending less time arranging files and using search more often. If I for example would need some file, I tap the windows key and start typing some part of the filename or
    even it's contents or tags. Usually before I have typed  afew characters, the startmenu shows exactly the document or picture I need. I' ve got about 4000 documents of all kinds stored in "my documents" only roughly spread over some folder like Letter,
    Script, Work, House\*year*, Pay\*year*...Index your folders, use a bit of tagging and let the computer do the work!
    Also, Windows does contain methods to access longer filepaths (see but these are not recommended for daily use as applications might fail handling files stored in such paths.

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    Unfortunately your post is off topic here, in the TechNet Site Feedback forum, because it is not Feedback about the TechNet Website or Subscription.  This is only one forum among the many that are on the TechNet Discussion Forums, and given
    your post, you likely chose the wrong forum.  This is a standard response I’ve written up in advance to help many people (thousands, really.) who post their question in this forum in error, but please don’t ignore it.  The links I share below I’ve
    collected to help you get right where you need to go with your issue.
    For technical issues with Microsoft products that you would run into as an
    end user of those products, one great source of info and help is, which has sections for Windows, Hotmail, Office, IE, and other products. Office related forums are also here:
    For Technical issues with Microsoft products that you might have as an
    IT professional (like technical installation issues, or other IT issues), you should head to the TechNet Discussion forums at, and search for your product name.
    For issues with products you might have as a Developer (like how to talk to APIs, what version of software do what, or other developer issues), you should head to the MSDN discussion forums at, and search for your product or issue.
    If you’re asking a question particularly about one of the Microsoft Dynamics products, a great place to start is here:
    If you really think your issue is related to the subscription or the TechNet Website, and I screwed up, I apologize!  Please repost your question to the discussion forum and include much more detail about your problem, that could include screenshots
    of the issue (do not include subscription information or product keys in your screenshots!), and/or links to the problem you’re seeing. 
    If you really had no idea where to post this question but you still posted it here, you still shouldn’t have because we have a forum just for you!  It’s called the Where is the forum for…? forum and it’s here:
    Moving to off topic. 
    Thanks, Mike
    MSDN and TechNet Subscriptions Support
    Did Microsoft call you out of the blue about your computer?
    No, they didn't.

  • Need to restart the technical help desk as listed below.  How do we make this happen.  The Technician was about to link into my desk top when we ended about 4 hours ago.

