Error!!!! in execution of RMI

import java.rmi.*;
public interface AccountServer extends Remote
     String insertDetails(String Titleid,String Title,String Type,String Ytdsale,String Pubdate) throws RemoteException;
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
import java.sql.*;
public class AccountServerImp extends UnicastRemoteObject implements AccountServer
     static ResultSet result;
     static Connection con;
     static PreparedStatement stat;
     public AccountServerImp() throws RemoteException
     public String insertDetails(String Titleid,String Title,String Type,String Ytdsale,String Pubdate) throws RemoteException
          int rowaffected=0;
          String sReturn="fail";
               int Ytdsale1=Integer.parseInt(Ytdsale);
               stat=con.prepareStatement("insert into titles(title_id,title,type,ytd_sale,pubdate) values(?,?,?,?,?)");
          catch(Exception v)
               System.out.println("error at value insert "+v);
          return sReturn;
     public static void main(String args[])
               AccountServerImp instance=new AccountServerImp();
               System.out.println("server registered");
          catch(Exception e)
import java.rmi.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class AccountClientImp extends JApplet
     static JPanel panel;
     JLabel lbltitleid;
     JLabel lbltitle;
     JLabel lbltype;
     JLabel lblytdsale;
     JLabel lblpubdate;     
     JTextField txttitleid;
     JTextField txttitle;
     JComboBox cmbtype;
     JTextField txtytdsale;
     JTextField txtpubdate;     
     JButton submit;      static String Titleid;      static String Title;
     static String Type;
     static String Ytdsale;
     static String Pubdate;
public void init()
          panel=new JPanel();
          lbltitleid=new JLabel("title id: ");
          lbltitle=new JLabel("title");
          lbltype=new JLabel("type");
          lblytdsale=new JLabel("ytd sales");
          lblpubdate=new JLabel("publication date");
          txttitleid=new JTextField(30);
          txttitle=new JTextField(30);
          txtytdsale=new JTextField(30);
          txtpubdate=new JTextField(30);
          submit=new JButton("submit");
          String type[]={"business","popular_comp","mod_cook"};
          cmbtype=new JComboBox(type);
          ButtonListener but=new ButtonListener();
     }      class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
               JButton source=(JButton)evt.getSource();
                    AccountServer server=(AccountServer)Naming.lookup("rmi://localhost/Account");
                    String str=server.insertDetails(Titleid,Title,Type,Ytdsale,Pubdate);
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,new String("inserted successfully"));
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,new String("no record inserted"));
               catch(Exception e)
To execute above RMI program ,I followed following steps:
I am using Win xp and jdk1.4
My home directory is c:\Documents and settings\ssss
I am storing my RMI programs in "Radha" folder on "desktop"
1.c:\documents and settings\ssss\desktop\radha>c:\jdk1.4\bin\javac
c:\documents and settings\ssss\desktop\radha>c:\jdk1.4\bin\javac
c:\documents and settings\ssss\desktop\radha>c:\jdk1.4\bin\javac
2.c:\documents and settings\ssss\desktop\radha>c:\jdk1.4\bin\rmic AccountServerImp
3.c:\documents and settings\ssss\desktop\radha>c:\jdk1.4\bin\policyTool
(to set all permission I have not written anything in codeBase box)
4.c:\>jdk1.4>bin>start rmiregistry
(this will start one blank window, I minimised it)
5.In the same command prompt I run my server program by using
c:\documents and settings\ssss\desktop\radha>c:\jdk1.4\bin\java AccountServerImp
But ,this is giving me an error:
java.rmi.ServerException :RemoteException occured in server thread; nested exception is:
java.rmi.UnmarshalException : error Unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:
java.lang.classNotFoundException : AccountServerImp_Stub
I am new to RMI; Would any one help me to solve this problem!!

