Error saving help text !

What's the maxsize of a Item Helptext.
Recieving following error when trying to add helptext larger than approx 2000 characters:
Error saving help text for item "2863318983774284".
Thanks Gunnar
Message was edited by:

just testing RSS freshness ;)

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    We don't use shopping carts, rather create POs directly in SRM which will be transferred to ECC as per the standard.
    I am getting an error "Error while saving Long Texts" during my PO creation. I get this message in a small pop-up screen. As soon as i click ok or close the pop up screen it kicks me out of the PO creation screen back into the main SRM screen.
    During the PO Creation
    Any specific situation:
    Yes, only for Material POs
    This is happening when I am creating the PO with a Material code. I can create free text PO without any issues.
    This is a standard message and the message number is 022.
    Thaks for the help guys.

    To confirm can you check commeting "getOADBTransaction().commit();" gives any error message?
    If yes then you can try the following option:
    Have you checked whether the "/" is changed to "\" in the dbc file?
    In the following two entries the slash has to be made as shown below:
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Logging java errors to a text file, please help.

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    I am just trying to post the errors I receive to the forum.

    user_s8721301 wrote:
    ..Wish I could just copy and paste from my Window command prompt screen.(from memory) Drag the mouse diagonally across the text in the DOS prompt, then hit 'enter'. The selected text should be on the clipboard, ready to paste.

  • ORA-06502 on "Help Text" region when changing pages on a tabular form

    Hello everybody,
    We are developing an application on Apex This application have some pages with tabular forms and these pages uses a page zero as template. In this page zero, we have added two sidebar regions: a list region to navigate on the application and a help text to describe how to use our application.
    The problem occurs when the tabular split the records into pages (since it has more records that it can show on a single page). When the user clicks to change to another page, Apex raises an ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error as described below:
    Erro ao renderizar a região "Ajuda". ORA-06502: PL/SQL: erro: erro de conversão de caractere em número numérico ou de valor
    Informações Técnicas (visível somente para desenvolvedores)
    is_internal_error: true
    apex_error_code: APEX.REGION.UNHANDLED_ERROR
    ora_sqlcode: -6502
    ora_sqlerrm: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: erro: erro de conversão de caractere em número numérico ou de valor
    component.type: APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_REGIONS 2 Ajuda
    ORA-06512: em "APEX_040100.WWV_FLOW_DISP_PAGE_PLUGS", line 3654
    ORA-06512: em "APEX_040100.WWV_FLOW_DISP_PAGE_PLUGS", line 4204
    Obs: Our database is in Brazilian Portuguese, so I guess it will be hard for some people to understand the first two lines! :)
    We have tried to change the pagination style of the tabular form and change the region model of the help text but the problem still happens.
    Does anyone an ideia about what this may be?
    Thanks in advance!

    I am getting the exact same message, to the line number, also in APEX
    Occurs when changing pages in a classic report, Standard region template, select list pagination, when selecting a different pagination set.
    In English:
    Error during rendering of region "Matched Participants Help & Hints".
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
    Technical Info (only visible for developers)
    is_internal_error: true
    apex_error_code: APEX.REGION.UNHANDLED_ERROR
    ora_sqlcode: -6502
    ora_sqlerrm: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
    component.type: APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_REGIONS 2 <strong>Matched Participants</strong> Help & Hints
    ORA-06512: at "APEX_040100.WWV_FLOW_DISP_PAGE_PLUGS", line 3654
    ORA-06512: at "APEX_040100.WWV_FLOW_DISP_PAGE_PLUGS", line 4204
    There are no conditions on the region, and no date string within the Help text. Some HTML <strong> tags, that's it.
    The Help region renders fine the first time.
    The Debug info does not help any:
    3.798360.00062Computation point: After Box Body4
    3.798990.00081Processes - point: AFTER_BOX_BODY4
    3.799790.00068Region: <strong>Matched Participants</strong> Help & Hints4
    3.800470.00213Region rendered dynamically because request was not null4
    3.802590.00096Add error onto error stack4
    3.803550.00084...Error data:4
    3.804400.00084......message: Error during rendering of region "<strong>Matched Participants</strong> Help & Hints".4
    3.805240.00084......additional_info: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error4
    3.806080.00081......display_location: ON_ERROR_PAGE4
    3.806890.00081......is_internal_error: true4
    3.807700.00084......apex_error_code: APEX.REGION.UNHANDLED_ERROR4
    3.808540.00082......ora_sqlcode: -65024
    3.809350.00234......ora_sqlerrm: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error4
    3.811700.00082......error_backtrace: ORA-06512: at "APEX_040100.WWV_FLOW_DISP_PAGE_PLUGS", line 3654 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040100.WWV_FLOW_DISP_PAGE_PLUGS", line 4204 4
    3.812510.00081......component.type: APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_REGIONS4
    0 24
    0 <strong>Matched Participants</strong> Help & Hints4
    3.815400.00076...Show Error on Error Page4
    3.816160.00344......Performing rollback4
    3.819610.00225Processes - point: AFTER_ERROR_HEADER4
    3.821850.00268Processes - point: BEFORE_ERROR_FOOTER4
    3.82453-End Page Rendering
    Any thoughts on where to poke around for this one?
    Thanks - Karen

