Error message when running a gui

When i run my gui i get the following error message:
09-Mar-2006 14:40:24 java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences checkLockFile0ErrorCode
WARNING: Could not lock System prefs.Unix error code 1685182512.
09-Mar-2006 14:40:24 java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences syncWorld
WARNING: Couldn't flush system prefs: java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock.
Can anybody help to explain why i would be getting this?

Are there other instances of the application still
running when you start the new one? Are there still
some old processes running?i don't think so.
would you mind having a look at my code?
my code is:
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.filechooser.*;
public class RunPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
     JButton openButton, setParametersButton, saveButton;
     static private final String newline = "\n";
     double affinityThresholdScalar;
     double clonalRate;
     double hypermutationRate;
     double KNN;
     int seed;
     double stimulationValue;
     double totalResources;
     int NumberOfClass;
     int nFold;
     int setSize;
     int iterations = 0;
     double accuracy;
     int testSize;
     int correct = 0;
     int inCorrect = 0;
     int count = 0;
     boolean stopCondition = false;
     double reduction;
     int stimIndex;
     Vector AntigenTest;
     Float zero = new Float(0.0);
     JTextArea log;
         JFileChooser fc;
     Data d = new Data();
     Normalise rf = new Normalise();
     Affinity af = new Affinity();
     Initialise i = new Initialise();
     Stimulation s = new Stimulation();
     Training t = new Training();
     CompetitionForLtdRes c = new CompetitionForLtdRes();
     MemoryCellSelection MS = new MemoryCellSelection();
     Classification C = new Classification();
     PureCopy p = new PureCopy();
     Parameters param = new Parameters();
     RandomSort r = new RandomSort();
    public RunPanel()
        super(new BorderLayout());
        log = new JTextArea(5,20);
        log.setMargin(new Insets(5,5,5,5));
        JScrollPane logScrollPane = new JScrollPane(log);
        //Create a file chooser
        fc = new JFileChooser();
        openButton = new JButton("Open a File...");
     setParametersButton = new JButton("Set User Parameters");
     saveButton = new JButton("save");
        JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); //use FlowLayout
     JPanel savePanel = new JPanel();
        //Add the buttons and the log to this panel.
        add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);
        add(logScrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
     add(savePanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        //Handle open button action.
        if (e.getSource() == openButton) {
            int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(RunPanel.this);
     if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
                File file = fc.getSelectedFile();
          affinityThresholdScalar = param.getAffinityThresholdScalar();
          log.append("Affinity Threshold scalaR:  " +affinityThresholdScalar+ "." + newline);
          clonalRate = param.getClonalRate();
          log.append("Affinity Threshold scalaR:  " +clonalRate+ "." + newline);
          hypermutationRate = param.getHypermutationRate();
          log.append("Affinity Threshold scalaR:  " +hypermutationRate+ "." + newline);
          KNN = param.getKNN();
          log.append("Affinity Threshold scalaR:  " +KNN+ "." + newline);
          seed = param.getSeed();
          log.append("Affinity Threshold scalaR:  " +seed+ "." + newline);
          stimulationValue = param.getStimulationValue();
          log.append("Affinity Threshold scalaR:  " +stimulationValue+ "." + newline);
          totalResources = param.getTotalResources();
          log.append("Affinity Threshold scalaR:  " +totalResources+ "." + newline);
          NumberOfClass = param.getClas();
          log.append("Affinity Threshold scalaR:  " +NumberOfClass+ "." + newline);
          nFold = param.getNFold();
          log.append("Affinity Threshold scalaR:  " +nFold+ "." + newline);
          /*Processing takes place here*/
                Vector data = d.readFile(file);
          log.append("Reading file into Vector." + newline);
          Vector dataNormalised = rf.normalise(data);
          log.append("Normalising Data." + newline);
          Vector DataReady = r.Sort(dataNormalised);
          log.append("Randomly sorting data." + newline);
          setSize = Math.round(DataReady.size()/nFold);
          for(int j=0; j< DataReady.size()-setSize; j+=setSize)
               Vector affinity = new Vector();
               Vector trainingData = new Vector();
               Vector training = new Vector();
               Vector test = new Vector();
               Vector testData = new Vector();
               Vector trainingData1 = new Vector();
               Vector DataNormalised = new Vector();
               Vector newV = new Vector();
               Vector ARB = new Vector();
               Vector BestMatch = new Vector();
               Vector BestMatch1 = new Vector();
               Vector testDataNormalised = new Vector();
               Vector MemoryPool = new Vector();
               Float maxDist = new Float(0.0);
               Float affinityThreshold = new Float(0.0);
               log.append("memoryPool sie at the beginning of itteration" +MemoryPool.size()+ "." + newline);
               int end = j+setSize;
