Error installing Datasource

Hi, i'm trying to install text datasource for 0COSTELMNT (0COSTELMNT_TEXT) throw RSA5, but when i push "transfer datasource", it gaves me the error:
1.2 Metadata essential for extraction is missing for 0COSTELMNT
i'm using SAP R3 3.1h, and have no problems with other datasources, any ideas?

Manually activate the data source in the source system trhu RSA5

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    Make sure KEY1 Infoobject is available in your metadata repository or in RSD1.The transfer structure is looking for this field.
    First install KEY1 and then try to install other business content.
    Please see the link below,
    Thank you

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    Is there any log that is generated ? If so you can check for the reason for failure. You can also post the details, which will help us to understand the issue better.

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    Hi Patricia ,
    For error 2203 ,please refer to the following link.
    For error 1603 ,refer to this link.
    Let us know if this solves the issue .If required ,we"ll surely assist you further.
    Sukrit Dhingra

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    Check below thread:
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    unable to update itunes. help. error message when trying to update to latest version of itunes. "the installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. this may indicate a problem with this package. error code 2721"

    Hello chae84swangin,
    I recommend following the steps in the article below when getting an error message trying to install iTunes:
    Trouble installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

  • I tried updating iTunes to version 11.1.1, but installation fails each time even when I did it manually as was suggested.  The message I receive is: "The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package.  This may indicate a problem"

