Error message, both in iPhoto and Preview:  No pages from the document were selected to be printed.

When I try to print a photo I get the above message stating that no pages have been selected. I tried deleting the iPhoto prefs plist, as I had read in earlier discussions, but that has not helped. I tried opening in Preview, but get the same message.
I have a new printer, HP 7520 series, and have been printing to regular paper just fine. It is only in attempting to print from the photo tray that I have run into this problem. I used page setup first to select the photo paper size and layout, then selected print from the menu.
Any ideas?

Thank you for posting the fix.  I have not seen that problem before.
I do not use these forums as a chat site, but if the Bay Village is the one in Ohio, I lived there 7 years - way back in the 1970s. 

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    Thanks, Old Toad.

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    I have only been able to print by exporting from iphoto. I have a new HP printer and there is software that supports photo printing ("HP photo smart") and I have been able to do it this way. On some occasions I have been able to use the iphoto>print>then preview before actually printing. There is a print option on the preview pane and that has worked on occasion...unsure why it doesn't work always. Please pass on any other hints, or let me know if this works for you!!
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fpc3624462=v21Hu78u|UGxHY6uLaa|fses1000462=|r7Si5YuLaa|v21Hu78u|fvis1000462=ZT1odHRwJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnlhaG9vLmNvbSUyRiZmPWh0dHAlM0ElMkYlMkZuZXdzLnlhaG9vLmNvbSUyRmJsb2dzJTJGbG9va291dCUyRm1heWEtYW5nZWxvdS1zYXlzLW1lbW9yaWFsLW1ha2VzLW1say1sb29rLWFycm9nYW50LTE1MzkzMDc5OS5odG1sJmI9TWF5YSUyMEFuZ2Vsb3UlMjBzYXlzJTIwbWVtb3JpYWwlMjBtYWtlcyUyME1MSyUyMGxvb2slMjAlRTIlODAlOThhcnJvZ2FudCVFMiU4MCU5OSUyMCU3QyUyMFRoZSUyMExvb2tvdXQlMjAtJTIwWWFob28hJTIwTmV3cw==|8M8To70sH0|8M8To70sH0|8M8To70sH0|s|8M8To70sH0|8M8To70sH0; fpc10003624462=8_gl9_MH|rUwkZ8uLaa|fses10003624462=|rUwkZ8uLaa|8_gl9_MH|fvis10003624462=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|8|8|8|s|8M8T7MY7s8|8; fpc100026140356=NwWsMjca|s34jofELaa|fses100026140356=|EOOJejvLaa|NwWsMjca|fvis100026140356=ZT1odHRwJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnlhaG9vLmNvbSUyRiZmPWh0dHAlM0ElMkYlMkZuZXdzLnlhaG9vLmNvbSUyRmJsb2dzJTJGZW52b3klMkZsaWJ5YS1yZWJlbC1jb21tYW5kZXItY29udGVuZHMtdG9ydHVyZWQtcmVuZGVyZWQtY2lhLTE1MzAzNzg1MC5odG1sJmI9TGlieWElMjByZWJlbCUy.

    * [ Firefox (Tools) > Options] > Advanced > General : Accessibility : [ ] "Warn me when web sites try to redirect or reload the page"
    * [[Options window - Advanced panel#General_tab]]
    See also:

  • My Mac, all of a sudden, actually says error messages like: "A File couldn't not fetched from the network..."

    All of a sudden my mac starts speaking, but it only reads an error message. "A file could not be fetched from the network" but Voice over is turned off, I double checked it. I don't know what happened, but it's annoying, because it is so random.
    I really need help.

    I think I know the culprit now, it is Little Snitch and its Audio Prompts. I found something in their Forum but you can't dectivate it.

  • Does anyone know how to use pages so you can export pdfs from the internet and automatically drag words from the document into the file name of the pdf (i.e., author, title of a scientific paper)

    Does anyone know how to use pages so you can export pdfs from the internet and automatically drag words from the document into the file name of the pdf (i.e., author, title of a scientific paper). For example, if I am downloading a paper by smith called "Surgery" that was published in 2002, it will automatically set the file name in the download to smith- surgery 2002. I have heard pages is smart enough to do this.
    thank you

    Pages can export only its own documents. They may be exported as PDF, MS Word, RTF or Text files.
    Pages can import (ie. Open a file as, or Insert a file into, a Pages document) documents in several formats, but won't rename the document as you describe. Documents that can be Opened (eg. Text, AppleWorks 6 WP, MS Word files) are converted to Pages documents, and retain their original names, with .pages replacing the original file extension. Files that can be Inserted (generally .jpg, .pdf and other image files) become part of the existing Pages file and lose their names.
    It may be possible, using AppleScript, to extract the text you want and to Save a Pages file using that text as the filename, but that would depend in part on being able to identify which text is wanted and which is not.
    How will the script determine where the author's name begins and where it ends?
    How will the script recognize the beginning and of the title, an decide how much of the title to use in the filename?
    How will the script recognize the year of publication?
    For papers published in a specific journal, with a strict format for placing each of these pieces on information, or containing the needed information as searchable meta data in the file, this might be possible. But it would require knowledge of the structure of these files, and would probably handle only papers published in a specific journal or set of journals.
    Outside my field of knowledge, but there are some talented scripters around here who might want to take a closer look.
    Best of luck.

