Error when installing FusionOrderDemo_R1PS4

I have arrived the tutorial 2.1.3, Task 3, step 5. But it failed all the time. Any idea how can I solve this? Thanks a lot.
Ant log
Buildfile: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\bin\build.xml
[echo] Ant: Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008 Java: 1.6
[echo] Using mds-type : jdev
[input] skipping input as property server.password has already been set.
[echo] SOA Suite 11g version:
[java] *****************************************************************************
[java] Oracle SOA Server version
[java] Build: 0
[java] Build time: Mon Apr 18 18:05:14 PDT 2011
[java] Build type: release
[java] Source tag: PCBPEL_11.
[echo] soa infra mgmt home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\/../oracle_common
[echo] Building and compiling SOA Fusion Order Demo ..
[echo] Cleanup of OrderApprovalHumanTask
[delete] Deleting: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\OrderApprovalHumanTask.war
[delete] Deleting: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\OrderApprovalHumanTask.ear
[javac] Compiling 6 source files to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\public_html\WEB-INF\classes
[copy] Copying 191 files to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\public_html\WEB-INF\classes
[copy] Copying 4 files to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\public_html\WEB-INF\lib
[war] Building war: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\OrderApprovalHumanTask.war
[delete] Deleting directory C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\public_html\WEB-INF\lib
[echo] Step1: copy template ./templates/connections.xml.seed to ../../.adf/META-INF/connections.xml
[copy] Copying 1 file to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\.adf\META-INF
[echo] Step2: setup descriptor, soa-only? false, modifying ../../.adf/META-INF/connections.xml
[echo] replacing ws-endpoint with localhost:7001/StoreFrontServiceHooks/StoreFrontService
[echo] replacing ws-binding with {}StoreFrontServiceSoapHttp
[mkdir] Created dir: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\adf\META-INF
[copy] Copying 2 files to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\adf\META-INF
[echo] Creating custom adf config for customization of connections.xml - datasource: jdbc/mds/MDS_LocalTxDataSource
[mkdir] Created dir: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\lib
[copy] Copying 1 file to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\lib
[ear] Building ear: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\OrderApprovalHumanTask.ear
[delete] Deleting directory C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\adf
[delete] Deleting directory C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\lib
[echo] oracle.home = C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
[echo] deleting C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin/..//deploy/sca_OrderBookingComposite_rev1.0.jar
[delete] Deleting: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\deploy\sca_OrderBookingComposite_rev1.0.jar
[echo] Running scac-validate in C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin/..//composite.xml
[echo] oracle.home = C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
[scac] Validating composite "C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin/..//composite.xml"
[scac] Composed "OrderProcessor" in 106.5 milliseconds [nodes 138=10+128, 1,296.1 nodes/sec]
[scac] Compiled "OrderProcessor" in 1.729 seconds
[scac] Gathered 14 files in 1.2 milliseconds
[scac] Packaged "OrderProcessor" in 23.8 milliseconds
[scac] Composed "InternalWarehouseService" in 12.9 milliseconds [nodes 6=0+6, 465.9 nodes/sec]
[scac] Compiled "InternalWarehouseService" in 798.2 milliseconds
[scac] Gathered 3 files in 0.5 milliseconds
[scac] Packaged "InternalWarehouseService" in 6.0 milliseconds
[scac] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[scac] >> modified xmlbean locale class in use
[scac] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[scac] warning: location {ns:composite/ns:reference[@name='CreditCardAuthorizationService']}(170,128): Failed to Find Binding "CreditCardAuthorizationService":"{}CreditAuthorizationPort" in WSDL Manager
[scac] warning: location {ns:composite/ns:reference[@name='PartnerSupplierService']}(163,122): Failed to Find Binding "PartnerSupplierService":"{}ExternalPartnerSupplier_pt" in WSDL Manager
[scac] warning: location {ns:composite/ns:reference[@name='StoreFrontService']}(180,162): Failed to Find Binding "StoreFrontService":"{}StoreFrontServiceSoapHttpPort" in WSDL Manager
[scac] warning: in OrderProcessor.bpel(223): <from> value type "{}long" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}string"
[scac] warning: in OrderProcessor.bpel(310): <from> value type "{}decimal" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}string"
[scac] warning: in OrderProcessor.bpel(310): <from> value type "{}integer" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}string"
[scac] warning: in OrderProcessor.bpel(390): <from> value type "{}decimal" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}double"
[scac] warning: in OrderProcessor.bpel(390): <from> value type "{}string" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}boolean"
[scac] warning: in OrderProcessor.bpel(429): <from> value type "{}boolean" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}string"
[scac] warning: in OrderProcessor.bpel(571): <from> value type "{}integer" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}string"
[echo] oracle.home = C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
[mkdir] Created dir: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\dist
