Error Running Reports as Portlet in Oracle AS 10g

#First, I create the report server using Reports Server Access Portlet (Administration>     Oracle Reports Security Setting)
When defining the Server Name and Printers, I fill the fields like this:
Reports Server Name : myserver
Oracle Reports Web Gateway URL for JSP reports : http://stts:7778/
Oracle Reports Web Gateway URL for RDF reports : http://stts:7778/reports/rwservlet
#Second, I create the report definition using Reports Definition File Access portlet
Display Name : myreport
Reports Servers : MY_REPORTS_SERVER
Oracle Reports File Name : test.rdf (default report sample)
Execute : via servlet
#The problem is.....
When I tried to run the report by clicking Run / Run as Portlet link, the report doesn't show up.
Then, I rightclick-View Page Source on the page
<iframe name="iFramePortlet"
I found that the src tag is doubling my computername into sttsstts, it supposed to be stts only.
How come this happen???
I already tried to change server definition into
Oracle Reports Web Gateway URL for JSP reports : http://localhost/
Oracle Reports Web Gateway URL for RDF reports : http://localhost/reports/rwservlet
but the when tried to run the report again, the src still added by computername become:
plaease help me...
Thanx before,

I found two Metalink Notes that could of use to you :-
Metalink Note:230544.1 :- How To Install And Configure OSA AS Portlets (Main Document)
Metalink Note:247595.1 :- Installing AS Portlets 1.0 with OFA or OSA Version 6.4

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    I don't know how to resolve the problem
    Anyone can help me ?
    I have wait about 15 days,but still can not find any useful solution!

    the web.xml under oc4j_portal/portal below:
    $ more web.xml
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN" "">
    *</init-param>* </servlet>
    <description>This parameter specifies the location of the JPS configuration file</description>
    <description>This parameter specifies the logging mode for the context listener</description>

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       at System.Management.ManagementObject.Initialize(Boolean getObject)
       at System.Management.ManagementBaseObject.get_wbemObject()
       at System.Management.PropertyData.RefreshPropertyInfo()
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    instance of SMS_ExtendedStatus
     Description = "Error retrieving object ResourceID=83886343";
     ErrorCode = 2151811598;
     File = "e:\\nts_sccm_release\\sms\\siteserver\\sdk_provider\\smsprov\\SspInterface.h";
     Line = 1198;
     Operation = "GetObject";
     ParameterInfo = "SMS_MachineSettings.ResourceID=\"83886343\"";
     ProviderName = "ExtnProv";
     StatusCode = 2147749890;
    [17, PID:8664][10/23/2014 08:27:20] :System.Management.ManagementException\r\nInvalid class \r\n   at System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode)
       at System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection.ManagementObjectEnumerator.MoveNext()
       at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.WqlQueryEngine.WqlQueryResultsObject.<GetEnumerator>d__0.MoveNext()\r\nManagementException details:
    instance of __ExtendedStatus
     Operation = "ExecQuery";
     ParameterInfo = "SELECT * FROM SMS_Identification";
     ProviderName = "WinMgmt";
    [23, PID:8664][10/23/2014 08:27:59]  Parameter validation failed. It is not possible to provide valid values for all parameters. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Parameter validation failed. It is not possible
    to provide valid values for all parameters.