  • I get an error message when I attempt to download an epub from the library.  I have Windowns 8.1 and Digital Editions 3.0

    the error message is:
    Unable to download
    error getting license, license server communication problem

    I downloaded Blue Fire Reader and it requested an adobe id. I clicked on the link that was in the error message stated http// Found out that if the date and time on my Ipad is wrong that it won't let me download a book. I was off 5 hours. I reset my clock settings and adobe id let me download a book from the library. I am back to using Overdrive and adobe again on my ipad.
    Thank you.

  • I reloaded iWork 08 on my iMac after a crash.  All documents created on this ap now will not read. Error message says I need a newer version to read the document.

    After a crash on my iMac, I reloaded iWork 08 from my disk. All the documents I created in this ap will no longer open. Message says I need a newer version of Pages to open this document. I can find nothing on this problem in apple support.

    It sounds as you have had iWork09 on your computer. Check that you don't have a iWork09 CD.

  • Using Acrobat 9 and suddenly there is no selected page range in the print box.   Only selected PDF files or all PDF files.  Am I doing something wrong?  I need to print only three pages from the document

    There is no selected print page range in the print box.  Only selected PDF file and all PDF files.  Any suggestions?

    Well, I looked for where to delete this but didn't see it.
    NEVERMIND; I forced iPhoto to quit and restarted and everything seems fine.
    BTW, I did get one thing wrong. When I looked at both iPhoto libraries with FINDER, the active one and the archived one both showed content as far as file size goes.
    It was because I was viewing the files through Adobe Bridge that it was showing 0 GB's; for whatever reason.

  • For the 1st time I am trying to send an iPhoto by email but get an error message "combinations of username and password not recognised" I use the same details to log on to my Sky Mail (yahoo mail ) account . Any ideas?

    For the 1st time I am trying to send an iphoto by e-mail but get the error message " combination of username and password not recognised  by the server" I use Sky Mail ( yahoo mail) and input the same username and password that I access Sky Mail - have retried many times. Predictably the Sky help desk have no idea. Can anyone help please?

    I regret that you're having trouble setting up your email, corbad! You're on the right track with your incoming email address. You might also try or as possible alternatives, and 995 as the port number. Please let me know how that goes!
    Follow us on Twitter

  • Error message says to delete and reinstall iPhoto

    When I try to open iphoto, I get an error message that says, "iPhoto is damaged and can't be opened.  Delete iPhoto and download it again from the App Store."  What will happen to my pictures if I delete iphoto?

    Nothing. They're in the Library which would not be affected by this.
    That said, always, always, always have an up-to-date back up of your important data.

  • I'm getting an error message that says iphoto is damaged - delete and reinstall from app store.  If I delete iphoto, what will happen to my pictures?

    I'm getting an error message when I try to open iPhoto - it says, "iPhoto is damaged and cannot be opened. Delete iPhoto and download it again from the App Store." If I delete and reintall, what will happen to my pictures?  I cannot open my pictures from the Finder either to save them/back them up.

    Hello jwhhunt,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Your iPhoto Library is stored separately from your iPhoto application, therefore reinstalling iPhoto as the error message describes, will not affect your iPhoto Library.
    OS X Mavericks: Reinstall apps that came with your Mac
    iPhoto 9.5: iPhoto library overview
    Take care,
    Alex H.

  • Error message when I try to download new iTunes as follows iPhoto 7.1.5 is already installed and was not purchased from the Mac App Store

    I am trying to download new version of iTunes from App store having purchased it on my laptop.  When I try to download on my iMac I get the following message:
    Error message when I try to download new iTunes as follows:  iPhoto 7.1.5 is already installed and was not purchased from the Mac App Store - and then I am asked if I want to buy it again. I don't understand the error message and I don't want to purchase the new version again.
    Also, since upgrading to Lion my videos (from Sanyo Xacti camera) do not play on iTunes. I can only open photos.
    Thank you.

    Make a back up of your Library. Now you can update without fear.

  • TS2634 My problem - when syncing and error messages  comes up:  iTunes could not sync calendars to the iPhone because an error occurred while margin data."  I've tried turning the phone off and back on, & tried both USB ports but get the same thing.  What

    My problem - when syncing and error messages  comes up:  iTunes could not sync calendars to the iPhone because an error occurred while margin data."  I've tried turning the phone off and back on, & tried both USB ports but get the same thing.  What can I do next since it doesn't give me even one clue as to what the error would be?

    Before I started to resync calendars one by one as suggested in the troubleshooting article, I remembered something that came up in a sync when I first attempted :  a 'which one do you want to keep' message about a repeating calendar event, which came up with three options, one from Calendar, and two from iCal on the phone.  I deleted that event, then went through the calendar resync one by one, and all seems OK now.
    In Music there is a way to find 'ghost' items that show up as grayed-out on the menus, so that you can try to reassociate or delete them.  It would be nice to have a similar way to work with Calendar!
    Thanks for pointing me to the right article.

  • TS2516 an error occurred uploading my iPhoto Book order. It puts the book together and starts to send but at the very last moment comes up with an error message. but checking the book in iPhoto there are no problems to be found.

    an error occurred uploading my iPhoto Book order. It puts the book together and starts to send but at the very last moment comes up with an error message. but checking the book in iPhoto there are no problems to be found.

    This user talked to Apple Support personnel and confirms what Larry is suggesting:
    Re: book upload fails
    Nov 30, 2013 3:02 PM (in response to pablo123)
    Just got off the phone with apple support.  If the photo book completes the assembly process but fails during the upload process the problem is in their overloaded servers.They just started a free shipping promotion for the holidays which has increased the traffic dramatically. I bought a calendar a week ago and it went right through. I'm going to try again during less peak times.
    Happy Holidays

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