[copy] Copying 140 files to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\dist
[copy] Warning: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\src not found.
[copy] Warning: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\SCA-INF\src not found.
[copy] Copying 6 files to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\dist\SCA-INF\classes
[jar] Building jar: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\deploy\sca_OrderBookingComposite_rev1.0.jar
[delete] Deleting directory C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\dist
[copy] Copying 1 file to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin
[echo] Setting up deployment plan, modifying orderbooking_deployment_plan.xml
[echo] Replacing ws-endpoint with localhost:7001/StoreFrontServiceHooks/StoreFrontService
[echo] Replacing soa server and wls server information
[echo] -SOA: localhost 7001
[echo] Replacing file adapter endpoint with \tmp
[echo] Disabling global bam sensors? true
[echo] Amending jndi destination for jms topic jms/DemoSupplierTopicUdd
[echo] Replacing soa partition name with soaFusionOrderDemo
[echo] Replacing values for bam connection in connections.xml
[echo] Bam server host: localhost
[echo] Bam server host: 9001
[echo] Bam server user: weblogic
[echo] Spring lib path: C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\/../oracle_common/modules/org.springframework_2.5.jar
[echo] oracle.home = C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
[echo] deleting C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\bin/..//deploy/sca_PartnerSupplierComposite_rev1.0.jar
[delete] Deleting: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\deploy\sca_PartnerSupplierComposite_rev1.0.jar
[echo] Running scac-validate in C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\bin/..//composite.xml
[echo] oracle.home = C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
[scac] Validating composite "C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\bin/..//composite.xml"
[scac] Composed "ExternalPartnerSupplier" in 57.2 milliseconds [nodes 6=0+6, 104.9 nodes/sec]
[scac] Compiled "ExternalPartnerSupplier" in 1.294 seconds
[scac] Gathered 3 files in 0.6 milliseconds
[scac] Packaged "ExternalPartnerSupplier" in 8.0 milliseconds
[scac] ### clazz: interface com.otn.sample.fod.soa.internalsupplier.IInternalPartnerSupplier
[scac] ### clazz: interface
[scac] ### qname: {}Write_ptt
[scac] ### clazz: interface com.otn.sample.fod.soa.externalps.IExternalPartnerSupplierService
[scac] ### clazz: interface com.otn.sample.fod.soa.externalps.IExternalPartnerSupplierService
[scac] ### clazz: interface com.otn.sample.fod.soa.internalsupplier.IInternalPartnerSupplier
[scac] ### clazz: interface com.otn.sample.fod.soa.internalsupplier.IInternalPartnerSupplier
[scac] ### clazz: interface com.otn.sample.fod.soa.internalsupplier.IInternalPartnerSupplier
[scac] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[scac] >> modified xmlbean locale class in use
[scac] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[scac] warning: in PartnerSupplierMediator.mplan: Case "ExternalPartnerSupplier.externalpartnersupplier_client.process" doesnt have any payload transformation Please make sure source and target message part name are same and of same type. Otherwise, target reference may fail to execute with error message like "Input sourcelike Null" or "Part not found"
[echo] oracle.home = C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
[echo] deleting .class files of C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\bin/..//SCA-INF/classes
[javac] Compiling 18 source files to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\SCA-INF\classes
[javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
[javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[mkdir] Created dir: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\dist
[copy] Copying 66 files to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\dist
[copy] Warning: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\SCA-INF\src not found.
[copy] Copying 7 files to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\dist\SCA-INF\classes
[jar] Building jar: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\deploy\sca_PartnerSupplierComposite_rev1.0.jar
[delete] Deleting directory C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\dist
[echo] Spring lib path: C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\/../oracle_common/modules/org.springframework_2.5.jar
[copy] Copying 1 file to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\bin
[echo] Setting up deployment plan, modifying PartnerSupplierComposite_cfgplan.xml
[echo] Replacing ejb-name with WebLogicFusionOrderDemo-ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierJScaEjb
[echo] Replacing file adapter endpoint with \tmp/quote
[echo] oracle.home = C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
[echo] deleting C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\bin/..//deploy/sca_OrderSDOComposite_rev1.0.jar
[delete] Deleting: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\deploy\sca_OrderSDOComposite_rev1.0.jar
[echo] Running scac-validate in C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\bin/..//composite.xml
[echo] oracle.home = C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
[scac] Validating composite "C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\bin/..//composite.xml"
[scac] Composed "CustomerAndOrderService" in 64.8 milliseconds [nodes 63=1+62, 971.6 nodes/sec]
[scac] Compiled "CustomerAndOrderService" in 1.382 seconds
[scac] Gathered 5 files in 0.6 milliseconds
[scac] Packaged "CustomerAndOrderService" in 10.7 milliseconds
