Error in SUS PO creation

Hi All,
I am trying to send R/3 PO to SUS system through XI. Both in R/3 and XI I could not see any errors. But in SUS system when I check in SXMB_MONI, it displays as "APPLICATION_ERROR", (An error occured within an XI interface: Exception occurredA:BBP_PD:004 -Partner P101 not found E:BBP_PD:147 -Enter a country for partner P101 with type 'Sold-to Party' Programm: CX_BBP_BD_ERROR===============CP; Include: CX_BBP_BD_ERROR===============CM002; Line: 57).
Please help me in solving this problem.

I too had this problem.
I fixed it by correcting the Company Code Partner data in the SRM system (PPOMA_BBP - I had incorrectly set the POrg above the CoCode) then re-running the BBP_SP_COMP_INI for that Company Code BP number transaction again.
I also set the internal address for the Company BP to a Ship-To-Address in Menu = Maintain Address for Own Company) in SUS too.
This cleared the problem.
Good luck

Similar Messages

  • Error in : Purchase order Creation using BAPI_PO_CREATE1

    Hell  guys,
    I am trying to create a PO using a BAPI - BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    I want the new PO to have all the characteristics of an existing PO. whose PO # is  stored in wa_order_split_create-docnr and for the new PO, i want the quantity from wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd and the delivery data to be wa_order_split_create-dly_date. But this process and code below gives a short dump in the std FM - MEPO_DOC_ITEM_GET . It raises an exception of failure. I am trying to create many new PO's in the loop below. If there is just one row, sometimes, it creates the PO even with the exception failure ( which is pretty weird).
    Am i making any mistake while filling the header or item or schedule lines for the BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ? Any tips or clues why I am getting a dump ?
    DATA: i_insert,
            i_cycle     TYPE cycle,
            i_qty_acpt  TYPE dzmeng,
            i_dly_date  TYPE vbak-vdatu,
            i_item      TYPE roijnomiio .
      DATA: i_order TYPE symsgv,
            i_return TYPE swd_return .
      DATA: i_vbak      TYPE vbak,
            i_vbap      TYPE vbap,
            i_ekko      TYPE ekko,
            i_ekpo      TYPE ekpo,
            i_bsoh      TYPE bapisdhd1,
            i_bsohx     TYPE bapisdhd1x,
            i_bpoh      TYPE bapimepoheader,
            i_bpohx     TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
            i_vbeln     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_posnr     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_contr     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_conit     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_ebeln     TYPE ebeln,
            i_ebelp     TYPE ebelp,
            i_pargr     TYPE pargr,
            i_thead     TYPE thead,
            i_line      TYPE tline,
            i_note      TYPE txw_note,
            i_new_vbeln TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_new_ebeln TYPE ebeln,
            i_wa_bsoi   TYPE bapisditm,
            i_wa_bsoix  TYPE bapisditmx,
            i_wa_bsop   TYPE bapiparnr,
            i_wa_bsos   TYPE bapischdl,
            i_wa_bsosx  TYPE bapischdlx,
            i_wa_vbpa   TYPE vbpa,
            i_wa_vbkd   TYPE vbkd,
            i_wa_bpoi   TYPE bapimepoitem,
            i_wa_bpoix  TYPE bapimepoitemx,
            i_wa_bpos   TYPE bapimeposchedule,
            i_wa_bposx  TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
            i_wa_bpop   TYPE bapiekkop,
            i_wa_ekpa   TYPE ekpa,
            i_message   TYPE char72,
            i_bapiretn  TYPE bapiret2,
            i_bapiret2  TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2 INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbpa      TYPE TABLE OF vbpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbkd      TYPE TABLE OF vbkd INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_ekpa      TYPE TABLE OF ekpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsos      TYPE TABLE OF bapischdl INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsosx     TYPE TABLE OF bapischdlx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpos      TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedule INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bposx     TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiekkop INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_text_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_line_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_txw_note  TYPE TABLE OF txw_note INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_oij_el_doc_mot TYPE oij_el_doc_mot .
      CONSTANTS: c_char_c VALUE 'C',
                 c_char_e VALUE 'E',
                 c_char_p VALUE 'P',
                 c_char_g VALUE 'G',
                 c_char_i VALUE 'I',
                 c_char_s VALUE 'S',
                 c_char_x VALUE 'X',
                 c_zsw(3) VALUE 'ZSW',
                 c_nomit_stat(4) VALUE 'ZDNY' .
      DATA : lv_nomtk_split        TYPE oij_nomtk.
      DATA : i_order_split_create  TYPE TABLE OF zsws_order_split.
      DATA : wa_order_split_create TYPE zsws_order_split.
      LOOP AT i_order_split_create INTO wa_order_split_create.
        IF NOT i_create_order IS INITIAL .
          CLEAR: i_create_order .
              MOVE: wa_order_split_create-docnr  TO i_ebeln,
                    wa_order_split_create-docitm TO i_ebelp .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        po_ekko          = i_ekko
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    * Fill PO Header
              i_bpoh-comp_code   = i_ekko-bukrs .
              i_bpoh-doc_type    = i_ekko-bsart .
              i_bpoh-vendor      = i_ekko-lifnr .
              i_bpoh-langu       = i_ekko-spras .
              i_bpoh-pmnttrms    = i_ekko-zterm .
              i_bpoh-purch_org   = i_ekko-ekorg .
              i_bpoh-pur_group   = i_ekko-ekgrp .
              i_bpoh-currency    = i_ekko-waers .
              i_bpoh-agreement   = i_ekko-konnr .
              i_bpoh-incoterms1  = i_ekko-inco1 .
              i_bpoh-incoterms2  = i_ekko-inco2 .
    * Fill PO update indicator 'X'
              i_bpohx-comp_code  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-doc_type   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-vendor     = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-langu      = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pmnttrms   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-purch_org  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pur_group  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-currency   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms1 = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms2 = c_char_x .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        pi_ebelp         = i_ebelp
                        po_ekpo          = i_ekpo
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    * Fill PO Item
              i_wa_bpoi-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoi-material   = i_ekpo-matnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-plant      = i_ekpo-werks .
              i_wa_bpoi-stge_loc   = i_ekpo-lgort .
              i_wa_bpoi-quantity   = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              i_wa_bpoi-po_unit    = i_ekpo-meins .
              i_wa_bpoi-tax_code   = i_ekpo-mwskz .
              i_wa_bpoi-val_type   = i_ekpo-bwtar .
              i_wa_bpoi-item_cat   = i_ekpo-pstyp .
              i_wa_bpoi-acctasscat = i_ekpo-knttp .
              i_wa_bpoi-agreement  = i_ekpo-konnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-agmt_item  = i_ekpo-ktpnr .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoi TO i_bpoi .
    * Fill PO Item update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bpoix-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_itemx   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-material   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-plant      = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-stge_loc   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-quantity   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_unit    = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-tax_code   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-val_type   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-item_cat   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-acctasscat = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agmt_item  = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoix TO i_bpoix .
    * Fill PO Item Schedule
              i_wa_bpos-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpos-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bpos-delivery_date = wa_order_split_create-dly_date .
              i_wa_bpos-quantity      = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              APPEND i_wa_bpos TO i_bpos .
    * Fill PO Item schedule update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bposx-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bposx-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bposx-delivery_date = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bposx-quantity      = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bposx TO i_bposx .
              CLEAR: i_pargr .
              SELECT SINGLE pargr
                INTO i_pargr
                FROM t161
               WHERE bstyp = i_ekko-bstyp
                 AND bsart = i_ekko-bsart .
              CLEAR i_ekpa[].
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = i_ekpa[].
              LOOP AT i_ekpa INTO i_wa_ekpa .
                i_wa_bpop-partnerdesc = i_wa_ekpa-parvw .
                i_wa_bpop-langu = sy-langu .
                IF NOT i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 IS INITIAL .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 .
                ELSE .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-parnr .
                ENDIF .
                APPEND i_wa_bpop TO i_bpop .
                CLEAR: i_wa_ekpa, i_wa_bpop .
              ENDLOOP .
                        poheader         = i_bpoh
                        poheaderx        = i_bpohx
                        exppurchaseorder = i_new_ebeln
                        return           = i_bapiret2
                        poitem           = i_bpoi[]
                        poitemx          = i_bpoix[]
                        poschedule       = i_bpos[]
                        poschedulex      = i_bposx[].
              i_order = i_new_ebeln .
              SHIFT i_order LEFT DELETING LEADING '0' .
              i_return-errortype = c_char_i .
              i_return-workarea  = c_zsw .
              i_return-message   = '064' .
              i_return-variable1 = i_order .
            loop at i_bapiret2 into i_bapiretn where type ca 'EAX' .
            append i_bapiretn to t_bapi_return .
          endloop .
          if t_bapi_return[] is initial .
             i_create_order = c_char_x .
                        act_return = i_return. "Popup with new PO no.
          ENDCASE .                                     " Docind
        ENDIF .

