: Error message whendownloading excel file

When we are trying to download report to excel, we are getting following error.
Earlier this functionality was working ok, after application of support pack sp10 on portal and reapplying SSO on SAP HR side, we started getting following error..
Any help on this is appreciated
Following error text processed in system:
BSP Exception: Das Objekt 463BD5128FE15B2CE10000000AE4B24F.xls in der URL /sap(bD1lbiZjPTIyNiZkPW1pbiZwPTMyNjI5JnY9NyUyZTAwJmk9MQ==)/bc/bsp/sap/ZHR_EC/463BD5128FE15B2CE10000000AE4B24F.xls ist nicht gültig.

Following is some of the code..
method provide_excel_file .
  data: l_cl_comp_select      type ref to zcl_hr_ec_comp_select
      , l_cl_error_handler    type ref to zcl_hr_bc_error_handler
      , l_cl_employee         type ref to zcl_hr_bc_employee
      , l_cl_empl_error       type ref to zcx_hr_bc_hraccess
      , l_cl_salary_data      type ref to zcl_hr_ec_salary_details_data
      , l_carea               type ecm_carea
      , l_orgunit             type hrobjid
      , l_t_excel             type zhrtt_ec_excel
      , l_t_ids               type zhrtt_ec_ids
      , l_s_id                type zhrlt_ec_ids
      , l_process             type zhr_ec_process
      , l_cl_orgunit          type ref to zcl_hr_bc_orgunit
      , l_pernr               type pernr_d
  field-symbols <l_fs_id> type zhrlt_ec_ids.
Get an instance of the error handler class
  l_cl_error_handler = zcl_hr_bc_error_handler=>get_instance( ).
Fill table l_t_ids
  if i_id is not initial.
Get an instance of the central employee class
        l_cl_employee  = zcl_hr_bc_employee=>get_instance_for_pernr_pos( i_id(8) ).
        l_orgunit = l_cl_employee->get_orgunit( ).
   CATCH cx_hrpa_missing_infty_data .
      catch zcx_hr_bc_missing_infty_data . "BROOKSS Y47K900294
  Read org units and itz pernrs except Chief            "Y47K900175 #374 -Start
    create object l_cl_orgunit
        i_orgunit = l_orgunit
        i_keydt   = sy-datum.  "ins CSC 2007-04-24 Y47K900264 #394
        call method l_cl_orgunit->get_employees_of_mgr
            r_t_employees = l_t_ids.
      catch zcx_hr_bc_om_error .
*Get position and add to pernr
    loop at l_t_ids assigning <l_fs_id>.
      l_pernr =  <l_fs_id>(8).
          call method zcl_hr_bc_employee=>get_instance_for_pernr_pos
              i_pernr       = l_pernr
              r_cl_instance = l_cl_employee.
          call method l_cl_employee->get_position
              r_plans = <l_fs_id>+8(8).
   CATCH cx_hrpa_missing_infty_data .
        catch zcx_hr_bc_missing_infty_data . "BROOKSS Y47K900294
    endloop.                                                "Y47K900175 #374 -End
  elseif i_pernr is not initial.
Get an instance of the central employee class
    try.  "ins CSC 2007-05-02 Y47K900294 #457
        l_cl_employee  = zcl_hr_bc_employee=>get_instance_for_pernr_pos( i_pernr ).
        l_s_id-id(8)   = i_pernr.
        l_s_id-id+8(8) = l_cl_employee->get_position( ).
        append l_s_id to l_t_ids.
      catch zcx_hr_bc_missing_infty_data. "ins CSC 2007-05-02 Y47K900294 #457
    endtry. "ins CSC 2007-05-02 Y47K900294 #457
Create an instance of the compensation selection class
  create object l_cl_comp_select.
Get selected compensation process
  call method l_cl_comp_select->get_current_selection
      e_carea   = l_carea
      e_process = l_process.
  if not ( l_carea   is initial and
           l_process is initial ).
  Create an instance of the central class zcl_hr_ec_salary_details_data
    create object l_cl_salary_data
        i_carea   = l_carea
        i_process = l_process.
  Fill excel table
        call method l_cl_salary_data->get_excel_table
            i_t_ids         = l_t_ids
            i_currency      = i_currency
            e_t_excel_table = l_t_excel.
      catch zcx_hr_bc_hraccess into l_cl_empl_error.
        call method l_cl_error_handler->set_exception_msg
            i_cl_exception = l_cl_empl_error
            i_type         = 'E'.
  Get cached URL of the excel file
    r_url = me->cache_excel( i_t_excel     = l_t_excel
                             i_runtime_url = i_runtime_url ).
   RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_hrpa_invalid_customization
    raise exception type zcx_hr_bc_invalid_customizatio     "BROOKSS Y47K900292
        textid = text-e01.
method cache_excel .
  data: l_cached_response     type ref to if_http_response
      , l_cl_abap_type        type ref to cl_abap_typedescr
      , l_filename            type string
      , l_guid32              type guid_32
      , l_string              type string
      , l_xstring             type xstring
      , l_help_field(1024)    type c
      , l_length              type i
      , l_s_excel             type zhrlt_ec_excel
      , l_cl_element          type ref to cl_abap_elemdescr
      , l_s_dfies             type dfies.
      : <l_excel>            type any.
create 'good' filename with appraisee information
  concatenate 'attachment; filename=salary_' sy-datum '_' sy-uzeit '.xls'
         into l_filename.
Fill cached HTTP response
  create object l_cached_response
           type cl_http_response
      exporting add_c_msg = 1.
Some Browsers have caching problems when loading PDF format
mime type of page is set to application/pdf
                     name   = 'cache-control'
                     value  = 'max-age=0' ).
                     name   = 'content-disposition'
                     value  = l_filename ).
                     name   = if_http_header_fields=>content_type
                     value  = 'application/msexcel'  ).
                     code   = 200
                     reason = 'OK' ).
expire after 5 minutes
                     expires_rel = 300 ).
Convert table type i_t_excel in a string
  loop at i_t_excel into l_s_excel.
*Header for excel file
    if sy-tabix = 1.
    Set all fields of structure l_s_excel
        assign component sy-index of structure l_s_excel to <l_excel>.
        if sy-subrc <> 0.
        l_cl_abap_type = cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( <l_excel> ).
        l_cl_element ?= l_cl_abap_type.
        if l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_BC_AMNTPCT'
        or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_SAVED'
        or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_MARK'
        or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_MERITA_A'"Y47K900108
        or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_MERITP_A'"Y47K900108
        or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_LUMPSUMA'"Y47K900108
        or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_LUMPSUMP'"Y47K900108
        or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_MRAAMOUNT'"Y47K900108
        or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_MRAPERCENT'"Y47K900108
        or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_PROAMOUNT'"Y47K900108
        or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_PROPERCENT'"Y47K900108
        or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_TOTALA_A'"Y47K900108
        or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_TOTALP_A'"Y47K900108
        or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'INT4'.  "Y47K900108
          call method l_cl_element->get_ddic_field
              p_langu      = sy-langu
              p_flddescr   = l_s_dfies
              not_found    = 1
              no_ddic_type = 2
              others       = 3.
          if sy-subrc <> 0.
            clear l_s_dfies-scrtext_l.
            write:/ l_s_dfies-scrtext_l.
          concatenate l_string  l_s_dfies-scrtext_l cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab
                 into l_string.
          clear: l_s_dfies.
  Set a new line
      concatenate l_string cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline
             into l_string.
    Set all fields of structure l_s_excel
      assign component sy-index of structure l_s_excel to <l_excel>.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
     l_help_field = <fs_excel>.
      write <l_excel> to l_help_field.
      condense l_help_field.
      l_cl_abap_type = cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( <l_excel> ).
      if        l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_BC_AMNTPCT'
              or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_SAVED'
              or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_MARK'
              or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_MERITA_A'"Y47K900108
              or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_MERITP_A'"Y47K900108
              or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_LUMPSUMA'"Y47K900108
              or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_LUMPSUMP'"Y47K900108
              or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_MRAAMOUNT'"Y47K900108
              or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_MRAPERCENT'"Y47K900108
              or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_PROAMOUNT'"Y47K900108
              or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_PROPERCENT'"Y47K900108
              or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_TOTALA_A'"Y47K900108
              or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_EC_TOTALP_A'"Y47K900108
              or l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'INT4'."Y47K900108
      elseif l_cl_abap_type->get_relative_name( )  = 'ZHR_BC_ID'.      " ins Y47K900245 #414 -Start
        concatenate l_string l_help_field+0(8) cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab
             into l_string.
      else.                                                            " ins Y47K900245 #414 -End
        concatenate l_string l_help_field cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab
               into l_string.
      clear: l_help_field.
  Set a new line
    concatenate l_string  cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline
           into l_string.
Convert string to xstring
  call function 'SCMS_STRING_TO_XSTRING'
      text   = l_string
      buffer = l_xstring
      failed = 1
      others = 2.
  if sy-subrc = 0.
Get the length of the xstring
    l_length = xstrlen( l_xstring ).
Pump excel data to browser
    l_cached_response->set_data( data   = l_xstring
                                 length = l_length ).
Create URL
    call function 'GUID_CREATE'
        ev_guid_32 = l_guid32.
    concatenate i_runtime_url '/' l_guid32 '.xls' into r_url.
        url      = r_url
        response = l_cached_response ).

