Error opening document in iPad app?z

PDF documents that I can open on my computer Adobe reader will not open in my iPad Adobe reader. What could be making the difference?

If you could send an example PDF that does not open to [email protected] we can take a look and see if it's a bug we can fix in a future update.
Be sure to include some backgroudn information, like "these documents won't open in Reader for iOS"

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    I have installed SharePoint 2013 with Office Web Apps 2013 using http.
    Everything appears to be ok, but when I try to create a new document I get a an error: Microsoft ... Web App. Sorry, we ran into a problem. Please try again. However, the document is created.
    When I try to open or preview an existing document I get an error: Microsoft ... Web App. Sorry, we couldn't open this ...
    I only see one error on the WAC server. Error 8115
    Could not contact WOPI End Point. Error details - 'Unauthorized url -
    Can somebody help me out?
    Thanks. Frank.

    Hi Henrik,
    Did this. From the client tried to preview an existing Word document. Again I got the error. Looked up the ULS log for that particular moment.
    Please see below the result of the log at that time.
    07/31/2013 09:19:39.01 w3wp.exe (0x19C4) 0x1108 SharePoint Foundation Database ahjqp High [Forced due to logging gap, cached @ 07/31/2013 09:19:38.96, Original Level: Verbose] SQL connection time: 0.0734730252029238 585c349c-ad68-0044-6a70-50f379362daf
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    07/31/2013 09:19:39.04 w3wp.exe (0x1A28) 0x1570 SharePoint Foundation Topology e5mb Medium WcfReceiveRequest: LocalAddress: 'net.pipe://sharepoint.mydomain.local/SecurityTokenServiceApplication/appsts.svc' Channel: 'System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel' Action: '' MessageId: 'urn:uuid:119444a4-5ade-44a2-bb71-243d755a71e0' 585c349c-ad68-0044-6a70-50f379362daf
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    07/31/2013 09:19:39.18 w3wp.exe (0x19C4) 0x1FD8 SharePoint Foundation General g3ql High [Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: Verbose] GetUriScheme(/Shared Documents/TEST DOCUMENT.docx) 585c349c-fd5b-0044-6a70-507059bed6c2
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    07/31/2013 09:19:39.23 w3wp.exe (0x19C4) 0x1FD8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (Microsoft.SharePoint.SPObjectSharingInformation.GetListItemSharingInformation). Execution Time=313.289258830382 585c349c-fd5b-0044-6a70-507059bed6c2
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    07/31/2013 09:19:39.32 w3wp.exe (0x19C4) 0x129C SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET:http://sharepoint.mydomain.local:80/_vti_bin/wopi.ashx/files/f13c7a26721a46f0bd03fb67f6d4b0fc?access_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IkdZa2RBc0tZRmM1NTFTbW9TSWE1Nk13VDUxWSJ9%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%252En6l4uNWiWQ4QDw96lCQXDilzh 585c349c-0d84-0044-6a70-54627881dac8
    07/31/2013 09:19:39.32 w3wp.exe (0x19C4) 0x129C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Application Authentication Pipeline). Parent Request (GET:http://sharepoint.mydomain.local:80/_vti_bin/wopi.ashx/files/f13c7a26721a46f0bd03fb67f6d4b0fc?access_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IkdZa2RBc0tZRmM1NTFTbW9TSWE1Nk13VDUxWSJ9%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... 585c349c-0d84-0044-6a70-54627881dac8
