Error in wrting object to database

When I go to "persistent.xml-><EJBname>->cmr-field-><fieldName>", on right hand side, in additional information section it shows "ERROR:
The class of this dependent value has no public fields. Because of this it can only be mapped to a single column".
That field is an object of some other class. So, whereever I have any column storing object of some class, I have the same message.
Due to his, its giving deployment error.
"Cannot obtain an appropriate JDBC type for class com.bea.medrec.entities.RecordLocal. To store the field with this class in the database, the class must implement"
Please suggest what could be the solution.

Hi Dhamandheep ,
which is the data type of the field u have  created?.
is it your own  class type (Custom class).
if u r using your own class as data type , u have to implement to that class.
                                    Kishor Gopinathan

Similar Messages

  • Error in writing object to database

    When I go to "persistent.xml-><EJBname>->cmr-field-><fieldName>", on right hand side, in additional information section it shows "ERROR:
    The class of this dependent value has no public fields. Because of this it can only be mapped to a single column".
    That field is an object of some other class. So, whereever I have any column storing object of some class, I have the same message.
    Due to his, its giving deployment error.
    "Cannot obtain an appropriate JDBC type for class com.bea.medrec.entities.RecordLocal. To store the field with this class in the database, the class must implement"
    Please suggest what could be the solution.

    Hi Dhamandheep ,
    which is the data type of the field u have  created?.
    is it your own  class type (Custom class).
    if u r using your own class as data type , u have to implement to that class.
                                        Kishor Gopinathan

  • PowerPivot 2012 Error: BaseWorkbook.CacheStream: Failed to read from stream. Error was: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'proc_FetchChunkFromDocStreams', database 'SharePoint_AdminContent'

    Hi, I have setup PowerPivot 2012 for SharePoint, but when I access'PowerPivot Management Dashboard' in Central Admin I get error message 'An error has occured'
    Below is the error in the ULS,
    Background file fill operation caught exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'proc_FetchChunkFromDocStreams', database 'SharePoint_AdminContent_ca021d58-ef1f-4f30-9aeb-6f24db24862b', schema 'dbo'.  
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     at Microsoft.SharePoint.CoordinatedStreamBuffer.AsyncSqlSession.EndExecuteReader(IAsyncResult ar)    
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    schema 'dbo'.    
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     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)    
     at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.BaseWorkbookManager.CacheStream(CachedFile cachedFile, FileLoader loader)
    SharePoint Architect

    Hey Ayaz,
    I do had the same error message when I click on "PowerPivot Management Dashboard". After few research I resolved this issue.
    You need to provide the dbReader and dbWriter permission to powerpivot app pool account at "SharePoint_AdminContent_ca021d58-ef1f-4f30-9aeb-6f24db24862b"
    Have a great day :-)
    Santosh sethi

  • The SELECT permissions was denied on the object 'extended_properties', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'.(Microsoft SQL Server, Error:229

    I have a SQL Server connected intro a Windows Server 2003 Domain Active Directory, the server holds a default instance with a single Database, the SQL Server is 2005 Std Edition, and is using mix mode Authentification, then I able to create SQL Native Users
    and Invoque Windows Domain Users also.
    The Goal of this project is remove the sysadmin Server role for all the Windows Domain Users, to give then a more granular secure model but at the moment is this only way to connect at the Data Base Server.
    I already create Native SQL Servers users without any problem!, they respect Securable Setting, Server Roles, User Mapping, everything...Just when I create a Login Profile form a Domain Users and apply the same setting, I get this error...
    The SELECT permissions was denied on the object 'extended_properties', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'.(Microsoft SQL Server, Error:229)
    But if the user have sysadmin Server Rol he can sing over the server without any issue, I review the .sys view extended_properties and "Public" is the only Database Role placed.
    Any Idea if I need change any Setting in the Secure in SQL Master DataBase? or which is the issue witjh this matter?
    Thank in advance for your help!