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    Hi hongkongpom,
    Just wanted to say that after posting the problem, I had a chat with an iTunes' Tech Support, her name is Rebekah.  My problem was resolved after that.  Will list the chat history below in hopes that it may help you as well.
    Good luck!
    Chat Transcript
    Friday, October 4, 2013 05:55 AM
    Duration: 81 minutes 28 seconds
    Welcome to AppleCare chat support. Please give me a moment to look over your information.
    Hi, Samia! My name is Rebekah. If we get disconnected, please chat us back. the case number from the initial email we sent you. This gives the next advisor you chat with immediate access to your case history.
    Could you please confirm your serial number? I want to be sure we provide the best service possible for you, Samia!
    Sure, it's 8L8395UY2C5
    My problem is with iTunes.
    Thanks for that confirmation. Just a heads up, this is iOS Tech Support. We do support iPod touches, iPads, and iPhones, but not the iPod classic. But no worries! I can get you in touch with a phone Advisor who can get you in touch with the department that specializes in iPod classics and would be able to better assist you. Would that be OK?
    I wasn't able to install the new version of iTunes (version 11.1.1). The installation keeps failing. The they suggested the I install it manually and that failed too. I will attach the message I received.
    I don't have a problem with iPod.
    Just iTunes
    No problem! We can certainly troubleshoot iTunes as much as possible. It may come to the point that you may have to transferred, but we can do as much as possible during this chat!
    Thanks for the screenshot. It is a bit small so I am unable to fully see the message that you are receiving. What is the error message you are receiving?
    This is the message I received in case you weren't able to open the attachment: "The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2324."
    Thanks for that info!
    What version of Windows (XP, Vista, 7) do you have?
    Windows 7
    Windows 7 Home Premium
    Thanks for that confirmation. I do apologize for the delay, Samia. I am researching this error code now. You mentioned trying to install iTunes manually. To be sure I am on the same page, what steps did you take to do that?
    Well when the indsatalltion failed I was given instructions to select Download Only from Tools and then install manually. When I did it, I window popped up with the following items: - AppleApplicationSupport
    - AppleMobileDeviceSupport64
    - Bonjour64
    I selected Repair in all of them instead of Remove and all worked but iTunes64
    That's when I received the message that I sent you earlier.
    By the way, this is the fir st time something like this occured. I never had problems with installation before.
    I completely understand what you're saying. Since that Repair did not resolve the issue, our best option is to uninstall iTunes and its components and redownload it. To do this, we will follow the steps in this article: Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    First, we will want to quit iTunes and/or Apple Software Update if those are open at this time.
    Rebekah, the instructions you gave says, "For Windows XP, follow these steps to remove and reinstall iTunes and other software components for Windows XP."
    I closed all applications
    Also, my iTunes doesn't open anymore after the new failed installation.
    The section that says "For Windows XP…" is in case we opened up the wrong article, as we have the one for Windows Vista, 7, or 8. There is a link to click ("these steps") in those directions that would take us to the article for uninstalling on a Windows XP.
    So no worries! We have the right article!
    On the computer, we will want to click on Start > Control Panel. In Control Panel, we will click the "Uninstall a program" link.
    I thought so after doing a little exploration.
    Alright, we'll want to select iTunes from the list of currently installed programs. Then we will click Uninstall. When asked if you would like to remove iTunes, let's click Yes.
    After the uninstallation is complete, we don't want to restart your computer if you're prompted.
    Then if you see other iTunes entries on the list, we'll want to remove them the same way.
    Then we will remove all instances of Apple Software Update the same way you removed iTunes.
    Okay, but do I have to remoce iCloud as well?
    Rebekah, I received the same error message again when uninstalling
    We actually do not need to remove iCloud. After the Apple Software Update, we will want to remove all instances of Apple Mobile Device Support
    How strange! Are you able to click past that and allow the process to continue or has it stopped it completely?
    I am unable to uninstall iTunes either
    Stopped completely
    I treied clicking Repair
    Alright, after trying the Repair option, let's see if it will allow us to continue uninstalling or not.
    I tried that but unfortunately, it isn't working. I still get that same message with error code 2324.
    This error code is not something that I am finding in my sources, Samia. So there is a chance that it is being caused with the Windows computer itself. However, I did find a link that may be able to help with uninstalling iTunes from Windows' support site:
    Rebekah, you're a genius! It worked! iTunes is no longer there. What next?
    Awesome! I'm glad that worked!
    To be sure I am on the same page, what was the last component we uninstalled?
    Shall I remove the Apple Application Support, Apple Mobile Device Support, and Apple Software Update
    That is correct! However, we do want to uninstall it in the order I mentioned above. So Apple Software Update first, Apple Mobile Device Support next, and then Apple Mobile Device Support.
    Got it, but is the second one to uninstall Apple Mobile Device Support OR Apple pplication Support?
    The second one is Apple Mobile Device Support.
    The Application Support will be the last component we uninstall.
    Thanks! I'm on it.
    Done! ll 3 are gone, well 4 with iTunes. Now what?
    Awesome! Also, I just noticed that I accidentally typed Apple Mobile Device Support twice, I do apologize for any confusion! Now we will remove all instances of Bonjour and then remove all instances of Apple Application Support.
    There was only 1 instance with Bonjour. I don't know what the instances are for Apple Application Support
    Yes, Bonjour is often only listed once. Is the Apple Application Support listed at all?
    Since I removed it
    Oh, perfect! If it was removed, we should be set!
    We have removed iTunes and its components now! From here, our next step is to restart the computer. Then once you reboot, you can redownload iTunes from
    That should allow you to download iTunes!
    Shall I downloaad the latest vesion?
    You will want to first restart the computer as shown in the article. That will ensure that this process goes smoothly and that everything was removed correctly! Then you can try downloading iTunes again.
    Okay, thanks Rebekah!
    You're very welcome! I'm glad I could help! And of course if you have any issue after the reboot and download, you can always chat us back, as chat is open 24 hours! You will just need to give your case number and the next Advisor would have all my notes!
    Thanks again for all your help, for I couldn't have managed with out it. Have a nice day!
    You're very welcome! I know how important iTunes is and I'm glad we could get you on a path to resolution!
    I hope you have a lovely day!
    It's been a pleasure speaking with you! Thanks for chatting with us Samia. If you don't have any more questions, select End Chat from the upper left corner of the chat window.
    Will do, thanks.