    07/31/2013 09:19:39.32* w3wp.exe (0x19C4) 0x129C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium ...RGVmYXVsdDs7N0ZGRkZGRkZGRkZGRkZGRiJ9%252En6l4uNWiWQ4QDw96lCQXDilzh8SNR2Mk273a5Mbv0XF%252DkrSLzU3g1K3Kym775qSgdeaDu6WBhSdE784mxDkdrDngarPV2s03Ag0BYBdaBR%255FGg99jnEcbzpMR%255Fah1yOAHrlI5wGRLM1xZEkSkkVle0laLXAdwpkkDMz2ktPsvcMSqo4HGlL09ZpoB2H%252DjVBF%252DHx1hVz9adtIJdanDgMPjZNm7vUAm2uu4smONjYm981naviSCqpEVFw7Y0GSnF4eSV7Avsbia1CAYI%252DR8J0hYIJjc7JdBrk3p9Z%255FQdp0icelRLD1ZU1sujmsKuDbCCI8Wi%255F29MbO2a7%252Dvqp5sUyDA0g&access_token_ttl=1375283979046) 585c349c-0d84-0044-6a70-54627881dac8
    07/31/2013 09:19:39.32 w3wp.exe (0x19C4) 0x129C SharePoint Foundation Application Authentication ajez0 High SPApplicationAuthenticationModule: Invalid token or signature. Exception: System.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityTokenException: Unsupported security token. at Microsoft.IdentityModel.S2S.Tokens.JsonWebSecurityTokenHandler.ReadTokenCore(String token, Boolean isActorToken) at Microsoft.SharePoint.IdentityModel.SPApplicationAuthenticationModule.TryExtractAndValidateToken(HttpContext httpContext, SPIncomingTokenContext& tokenContext) 585c349c-0d84-0044-6a70-54627881dac8
    07/31/2013 09:19:39.32 w3wp.exe (0x19C4) 0x129C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Application Authentication Pipeline). Execution Time=0.647847701313994 585c349c-0d84-0044-6a70-54627881dac8
    07/31/2013 09:19:39.32 w3wp.exe (0x19C4) 0x129C SharePoint Foundation Application Authentication ajezq High SPApplicationAuthenticationModule: Error authenticating request, Error details { Header: {0}, Body: {1} }. Available parameters: 3000006;reason="Token contains invalid signature.";category="invalid_client" {"error_description":"Unsupported security token."} . 585c349c-0d84-0044-6a70-54627881dac8
    07/31/2013 09:19:39.32 w3wp.exe (0x19C4) 0x129C SharePoint Foundation General 8nca Medium Application error when access /_vti_bin/wopi.ashx, Error=Unsupported security token. at Microsoft.IdentityModel.S2S.Tokens.JsonWebSecurityTokenHandler.ReadTokenCore(String token, Boolean isActorToken) at Microsoft.SharePoint.IdentityModel.SPApplicationAuthenticationModule.TryExtractAndValidateToken(HttpContext httpContext, SPIncomingTokenContext& tokenContext) 585c349c-0d84-0044-6a70-54627881dac8
    07/31/2013 09:19:39.32 w3wp.exe (0x19C4) 0x129C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET:http://sharepoint.mydomain.local:80/_vti_bin/wopi.ashx/files/f13c7a26721a46f0bd03fb67f6d4b0fc?access_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IkdZa2RBc0tZRmM1NTFTbW9TSWE1Nk13VDUxWSJ9%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%252En6l4u... 585c349c-0d84-0044-6a70-54627881dac8
    07/31/2013 09:19:39.32* w3wp.exe (0x19C4) 0x129C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium ...NWiWQ4QDw96lCQXDilzh8SNR2Mk273a5Mbv0XF%252DkrSLzU3g1K3Kym775qSgdeaDu6WBhSdE784mxDkdrDngarPV2s03Ag0BYBdaBR%255FGg99jnEcbzpMR%255Fah1yOAHrlI5wGRLM1xZEkSkkVle0laLXAdwpkkDMz2ktPsvcMSqo4HGlL09ZpoB2H%252DjVBF%252DHx1hVz9adtIJdanDgMPjZNm7vUAm2uu4smONjYm981naviSCqpEVFw7Y0GSnF4eSV7Avsbia1CAYI%252DR8J0hYIJjc7JdBrk3p9Z%255FQdp0icelRLD1ZU1sujmsKuDbCCI8Wi%255F29MbO2a7%252Dvqp5sUyDA0g&access_token_ttl=1375283979046)). Execution Time=6.40668017862605 585c349c-0d84-0044-6a70-54627881dac8

  • Cannot open documents in "PAGES" app since updating software. can anyone help???????

    cannot open documents in "PAGES" app since upgrading from original ipad 3 software to 7.1.2. can anyone offer suggestions please?

    Generally, you are more likely to get an answer if you post in the iWork for iOS forum at
     Cheers, Tom 

  • I  am getting the error code, "error opening document, please try agailater" when clicking on the application link from a website. The form was working properly but stopped. What happened?.

