Error in the Taxonomy browser view

Hi All,
I am getting a "class com.sapportals.wcm.WcmException index with index id <index_id> dosen't exist" when i go to the taxonomy brwoser.
Can anyone help?

there went something wrong during the deletion of an index. Go to the taxdata repository. This is a hidden repository. You can access it by http://<your computer>:<port>/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/
Here you find a subfolder taxonomies, which has children with the names of your indexes. There must be a subfolder for an index, which does not exist anymore. Delete this folder an it should work again.

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    No problem works fine
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    It gives a huge error.
    At the end it shows this error msg
    Error Codes: EIRWWH9E
    Location: saw.httpserver.processrequest, saw.rpc.server.responder, saw.rpc.server, saw.rpc.server.handleConnection, saw.rpc.server.dispatch, saw.threadpool, saw.threadpool, saw.threads
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         Error Displaying Results
    The current xml is invalid with the following errors: Bad xml instance! <?xml version="1.0"?> <saw:report xmlns:saw="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlVersion="201008230" xmlns:sawx=""><saw:criteria xsi:type="saw:simpleCriteria" subjectArea="&quot;ToolsReporting&quot;" withinHierarchy="true"><saw:columns><saw:column xsi:type="saw:regularColumn" columnID="c732bb9dae8dd66c3"><saw:columnFormula><sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">&quot;F3 APT&quot;.&quot;Distinct Cases&quot;</sawx:expr></saw:columnFormula><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec suppress="repeat" wrapText="true"><saw:dataFormat xsi:type="saw:number" minDigits="0" maxDigits="0" commas="true" negativeType="minus"/></saw:formatSpec></saw:displayFormat><saw:tableHeading><saw:caption fmt="text"><saw:text>F3 APT</saw:text></saw:caption></saw:tableHeading><saw:columnHeading><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec/></saw:displayFormat><saw:caption 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visible="true"/><saw:minor visible="false"/></saw:horizontal><saw:vertical><saw:major visible="true"/><saw:minor visible="false"/></saw:vertical></saw:gridlines><saw:title mode="custom"><saw:caption><saw:text/></saw:caption></saw:title></saw:canvasFormat><saw:legendFormat position="default" transparentFill="true"><saw:textFormat fontFamily="Arial" fontStyle="bold" fontSize="12" fontColor="#000000"/></saw:legendFormat><saw:axesFormats syncAxis="false"><saw:axisFormat axis="Y1" displayScaleLabels="true"><saw:scale scaleValues="auto" showMajorTicks="false" showMinorTicks="false" logarithmic="false" defaultTicks="true"/><saw:title mode="auto"><saw:caption truncate="false" truncateLength="0"/><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec fontFamily="Arial" fontStyle="bold" fontSize="12" fontColor="#000000"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:title><saw:scaleMarkers/><saw:labels rotate="0" rotateLabels="false" stagger="false" skip="false" abbreviation="default"/><saw:textFormat fontFamily="Arial" 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color="#FF0000" lineStyle="default" lineWidth="7" symbol="default"/></saw:visualFormats></saw:seriesFormatRule><saw:seriesFormatRule><saw:seriesCondition position="3"/><saw:visualFormats><saw:visualFormat color="#CCCCFF" lineStyle="default" lineWidth="7" symbol="default"/></saw:visualFormats></saw:seriesFormatRule></saw:seriesFormatGroup></saw:seriesFormats><saw:selections><saw:categories><saw:category><saw:columnRef columnID="c10dcc5dd2aac8845"/></saw:category><saw:category><saw:columnRef columnID="cffa55d9d04d4333a"/></saw:category></saw:categories><saw:measures showMeasureLabelsOnCategory="false"><saw:column measureType="y"><saw:columnRef columnID="c3a4a8c02a76fa939"/></saw:column><saw:column measureType="y"><saw:columnRef columnID="c732bb9dae8dd66c3"/></saw:column><saw:column measureType="y"><saw:columnRef columnID="c410b08ca33dd1272"/></saw:column></saw:measures><saw:seriesGenerators><saw:measureLabels/></saw:seriesGenerators></saw:selections></saw:view></saw:pivotChart><saw:sectionContent><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec width="530" wrapText="true" height="14" hAlign="right" vAlign="middle"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:sectionContent><saw:edges><saw:edge