  • There must be a real solution to "Windows found driver software for your device but encountered an error installing"

    "Windows found driver software for your device but encountered an error installing"
    I've spent hours researching this error - Seems like many people have the same issue although there is no difinitive fix or known cause.
    I'm hoping someone here has an answer.
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64 OEM (HP)
    This is not an upgraded Vista system.
    It's not a specific driver related issue as it's the same response/effect be it graphics/chip set/usb/printer drivers.
    Please dont suggest to flatten and re-install or run a repair install - It's not an option, I only have remote access to the unit
    as it's currently in field use.
    This is a machine specific issue - identical machine purchased at the same time and configured the same has no issue.
    So the story.
    User has been fine for weeks - no hardware of software changes except Windows Updates.
    A Camera/USB connection that was working no longer does.
    Tried in all USB ports
    Plug in - windows announces found new hardware, tries to install drivers then fails
    with "Windows found software for your device but encountered an error installing ...."
    Device manager finds and identifies device although it is in the 'Unknown Device" category.
    Manually updating drivers via search/internet or point directly at a driver has exactly the same effect.
    Thinking this was just the camera drivers - I researched and downloaded new drivers from camera manufacturers sites
    Fuji and Canon.
    Same effect.
    Deleted/uninstalled drivers completely, deleted/uninstalled all USB root hub and USB devices (hidden and visible)
    SFC /Scannow finds no error
    Cold boot finds USB and chipset(?) devices on boot attempts to reinstall then we get
     "Windows found driver software for your device but encountered an error installing"
    So now I have no usb devices at all - memory stick/card reader/printer...... nada.
    in fact if I try to update any device driver I get the same message generated.
    Restore point does not help either. 
    After much trawling I found reference to a permisions issue and stale driver cache data.
    (This is using an administrator account - not user with admin permissions?)
    I'm willing to try anything at this time
    I deleted the infcache.1 and other .dat files under c:\windows\system32\driverstore
    Copied the usb  .inf and .pnf from the appropriate FileRepository directory into c:\windows\inf
    Uninstalled all the usb/unkown devices from device manager again.
    Takes a little longer to boot as I take it it's rebuilding the driver cache then
    a very short hurrah!!!
    I can now use usb memory card and pen drives - no issue
    Plug in a camera or printer...
    "Windows found driver software for your device but encountered an error installing"
    Several attempt at this trying different driver versions.
    It should not be vendor specific, the other field machine that works is using Microsoft drivers for these devices.
    I even copied the drivers from one machine to the other - repeated everything above...
    "Windows found driver software for your device but encountered an error installing"
    And then the nail in my sanity
    Try windows update....
    "Windows found driver software for your device but encountered an error installing"
    but this time its different.
    The device it thinks it cannot install is the generic MTP-PTP drivers  (Photo Transfer Protocol -so am I getting somewhere)
    so it still finds but cannot install.
    The cameras are always found but appear as 'unknown devices' and cannot be accessed
    Uninstall all USB/unkown again - reboot..
    Same message and this time I've lost all the USB again.
    Restore point to before Win Update gets me USB back again although I still have no cameras  - so theres an update issue as well.
    This has to be tied down to a file access/ registry problem although I'm loath to go cutting about without some guidance.
    I'm no great believer in 'registry cleaners' unless anyone can point to a definitive/no ad's/sales version that really works.
    As I said above, flattening/rebuild at this time is not an option - the user is not best pleased and I'm completley stumped.
    If anyone has experienced(manu of you have) and fixed(still to find one) this issue please let me know how as soon as possible.