    Since there are so many possibilities for what might be wrong.  Here's another possibility to look at.  I ran into something where I had set up my own roles on a database.  (For instance, "Administrator", "Manager", "DataEntry",
    "Customer", each with their own kinds of limitations)  The only ones who could use it were "Manager" role or above--because they were also set up as sysadmin because they were adding users to the database (and they were highly trusted). 
    Also, the users that were being added were Windows Domain users--using their domain credentials.  (Everyone with access to the database had to be on our domain, but not everyone on the domain had access to the database--and only a few of them had access
    to change it.)
    Anyway, this working system suddenly stopped working and I was getting error messages similar to the above.  What I ended up doing that solved it was to go through all the permissions for the "public" role in that database and add those permissions
    to all of the roles that I had created.  I know that everyone is supposed to be in the "public" role even though you can't add them (or rather, you can "add" them, but they won't "stay added").
    So, in "SQL Server Management Studio", I went into my application's database, in other words (my localized names are obscured within <> brackets): "<Computername> (SQL Server <version> - sa)"\Databases\<MyAppDB>\Security\Roles\Database
    Roles\public".  Right-click on "public" and select "Properties".  In the "Database Role Properties - public" dialog, select the "Securables" page.  Go through the list and for each element in the
    list, come up with an SQL "Grant" statement to grant exactly that permission to another role.  So, for instance, there is a scalar function "[dbo].[fn_diagramobjects]" on which the "public" role has "Execute" privilege. 
    So, I added the following line:   
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[fn_diagramobjects] TO [' + @RoleName + '];' )
    Once I had done this for all the elements in the "Securables" list, I wrapped that up in a while loop on a cursor selecting through all the roles in my roles table.  This explicitly granted all the permissions of the "public" role to
    my database roles.  At that point, all my users were working again (even after I removed their "sysadmin" access--done as a temporary measure while I figured out what happened.)
    I'm sure there's a better (more elegant) way to do this by doing some kind of a query on the database objects and selecting on the public role, but after about half and hour of investigating, I wasn't figuring it out, so I just did it the brute-force method. 
    In case it helps someone else, here's my code.
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GrantAccess]
    DECLARE @AppRoleName AS sysname
    SELECT AppRoleName FROM [dbo].[RoleList];
    OPEN AppRoleCursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM AppRoleCursor INTO @AppRoleName
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[fn_diagramobjects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_alterdiagram] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_creatediagram] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_dropdiagram] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_helpdiagramdefinition] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_helpdiagrams] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_renamediagram] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_objects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_sql_modules] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_views] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[allocation_units] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assemblies] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assembly_files] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assembly_modules] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assembly_references] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assembly_types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[asymmetric_keys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[certificates] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[change_tracking_tables] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[check_constraints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[column_type_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[column_xml_schema_collection_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[computed_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[conversation_endpoints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[conversation_groups] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[conversation_priorities] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[crypt_properties] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[data_spaces] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_audit_specification_details] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_audit_specifications] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_files] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_permissions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_principal_aliases] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_principals] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_role_members] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[default_constraints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[destination_data_spaces] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[event_notifications] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[events] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[extended_procedures] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[extended_properties] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[filegroups] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[foreign_key_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[foreign_keys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_catalogs] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_index_catalog_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_index_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_index_fragments] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_indexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_stoplists] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_stopwords] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[function_order_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[identity_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[index_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[indexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[internal_tables] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[key_constraints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[key_encryptions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[message_type_xml_schema_collection_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[module_assembly_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[numbered_procedure_parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[numbered_procedures] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[objects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[parameter_type_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[parameter_xml_schema_collection_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partition_functions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partition_parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partition_range_values] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partition_schemes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partitions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[plan_guides] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[procedures] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[remote_service_bindings] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[routes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[schemas] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_contract_message_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_contract_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_contracts] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_message_types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_queue_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_queues] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[services] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[spatial_index_tessellations] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[spatial_indexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sql_dependencies] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sql_modules] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[stats] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[stats_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[symmetric_keys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[synonyms] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[syscolumns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[syscomments] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysconstraints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysdepends] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysfilegroups] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysfiles] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysforeignkeys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysfulltextcatalogs] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysindexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysindexkeys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysmembers] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysobjects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[syspermissions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysprotects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysreferences] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_objects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_sql_modules] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_views] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[systypes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysusers] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[table_types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[tables] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[transmission_queue] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[trigger_events] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[triggers] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[type_assembly_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[views] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_indexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_attributes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_collections] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_component_placements] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_components] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_elements] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_facets] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_model_groups] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_namespaces] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_wildcard_namespaces] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_wildcards] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    FETCH NEXT FROM AppRoleCursor INTO @AppRoleName
    CLOSE AppRoleCursor
    RETURN 0
    Once that is in the system, I just needed to "Exec GrantAccess" to make it work.  (Of course, I have a table [RoleList] which contains a "AppRoleName" field that contains the names of the database roles.)
    So, the mystery remains: why did all my users lose their "public" role and why could I not give it back to them?  Was this part of an update to SQL Server 2008 R2?  Was it because I ran another script to delete each user and add them back
    so to refresh their connection with the domain?  Well, this solves the issue for now.
    One last warning: you probably should check the "public" role on your system before running this to make sure there isn't something missing or wrong, here.  It's always possible something is different about your system.
    Hope this helps someone else.

