Error invoking esb from web service proxy

I have created a web service proxy (with jdeveloper to invoke my service on the ESB.
When i try to invoke this service with the proxy, the following error message appears:
HTTP transport error: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Message transmission failure, response code: 500
at testproxy.proxy.runtime.__soap_TestIn_execute_ppt_Stub.execute(
When i take a look in the esb console, there i can see, that the service was invoked, but it is signed with the error symbol (i'm writing data into a database and the lines to the database adapter a green, but the lines back are red. But it writes nothing into the database. If i klick on the test webservice button at the appserver, everything works fine).
Does anybody know the reason why it don't work?

In the ESB Control you can view the exception that's being thrown, is the PrivilegActionException the only stack trace you have?
Maybe you can have a look if the data that's returned from the db-adapter is interpreted correctly by the ESB? You're working with a Request/Reply ESB so you need to make sure that as well the input as the ouput that's returned by the Routing Service is properly defined.

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    _setProperty(ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, "http://testmachine:7779/orabpel/TestingBPEL/1.0");to
    _setProperty(ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, "http://testmachine:7779/orabpel/TestingBPEL");
    After removed it, the proxy is failed to invoke.
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  • Error loading entity from web services

    Hi all
    I am using Studio Edition Version and I'm trying to create an entity from a web services, but but I always get the following error:
    Testing connection with proxy
    The inquiry endpoint could not be contacted. Test failed.
    BEA-382032: El mensaje debe ser una instancia de: {}Envelope
    The wsdl is :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <WL5G3N0:definitions name="IdiomasWS" targetNamespace="" xmlns:WL5G3N0="" xmlns:WL5G3N1="" xmlns:WL5G3N2="" xmlns:WL5G3N3="" xmlns:WL5G3N4="">
    <xsd:schema xmlns:gi="" xmlns:mime="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:soap12="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation=""/>
    <WL5G3N0:message name="GetIdiomas_v1Input">
    <WL5G3N0:part element="WL5G3N1:GetIdiomasRequest_v1" name="GetIdiomasRequest_v1"/>
    <WL5G3N0:message name="GetIdiomas_v1Output">
    <WL5G3N0:part element="WL5G3N1:GetIdiomasResponse_v1" name="GetIdiomasResponse_v1"/>
    <WL5G3N0:portType name="IdiomasWS">
    <WL5G3N0:operation name="GetIdiomas_v1">
    <WL5G3N0:input WL5G3N3:Action="urn:IdiomasWS/GetIdiomas_v1" message="WL5G3N2:GetIdiomas_v1Input"/>
    <WL5G3N0:output WL5G3N3:Action="urn:IdiomasWS/GetIdiomas_v1Response" message="WL5G3N2:GetIdiomas_v1Output"/>
    <WL5G3N0:binding name="IdiomasWSSoapHttp" type="WL5G3N2:IdiomasWS">
    <WL5G3N4:binding style="document" transport=""/>
    <WL5G3N0:operation name="GetIdiomas_v1">
    <WL5G3N4:operation soapAction="urn:IdiomasWS/GetIdiomas_v1"/>
    <WL5G3N4:body parts="GetIdiomasRequest_v1" use="literal"/>
    <WL5G3N4:body parts="GetIdiomasResponse_v1" use="literal"/>
    <WL5G3N0:service name="IdiomasWSSoapHttpQSService">
    <WL5G3N0:port binding="WL5G3N2:IdiomasWSSoapHttp" name="IdiomasWSSoapHttpQSPort">
    <WL5G3N4:address location=""/>
    Can anyone help me?

    Note that ADF BC on top of Web Service is only supported for SDO exposed ADF BC services.
    You need to find out with the people who created the service if it is the case.
    If all you need to do is show the web service data in your page you can just use the ADF Web Service Data control.

  • Error when running Web Service Proxy from JDev (running publisher report)

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    WARNING: The received SOAP fault contains non standard fault element: "{}hostname". This element will be ignored.
    javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException: oracle.apps.xdo.webservice.exception.OperationFailedException: PublicReportService::generateReport failed: due to oracle.apps.xdo.servlet.CreateException: Report definition not found:/Path/Employees.xdo
    at bip_webservice.proxy.runtime.PublicReportServiceSoapBinding_Stub.runReport(
    at bip_webservice.proxy.PublicReportServiceClient.runReport(
    at bip_webservice.proxy.PublicReportServiceClient.main(
    What is wrong? Did anyone try those instructions?