    I know I am replying to an old thread - but I have the answer and resolved this error, and since this message comes up first in search results, and part of my answer came from this thread, I wanted to help someone else as this took an extra
    12 hours and a lot of technical insight to resolve. See below for detailed explanation that others ask for above.
    My original issue was that iTunes didnt reinstall. generating this error that said I am trying to access an unavailable network resource and to browse to find itunes64setup (again). This may partly have been due to me deleting old install version folders.
    Research led me to completely uninstall apple products and reinstall per their instruction and fixed the issue with iTunes. see
    Remove and reinstall iTunes and related software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 - Apple Support
    The SAME error I had while updating itunes recurred while uninstalling it from my Windows 7 SP1 I went to microsoft Fixit and attempted to correct and it properly uninstalled iTunes for me, which allowed the reinstall.
    What didnt work was my USB web root/ root hub, which partly involved my older system and USB 1.0, and the delete/reinstall existing drivers with the c:\windows\winsxs folder as source of drivers (thank you Magon Liu!!!) which I had to figure out what/why
    and how.
    Then I had an intel chipset new Iphone wasn't recognizing in plug and play, and there was an error with installing the device drivers for my new iphone 6. Manual applications didn't work, even though a generic device showed in control panel -
    device manager with a yellow !
    Per above blog answer - I tried to remove and reinstall my USB controller or update the drivers (I have an Alienware M15 laptop - a few years old.) I discovered that the USB host controller - an Intel(R) 5 Series / 3400 Series Chipset family USB Enhanced
    Host controller - (port) was not covered by current Intel chipset programs which are Series 6 and later, but did have an update (8/20/2009 v9.1.1.1020)  that supported USB 2.0 (and therefore 3.0 backwards compatibility which as an issue with my new iPhone
    and some USB thumb drives.) To find this I had to look at the Support - Downloads and Drivers - browse for drivers and somewhere found an option to look for older no longer supported drivers. I found infinst_autol.exe for my case.
    Once downloaded I tried to install and failed. Found the log in C:\Intel\Logs and contains:
                Driver = C:\Users\DAVIDS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IPMx7\WIN7\ibexusb.inf
                INF = C:\Users\DAVIDS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IPMx7\WIN7\ibexusb.inf
                Installed INF =
                Previous driver package =
    !           Warning 0xE0000235: DriverPackageGetPath failed.
                Difx = 64 bit
    Execute command: C:\Users\DAVIDS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IPMx7\x64\Difx64.exe -DriverInf "C:\Users\DAVIDS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IPMx7\WIN7\ibexusb.inf" -Flags 20 -KeyPath "Software\Intel\Difx64"
                Using RegDeleteKeyEx
    !!!         ERROR 0xE0000246: DriverPackageInstall generated an unexpected error
    This turned out to be an error for two reasons. First, after manually running the command in an "run as administrator" window (same error result), thinking it related to my anti-virus (turned that off/disabled firewall and A/V), and from this thread
    granting my user administrative rights to files in an install folder and trying to reinstall inf files and drivers from C:\Windows\winsxs vs my copied infinst_autol.exe expansion (as found from log in C:\Users\David Samuels\AppData\Local\Temp\IPMx7\WIN7 folder).....that
    there was an easier solution as the reason this error actually happens is a permissions problem.
    To access the proper windows system folders - you have to be the TrustedInstaller service - not just in the administrator group...or you have to be the actual "Administrator" account. To become actual administrator on
    your own laptop, Open a command window "run CMD.exe as administrator", then execute command
    > net user administrator /active:yes
    This creates a local PC Administrator account with no password. Coincidentally it has proper permissions to windows directories for installing drivers. Log in as this user, go to device manager and update the USB hub and any other drivers. if updating the
    USB root - it doesn't replace it right away as the system cant disable the currently resident in memory "running" driver  - you have to update, then restart the system, log in as administrator and repeat at the next lower layer that has issues.
    Once completed - log in as yourself again and disable the administrator account in a command window with > net user administrator /active:no
    This in my case enabled all my USB 2.0 and 3.0 devices on my originally only USB 1.0 laptop and everything else works properly again - I hope this helps many of you to resolve your own issues that were difficult to find and resolve and that got as far as
    this thread. Good luck!
     Dave Samuels