  • The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'extended_properties', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 229)

    I have created a user and given him the owner rights for the database.  Though I can LogIn as the user, I cannot access the databases.  I am having the error mesage:
    Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc)
    For help, click:
    An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
    The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'extended_properties', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 229)
    For help, click:

    Since there are so many possibilities for what might be wrong.  Here's another possibility to look at.  I ran into something where I had set up my own roles on a database.  (For instance, "Administrator", "Manager", "DataEntry", "Customer",
    each with their own kinds of limitations)  The only ones who could use it were "Manager" role or above--because they were also set up as sysadmin because they were adding users to the database (and they were highly trusted).  Also, the users that
    were being added were Windows Domain users--using their domain credentials.  (Everyone with access to the database had to be on our domain, but not everyone on the domain had access to the database--and only a few of them had access to change it.)
    Anyway, this working system suddenly stopped working and I was getting error messages similar to the above.  What I ended up doing that solved it was to go through all the permissions for the "public" role in that database and add those permissions to
    all of the roles that I had created.  I know that everyone is supposed to be in the "public" role even though you can't add them (or rather, you can "add" them, but they won't "stay added").
    So, in "SQL Server Management Studio", I went into my application's database, in other words (my localized names are obscured within <> brackets): "<Computername> (SQL Server <version> - sa)"\Databases\<MyAppDB>\Security\Roles\Database
    Roles\public".  Right-click on "public" and select "Properties".  In the "Database Role Properties - public" dialog, select the "Securables" page.  Go through the list and for each element in the list, come up with an SQL "Grant" statement to
    grant exactly that permission to another role.  So, for instance, there is a scalar function "[dbo].[fn_diagramobjects]" on which the "public" role has "Execute" privilege.  So, I added the following line:
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[fn_diagramobjects] TO [' + @RoleName + '];' )
    Once I had done this for all the elements in the "Securables" list, I wrapped that up in a while loop on a cursor selecting through all the roles in my roles table.  This explicitly granted all the permissions of the "public" role to my database roles. 
    At that point, all my users were working again (even after I removed their "sysadmin" access--done as a temporary measure while I figured out what happened.)
    I'm sure there's a better (more elegant) way to do this by doing some kind of a query on the database objects and selecting on the public role, but after about half and hour of investigating, I wasn't figuring it out, so I just did it the brute-force method. 
    In case it helps someone else, here's my code.
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GrantAccess]
    DECLARE @AppRoleName AS sysname
    SELECT AppRoleName FROM [dbo].[RoleList];
    OPEN AppRoleCursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM AppRoleCursor INTO @AppRoleName
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[fn_diagramobjects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_alterdiagram] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_creatediagram] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_dropdiagram] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_helpdiagramdefinition] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_helpdiagrams] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_renamediagram] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_objects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_sql_modules] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[all_views] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[allocation_units] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assemblies] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assembly_files] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assembly_modules] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assembly_references] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[assembly_types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[asymmetric_keys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[certificates] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[change_tracking_tables] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[check_constraints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[column_type_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[column_xml_schema_collection_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[computed_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[conversation_endpoints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[conversation_groups] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[conversation_priorities] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[crypt_properties] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[data_spaces] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_audit_specification_details] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_audit_specifications] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_files] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_permissions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_principal_aliases] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_principals] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[database_role_members] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[default_constraints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[destination_data_spaces] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[event_notifications] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[events] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[extended_procedures] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[extended_properties] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[filegroups] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[foreign_key_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[foreign_keys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_catalogs] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_index_catalog_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_index_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_index_fragments] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_indexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_stoplists] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[fulltext_stopwords] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[function_order_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[identity_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[index_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[indexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[internal_tables] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[key_constraints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[key_encryptions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[message_type_xml_schema_collection_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[module_assembly_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[numbered_procedure_parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[numbered_procedures] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[objects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[parameter_type_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[parameter_xml_schema_collection_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partition_functions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partition_parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partition_range_values] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partition_schemes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[partitions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[plan_guides] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[procedures] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[remote_service_bindings] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[routes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[schemas] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_contract_message_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_contract_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_contracts] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_message_types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_queue_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[service_queues] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[services] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[spatial_index_tessellations] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[spatial_indexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sql_dependencies] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sql_modules] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[stats] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[stats_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[symmetric_keys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[synonyms] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[syscolumns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[syscomments] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysconstraints] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysdepends] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysfilegroups] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysfiles] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysforeignkeys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysfulltextcatalogs] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysindexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysindexkeys] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysmembers] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysobjects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[syspermissions] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysprotects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysreferences] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_columns] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_objects] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_parameters] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_sql_modules] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[system_views] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[systypes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[sysusers] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[table_types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[tables] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[transmission_queue] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[trigger_events] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[triggers] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[type_assembly_usages] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[views] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_indexes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_attributes] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_collections] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_component_placements] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_components] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_elements] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_facets] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_model_groups] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_namespaces] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_types] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_wildcard_namespaces] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    EXEC ( 'GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[xml_schema_wildcards] TO [' + @AppRoleName + '];' )
    FETCH NEXT FROM AppRoleCursor INTO @AppRoleName
    CLOSE AppRoleCursor
    RETURN 0
    Once that is in the system, I just needed to "Exec GrantAccess" to make it work.  (Of course, I have a table [RoleList] which contains a "AppRoleName" field that contains the names of the database roles.)
    So, the mystery remains: why did all my users lose their "public" role and why could I not give it back to them?  Was this part of an update to SQL Server 2008 R2?  Was it because I ran another script to delete each user and add them back so to refresh
    their connection with the domain?  Well, this solves the issue for now.
    One last warning: you probably should check the "public" role on your system before running this to make sure there isn't something missing or wrong, here.  It's always possible something is different about your system.
    Hope this helps someone else.