  • ActionScript 3 + PHP: TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter text must be non-null.

    Hi - Still new to flash as3 and php -
    it is a contact form page - user puts in information - i am to receive it in an email address their information
    as well the variables get sent back from the php to the .swf file.
    I am receiving these errors and not knowing how to fix them.
    any help would be much appreciated. thank you in advance really.
    below are the errors in flash - as3 code - and php code setup.
    ActionScript 3 + PHP: TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter text must be non-null:
      at flash.text::TextField/set text()
              at kwangjaekim_fla::wholeform_16/completeHandler()
    my as3 code is the following:
    // build variable name for the URL Variables loader
    var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
    //Build the varSend variable
    var varSend:URLRequest = new URLRequest("contact_parse.php");
    varSend.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = variables;
    //Build the varLoader variable
    var varLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader;
    varLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
    varLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
    //handler for the PHP  script completion and return of status
    function completeHandler(event:Event):void{
              //value is cleared at ""
              name_txt.text = "";
              contact_txt.text = "";
              msg_txt.text = "";
              //Load the response PHP here
              status_txt.text =;
    //Add event listener for submit button click
    submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ValidateAndSend);
    //function ValidateAndSend
    function ValidateAndSend(event:MouseEvent):void{
              //validate fields
                        status_txt.text = "Please Enter Your Name";
              }else if(!contact_txt.length){
                        status_txt.text = "Please Enter Your Contact Detail";
              }else if(!msg_txt.length){
                        status_txt.text = "Please Enter Your Message";
              }else {
              // ready the variables in form for sending
      variables.userName = name_txt.text;
              variables.userContact = contact_txt.text;
              variables.userMsg = msg_txt.text;
              // Send the data to PHP now
    submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){MovieClip(parent).gotoAndPlay(151)});
              } // Close else condition for error handling
    } // Close validate and send function
    my php code is the following:
    // Create local PHP variables from the info the user gave in the Flash form
    $senderName   = $_POST['userName'];
    $senderEmail     = $_POST['userContact'];
    $senderMessage = $_POST['userMsg'];
    // Strip slashes on the Local variables
    $senderName   = stripslashes($senderName);
    $senderContact     = stripslashes($senderContact);
    $senderMessage   = stripslashes($senderMessage);
    //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     change this to my email address     !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              $to = "put iny me email address";
         // Place sender Email address here
        $from = "$senderContact ";
        $subject = "Contact from your site";
        //Begin HTML Email Message
        $message = <<<EOF
      <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <b>Name</b> = $senderName<br /><br />
    <b>Contact</b> = <a href="mailto:$senderContact">$senderEmail</a><br /><br />
    <b>Message</b> = $senderMessage<br />
       //end of message
        $headers  = "From: $from\r\n";
        $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
        $to = "$to";
        mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
    thank you once again

    thank you Ned -
    i put in the trace line as you mentioned -
    and this is what i received -
    returns: undefined
    TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter text must be non-null
              at flash.text::TextField/set text()
              at kwangjaekim_fla::wholeform_16/completeHandler()
    what does this mean exactly?
    thank you for the help really