    Hi Shareen,
    I think in the following parts of the code,
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = i_ekpa[].
    Error in : Purchase order Creation using BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    Posted: Mar 20, 2006 7:39 PM      Reply      E-mail this post 
    Hell guys,
    I am trying to create a PO using a BAPI - BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    I want the new PO to have all the characteristics of an existing PO. whose PO # is stored in wa_order_split_create-docnr and for the new PO, i want the quantity from wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd and the delivery data to be wa_order_split_create-dly_date. But this process and code below gives a short dump in the std FM - MEPO_DOC_ITEM_GET . It raises an exception of failure. I am trying to create many new PO's in the loop below. If there is just one row, sometimes, it creates the PO even with the exception failure ( which is pretty weird).
    Am i making any mistake while filling the header or item or schedule lines for the BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ? Any tips or clues why I am getting a dump ?
    DATA: i_insert,
            i_cycle     TYPE cycle,
            i_qty_acpt  TYPE dzmeng,
            i_dly_date  TYPE vbak-vdatu,
            i_item      TYPE roijnomiio .
      DATA: i_order TYPE symsgv,
            i_return TYPE swd_return .
      DATA: i_vbak      TYPE vbak,
            i_vbap      TYPE vbap,
            i_ekko      TYPE ekko,
            i_ekpo      TYPE ekpo,
            i_bsoh      TYPE bapisdhd1,
            i_bsohx     TYPE bapisdhd1x,
            i_bpoh      TYPE bapimepoheader,
            i_bpohx     TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
            i_vbeln     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_posnr     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_contr     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_conit     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_ebeln     TYPE ebeln,
            i_ebelp     TYPE ebelp,
            i_pargr     TYPE pargr,
            i_thead     TYPE thead,
            i_line      TYPE tline,
            i_note      TYPE txw_note,
            i_new_vbeln TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_new_ebeln TYPE ebeln,
            i_wa_bsoi   TYPE bapisditm,
            i_wa_bsoix  TYPE bapisditmx,
            i_wa_bsop   TYPE bapiparnr,
            i_wa_bsos   TYPE bapischdl,
            i_wa_bsosx  TYPE bapischdlx,
            i_wa_vbpa   TYPE vbpa,
            i_wa_vbkd   TYPE vbkd,
            i_wa_bpoi   TYPE bapimepoitem,
            i_wa_bpoix  TYPE bapimepoitemx,
            i_wa_bpos   TYPE bapimeposchedule,
            i_wa_bposx  TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
            i_wa_bpop   TYPE bapiekkop,
            i_wa_ekpa   TYPE ekpa,
            i_message   TYPE char72,
            i_bapiretn  TYPE bapiret2,
            i_bapiret2  TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2 INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbpa      TYPE TABLE OF vbpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbkd      TYPE TABLE OF vbkd INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_ekpa      TYPE TABLE OF ekpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsos      TYPE TABLE OF bapischdl INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsosx     TYPE TABLE OF bapischdlx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpos      TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedule INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bposx     TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiekkop INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_text_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_line_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_txw_note  TYPE TABLE OF txw_note INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_oij_el_doc_mot TYPE oij_el_doc_mot .
      CONSTANTS: c_char_c VALUE 'C',
                 c_char_e VALUE 'E',
                 c_char_p VALUE 'P',
                 c_char_g VALUE 'G',
                 c_char_i VALUE 'I',
                 c_char_s VALUE 'S',
                 c_char_x VALUE 'X',
                 c_zsw(3) VALUE 'ZSW',
                 c_nomit_stat(4) VALUE 'ZDNY' .
      DATA : lv_nomtk_split        TYPE oij_nomtk.
      DATA : i_order_split_create  TYPE TABLE OF zsws_order_split.
      DATA : wa_order_split_create TYPE zsws_order_split.
      LOOP AT i_order_split_create INTO wa_order_split_create.
        IF NOT i_create_order IS INITIAL .
          CLEAR: i_create_order .
              MOVE: wa_order_split_create-docnr  TO i_ebeln,
                    wa_order_split_create-docitm TO i_ebelp .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        po_ekko          = i_ekko
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Header
              i_bpoh-comp_code   = i_ekko-bukrs .
              i_bpoh-doc_type    = i_ekko-bsart .
              i_bpoh-vendor      = i_ekko-lifnr .
              i_bpoh-langu       = i_ekko-spras .
              i_bpoh-pmnttrms    = i_ekko-zterm .
              i_bpoh-purch_org   = i_ekko-ekorg .
              i_bpoh-pur_group   = i_ekko-ekgrp .
              i_bpoh-currency    = i_ekko-waers .
              i_bpoh-agreement   = i_ekko-konnr .
              i_bpoh-incoterms1  = i_ekko-inco1 .
              i_bpoh-incoterms2  = i_ekko-inco2 .
    Fill PO update indicator 'X'
              i_bpohx-comp_code  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-doc_type   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-vendor     = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-langu      = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pmnttrms   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-purch_org  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pur_group  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-currency   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms1 = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms2 = c_char_x .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        pi_ebelp         = i_ebelp
                        po_ekpo          = i_ekpo
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Item
              i_wa_bpoi-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoi-material   = i_ekpo-matnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-plant      = i_ekpo-werks .
              i_wa_bpoi-stge_loc   = i_ekpo-lgort .
              i_wa_bpoi-quantity   = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              i_wa_bpoi-po_unit    = i_ekpo-meins .
              i_wa_bpoi-tax_code   = i_ekpo-mwskz .
              i_wa_bpoi-val_type   = i_ekpo-bwtar .
              i_wa_bpoi-item_cat   = i_ekpo-pstyp .
              i_wa_bpoi-acctasscat = i_ekpo-knttp .
              i_wa_bpoi-agreement  = i_ekpo-konnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-agmt_item  = i_ekpo-ktpnr .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoi TO i_bpoi .
    Fill PO Item update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bpoix-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_itemx   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-material   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-plant      = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-stge_loc   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-quantity   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_unit    = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-tax_code   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-val_type   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-item_cat   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-acctasscat = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agmt_item  = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoix TO i_bpoix .
    Fill PO Item Schedule
              i_wa_bpos-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpos-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bpos-delivery_date = wa_order_split_create-dly_date .
              i_wa_bpos-quantity      = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              APPEND i_wa_bpos TO i_bpos .
    Fill PO Item schedule update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bposx-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bposx-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bposx-delivery_date = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bposx-quantity      = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bposx TO i_bposx .
              CLEAR: i_pargr .
              SELECT SINGLE pargr
                INTO i_pargr
                FROM t161
               WHERE bstyp = i_ekko-bstyp
                 AND bsart = i_ekko-bsart .
              CLEAR i_ekpa[].
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = <b>i_ekpa[].</b>
              LOOP AT i_ekpa INTO i_wa_ekpa .
                i_wa_bpop-partnerdesc = i_wa_ekpa-parvw .
                i_wa_bpop-langu = sy-langu .
                IF NOT i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 IS INITIAL .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 .
                ELSE .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-parnr .
                ENDIF .
                APPEND i_wa_bpop TO i_bpop .
                CLEAR: i_wa_ekpa, i_wa_bpop .
              ENDLOOP .
                        poheader         = i_bpoh
                        poheaderx        = i_bpohx
                        exppurchaseorder = i_new_ebeln
                        return           = i_bapiret2