  • "Error 1002097 Unable to Load database" while starting an Essbase App.

    Hello Essbase Experts,
    I am getting below error while starting an Essbase Application:
    "Error 1002097 Unable to Load database"
    Below is an extract from the Essbase Application Log:
    [2012-04-04T14:14:03.816-19:14] [RPA] [ESM-6] [ERROR] [32][] [ecid:1333566842161,0] [tid:2058170128] Unable to lock file
    [SID/essbase/user_projects/epmsystem/EssbaseServer/essbaseserver1/app/RPA/RPA/RPA.esm]. Essbase will try again after a short
    [2012-04-04T14:14:04.821-19:14] [RPA] [ESM-5] [ERROR] [32][] [ecid:1333566842161,0] [tid:2058170128] Unable to lock file
    [SID/essbase/user_projects/epmsystem/EssbaseServer/essbaseserver1/app/RPA/RPA/RPA.esm]. Please make sure other processes do not
    access Essbase files while Essbase server is running.
    [2012-04-04T14:14:04.821-19:14] [RPA] [MBR-89] [WARNING] [1][] [ecid:1333566842161,0] [tid:2058170128] Unable to open
    [SID/essbase/user_projects/epmsystem/EssbaseServer/essbaseserver1/app/RPA/RPA/RPA.esm] for database
    [RPA][2012-04-04T14:14:04.821-19:14] [RPA] [SVR-97] [ERROR] [32][]
    [ecid:1333566842161,0] [tid:2058170128] Unable to load database [RPA]
    [2012-04-04T14:14:04.821-19:14] [RPA] [SVR-97] [ERROR] [32][]
    [ecid:1333566842161,0] [tid:2058170128] Unable to load database []
    [2012-04-04T14:14:04.835-19:14] [RPA] [SVR-97] [ERROR] [32][]
    [ecid:1333566842161,0] [tid:2058170128] Unable to load database []
    Please sugest pointers to start the application.

    *[2012-04-04T14:14:03.816-19:14] [RPA] [ESM-6] [ERROR] [32][] [ecid:1333566842161,0] [tid:2058170128] Unable to lock file*
    Solution would be easy if the Essbase Agent is stopped using the services.msc (services panal)on Windows while a process is currently running, or if there has been an abnormal termination of the Essbase Agent, orphaned ESSSVR processes can be left. Shuting down the Essbase server using ESSCMD or MaxL then Check Task Manager confirm the ESSBASE.exe process later by this ESSSVR.exe processes should end if still NO then Do an "End Process" on any ESSSVR.exe process that is still running. Start the Essbase service and start the application.
    ESSSVR.exe is process which keep application Alive (bad thing is if u have many applications running similarlly u have same numbe of ESSSVr .exe will be running in task master ..but u cant find out which one belongs to which application :( )
    looking at your error i can say , First of all you need to know what is Lock in EAS ? and what locks exist
    (right-click on Essbase Servername, EDIT->LOCK and EDIT->LOCKED OBJECTS, and if your database/outline appears in there, unlock it.)
    Check any antivirus- and backup software that may be scanning / running on your Essbase folders as that can lock the files and any ESSSVR process stays when the Essbase Agent is stopped
    More over another chance of getting error is when you have you page and index files in different location and rest otl, script in another drive .. usually while taking back up in OTL,csc drive u do get created index file and page file even u have page and index file in diffrent drive so doe to this u get this error unable to load database
    Hope this give u some idea

