Error in phase 4: Creating node $(DIR_TRANS) with type DIRECTORY failed.

Hello SAP Gurus,
when trying to install SAPNW2004sSneakPreviewABAP in phase 4 I get error:
ERROR 2006-08-08 08:52:40
CJS-30129  Creating node $(DIR_TRANS) with type DIRECTORY failed. Original exception text was: syslib.filesystem.nodeCreationFailed:
Unable to create node
pc05\sapmnt\ with type DIRECTORY: can't create parent node..
I searched SDN and found as possible error causes: lacking authorization of installation user or users nspadm and SAPServiceNSP, wrong JRE version, but those are not applicable.
Any other suggestions?

Hello Prince Jose,
thanks for the reply, it brought me to the solution: I had to de-activate the Windows Firewall and hat to check 'Network users are allowed to change files'.
I know made it till phase 17, quite a step.

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  • Unable to create node /home/ SID adm with type directory

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    I receive the error:
    System call failed.  Error 89......mkdir..../home/djdadm....
    (djd is the SID of my new Java AS)
    This is followed by an error:
    Unable to create node /home/djdadm with type directory
    We have Solaris v10 (SPARC), and the ABAP stack has already been installed successfully.
    The user djdadm was created manually on solaris before starting the installation (assigned to groups sapsys, dba, sapinst + oper) and the home directory "/usr/sap/DJD/home" was specified. 
    Note the difference in the home directory that it is trying to create to the one that we set against the new user djdadm.
    This error is experienced quite early in when SAPINST is performing the tasks (and it stops at the Create users for SAP system stage).
    I was experiencing a problem where SAPINST crashed completely for a while, so I've downloaded the latest version of SAPINST today.  Also, I've set a new TEMP folder and am running SAPINST from there, but am stuck at the problem mentioned above.
    Any help would be much appreciated. 
    Alistair Crawshaw

    It looks like a Solaris issue. Check if the home directory /home is reserved in the Solaris configuration.                                                                               
    You may try this in that case:       
    1. modify /etc/auto_master file to change the entry for '/home' to say 
       '/autohome' instead                                                  
    2. reboot                                                              
    3. rmdir /home                                                         
    4. ln -s /export/home /home (make sure /export/home exists)       