  • Error saving data structure CE11000 (please read log) message number KX 655

    while activating the data structure in the operating concern of CO PA sap gives the following errors.
    1.Error saving data structure CE11000 (please read log)
    Message no. KX655
    2.Error saving table CE01000
    Message no. KX593 Log Reference field CE31000-REC_WAERS for CE31000-VVQ10001 has incorrect type.
    Pls suggest

    Below tables are related to application logs
    BAL_AMODAL  :                   Application Log: INDX table for amodal communication
    BALC        :                   Application Log: Log or message context            
    BALDAT      :                   Application Log: Log data                          
    BALHANDLE   :                   Application Log: Lock object dummy table           
    BALHDR      :                   Application log: log header                        
    BALHDRP     :                   Application log: log parameter                     
    BAL_INDX    :                   Application Log: INDX tables                       
    BALM        :                   Application log: log message                       
    BALMP       :                   Application log: message parameter                 
    BALOBJ      :                   Application log: objects                           
    BALOBJT     :                   Application log: object texts                      
    BALSUB      :                   Application log: sub-objects                       
    BALSUBT     :                   Application log: Sub-object texts                  
    *Please mark useful answers

  • Error: "Message short text 26 107 does not exist"

    Hi DS Expert,
    We've upgraded our DS from 3.2 into 4.2.
    But sometimes several jobs fail with error: "Message short text 26 107 does not exist".
    This error does not occur in DS 3.2.
    Please help...
    Thank you.

    Such a message seems to be SAP/BI related.
    check wether you had shortdumps in your connected SAP system.
    In DS there are no "long/medium/short-" texts stored.

  • Front End Screen to Update Item Help Text

    Hello, I've been asked to create an Apex front end screen which the Administrators can access in order to update the Help Text associated to the page items within our application (Apex 4).
    I created a basic Interactive Report:
    select page_id, item_name, display_as, ITEM_HELP_TEXT from APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_ITEMS where application_id = :APP_ID;
    I also have an edit page, which contains the page id (display only), item_name (display only), item_help_text (text field).
    Everything is working fine, except that when the Update process fires to update the help text, I get an Insufficient Privileges error message.
    set item_help_text = :p7_item_help_text
    where item_id = :p7_item_id
    and application_id = :APP_ID;
    Just wondering, is it possible to update this APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_ITEMS table? If not, can you please advise what the workaround would be?
    Thank you,

    Log on as APEX_04000 user and then grant permission to your wpplication schema user. For a example if your application schema is app_user then
    * If this answer is helpfull or correct then please mark it and grant the points.

  • Error saving master file

    i'm trying to export jpegs to an external hard drive from aperture library, and repeatedly get error msg "there was an error saving master file." any ideas???

    Hi Salman,
    Thanks for posting this issue, 
    Just remove this below given tag and check out. It might be happened that your control is conflicting with others. 
    Also, browse the below mentioned URL for more details
    I hope this is helpful to you. If this works, Please mark it as Answered.
    Dharmendra Singh (MCPD-EA | MCTS)
    Blog :