    My form was working properly but today, 20 June, an applicant clicked on the website link and got an error that says, "error opening document, please try again later". How can this be fixed?

    Is this a FormsCentral form?

  • There was an error opening document.  Access denied. Cant open pdf attached to emails

    I just upgraded to Acrobat Reader x and can't open files attached to emails in Outlook 2010.   If I save the file, I can open it.   I assume it has something to do with protected view or such but can't find where to change settings.   I can open .doc and .xlsx files attached to emails so it seems to be only an issue with .pdf files attached to emails in Outlook.   Suggestions?

    To make things simple for you, here are two ways for you fix the problem:
    A. Fix One PC
    Launch Adobe Acrobat Reader X
    Go to: Edit > Preferences...
    Click on "General" in the left pane.
    Uncheck "Enable Protected Mode at startup"
    You will prompted with a dialog box to remind you to close the application for the change to go into effect. Click Yes.
    Click OK to save your change.
    Exit Adobe Reader
    B. Fix Several PCs in Your Organization
    Following the above steps aren't practical if you have Adobe Acrobat installed on 1,000+ computers in 30 regional offices! Push this registry setting using your standard software deployment software.
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\Privileged]
    Microsoft Outlook and other email clients
    I hear this will also fix the "There was an error opening this document. Access denied." error that is occurring with any email client, including Microsoft Outlook Express; Microsoft Outlook 2010, 2007, 2003; Eudora; Mozilla Thunderbird.
    Credit for this answer must go to -access-denied

  • Message reading error opening document and access denied.

    Every time I try and open a document I get a message that says error opening document and access denied.

    What kind of document? What platform? Which program?

  • Error Opening Document. Access denied.

    Hey all,
    I have an employee that is on windows 2000 that can open most of his adobe files. Some of them will get this error message:
    Error Opening Document. Access denied.
    The employee was getting the files emailed to him. He opens them and saves them to his C drive. These files are encrypted but he never set them up for that. The adobe files that he can open are not. He is using version 7 and he uninstalled it and reinstalled the most recent version 7. Still has the same problem.
    Haha anyone know how to get these files open or why this is occuring?

    You will need to check with whoever created the encrypted files that are being emailed.
    Encryption can not be legally broken.

  • Pages: Can't open document on iPad

    Yesterday i started a big document on my iPad using pages.
    After finishing it i could send PDF to an email address.
    Today i try to edit something but i cant use the document anymore. i dont see an icon of my text but an icon of pages and when i try to use it i get an error messages like: "Can't open document". iPad, iPhone and iCloud cant reach the document anymore.
    Any idea how to get my document back?????
    TIA !

    It seems to be hit or miss if this works or not, but try opening Pages on the iPad, then before you select a document, on the very first screen, hit the "Edit" button, then select your document. Then click the arrow coming out of the box in the upper left corner & email the document to yourself. Try opening the email on a computer, selecting the file and adding the pages file type (.pages) to the end of the name. Then try reopening it in Pages.
    I don't know if this is what happened in your case, but it seems like sometimes iWork documents lose that file type indicator & then Pages (numbers/ Keynote) won't open them.

  • Can not open document pages ipad urgent

    Hello everyone, I have the application pages on ipad go to open a document and tells me can not open document help me as I urgently

    I created many documents using Pages and imports other documents into Pages. Now, many cannot be opened while others kept prompting me to choose between two versions -- one from my iPhone and one from my iPad. The weird thing is that I don't even u pages on my iPhone. The app isn't even installed there.
    How do I get my documents back?

  • Can not open pdf file in Outlook 2010 - error opening document

    when I click on the PDF file in the email (Outlook 2010), Adobe opens but it pops a window "There was an error opening this document. Access denied". If I save the document as a file, aka to the desktop, I can open it then.
    Also also I click on the ok button in adobe, it posted a Runtime error! application has requested the RunTime to terminate it in an unusal way.
    has anyone seen this issue. Desktop is using Windows XP, 4 gig ram, Adobe X verision 10.0.1

    Did you try this?  It worked for me. is-document-access-denied/
    Open up Adobe Reader X
    On the Toolbar Menu go to Edit > Preferences
    Go to the general tab under Categories.
    Untick “Enable Protected Mode at Startup”
    If asked if sure, click Yes and then Ok.
    Now close Adobe Reader X and try opening the PDF again.