  • Error while trying to create new assignment with supervisor through API

    Hi Experts,
    I'am trying to create new assignment with supervisor for employee, but i'am facing this error:
    ORA-20008: Error While Create new assignment..-20001
    ORA-20001: The supervisor assignment that you have entered is invalid.
    Please check that you have entered the supervisor,
    that the supervisor assignment belongs to this supervisor and that the assignment is effective.
    ORA-06512: at line 198
    This is my script, (Oracle EBS 12.1.1)(DB 11):
    v_user_id NUMBER;
    v_res_id NUMBER;
    v_res_appl_id NUMBER;
    v_org_now_no_manager_warning BOOLEAN;
    v_spp_delete_warning BOOLEAN;
    v_other_manager_warning BOOLEAN;
    v_tax_district_changed_warning BOOLEAN;
    v_entries_changed_warning VARCHAR(4000);
    v_person_id per_all_assignments_f.person_id %TYPE;
    v_business_group_id hr_all_organization_units_tl.organization_id %TYPE;
    v_people_group_id per_all_assignments_f.people_group_id %TYPE;
    v_object_version_number per_all_assignments_f.object_version_number %TYPE;
    v_special_ceiling_step_id per_all_assignments_f.special_ceiling_step_id %TYPE;
    v_group_name pay_people_groups.group_name %TYPE;
    v_ass_effective_start_date per_all_assignments_f.effective_start_date %TYPE;
    v_effective_start_date per_all_assignments_f.effective_start_date %TYPE;
    v_effective_end_date per_all_assignments_f.effective_end_date %TYPE;
    v_assignment_id per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id %TYPE;
    v_sup_assignment_id per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id %TYPE;
    v_supervisor_assignment_id per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id %TYPE;
    v_job_id per_jobs.job_id %TYPE;
    v_grade_id per_grades.grade_id %TYPE;
    v_location_id hr_locations_all.location_id %TYPE;
    v_payroll_id pay_all_payrolls_f.payroll_id %TYPE;
    v_pay_basis_id per_pay_bases.pay_basis_id %TYPE;
    v_user_id := FND_GLOBAL.user_id ;
    v_res_id := FND_GLOBAL.resp_id ;
    v_res_appl_id:= FND_GLOBAL.resp_appl_id;
    FND_GLOBAL.apps_initialize(v_user_id, v_res_id, v_res_appl_id);
    SELECT organization_id
    INTO v_business_group_id
    FROM hr_all_organization_units_tl
    WHERE name = 'Vision University'
    AND language = 'US';
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000,'Error While Retrieving (Business Group ID) Info...'||SQLCODE||' '||SQLERRM);
    FOR R IN (SELECT * FROM xx_assignment) LOOP
    SELECT assignment_id , ass_f.object_version_number
    INTO v_assignment_id , v_object_version_number
    FROM per_all_assignments_f ass_f, per_all_people_f p_f
    WHERE ass_f.person_id = p_f.person_id
    AND ass_f.business_group_id = p_f.business_group_id
    AND ass_f.business_group_id = v_business_group_id
    AND p_f.employee_number = R.employee_number
    AND TRUNC(p_f.effective_start_date)= TRUNC(ass_f.effective_start_date)
    AND TRUNC(p_f.effective_end_date) = TRUNC(ass_f.effective_end_date);
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001,'Error While Retrieving (Assignmet_ID) for employee..'||SQLCODE||' '||SQLERRM);
    SELECT job_id
    INTO v_job_id
    FROM per_jobs
    WHERE trim(lower(name)) = trim(lower(r.employee_job))
    AND business_group_id = v_business_group_id;
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20002,'Error While Retrieving (Job_ID) Info...'||SQLCODE||' '||SQLERRM);
    SELECT grade_id
    INTO v_grade_id
    FROM per_grades
    WHERE trim(lower(name)) = trim(lower(r.employee_grade))
    AND business_group_id = v_business_group_id;
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20003,'Error While Retrieving (Grade_ID) Info...'||SQLCODE||' '||SQLERRM);
    SELECT location_id
    INTO v_location_id
    FROM hr_locations_all
    WHERE trim(lower(description))= trim(lower(r.employee_location))
    AND business_group_id = v_business_group_id;
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20004,'Error While Retrieving (Location_ID) Info...'||SQLCODE||' '||SQLERRM);
    SELECT payroll_id
    INTO v_payroll_id
    FROM pay_all_payrolls_f
    WHERE trim(lower(payroll_name)) = trim(lower(r.payroll_name))
    AND business_group_id = v_business_group_id;
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20005,'Error While Retrieving (Payroll_ID) Info...'||SQLCODE||' '||SQLERRM);
    SELECT pay_basis_id
    INTO v_pay_basis_id
    FROM per_pay_bases
    WHERE trim(lower(pay_basis)) = trim(lower(r.pay_basis))
    AND business_group_id = v_business_group_id;
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20006,'Error While Retrieving (Pay_Basis_ID) Info...'||SQLCODE||' '||SQLERRM);
    SELECT person_id
    INTO v_person_id
    FROM per_all_people_f
    WHERE employee_number = r.supervisor_number
    AND business_group_id= v_business_group_id;
    SELECT assignment_id
    INTO v_sup_assignment_id
    FROM per_all_assignments_f
    WHERE person_id = v_person_id
    AND business_group_id = v_business_group_id;
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20007,'Error While Retrieving (Assignmet_ID) for supervisor..'||SQLCODE||' '||SQLERRM);
    hr_assignment_api.update_emp_asg_criteria(p_effective_date => TRUNC(SYSDATE),
    p_datetrack_update_mode => 'CORRECTION',
    p_assignment_id => v_assignment_id,
    p_validate => FALSE,
    p_called_from_mass_update => NULL,
    p_grade_id => v_grade_id,
    p_position_id => NULL,
    p_job_id => v_job_id,
    p_payroll_id => null,--v_payroll_id,
    p_location_id => v_location_id,
    p_organization_id => v_business_group_id,
    p_pay_basis_id => v_pay_basis_id,
    p_segment1 => NULL,
    p_segment2 => NULL,
    p_segment3 => NULL,
    p_segment4 => NULL,
    p_segment5 => NULL,
    p_segment6 => NULL,
    p_segment7 => NULL,
    p_segment8 => NULL,
    p_segment9 => NULL,
    p_segment10 => NULL,
    p_segment11 => NULL,
    p_segment12 => NULL,
    p_segment13 => NULL,
    p_segment14 => NULL,
    p_segment15 => NULL,
    p_segment16 => NULL,
    p_segment17 => NULL,
    p_segment18 => NULL,
    p_segment19 => NULL,
    p_segment20 => NULL,
    p_segment21 => NULL,
    p_segment22 => NULL,
    p_segment23 => NULL,
    p_segment24 => NULL,
    p_segment25 => NULL,
    p_segment26 => NULL,
    p_segment27 => NULL,
    p_segment28 => NULL,
    p_segment29 => NULL,
    p_segment30 => NULL,
    p_employment_category => NULL,
    p_concat_segments => NULL,
    p_grade_ladder_pgm_id => NULL,
    p_supervisor_assignment_id => v_sup_assignment_id,
    p_people_group_id => v_people_group_id,
    p_object_version_number => v_object_version_number,
    p_special_ceiling_step_id => v_special_ceiling_step_id,
    p_group_name => v_group_name,
    p_effective_start_date => v_ass_effective_start_date,
    p_effective_end_date => v_effective_end_date,
    p_org_now_no_manager_warning => v_org_now_no_manager_warning ,
    p_spp_delete_warning => v_spp_delete_warning,
    p_entries_changed_warning => v_entries_changed_warning,
    p_tax_district_changed_warning => v_tax_district_changed_warning,
    p_other_manager_warning => v_other_manager_warning);
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20008,'Error While Create new assignment..'||SQLCODE||' '||SQLERRM);
    Thank you & Best Regards