  • Numeric or value error: hex to raw conversion error , pls help

    I am having problem with a sproc which accepts a Raw parameter.
    I have a table called Profile:
    PROFILE RAW(255)
    and a sproc named addprofile
    profile IN RAW,
    userName IN VARCHAR2
    userId INT;
    GetUserIdByName( userName, userId);
    INSERT INTO Profiles
    ( ProfileID,userId , profile )
    VALUES ( Profiles_ProfileID_SEQ.NEXTVAL,AddProfile.userId ,
    AddProfile.profile );
    I am calling the Ent Library's Insert profile method which is part of DbProfileProvider.cs (Security App block). It is trying to persist a serialized profile object into the database.
    private void InsertProfile(string userName, byte[] serializedProfile,
    Data.Database securityDb, IDbTransaction transaction)
    DBCommandWrapper cmd = securityDb.GetStoredProcCommandWrapper
    cmd.AddInParameter("userName", DbType.String, userName);
    cmd.AddInParameter("profile", DbType.Binary, serializedProfile);
    securityDb.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd, transaction);
    I get the following error:
    Any suggestion on what needs to be changed to get this working? thanks!
    Exception Details: Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: hex to raw conversion error ORA-06512: at line 1
    Stack trace:
    [OracleException: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: hex to raw conversion error
    ORA-06512: at line 1]
    Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleErrorHelper(Int32 errCode, OracleConnection conn, IntPtr opsErrCtx, OpoSqlValCtx* pOpoSqlValCtx, Object src, String procedure)
    Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleError(Int32 errCode, OracleConnection conn, String procedure, IntPtr opsErrCtx, OpoSqlValCtx* pOpoSqlValCtx, Object src)
    Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Database.DoExecuteNonQuery(DBCommandWrapper command)
    Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Database.ExecuteNonQuery(DBCommandWrapper command, IDbTransaction transaction)
    Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Database.DbProfileProvider.InsertProfile(String userName, Byte[] serializedProfile, Database securityDb, IDbTransaction transaction)
    Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Database.DbProfileProvider.SetProfile(IIdentity identity, Object profile)
    [InvalidOperationException: Error saving the profile for the following user 'test'.]
    Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Database.DbProfileProvider.SetProfile(IIdentity identity, Object profile)
    EntLibSecuritySample.DFO.Security.SecurityHelper.SetUserProfile(IIdentity identity, Object Profile) in C:\DFO\Sample\Security\EntLibSecuritySample\SecurityHelper.vb:285
    [ApplicationException: An error has occurred saving profile object to Datastore. See stack trace for further information]
    EntLibSecuritySample.DFO.Security.SecurityHelper.SetUserProfile(IIdentity identity, Object Profile) in C:\DFO\Sample\Security\EntLibSecuritySample\SecurityHelper.vb:287
    EntLibSecuritySample.ProfilePage.cmdSaveProfile_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\DFO\Sample\Security\EntLibSecuritySample\profile.aspx.vb:59
    System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
    System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)
    System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument)
    System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData)
    System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +1292

    I am not a user of the Enterprise Library so I can not speak to the specifics of that. However, here is a short sample that is based on the information you've provided. Perhaps it will be useful.
    create table profiles
      profileid integer not null,
      userid    integer not null,
      profile   raw(255)
    create or replace procedure addprofile
      p_profileid in integer,
      p_userid    in integer,
      p_profile   in raw
      insert into
        profiles (profileid, userid, profile)
        values (p_profileid, p_userid, p_profile);
    /C# code:
    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Text;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Types;
    namespace HarshTest
      /// <summary>
      /// Summary description for Class1.
      /// </summary>
      class Class1
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main(string[] args)
          // connect to local db using o/s authentication
          OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection("User ID=/; Pooling=False");
          // create command object and set properties
          OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();
          cmd.Connection = con;
          cmd.CommandText = "ADDPROFILE";
          cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
          // parameter object for profileid
          OracleParameter p_profileid = new OracleParameter();
          p_profileid.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Int32;
          p_profileid.Value = 1;
          p_profileid.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
          // parameter object for userid
          OracleParameter p_userid = new OracleParameter();
          p_userid.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Int32;
          p_userid.Value = 1;
          p_userid.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
          // create a byte array for the raw value
          ASCIIEncoding encoder = new ASCIIEncoding();
          byte[] byteArray = encoder.GetBytes("TestProfile");
          // parameter object for profile
          OracleParameter p_profile = new OracleParameter();
          p_profile.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Raw;
          p_profile.Value = byteArray;
          p_profile.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
          // add parameters to collection
          // execute the stored procedure
          catch (OracleException ex)
          // clean up objects
    }Maybe the part about creating the byte array is what you are missing...
    - Mark

  • Error saving JCA Connection factory in PI NWA

    Hi All,
    I am facing an  issue in SAP PI NWA for creating a JCA connection factory so that I can use the user module to convert IDOCs to flat file. we are on SAP PI 7.11 sp06....
    error details : CF_XD1_180 failed due to: Can not add connection factory '', Reason: . See the log file for more details.
    The logs details : Connector remote administration failed, reason: "Can not set authentication user store "null" in security context "CF_XD1_180" for connector "CF_XD1_180" in application "".".
    i posted this  in SAP PI forum also...
    Error saving connection factory
    ashutosh r