                    <b>    poitem           = i_bpoi[]
                        poitemx          = i_bpoix[]
                        poschedule       = i_bpos[]
                        poschedulex      = i_bposx[].</b>
    it should be only i_bpoi, i_bpoix, i_bpos, i_bposx but not  i_bpoi[], i_bpoix[], i_bpos[], i_bposx[].
    CHange the code as follows:
    DATA: i_insert,
            i_cycle     TYPE cycle,
            i_qty_acpt  TYPE dzmeng,
            i_dly_date  TYPE vbak-vdatu,
            i_item      TYPE roijnomiio .
      DATA: i_order TYPE symsgv,
            i_return TYPE swd_return .
      DATA: i_vbak      TYPE vbak,
            i_vbap      TYPE vbap,
            i_ekko      TYPE ekko,
            i_ekpo      TYPE ekpo,
            i_bsoh      TYPE bapisdhd1,
            i_bsohx     TYPE bapisdhd1x,
            i_bpoh      TYPE bapimepoheader,
            i_bpohx     TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
            i_vbeln     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_posnr     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_contr     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_conit     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_ebeln     TYPE ebeln,
            i_ebelp     TYPE ebelp,
            i_pargr     TYPE pargr,
            i_thead     TYPE thead,
            i_line      TYPE tline,
            i_note      TYPE txw_note,
            i_new_vbeln TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_new_ebeln TYPE ebeln,
            i_wa_bsoi   TYPE bapisditm,
            i_wa_bsoix  TYPE bapisditmx,
            i_wa_bsop   TYPE bapiparnr,
            i_wa_bsos   TYPE bapischdl,
            i_wa_bsosx  TYPE bapischdlx,
            i_wa_vbpa   TYPE vbpa,
            i_wa_vbkd   TYPE vbkd,
            i_wa_bpoi   TYPE bapimepoitem,
            i_wa_bpoix  TYPE bapimepoitemx,
            i_wa_bpos   TYPE bapimeposchedule,
            i_wa_bposx  TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
            i_wa_bpop   TYPE bapiekkop,
            i_wa_ekpa   TYPE ekpa,
            i_message   TYPE char72,
            i_bapiretn  TYPE bapiret2,
            i_bapiret2  TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2 INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbpa      TYPE TABLE OF vbpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbkd      TYPE TABLE OF vbkd INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_ekpa      TYPE TABLE OF ekpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsos      TYPE TABLE OF bapischdl INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsosx     TYPE TABLE OF bapischdlx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpos      TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedule INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bposx     TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiekkop INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_text_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_line_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_txw_note  TYPE TABLE OF txw_note INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_oij_el_doc_mot TYPE oij_el_doc_mot .
      CONSTANTS: c_char_c VALUE 'C',
                 c_char_e VALUE 'E',
                 c_char_p VALUE 'P',
                 c_char_g VALUE 'G',
                 c_char_i VALUE 'I',
                 c_char_s VALUE 'S',
                 c_char_x VALUE 'X',
                 c_zsw(3) VALUE 'ZSW',
                 c_nomit_stat(4) VALUE 'ZDNY' .
      DATA : lv_nomtk_split        TYPE oij_nomtk.
      DATA : i_order_split_create  TYPE TABLE OF zsws_order_split.
      DATA : wa_order_split_create TYPE zsws_order_split.
      LOOP AT i_order_split_create INTO wa_order_split_create.
        IF NOT i_create_order IS INITIAL .
          CLEAR: i_create_order .
              MOVE: wa_order_split_create-docnr  TO i_ebeln,
                    wa_order_split_create-docitm TO i_ebelp .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        po_ekko          = i_ekko
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Header
              i_bpoh-comp_code   = i_ekko-bukrs .
              i_bpoh-doc_type    = i_ekko-bsart .
              i_bpoh-vendor      = i_ekko-lifnr .
              i_bpoh-langu       = i_ekko-spras .
              i_bpoh-pmnttrms    = i_ekko-zterm .
              i_bpoh-purch_org   = i_ekko-ekorg .
              i_bpoh-pur_group   = i_ekko-ekgrp .
              i_bpoh-currency    = i_ekko-waers .
              i_bpoh-agreement   = i_ekko-konnr .
              i_bpoh-incoterms1  = i_ekko-inco1 .
              i_bpoh-incoterms2  = i_ekko-inco2 .
    Fill PO update indicator 'X'
              i_bpohx-comp_code  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-doc_type   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-vendor     = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-langu      = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pmnttrms   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-purch_org  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pur_group  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-currency   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms1 = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms2 = c_char_x .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        pi_ebelp         = i_ebelp
                        po_ekpo          = i_ekpo
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Item
              i_wa_bpoi-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoi-material   = i_ekpo-matnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-plant      = i_ekpo-werks .
              i_wa_bpoi-stge_loc   = i_ekpo-lgort .
              i_wa_bpoi-quantity   = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              i_wa_bpoi-po_unit    = i_ekpo-meins .
              i_wa_bpoi-tax_code   = i_ekpo-mwskz .
              i_wa_bpoi-val_type   = i_ekpo-bwtar .
              i_wa_bpoi-item_cat   = i_ekpo-pstyp .
              i_wa_bpoi-acctasscat = i_ekpo-knttp .
              i_wa_bpoi-agreement  = i_ekpo-konnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-agmt_item  = i_ekpo-ktpnr .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoi TO i_bpoi .
    Fill PO Item update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bpoix-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_itemx   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-material   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-plant      = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-stge_loc   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-quantity   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_unit    = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-tax_code   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-val_type   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-item_cat   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-acctasscat = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agmt_item  = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoix TO i_bpoix .
    Fill PO Item Schedule
              i_wa_bpos-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpos-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bpos-delivery_date = wa_order_split_create-dly_date .
              i_wa_bpos-quantity      = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              APPEND i_wa_bpos TO i_bpos .
    Fill PO Item schedule update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bposx-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bposx-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bposx-delivery_date = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bposx-quantity      = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bposx TO i_bposx .
              CLEAR: i_pargr .
              SELECT SINGLE pargr
                INTO i_pargr
                FROM t161
               WHERE bstyp = i_ekko-bstyp
                 AND bsart = i_ekko-bsart .
              CLEAR i_ekpa[].
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = i_ekpa.
              LOOP AT i_ekpa INTO i_wa_ekpa .
                i_wa_bpop-partnerdesc = i_wa_ekpa-parvw .
                i_wa_bpop-langu = sy-langu .
                IF NOT i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 IS INITIAL .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 .
                ELSE .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-parnr .
                ENDIF .
                APPEND i_wa_bpop TO i_bpop .
                CLEAR: i_wa_ekpa, i_wa_bpop .
              ENDLOOP .
                        poheader         = i_bpoh
                        poheaderx        = i_bpohx
                        exppurchaseorder = i_new_ebeln
                        return           = i_bapiret2
                        poitem           = i_bpoi
                        poitemx          = i_bpoix
                        poschedule       = i_bpos
                        poschedulex      = i_bposx.
              i_order = i_new_ebeln .
              SHIFT i_order LEFT DELETING LEADING '0' .
              i_return-errortype = c_char_i .
              i_return-workarea  = c_zsw .
              i_return-message   = '064' .
              i_return-variable1 = i_order .
            loop at i_bapiret2 into i_bapiretn where type ca 'EAX' .
            append i_bapiretn to t_bapi_return .
          endloop .
          if t_bapi_return[] is initial .
             i_create_order = c_char_x .
                        act_return = i_return. "Popup with new PO no.
          ENDCASE .                                     " Docind
        ENDIF .