    I think this is essentially saying that the Supervisor Assignment is wrong or no longer effective. Looking at your SQL to fetch the Supervisor Assignment there are a number of potential issues. This is what you've currently got:
    SELECT person_id
    INTO v_person_id
    FROM per_all_people_f
    WHERE employee_number = r.supervisor_number
    AND business_group_id= v_business_group_id;
    SELECT assignment_id
    INTO v_sup_assignment_id
    FROM per_all_assignments_f
    WHERE person_id = v_person_id
    AND business_group_id = v_business_group_id;
    Potential Problems/Clarifications
    1. What is r.supervisor_number, what does it contain and how is it derived? I can't see that anywhere else in the block...
    2. Is there a chance that r.supervisor_number is referencing an employee who has left, ie, now an ex-employee?
    3. The SELECT statement that fetches the assignment_id does not perform any date-effective restrictions, which means you might be lucky enough to fetch the person's current assignment. But you might also fetch an old or future-dated assignment.
    4. The SELECT statement that fetches the assignment_id does not restrict the type of assignment, so if this manager has applied for a job (ie, they have an applicant assignment) or some other type of non-employee assignment you might be picking that up.
    This would work better for you:
    SELECT paaf.assignment_id
    INTO v_sup_assignment_id
    FROM per_all_people_f papf
    ,per_all_assignments_f paaf
    WHERE papf.employee_number = r.supervisor_number
    AND papf.business_group_id = v_business_group_id
    AND nvl(papf.current_employee_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
    AND trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN
    papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date
    AND papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
    AND paaf.assignment_type = 'E'
    AND paaf.primary_flag = 'Y'
    AND trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN
    paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date;
    If it doesn't return a row it means that the supervisor (or whatever employee is returned by r.supervisor_number) is not active as at sysdate and cannot be used. Note that this SQL only applies for employees. If you can have Contingent Workers as supervisors in your implementation then this needs tweaking.
    Does that help?

  • Error 10 occurred When createing an executable with application Builder?