[scac] warning: in CustomerAndOrderService.bpel(254): <from> value type "{}anySimpleType" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}integer"
[scac] warning: in CustomerAndOrderService.bpel(359): <from> value type "{}integer" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}long"
[scac] warning: in CustomerAndOrderService.bpel(493): <from> value type "{}integer" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}long"
[echo] oracle.home = C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
[mkdir] Created dir: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\dist
[copy] Copying 12 files to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\dist
[copy] Warning: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\src not found.
[copy] Warning: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\SCA-INF\src not found.
[copy] Copying 6 files to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\dist\SCA-INF\classes
[jar] Building jar: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\deploy\sca_OrderSDOComposite_rev1.0.jar
[delete] Deleting directory C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\dist
[echo] oracle.home = C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
[echo] deleting C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\bin/..//deploy/sca_B2BX12OrderGateway_rev1.0.jar
[delete] Deleting: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\deploy\sca_B2BX12OrderGateway_rev1.0.jar
[echo] Running scac-validate in C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\bin/..//composite.xml
[echo] oracle.home = C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
[scac] Validating composite "C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\bin/..//composite.xml"
[scac] Composed "B2BOrderProcessingEngine" in 62.3 milliseconds [nodes 45=2+43, 722.1 nodes/sec]
[scac] Compiled "B2BOrderProcessingEngine" in 1.551 seconds
[scac] Gathered 7 files in 1.0 milliseconds
[scac] Packaged "B2BOrderProcessingEngine" in 12.2 milliseconds
[scac] warning: location {ns:composite/ns:reference[@name='StoreFrontService']}(48,162): Failed to Find Binding "StoreFrontService":"{}StoreFrontServiceSoapHttpPort" in WSDL Manager
[scac] warning: location {ns:composite/ns:reference[@name='OrderBookingService']}(59,116): Failed to Find Binding "OrderBookingService":"{}OrderProcessor_pt" in WSDL Manager
[scac] warning: in B2BOrderProcessingEngine.componentType: property "" may not be understood by BPEL component B2BOrderProcessingEngine - it will likely be ignored.
[scac] warning: in B2BOrderProcessingEngine.bpel(188): <from> value type "{}integer" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}string"
[echo] oracle.home = C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
[mkdir] Created dir: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\dist
[copy] Copying 25 files to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\dist
[copy] Warning: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\src not found.
[copy] Warning: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\SCA-INF\src not found.
[copy] Copying 6 files to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\dist\SCA-INF\classes
[jar] Building jar: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\deploy\sca_B2BX12OrderGateway_rev1.0.jar
[delete] Deleting directory C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\dist
[copy] Copying 1 file to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\bin
[echo] Setting up deployment plan, modifying B2BX12OrderGateway_deployment_plan.xml
[echo] Replacing ws-endpoint with localhost:7001/StoreFrontServiceHooks/StoreFrontService
[echo] Replacing soa server and wls server information
[echo] -SOA: localhost 7001
[echo] Replacing communication style, eventbased? true
[echo] Replacing soa partition name with soaFusionOrderDemo
[echo] Wls home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\/../wlserver_10.3
[echo] Oracle home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[echo] Deploying jsca shared lib? true
[echo] Wls home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\/../wlserver_10.3
[echo] Oracle home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[echo] global: true > ejb: ${use.ejb} jsca: true
[echo] Deploying jsca shared lib? true
[echo] Wls home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\/../wlserver_10.3
[echo] Oracle home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[echo] Cleaning up external partner supplier ejb project ../classes/../deploy
[delete] Deleting: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\deploy\ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb.ear
[echo] Deploying jsca shared lib? true
[echo] Wls home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\/../wlserver_10.3
[echo] Oracle home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[copy] Copying 5 files to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\classes
[javac] Compiling 6 source files to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\classes
[javac] Note: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\src\com\otn\sample\fod\soa\externalps\test\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
[javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[echo] Deploying jsca shared lib? true
[echo] Wls home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\/../wlserver_10.3
[echo] Oracle home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[mkdir] Created dir: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\deploy\APP-INF\lib
[copy] Copying 1 file to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\deploy\APP-INF\lib
[echo] ../classes/meta-inf/
[jar] Building jar: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\deploy\APP-INF\lib\ExternalPartnerSupplierScaModule.jar