               //System.out.println("data ready" +DataReady);
               log.append("data ready size" +DataReady.size()+ "." + newline);
               if(end <= DataReady.size())
                    testData =new Vector(DataReady.subList(j, end));
                    if(j == 0)
                         trainingData = new Vector(DataReady.subList(end, DataReady.size()));
                         trainingData = new Vector(DataReady.subList(0, j));
                         trainingData1 = new Vector(DataReady.subList(end, DataReady.size()));
                         for (int b= 0; b < trainingData1.size(); b++)
                              newV = (Vector)trainingData1.elementAt(b);
                    //do nothing
               training = p.createPureCopy(trainingData);
               test = p.createPureCopy(testData);
               log.append("testDataSize" +test.size()+ "." + newline);
               log.append("trainingDataSize" +training.size()+ "." + newline);
               affinity = af.calcAffinity(training);
               log.append("affinity size" +affinity.size()+ "." + newline);
               MemoryPool = i.seedMemoryPool(training, seed);
               affinityThreshold = i.affinityThreshold(affinity);
               log.append("affinity Threshold" +affinityThreshold+"." + newline);
               iterations ++;
               //System.out.println("iterations" +iterations);
               int count2 = 0;
               for(int k=0;k<training.size();k++)
                    Vector Antigen1 = new Vector();
                    Vector Antigen = new Vector();
                    Antigen1 = (Vector)training.elementAt(k);
                    Antigen = (Vector)Antigen1.clone();
                    Float memPoolStimulation = new Float(0.0);
                    memPoolStimulation = s.calcMemPoolStimulation(MemoryPool, Antigen);
                    if(memPoolStimulation.floatValue() == zero.floatValue())
                         stimIndex = s.getStimIndex();
                         BestMatch = t.bestMatch(MemoryPool,Antigen,stimIndex,memPoolStimulation);
                         BestMatch1 = p.createPureCopy1(BestMatch);
                         ARB = t.ARBGeneration(BestMatch1,hypermutationRate,clonalRate);
                         Vector Candidate = c.runARBRefinement(ARB, Antigen, stimulationValue,clonalRate, totalResources);
                         MemoryPool = MS.addCandidateCell(Candidate, MemoryPool, affinityThreshold, affinityThresholdScalar);
                         count2 ++;
               log.append("count of training" +count2+ "." + newline);
               log.append("ARB sie" +ARB.size()+ "." + newline);
               log.append("memoryPool sie" +MemoryPool.size()+ "." + newline);
               log.append("memoryPoole" +MemoryPool+ "." + newline);
               testSize = test.size();
               log.append("test size" +testSize+ "." + newline);
               //log.append("testdata" +test+ "." + newline);
               for(int a=0;a<testSize;a++)
                    AntigenTest = (Vector)test.elementAt(a);
                    log.append("Antigen test" +AntigenTest+ "." + newline);
                    Float AntigenClass = new Float(0.0);
                    AntigenClass = (Float)AntigenTest.lastElement();
                    Float classify = C.KNN(MemoryPool,AntigenTest,KNN,NumberOfClass);
                    log.append("classify" +classify+ "." + newline);
                    if(AntigenClass.floatValue() == classify.floatValue())
                         correct ++;
                         inCorrect ++;
               accuracy = ((double)correct /testSize *100);
               reduction = 100 - ((double)MemoryPool.size()/training.size()*100);
               log.append("correct" +correct+"." + newline);
               log.append("Incorrect" +inCorrect+"." + newline);
               log.append("reduction" +reduction+"." + newline);
               log.append("Accuracy" +accuracy+"." + newline);
               count ++;
               log.append("number of iterations " +count+"." + newline);
         else {
                log.append("Open command cancelled by user." + newline);
     else if (e.getSource() == saveButton) {
            int returnVal = fc.showSaveDialog(RunPanel.this);
            if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
                File file = fc.getSelectedFile();
                //This is where a real application would save the file.
                log.append("Saving: " + file.getName() + "." + newline);
            } else {
                log.append("Save command cancelled by user." + newline);
          if (e.getSource() == setParametersButton)
    /** Returns an ImageIcon, or null if the path was invalid. */
    protected static ImageIcon createImageIcon(String path) { imgURL = RunPanel.class.getResource(path);
        if (imgURL != null) {
            return new ImageIcon(imgURL);
        } else {
            System.err.println("Couldn't find file: " + path);
            return null;
     * Creates the GUI
    private static void createAndShowGUI() {
        //Create and set up the window.
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("AIRS");
        JComponent newContentPane = new RunPanel();
        newContentPane.setOpaque(true); //content panes must be opaque
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //creating and showing this application's GUI.
        javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "please set the\nparameters\nbefore opening\n a file");
   }i know its a huge amount of code to look at. but any help at all will be much appreciated.