Here is hellTag.ld:-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE taglib
PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.2//EN"
<description>simple hello tags tag

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    Input file
    88527091,SAM PAUL SUMMU ,1061 XYZ,CITY1,ST,95626,5512 XX YY ZZ,TOWN,PA,12345-9812
    Error :
    88527091,SAM PAUL SUMMU ,1061 XYZ,CITY1,ST,95626,5512 XX YY ZZ,TOWN,PA,12345-9812 - PROPERTY Update Error : ORA-00001: unique constraint (PROD.PK_AUDIT_LOG) violated
    ORA-06512: at "PROD.PROPERTY_AUD", line 159
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'PROD.PROPERTY_AUD'
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> desc property
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    PROPERTY_ID                               NOT NULL NUMBER(20)
    TYPE_CODE                                          VARCHAR2(10)
    TYPE_PREFIX                                        VARCHAR2(10)
    DWELLING_TYPE_CODE                        NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
    DWELLING_TYPE_PREFIX                      NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
    STREET_NUMBER                                      VARCHAR2(25)
    STREET_DIRECTION                                   CHAR(2)
    STREET_NAME                               NOT NULL VARCHAR2(45)
    UNIT_NUMBER                                        VARCHAR2(15)
    CITY_CODE                                          VARCHAR2(10)
    STATE                                     NOT NULL CHAR(2)
    ZIP_CODE                                           VARCHAR2(10)
    UNIT_TYPE                                          VARCHAR2(10)
    UNIT_PREFIX                                        VARCHAR2(10)
    COUNTY_CODE                                        VARCHAR2(10)
    COUNTRY_CODE                              NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
    SQUARE_FEET                                        NUMBER(6)
    NUMBER_MOTHER_LAW_UNITS                            NUMBER(6)
    YEAR_BUILT                                         DATE
    PROPERTY_VALUE                                     NUMBER(12)
    ZIP_PLUS_4                                         VARCHAR2(4)
    SFI_REQ_FLAG                                       CHAR(1)
    LAST_MODIFIED                             NOT NULL DATE
    LAST_MODIFIED_BY                                   VARCHAR2(31)
    STANDARDIZED_STATUS                                VARCHAR2(10)
    STANDARDIZED_DESC                                  VARCHAR2(200)
    SQL> desc audit_log
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    SEQ_NO                                    NOT NULL NUMBER(20)
    TABLE_NAME                                         VARCHAR2(31)
    USER_STAMP                                         VARCHAR2(31)
    TIME_STAMP                                         DATE
    TRAN_CODE                                          CHAR(2)
    RECORD1                                            VARCHAR2(2000)
    RECORD2                                            VARCHAR2(2000)
    FLAG_FLD                                           CHAR(1)
    SFI_FLAG_FLD                                       CHAR(1)
    ERROR_NUMBER                                       NUMBER
    Update Query which is getting executed :
    STREET_NAME = ln_new_street_name,       -- <From input file>
    CITY_CODE = ln_city_code,               -- <From other Table>
    STATE = ln_new_state,                   -- <From input file>
    ZIP_CODE = ln_new_zip_code,
    COUNTY_CODE = ln_county_code,           -- <From Other table>
    ZIP_PLUS_4 = ln_zip_plus_4            -- <From Input file>
    WHERE PROPERTY_ID = ln_property_id;   -- <From Other table>
    *NOTE :* Property.LAST_MODIFIED field is auto populate through other trigger. It does not causing any problem.
    This might be helpful :
    OWNER                          CONSTRAINT_NAME                TABLE_NAME  COLUMN_NAME
    PROD                           PK_AUDIT_LOG                   AUDIT_LOG          SEQ_NO
    PROD_ARCH                      PK_AUDIT_LOG                   AUDIT_LOG          SEQ_NO
    SQL> select SEQ_NO, trim(RECORD1), trim(RECORD2),TIME_STAMP
    from audit_log where RECORD1 like '%BUTTE%' order by  TIME_STAMP;
    00000000000031814095...SFR       .DWELLING  ...5512 BUTTE VIEW CT                           ..15532
        .CA.95765     ...1377      .1         .....5000..20100922.SUSMSAHA                       ..
    00000000000031814095...SFR       .DWELLING  ...5512 BUTTE VIEW CT                           ..15532
        .CA.95765     ...1377      .1         .....5000..20100922.SUSMSAHA                       ..
    Trigger Body which is fired and throwing the exception :
    create or replace trigger PROPERTY_AUD
    before insert or update on PROPERTY
    for each row
    rec1            varchar2(2000);
    rec2            varchar2(2000);
    tcode           char(1);
    ln_seq_id       NUMBER:=Null;
    ls_sql  VARCHAR2(2000):=Null;
    select temp_audit_seq.nextval into ln_seq_id from dual;
    rec1 := null;
    rec2 := null;
         if user = 'NONREP_USER' then
         end if;
         if (dbms_reputil.from_remote = FALSE) then
              :NEW.last_modified := sysdate;
              if (user = 'SALESFORCE_SYNC') then
                      :new.last_modified_by := NVL(:new.last_modified_by,USER);
                   :new.last_modified_by := user;
              end if;
         end if;
    if inserting then
    rec1 :=
    LPAD(:new.PROPERTY_ID, 20, '0' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.TYPE_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.TYPE_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.DWELLING_TYPE_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.DWELLING_TYPE_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STREET_NUMBER, 25, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STREET_DIRECTION, 2, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STREET_NAME, 45, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.UNIT_NUMBER, 15, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.CITY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STATE, 2, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.ZIP_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.UNIT_TYPE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.UNIT_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.COUNTY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.COUNTRY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    LPAD(:new.SQUARE_FEET, 6, '0' ) || '.' ||