    Thank you for contacting Adobe. @
    A representative will be with you shortly.
    Thank you for your patience.
    While you wait, you can try our community forums where experts are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
    You are now chatting with Naveen Kumar.
    Naveen Kumar: Hello! Welcome to Adobe Customer Service.
    Naveen Kumar: Hi
    you: Naveen, Can you help me by phone? the process has not worked.
    Naveen Kumar: Sure.
    Naveen Kumar: Please elaborate your issue, so that I will assist you better today.
    you: My phone number is 937-429-3474
    Naveen Kumar: I'm sorry to say that it's not possible to make a call to your number. If you have any issue please explain now on chat. Otherwise you have any work. Please contact us back when you have a free time.
    you: i got the serial number ok. But tried to sign in and the system said I needed to reset my pass word which I tried. Now nothing works and it keeps giving me the same suggestion of resetting passwork and that you will send me a message but none is coming.
    Naveen Kumar: May I know the serial number please?
    you: SN: [removed by moderator - never share S/N publicly - anyone can use it]
    Naveen Kumar: Thank you for information.
    Naveen Kumar: May I know when you have purchased this Photoshop Elements ?
    you: I purchased it yesterday at Best Buys our local store.
    Naveen Kumar: Thank you for confirming.
    Naveen Kumar: May I please have your email address registered with Adobe?
    you: [email protected]
    Naveen Kumar: Thank you for email address.
    Naveen Kumar: I see that this is a technical issue. I'll need to transfer this chat to the technical support team so that this issue is resolved in this first contact itself.
    you: So what do I do?
    Naveen Kumar: Please stay online while I transfer this chat to relevant team.
    Please wait while I transfer the chat to the appropriate group.
    You are now chatting with 'Manoj'
    Manoj: Hello. Welcome to Adobe Technical Support.
    Manoj: Hi There.
    Manoj: Please allow me a moment while I check your previous chat.
    You: That will be fine
    Manoj: Thank you for staying online.
    Manoj: I understand that you are unable to activate Photoshop Elements 13 application on your Windows 7 system. Is that right?
    You: Correct I have windows 7
    Manoj: Thank you for confirming the issue.
    Manoj: I will be glad to assist you in resolving this issue.
    Manoj: Just to be clear, could you please let me know where you are facing issues while trying to sign in?
    You: I tried to sign in from the reset password email you sent but it did not work when I reset the pass word
    Manoj: Okay.
    Manoj: May I know if you are able to install the Photoshop Elements 13 application?
    You: Another email has been received with same link to reset the pass word that went to Junk Mail. So what should I do?
    Manoj: I am sorry for the trouble caused.
    Manoj: Open on your system.
    You: I inserted the disk and input the serial number but can not get past the ID & pass word. It says the combination does not work
    Manoj: Okay.
    Manoj: Not to worry. Please open in web browser and try to sign in there.
    You: I have open and input my birth date. Now what do I do?
    Manoj: Thank you.
    Manoj: Now try to continue the installation.
    You: The page just give a bunch of marketing or sales items but no launch the program info.
    Manoj: Okay.
    Manoj: May I know if you are still unable to login with Adobe sign in details while the installation ?
    You: Now my CD Disc drive with the CD in it has refused to word. I have no way to sign in. I tried to get the set up through my control panel but it says install is trying to work and to retry but that will not work
    Manoj: Please check if there is an installation window which is already opened and try to continue with the installation process.
    Manoj: Check the task bar if there is the installation process is going on.
    You: Nothing is going on with installation. The disc drive light is not on. Basically it is locked up and I can not open it
    You: I tried the sign in button again but just got the same window to reset the pass word.
    Manoj: Okay.
    Manoj: Please close the installation window.
    Manoj: Run the set up file now and start the installation process.
    You: I closed all of the windows except this customer care window and my email
    Manoj: Thank you.
    Manoj: Now open the Disc drive.
    Manoj: Run the setup file and start the installation process.
    You: Okay the disc drive opened and is open now
    Manoj: Now please continue with the installation process.
    You: Do I just insert the Disc again?
    Manoj: Yes, please insert the disc.
    Manoj: Open the application folder.
    Manoj: Run the setup file and start the installation process.
    You: It brought up the install window and when i clicked on the install button it saad that installer was running and that I needed to close other adobe windows but only the customer care window is open
    You: It also has the disc drive locked up again
    Manoj: There might be an installer file running background.
    Manoj: Please press Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys together on your keyboard to open Task Manager.
    You: OK
    Manoj: Now go to Processes tab.
    Manoj: Click on Show processes from all users option and then check if there is any Setup.exe process is running.
    You: FireFox.exe *32 is large and running
    Manoj: No, please ignore it.
    Manoj: Check if there is a process named Set up.exe running in the processes tab and end the process if it is listed.
    You: There is no Set up.exe running listed on the page
    Manoj: Okay.
    Manoj: Try to start the installation now and check.
    Manoj: May I know the status please?
    You: I went to the Applications list and there was two Elements 13 there and one was running. I now have just one running but when I tried the installation again it just sent me to the sign in page which will not accept my old or new pass word
    You: I now have two programs running Adobe elements 13 and customer care via FireFox running
    Manoj: Okay.
    Manoj: Thank you for informing.
    You: The disc is not inserted at this time
    Manoj: Please insert the disc.
    Manoj: Copy the folder contents on your disc and then try installing the application.
    You: How do I do that?
    Manoj: Please insert the disc, open the disc folder, copy the entire Photoshop Elements 13 folder to the desktop.
    You: This says it will take 50 minutes to copy them. Is that correct as i have to go some place soon?
    Manoj: The files are huge in size, so it will take a while.
    You: It now says there are 14 minutes remaining
    Manoj: Thank you for informing.
    Manoj: If you want to try installing the application later, you can try installing the application from Desktop by running the setup file from the desktop app.
    You: There is still 8 minutes remaining. When this gets loaded to the desk top then what do I do.
    Manoj: Once the copy of files is completed. Remove the disc and then open the desktop Photoshop Elements 13 folder, run the setup file in that folder to start the installation.
    You: Ok. It still says it will take another 5 minutes to load
    Manoj: Thank you for informing.
    You: Now at 2.30 minutes remaining
    Manoj: Thank you for informing.
    You: Ok. The loading to desk top must be done & I have removed the disc
    Manoj: Thank you,.
    Manoj: Now open the folder which we copied now.
    Manoj: Run the Setup.exe file from the folder.
    You: i tried running the set up file but it says other items are open. I tried to close the one for sign i again and it will not close.
    Manoj: May I know the error it is showing as while trying to close the other installation window?
    You: The sign in window keeps asking for a ID & Password. When i put them in is says I must reset the pass word
    Manoj: Okay.
    Manoj: Close that previous installation window which is asking to reset the password and run the setup file now from the new folder which we copied now.
    You: I said it would send notice to my email but I checked both the email and the junk mail and nothing arrived
    Manoj: Robert, since the previous installation is started from the disc, we need to close that window and start installing from the desktop Photoshop Elements folder.
    You: Ok I got everything closed and will retry
    Manoj: Thank you.
    You: The installer initiation ran and now I am back to the same problem.. When I try to sign in it says I need a new pass word but nothing happens
    Manoj: Okay, Please allow me 2-3 minutes while I check and help you.
    Manoj: Thank you for staying online.
    Manoj: May I have your permission to connect to your computer remotely and try to solve the problem while you watch?
    You: yes but I am running out of time.
    Manoj: Okay.
    Manoj: Could you please let me know how much time is available for you so that we will check if it is okay for the troubleshooting?
    You: I have onlly 10 minutes left before I must leave. I can be back by 2030 (8:30 PM) if that will work
    Manoj: In this case, I will leave this open, please contact us back when you find free time so that we will continue from this point to resolve the issue as early possible.
    Manoj: Is that okay for you?
    You: How do I get back to you at customer care. I am not sure how I got to this point.
    You: Is there a reference number or ticket number I can use for reference
    Manoj: Please use the bellow link to contact us back.
    You: OK
    Manoj: I will make a note of the troubleshooting steps what we performed earlier, when you contact us back. Our agents will go through this interaction and continue from this point only.