  • Error message during cube creation

    Hi expert,
    System show the following error message during cube creation, please info how to solve this problem. Thanks.
    Define the characteristics of the validity table for non-cumulatives
    Message no. R7846
    The InfoCube contains non-cumulative values. A validity table is created for these non-cumulative values, in which the time interval is stored, for which the non-cumulative values are valid.
    The validity table automatically contains the "most detailed" of the selected time characteristics (if such a one does not exist, it must be defined by the user, meaning transfered into the InfoCube).
    Besides the most detailed time characteristic, additional characteristics for the InfoCube can be included in the validity table:
    Examples of such characteristics are:
    A "plan/actual" indicator, if differing time references exist for plan and actual values (actual values for the current fiscal year, plan values already for the next fiscal year),
    the characteristic "plant", if the non-cumulative values are reported per plant, and it can occur that a plant already exists for plant A for a particular time period, but not yet for plant B.
    Define all additional characteristics that should be contained in the validity table by selecting the characteristics.
    In the example above, the characteristics "plan/actual" and  "plant" must be selected.
    The system automatically generates the validity table according to the definition made. This table is automatically updated when data is loaded.

    Go to the Extras Tab in the definition of the Cube and there select " Maintain Non-Cumulatives" and there select the Plant check box. You can also check Material but it is not recommended. Now try to activate the cube. I think it will work for you.

  • Getting Error while installing Repository Creation Utility (RCU)!!!!!