    (/ConfigMgr_J01/Site - Discovery and Inventory Information/Computers with duplicate MAC addresses).
    library!ReportServer_0-20!358!10/24/2014-10:18:47:: i INFO: Call to GetPropertiesAction(/ConfigMgr_J01/Site - Discovery and Inventory Information, PathBased).
    library!ReportServer_0-20!358!10/24/2014-10:18:47:: i INFO: Call to GetReportParametersAction(/ConfigMgr_J01/Site - Discovery and Inventory Information/Computers with duplicate MAC addresses).
    processing!ReportServer_0-20!358!10/24/2014-10:18:47:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: , Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Parameter validation failed. It is not
    possible to provide valid values for all parameters.;
    library!ReportServer_0-20!358!10/24/2014-10:18:50:: i INFO: Call to GetItemTypeAction(/).
    library!ReportServer_0-20!358!10/24/2014-10:18:50:: i INFO: Call to GetItemTypeAction(/).
    library!ReportServer_0-20!358!10/24/2014-10:18:50:: i INFO: Call to GetDataSourceContentsAction(/ConfigMgr_J01/{5C6358F2-4BB6-4a1b-A16E-8D96795D8602}).
    library!ReportServer_0-20!358!10/24/2014-10:18:50:: i INFO: Call to GetPropertiesAction(/ConfigMgr_J01, PathBased).
    library!ReportServer_0-20!358!10/24/2014-10:18:50:: i INFO: Call to GetItemTypeAction(/).
    library!ReportServer_0-20!358!10/24/2014-10:18:50:: i INFO: Call to GetDataSourceContentsAction(/ConfigMgr_J01/{5C6358F2-4BB6-4a1b-A16E-8D96795D8602}).
    library!ReportServer_0-20!358!10/24/2014-10:18:50:: i INFO: Call to CreateDataSourceAction({5C6358F2-4BB6-4a1b-A16E-8D96795D8602}, /ConfigMgr_J01, True).
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    library!ReportServer_0-20!358!10/24/2014-10:18:50:: i INFO: Call to SetPropertiesAction(/ConfigMgr_J01).
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    possible to provide valid values for all parameters.;

  • Intermittent  Error Running Report

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    The error being reported is.
    Error Exception: SEHException
    Error Message: External component has thrown an exception.
    Error Stack Trace:
       at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ClientDoc.ReportClientDocumentClass.RemoveAfterFormatPageEventCallBack(ISCRAfterFormatPageEventCallBack formatPageEventCallBack)  
    at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportClientDocumentWrapper.RemoveAfterFormatPageEventCallBack(ISCRAfterFormatPageEventCallBack eventCallback)   
    at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.ClearCache(Boolean clearDocument)   
    at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.InternalClose(Boolean bSetupForNextReport)   
    at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.Close()
    at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.Load(String filename, OpenReportMethod openMethod, Int16 parentJob)  
    at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.EnsureLoadReport()
    at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.get_Database()
    at ....ReportViewer.CleanUpObjectsForMemoryLeak() in ...ReportViewer.xaml.cs:line 307     at ....ReportViewer.Window_Unloaded(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) in..\ReportViewer.xaml.cs:line 297  
    at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)   
    at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)  
    at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)   
    at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs e)   
    at System.Windows.BroadcastEventHelper.BroadcastEvent(DependencyObject root, RoutedEvent routedEvent)   
    at System.Windows.BroadcastEventHelper.BroadcastUnloadedEvent(Object root)   
    at MS.Internal.LoadedOrUnloadedOperation.DoWork()  
    at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.FireLoadedPendingCallbacks()
    at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.FireInvokeOnRenderCallbacks()
    at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.RenderMessageHandlerCore(Object resizedCompositionTarget)  
    at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.RenderMessageHandler(Object resizedCompositionTarget)  
    at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)   
    at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)  
    FYI the CleanUpObjectsForMemoryLeak code is listed below and all references - which should only be on window close or disposal of window
            private void CleanUpObjectsForMemoryLeak()
                if (this.vwCrystalReportViewer != null)
                    var objRptDocViewer = (ReportDocument)this.vwCrystalReportViewer.ViewerCore.ReportSource;
                    if (objRptDocViewer != null)
                        foreach (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table table in objRptDocViewer.Database.Tables)
                        }// Line 297
                        objRptDoc = null;
                    this.ParameterValues = null;
                    this.PassedReport = null; //Line 307
                    if (this.vwCrystalReportViewer.ViewerCore.ParameterFieldInfo != null)
                    if (this.vwCrystalReportViewer.ViewerCore != null)
                        this.vwCrystalReportViewer.ViewerCore.Content = null;
                    if (this.vwCrystalReportViewer.Owner != null)
                        this.vwCrystalReportViewer.Owner = null;
                    this.vwCrystalReportViewer = null;
    private void Window_Unloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            private void Window_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
               e.Cancel = true;
                this.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
                finally { }