axis="page" showColumnHeader="true"/><saw:edge axis="section"/><saw:edge axis="row" showColumnHeader="true"><saw:displayGrandTotals><saw:displayGrandTotal id="t1" grandTotalPosition="after"><saw:memberFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec wrapText="true" fontFamily="Arial" fontStyle="bold" fontSize="14"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:memberFormat><saw:dataBodyFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec wrapText="true" fontFamily="Arial" fontStyle="bold" fontSize="12"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:dataBodyFormat></saw:displayGrandTotal></saw:displayGrandTotals><saw:edgeLayers><saw:edgeLayer type="column" columnID="c10dcc5dd2aac8845" visibility="hidden"><saw:headerFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec wrapText="true"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:headerFormat></saw:edgeLayer><saw:edgeLayer type="column" columnID="cffa55d9d04d4333a"><saw:headerFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec fontStyle="bold" wrapText="true" fontSize="14"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:headerFormat><saw:memberFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec wrapText="true" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="14" fontStyle="bold"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:memberFormat></saw:edgeLayer></saw:edgeLayers></saw:edge><saw:edge axis="column"><saw:edgeLayers><saw:edgeLayer type="measure"/></saw:edgeLayers></saw:edge></saw:edges><saw:measuresList><saw:measure columnID="c3a4a8c02a76fa939"><saw:memberFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec fontStyle="bold" wrapText="true" fontSize="14" fontFamily="Arial"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:memberFormat><saw:dataBodyFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec wrapText="true" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:dataBodyFormat></saw:measure><saw:measure columnID="c732bb9dae8dd66c3"><saw:memberFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec fontStyle="bold" wrapText="true" fontSize="14" fontFamily="Arial"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:memberFormat><saw:dataBodyFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec wrapText="true" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:dataBodyFormat></saw:measure><saw:measure columnID="c410b08ca33dd1272"><saw:memberFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec fontStyle="bold" wrapText="true" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="14"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:memberFormat><saw:dataBodyFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec wrapText="true" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:dataBodyFormat></saw:measure></saw:measuresList></saw:view><saw:view xsi:type="saw:htmlview" name="htmlview!1"><saw:staticText><saw:caption fmt="text"><saw:text>Region = @{Region}{All} Industry = @{Industry}{All}</saw:text></saw:caption></saw:staticText><saw:displayFormat fontFamily="Arial"><saw:formatSpec fontColor="#000000"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:view><saw:view xsi:type="saw:titleView" name="titleView!2" includeName="false" startedDisplay="none"><saw:title><saw:caption fmt="text"><saw:text>CPT Usage</saw:text></saw:caption><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec fontColor="#FF0000" wrapText="false" fontFamily="Arial" fontStyle="bold" fontSize="16"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:title><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec borderColor="#FF0000" borderPosition="8" borderStyle="thick" wrapText="true"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:view></saw:views><saw:prompts scope="report" subjectArea="&quot;APTReporting&quot;"/></saw:report> Line:4, Col:7234, Attribute 'fontFamily' is not declared for element 'displayFormat'
    Error Details
    Error Codes: EIRWWH9E
    Location: saw.httpserver.processrequest, saw.rpc.server.responder, saw.rpc.server, saw.rpc.server.handleConnection, saw.rpc.server.dispatch, saw.threadpool, saw.threadpool, saw.threads
    Can u pls tell me how ill remove the Cube Definition is invalid?
    My only intention is Region = @{Region}{All} Industry = @{Industry}{All} i would like to make this appear little bigger so want the font size to be 14 and family as Arial.
    Is there any other way i can do?