    I am getting the same error. What was the solution that worked for you? Please help

  • Creating Web Service Proxy From WSDL - Error SPRX046

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    <i><wsdl:message name="GetNewSubmissionsResponse">
          <wsdl:part element="impl:Count" name="Count"/>
          <wsdl:part element="impl:MoreAvailable"       name="MoreAvailable"/>
          <wsdl:part element="impl:IRSData" name="IRSData"/>
          <wsdl:part element="impl:StateSubmissions" name="StateSubmissions"/>
    This always generates the error message <b>SPRX046 - "
    Msg Proxy generation terminated: Message must have exactly one part".</b>
    Is this just a limitation with SAP Web AS? Has anyone dealt with this before? These WSDLs work in other environments (AXIS Java, XML Spy etc).

    It seems ABAP proxy only supports Document-Literal style WSDL. Document-literal style is supported by most Web services platforms, and is supposed to be most interoperable.
    Per WS-I Basic Profile 1.0 (see [1])which provides interoperability guidance of using WSDL1.1, when the message part is defined using the @element attribute, the message can only be bound to so-called "document-Literal" style which in turn requires that the message contains only one part.The WSDL you provided violated the document-literal rules.
    Have you tried to change the message definition a bit so it's BP conformant? Try defining a complex type for the subelements, then define an wrapper element to use that complex type, and finally let the message part to refer to the wrapper element. Something like,
    <wsdl:message name="GetNewSubmissionsResponse">
    <wsdl:part element="impl:GetNewSubmissionsResponseWrapper" name="myResponse"/>

  • Errors creating a Web Service Proxy using Microsoft WSDL.exe tool

    I have deployed a BPEL process using JDeveloper. This process can be invoked from the BPEL console and completes as expected. I am trying to create a Web Service Proxy using the Microsoft WSDL.exe tool so that the process can be invoked from a Microsoft Word document. This process is based on the AutoLoan example in the Developer's Guide for Microsoft Office Interoperability B25781-01.
    WSDL.exe returns the following error message
    Error: There was an error processing ''.
    - The document at the url was not recognized as a known document type. The error message from each known type may help you fix the problem:
    - Report from 'WSDL Document' is 'There is an error in XML document (19, 7).'.
    - A schema with the namespace '' has already been added.
    - Report from 'DISCO Document' is 'Discovery document at the URL could not be found.'.
    - The document format is not recognized.
    - Report from 'XML Schema' is 'Expected Schema root. Make sure that the root element is <schema> and the namespace is '' for an XSD schema or 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data' for an XDR schema. An error occurred at , (2, 2).'.
    How do I resolve this error?

    The WSDL file is below.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <definitions name="HonorariumSmartDoc" targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:plnk="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:client="">
    - <types>
    - <schema xmlns="">
    <import namespace="" schemaLocation="HonorariumSmartDoc.xsd" />
    - <schema xmlns="">
    <import namespace="" schemaLocation="" />
    - <message name="HonorariumSmartDocResponseMessage">
    <part name="payload" element="tns:HonorariumSmartDocProcessResponse" />
    - <message name="HonorariumSmartDocRequestMessage">
    <part name="payload" element="tns:HonorariumSmartDocProcessRequest" />
    - <message name="WSARelatesToHeader">
    <part name="RelatesTo" element="wsa:RelatesTo" />
    - <message name="WSAReplyToHeader">
    <part name="ReplyTo" element="wsa:ReplyTo" />
    - <message name="WSAMessageIDHeader">
    <part name="MessageID" element="wsa:MessageID" />
    - <portType name="HonorariumSmartDocCallback">
    - <operation name="onResult">
    <input message="tns:HonorariumSmartDocResponseMessage" />
    - <portType name="HonorariumSmartDoc">
    - <operation name="initiate">
    <input message="tns:HonorariumSmartDocRequestMessage" />
    - <binding name="HonorariumSmartDocBinding" type="tns:HonorariumSmartDoc">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport="" />
    - <operation name="initiate">
    <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="initiate" />
    - <input>
    <soap:header message="tns:WSAReplyToHeader" part="ReplyTo" use="literal" encodingStyle="" />
    <soap:header message="tns:WSAMessageIDHeader" part="MessageID" use="literal" encodingStyle="" />
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    - <binding name="HonorariumSmartDocCallbackBinding" type="tns:HonorariumSmartDocCallback">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport="" />
    - <operation name="onResult">
    <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="onResult" />
    - <input>
    <soap:header message="tns:WSARelatesToHeader" part="RelatesTo" use="literal" encodingStyle="" />
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    - <service name="HonorariumSmartDocCallbackService">
    - <port name="HonorariumSmartDocCallbackPort" binding="tns:HonorariumSmartDocCallbackBinding">
    <soap:address location="" />
    - <service name="HonorariumSmartDoc">
    - <port name="HonorariumSmartDocPort" binding="tns:HonorariumSmartDocBinding">
    <soap:address location="" />
    - <plnk:partnerLinkType name="HonorariumSmartDoc">
    - <plnk:role name="HonorariumSmartDocProvider">
    <plnk:portType name="tns:HonorariumSmartDoc" />
    - <plnk:role name="HonorariumSmartDocRequester">
    <plnk:portType name="tns:HonorariumSmartDocCallback" />