  • Error: ORA-16778: redo transport error for one or more databases

    Hi all
    I have 2 database servers"Primary database and physical standby" in test environment( before going to Production)
    Before Dataguard broker configuration , DG setup was running fine , redo was being applied and archived on phy standby.
    but while enabling configuration i got "Warning: ORA-16607: one or more databases have failed" listener.ora & tnsnames.ora are updated with global_name_DGMGRL
    Please help me how can i resolve this issue .Thanks in advance.
    [oracle@PRIM ~]$ dgmgrl
    DGMGRL for Linux: Version - Production
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Welcome to DGMGRL, type "help" for information.
    DGMGRL> connect sys
    DGMGRL> show configuration
    Name: test
    Enabled: YES
    Protection Mode: MaxPerformance
    Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED
    prim - Primary database
    stan - Physical standby database
    Current status for "test":
    Warning: ORA-16607: one or more databases have failed
    DGMGRL> show database
    show database
    Syntax error before or at "end-of-line"
    DGMGRL> remove configuration
    Warning: ORA-16620: one or more databases could not be contacted for a delete operation
    Removed configuration
    DGMGRL> exit
    [oracle@PRIM ~]$ connect sys/sys@prim as sysdba
    bash: connect: command not found
    [oracle@PRIM ~]$ lsnrctl stop
    LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 08-OCT-2006 19:52:30
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    The command completed successfully
    [oracle@PRIM ~]$ lsnrctl start
    LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 08-OCT-2006 19:52:48
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Starting /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/tnslsnr: please wait...
    TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
    System parameter file is /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora
    Log messages written to /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/log/listener.log
    Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=PRIM)(PORT=1521)))
    Alias LISTENER
    Version TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
    Start Date 08-OCT-2006 19:52:48
    Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 0 sec
    Trace Level off
    Security ON: Local OS Authentication
    Listener Parameter File /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora
    Listener Log File /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/log/listener.log
    Listening Endpoints Summary...
    Services Summary...
    Service "PLSExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "PLSExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Service "PRIM_DGMGRLL" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "PRIM", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    The command completed successfully
    [oracle@PRIM ~]$ lsnrctl stop
    LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 08-OCT-2006 19:54:46
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    The command completed successfully
    [oracle@PRIM ~]$ lsnrctl start
    LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 08-OCT-2006 19:54:59
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Starting /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/tnslsnr: please wait...
    TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
    System parameter file is /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora
    Log messages written to /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/log/listener.log
    Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=PRIM)(PORT=1521)))
    [oracle@PRIM ~]$ dgmgrl
    DGMGRL for Linux: Version - Production
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Welcome to DGMGRL, type "help" for information.
    DGMGRL> connect /
    DGMGRL> create configuration test as
    primary database is PRIM
    connect identifier is PRIM
    ;Configuration "test" created with primary database "prim"
    DGMGRL> add database STAN as
    connect identifier is STAN
    maintained as physical;Database "stan" added
    DGMGRL> show configuration
    Name: test
    Enabled: NO
    Protection Mode: MaxPerformance
    Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED
    prim - Primary database
    stan - Physical standby database
    Current status for "test":
    DGMGRL> enable configuration
    DGMGRL> show configuration
    Name: test
    Enabled: YES
    Protection Mode: MaxPerformance
    Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED
    prim - Primary database
    stan - Physical standby database
    Current status for "test":
    Warning: ORA-16607: one or more databases have failed
    DGMGRL> show database verbose prim
    Name: prim
    Role: PRIMARY
    Enabled: YES
    Intended State: ONLINE
    InitialConnectIdentifier = 'prim'
    LogXptMode = 'ASYNC'
    Dependency = ''
    DelayMins = '0'
    Binding = 'OPTIONAL'
    MaxFailure = '0'
    MaxConnections = '1'
    ReopenSecs = '300'
    NetTimeout = '180'
    LogShipping = 'ON'
    PreferredApplyInstance = ''
    ApplyInstanceTimeout = '0'
    ApplyParallel = 'AUTO'
    StandbyFileManagement = 'AUTO'
    ArchiveLagTarget = '0'
    LogArchiveMaxProcesses = '30'
    LogArchiveMinSucceedDest = '1'
    DbFileNameConvert = '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/STAN, /u01/app/oracle/oradata/PRIM'
    LogFileNameConvert = '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/STAN, /u01/app/oracle/oradata/PRIM'
    FastStartFailoverTarget = ''
    StatusReport = '(monitor)'
    InconsistentProperties = '(monitor)'
    InconsistentLogXptProps = '(monitor)'
    SendQEntries = '(monitor)'
    LogXptStatus = '(monitor)'
    RecvQEntries = '(monitor)'
    HostName = 'PRIM'
    SidName = 'PRIM'
    LocalListenerAddress = '(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=PRIM)(PORT=1521))'
    StandbyArchiveLocation = '/u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/PRIM/archivelog/'
    AlternateLocation = ''
    LogArchiveTrace = '0'
    LogArchiveFormat = '%t_%s_%r.arc'
    LatestLog = '(monitor)'
    TopWaitEvents = '(monitor)'
    Current status for "prim":
    Error: ORA-16778: redo transport error for one or more databases
    DGMGRL> show database verbose stan
    Name: stan
    Enabled: YES
    Intended State: ONLINE
    InitialConnectIdentifier = 'stan'
    LogXptMode = 'ASYNC'
    Dependency = ''
    DelayMins = '0'
    Binding = 'OPTIONAL'
    MaxFailure = '0'
    MaxConnections = '1'
    ReopenSecs = '300'
    NetTimeout = '180'
    LogShipping = 'ON'
    PreferredApplyInstance = ''
    ApplyInstanceTimeout = '0'
    ApplyParallel = 'AUTO'
    StandbyFileManagement = 'AUTO'
    ArchiveLagTarget = '0'
    LogArchiveMaxProcesses = '30'
    LogArchiveMinSucceedDest = '1'
    DbFileNameConvert = '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/PRIM, /u01/app/oracle/oradata/STAN'
    LogFileNameConvert = '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/PRIM, /u01/app/oracle/oradata/STAN'
    FastStartFailoverTarget = ''
    StatusReport = '(monitor)'
    InconsistentProperties = '(monitor)'
    InconsistentLogXptProps = '(monitor)'
    SendQEntries = '(monitor)'
    LogXptStatus = '(monitor)'
    RecvQEntries = '(monitor)'
    HostName = 'STAND'
    SidName = 'STAN'
    LocalListenerAddress = '(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=STAND)(PORT=1521))'
    StandbyArchiveLocation = '/u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/STAN/archivelog/'
    AlternateLocation = ''
    LogArchiveTrace = '0'
    LogArchiveFormat = '%t_%s_%r.arc'
    LatestLog = '(monitor)'
    TopWaitEvents = '(monitor)'
    Current status for "stan":
    Error: ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist

    Current status for "stan":
    Error: ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
    says that your network setup is not correct. You need to resolve that first.
    As for Broker setup steps how about the doc or our Data Guard 11g Handbook?
    It's 3 DGMGRL commands so I am not sure what 'steps' you need?