  • Error in the Shopping Cart view

    In the shopping cart view, the list is showing shopping carts that are completed even though the queries are set to not show completed shopping carts. There is no way to make the completed ones go away and only show active ones.
    Under the "Status" column these are shown as "approved".  Are they not going from approved to "completed" or some other such category even though goods receipts have been done.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    In standard, the "last" status at shopping cart header is the approved one (I1129). Shopping cart does not behaves like purchase order or RFX, where you can complete the document and the header status will assume it.
    You can check the current shopping cart status at header level in BBP_PD transaction.
    After shopping cart is ordered, it will go to approval and afterwards it will assume the approved status, which is the last one at heder level.
    I hope it helps.
    Kind regards,

  • Goofy Cover Browser view in iTunes 7

    I guess Apple’s relationship with Disney finally got to close for comfort. I’m afraid Goofy just took over the iTunes UI design.
    As the name implies, the Cover Browser (rightmost view button) looks and almost functions like a browser.
    Unfortunately, it is merely a display of the album now playing with previous and next albums.
    Undoubtedly this view is great looking, but has no usefulness as a browser. This should have been a visualizer plugin.
    As a matter of fact, I actually would use it as a full screen visualizer plugin. Ironically, such useful Use Case for this feature is not enabled.
    So far, I was only slightly disappointed with the missed opportunity to make a cool looking real album browser and the missing visualizer.
    Apple did provide a “Group by Artwork” view that is not as great looking, but it’s certainly useful.
    However, my disappointment quickly turned into puzzlement when I was surprised by a completely unexpected Cover Browser behavior.
    I hear that after puzzlement comes acceptance. I’m not there yet, but I have a feeling I’m working up to it by writing about it.
    Consider this.
    If you filter your view with Quick Browse by an Artist or a Genre, only the filtered tracks are displayed.
    If you start playback, only those selected tracks will be in the queue.
    I don’t know about you, but that’s how I listen to my iTunes library. I play a selected Playlist, Genre, Album, or Artist to listen to a specific selection. I never play tracks without filtering because I have podcasts, audiobooks, hip-hop, classic, altrock, and only God and my iTunes library know how many more different types of music.
    But I digress. Having started playback on a filtered list of a selected Artist or Album and then clicking on the Cover Browser does something only Goofy could have conceived.
    It loses your selected filtering and changes to an all tracks view. The currently playing album cover is displayed, but what is before and after that track is now determined by the all tracks view column sorting.
    In other words, because I clicked on the Cover Browser view, my playback queue changed to something I had no intention of hearing.
    This strange behavior is unique to the Cover Browser view. Had I click on the Group by Artwork instead, the filtering would still be in effect.
    There must have been some kind of crazy rational to lose the filtering since it was clearly intentional.
    They got the Playlist behavior right. If playback is started from a Playlist, changing view to Cover Browser does the expected and only displays the albums contained in the Playlist.
    Goofy didn’t stop there. No, he was inspired.
    In the Cover Browsing view while playback is active, if you navigate down the list of tracks, say 6000 tracks down, after a brief timeout, the highlighted album reverts back to the one playing, which could the first one of this 6000 tracks list.
    Quick, you got 15 seconds to navigate down a list and look at it…Sorry, you’re not fast enough…back to the top of the list where you belong!
    I’m afraid this is not the first time iTunes has been updated with functionality that makes it less useful. Podcast categories have been removed with no good way to get to those specific podcasts anymore (e.g. International).
    The status window defaulting to downloading podcast information while playback is active is another terrible example.
    As a lifetime fan, it is sad to witness the slow deterioration of Apple’s once high standards.
    Acceptance is coming while I image what must be like to have Goofy lose and running amuck in the Tunes design lab.

    Below the cover view is the track listing which has all the columns as usual - simply click the column title to sort by that field.
    If the album has different artists then make sure the 'group compilations' option is ticked in preferences and then go into the info for the tracks and select 'part of a compilation'. iTunes will then group the tracks into a single album and display 'various artists' as the artist.
    There is also now a field called 'album artist' which sets an artist for an entire album.
    Powerbook G4 12"   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

  • I get error message "The message can't be sent right now. Please try again later."

    I use the information protected by the Do Not forward template and I get error message "The message can't be sent right now. Please try again later."
    My Details :
    AD RMS Windows 2012 R2
    Exchange 2013 CU3
    I can't see any errors in the application event viewer
    Help me please.

    I would recommend you to run Test-IRMConfiguration -Sender [email protected] and see the results as well.
    Grant access to Exchange servers to use ADRMS for IRM. Perform the following task.
    Open IIS on ADRMS server  – open default Website – Click _wmcs – Select Certification
    Switch to content view – right click on servercertification.asmx and click edit permissions ensure that Exchange servers are listed. If not add the exchange servers and the ADRMS managed account and grant editor access to them.
    Also refer below 
    AD RMS: Test-IRMConfiguration Command Fails with UnsupportedCryptographicSetException
    Check if the certifications are set correctly - Set Permissions on the AD RMS Server Certification Pipeline
    Remember to mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question.That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you Check out my latest blog posts on

  • Hi, I know how I can correct an inconsistency in the Firefox 4.0 beta 8, the error is: "sorry your browser is not support program by web dympro. " In IE there is a compatibility option firexfox view settings but can correct this error.

    Hi, I know how I can correct an inconsistency in the Firefox 4.0 beta 8, the error is: "sorry your browser is not support program by web dympro. "
    In IE there is a compatibility option firexfox view settings but can correct this error.

    Hi, I know how I can correct an inconsistency in the Firefox 4.0 beta 8, the error is: "sorry your browser is not support program by web dympro. "
    In IE there is a compatibility option firexfox view settings but can correct this error.

  • Unable to open PWA in browser and MSP on application server in project server 2007. ERROR: Sending the Soap message failed or no recognizable response was received.