[jar] Building MANIFEST-only jar: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\deploy\empty.jar
[ear] Building ear: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\deploy\ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb.ear
[echo] Deploying SOA Fusion Order Demo ..
[echo] Deploying jsca shared lib? true
[echo] Wls home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\/../wlserver_10.3
[echo] Oracle home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[echo] Deploying jsca shared lib? true
[echo] Wls home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\/../wlserver_10.3
[echo] Oracle home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[wldeploy] weblogic.Deployer -remote -noexit -name weblogic-sca -source C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\common\deployable-libraries\weblogic-sca-1.1.war -targets AdminServer -adminurl t3://localhost:7001 -user weblogic -password ******** -deploy -library
[wldeploy] weblogic.Deployer invoked with options: -remote -noexit -name weblogic-sca -source C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\common\deployable-libraries\weblogic-sca-1.1.war -targets AdminServer -adminurl t3://localhost:7001 -user weblogic -deploy -library
[wldeploy] <Sep 6, 2011 9:36:48 PM CST> <Info> <J2EE Deployment SPI> <BEA-260121> <Initiating deploy operation for application, weblogic-sca [archive: C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\common\deployable-libraries\weblogic-sca-1.1.war], to AdminServer .>
[wldeploy] weblogic.Deployer -remote -upload -noexit -name ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb -source C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\deploy\ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb.ear -targets AdminServer -adminurl t3://localhost:7001 -user weblogic -password ******** -deploy
[wldeploy] weblogic.Deployer invoked with options: -remote -upload -noexit -name ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb -source C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\deploy\ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb.ear -targets AdminServer -adminurl t3://localhost:7001 -user weblogic -deploy
[wldeploy] <Sep 6, 2011 9:36:51 PM CST> <Info> <J2EE Deployment SPI> <BEA-260121> <Initiating deploy operation for application, ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb [archive: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\deploy\ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb.ear], to AdminServer .>
[wldeploy] Task 13 initiated: [Deployer:149026]deploy application ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb on AdminServer.
[wldeploy] Task 13 completed: [Deployer:149026]deploy application ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb on AdminServer.
[wldeploy] Target state: deploy completed on Server AdminServer
[input] skipping input as property scac.sar has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property scac.plan has already been set.
[attachplan] attachPlan: Started for Composite SAR file = ../OrderBookingComposite/deploy/sca_OrderBookingComposite_rev1.0.jar using deploy plan = C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin/orderbooking_deployment_plan.xml
[attachplan] Load deployment plan file C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin/orderbooking_deployment_plan.xml
[attachplan] Done Load deployment plan file C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin/orderbooking_deployment_plan.xml
[attachplan] Unpacking the Composite SAR to tmp folder C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\soaear_58421.tmp
[attachplan] Copy new plan file orderbooking_deployment_plan.xml to C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\soaear_58421.tmp\soaconfigplan.xml
[attachplan] Repacking C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\bin\..\OrderBookingComposite\deploy\sca_OrderBookingComposite_rev1.0.jar file soaconfigplan.xml
[attachplan] Deleting tmp composite sar folder ...C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\soaear_58421.tmp
[attachplan] Attach plan successful
[echo] Deploying to http://localhost:7001/soa-infra/deployer
[echo] oracle.home = C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\
[input] skipping input as property serverURL has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property sarLocation has already been set.
[deployComposite] setting user/password..., user=weblogic
[deployComposite] Processing sar=../OrderBookingComposite/deploy/sca_OrderBookingComposite_rev1.0.jar
[deployComposite] Adding sar file - C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\bin\..\OrderBookingComposite\deploy\sca_OrderBookingComposite_rev1.0.jar
[deployComposite] INFO: Creating HTTP connection to host:localhost, port:7001
[deployComposite] INFO: Received HTTP response from the server, response code=500
[deployComposite] ---->response code=500, error:There was an error deploying the composite on AdminServer: Deployment Failed: Unable to find a WSDL that has a definition for service {}orderprocessor_client_ep and port OrderProcessor_pt. Please make sure that the port attribute for the binding defined in the composite file is correct by checking the namespace, service name, and port name. In addition, check that the WSDL associated with the binding namespace is imported and currently reachable (check the import nodes at the top of the composite file). Finally, validate the HTTP proxy settings for the server..
C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\bin\build.xml:186: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin\build_sca_composite.xml:126: Deployment failed, please check above exception
Total time: 1 minute 1 second