    While installing RCU, I was getting the Invalid Username/Password error on Database Connection Details Screen when i give sys userid. on Database Connection Details Screen I was trying to connect with sys user but failed then I used system user and it got connect.
    Then on Component screen, I was getting the below error.
    RCU-6083:Failed - Check prerequisites requirement for selected component:ORAESS
    Please refer to RCU log at /u01/app/oracle/logdir.2009-12-22_16-46/rcu.log for details.
    Trying to connect as a non SYSDBA user. User should have SYSDBA privileges to successfully load the ESS schema.
    RCU-6092:Component Selection validation failed. Please refer to log at /u01/app/oracle/logdir.2009-12-22_16-46/rcu.log for details.
    I do not know why i am unable to connect with sys user as i am giving the correct password. Now i have changed the sys password but still unable to connect.
    Please check the below link.
    Please suggest something.
    --- Log File Error ------------------------
    2009-12-22 16:46:06.904 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: HOSTNAME: cicl-11g
    2009-12-22 16:46:06.912 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: OSINFO: i386 2.6.18-164.6.1.el5 Linux
    2009-12-22 16:46:06.912 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: JREINFO: 1.6.0_14 /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jdk/jre
    2009-12-22 16:46:06.912 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: USERNAME: oracle
    2009-12-22 16:46:06.912 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: USERDIR: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/bin
    2009-12-22 16:46:06.912 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: User country: US
    2009-12-22 16:46:06.912 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: User language: en
    2009-12-22 16:46:06.913 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: Java class path: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/rcu.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/share.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/help-share.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/ohj.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/orai18n-mapping.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/lib/xmlparserv2.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jdbc/lib/ojdbc5.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/jewt4.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/ojdl.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/modules/oracle.odl_11.1.1/ojdl.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/SchemaVersion.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/wlsqlserver.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/wlbase.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/wlutil.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/com.bea.core.weblogic.workmanager_1.6.0.0.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/com.bea.core.weblogic.workmanager_1.7.0.0.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/wldb2.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/help-share.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/ohj.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/oracle_ice.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/rcuhelp.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/rcuhelppages.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/assistants/opca/jlib/opca.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/portal/jlib/ptlshare.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/ldapjclnt11.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/commons-collections-3.1.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/commons-dbcp-1.2.1.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/commons-logging.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/commons-pool-1.2.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/quartz-1.6.0.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/jta.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/xml.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/iam-platform-utils.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/iam-platform-authz-service.jar:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jlib/
    2009-12-22 16:46:06.913 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: Java library path: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jdk/jre/lib/i386:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/jdk/jre/../lib/i386:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/lib32:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/network/lib32:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/lib:/u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/network/lib:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/network/lib:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/jdbc/lib:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/java/packages/lib/i386:/lib:/usr/lib
    2009-12-22 16:46:06.913 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.Rcu::execute: Launching RCU.
    2009-12-22 16:46:06.916 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.Rcu::execute: Creating InteractiveRCUModel
    2009-12-22 16:46:07.876 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::<init>: Base URL : file:///u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/config/
    2009-12-22 16:46:07.876 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::<init>: ComponentInfo xml location : /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/config/ComponentInfo.xml
    2009-12-22 16:46:07.876 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::<init>: Storage xml location : /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/config/Storage.xml
    2009-12-22 16:46:07.876 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::<init>: DTD Validation : true
    2009-12-22 16:46:07.891 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.RCUCommandLineParser::process: Processing command line ....
    2009-12-22 16:46:39.363 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.dbutil.jdbc.JDBCEngine::connect: Connecting to database: user:system, role:Normal, connectString:(description=(address=(host=cicl-11g)(protocol=tcp)(port=1521))(connect_data=(service_name=DEV11G)(server=dedicated)))
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.515 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Executing Task: Initializing repository configuration metadata
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.515 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.validation.PrereqEvaluator::executePrereqTask: Prereq taskId = INIT_META_DATA
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.704 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : AS_COMMON
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.707 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : MDS
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.713 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : MDS
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.714 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : MDS
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.716 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : IAU
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.720 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : ORAESS
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.721 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : IDM
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.721 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : OID
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.723 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : OIF
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.732 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : OWLCS
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.733 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : ORASDPXDMS
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.735 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : ORASDPSDS
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.759 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : ORASDPLS
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.760 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : SOA
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.761 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : SOAINFRA
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.762 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : SOAINFRA
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.762 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : SOAINFRA
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.763 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : BAM
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.766 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : ORASDPM
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.768 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : ORASDPM
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.769 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : ORASDPM
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.770 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : WEBCENTER_SUITE
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.771 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : WEBCENTER
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.771 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : WEBCENTER
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.772 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : WEBCENTER
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.774 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : PORTLET
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.776 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : PORTLET
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.777 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : PORTLET
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.778 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : CONTENTSERVER
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.778 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : CONTENTSERVER
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.779 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : CONTENTSERVER
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.783 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : DISCUSSIONS
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.784 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : DISCUSSIONS
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.785 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : DISCUSSIONS
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.786 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : DISCUSSIONS_CRAWLER
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.791 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : DISCUSSIONS_CRAWLER