    Couple of things I'd do differently.
    1) Load the report object using the engine, not the viewer:
    objRptDoc.Load = <path to the report>
    2) You really do not need all that viewer clean up code (but that would just be my preference):
    if (this.vwCrystalReportViewer.ViewerCore != null)
                        this.vwCrystalReportViewer.ViewerCore.Content = null;
                    if (this.vwCrystalReportViewer.Owner != null)
                        this.vwCrystalReportViewer.Owner = null;
                    this.vwCrystalReportViewer = null;
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

  • Running an exe from within Oracle WebLogic 10g R3 does not find dll

    I am facing a strange issue with Oracle WebLogic 10g R3.
    I use the code as shown in Listing 1 below to run a windows based application exe (batch job) from within my web application hosted on Oracle WebLogic 10g Release 3.
    Note that this code woks fine on Tomcat 6.x and OC4J (JDeveloper TP4).
    The exec gets executed but the log of the exe program shows it could not load certain DLLs.
    Note that these DLLs are in the same directoy as the Batch program and this directory is in the PATH.
    Running through simple Java Program Successful*
    When I run the same program from a java program it runs successfully. So this means some WebLogic environment does not get set properly.
    Running directly BatchProg.exe rather than cmd.exe fails*
    Also note that when I run the exe directly e.g. BatchProg.exe rather than through cmd.exe it gives me a error the system did not find the file specified.
    CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified with cause CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
    Listing 1:*
    String[] commandArgs = new String[|] { "cmd.exe", "/C", "BatchProg.exe \"param1\" \"param2\" " },null , l_workingDir)
    Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
    Process proc;
    proc = rt.exec( commandArgs, envParams, workingDir );
    ProcessIO errStream = new ProcessIO( proc.getErrorStream(), "ERROR");
    ProcessIO outStream = new ProcessIO( proc.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT");
    errStream.start(); // process any errors from the command
    outStream.start(); // process any output from the command
    System.out.println("Error=" +errStream);
    System.out.println("Out" + outStream);
    return (p_waitToFinish ? proc.waitFor() : this.SUCCESS);

    I have posted this on the WebLogic Forum.

  • How to display  Reports parameter form in Oracle Forms 10g.

    am migrating from Forms 6i applications to Forms 10g.
    one of my application contain report, that report display parameter form
    I wrote below code for WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED Trigger
    pl_id      ParamList;
    v_report_id report_object;
    v_report varchar2(100);
    vjob_id varchar2(100);
    vc_rep_status varchar2(100);
    pl_id := create_parameter_list('my_list');
    add_parameter (pl_id,'P_HOSPITAL_ID',text_PARAMETER,
    v_report_id := FIND_REPORT_OBJECT('bm_r001');
    v_report := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT ( v_report_id,pl_id );
    vjob_id := substr ( v_report, length(<reportservername>)+2,
    length( v_report) );
    vc_rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS (v_report);
    IF vc_rep_status = 'FINISHED' THEN
         WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT ('/reports/rwservlet/getjobid'|| vjob_id||
         message ('Report failed with error message '||vc_rep_status);
    END IF;
    The Above code is running report and displaying Output perfect but cannot
    display the Parameter Form at runtime.
    any help in this very thankful.