  • Error when creating Web Service Proxy

    I am creating a web service proxy to call a web service (OSB) "", I am making a client to call a OSB proxy and I am able to see the WSDL in the IE, however when I try to create a client using Jdev I get below error.
    Please advice me.
    oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.WebServiceException: Error creating model from wsdl "http://localhost:8001/xx/som/contracts/CustomerContract?wsdl": A class/interface with the same name "com.xx.gpsc.som.core.schema.somcommon.v1.TaskCompletionMessage" is already in use. Use a class customization to resolve this conflict.(Relevant to above error) another "TaskCompletionMessage" is generated from here.(Relevant to above error) another "SOMMessage" is generated from here.A class/interface with the same name "com.xx.gpsc.som.core.schema.somcommon.v1.SOMMessage" is already in use. Use a class customization to resolve this conflict.Two declarations cause a collision in the ObjectFactory class.(Related to above error) This is the other declaration.
         at oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.WebService.createServiceFromWSDL(
         at oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.WebService.createServiceFromWSDL(
         at oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.proxy.WebServiceProxy$ProxyJavaWebService.<init>(
         at oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.proxy.WebServiceProxy.updateServiceModel(
         at oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.proxy.WebServiceProxy.setDescription(
         at oracle.jdevimpl.webservices.wizard.jaxrpc.proxy.ProxyJaxWsSpecifyWSDLPanel.setDescription(
         at oracle.jdevimpl.webservices.wizard.jaxrpc.common.SpecifyWsdlPanel.buildModel(
         at oracle.jdevimpl.webservices.wizard.jaxrpc.common.SpecifyWsdlPanel$
    Caused by: Error creating model from wsdl "http://localhost:8001/xx/som/contracts/CustomerContract?wsdl": A class/interface with the same name "com.xx.gpsc.som.core.schema.somcommon.v1.TaskCompletionMessage" is already in use. Use a class customization to resolve this conflict.(Relevant to above error) another "TaskCompletionMessage" is generated from here.(Relevant to above error) another "SOMMessage" is generated from here.A class/interface with the same name "com.xx.gpsc.som.core.schema.somcommon.v1.SOMMessage" is already in use. Use a class customization to resolve this conflict.Two declarations cause a collision in the ObjectFactory class.(Related to above error) This is the other declaration.
         ... 12 more
    Caused by: Error creating model from wsdl "http://localhost:8001/xx/som/contracts/CustomerContract?wsdl": A class/interface with the same name "com.xx.gpsc.som.core.schema.somcommon.v1.TaskCompletionMessage" is already in use. Use a class customization to resolve this conflict.(Relevant to above error) another "TaskCompletionMessage" is generated from here.(Relevant to above error) another "SOMMessage" is generated from here.A class/interface with the same name "com.xx.gpsc.som.core.schema.somcommon.v1.SOMMessage" is already in use. Use a class customization to resolve this conflict.Two declarations cause a collision in the ObjectFactory class.(Related to above error) This is the other declaration.
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at $Proxy50.getJaxWsSeiInfo(Unknown Source)
         ... 15 more
    Caused by: A class/interface with the same name "com.xx.gpsc.som.core.schema.somcommon.v1.TaskCompletionMessage" is already in use. Use a class customization to resolve this conflict.(Relevant to above error) another "TaskCompletionMessage" is generated from here.(Relevant to above error) another "SOMMessage" is generated from here.A class/interface with the same name "com.xx.gpsc.som.core.schema.somcommon.v1.SOMMessage" is already in use. Use a class customization to resolve this conflict.Two declarations cause a collision in the ObjectFactory class.(Related to above error) This is the other declaration.
         ... 24 more
    Caused by: A class/interface with the same name "com.xx.gpsc.som.core.schema.somcommon.v1.TaskCompletionMessage" is already in use. Use a class customization to resolve this conflict.(Relevant to above error) another "TaskCompletionMessage" is generated from here.(Relevant to above error) another "SOMMessage" is generated from here.A class/interface with the same name "com.xx.gpsc.som.core.schema.somcommon.v1.SOMMessage" is already in use. Use a class customization to resolve this conflict.Two declarations cause a collision in the ObjectFactory class.(Related to above error) This is the other declaration.
         ... 25 more