  • Error installing iTunes 10 on Windows 7 64 Bit

    I upgraded to Windows 7 from XP since I changed laptop. I did tried to install iTunes on this new machine (win 7 64 bit Corei7 processor and 4G RAM) but during the installation when the status screen states "Publising Product Information", I'm getting the following error message:
    "An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft.VC80.CRT,version="8.0.50727.4053",type="win32",publicKeyToken='1fc8b 3b9a1e18e3b",processorarchitecture="x86". Please refer to Help and Support for more information. HRESULT:0x800736FD."
    Following this message, the installer reverses the installation process and after a 10-15 minute wait, a screen comes up that says the Itunes installation was complete. Obviously it wasn't but that is what the message says. When you close out of that message, Itunes tries to start and this message pops up:
    "Apple Application Support was not found.
    Apple Application Support is required to run iTunes. Please uninstall itunes, then install iTunes again.
    Error 2"
    Any help will be very much appreciated

    It's rarer to see these on Windows 7 than it is on Vista. Somtimes they're a bit easier to deal with on 7, too.
    First, head to Windows Update and see if you can update the PC. If you can, and you collect updates without any errors, try another iTunes install.
    If you get errors installing Windows Updates, double click on the failed updates in your Update history to bring up a small window containing alphanumeric codes for the erros. Are they also 800736FDs, or are you getting other error codes?

  • Error installing iTunes for windows 8 64 bit

    I can't install iTunes 64 bit in my new laptop. Installatione give me this error:
    Error installing assembly "Microsoft.VC80.CRT.type="win32".version="8.0.50727.6195".publicKeyToken="win32 ".version="8.0.50727.6195".publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b".processorArchitectu re="x86". ..........
    Anyone can help me?

    No, I have windows 8 64 bit installed,; however I tried also with 32 bit version, but when I start the installation, a massage appears saying that I'm trying to install a 32 bit version while I need to download and install 64 bit version! However thank's

  • Errors installing Tiger on PowerBook G4

    after noticing some erratic application behavior, i decided to reinstall Tiger (retail copy) onto my PowerBook -- a clean format and install. i have been unable to install Tiger or Panther (from the original system disks that came with the PB) each time i get the dreaded "There were errors installing the software" message. fearing that the hard drive was dying or dead, i had it replaced with a new drive and ... still ... i can't get Tiger (or Panther) to install.
    the log for the last Tiger attempt reads:
    BomFileError 2: No such file or directory - ./System/Library/Essentials/NVDANV30Hal.kext/Contents/MacOS/NVDVNV30Hal
    Install failed.
    is there a great FAQ on the Tiger install issues? any help is appreciated.

    The only way to definitely check the DVDs is to use them on another machine and see if you can install the SW there. Hook up an external FWHD to the iMac and give it a go. As for HW problems, run the Apple Hardware Test that came with the PB. Very strange problem. If the PB is still under warranty, maybe it's time to consider returning it or taking it into an Apple store (if one's close by).