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    You should be generating xml metadata instead.
    Please see
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    Client Setup
    1. Import the GPG key
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    2. Configure up2date to use the yum repository. Edit /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources. Comment out line
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    is called public-yum-el5.repo
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    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch - latest
    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch - addons
    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch - oracle
    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever GA - $basearch - base
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    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever U2 - $basearch - base
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    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever U1 - $basearch - patch
    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever U2 - $basearch - patch
    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever U3 - $basearch - patch
    Then ran following commands
    up2date -u
    There was some sort of I/O error: <urlopen error (-2, 'Name or service not known')>
    yum update
    http://<>/yum/EnterpriseLinux/EL5/addons/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 4] IOError: <urlopen error (-2, 'Name or service not known')>
    Trying other mirror.
    http://<>/yum/EnterpriseLinux/EL5/latest/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 4] IOError: <urlopen error (-2, 'Name or service not known')>
    Trying other mirror.
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    We would like a simple and correct way of doing this or we will be forced to switch to another os and another provider
    Thanks, for your help

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    I think I am on the right track in my logic, log in to your site with the CSI number, user name and password, select ALL the channels versus only one, save the search, then from the machine update packages, then add new software and Samba Should be in there. I would like to hear your thoughts on this.
    This version of Linux seem like a very reliable version of OS and I would hate to give up on it, especially since we already bought licenses for it, its just that we don't have that much experience with it and I would upreciate all the info that you can give us for it. I am sure that everyone at SMMJ will upreciate you for it.

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    Did your custom report ever ran successfully in the environment you are getting the error.
    Most of the time not all the report definition and associated definitions are migrated to the next environment.
    Have a look at following doc:
    E-BI/XMLP: How To Migrate BI/XML Publisher File Definition Objects? (Doc ID 659919.1)

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    thnk u

    Check the path to your form. Forms does not like spaces in the path or fmx filename, but the error doesn't explain the problem at all!

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    can someone please guide me on this ?

    Hi Mahendra,
    There are several reasons for the release not happeneing.
    1. The issue could be in the selection of release type
    2. Scope of selection
    3. Strategy profile
    Please check whether the selection parameters are considered are right for release to happen.

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    Root Cause
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    No connection to system BI_SAP_QUERY available system_not_found
    ABEND BRAIN (892): 1 SIDs from characteristic USITM are missing (CL_RSDM_READ_MASTER_DATA->_SIDVAL_DIRECT_READ2)
      MSGV1: 1
      MSGV2: USITM
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    Hi Zheng,
    Import Support Package 04 for Release 3.50 (BW3.50 Patch 04 or SAPKW35004) into your BW system. The Support Package will be available when note 0693494 with the short text "SAPBWNews BW 3.50 Support Package 04", describing this Support Package in more detail, is released for customers.

  • Error message when running updates

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    I bought a Canon 6D and the Adobe Camera Raw won't work because it isn't the latest version and that it needs the latest PS version to run the latest Raw version and I can't get either update. Help?

    Cameras by ACR version:  Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras
    Programs by ACR version: Camera Raw-compatible Adobe applications
    You should be able to update CS5 without getting an error which is ostensibly what this thread is about, but you are correct in needing CS6 to use ACR 7.3 which is the minimum version of ACR that supports the 6D natively.  You can use the DNG Converter to make DNGs that the older ACR will read, but that has nothing to do with images already processed in LR, because LR knows newer adjustments than your CS5's ACR 6 does.
    To go from LR to PS you'll need to use Edit In PS CS5 and when you see the message about ACR being too old, choose Render using LR Adjustments and Don't Ask Again if that is also an option.  This will cause LR to render a TIF or PSD (whatever you've chosen in the External Editing area of LR Preferences).  If you don't see a message about ACR being too old because you've selected Don't Ask Again previously then you can click the Reset Warning Dialogs button in Preferences and get a chance to answer the question differently if need be.