    Problem: I am using the LabVIEW Application Builder to create an executable from my VI. When I run the Application Builder, I receive the following error:
    Error 10 occurred at Copy in Win Install Copy Redistribution>Win Install>Dist Call Create>Builder
    Possible Reason(s)
    Labview : Duplicate Path
    NI-488 : New I/O attempted with old I/O in progress
    Why do i receive this error and how can i resolv this issue?

    It sounds like this could be an overwrite issue. From the file path you specified, I can tell you that the error is occurring in creating the installer for your executable. Are you specifying an installer directory where you have already created an installer of the same name? If so, is that directory read only? Make sure that write privileges are enabled for you installer directory, and if that doesn't fix anything, try specifying a different installer directory.
    If none of these suggestions take care of the problem, please post a simple example that illustrates the problem (i.e. a simple VI and a copy of the build file). We can then try to replicate the problem and troubleshoot it. What version of LabVIEW are you using?
    E. Sulzer
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Create Sales Order with type "return" using API

    Dears ,
    I tried to create a sales order with type Return using oe_order_pub.process_order but the order is not created .
    There is no error msg returned .
    Can anyone help me to solve this .?

    Hi 2800842
    Please use the following link for your issue;…
    or visit metalink: How to create an RMA via Process Order API ? (Doc ID 292743.1)
    Mirza Tanzeel

  • DB6 Installation - error on phase VIEW (CREATE VIEW "/BEV1/LAVMVA1_V)

    Dear all,
    I install LNX X86_64, DB6 - ERP 6.0 EHP4, during phase IMPORT ABAP I've got error in SAPVIEW.log:
    usr/sap/SID/SYS/exe/run/R3load: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/701_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#8 $ SAP
    /usr/sap/SID/SYS/exe/run/R3load: version R7.01/V1.4 [UNICODE]
    Compiled Dec 25 2009 23:46:01
    /usr/sap/SID/SYS/exe/run/R3load -i SAPVIEW.cmd -dbcodepage 4103 -l SAPVIEW.log -stop_on_error -loadprocedure fast LOAD
    (DB) INFO: connected to DB
    (DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed
    dsql_exec_immediate returned DS_DBOBJECTUNKNOWN
    (IMP) INFO: a failed DROP attempt is not necessarily a problem
    (DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed
    ( CREATE VIEW "/BEV1/LAVMVA1_V" ( "MANDT", "BSTNK", "VKORG", "VTWEG", "SPART", "VKBUR", "VKGRP", "KUNNR", "ERNAM", "BSTDK", "AUART", "VBELN" ) AS SELECT T0001."MANDT", T0001."BSTNK", T0001."VKORG", T0001."VTWEG", T0001."SPART",  T0001."VKBUR", T0001."VKGRP", T0001."KUNNR", T0001."ERNAM", T0001."BSTDK", T0001."AUART", T0002."VBELN" FROM "VBAK" T0001, "VBUK" T0002 WHERE T0002."MANDT" = T0001."MANDT" AND T0002."VBELN" = T0001."VBELN" AND ( T0002."VBOBJ" = 'A' OR T0002."VBOBJ" = 'L' ) )
    dsql_exec_immediate returned DS_DBOBJECTUNKNOWN
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    /usr/sap/SID/SYS/exe/run/R3load: job finished with 1 error(s)
    /usr/sap/SID/SYS/exe/run/R3load: END OF LOG: 20100119153412
    I have changed R3load, sapinst to newest version, space is enough, tablespaces are not full.
    Do you have any idea what is cause of error and how to solve it?
    Any help is appreciated.

    Hi Frank,
    thanks for your very fast hints.
    I have checked .log files SAPxxxx.log (SAP0000, SAPAPPL0, SAPAPPL1, ...) but there isnt any entry with VBAK.
    When I entered under <sid>adm command: db2 describe table sap<sid>.VBAK it takes a long time wihtout any result.
    Thanks a lot for your help.
    Edited by: Roman Mikolas on Jan 19, 2010 4:27 PM
    Edited by: Roman Mikolas on Jan 19, 2010 4:27 PM