  • EXECUTE permission denied on object 'xp_sqlagent_notify', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'.

    I'm trying to create a new subscriptions on an existing report and get the following error.
    An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. (rsInternalError) Get Online Help
    Get Online Help
    EXECUTE permission denied on object 'xp_sqlagent_notify', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'.
    I ran the following that was suggested in But still I get the same error. Do I need a reboot or restart of the services?
    The only log file information I can find contains the following.
    System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: EXECUTE permission denied on object 'xp_sqlagent_notify', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'.
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService2005.ListSchedules(Schedule[]& Schedules)
       at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
       at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005.ReportingService2005.ListSchedules()
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005.RSConnection.ListSchedules()
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.SharedScheduleDropDown.EnsureSchedulesAreLoaded()
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.SharedScheduleDropDown.SharedScheduleDropDown_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
       at System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
    aspnet_wp!ui!1!17/10/2006-08:44:26:: e ERROR: Exception in ShowErrorPage: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
       at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
       at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo)
       at System.Web.HttpResponse.End()
       at System.Web.HttpServerUtility.Transfer(String path, Boolean preserveForm)
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.ReportingPage.ShowErrorPage(String errMsg) at    at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
       at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo)
       at System.Web.HttpResponse.End()
       at System.Web.HttpServerUtility.Transfer(String path, Boolean preserveForm)
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.ReportingPage.ShowErrorPage(String errMsg)
    aspnet_wp!extensionfactory!e!17/10/2006-09:35:13:: w WARN: The extension Report Server Email does not have a LocalizedNameAttribute.
    aspnet_wp!extensionfactory!e!17/10/2006-09:35:13:: w WARN: The extension Report Server FileShare does not have a LocalizedNameAttribute.
    aspnet_wp!ui!e!17/10/2006-09:35:13:: e ERROR: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: EXECUTE permission denied on object 'xp_sqlagent_notify', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'.
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService2005.ListSchedules(Schedule[]& Schedules)
    aspnet_wp!ui!e!17/10/2006-09:35:13:: e ERROR: HTTP status code --> 200
    I cannot find any other error log.
    Can anybody help?
    Tuesday, October 17, 2006 8:49 AM
    All replies
    Sign in to vote
    Sorry for the late reply. Try this:
    Thursday, November 16, 2006 2:51 AM
    Sign in to vote
    GRANT EXECUTE ON master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_notify TO RSExecRole
    solved my problem.
    Proposed as answer by
    Christopher D. Stover
    Monday, September 16, 2013 6:52 PM
    Monday, September 16, 2013 6:51 PM
    Sign in to vote
    Tried that but no joy. Found this post on SQLServerCentral, solved our issue which mimic's the posters issue.  Just adding here as this is the first result in our search.
    Look for Topic452669-150-1
    There are a number of places I found with the information in the following
    my specific case, the RsExecRole role in both the "master" and "msdb" databases
    had had both the "NT Authority\Network Service" and "NTAuthority\System" logins
    removed from its members (the RSExecRole had had all its members removed by
    someone doing some maintenance). I compared another Reporting Services
    installation on another server after reading information in the above
    1. In Mangement Studio connect to the SQL Server instance
    on which Reporting Services runs.
    2. Databases > system Databases
    master > Security > Roles > RSExecRole (then add whatever logins are
    required... check in the ReportServer or ReportServerTempDB databases if you're
    not sure)
    4. msdb > Security > Roles > RSExecRole (add the same
    logins you did to the master DB)
    In the end you need the same logins in
    RSExecRole role for the master, msdb, ReportServer, and ReportServerTempDB
    databases. ("ReportServer" is the default Reporting Services database name, in
    case that's not clear ;)
    Monday, March 31, 2014 1:24 PM
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    $(document).ready(function () {
    Forums.ThreadPage.wirePageElements('Search forum questions');