  • Acrobat error opening document

    When I try and open a .pdf document I get the message "There was an error opening this document. The file is damaged and could not be repaired."
    I have Acrobat Pro 10.1.7 on my iMac computer.  Why do some PDF documents open and others have this error message?

    Do you have any other browsers installed? (Firefox, Chrome, Opera)
    I'm curious if it does this with another browser. I have five installed because I have to test web pages all day. I downloaded a dozen PDFs this morning using Safari. (6.0.5) they all opened without a hitch, but since I first saw this problem a few weeks ago, I've downloaded PDFs in all five browsers to try and duplicate the error, unsuccessfully.
    I have a lot of software, and even a lot of "junk" (games, and plugins) on this Mini. I've filled 185 gigs since I got it last Saturday. One thing I've NEVER run on a Mac (except when I was testing for McAffee) is antivirus. I've never had anything that infected one of my Macs, so I've never seen the need... plus I keep all my installers on an external drive so if worse comes to worst, I can be reloaded and back up in less than a day.
    I can't help this nagging feeling that something is corrupting the downloads during the download process before it's on your HD.
    Try another browser and let me know if the problem persists.

  • "Error opening document - permission denied"

    I'm using Acrobat Reader version 7.0. It refused to open pdf files on my computer. The error message that was returned is There was an error opening this document. Permission denied. I own the  files, with read (and write) permissions, and acroread is running with my user id.
    I have tried deleting and re-installing the program, with no luck.
    Any ideas, please?

    I'm using Acrobat Reader version 7.0.
    Install the updates for Adobe Reader 7.

  • Error opening  document. file is damaged  Would this be an Adobe issue or a MAC issue?

    I cannot open PDFs attached to my Mac Mail messages. The following pops up:"There was an error opening this document. The file is damaged and could not be repaired." Would this be an Adobe issue or a MAC issue?

    It very possibly can be an email issue. Some email providers encode files to make transfer faster. When pdf files are decoded, it could break them.
    The first thing to try if you haven't already is to save the attachment (without trying to open it) to your desktop and THEN try to open it. Another would be to have whomever is sending the files to you, Zip them first.

  • Adobe Reader Error Opening Document

    What does this error mean?
    "There was an error opening this document.  The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect."

    It means that the filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
    If you provide more information, somebody may come up with a more meaningful answer.

  • Error opening document: missing file

    I have a Pages template that has started opening up with the following error box:
    The following errors occurred while trying to open this document:
    Missing file: businesscircles_logosgrey.pdf
    When I hit "continue", the document (template) opens up fine and appears to be missing nothing. I've searched my computer for the missing file and it doesn't exist (and I have no recollection of why I'd insert a pdf into a template anyway...)
    Within Pages I've clicked in View>Show Invisibles, thinking that might reveal something. It didn't.
    Any ideas? Thanks!
    PS I am running Pages 2.0

    I had this problem a while ago with an old version 1.x file when open it in Pages 2. After some examination, it seems to appear with placeholder objects mainly (like the image you are writing about). But this was the only time I encountered the problem.
    try to copy the image from the business letter template with this steps:
    1) Click on the Pages app icon with holding the control key down and choose the item "Show the Package Content" of the appearing menu.
    2) Navigate to the business letter template "Contents/Resources/<YourUsedLanguage>.lproj/Templates/ISO/Stationery/" (or "Traditional" instead of "ISO" if you are using Legal and no DIN letter sizes).
    3) Do "Show the Package Content" on the letter icon and you will see a new window with all the content of the letter.
    4) Search for the image and copy it.
    5) Show your own letter document (the document should be closed in Pages), with which the error appears, and show the package content.
    6) Paste the image into the package folder.
    Now the error message should not appear by opening the document. Search your document if the logo image is placed in it. If yes, have a look at the menu "Format/Advanced/" if the image is marked as a placeholder image. Deactivate this and than delete the image. Save the document (perhaps as a duplication) and close it. See if the problem is gone by open the new document again.

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