    LPAD(:new.NUMBER_MOTHER_LAW_UNITS, 6, '0' ) || '.' ||
    TO_CHAR(:new.YEAR_BUILT, 'YYYYMMDD') || '.' ||
    LPAD(:new.PROPERTY_VALUE, 12, '0' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.ZIP_PLUS_4, 4, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.SFI_REQ_FLAG, 1, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    TO_CHAR(:new.LAST_MODIFIED, 'YYYYMMDD') || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.LAST_MODIFIED_BY, 31, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STANDARDIZED_STATUS, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STANDARDIZED_DESC, 200, ' ' );
    tcode := 'I';
    elsif deleting then
    rec1 :=
    LPAD(:new.PROPERTY_ID, 20, '0' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.TYPE_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.TYPE_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.DWELLING_TYPE_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.DWELLING_TYPE_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STREET_NUMBER, 25, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STREET_DIRECTION, 2, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STREET_NAME, 45, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.UNIT_NUMBER, 15, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.CITY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STATE, 2, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.ZIP_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.UNIT_TYPE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.UNIT_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.COUNTY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.COUNTRY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    LPAD(:new.SQUARE_FEET, 6, '0' ) || '.' ||
    LPAD(:new.NUMBER_MOTHER_LAW_UNITS, 6, '0' ) || '.' ||
    TO_CHAR(:new.YEAR_BUILT, 'YYYYMMDD') || '.' ||
    LPAD(:new.PROPERTY_VALUE, 12, '0' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.ZIP_PLUS_4, 4, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.SFI_REQ_FLAG, 1, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    TO_CHAR(:new.LAST_MODIFIED, 'YYYYMMDD') || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.LAST_MODIFIED_BY, 31, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STANDARDIZED_STATUS, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STANDARDIZED_DESC, 200, ' ' );
    tcode := 'D';
    rec1 :=
    LPAD(:old.PROPERTY_ID, 20, '0' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.TYPE_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.TYPE_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.DWELLING_TYPE_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.DWELLING_TYPE_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.STREET_NUMBER, 25, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.STREET_DIRECTION, 2, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.STREET_NAME, 45, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.UNIT_NUMBER, 15, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.CITY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.STATE, 2, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.ZIP_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.UNIT_TYPE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.UNIT_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.COUNTY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.COUNTRY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    LPAD(:old.SQUARE_FEET, 6, '0' ) || '.' ||
    LPAD(:old.NUMBER_MOTHER_LAW_UNITS, 6, '0' ) || '.' ||
    TO_CHAR(:new.YEAR_BUILT, 'YYYYMMDD') || '.' ||
    LPAD(:old.PROPERTY_VALUE, 12, '0' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.ZIP_PLUS_4, 4, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.SFI_REQ_FLAG, 1, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    TO_CHAR(:new.LAST_MODIFIED, 'YYYYMMDD') || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.LAST_MODIFIED_BY, 31, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.STANDARDIZED_STATUS, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.STANDARDIZED_DESC, 200, ' ' );
    rec2 :=
    LPAD(:new.PROPERTY_ID, 20, '0' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.TYPE_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.TYPE_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.DWELLING_TYPE_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.DWELLING_TYPE_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STREET_NUMBER, 25, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STREET_DIRECTION, 2, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STREET_NAME, 45, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.UNIT_NUMBER, 15, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.CITY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STATE, 2, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.ZIP_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.UNIT_TYPE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.UNIT_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.COUNTY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.COUNTRY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    LPAD(:new.SQUARE_FEET, 6, '0' ) || '.' ||
    LPAD(:new.NUMBER_MOTHER_LAW_UNITS, 6, '0' ) || '.' ||
    TO_CHAR(:new.YEAR_BUILT, 'YYYYMMDD') || '.' ||
    LPAD(:new.PROPERTY_VALUE, 12, '0' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.ZIP_PLUS_4, 4, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.SFI_REQ_FLAG, 1, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    TO_CHAR(:new.LAST_MODIFIED, 'YYYYMMDD') || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.LAST_MODIFIED_BY, 31, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STANDARDIZED_STATUS, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STANDARDIZED_DESC, 200, ' ' );
    tcode := 'U';
    end if;
    ls_sql :='
    ( seq_no,
    ( :id,
    USING ln_seq_id,
    Your suggestion is highly appreciated ..
    Edited by: Bipul on Sep 23, 2010 12:40 AM