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.794 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : WIKI
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.795 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : WIKI
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.795 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : WIKI
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.796 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : PORTAL_BI
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.797 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : PORTAL
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.800 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : DISCOVERER
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.821 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseXmlData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/config/ComponentInfo.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.835 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : MDS
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.843 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration//mds/mds.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.852 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : IAU
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.857 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration/iau/iau.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.864 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : ORAESS
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.876 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration//ess/ess.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.883 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : OID
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.886 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration//oid/oid.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.891 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : OIF
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.898 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration//oif/oif.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.904 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : ORASDPXDMS
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.907 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration//commspresence/commspresence.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.915 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : ORASDPSDS
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.932 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration//commssds/commssds.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.938 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : ORASDPLS
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.939 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration//commsls/commsls.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.945 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : SOAINFRA
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.950 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration//soainfra/soainfra.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.955 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : BAM
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.958 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration//bam/bam.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.963 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : ORASDPM
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.975 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration//sdpm/sdpm.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.981 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : WEBCENTER
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.991 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration//webcenter/webcenter.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:40.998 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : PORTLET
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.006 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration//portlet/portlet.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.011 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : CONTENTSERVER
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.021 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration/contentserver/contentserver.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.024 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : DISCUSSIONS
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.030 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration//jive/jive.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.040 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : DISCUSSIONS_CRAWLER
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.048 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration//jive-crawler/jive-crawler.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.052 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : WIKI
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.056 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration//wiki/wiki.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.063 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : PORTAL
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.065 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration/portal/portal.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.070 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : DISCOVERER
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.073 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/integration/dc/discoverer.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.108 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseStorageData: XML Document: /u01/app/oracle/rcuHome/rcu/config/Storage.xml is valid
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.452 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Execution time for Initializing repository configuration metadata : 937 milliseconds
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.464 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Executing Task: Obtain properties of the specified database
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.464 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.validation.PrereqEvaluator::executePrereqTask: Prereq taskId = PREREQ_QUERY_DATABASE
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.498 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Execution time for Obtain properties of the specified database : 34 milliseconds
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.514 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Executing Task: Check requirement for specified database
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.514 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.validation.PrereqEvaluator::executePrereqTask: Prereq taskId = PREREQ_GLOBAL_CHECK
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.557 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Execution time for Check requirement for specified database : 43 milliseconds
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.572 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Executing Task: Execute pre create operations
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.573 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.CustomCompManager::getActionList: CustomCompManager.getActionList: CUSTOM_COMP_PRELOAD_SETUP
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.579 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.AbstractCompTask::execute: ValidIf result was false. Skipping Action: oracle.ias.version.SchemaVersionUtil:utilCreateRegistryAndCopyData
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.582 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.AbstractCompTask::execute: ValidIf result was false. Skipping Action: oracle.ias.version.SchemaVersionUtil:utilCreateRegistryTable
    2009-12-22 16:46:41.582 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Execution time for Execute pre create operations : 9 milliseconds
    2009-12-22 16:46:55.687 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Executing Task: Metadata Services
    2009-12-22 16:46:55.687 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.validation.PrereqEvaluator::executePrereqTask: Prereq taskId = MDS
    2009-12-22 16:46:55.687 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.validation.PrereqEvaluator::executePrereqTask: Starting component prereq check
    2009-12-22 16:46:55.722 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Execution time for Metadata Services : 35 milliseconds
    2009-12-22 16:46:55.727 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Executing Task: Audit Services
    2009-12-22 16:46:55.727 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.validation.PrereqEvaluator::executePrereqTask: Prereq taskId = IAU
    2009-12-22 16:46:55.727 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.validation.PrereqEvaluator::executePrereqTask: Starting component prereq check
    2009-12-22 16:46:55.761 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Execution time for Audit Services : 34 milliseconds
    2009-12-22 16:46:55.766 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Executing Task: Enterprise Scheduler Service
    2009-12-22 16:46:55.766 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.validation.PrereqEvaluator::executePrereqTask: Prereq taskId = ORAESS
    2009-12-22 16:46:55.766 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.validation.PrereqEvaluator::executePrereqTask: Starting component prereq check
    2009-12-22 16:46:55.773 ERROR rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.PrereqTask::execute: Prereq Evaluation Failed
    oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.validation.PrereqException: RCU-6083:Failed - Check prerequisites requirement for selected component:ORAESS
    Please refer to RCU log at /u01/app/oracle/logdir.2009-12-22_16-46/rcu.log for details.
         at oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.validation.PrereqEvaluator.executePrereqTask(
         at oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.PrereqTask.execute(
    2009-12-22 16:46:55.773 ERROR rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: RCU Operation Failed
    oracle.sysman.assistants.common.task.TaskExecutionException: RCU-6083:Failed - Check prerequisites requirement for selected component:ORAESS
    Please refer to RCU log at /u01/app/oracle/logdir.2009-12-22_16-46/rcu.log for details.
    Trying to connect as a non SYSDBA user. User should have SYSDBA privileges to successfully load the ESS schema.
         at oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.PrereqTask.execute(
    Edited by: yousufpaya on Dec 22, 2009 7:31 PM

    Hi yousuf;
    Please follow below and see its helpful for your issue: ( part:Error in Running Repository Creation Utility (RCU) While Using Oracle XE database )
    Also check: (Joaanas post)