    Hi Yatan
    The error is mostly there may be some Duplicate variable/schema element decalared in the wsdl or the xsd referred in the wsdl. Like in WSDL for any Operations, most of the times, we use input and outputs as complex xsd element. We declare these xsd in the same file or in another file and import that in the .wsdl file. So check or validate your XSD file for any Duplicates.
    In JDeveloper itself, I think, you can open XSD or WSDL and validate it from right click menu options like that.
    Ravi Jegga

  • Web Service Proxy errors out

    I have created web service proxy using Jdeveloper 10.1.3. My Jdeveloper is set to JDK 1.4.2_17. I can compile and run this web service proxy fine from Jdeveloper 10.1.3, but as soon as I deploy this to Oracle AS 10.1.2 on unix platform it errors out. This is the error message it gives. Why it doesn't find this class?
    500 Internal Server Error
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/rpc/ServiceFactory
    at aam.easproxy.proxy.InboundMsgSoap12Client.<init>(
    at index.jspService(
    at com.orionserver[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
    at Source)
    at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
    at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
    at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
    at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (]
    at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (]
    at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$

    I think that the Web client proxy in JDeveloper 10.1.3 uses Java EE 1.4 libraries which you don't have on OAS 10.1.2.
    You might want to look into hosting an OC4J 10.1.3 instance under OAS 10.1.2.

  • Error creating Web Service proxy

    I'm using JDeveloper on Windows 7 for creating a Web Service Proxy on a service deployed on localhost. In the wizard everything runs fine but once I choose finish I receive the following error:
    java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.jdeveloper.model.JavaSourceNode cannot be cast to oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.WebServiceProxyNode
         at oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.proxy.WebServiceProxy.getProxyAlreadyInProject(
         at oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.proxy.ProxyWarningChecker.getWarnings(
         at oracle.jdevimpl.webservices.wizard.jaxrpc.common.WarningCommitListener.checkCommit(
         at oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard.finishImpl(
         at oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard._validateFSMState(
         at oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard.doFinish(
         at oracle.bali.ewt.wizard.BaseWizard$Action$
         at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
         at java.awt.Dialog$
         at java.awt.Dialog$
         at Method)
         at java.awt.Component.setVisible(
         at java.awt.Window.setVisible(
         at java.awt.Dialog.setVisible(
         at oracle.bali.ewt.wizard.WizardDialog.runDialog(
         at oracle.bali.ewt.wizard.WizardDialog.runDialog(
         at oracle.ide.dialogs.WizardLauncher.runDialog(
         at oracle.jdevimpl.webservices.wizard.jaxrpc.ProxyWizard.runWizard(
         at oracle.jdevimpl.webservices.wizard.jaxrpc.ProxyGalleryWizard.invoke(
         at oracle.ide.wizard.WizardManager.invokeWizard(
         at oracle.ide.wizard.WizardManager$
         at oracle.ide.util.IdeUtil$
         at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    Any clues about what's going on?
    Thanks Gerardo.

