Error with app

I download a few app from a cd on my PC and when I try to sync some app like tetris it doesn't finisch the sync and it appare the message: unknow error 0xE8008001..what it mean this kind of error?

You download Apps only from iTunes and not from a CD.
Apps are registered to a particular iTunes account so unless those Apps were downloaded with that account, they will not upload to the iPhone.

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    I realize these apps don't have to be paid for again, but I find it very frustrating to have to go through this process just to get an update. My biggest issue is that I lose any and all data stored in that application because I had to delete it.
    After searching these forums and seeing multiple people with the same problem, and no solution, I figured I'd go to the source and just call Apple support for iPhone and here's what they said in a nutshell.
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    Aha - interesting. Up until a few days ago, I was 'happily' updating apps virtually every day (bar the unhappiness caused by how long it took and the fact it moved the app to a different page from where I'd carefully moved it previously). I had a crash during an app update at the end of last week, after which I had to do a recovery restore. Since then... I'm seeing no updates available on the phone, even when I know they're in the store.
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    Its hopeless wow ..

    What OS are you running? All you said was .681, which is merely the 4th octet, with the first two octets telling you which section of that KB you should be following. The instructions you quoted have only to do with OS 5...
    This KB may well also apply:
    KB29501 "Error installing BlackBerry Identity, please try again later" when trying to install an update for BlackBerry Identity in BlackBerry App World.
    There likely are others as can search the public KBs to find if something exactly matches your circumstances...
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Error with apps social

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    Me too. I had this problem yesterday after I downloaded some podcasts, but then it kept going after I deleted them. I had to restore it completely, which worked fine... at first. I just hooked it up to the computer again for the first time, and it asked me if I wanted to back it up with the saved settings. I said yes... 'sigh' In the process of restoring it now. Again. Can anyone help with this?

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    Custom slot labels are the optional navigation buttons (such as "Store," "FAQ," etc.) that enterprise publishers can add to their apps. It's not related to the standard app icons.
    Are you building an app using an Enterprise account? If not, there's a bug we'll need to look at. If so, check the Customized XML Strings (?) option in the advanced settings of the App Details pane. Delete or re-create the XML file.

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    I can tell a idea about your second question. If your phone already connected to the access point opera browser will ask to connect to internet. It is a matter of the application not a bug of your phone. There are some settings to Opera mini application. There is a option as communication . Under that option there is connectivity. It is normally selected as ask first time only. That is you opera mini ask for the internet connection although it is already connected to the internet. If you don't wish to happen it again you have to select always allowed.

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    Date & Time: 19.11.2013 11:02:26
    Event Class: Registry
    Operation: RegOpenKey
    Result: NAME NOT FOUND
    Path: HKU\S-1-5-21-1393060369-1102717077-1881041405-25977_CLASSES\AppV\Client\Packages\4782139E-FD11-4C4D-84FB-57E849A8B823\Registry\Machine\Software\Classes\CLSID\{3BE786A0-0366-4F5C-9434-25CF162E475E}\ExtendedErrors
    TID: 10504
    Duration: 0.0000049
    Desired Access: Maximum Allowed
    Date & Time: 19.11.2013 11:02:31
    Event Class: Registry
    Operation: RegEnumKey
    Path: HKCR\CLSID\{3BE786A0-0366-4F5C-9434-25CF162E475E}\ExtendedErrors
    TID: 10504
    Duration: 0.0000021
    Index: 0
    Length: 0
    Date & Time: 19.11.2013 11:02:31
    Event Class: Registry
    Operation: RegOpenKey
    Result: NAME NOT FOUND
    Path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppV\Client\Packages\4782139E-FD11-4C4D-84FB-57E849A8B823\Versions\E7BFC8A3-BB43-4739-A7A8-604AA3A68E84\Registry\Machine\Software\Classes\CLSID\{3BE786A0-0366-4F5C-9434-25CF162E475E}\ExtendedErrors
    TID: 10504
    Duration: 0.0000123
    Desired Access: Maximum Allowed
    There are hundreds of these entries. What are these NAME NOT FOUND errors? Did anyone of you successful sequence SAP Gui 7.3 with App-V 5?
    Thanks for help.