    TEMP_AUDIT_SEQ generates number with the increment of +1
    Although there seems other sequence populating the AUDIT_LOG table through a different sequence with the increment of +10. So till now there are already 1179 different numbers residing in audit_log.seq_no and yet to be generated by the TEMP_AUDIT_SEQ sequence. I will look into more details.
    SQL> select max(seq_no) from audit_log;
    SQL> select TEMP_AUDIT_SEQ.nextval from dual;
    SQL> select count(*) From audit_log where seq_no>1675677285;
    SQL> select count(*) from audit_log where seq_no>1675677283 and mod(seq_no,2)=1;
    SQL> select seq_no from audit_log where seq_no>1675677283 and mod(seq_no,2)=1 and rownum<12;
    11 rows selected.
    Thank you Lee and  Herald ten Dam   ...

  • On closing Acrobat Windows detect an error "Data Execution Prevention has closed Adobe Acrobat".

    I developed a plugin which captures Before/After open, close and save events and perform some operation inside these events.
    I tested the plugin in Windows XP and Acrobat 9.0.0 and 10.0.0 and everything works fine. But when in test my plugin on Windows Server 2008 Standard 32 bits, then windows detect an error while closing the acrobat and shows the following message:
    "Data Execution Prevention has closed Adobe Acrobat"
    I am using Acrobat 10.0.0 for testing in Windows Server 2008 operating system. Also, debugging the program shows no error but plugin does not produce the desired result when tested on Windows Server 2008 Standard 32 bits operating system.
    Can anyone please giude me how to resolve this issue??
    Thanks in advance!