    I am also having this issue on Windows 7 using Oracle Fusion Middleware, and am prevented from moving forward. Please help.
    java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.jdeveloper.model.JavaSourceNode cannot be cast to oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.WebServiceProxyNode
         at oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.proxy.WebServiceProxy.getProxyAlreadyInProject(
         at oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.proxy.ProxyWarningChecker.getWarnings(
         at oracle.jdevimpl.webservices.wizard.jaxrpc.common.WarningCommitListener.checkCommit(
         at oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard.finishImpl(
         at oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard._validateFSMState(
         at oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard.doFinish(
         at oracle.bali.ewt.wizard.BaseWizard$Action$
         at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
         at java.awt.Dialog$
         at java.awt.Dialog$
         at Method)
         at java.awt.Component.setVisible(
         at java.awt.Window.setVisible(
         at java.awt.Dialog.setVisible(
         at oracle.bali.ewt.wizard.WizardDialog.runDialog(
         at oracle.bali.ewt.wizard.WizardDialog.runDialog(
         at oracle.ide.dialogs.WizardLauncher.runDialog(
         at oracle.jdevimpl.webservices.wizard.jaxrpc.ProxyWizard.runWizard(
         at oracle.jdevimpl.webservices.wizard.jaxrpc.ProxyGalleryWizard.invoke(
         at oracle.ide.wizard.WizardManager.invokeWizard(
         at oracle.ide.wizard.WizardManager$
         at oracle.ide.util.IdeUtil$
         at oracle.javatools.util.SwingUtils.invokeAfterRepaint(
         at oracle.ide.util.IdeUtil.invokeAfterRepaint(
         at oracle.ide.wizard.WizardManager$
         at oracle.ide.util.IdeUtil$
         at oracle.javatools.util.SwingUtils.invokeAfterRepaint(
         at oracle.ide.util.IdeUtil.invokeAfterRepaint(
         at oracle.ide.wizard.WizardManager.invokeSecondaryWizard(
         at oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction.performAction(
         at oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction.actionPerformedImpl(
         at oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction.actionPerformed(
         at oracle.ide.ceditor.keymap.IdeKeymapHelper.invokeAction(
         at oracle.javatools.editor.keys.MultiKeyHandler.keyPressed(
         at java.awt.Component.processKeyEvent(
         at javax.swing.JComponent.processKeyEvent(
         at java.awt.Component.processEvent(
         at java.awt.Container.processEvent(
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager.redispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.dispatchKeyEvent(
         at java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.preDispatchKeyEvent(
         at java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.typeAheadAssertions(
         at java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    And this was the final error message:
    java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.jdeveloper.model.JavaSourceNode cannot be cast to oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.WebServiceProxyNode
         at oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.proxy.WebServiceProxy.getProxyAlreadyInProject(
         at oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.proxy.generator.ConfigureProxyGenerator.action(
    Edited by: user2407056 on Jan 12, 2012 11:37 AM

  • Error creating web service proxy for bpel process in jdev 10.1.3

    I am trying to create a web service proxy in Jdeveloper 10.1.3, and get the following error:
    Element type "fault" is missing required attribute "name"
    I have created a fault on one of the operations, and in the .wsdl file there is a name attribute:
    <operation name="process">
    <fault name="TestError" message="client:TestErrorMessage"/>
    The fault definition in the .wsdl obtained from the process when you access it over http is somewhat different:
    <soap:fault name="TestError" use="literal" encodingStyle="" />
    Any ideas how to workaround this problem?