  • Error when trying to create a worksheet with 4 columns

    Dear All,
    I was trying to create a worksheet in tabluar formate base on a table (folder) that has 3 columns (items) .. the worksheet was created successfully .. but when saved it , then closed and tried to reopen it i got the following error
    ORA-03120: two-task conversion routine: integer overflow
    when i tried to add the columns one by one to the sheet .. it worked till 3 columns .. when i tried to add the fourth one i got that error agian ...
    I changed the combinations of the columns ... to make sure that there's no problem in the formate of one of them ..
    it worked with any combination of 3 columns
    can you help me to solve this problem
    best of regards,

    Cryptic message!
    I saw a definition online for this that said:
    Cause:     An integer value in an internal Oracle structure overflowed when being sent or received over a heterogeneous connection. This can happen when an invalid buffer length or too great a row count is specified. It usually indicates a bug in the user application.
    Action:     Check parameters to Oracle calls. If the problem recurs, reduce all integer parameters, column values not included, to less than 32767.
    Which seems even more cryptic.
    Then checking on another forum with this error, I saw:
    Q. I am getting the above error trying to run a free hand SQL report on two tables that are materialised views (database links) on our reporting database from our production database. Now the bizarre thing with this is that the report does not work on my computer or our production server, however one of my team mates can run the report.
    Can anybody explain why this error might occur? I am able to run free hand SQL on any other table. The Oracle error talks about a CLOB, but if that were the case, why would it work on a different machine?
    A1. Check if you have the same version Oracle client on the three machines. What happens if you run the query through a different tool like TOAD or SQL*Plus ?
    Final A. The problem was due to the different versions of Oracle Client. I was running 9.2 on my PC, I had 9.2 on the server and it wouldn't work. My collegues were running 9.0.1 and had no issues, once I changed back to this version on both my PC and the Server, the problem was gone.
    I think the problem was something to do with BO 6.5.1 as the report was developed in 6.1.a and worked fine, as soon as we upgraded the porblem occured.
    If you are not using CLOB's, I would suggest going down the track of checking your Oracle ver.
    So, with all that info, I'd check:
    1. are you using Disco Desktop and getting this?
    2. Materialized views?
    3. Links to another database in your folder?
    4. Do you have a different Oracle client that others? Can others run the same report and all okay?
    5. Can you run the same query in TOAD, SQL*Nav, SQL*Dev, etc?

  • Error in change number creating BOM in Engineering Type.

    Can anyone guys help me with my problem.
    I'm creating Bom using BAPI_MATERIAL_BOM_GROUP_CREATE.
    Every time I create BOM Using one bom only in engineering and all BOM for materials were created.
    But every time i create rerun the program and have different change number on its components, the error occur,
    "Generation not Supported for Change number"
    Can anyone help me with this?
    Thanks and God Bless.

    In case errors rollback.... I beleive the following logic would resolve your issue.
    constants:c_error_type(1) type c value 'E'.
          testrun                  = l_testmode
          bomgroup                 = l_bomgroup
          variants                 = l_variants
          items                    = l_items
          subitems                 = l_subitems
          materialrelations        = l_materialrelations
          itemassignments          = l_itemassignments
          subitemassignments       = l_subitemassignments
          return                   = l_return.
      if l_testmode is initial.
        read table l_return with key type = c_error_type.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'.
          call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'.

  • How to create email users with open directory?

    I'm trying to used a mac mini as a mail server for my domains. It works well for SMTP server/gateway for multiple locally networked systems running Lion, Mountain Lion and Maverick. The server is running Mavericks 10.9.2 server 3.1.1.
    I need to add email users to it, so I tried Open Directory. I added a user with an email address with a domain listed in the mail server's domains. Then used the server app to give the user permission to use the mail service and selected to have the mail be saved on the server.
    However, even though I set the mail server to accept any authentication method, I couldn't log in to get mail (via IMAP) from any email client on my computer. I tried Mail and Sparrow.
    The IMAP log on the server says 'Disconnected (auth process communication failure)'. I tried everything that I could from the server app and the workgroup manager app. When using '', the IMAP log shows an empty user name. Trying with Sparrow shows the user name in the log, but still fails.
    I restricted authentication to Open Directory, but that didn't help either. Tried with Secure Connection and without.
    Am I missing something? Is there anything that I need to do to make the server accept IMAP connections? The mail service is running and handling SMTP.
    The domain has an MX record pointing the server's domain name.
    All the services are secured with a self signed certificate.
    Doing a CLI check with 'sudo serveradmin fullstatus mail' results in the following:
    mail:protocolsArray:_array_index:0:status = "ON"
    mail:protocolsArray:_array_index:0:kind = "INCOMING"
    mail:protocolsArray:_array_index:0:protocol = "IMAP"
    mail:protocolsArray:_array_index:0:state = "RUNNING"
    mail:protocolsArray:_array_index:0:service = "MailAccess"
    mail:protocolsArray:_array_index:0:error = ""