    See this topic which explains BUFFER TO SMALL.
    The Name not found indicates that it is looking for a registry key (location is the path) and not finding it. That may not be a problem, as it usually traverses multiple locations (HKCU and / or HKLM, native and virtual..).
    First question is;
    On a machine with SAP installed natively - is there an entry named;
    If yes, does it exist in the package?
    Nicke Källén | The Knack| Twitter:

  • Plug-in errors and dependency errors with a CAF app in DS in NW CE 7.1

    I am learining to build CAF apps in Developer Studio in NW CE 7.1.  Here are my steps and the errors I am getting:
    Open Developer Studio
    Switch to the CA perspective
    Choose Development Component under Development Infrastructure
    Press Next
    Choose Composite Application under
    Choose MyComponents[] under 'Local Development'
    Name: carpool
    Caption: Car Pool
    Language: American English
    Domain: SAP-xApps
    Support Component: CAF-APP (typed in, not chosen)
    Press Finish
    The following error appears:
    Status ERROR
    Plugin :
    Internal error
       Plugin name: Metamodel Core
       Internal error  :
       Class      :
       Method     : computeIdeJarProperties
       Message    : C:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\CE\eclipse\E:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\CE\eclipse\plugins\\lib\ (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)
       Exception  : C:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\CE\eclipse\E:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\CE\eclipse\plugins\\lib\ (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect) C:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\CE\eclipse\E:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\CE\eclipse\plugins\\lib\ (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)
    at Method)
    at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
    at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
    I do not think I missed anything installing NW CE 7.1, but this error makes me think that some plug-in was erroneously left out of the install. 
    Incidentally, I can continue onward and build an app (this is obviously a tutorial), but when I try to deploy I get the following error:
    The deployment of the archive failed with an exception!
    ([ERROR CODE DPL.DCAPI.1027]) DependenciesResolvingException.
    Reason:[ERROR CODE DPL.DC.3033] An unresolved dependencies error
    occurred while sorting the deployment batch items regarding the
    dependencies.;nested exception is:
    denciesException:[ERROR CODE DPL.DC.3437]Unresolved dependencies
    found for the following deployment items:
    1. Component: name:'carpool~ear',vendor:'',location:
    'localDevelopment',version:'20080501110329',software type: 'J2EE',
    Unresolved dependency:
    name:'cafruntimeear',vendor:''          (not found in the admitted
    batch items and the repository)
    Unresolved dependency:
    name:'cafcoreear',vendor:''          (not found in the admitted
    batch items and the repository)
    Please check the error log for further informations.
    Again, this looks like I am missing some components.
    Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

    Further developments:  As you may note from the error message, DS is looking for in both the C: and the E: drive at the same time.  In fact, this file exists in the E: drive subdirectory listed, so I obviously have an error with two drive designations being concatenated.  Does anyone know how I can change the lookup directory for this dependency (or any dependency)? 

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    Below is the log. What did i do wrong? I have created the datasource of HRConnDS, and it shows in EM.
    Nov 6, 2009 10:06:12 AM] Application Deployer for hra1 STARTS.
    [Nov 6, 2009 10:06:12 AM] Copy the archive to /u01/OraHome_app1/j2ee/home/applications/hra1.ear
    [Nov 6, 2009 10:06:12 AM] Initialize /u01/OraHome_app1/j2ee/home/applications/hra1.ear begins...
    [Nov 6, 2009 10:06:12 AM] Unpacking hra1.ear
    [Nov 6, 2009 10:06:12 AM] Done unpacking hra1.ear
    [Nov 6, 2009 10:06:12 AM] Unpacking webapp2.war
    [Nov 6, 2009 10:06:12 AM] Done unpacking webapp2.war
    [Nov 6, 2009 10:06:12 AM] Initialize /u01/OraHome_app1/j2ee/home/applications/hra1.ear ends...
    [Nov 6, 2009 10:06:12 AM] Starting application : hra1
    [Nov 6, 2009 10:06:12 AM] Initializing ClassLoader(s)
    [Nov 6, 2009 10:06:12 AM] Initializing EJB container
    [Nov 6, 2009 10:06:12 AM] Loading connector(s)
    [Nov 6, 2009 10:06:12 AM] Starting up resource adapters
    [Nov 6, 2009 10:06:12 AM] application : hra1 is in failed state
    [Nov 6, 2009 10:06:12 AM] Operation failed with error: java:/app/jdbc/jdbc/HRConnDS not found
    Thank you very much for your help.