    In Your code there is a line:
    which actually disables the report parameter form.
    The line:
    WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT ('/reports/rwservlet/getjobid'|| vjob_id||
    displays the report to which vjob_id refers. At this point the report is competed so the parameters userid and paramform are useless.
    Hope this helps.
    Bekcic Aleksandar

  • Error while importing java class into oracle forms 10g

    I have generated a web service client using jdeveloper 10g. It consists of complex type methods. I am trying to import the class files using java importer in oracle form 10g. I am able import all of them successfully except one. That one is the main method. Please see the error and suggest me how to overcome this error.
    Exception occurred: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/jdeveloper/webservices/runtime/WrappedDocLiteralStub
    Thanks in advance

    Do you see oracle/jdeveloper listed in "Import Java Classes" when you try to import?
    If not, make sure you add C:\DevSuiteHome_1\jdev\lib\jdev.jar to FORMS_BUILDER_CLASSPATH in registry
    Also excetion indicates: oracle/jdeveloper/webservices/runtime/WrappedDocLiteralStub
    If you typing it - type: oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.runtime.WrappedDocLiteralStub

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    Hi everyone,
    I have block created on view V_LE_USID_1L (which gives the error frm-40505) . We don't need any updation on this block, so the property 'updateallowed' is set to 'NO'.
    To fix this error I modified 'Keymode' property, set it to 'updatable' from 'automatic'. This change solved the problem with frm-40505 but it leads one more problem.
    The datablock v_le_usid_1l allows user to enter the text (i.e. updated the field), when the data is saved, no message is shown. When the data is refreshed on the screen, the change done previously on the block will not be seen (this is because the block updateallowed is set to NO), how do we stop the fields of the block being editable?
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    Wud like to have some knowledge abt this.

    i'm using oracle AS 10g portal server (ver 10.1.4). I'm relatively new to oracle as server.
    I have a requirement for cloning portlets and using them in an all together differrent portal.
    Wud like to have some knowledge abt this.

  • Portlet Customizations - Oracle BI 10g   (Discoverer + Portal)

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    Would appreciate if you can get back directly on my email [email protected]
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  • JDev and WebCenter - Error running WSRP Standalone Portlet

    Hello: I am working with JDev w/ the WebCenter extension on my WinXP PC. I have viewed the WebCenter How-To Demos ( and am replicating them in JDev. All is working except for the last in the Veeva Vacation demos (Building & Deploying Standards-Based Portlets). I followed the demo and successfully (so I thought) created an entry point, deployed the standalone portlet and registered the portlet producer. I dragged the VeevaProducer to the JSF page. Then with my Preconfigured OC4J running I tried to run the jspx page. Instead of seeing the application page, an error page appeared "Error instantiating web-application".
    The first error description is:
    "Error compiling :C:\Oracle\jdev10133\jdev\Veeva\ViewController\public_html: Syntax error in source or compilation failed in: C:\Oracle\jdev10133\jdev\system\oracle.j2ee.\embedded-oc4j\application-deployments\current-workspace-app\Project1\oracle\portlet\wsrp\v2\soap\ C:\Oracle\jdev10133\jdev\system\oracle.j2ee.\embedded-oc4j\application-deployments\current-workspace-app\Project1\oasis\names\tc\wsrp\v1\bind\runtime\ error #300: WSRP_v1_PortletManagement_PortType not found in class
    implements oracle.portlet.wsrp.v1.soap.WSRP_v1_PortletManagement_PortType { "
    I don't know what that means! Your help will be appreciated.

    You can create EAR/WAR file from JDeveloper and then use the OC4J 10.1.2 managment console to deploy them to the server, there is no one-click-deploy support from JDev 10.1.3 to OC4J stand-alone 10.1.2

  • Error running reports from Crystal Server XI R2 with datasets

    Hi, sorry if my english is not good. I'm from Spain.
    I have a problem. I'm programming with Visual Basic .NET 2008.
    I'm using Crystal Reports Server and programming under Visual Basic to take reports from crystal Server, changing the tables from the report to datasets and scheduling this report.
    Crystal server change connections to CrystalReports.Dataset.
    Preview reports from server sends me an error "DataBase connector unknown"
    If I run this report (with datasets) into my VBNET application (into a  CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer control), IT WORKS!!!
    I need help because I need to schedule these reports (to send them by email, export to PDF formats, ...)