    Tried that but no joy. Found this post on SQLServerCentral, solved our issue which mimic's the posters issue.  Just adding here as this is the first result in our search.
    Look for Topic452669-150-1
    There are a number of places I found with the information in the following
    my specific case, the RsExecRole role in both the "master" and "msdb" databases
    had had both the "NT Authority\Network Service" and "NTAuthority\System" logins
    removed from its members (the RSExecRole had had all its members removed by
    someone doing some maintenance). I compared another Reporting Services
    installation on another server after reading information in the above
    1. In Mangement Studio connect to the SQL Server instance
    on which Reporting Services runs.
    2. Databases > system Databases
    master > Security > Roles > RSExecRole (then add whatever logins are
    required... check in the ReportServer or ReportServerTempDB databases if you're
    not sure)
    4. msdb > Security > Roles > RSExecRole (add the same
    logins you did to the master DB)
    In the end you need the same logins in
    RSExecRole role for the master, msdb, ReportServer, and ReportServerTempDB
    databases. ("ReportServer" is the default Reporting Services database name, in
    case that's not clear ;)

  • Add ABAP program: validating package - error accessing shared objects-area

    When adding a new program or browsing the packages in eclipse i get an "error accessing shared objects-area".
    I can edit, save and run existing ABAP reports, however.
    There was a similar problem here, regarding database procedure proxies but the solution doesn't apply to my problem, i guess. The solution was about creating the shared memory area CL_RIS_SHM_AREA. I can't access the memory area and start the constructor, as it doesn't show up on the monitor.
    ADT 2.28
    Eclipse 4.3
    Netweaver 7.31 SP4 -> is this really compatible with ADT 2.28?
    Thanks in advance for helpful hints,

    HI Julian,
    if the area doesn't show up in the monitor, please try to start the constructor in transaction SHMM on your own by selecting the icon 'Start Constructor' as shown in the screenshot.
    Choose CL_RIS_SHM_AREA as area, select 'Default Instance' and 'Dialog' as execution mode. Then press 'Create'. Either this works or the system will tell you the issue with the instance creation (e.g. insufficient shared objects memory - see the other solution description).
    Best regards, Sebastian

  • Why The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'Facts', database

    What this error means?
    I have configured Data Source to use a specific Windows user name and password. The SQL database have the windows user account with db_owner rights.
    Error 11 OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'Facts', database 'Customer_2011_CBA', schema 'dbo'.; 42000.
    Error 12 Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while processing the 'Facts' partition of the 'Facts' measure group for the 'Customer 2011 CBA Cube' cube from the Customer Analysis Services 1 database.

    I'm beginning point:
    Error 11 OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'Facts', database 'Customer_2011_CBA', schema 'dbo'.; 42000.
    Error 12 Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while processing the 'Facts' partition of the 'Facts' measure group for the 'Customer 2011 CBA Cube' cube from the Customer Analysis Services 1 database.
    The Windows account do have right in the SQL Server->Object Explorer->Databases->'Customer_2011_CBA'->Security->The user->Properties->All server roles
    can you try your SQL account?
    If you think my suggestion is useful, please rate it as helpful.
    If it has helped you to resolve the problem, please Mark it as Answer.

  • Enable-CsUser : The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'XdsPublishItems', database 'xds', schema 'dbo'

    I have created a PowerShell script that automates enabling users for Lync and setting policies based on group membership. I've successfully tested this script under my domain admin account and now I am working on getting it running as a scheduled task.
    Since all the script really does related to Lync is run the commands Enable-CsUser, Set-CsUser, and Grant-Cs<policy name>Policy, I elected to create a service account that only has Lync user administration permissions.  Initially, this user account
    was just a member of CSUserAdministration but this was not working so I added the user to RTCUniversalUserAdmins based on some other information I found.
    This change got me by the various access denied errors I was getting in the script, but now I am getting the following error when I run the Enable-CsUser part:
    Enable-CsUser : The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'XdsPublishItems', database 'xds', schema 'dbo'.
    At line:1 char:1
    + Enable-CsUser -Identity <redacted> -RegistrarPool <redacted> - ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Enable-CsUser], SqlException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException,Microsoft.Rtc.Management.AD.Cmdlets.EnableOcsUserCmdl
    This seems to be some sort of permission error related to the permissions on the SQL database "xds".  I checked, and RTCUniversalUserAdmins is a member of both CsUserAdministration and RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins.  This latter group does
    have permissions on the xds database.  It appears to be granted the "public" role on the database server.  The User Mapping shows the following users mapped to the login:
    cpsdyn: public,ReadOnlyRole
    lis: public,ReadOnlyRole
    rgsconfig: public,ReadOnlyRole
    rgsdyn: public,ReadOnlyRole
    rtcxds: public,ConsumerRole
    xds: public,ConsumerRole
    Even though I receive this error, the user is actually added to Lync. Follow-up Set-CsUser and Grant-Cs<policy name>Policy cmdlets succeed just fine.
    What do I need to do to fix this error message?