    Didn't find a way to edit my post above.
    Trying to log in with Thunderbird showed differently in the IMAP log. It's user disabled instead.
    imap-login: Info: Disconnected (user disabled): user=<username>, method=CRAM-MD5, rip=, lip=, TLS
    How do I 'enable' this user?

  • Error with Active Directory Synchnorisation from Shared Services to Essbase

    Have recently installed HS9 v 9.3.1
    In Shared Services i have created both native and MSAD users. Everything works fine with the native users (Planning,EAS etc...)
    MSAD user directory has been configured & tested -ok on Workspace.
    The MSAD users have been provisioned and can access Workspace & Shared services without any issue.
    However, when accessing Planning, the following error is displayed in the Essbase server log:
    Tue Mar 18 15:12:39 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051001)
    Received client request: Create External User With Type (from user [hyperion])
    [Tue Mar 18 15:12:39 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Error(1051205)
    Single Sign On function call [css_getUser] failed
    [Tue Mar 18 15:12:39 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Warning(1051003)
    Error 1051205 processing request [Create External User With Type] - disconnecting
    [Tue Mar 18 15:12:39 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051001)
    Received client request: Set Application FrontEnd Type (from user [hyperion])
    [Tue Mar 18 15:12:39 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051001)
    Received client request: Get Security Mode (from user [hyperion])
    [Tue Mar 18 15:12:39 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051001)
    Received client request: Set Application Id For Planning (from user [hyperion])
    [Tue Mar 18 15:12:39 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051001)
    Received client request: Get Security Mode (from user [hyperion])
    [Tue Mar 18 15:12:39 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051001)
    Received client request: Get Security Mode (from user [hyperion])
    [Tue Mar 18 15:12:39 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051001)
    Received client request: Re-Sync User/Group with Single application (from user [hyperion])
    [Tue Mar 18 15:12:39 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051590)
    Synchronization started for user/group [MSADUser]
    [Tue Mar 18 15:12:39 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051591)
    Synchronization completed for user/group [MSADUser]
    [Tue Mar 18 15:12:39 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Error(1051013)
    User/group MSADUser does not exist
    [Tue Mar 18 15:12:39 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Warning(1051003)
    Error 1051013 processing request [Re-Sync User/Group with Single application] - disconnecting
    ---------- When accessing through XL Addin, the foll is displayed:
    [Tue Mar 18 16:49:09 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Error(1051012)
    User MSADUser does not exist
    [Tue Mar 18 16:49:09 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Warning(1051003)
    Error 1051012 processing request [Login] - disconnecting
    Thanks !!!

    Hardcode IP addresses instead of the server names in the essbase.cfg file and the Shared Services CSS.XML file for the Shared Services server references.
    Restart SS/Essbase, provision an MSAD user, then do a Refresh from Shared Services in AAS.
    Verify your MSAD userID then shows up as an Essbase user in AAS(Display User list for the Essbase server)
    As long as the MSAD users show up in the user list, they should be working.

  • Classgeneratorwizard extension plugin - "cannot create node content" error

    I updated latest ESDK in jdev, I tried executing the "ClassGeneratorWizard" plugin from " Tools & right click project", in both the cases, after 3rd step ie. clicking "finish", i'm getting an error dialog saying "cannot create node content".
    What can be the issue ?
    About jdeveloper versions
    1. jdev version
    2. windows xp sp2
    3. java platform - 1.5.0_06

    Seems like there is a slight problem with the following two lines :
    JavaManager javaMgr = JavaManager.getJavaManager(prj);
    SourceFile javaFile = javaMgr.getSourceFile(node.getURL());
    in the createContent method of the realWizard class.
    I'll let the developer know about it.