  • Error message when running Business rules

    We are having the following error message when launching the business rules; cannot calculate - analytic server error (1013131): Failed to start Asynchonous thread. When looking att he Essabse log, we find the following errors around the same time we got this error:
    [Wed May 06 22:01:45 2009]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051037)
    Logging out user [brlpo], active for 63 minutes
    [Wed May 06 22:02:45 2009]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051001)
    Received client request: Get Substitution Variable (from user [essbaseadmin])
    [Wed May 06 22:02:45 2009]Local/ESSBASE0///Error(1051083)
    Substitution variable AOP.Finance.CurrFcst does not exist
    [Wed May 06 22:02:45 2009]Local/ESSBASE0///Warning(1051003)
    Error 1051083 processing request [Get Substitution Variable] - disconnecting
    [Wed May 06 22:02:45 2009]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051001)
    Received client request: Get Substitution Variable (from user [essbaseadmin])
    [Wed May 06 22:02:45 2009]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051001)
    Received client request: Get Substitution Variable (from user [essbaseadmin])
    [Wed May 06 22:02:45 2009]Local/ESSBASE0///Error(1051083)
    Substitution variable AOP.Finance.Curryr does not exist
    [Wed May 06 22:02:45 2009]Local/ESSBASE0///Warning(1051003)
    Error 1051083 processing request [Get Substitution Variable] - disconnecting
    Would you have an idea of reason of error code?

    Looks like the substitution variables its looking for are missing.
    Can you check that?

  • "SYSTEM_FAILURE" error message when running BEX query

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    Hi Lee,
    Check transaction ST22 or SM21 after you get that message.
    Hope this helps.

  • Deadlocked error message when running crystal report

    Hi All,
    I need a bit of guidance as to the following problem.
    Seems there is a lock being created in SQL when running some crystal reports.
    When trying to run a report the following message is displayed:
    Database connection Error L 'ADO Error Code: 0x
    Source: Microsoft SQL Native Client
    Description: Transaction (Process ID 302) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
    SQL State: 40001
    Native Error: [Database Vendor Code: 1205 ]'
    The error is happening intermittently when refreshing the report. It does not seem to happen when no users are using the system.
    Is there any way to stop this from happening? Or is this some kind of limitation with crystal and how it accesses the database?
    Many Thanks,

    Hi Matt
    I have had this problem with long running queries as well.  I ended up doing the main part of the query in a view using WITH (NOLOCK) for each table and then reporting on the view.
    This had extra benefits of making the report much simpler and often making the query more efficient and easier to test as well.

  • Error message when running script via package

    Hi there,
    I have a problem I can't understand - I am running a script from a package, and I get this error message:
    Invalid dimension ALL_FCSTPRICING in Lookup rule
    where CopyCatFinance is the name of the package, and ALL_FCSTPRICING is the name of a parent in the Category dimension.
    I don't understand why this member is being flagged as a DIMENSION, when it is only a member. And I don't understand why this is being flagged at all - this dimension has been reprocessed, as has the application (in fact, all the applications), the script has been re-validated and a full Optimise has been run several times...
    I am now out of ideas! Any thoughts?
    We are running BPC for MS 7.0 sp 7, on SQL 2005.
    Thanks a lot,
    PS. And there are no lookups in this script either - I'm referencing the category dimension with the %CATEGORY_SET% variable as the user selects this at runtime.

    Can you post your logic, also check your lgx files are making sense.

  • Error Message when running any form

    Besm Allah Alrahman Alraheem
    when I try to run any form I made this error message is appeared
    the message is :
    *"the instruction at"0x04fa0b58" referenced memory at "0x00000054".The memory could not be "read"*
    *click on OK to terminate the program*
    *click to canel to debug the program*
    and when I click ok or cancel the form doesn't run and return to design
    what does it mean and How I solve this error
    Although I remove ORACLE completely and install it again
    gazakom Allah khayran

    Besm Allah Alrahman Alraheem
    thanks very much for concern and reply
    Alhamd for Allah
    I found the solution
    I download another web browser firefox
    and I adjust form builder Edit---preferences----runtime------web browser location-----( the path of fire fox)
    and Idownload the initiator
    forms has been run
    Alhmdo for Allah

  • Return error code and error message when running a procedure

    Hi all
    I need to run an oracle stored procedure in a job and I would like to know how to call it and how to trap an error code when the procedrue faiils. The equivalent of sys.exit(1) in Python
    These areError trapping source code examples for .net and Python. How can I do something similar with an Oracle procedure?
    Module Module1
    Sub Main()
    ‘<your code>
    Catch ex As Exception
    System.Environment.ExitCode = 1 'General Exception Error
    End Try
    End Sub
    End Module
    Method 2
    Example of Error trapping in Python:
    # Python sample of a function that calls the Trap.cmd command
    import win32api, os, sys
    def CreateErrorFlag(aJobName):
    commandLine = "C:\Trigger\trap.cmd " + aJobName
    aresult = os.system(commandLine)
    if aresult > 0:
    return (aresult)
    print "error"

    Oracle PL/SQL has its own exception handling
    I am not working with Python but Oracle Call Interface (OCI) should also return some error code to Python layer if the called PL/SQL code has failed even if you don't use PL/SQL exception handling.

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