  • There were errors installing the software

    Mac Mini G4 1.25GHz / 512MB / 40GB / Combo / Modem.
    Ser: YM6***TAB
    <Edited by Moderator: Personal Info - Please See Terms of Use>
    Originally Mum's Mini was "doing strange things", so I had to drive 150 miles to try to sort it out.
    First I downloaded AppleJack and tried it out on my own G4 Tower before heading north to visit Mum. Applejack installed OK from my USB memory stick.
    Unfortunately, it didn't occur to me to take a spare keyboard and I was unable to get her Mac Mini (with a miniature keyboard) to respond to any key presses at start-up, which foiled all attempts to use AppleJack or even single user mode!
    However, I was able to use DiskWarrior and it found several corrupted files on the Hard Drive, which it claimed (after two attempts) were repaired. I then "repaired permissions" and ejected the DiskWarrior disc. Then I had the bright idea of going to "Software Update" in the Apple Menu. This downloaded the latest OS10.4.11 and started to install it. After 20 minutes it reported that there was a "problem with installation" and I should reboot and try again, which I did, with the same result. So then I had the amazingly bright idea of erasing the drive and installing 10.4 from the original DVD. This got several minutes into the procedure before reporting a problem. "There were problems installing the software".
    I gave up at that point, left Mum my iBook to use and brought the Mac Mini home.
    I was able to boot it up from an external Firewire HD, which contained a clone of the boot drive from my own G4 Mac Mini. It seemed to work OK so I tried the Tiger installation DVD again. It failed as before but I was able to save the Crash Log onto the Firewire Drive and you can view it here:
    (I hope this means something to somebody! The way I interpret it is that it installed a file then discovered that file was corrupted?)
    I used Prosoft "Drive Genius" to erase the internal Hard Drive again and it reported that all was well. But I still couldn't install the OS.
    After that, I couldn't even get the Mac Mini to boot from the external Firewire drive. It just produces a black oblong on a gray screen with a stalled "cog wheel". Here's a photo that I took:
    There is nothing connected except the standard USB keyboard and mouse at this point and the external Firewire drive.
    It does boot up with the generic Tiger installation DVD. I can run Disk Utility, which reports no errors on the Hard Drive. But it fails when I try to install the OS 10.4 with an error message "There were problems installing the software" (generic OS10.4 installer) or "There were errors installing the software" (original Mac Mini OS10.4 installer).
    I have fitted a new 120GB drive and replaced the RAM. The OS still fails to install on the newly formatted drive. The Apple site suggests a firmware update for this error message but doesn't list one for the Mini.
    I have tried installing OS10.4 from the original Mac Mini installations discs and from a generic 10.4 installer. Both give the same "There were errors installing the software" message.
    I have "zapped the PRAM" without making any difference to this symptom.
    I have tried doing the simplest installation without any additional fonts, language translators or bundled software.
    Any suggestions - apart from "scrap it!"?
    Martin (UK)

    It does boot up with the generic Tiger installation DVD. I can run Disk Utility, which reports no errors on the Hard Drive. But it fails when I try to install the OS 10.4 with an error message "There were problems installing the software" (generic OS10.4 installer) or "There were errors installing the software" (original Mac Mini OS10.4 installer).
    I have fitted a new 120GB drive and replaced the RAM. The OS still fails to install on the newly formatted drive. The Apple site suggests a firmware update for this error message but doesn't list one for the Mini.
    I have tried installing OS10.4 from the original Mac Mini installations discs and from a generic 10.4 installer. Both give the same "There were errors installing the software" message.
    Since this is an original G4 mini, there is no reason at all that any full retail 10.4 installer, or the original MacOS installer that came with the mini would not work. Later minis, released after Tiger's release date were in some instances unable to boot from the early versions of the Tiger retail installer because 10.4.0 or 10.4.1 pre-dated the versions those minis came supplied with, but clearly that isn't the case with your system.
    If you are certain that the MacOS install disk you have is the one that original one that came with the mini (which should be a late version of MacOS 10.3.x), then the only obvious thing to check is that you have correctly partitioned the drive (it should be partitioned in the Apple Partition Map scheme, and then formatted as MacOS Extended (Journalled). If those parameters are met and you continue to get the error from a valid installer for that system, then the potential causes narrow to such things as defective install disks (unlikely since you have tried more than one), defective optical drive unlikely because you can boot from the install disk using the drive), or defective logic board/disk controller - which is a distinct possibility since it's possible that was responsible for the first drive failure (or the indications of failure).
    Boot the system using the original MacOS installer and using Disk Utility, set the new internal drive up again with the APM partitioning and MacOS Extended (Journalled) formatting, then immediately run the 'Repair Disk' tool on it to make sure the drive is being read and written correctly. Then performa PMU reset (instructions below) to ensure that the failure to boot from the external FW drive is not a simple matter of dropped FW port. On rebooting with your FW drive connected, hold the Option key down to see if the system then recognizes your external drive. If it does, select it and attempt to boot from it.
    With luck that will give you a working system, booted from your external, at which point I would then see if it's possible to clone your external to the new internal drive, rather than attempt a reinstall from the MacOS installer.
    On the face of it there should be no reason that would not work since by booting from the MacOS installer you basically show that the system is sound and the optical drive is working. By partitioning and formatting the internal drive and getting a clean bill of health from the repair disk tool, you show the drive and disk controller are OK. That doesn't leave much else to be at fault!

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