    Hi Susan,
    The WSDL generated by BPEL designer is :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <definitions name="EncryptedPasswordTest"
         <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
         TYPE DEFINITION - List of services participating in this BPEL process
         The default output of the BPEL designer uses strings as input and
         output to the BPEL Process. But you can define or import any XML
         Schema type and us them as part of the message types.
         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
              <schema attributeFormDefault="qualified"
                   <element name="EncryptedPasswordTestProcessRequest">
                                  <element name="username" type="string"/>
                   <element name="EncryptedPasswordTestProcessResponse">
                                  <element name="password" type="string"/>
                   <element name="EncryptedPasswordTestProcessError">
                                  <element name="code" type="string"/>
                                  <element name="description" type="string"/>
         <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
         MESSAGE TYPE DEFINITION - Definition of the message types used as
         part of the port type defintions
         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
         <message name="EncryptedPasswordTestRequestMessage">
              <part name="payload" element="client:EncryptedPasswordTestProcessRequest"/>
         <message name="EncryptedPasswordTestResponseMessage">
              <part name="payload" element="client:EncryptedPasswordTestProcessResponse"/>
         <message name="EncryptedPasswordTestErrorMessage">
              <part name="payload" element="client:EncryptedPasswordTestProcessError"/>
         <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
         PORT TYPE DEFINITION - A port type groups a set of operations into
         a logical service unit.
         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
         <!-- portType implemented by the EncryptedPasswordTest BPEL process -->
         <portType name="EncryptedPasswordTest">
              <operation name="process">
                   <input message="client:EncryptedPasswordTestRequestMessage" />
                   <output message="client:EncryptedPasswordTestResponseMessage"/>
    <fault name="EncryptedPasswordTestError" message="client:EncryptedPasswordTestErrorMessage"/>
         <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
         <plnk:partnerLinkType name="EncryptedPasswordTest">
              <plnk:role name="EncryptedPasswordTestProvider">
                   <plnk:portType name="client:EncryptedPasswordTest"/>
    And the WSDL produced when you access the ws endpoint is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <schema attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace=""
    <element name="EncryptedPasswordTestProcessRequest">
    <element name="username" type="string"/>
    <element name="EncryptedPasswordTestProcessResponse">
    <element name="password" type="string"/>
    <element name="EncryptedPasswordTestProcessError">
    <element name="code" type="string"/>
    <element name="description" type="string"/>
    <message name="EncryptedPasswordTestErrorMessage">
    <part name="payload" element="tns:EncryptedPasswordTestProcessError"/>
    <message name="EncryptedPasswordTestResponseMessage">
    <part name="payload" element="tns:EncryptedPasswordTestProcessResponse"/>
    <message name="EncryptedPasswordTestRequestMessage">
    <part name="payload" element="tns:EncryptedPasswordTestProcessRequest"/>
    <portType name="EncryptedPasswordTest">
    <operation name="process">
    <input message="tns:EncryptedPasswordTestRequestMessage"/>
    <output message="tns:EncryptedPasswordTestResponseMessage"/>
    <fault name="EncryptedPasswordTestError" message="tns:EncryptedPasswordTestErrorMessage"/>
    <binding name="EncryptedPasswordTestBinding" type="tns:EncryptedPasswordTest">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
    <operation name="process">
    <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="process"/>
    <soap:body use="literal"/>
    <soap:body use="literal"/>
    <soap:fault name="EncryptedPasswordTestError" use="literal" encodingStyle=""/>
    <service name="EncryptedPasswordTest">
    <port name="EncryptedPasswordTestPort" binding="tns:EncryptedPasswordTestBinding">
    <soap:address location=""/>
    <plnk:partnerLinkType name="EncryptedPasswordTest">
    <plnk:role name="EncryptedPasswordTestProvider">
    <plnk:portType name="tns:EncryptedPasswordTest"/>

  • Web Service Proxy client to invoke a Web service on SSL (Jdev

    I have to develope a Web Service proxy client to invoke a web service on SSL. First I'm testing with OC4J and JDEV and did this:
    1) Developed a basic PL/SQL Web Service with JDEV and publish on my standalone OC4J.
    2) Made a test with a browser, it worked OK
    3) Generated a proxy client from JDev to invoke web service, it worked OK
    --- Now make it work on SSL----
    4) Then, added SSL configuration to oc4j , generated a certificate with keytool (updated server.xml, secure-web-site.xml), and shutting down and starting the OC4j instance.
    5) Import the certificate to JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts
    6) Test web service from browser on https and worked OK.
    7) When tried to modified proxy client (generated in step 3) to make it work on SSL, I realized that just changing the END_POINT to the new url (https) it worked!
    1.- By default the proxy client generated from JDEV knows how to deal with SSL conections?
    2.- If I dont have previously the server certificate to import it into JAVA keystore (cacerts) how could I ,from proxy client code, capture it and import it before the validation occurs... because if the certificate is not in keystore , the program fails.
    Thanks in advance

    Could you please provide me with the steps necessary to create a web service proxy client through JDeveloper or any other mechanism when 2 way SSL (requiring client authentication) is enabled.
    Thanks a lot in advance

  • Invoking a SAP web service from Dreamweaver MX

    I am trying to invoke a SAP web service from ColdFusion and it looks like ColdFusion does not even recognize the rfc generated wsdl file as a wsld file.  I have tried other wsdl url's outside my company and they I know that web services at least work in ColdFusion.  Can anyone advise on this topic?

    I suppose you're using CFINVOKE ( or are you using a third party tool like CFX_SOAP (
    Are you working with WebAS 6.4 or 6.2?
    It works with web services created with WebAS 6.4, but you should generate proxy classes. Check Thomas' weblog (second part of it)-> [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken]
    The WSDL generated by this method is more standard than the one generated when you just Remote enable an FM and look at the webservice browser.
    Th core of CF MX is Java and that engine is rather strict in standards.