    Are you really using 10.0.0?  You've installed no updates to it??
    From: poortip87 <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Reply-To: "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2012 21:46:02 -0800
    To: Leonard Rosenthol <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Subject: On closing Acrobat Windows detect an error "Data Execution Prevention has closed Adobe Acrobat".
    On closing Acrobat Windows detect an error "Data Execution Prevention has closed Adobe Acrobat".
    created by poortip87<> in Acrobat SDK - View the full discussion<

  • Error in execution in RSA3

    Hi Experts,
    When executing a FM based extractor i got error 'Error in execution'. The log says 'Update mode not supported by API'.
    I checked in debugging mode the update mode not getting reflected from standard program whtever mode in RSA3.
    Please suggest any pointers or oss notes on this.
    Konda Reddy

    hi konda.
    plzz go through these threads.
    Update mode F not supported by the extraction api
    update mode R is not supported by extraction API
    Update mode R is not supported by the extraction API
    hope this will help u

  • While the session got started in ODI,but still showing me errors in Execution

    Hi Folks,
    Session got started in ODI but it is still showing me errors in execution:-
    Errors are coming marked in red
    Errors are like:-
    ODI-1217:Session INT_INFext_RT_RF(17001) fails with return code 30088.
    ODI-1226: STEP INT_INFext_RT_RF fails while performing a Loading operation.This Flow loads Target Table TRG_SALES_PERSON.
    ODI-1228:Task SRCSET0 (Loading) fails on the target ORACLE connection ODI_STAGE.
    Caused by :Java .sql.SQLException :ORA-30088 :datetime/interval precision is out of range
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processerror(
    Hope this finds the solution ASAP.

    Please post your Data Integrator questions on the Data Integrator forum (this is Data Service Integrator) Thanks.
    Data Integrator

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    Custom rule is tested and simulated and it returns the Person 'P' and User 'US'
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    Errors after execution in SWIA is
    Error when processing node '0000000372' (ParForEach index 000000)
    Error when creating a component of type 'Step'
    Error when creating a work item
    Agent determination for step '0000000372' failed
    Error in resolution of rule 'AC92000002' for step '0000000372'
    Element OBJID is not available in the container
    next node in error
    Work item 000000426198: Object FLOWITEM method EXECUTE cannot be executed
    Error when processing node '0000000372' (ParForEach index 000000)
    I tried to delete OBJID from the binding for the rule but the same error repeats
    Any help is appreciated

    Element OBJID is not available in the container
    Make proper binding from workflow to rule, the value OBJID is not reaching the rule conatiner.
    Error in resolution of rule 'AC92000002' for step '0000000372'
    Rule is not returning any agent chek that?

  • Error cloning: Execution of command A:FASTPREP.EXE  code 8557

    Any ideas why happen this cloning a vm and trying to get in to domain?
    FINEST: thr#76 Exception creating clone: Execution of command A:\FASTPREP.EXE exited with result code '8557' on desktop windows7-01
    Jan 17, 2012 4:25:45 PM runJob
    WARNING: thr#76 Error cloning: Execution of command A:\FASTPREP.EXE exited with result code '8557' on desktop windows7-01
    Jan 17, 2012 4:25:45 PM runJob
    FINER: thr#76 THROW
    com.sun.vda.service.api.ServiceException: Execution of command A:\FASTPREP.EXE exited with result code '8557' on desktop windows7-01
    at com.sun.vda.service.vbox.VBDesktop.executeProcess(
    at com.sun.vda.service.vbox.VBDesktop.joinDomain(
    at com.sun.vda.service.vbox.VBDesktop.executeFastPrep(
    at com.sun.vda.service.vbox.VBHost.customizeDesktop(
    at com.sun.vda.service.vbox.VBDesktopProvider.cloneDesktop(
    at com.sun.vda.service.vbox.VBDesktopProvider.cloneDesktop(
    at com.sun.vda.service.vbox.VBDesktopProvider.cloneDesktop(
    at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source)
    at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
    at Source)

    "Your computer could not be joined to the domain. You have exceeded the
    maximum number of computer accounts you are allowed to create in this
    domain. Contact your system administrator to have this limit reset or
    Change the user to clone or modyfy existing...