Anuj, Thanks.
I tried that, but didn't work. When I invoked the "importCommonServiceArtifactsIntoMds" target, just got another error. Invalid username, password. What's the user name password for this one? Is it set somewhere? Thanks.
Buildfile: C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\bin\build.xml
[echo] Ant: Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008 Java: 1.6
[echo] Using mds-type : db
[input] skipping input as property server.password has already been set.
[echo] SOA Suite 11g version:
[java] *****************************************************************************
[java] Oracle SOA Server version
[java] Build: 0
[java] Build time: Mon Apr 18 18:05:14 PDT 2011
[java] Build type: release
[java] Source tag: PCBPEL_11.
[echo] soa infra mgmt home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS4\jdeveloper\/../oracle_common
[echo] Ant: Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008 Java: 1.6
[echo] Using mds-type : db
[input] skipping input as property server.password has already been set.
[echo] Creating ../.adf/META-INF/adf-config.xml for database backed MDS
[input] skipping input as property mds.db.password has already been set.
[copy] Copying 1 file to C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\.adf\META-INF
[echo] Using jdbc:oracle:thin:@ for db-based backing, with user cutschig_mds
[echo] Ant: Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008 Java: 1.6
[echo] Using mds-type : db
[input] skipping input as property server.password has already been set.
[echo] Ant: Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008 Java: 1.6
[echo] Using mds-type : db
[input] skipping input as property server.password has already been set.
[java] Starting local filesystem import into mds ..
[java] oracle.mds.config.MDSConfigurationException: MDS-01330: unable to load MDS configuration document
[java] MDS-01329: unable to load element "persistence-config"
[java] MDS-01370: MetadataStore configuration for metadata-store-usage "mstore-usage_1" is invalid.
[java] MDS-01259: The metadata store "oracle.mds.persistence.stores.db.DBMetadataStore" cannot be instantiated.
[java] MDS-00003: error connecting to the database
[java] Exception occurred while getting connection: oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException: Cannot get Connection from Datasource: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: ???/????; ?????
[java] Cannot get Connection from Datasource: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: ???/????; ?????
[java] Cannot get Connection from Datasource: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: ???/????; ?????
[java]      at oracle.mds.config.PConfig.loadFromBean(
[java]      at oracle.mds.config.PConfig.<init>(
[java]      at oracle.mds.config.MDSConfig.loadFromBean(
[java]      at oracle.mds.config.MDSConfig.loadFromElement(
[java]      at oracle.mds.config.MDSConfig.<init>(
[java]      at oracle.mds.config.MDSConfig.<init>(
[java]      at com.otn.sample.fod.soa.util.MdsImportTask.getTargetMdsInstanceByAdfConfig(
[java]      at com.otn.sample.fod.soa.util.MdsImportTask.execute(
[java]      at com.otn.sample.fod.soa.util.MdsImportTask.main(
[java] Caused by: oracle.mds.exception.MDSExceptionList: MDS-01329: unable to load element "persistence-config"
[java] MDS-01370: MetadataStore configuration for metadata-store-usage "mstore-usage_1" is invalid.
[java] MDS-01259: The metadata store "oracle.mds.persistence.stores.db.DBMetadataStore" cannot be instantiated.
[java] MDS-00003: error connecting to the database
[java] Exception occurred while getting connection: oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException: Cannot get Connection from Datasource: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: ???/????; ?????
[java] Cannot get Connection from Datasource: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: ???/????; ?????
[java] Cannot get Connection from Datasource: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: ???/????; ?????
[java]      at oracle.mds.config.PConfig.loadFromBean(
[java]      ... 8 more
[java] Exception in thread "main" MDS-01330: unable to load MDS configuration document
[java] MDS-01329: unable to load element "persistence-config"
[java] MDS-01370: MetadataStore configuration for metadata-store-usage "mstore-usage_1" is invalid.
[java] MDS-01259: The metadata store "oracle.mds.persistence.stores.db.DBMetadataStore" cannot be instantiated.
[java] MDS-00003: error connecting to the database
[java] Exception occurred while getting connection: oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException: Cannot get Connection from Datasource: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: ???/????; ?????
[java] Cannot get Connection from Datasource: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: ???/????; ?????
[java] Cannot get Connection from Datasource: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: ???/????; ?????
[java]      at com.otn.sample.fod.soa.util.MdsImportTask.execute(
[java]      at com.otn.sample.fod.soa.util.MdsImportTask.main(
C:\Timmy\DemoPS4\CompositeServices\bin\common-sca-tools.xml:414: Java returned: 1
Total time: 14 seconds
Edited by: Timmy on Sep 6, 2011 7:14 AM