  • ORA-02348: cannot create VARRAY column with embedded LOB

    This error message I get when I try to create a table from my schema file which has a (sub-) element of type CLOB.
    In my XML document I have an element which needs to become declared a CLOB (because it's > 4000 bytes), in my Schema I define it's element node like:
    <xs:element name="MocovuState" xdb:SQLType="CLOB">
    I can register this Schema file but when I create the table, I get the error:
    ORA-02348: cannot create VARRAY column with embedded LOB
    Does anybody know how to handle this ?

    You need to use the xdb:storeVarrayAsTable="true" schema annotation so that unbounded elements are created at schema registration time as nested tables. Varrays can not contain CLOBs/BLOBS. Use the schema annotation xdb:SQLType="CLOB" to tell Oracle XMLDB to use CLOB storage for the element. See your schema below:
    P.S. XMLSPY is invaluable as it supports Oracle XML Schema annotations.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xdb="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" xdb:storeVarrayAsTable="true">
         <xs:element name="nRootNode">
                        <xs:element name="nID" type="xs:long"/>
                        <xs:element name="nStringGroup" type="nStringGroup" minOccurs="0"/>
         <xs:complexType name="nStringGroup">
                   <xs:element name="nString" type="nString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
         <xs:complexType name="nString" xdb:SQLType="CLOB">
                   <xs:element name="nValue" type="nValue" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLType="CLOB"/>
              <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:long" use="required"/>
         <xs:simpleType name="nValue">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                   <xs:minLength value="1"/>

  • JSP is not responding ;RW-50016: Error: - {0} was not created:

    I met two questions when the post-install chek
    first question:
    checking URL =
    JSP is not responding, waiting 15 seconds and retesting.
    second question:
    checking URL =
    RW-50016: Error: - {0} was not created:
    File = {1}
    thanks for help

    But you have posted in "Technology - LCM: 11i Install/Upgrade" forum. Anyway, please see these docs.
    On R 12.1.1 Fresh Installation, POST RAPIDWIZ INSTALL CHECKS FAILS , Rapidwiz Ends With Error Jsp, Virtual Directory And Login Page Does Not Work RW-50016: Error: - {0} was not created: [ID 850264.1]
    Rapidwiz RW-50016: Error: - {0} was not created [ID 559402.1]
    R12 Rapidwiz Fails on Post Installation Tasks : RW-50016, Timed Out( 100000 ) [ID 437152.1]
    R12 Login Issue on Target After Cloning ,Fresh Install Or Upgrade [ID 435550.1]

  • ORA-27369: job of type EXECUTABLE failed with exit code: Unknown error

    Hello DBAs,
    I am trying to schedule a shell script through dbms_scheduler.CREATE_JOB
    My database version is
    I can successfully schedule the job, but while running, it throwing ORA-27369 with out exit code.
    Given below are the actions performed -
    -- Created shel scripts-
    $ cat
    ./ >> test.log
    $ cat
    sqlplus -s "/ as sysdba" <<EOF
    SELECT SUBSTR(host_name,0,10) host_name, instance_name, status,TO_CHAR(startup_time,'dd-mm-yy hh24:mi:ss') startup_time
    FROM v\$instance;
    -- Granting privileges - (eventhough I have tried from 'SYS' schema)
    GRANT create Job, create external job, execute any class, execute any program , manage scheduler to sys;
    -- Drop job with name RUN_SHELL01
    -- Schedule job with name RUN_SHELL01
         (job_name           => 'RUN_SHELL01',
         job_type           => 'EXECUTABLE',
         job_action           => '/home/ora1023/',
    start_date           => '18-AUG-09 05:37:00 AM',
         end_date          => NULL,
         repeat_interval      => 'FREQ=MINUTELY',
         enabled           => false,
         comments           => 'Run shell-script');
    --Enable job
    -- Checking status
    SELECT owner, job_name, enabled FROM dba_scheduler_jobs;
    select JOB_NAME,STATUS,ERROR# from dba_scheduler_job_run_details where job_name='RUN_SHELL01';
    -- Executing the job
    SQL> exec dbms_scheduler.run_job('RUN_SHELL01');
    BEGIN dbms_scheduler.run_job('RUN_SHELL01'); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-27369: job of type EXECUTABLE failed with exit code: Unknown error
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ISCHED", line 150
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER", line 441
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    Anybody please suggest a solutions for this -