  • During file extraction, "Error during execution, error code =4"

    from Oracle® Fusion Middleware Getting Started With Installation for Oracle WebLogic Server
    11g Release 1 (10.3.1)
    > said "instead of installing the JRockit JDK that is included, Oracle strongly recommends that you download and install the latest available JRockit version separately."
    selected "Oracle JRockit Mission Control 4.0, for Java version 6"
    > got file named:
    Set permissions to *.bin installer:
    chmod a+x file_name.bin ./file_name.bin
    During file extraction (as 'oracle' user/owner) got: "Error during execution, error code =4"
    Please advise.
    thank you.

    i ran into teh same problem and just figured out that my CPU is too old (AMD Athlon 3000+). This processor doesnt support SSE2, as required, see
    does your machine have all the relevant features?

  • ORA-06502:numeric or value errORA-04088: error during execution of trigger

    I received the following error message while entering a number within the maximum value (i.e. 9,999,999.) allowed in a data entry form which is separate from the base form:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error:number precision too large ORA-06512:at "<Owner>.<Trigger>", line 194 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger "<Owner>.<Trigger>"
    Where <Owner> is the schema name and <Trigger> is the trigger name. The data block of the entry form is based on a database table, and the sum of all values entered (w/ a maximum value of 99,999,999.) is displayed in the base form. A grand total of this sum along w/ other totals on the base form is also displayed w/ a maximum value defined as 999,999,999. I only receive the above error message when the grand total is greater than 99,999,999. If the grand total is less than or equal to 99,999,999, the base form works fine. Why????
    I have verified all the attributes for the database columns and form fields and all seems to be okay, and I am running out of my wits. I am desperately in need of your help in resolving this issue soon because pressure is on...
    Thanks in advance for any/all the help.

    Orchid wrote:
    I received the following error message while entering a number within the maximum value (i.e. 9,999,999.) allowed in a data entry form which is separate from the base form:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error:number precision too large ORA-06512:at "<Owner>.<Trigger>", line 194 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger "<Owner>.<Trigger>"
    Where <Owner> is the schema name and <Trigger> is the trigger name. The data block of the entry form is based on a database table, and the sum of all values entered (w/ a maximum value of 99,999,999.) is displayed in the base form. A grand total of this sum along w/ other totals on the base form is also displayed w/ a maximum value defined as 999,999,999. I only receive the above error message when the grand total is greater than 99,999,999. If the grand total is less than or equal to 99,999,999, the base form works fine. Why????
    I have verified all the attributes for the database columns and form fields and all seems to be okay, and I am running out of my wits. I am desperately in need of your help in resolving this issue soon because pressure is on...
    Thanks in advance for any/all the help.check your associated database column length. It's precision is not able to hold you said value. increase the length by
    ALTER TABLE table_name 
    MODIFY (column_name NUMBER(20) );it's above solution don't work. Then, probably you use variable in the trigger code which hold the vale and it's size is limited. increase it.
    try this
    increase the length of TAB_S_TOT_COST 9 to 18.
    and your problem will solved.
    Edited by: HamidHelal on Feb 13, 2013 10:28 AM

  • Interface got executed in ODI but is still showing me errors in execution.