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    If all images cannot be installed, we have a reason to suspect the hardware cause.
    If you use two memory slots to get 16G RAM, I suggest you test with just one (8G) to check the result.
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

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    Below is the original post (URL: )
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    this thread. There have simply been no more updates. If your motivation as a mod was that you simply don't like there being unanswered threads on this forum, then perhaps you could attempt to contribute rather than arbitrarily marking the first reply as an
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    Thank you.

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    Output generated from configuration assistant "Oracle Net Configuration Assistant":
    Command = /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/netca /orahome /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1 /orahnam Oracle_home /instype custom /inscomp client,oraclenet,ano /insprtcl tcp /cfg local /authadp NO_VALUE /nodeinfo NO_VALUE /responseFile /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/install/netca_clt.rsp
    UnsatisfiedLinkError exception loading native library: njni10
    Configuration assistant "Oracle Net Configuration Assistant" failed
    The "/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/cfgtoollogs/configToolFailedCommands" script contains all commands that failed, were skipped or were cancelled. This file may be used to run these configuration assistants outside of OUI. Note that you may have to update this script with passwords (if any) before executing the same.
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    Mac OS X Version 10.7.5

    Try using the Adobe Creative Suite Cleaner Tool
    helps resolve installation problems for CS3 thru CS6 and for Creative Cloud
    If you continue to have problems getting the CD installation to work you can download the trial version of the software thru the page linked below and then use your current serial number to activate it.
    Be sure to follow the steps outlined in the Note: Very Important Instructions section on the download pages at this site or else the download will not work properly.

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    it could be that the depending extension was unpacked while installing the extension pack.
    please go to folder C:\user\..\Analysis-config\plugins and check if the extension jar-file is available. If there is only a folder with the extension name you have to delete this folder,
    uninstall the extension pack in your Design Studio (client side),
    go to Eclipse and check the "Unpack after installing" checkbox in your project Features,
    if it is checked please unckeck it,
    export your extension pack to zip-file,
    install your extenion pack again on client side,
    now the jar-file should be available.
    You sholud deploy your extension on Server without any errors.
    kind regards

  • Error when installing SM7 "The step runMigrationMonitor with step key "

    Hi all
    Please help for the following error when installing
    ERROR 2009-06-13 00:27:13.515
    FCO-00011  The step runMigrationMonitor with step key |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_ABAP_Import_Dialog|ind|ind|ind|ind|5|0|NW_ABAP_Import|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|runMigrationMonitor was executed with status ERROR .