    The issue is not related to UAC / Run As Administrator / Run With Highest Privileges.  I have verified that accounts granted only the CS User Administrator role simply do not have access to the XdsPublishItems stored procedure in the Lync xds database,
    even if they are members of RTCUniversalUserAdmins.
    Also, it does not have anything to do with my script.  Even if I grant my service account that local Administrator rights on the Lync front-end server, log into the server with that account, and run the Lync Server Management Shell as administrator
    and then do just the Enable-CsUser cmdlet (not my whole script), I get the same error.
    I ended up opening a Microsoft support case (#114040311332658) and it has been going on for weeks now.  Eventually they just told me that I needed to either have my script establish a remote PowerShell session to Lync or install the Lync management
    tools on another server and have the script call the Lync Server Management Shell from that server.  They say this because the Planning for Role-Based Access Control documentation (
    has the following tip:
    "RBAC restrictions work only on administrators working remotely, using either the Lync Server Control Panel or Lync Server Management Shell. A user sitting at a server running Lync Server is not restricted by RBAC. Therefore, physical security of your
    Lync Server is important to preserve RBAC restrictions."
    I did attempt to run a PowerShell instance on my workstation as the service account, establish a remote PowerShell session to the Lync front-end server, and then run Enable-CsUser and I can confirm that it does run successfully and I do not receive an error
    of any kind.
    I told the support personnel that the tip stating that RBAC doesn't actually restrict permissions if running PowerShell on the server itself doesn't mean that you simply cannot run PowerShell cmdlets and scripts on the server, it just means that the user
    running the cmdlet or script won't have their accessible cmdlets limited to only those granted to the role assigned.  I told them I want a description of what the XdsPublishItem stored procedure does at a high level so I can determine if the error can
    just be simply ignored in this case.  I'm still waiting for them to get back to me on that.
    They did say they tested it on their end and confirm the same behavior in their test environment.  They also said that it doesn't seem to have any sort of negative impact on the functionality of the enabled Lync user or the consistency of the SQL database. 
    That said, I don't want to just take their word for it without them knowing what XdsPublishItem does.

  • Get The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sp_send_dbmail', database 'msdb', schema 'dbo', even when user has permissions

    I get the error message:  The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sp_send_dbmail', database 'msdb', schema 'dbo'.  This happens when I run a job, even though the user has the correct permission on sp_send_dbmail and is a user in msdb.
    If I run the procedure through SSMS it runs just fine and sends the mail.
    I have run out of things to look for, any ideas on what else it could be?
    Thanks in advance,

    To send Database mail, users must be a user in the msdb database and a member of the
    DatabaseMailUserRole database role in the msdb database. To add
    msdb users or groups to this role use SQL Server Management Studio or execute the following statement for the user or role that needs to send Database Mail.
    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_addrolemember @rolename = 'DatabaseMailUserRole'
    ,@membername = '<user or role name>';
    Regards, RSingh

  • Permission denied on object 'PSOPRDEFN' database 'FSCM' schema 'dbo'

    I get the following error when i try to login in 2 tier thru App Designer.
    SELECT permission denied on object 'PSOPRDEFN' database 'FSCM' schema 'dbo'...Just to give a little background...Since i was installing PS FSCM 9 on my new machiine, I did not create a new DB, as I had the mdf and ldf files from my earlier machine. All i did was to add the DB thru SQL Server management studio. I have executed the grant and connect.sql. Both have executed successfully. But I am still unable to login. I also tried altering the authorization on my DB, but that did not work either
    Thank You

    Hi Nicolas,
    I was installing PS FSCM9 on my new personal machine. Since I had my "MDF" and "LDF" files for FSCM 9 DB (from my previous machine), I did not create a new DB for my new Install of PeopleTools. I simply copied the DB files to my new machine.
    I can login into the DB using sa/sa1. But when I try logging in using App Designer in 2 Tier, it pops up the error mentioned. I ran the Grant/connect sql's again, but that did not help. i did run alter authorization script for the 3 tables PSACCESSPRFL, PSSTATUS and PSOPRDEFN, and granted them access to people, but that did not work out.
    Thank you

  • Error in editing object form - OIM 10g

    * I have created a resource object say 'X'. I have an object form and process form associated with it. There is a child form associated with the object form.
    * when raising a request am able to successfully submit it.
    * But before manager approves, when the requester uses the edit option to edit the values associated with the child form and resubmit the request it is throwing error
    as 'Error in editing Object Form.After request is submitted, data canot be added, updated or deleted any further by the requestor'.
    * But when the same request is edited in manager's login it is working perfectly fine and request gets submitted again. The error occurs only in Requester's login.
    This error is not observed with applications that do not have any child form.
    Please provide me a solution for this issue. Thanks in advance.

    I changed the object permission to All Users and still i am getting the error in the method
    public void removeObjectFormChildData(long
    plChildFormDefinitionKey, long plChildFormPrimaryKey) throws
    tcFormNotFoundException, tcFormEntryNotFoundException,
    The exception is tcAPIException After request is submitted, data canot be added, updated or deleted any further by the requestor.
    Please let me know if anything other than object permissions like database issue is causing this exception and what might be the solution for this issue. Should i re-create the entire resource object forms and child forms ?

  • Object Oriented Databases

    Has anyone had any experience with connecting Forte with an Object Oriented
    Database (such as ObjectStore)?
    Two things:
    1. Impact on application architecture
    2. Speed of database operations.
    Dan Parker
    Michelin North America (Canada) Inc
    902 753 1789
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    are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
    the system manager.
    This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by
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