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    i have a similiar problem:
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    I never had a problem until a week or so ago when I downloaded a software demo. I decided to get the full software package and trashed the demo files per the company's instructions. I got the error message when I tried to download the full program and now get the message no matter what I attempt to download. Might I have trashed a file I wasn't supposed to trash?
    I tried installing 10.3.9 again on my main drive but still have the problem. If I use an external hard drive with spare copy of 10.3.9 and make that my start up drive, I can download files successfully.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    2002 DP 1GH Quicksilver   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Recently I developed a problem and am unable to
    download anything (files, software, etc) from any
    website. I begin a download, the download manager
    comes up and it shows an error message "Cannot Create
    File." I am using the default manager that is
    incorporated in OS X 10.3.9.
    I never had a problem until a week or so ago when I
    downloaded a software demo. I decided to get the full
    software package and trashed the demo files per the
    company's instructions. I got the error message when
    I tried to download the full program and now get the
    message no matter what I attempt to download. Might I
    have trashed a file I wasn't supposed to trash?
    I tried installing 10.3.9 again on my main drive but
    still have the problem. If I use an external hard
    drive with spare copy of 10.3.9 and make that my
    start up drive, I can download files successfully.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    2002 DP 1GH
    Quicksilver   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  
    I have the same problem ! Not being able to download a file from the Adobe site. I need Reader 7 to download some files from exact exams but can't do it. Just keep getting the Cannot Creat File message in the download window. Can anyone help?
    eMac 1.25 & G4 800 iBook   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  
    eMac 1.25 & G4 800 iBook   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

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