  • Getting error-"Process Access denied" while invoking Process as web service

    I have a very simple Business Process, just to take some input & give some String as output. I published this BP as web service on Oracle BPM - Process Administrator. I got its WSDL also. I can invoke startSession operation. But when I invoke the operation that is exposed by BP as web service, I am getting an error - "Process Access denied".
    Please help to solve the issue, as I need it urgently.

    Hi Ariel,
    Thanks for reply and sorry for delay on updating status. Actually our process server was having a problem, so I could not check the same in last 4 days. Now coming to the point....
    I changed Process web service by changing authentication type as "Usernname token profile". I have not checked "Required HTTP Basic Authentication". As you said, WSDL got changed, it has removed startSession(). But when I invoke my actual operation, I am supposed to send authentication data (user name & password) in header.
    I tried to send correct authentication info in header. But still I am getting an exception.
    soapenv:Server.generalException - WSDoAllReceiver: Request does not contain required Security header
    I feel header might be going wrong. I have taken header format from web service guide. I am attaching the entire request message taht I am sending, please tell me where I am going wrong...
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sim="">
    <wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="">
    <wsu:Timestamp xmlns:wsu="">
    <wsu:Created> 2010-06-01T19:23:29.774Z </wsu:Created>
    <wsu:Expires> 2010-07-02T15:02:29.774Z </wsu:Expires>
    <wsse:Password Type="">bpruser12</wsse:Password>
    I cehcked with & without wsu:Timestamp. But same.....
    Please give your suggestion.

  • Unable to invoke a protected web service from PL/Sql

    Hi All
    I am trying to invoke a protected web service from Plsql. But getting the below error.
    error message is ORA-31011: XML parsing failed
    ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
    LPX-00104: Warning: element "html" is not declared in the DTD
    Error at line 2
    If i try to invoke the service after disabling the protection then i am able to call it and getting response. Pls let me know how to deal with this authentication issue.
    Below is the invoking code i am using.
    generate_envelope(p_request, l_envelope);
    l_http_request := UTL_HTTP.begin_request(p_url, 'POST','HTTP/1.0');
    UTL_HTTP.set_header(l_http_request, 'Authorization', 'Basic Y29tcGxpYW5jZS5nZW46Y29tcGxpYW5jZQ11');
    UTL_HTTP.set_header(l_http_request, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml');
    UTL_HTTP.set_header(l_http_request, 'Content-Length', LENGTH(l_envelope));
    UTL_HTTP.set_header(l_http_request, 'SOAPAction', p_action);
    UTL_HTTP.write_text(l_http_request, l_envelope);
    l_http_response := UTL_HTTP.get_response(l_http_request);
    UTL_HTTP.read_text(l_http_response, l_envelope);
    l_response.doc := XMLTYPE.createxml(l_envelope); -- Error Line
    l_response.envelope_tag := p_request.envelope_tag;
    l_response.doc := l_response.doc.extract('/'||l_response.envelope_tag||':Envelope/'||l_response.envelope_tag||':Body/child::node()',
    RETURN l_response;
    I tried invoking the service by passing username and password in LDE tool and captured the Request SOAP Message. I saw username/password encrypted to "Y29tcGxpYW5jZS5nZW46Y29tcGxpYW5jZQ11". Hence tried with that.
    I have also tried the below line for authentication but it is not working.
    utl_http.set_authentication(l_http_request, 'myusername', 'mypassword','Basic',false);
    Pls assist me in resolving this.

    One more update i tried printing l_http_response.status_code and got 302.

  • Invoke Web Service Proxy in JDeveloper

    Hello all,
    I am using JDeveloper to develop an android native application. For this purpose I was required to invoke a web service proxy in the application. I did so, but after the invocation process is complete, I am getting some errors in the "" saying that "java.util.List is not a generic type". I am unable to find the cause of the errors. Please help.
    Thanks in advance.

    972388 wrote:
    Thanks for your reply. I am getting the error in the code snippet "List<ProcessResponse.ArrayofObjects>". But if I change it to only "List", the error is resolved. But I am not quite sure I should change it, as because the former snippet is getting invoked automatically.I assume you problem occurs in on the mobile side? (ADF Mobile)
    If so, are you using 'Web service client and proxy'? This is not supported in ADF Mobile.

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