    My shell script will work as below -
    user01@test01:/home/user01 : cat
    ./ >> test.log
    user01@test01:/home/user01 :
    user01@test01:/home/user01 :
    user01@test01:/home/user01 : cat
    sqlplus -s "/ as sysdba" <<EOF
    SELECT SUBSTR(host_name,0,10) host_name, instance_name, status,TO_CHAR(startup_time,'dd-mm-yy hh24:mi:ss') startup_time
    FROM v\$instance;
    user01@test01:/home/user01 : ./
    user01@test01:/home/user01 : ls -ltr
    -rw-r--r-- 1 ora1023 dba 155 Aug 26 05:28 test.log
    user01@test01:/home/user01 : cat test.log
    test01 oft1 OPEN 18-08-09 08:22:45
    user01@test01:/home/user01 :
    ** I think this shell script is working fine! ..its only for testing..
    and while we are querying dba_scheduler_job_run_details for additional info-
    SQL> select s.STATUS ,s.ADDITIONAL_INFO from dba_scheduler_job_run_details s where s.job_name='RUN_SHELL01';
    STANDARD_ERROR="execve: Exec format error"
    ORA-27369: job of type EXECUTABLE failed with exit code: Unknown error
    STANDARD_ERROR="execve: Exec format error"
    I think Metalink Doc ID: 555160.1 (Schedular Job of Type 'EXECUTABLE' Fails with ORA-27369 "exit code: 255" STANDARD_ERROR="execve: Exec format error"). Will help me to solve this issue Since i am using ksh -
    # echo $SHELL
    Edited by: Rajesh Menon on Aug 25, 2009 9:21 PM

  • Error In Running dbms_scheduler.run_job ORA-27369 with psexec.

    I'm using dbms_scheduler in Oracle 10g on Windows 2008 (32-bit).
    A recent application upgrade moved a portion of my work to a Windows 2008 R2 64-bit server.
    Becuase of this I had to move some processing to this server.
    When the internal processes within the batch files ran locally, everything functioned properly.
    However, when I used 'psexec' to run them remotely on the other server, they crashed.
    The batch processes work perfectly fine on the OS level.  I believe the issue may have something to do with return code, but I'm not sure.
    Job_Name           => 'SCENEXPORT',
    Job_Action         => 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CMD.EXE',
    Number_of_Arguments=> 3,
    Job_Type           => 'EXECUTABLE',
    Enabled            => false);
    BATCH: (ScenariosR.bat)
    psexec \\test236 -u <username> -p <pwd> e:\DBAAdmin\Hastus\PSoft\Test\Hastus\Extract\Scenarios1.bat
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-27369: job of type EXECUTABLE failed with exit code: Incorrect function.
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ISCHED", line 150
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER", line 441
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    Anyone else working with 'PSEXEC'?
    Any ideas how to work through this issue?

    I appreciate the attempt.  However, it does not address a Windows environment.
    In addition, ‘exertnaljob.ora’ does not exist in a Windows 10g install.
    If the Windows similar is the Windows Service Oracle JobScheduler, it is already using an admin level account and should not be encountering permissions issues.
    So, swing and a miss.
    Additional testing revealed some strange behavior.
    When I run it the first time, it fails.
    When I run it immediately after the first failure, it fails.
    However if I wait about ten minutes, it completes without issue.
      3  END;
      4  /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-27369: job of type EXECUTABLE failed with exit code: Incorrect function.
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ISCHED", line 150
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER", line 441
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    SQL> /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-27369: job of type EXECUTABLE failed with exit code: Incorrect function.
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ISCHED", line 150
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER", line 441
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    SQL> /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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