    Reporting off of a dataset is reporting off of a disconnected datasource.  The reason your application works is beacuse you most likely populating a dataset in your application and passing it to the report at the same time.  When scheduling, there is no interaction with the report so unless the report is using an xml file on disk as its datasource, how can it retrieve data?
    To get around this, you can build a dll (.net data provider) that returns either a dataset or datatable and point your report to this dll.  this way, when the report is executed, it loads the dll which fetches the data for you.
    - so the first step is to compile a dll that returns a dataset or datatable.
    - to design your report off of this dll open the database expert and create a new ADO.NET connection.
    - in the File Path area, click the ellipsis ("...") button to browse to your dll and make sure the selected File Type is ".Net DataSet Provider".
    - once the dll is selected, you can choose the dataset/table returned by the dll.
    If your method in the dll is parameterized, it will add a parameter to the report (similar to stored procedure parameters.
    note: the location of your dll must be in the same path on the CR Server as it was when you designed your report in order for it to be loaded correctly.  I usually put the dll in a folder that I know will exist on both machines.

  • Error running Reports 6i using OAS4.0.8

    We have the following architecture:
    1. DB Server - Oracle 8.1.7 on W2K server
    2. Reports Server - Oracle Reports Server 6.0.8 on W2K server
    3. Web Server - OAS 4.0.8 on W2K server
    When trying to execute report over the web (using Web CGI setup), we are not receiving any results (web page is blank). Are there any undocumented features that we have to do in order to make this run?
    tnsnames.ora file is updated on the Web Listener server, and it points to correct Report Server. Reports Server service is running. RWCLI60 executes (from the command prompt on the Web Server) without any problems (saving result to a file). RWCGI60 is returning blank page always.
    Also, do we have to install Reports Web cartridge on the Web server, and do we have to configure application for it in OAS? Problem is we cannot find RWOWS60.dll file.
    Thanks for your help,
    Dejan Bogojevic

    Report server service is up and running but there is no activity on Reports Queue Manager.
    URL I'm using is one from the "Run a Report on the Web" example, and I've mapped "dev60cgi" virtual directory in Listener configuration using <CN>.
    Acctualy I've tried both cgi-bin and dev60cgi mappings (e.g. http://<my_listener_address>/cgi-bin/rwcgi60.exe?parameters=values or http://<my_listener_address>/dev60cgi/rwcgi60.exe?parameters=values). rwcgi60.exe is in the right location for both mappings (in cgi-bin and in dev60cgi).
    They both have the same result - blank page. We will install 9iAS (it was planned to upgrade, but for some future date).

  • Error running reports with new OMS

    Hello All,
    We had a bunch of reports scheduled in Grid Control. After migrating to a new OMS on a new server, reports are not being sent anymore.
    I've done some tests and the error I see is this:
    This is a scheduled report. The most recently generated report completed with the following error. Error: Unexpected occurred while e-mailing report: - null
    The report is a simple one showing waits in terms of I/O, instance activity etc..
    If anyone has ideas, let me know.
    P.S. Preferred credentials are set and work fine. This is OMS on Solaris 10. The target instance is a 9i instance.

    I checked with both Mozilla and IE. Issue is not related to browser.
    The problem seems to be information isn't available on host - If i go to the host- CPU/Memory/IO utilization show - No data is currently not available. I'm not sure if this is because of the release but suspect that's the case since the data was available on GC.
    If anyone has seen issues where host metrics aren't showing in GC, let me know. The host is running solaris 9. GC is on solaris 10/Repository is at

  • Error Running Reports (REP-0081 &  REP-0124)

    Please help.
    I am having the following error when running a report on the web:
    (from the Reports Queue Manager)
    Terminated with Error :
    REP-0081: Error during file I/O operation. REP-0124: Unable to
    write to the temporary file. scafa 3
    thanks for a reply

    Hello pals,
    i have set the following parameters: TMPDIR and REPORTS60_TMP...
    and it seems to be working!!!
    i hope that the problem is not somewhere else.
    NB. I was having problems with 2 reports only. the others were
    working fine.
    any comments will be most welcomed.

Maybe you are looking for