    Hi Folks,
    Session got started in ODI but it is still showing me errors in execution:- Errors are coming marked in red Errors are like:- 1) ODI-1217:Session INT_INFext_RT_RF(17001) fails with return code 30088. ODI-1226: STEP INT_INFext_RT_RF fails while performing a Loading operation.This Flow loads Target Table TRG_SALES_PERSON. ODI-1228:Task SRCSET0 (Loading) fails on the target ORACLE connection ODI_STAGE. Caused by :Java .sql.SQLException :ORA-30088 :datetime/interval precision is out of range at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processerror( ---- ----- ----- ---- Hope this finds the solution ASAP.
    Rachin Gupta

    It's a little difficult to understand your problem.
    I'm not sure what you meant by "Session got started in ODI but it is still showing me errors in execution". Well, if something is wrong with your Interface that will happen .
    From the message you sent, I think that there is some Date or TimeStamp problem happening. You should verify your date fields.

  • Error - Perl execution failed?

    i try to launch broadcaster and get this error
    Error - Perl execution failed
    Can't call method "state" on an undefined value at /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/AdminHtml/parse_xml.cgi line 1365.
    any thoughts on this folks?
    10.4.11 latest everything fresh installs etc etc

    Spoke with Apple, this is a bug... and is still present in current builds of OS X Server.

  • SSRS Error : Query execution failed for dataset 'dataSet'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) Semantic query execution failed. Invalid object name 'RPT.*********'. (rsSemanticQueryEngineError)

    I am new to SSRS and I am trying to migrate reports from 2008 to 2012. As I have so many reports to migrate, I simply got the back up of ReportServer,
    ReportServerTempDB, and Encryption Key and restored them to test environment. I made necessary configuration from RS configuration tool. I am able to see the reports now when I browse //hostname/reports. But when I open any particular report I am getting some
    · An error has occurred during report processing.
    Query execution       failed for dataset 'dataSet'.
    Semantic query        execution failed. Invalid object name
           'RPT. ******'. (rsSemanticQueryEngineError)
    ****** - I am assuming this is a custom data class.
    Does anyone have insight on this? or any better way that I can migrate the reports to new server with less efforts.
    I don’t have the reports solution file to deploy the reports, so I have followed backup and restore process.

    Hi Kishore237,
    According to your description, you migrated some reports from Reporting Services (SSRS) 2008 to 2012. Now you get error when accessing the reports on SSRS 2012. Right?
    In this scenario, did you modify the report data source in database after migration? You can try to open the report in Report Builder or Report designer and check the report dataset. If you can preview the report in Report builder or Report designer,
    please try to redeploy the report to Report Server. If it is still not working, please try to restore the database from backup. And for migrating reports, please follow the "Content-Only Migration" in the link below:
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

  • Error running Execution plan for 'Project Analytics in PeopleSoft 9.0 '

    Hi ,
    I am running execution plan for Projects Peoplesoft 9.0 (BI Apps version 7.9.6)
    The issue is the file type data source went thru the database (data warehouse)
    the tasks that were completed SUCCESS were from the File source only from (SrcFiles).
    error as below.
    ANOMALY INFO::: Error while executing : INFORMATICA TASK:SDE_PSFT_90_Adaptor:SDE_PSFT_ExchangeRateDimension_Full:(Source : FULL Target : FULL)
    Irrecoverable Error
    Error while contacting Informatica server for getting workflow status for SDE_PSFT_ExchangeRateDimension_Full
    Error Code = 36331:Unknown reason for error code 36331
    Pmcmd output :
    one more info,if this helps
    values defined in the Parameters of the execution plan.
    1     DATASOURCE     ,DBConnection_OLAP     is 'DataWarehouse'
    1 DATASOURCE     ,DBConnection_OLTP     is 'PSFT_9_0_FINSCM'
    1     DATASOURCE     ,FlatFileConnection     is 'PSFT_9_0_FlatFile'
    The 'Relational Connection' In Informatica Repository Manager is currently pointing to only 'PSFT_9_0_FINSCM'
    & 'DataWarehouse'
    Please let me know what is wrong?

    Hi ,
    I created the PSFT connection in 'Applicaiton connection' of Repository manager.
    Also the Informatica server's tnsnames.ora should have entry for the source( PSFT database) and that of the datawarehouse.