  • Error as Enter while creation of PO due to this PO is not created in ME21N

    Hi All,
    I have an issue where one of my user cannot able to create a PO with refernce to Network and he is getting error as ENTER while creation of PO in ME21N and there is no long text for this error.Also user cannot able to create a PO whenever he clicked on save button the only option he got is Hold or Edit or cancel.
    I have asked user to provide the same information (inputs while creation of PO in ME21N) to his colleague and check whether he can able to create a PO successfully or not. User confirmed that his colleague can able to create a PO successfully.
    Please let me know what was the root cause behind this.
    Awaiting for your valauble inputs & quicker reply.
    Note: I have crossverified with technical team and they confim all the required roles are in place for my user.
    BR // Kumar.S

    Hi Jurgen,
    Question from you
    Just message ENTER is pretty unusual. Even if there is no long text, the message should at least have a message number, can you tell this number? In general there should be the field name next to the message.
    Answer from me
    As you have said i have cliked on the error ie ENTERand got the message number as below,
    Message no. ME083
    Question from you
    Is there any userexit which may cause this error?
    Answer from me
    According to me know because only one user is having a problem other users can able to create a PO sucuessuflly.
    Question from you
    What happens if a different user enters the PO under the user ID of the user who can only hold the PO?
    What happens if the effected user creates the PO under the user ID of a different user (who is usually able to save POs)?
    Answer from me
    not tried will let u know on this later
    Question from you
    Have you customized a new process, and this user is testing it?
    Answer from me
    Please let me know whether the above my inputs help you to identify the issue where exactly it was.
    BR // Kumar.S

  • Analysis Services failing to Start . File system error: Error occurred during the creation of directory

    Hello All,
    Posting this problem here and hoping for a solution from the experts in this forum.
    When i have restarted the Analysis Services , i see that it has been stopped but never started back. It fails with an error
    "The SQL Server Analysis Services (MSSQLSERVER) service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs."
    When Checked the Event Viewer i see the following error -
    The service cannot be started: The following system error occurred:  The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.  File system error: Error occurred during the creation of directory: '\\?\E:\OLAP\MSSOLAPFactory\OlapData;M:\Test
    I remember changing the BackupDir value of Analysis Services few days back, and i think it could have impacted. Can you please help me how can i change back the BackupDir value and have the server back?
    Let me know if you need any more details

    Is this still an issue? If so, I would find msmdsrv.ini and make sure you don't have two folders listed in the BackupDir (or DataDir or TempDir). You'll have to runas Administrator to edit the msmdsrv.ini file and save changes. Once you fix that, it should

  • Error while Debugging MSA  'Creation of Login Object Failed'

    Dear Friends,
    I am working on CRM Mobile Sales 5.0 SP 5.
    I have setup my Mobile Client and Mobile Application Studion On the same machine.
    I have perform the initial generation of the application from Mobile Repository server to my machine.
    it gave me 6 errors and 12 warnings  and took about 4 hrs for generation.
    Now when i tried to debug the generated application,
    i get my login screen and once I enter username and password.
    Error popups up stating "Creation of login object failed".
    and then another error
    "Starting MPPFailed" (MPP is my project name).
    Please suggest me how should i go about to debug the application solving the above errors.
    Awaiting Reply,
    Best Regards,
    Pratik Patel

    Am not sure if you were able to resolve the issue but below are some points:
    a. I think the dlls sfabol and msa are not any more registerable, since they are more of VB.NET components and here assembly is registered and not the dll.
    b. For logging into the application just ensure that you have user id in table SMOUSER and the employee for that user in SMOMITABT table.
    c. If this is fine, then ensure that you have the latest BDOC metadata information on your laptop. I think in 5.0 also you need to use Clientconsole to download this information.
    d. If this is all okay, then try running SQL profiler and check if the query to the ides db is being executed by the framework. If the query is fired then it means application seems to behave properly but the query is not retrieving relevant details.
    For further details feel free to contact me..

  • Exception occurred. Internal error: Cannot obtain XAConnection Creation of XAConnection for pool....

    Weblogic Server 6.1 SP2 is running fine. But unable to get XAConnections! I am getting following error
    java.sql.SQLException: Internal error: Cannot obtain XAConnection Creation of XAConnection for pool ibesXaConnection Pool failed after waitSecs:300
    at weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource.refreshXAConnAndEnlist(
    at weblogic.jdbc.jta.Connection.getXAConn(
    at weblogic.jdbc.jta.Connection.prepareStatement(
    at weblogic.jdbc.rmi.internal.ConnectionImpl.prepareStatement(
    at weblogic.jdbc.rmi.SerialConnection.prepareStatement(

    Hi Gautam!
    Please make sure your refresh minutes is turned off in config.xml. You should put very large value like 999999 for RefreshMinutes parameter for
    defination of connectionpool in config.xml instead of 0.
    Goutam wrote:
    Weblogic Server 6.1 SP2 is running fine. But unable to get XAConnections! I am getting following error
    java.sql.SQLException: Internal error: Cannot obtain XAConnection Creation of XAConnection for pool ibesXaConnection Pool failed after waitSecs:300
    at weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource.refreshXAConnAndEnlist(
    at weblogic.jdbc.jta.Connection.getXAConn(
    at weblogic.jdbc.jta.Connection.prepareStatement(
    at weblogic.jdbc.rmi.internal.ConnectionImpl.prepareStatement(
    at weblogic.jdbc.rmi.SerialConnection.prepareStatement(

  • I was able  to print with my acrobat before, but I can no longer do it.  the error message says "adobe creation cannot continue because acrobat is not activated"  How do I activate it?

    i was able  to print with my acrobat before, but I can no longer do it.  the error message says "adobe creation cannot continue because acrobat is not activated"  How do I activate it?