    Hi Uday
    Loading of 'SASACONT1' import package: OK
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 23, completed 4, failed 0, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 22, completed 4, failed 0, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPSSEXC' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 22, completed 4, failed 1, total 29.
    Loading of 'REPOSRC' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 22, completed 4, failed 2, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL0' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 22, completed 4, failed 3, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 21, completed 4, failed 3, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 20, completed 4, failed 3, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 19, completed 4, failed 3, total 29.
    Loading of 'DOKCLU' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 19, completed 4, failed 4, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL1' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 19, completed 4, failed 5, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL2' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 19, completed 4, failed 6, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 18, completed 4, failed 6, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 17, completed 4, failed 6, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 16, completed 4, failed 6, total 29.
    Loading of 'DD03L' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 16, completed 4, failed 7, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPSSRC' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 16, completed 4, failed 8, total 29.
    Loading of 'STERM_TEXT' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 16, completed 4, failed 9, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 15, completed 4, failed 9, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 14, completed 4, failed 9, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 13, completed 4, failed 9, total 29.
    Loading of 'SEOSUBCODF' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 13, completed 4, failed 10, total 29.
    Loading of 'E071K' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 13, completed 4, failed 11, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPSDIC' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 13, completed 4, failed 12, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 12, completed 4, failed 12, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 11, completed 4, failed 12, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 10, completed 4, failed 12, total 29.
    Loading of 'ATAB' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 10, completed 4, failed 13, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPSPROT' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 10, completed 4, failed 14, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPSDOCU' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 10, completed 4, failed 15, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 9, completed 4, failed 15, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 8, completed 4, failed 15, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 7, completed 4, failed 15, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPPOOL' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 7, completed 4, failed 16, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPSLOAD' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 7, completed 4, failed 17, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPSLEXC' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 7, completed 4, failed 18, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 6, completed 4, failed 18, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 5, completed 4, failed 18, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 4, completed 4, failed 18, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPDDIM' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 4, completed 4, failed 19, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPDFACT' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 4, completed 4, failed 20, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPCLUST' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 4, completed 4, failed 21, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 3, completed 4, failed 21, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 2, completed 4, failed 21, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 1, completed 4, failed 21, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPDODS' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 1, completed 4, failed 22, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAP0000' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 1, completed 4, fail
    ed 23, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPUSER' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 1, completed 4, failed 24, total 29.
    Edited by: Kevin Wong on Jun 18, 2009 11:23 AM
    Edited by: Kevin Wong on Jun 18, 2009 11:24 AM

  • Error when installing "contents of this disk cannot be changed".

    I'm getting this error when installing Snow Leopard, 'The contents of this disk cannot be changed'.
    Any ideas?

    Install 10.5.8 COMBO update, then try SL.

  • Error when installing app

    I keep getting an error when installing some apps - unknown error (0xE8000013)
    Anyone know what this is or why this is happening???
    any help apreciated

    Have you tried the steps in article ? Reporting the problem to the particular application developer may be helpful, since it seems to be occurring with some apps.
    Oddly, the article I found documenting the error doesn't seem related to the issue you're experiencing: Do you have a SIM PIN on your iPhone by chance?
    Other than that, have you tried restoring your iPhone and setting it up as a new phone? More information can be found here: .
    Hope this helps,

  • Error when installing applications

    I am getting a error when installing a few different application.
    I get this error installing the Citrix Receiver, I get similar errors when installing the Cisco VPN software as well. These are two very important aps for us and need to work on 8.1 if we are to move forward with upgrades.
    Product: Citrix Receiver(USB) -- Error 1406. Could not write value GUID to key \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\Tracing\Modules\IcaClient_GenericUsb_Vdgusb. System error . Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support
    It seams like it is not creating the key in the registry, even though I am a local admin on the system. I have tried running it as a domain admin with the same error. I have also verified I can create keys in the registry
    I am currently running Windows 8.1 Enterprise eval on my laptop, we are testing this in our environment.
    Thanks in advanced for any help, this one has stumped me a little.

    Ask Cisco support/forum for help. This seems to be vendor/product specific

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    I work on Mac mini with Mac OS X 10.6.
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    Hi Ken,
    Thanks for your advice! I would try to clean up for more free space. I just downloaded one dmg from another website linking to apple. I could successfully install that one, but very often the content in gdb window is empty. Even if the gdb works for some time initially, after loading some specific project, the gdb doesn't provide info any longer :-( Any idea?
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    ORA-01158: Database already mounted
    i need to set up a database a 3 different schema
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