    Hello Carme,
    From the error , I can see that the name of the JCA Connection Factory that you are trying to create in NWA is: "MRD_300".
    This beautiful blog by William will surely help you rectify the problem.
    Kindly check if you have done the following in your configuration:
    1. Copy and create new dependent JCA Connection Factory from the JCA resource: "SAPJavaResourceAdapter15" 
    2. You have to go to the "Configuration Properties" tab (and not Security tab) of your JCA connection Factory (MRD_300) to enter the credentials that will be used by this CF. Make sure that you enter the details properly. Eg. In your case, just check if the password is entered.
    3. Also, check if the JCA resource "SAPJavaResourceAdapter15" is up and running (green traffic light). Else, restart the corresponding Java Service from NWA -> Operations Management -> Start & Stop -> Java Services
    I hope this should solve your problem.
    Regards, Gaurav.

  • "ERROR SAVING RECORD" Message generated...

    Hi Everyone,
    I have a minor error with an Alert I made. I have an alert
    linked to both the Pre-Insert and Pre-Update Triggers at the
    Block level of my form.
    This alert fires when the Volume entered in the record is >50.
    It asks "Are you are sure the Volume should be larger than 50?"
    and has a Yes and No button on it. When you hit Yes, it saves
    and that is correct. When you press No it doesn't save, and
    that is fine, BUT after you press No, a window with a red X
    comes up and says in all capitals "ERROR SAVING RECORD". How
    can I get rid of this?
    Someone please help me out, I am stumped!
    Thanks in advance.

    Didn't you forget to write in your triggers:
    IF alert_button=ALERT_BUTTON2 THEN
    RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;
    END IF;

  • Error Saving Face Data

    Whenever I click "find faces for tagging"
    The box comes up
    Then all the faces start to appear
    When i try and tag any of them, it says Error Saving Face Data
    Please Help!

    Is the error visible both on XP and Vista?
    Can you try one thing - Try to tag the photos in small subsets say 50 or 100 at a time and once all the photos have been tagged once in small subsets, try to tag all of them together. See if that produces the crash?

  • Error saving Data Source Properties. - Base Exception. Call Oracle Support

    Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 (10.1.2).
    I tried to create new Datasource using OEM Console but it throws error as following :
    Error saving Data Source Properties. - Base Exception: The Entity et="system";ei="0",et="application";ei="138",et="data-sources";ei="146":child:data-sourcechild key:location:jdbc/OracleCoreDS; class:com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource; already exists in the repository. Resolution: If possible, remove et="system";ei="0",et="application";ei="138",et="data-sources";ei="146":child:data-sourcechild key:location:jdbc/OracleCoreDS; class:com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource; . Call Oracle Support.
    May I know how to resolve this please ?
    Thank you.

    Hi ,
    Write following code in your UDF
    String Query = " ";
    Channel channel = null;
    DataBaseAccessor accessor = null;
    DataBaseResult resultSet = null;
    Query = <your query>;
             channel =LookupService.getChannel(<comm channel name>,< business system>);
             accessor = LookupService.getDataBaseAccessor(channel);
             resultSet = accessor.execute(Query);
                       Iterator rows = resultSet.getRows();
                       if (rows.hasNext())  {        
                       Map rowMap = (Map);
                       <your variable>.add(rowMap.get(<db field name>)+ "");
    catch(Exception ex)
         if (accessor!=null) accessor.close();
              catch(Exception e)
    Thanks ,
    Pls award pts if it helps .

  • Error saving map. Stored procedure returned non-zero result BizTalk Bug

    Hallo all
    MSDN is reporting this Bug.
    "Error saving map. Stored procedure returned non-zero result." error message when you deploy the BizTalk Server 2010 applications in BizTalk Server 2010 Administration Console"
    I am having this problem in BizTalk 2013. Is this correct? or I am doing something wrong..
    This error occured as I was about to deploy BizTalk application from Visual studio 2012 to BizTalk 2013.
    If this bug is available in 2013, where can I get a fix for it..
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi AKE,
    Fix for this bug in BizTalk Server 2013 is not publicly available yet. Only option to get the fix for this bug is to contact:
    If this answers your question please mark it accordingly. If this post is helpful, please vote as helpful.

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