    Hi All,
    I am using project server 2007 and WSS 3.0. 
    I have been facing a strange issue for couple of days. I am unable to open PWA in browser and MS Project Pro on application server.
    Everything is correct whether it is URL or MS Project profile account on MSP.  This is strange because i can open same PWA/MSP from other computers (Database server / Client PCs) but not locally on server.
    When i try to connect to MSP on App server, i get the following errors in event viewer.
    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: MSSOAP
    Event ID: 16
    User: N/A
    Computer: APP-Server-Name
    Soap error: Connection time out..
    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: MSSOAP
    Event Category: Client 
    Event ID: 16
    User: N/A
    Computer: APP-Server-Name
    Soap error: An unanticipated error occurred during the processing of this request..
    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: MSSOAP
    Event Category: Client 
    Event ID: 16
    User: N/A
    Computer: APP-Server-Name
    Description: Soap error: Sending the Soap message failed or no recognizable response was received.
    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: MSSOAP
    Event Category: Client 
    Event ID: 16
    User: N/A
    Computer: APP-Server-Name
    Soap error: Unspecified client error..
    One more issue i am facing and i guess that is related to above issue. The Issue is, when i am creating a new project, It's workspace gets created but doesn't get linked to the project and i can't link it manually because it already exists for the project.

    Hi Paul ,
    Thanks for reply. The project server URL was already added to the Trusted
    Sites/Local Intranet areas in IE. 

  • Trying to update the Inspiration browser received message a download error occured

    Hello!  I am new to Photoshop 10 and pretty much a little old lady who has little idea what I am doing here.  I followed all the directions and deleted the Imagination browser I had but when I clicked download the update I received the message "A download error occured.  Try again."  I tried again and again to no luck.
    I assume the Imagination browser is important and I need it so what do I do?  Is it important that I have Windows 7?

    See if this Adobe document helps: shop.html
    P.S.,  The Inspiration Browser is not important -- it is used to display the tutorials, so if you don't want to view those tutorials, you don't have to worry about it.

  • How can I restore to the Browser View of Book, several missing photo's?

    Ten photos are missing from the Browser View of the Book. The photos show up in the Photo View and are checked as being used. They also show up in the working screen view of the book. All other photos in the book show up. Why are the 10 missing? How can I restore just those photos and not all photos for that book? What difference would it make in sending that book to the printer?

    Ten photos are missing from the Browser View of the Book. The photos show up in the Photo View and are checked as being used. They also show up in the working screen view of the book.
    I'm not sure of your question
    Are you saying that when you view the thumbnails of the book at the top or the screen that some pages do not show the photos even though they are in the book below?
    If so that is a minor bug in iPhoto '09 - you can ignore it - it is just a display issue -- I forget exactly how but you can force a refresh of the book thumbnails - maybe double clicking on the book page - or maybe on the thumbnail
    But in any case your book is fine (you should preview it before sending - )

  • I have some loops from acid 5 which I have dragged in a folder to the loop browser.  Some of them retain the folder name in the View: and some don't.  I have had some that seem to go in but I can't find them.  Where should I look?

    I have some loops from acid 5 which I have dragged in a folder to the loop browser.  Some of them retain the folder name in the View: and some don't.  I have also had some that seem to go in but I can't find them.  If I try to add them again, I get a msg that they are already there.  Where should I look?

    It may be best to recreate the folder and the smart playlists from scratch.

  • If Firefox is set as the default browser, and any application attempts to open a new window, this fails and I get the error "Firefox is already running..."

    Here is what I am running:
    Microsoft Windows 7, Service Pack 1, Fully updated to 4/10/2012
    Fresh Install of Firefox 11. No add-ons enabled as a result of troubleshooting.
    I am a user with administrator rights
    UAS is disabled.
    To begin, this has been going on Since Firefox 10 or so. A few months now.
    I am able to open Firefox. My add-ons worked (ABP, Flashblock, ABP Element Hiding Helper, IETAB2, Downthemall, Greasemonkey, 4chan extension) had no problems. Firefox is set and has been set for the last two years as my default web browser.
    However Since approximately Firefox 10 or so, maybe before that, If I have a Firefox session open, and any other application attempts to open a session in a new window, I get the Firefox is already running, but not responding error."
    I attempted to follow troubleshooting advice already posted (look for parent.lock files left behind [none present], multiple sessionstore.js files [none present], create a new user profile, attempted to clear out the "read-only" permission in windows 7, however as soon as it is cleared, the read only permission returns.)
    As a last resort, I deleted the Firefox folder, the %APPDATA%/Mozilla directory in its entirety, then utilized CCleaner to remove any and all references to Firefox in the windows registry, then did a full re-install, no extensions installed right now.
    I checked preferences and have the option "open new windows in a new tab" checked off. The problem persists regardless if this option is checked on or off. This problem persists in or out of safe mode, even with the brand new install.
    Test Cases:
    All cases:
    Firefox is selected as the default browser for windows 7
    Case 1: Open a firefox session. Utilize any other program that attempts to open a link to their website in a new browser window or new browser session. Experience "Firefox is already running" error
    Case 2: Open a firefox session. Right click on Firefox on the task bar. Select "open in new window". Experience "Firefox is already running" error
    Case 3: Open a firefox session. Select the Firefox Menu > New tab > New Window. A new window will actually open.
    This is the only method of opening a new window in the same browser session or profile that actually works on my system. Attempting to open a browser session from the task bar "open new window dialog" or opening a new window while a current window/session is running will not open firefox in a new window or a new tab in the current session. The "Firefox is already running, but is not responding" error will occur every time.