  • Error in execution of Scenario

    I am calling a scenario using ODIStartScenario in a package where in I am passing additional variables to the scenario. But on execution it throws error:
    java.lang.Exception: Specified variable not found in the Repository : ERROR_HANDLER.PVV_ERR_SOURCE
         at com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSession.a(
         at com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSession.y(
         at com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSession.treatSessionPreTrt(
    I am able to see the variables in the package and also I can see them in SNP_VAR table.
    Any pointers will be helpful!

    how are you trying to pass the variable is it manuall input or select them using Additional variable. If so please select the variable using additional variable and let ODI create the complete ODIStartscen syntax. also here variable you are calling other variable . Are you refreshing them in the package before calling the startscen.
    Also the initial error message java.lang.Exception: Specified variable not found in the Repository : ERROR_HANDLER.PVV_ERR_SOURCE
    i dont see that variable itself being called in the above startscen.

  • Error during execution phase of sps10 update in CRM system

    Hi all,
    I am applying SPS10 on my CRM system and getting the following error during the execution phase. The system is running on Windows/MaxDB.
    ETP360 Begin: Act. of Shadow-Nametabs with DDL ("2014/03/10 04:26:51")
    2 ETP301 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 ETP399   processing modeflag 'F'
    2 ETP301 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 ETP330XActivation of Shadownametabs with DDL
    2 ETP301 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 ETP379X04:26:51: activating Nametab "COMC_ATTRIBUTE":
    2 ETP399   >> Name of inactive nametab to read  : DDXTT
    2 ETP399   >> Format of inactive nametab to read: 5.0
    3 ETP355Xstatements:
    3 ETP399 ("ATTR_ID")
    3 ETP399 
    2WETP000 04:26:51: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "COMC_ATTRIBUTE                " - repeat
    2EETP345 04:27:04: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-1452-POS(1) Duplicate secondary key" in DDL statement for
    2EETP345  "COMC_ATTRIBUTE                "
    2 ETP399  --------------- DB-ROLLBACK() ---------------
    2EETP334 04:27:04: error in DDL, nametab for "COMC_ATTRIBUTE" not activated
    2 ETP301 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    I searched in the service market place for notes which could help me resolve the issue, but could not find any. Please do let me know as to how this issue can be resolve.

    Hi Balaji,
    In SAP Note 601757 - Error upgrading from Release 2.0C, 3.0, 3.1, 3.5 to CRM 4.0  
    , I have found the below lines.
    "If you do not execute the report before the upgrade, 'DUPLICATE KEY' errors occur during the upgrade of the COMC_ATTRIBUTE table. Up to now, this was observed in the SHADOW_IMPORT_INC phase. In this case, you must delete the UNI secondary index from the COMC_ATTRIBUTE table manually. You can then continue the upgrade by repeating the phase."

Maybe you are looking for

  • Posting to G/L accounts with open item management not permitted Fagl_post

    Dear Expert, When i run the foreign cur rev. through FAGL_FC_VAL then system is not post the currency rev on open item on GL account.  It showing subject message and also show below mesaage:- Message no. FAGL_POST_SERVICE012 Diagnosis You use GL acco

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  • Can the 2nd monitor be an extended desktop?

    i know its a silly and simple question but im new to hooking up a second monitor. So if i get the right connector from the apple store and hook up a second monitor can it be an extended desktop or will it only be a mirrored image?

  • IWeb Post publishing-- mp3 wont play after uploading

    After adjusting and adding new mp3's to my web page and after saving and publishing it. I went to upload it via FTP to the web and everything publishes except the mp3's... What's up wit dat?? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Run and send report as email from forms10g

    Hi, we are generating a report from forms10g and sending it as an attachment in an email using RUN_REPORT_OBJECT and everyting is fine. but we would like to use the parameter 'REPLYTO' in addition to FROM,CC,SUBJECT. i tried to use 'REPLYTO' but in t