    I have the exact same issue. I can print one document and then I get the error mentionned above ("adobe creation cannot continue because acrobat is not activated"). Then I need to reboot in order to be able to print a new document.
    I have suite and went to Photoshop as suggested, but this program is already activated. I tried to launch Acrobat Pro but it won't.
    I'm using the Design and Web Premium CS6 Suite on Windows Vista.
    Thank you so much for your help.

  • Strange error in explicit instance creation

    Dear all,
    using NW2004s I have a strange error while explicit instance creation:
    Let´s say I have a class a in the Class Builder calles c1. With method "check_data".
    In my program I do the following:
    DATA: ref_chk TYPE REF TO object.
    create object ref_chk type ('C1').
    c1->check_data( );
    If I do so I get an syntax error: The method check_data is unknown, private or protected.
    But the method is public.
    I need the explicite instance creation beacuse the class changes and I want to set it with a variable.
    Any idea what´s wrong? How can I solve the problem?

    Hi Roman,
    The best way to do this would be to use an Interface and then cast the class to an interface type once it has been created. However if this is not possible (i.e. the interface is not fixed for all the different classes you want to create) you can use the following code to call your class.
    DATA: ref_chk TYPE REF TO object.
    create object ref_chk type ('C1').
    call method ref_chk->('CHECK_DATA').
    Just a note the 'CHECK_DATA' in brackets can also be replaced with a variable as in the follwing example:
    DATA: ref_chk TYPE REF TO object.
    DATA: method_name type string.
    create object ref_chk type ('C1').
    method_name = 'CHECK_DATA'.
    call method ref_chk->(method_name).
      De Wildt

  • There's an error while delivery note creation for STO order

    There's an error while delivery note creation for STO order  even stock available in unrestricted stock
    Edited by: sharma aman on Nov 8, 2011 9:00 AM

    Dear Sharma Aman,
    Check whether the following link helps you.
    Mesaage : while creation of delivery : An item with no delivery quantity .)
    Please search in google with the error message and definitely you will get some older posts in SDN which is solved.
    In that case , you need not wait for the solution as it is already available.
    If the solution provided do not suit you, then post it in SDN so that it will be a learning for others.
    Try to search in the forum or in google before posting further queries
    Thanks & Regards,
    Hegal K Charles

  • ERROR ODI-40837: An error occurred during the creation of the schema

    Hi I am trying to test an xml file server and keep getting the following error.
    ERROR ODI-40837: An error occurred during the creation of the schema: ODI-40738: A SAXException was caught while reading the model saying: Expected 'DOCTYPE'.
    JDBC URL jdbc:snps:xml?f=C:/Projects/prd.xml&ro=true&DOD=YES
    anybody could help as i dont find any blog or documentation about this error?.
    Edited by: user626688 on May 31, 2013 1:26 PM

    There seems to be some problem with your xml file. Please work with support channel to investigate this issue.
    You can also check the xml driver parameters details at

  • Error with data source creation

    Error during Data Source creation: weblogic.common.ResourceException: DataSource
    (jdbc.GangsterDB) can't be created with non-existent Pool (connection or multi)
    I have already created oraclePool with the following properties:
    Name : oraclePool
    URL : jdbc:weblogic:oracle
    Driver: weblogic.jdbc.oci.Driver
    In weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file:
    In ejb-jar.xml file:
    Do I need to make changes in my Entity Bean files? I have made a datasource called
    GangsterDB. I do not know the reason for this error. Please do let me know.
    Error during Data Source creation: weblogic.common.ResourceException: DataSource
    (jdbc.GangsterDB) can't be created with non-existent Pool (connection or multi)
    Thank you
    Ronak Parekh

    I am still getting the same error:
    Unable to deploy EJB: OrganizationEJB from sempire_bc.jar
    The DataSource with the JNDI name: OrganizationDB can not be located. Please ensure
    that the DataSource has been deployed
    successfully and that the JNDI name in your EJB Deployment descriptor is correct.
    In my console, I have created a connection pool 'oraclePool' and 3 datasource
    'jdbc.GangsterDB', 'jdbc.OrganizationDB' and
    'jdbc.JobDB'. I have also specified the target server and there seems to be no
    error. I have checked 'Monitor All Connection
    Pools' and oraclePool is running. I still do not understand the problem that I
    am getting and have no clue how to solve it.
    Thank you
    Ronak Parekh
    My weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE weblogic-ejb-jar PUBLIC
    '-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 6.0.0 EJB//EN'
    My ejb-jar.xml file is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC
         "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN"
         <display-name>Business Component CMP 2.0</display-name>
              <display-name>Gangster Entity Bean</display-name>
                             <![CDATA[SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM GangsterEJB AS a]]>
         <display-name>Organization Entity Bean</display-name>
                             <![CDATA[SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM OrganizationEJB AS a]]>
    <display-name>Job Entity Bean</display-name>
                             <![CDATA[SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM JobEJB AS a]]>
    My weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml file is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE weblogic-rdbms-jar PUBLIC
    '-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 6.0.0 EJB RDBMS Persistence//EN'

  • Error in recovery media creation

    I bought  a new HP laptop recently.Its a HP PAVILION G6 2320TX.I ran the Recovery Media  Creation .After the initial setup and burning of files onto my first dvd,when it comes to verify, i am getting an error that states "We are experiencing errors in recovery media creation. Please try again.” ,and the disk ejects out.
    I use SONY DVD-R media so,i guess there shouldn't be any problem with the brand.I tried doing this a couple of time and each time i got the same error.
    Has anyone else experienced this? Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    Hello Akash_Sanu,
    I see that you are having problems with the recovery discs creation on your computer.
    I would suggest trying a different brand of disc, here is a link that explains the recovery discs process. If you continue to have problems with the disc creation I would suggest contacting HP support for a set of recovery discs.
    Here is a link to the contact options for HP support.
    ↙-----------How do I give Kudos?| How do I mark a post as Solved? ----------------↓

  • Error in local message creation

    in solution manager I'm getting the error in local message creation CPI-C
    its very urgent pls.............................

    What code does it give can you give further details...
    Here is a link for your review

Maybe you are looking for

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