    How did you create your datasource, can you post the content, without passwords of course.

  • I have received an error message when trying to install 13 new apps for Creative Cloud. It reads: "Error There was an error with this action. Try again later.  7b1f5f56-79b3-4a0d-8fd2-137b1a3e6b67" I don't know what to do.

    I have received an error message when trying to install 13 new apps for Creative Cloud. It reads: "Error There was an error with this action. Try again later.  7b1f5f56-79b3-4a0d-8fd2-137b1a3e6b67" I don't know what to do.

    AppTrial1 where are you seeing this error exactly?  For information on how to install the Adobe Creative applications included with the Creative Cloud please see Install and update apps -

  • Keeping getting an error with-in the App Store. Error 100 saying that my payment can't be received at the time. I updated to Mountain Lion to download the new Logic Pro X. Now left with now recording software and it's not letting me buy the new one.

    Keeping getting an error with-in the App Store. Error 100 saying that my payment can't be received at the time. I updated to Mountain Lion to download the new Logic Pro X. Now left with now recording software and it's not letting me buy the new one.
    iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4), trying to get Logic Pro X

    Hello jst84,
    The following article may be helpful in getting your purchase to complete.
    Mac App Store: "An unknown error occurred (100)" when purchasing

  • Error with iPhone app download, now can't find or open app

    I recently tried to download an app on my iPhone 4S.  There was an error with my phone mid-download.  After a restart, the app is nowhere to be found on my phone, but I cannot re-download the app, as the app store thinks it is already on my phone.  When I go to the store to re-download, the "Open" button is present (instead of the "Download" button), but when clicked, nothing happens.  Syncing iPhone to a computer with iTunes also does not solve the problem, as the app doesn't appear in iTunes either.
    I've tried restarting, hard resets, etc. to no avail.  Suggestions? 

    When you launch iPhoto with the option key depressed you'll get this window:
    Click to view full size
    All libraries on your hard drive (and on external drives) will be listed and the currently used library will be listed as (default).

  • Adobe Error when opening embedded PDF on IE (Sequenced with App-V 5 SP2)

    Lately we have packaged Adobe Reader XI with App-V 5 SP2 but we are getting an error on some users when they are trying to open embedded PDF on Internet Explorer. 
    The below screenshot is the error that is currently popping up when users try to open embedded PDF
    Any help would be greatly appreciated 

    Hi ant_merc,
    What happens when you try to open Adobe Reader XI in non-protected mode?
    For more information check:

  • Windows.Launch contract failed with error: The app didn't start..

    We have installed windows 8 Prof X64 Edition; none of the Metro apps are not getting launched; the system is added in domain, the event viewer has the below information for one of the app.
    Event Under: Applications
    App microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe!Microsoft.WindowsLive.Chat did not launch within its allotted time.
    Event Under: AppHost
    The App Host has encountered an unexpected error and will terminate. The error is  0x8007000E.
    Event Under: Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational
    Activation of the app microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe!Microsoft.WindowsLive.Chat for the Windows.Launch contract failed with error: The app didn't start..
    Regards Ajinkya Ghare MCITP-Server Administrator | MCTS

    Try to put a machine disjoin the domain to see if the same issue occurs.
    Sometimes the Windows 8 machines cannot use metro app once join the domain, you can try this method:
    1- Open "Local Group Policy Editor"
    2-Navigate to "Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Network Isolation"
    3- Open "Internet Proxy Servers for Metro Style Apps" and set the value to your proxy server address like
    Leo Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • App Error 603 with "App Error 603".

    My Curve 9330 occasional reboots with error message, "App Error 603".  Also sometimes get the message, "Uncaught exception index 11 >= 11".  Help!!!

    I would recommend doing a wipe out of your handheld.  Mine was doing the same and it looks like that did the trick for me. 
    To do that go to Options>Security>Security Wipe you will be prompted to enter the password blackberry to be able to do this. 
    Hope it helps.

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