    Cor-el's suggestion resolved my problem. Apparently the MOZ_NO_REMOTE variable was set to 1 on my system variables. I never made it, and really have no idea how it got there, but deleting this variable and restarting firefox has resolved the issue. Thanks Cor-el!
    Marking case: Solved
    Solution: Verify the MOZ_NO_REMOTE variable is NOT set to 1. This can be achieved by simply deleting this variable.

  • I upgraded my Itunes to the latest version and now it won't let me view my library with the column browser. Can i get that back?

    i upgraded my Itunes to the latest version and now it won't let me view my library with the column browser. Can i get that back? I tried using the shortcut for it and nothing happens. When I try to do it from the view menu, it shows up as something I can't click on. The new library format is driving me crazy and I just want to get back to the old library view.

    We need to sort out some facts here first:
    •  You cannot be running Mt. Lion on your iMac G5.  What Mac is it?  What is the Model Identifier listed in About This Mac; More Info; Hardware Overview
    •  What is the model of your Epson Scanner?
    •  Have you attempted to scan using Image Capture, located in your Applications folder?
    •  Your Palm Pilot software will only run in Snow Leopard; so depending upon which Mac you have, you will either have to:
    1)  partition your hard drive or add an external hard drive and install Snow Leopard into it to "dual-boot" when you want to access you Palm software, or
    2)  install Snow Leopard Server (now available from Apple for $20 telephone orders USA & Canda only) into Parallels 8 to run your Palm software in Mt. Lion:
                                  [click on image to enlarge]

  • Why can't I see the list view in the file browser

    In the file browser for FCP X, I can see the files in the thumbnail view but when I choose "list view", I see nothing.

    Check three things: the filter popup in the upper left, the search box in the upper right, make sure there's nothing in it, and the action popup (the gear in the lower left) make sure there is no weird setting that's removing everything.
    You can also trash your preferences to reset them.

  • Visual Studio 2013. Viewing a PDF file via the Web Browser control in Windows 8.1

    I am writing a Windows Forms application in which I need to view PDF files via the Web Browser control. When the control is given the Navigate() command, Windows takes over and asks which program I want to open the file with. All was fine with VS 2010 and
    XP. I have un-installed "PDF Complete", which was the default PDF viewer, but I now get asked for an alternative.
    Thanks in advance.
    Mike Saunders

    Hi Mike,
    It seems that we could use Internet Explorer to open a local .PDF file if it has the Adobe Reader. I doubt that the web control would be related to it. Like the MVP's suggset in the following thread, maybe it would be related
    to certain plug-in tools in your side like the adober reader.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Errors in the high-level relational engine. The data source view does not contain a definition for the table or view. The Source property may not have been set.

    Hi All,
    I have a cube in which i'm using the TIME DIM that i created in the warehouse. But now i wanted a new measure in the cube which is Average over time and when i wanted to created the new measure i got a message that no time dim was defined, so i created a
    new time dimension in the SSAS using wizard. But when i tried to process the new time dimension i'm getting the follwoing error message
    "Errors in the high-level relational engine. The data source view does not contain a definition for "SSASTIMEDIM" the table or view. The Source property may not have been set."
    Can anyone please tell me why i cannot create a new measure average over the time using my time dimension? Also what am i doing wrong with the SSASTIMEDIM, that i'm getting the error.

    Hi PMunshi,
    According to your description, you get the above error when processing the time dimension. Right?
    In this scenario, since you have updated the DSV, it should have no problem on the table existence. One possibility is that table has been specified for tracking in the notifications for proactive caching, but isn't available any more for some
    reason. Please change the setting in Proactive Caching into "MOLAP".
    How To Implement Proactive Caching in SQL Server Analysis Services SSAS
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou
    TechNet Community Support

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