    To attempt a new chat session...
    For the link below click the Still Need Help? option in the blue area at the bottom and choose the chat option...

  • I would like to know how to DELETE icloud from my iMAC desk top. Would it automrically have synced with my wife's I pad, and other wireless devices, or is it all seperate

    Can anyone help me out ?
    I would like to get info on how to DELETE
    iCLOUD from my desk top MAC.
    Would it already have synced to the iPAD?
    Apple does not give any info on the iCLOUD,
    in a proper way to DELETE..for that matter,
    I can't even find "SETTINGS" on my Mac,
    let alone settings for iCLOUD.Any info
    would be better than what Apple gives up.
    Apple is useless when trying to get any information!

    You have to search with some patience and you will find all the informations on the Apple support pages and here in this forum.
    You find i Cloud in SAFARI at and set as you like.
    Usually iCloud sincs all the devices which have the same AppleID.
    If you wish to use devices for different persons you need to give them different AplleID and on the MAC create different User Accounts. Each will be fully separate.
    Or you can go to settings (settings are to be found under the apple icon on top left of the screen) and from there open Sistem Preferences and iCloud.

  • Vista & Outlook 2007 with Tungsten E2 - Hotsync only syncs to Palm Desk top not Outlook

    I have a Tungsten E2 for a few years and sync it with no problem on my home computer with Windows and the Palm Desk top. 
    I just started a new job where we have Visa & Outlook 2007 and would like to keep both systems in sync with my Palm.  I downloaded and installed the new version of  Palm Desktop 6.2 and the Outlook 2007 Update at work.  The downloads went fine.  I selected Outlook as my tool of choice.  When I did the sync - everything was updated on the Palm Desk top not in Outlook.  I tried to remove & reinstall the software but it refuses to recognize Outlook as being my desktop software.  I get no errors.  Any suggestions?
    Post relates to: Tungsten E2

    The 6.2 version has the Outlook 2007 conduits included, you do not need to install the patch for Outlook 2007.
    If the data is sync'ing with Palm Desktop but not Outlook you will need to change the conduits to sync with Outlook.
    Go to start-programs-palm and look for PIM conduit switcher and change to Outlook.
    Post relates to: Palm i705

  • Locked file on desk top

    I had a locked file in the trash and thought i'd drag it out to the desk top and delete the other stuff in there. Well it duplicated itself and I cant get rid of it (BBEdit html file)
    command i and unlock the little lock doesn't help.
    Used option empty to finally empty the trash. Help says I should try this little operation:
    1. Start in single-user mode; for instructions see Mac OS X: How to Start up in Single-User or Verbose Mode.
    2. Type this, followed by Return: mount -uw /
    3. Type this, followed by Return:
    cd /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration
    4. Type this, on a single line, followed by Return:
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/autodiskmount AutomountDisksWithoutUserLogin -bool true
    5. Type this, followed by Return: sh /etc/rc
    6. Wait for the on screen text to stop scrolling and then press Return
    7. Type this, followed by Return:
    find / -flags schg -exec chflags noschg {} \;
    8. Once this is finished, type this followed by Return:
    rm /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/autodiskmount.plist
    9. Type this followed by Return: reboot
    I find this to be a tad on the cute side. Beside needing to type that much with no errors, how do people remember it?
    Is there a place to store things so you can find them in single user mode?

    drag the file to the desktop. Open the Terminal app. Type the following:
    sudo rm
    Make sure there's a space after the rm Then drag the file in question to the Terminal window. Hit Enter. Insert your admin password at the prompt and the file is gone.

Maybe you are looking for