"Errors on page" with simple JSF page

I wrote a very simple JSF page as shown below. It works as is with MyFaces. Now I tried to make it work with Sun RI as well.
Here's the problem: The page appears perfectly fine (it shows two columns of links). Only one single link works, though: the first one in the left column.
When I click on that first link, the action handler method ("userClick") is called and executed fine.
But when I click on any other link, the method is not called at all. All I get is an "error on page" message in the browser status bar. No log message on the command line or log file.
Am I doing something wrong? With MyFaces it works fine.
Here's the page:
<%@ page language="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %>
     <f:loadBundle basename="ca.gc.nrc.iit.eConservatoire.frontend.bundles.MessageBundle" var="bundle" />
     <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
               <title><h:outputText value="#{bundle.menu_frame}" /></title>
               <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
               <h:panelGrid border="1" columns="2" columnClasses="td">
                    <h:dataTable value="#{MenuBackingBean.menuTabItems}" border="0" var="menuTabItem" >
                                   <h:commandLink action="#{MenuBackingBean.userClick}" >
                                        <h:outputText value="#{menuTabItem.itemName}" />
                                        <f:param name="itemID" value="#{menuTabItem.itemID}" />
                    <h:dataTable value="#{MenuBackingBean.menuItems}" border="0" var="menuItem" >
                                   <h:commandLink action="#{MenuBackingBean.userClick}" >
                                        <h:outputText value="#{menuItem.itemName}" />
                                        <f:param name="itemID" value="#{menuItem.itemID}" />
Here's the faces-config
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.1//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-facesconfig_1_1.dtd">
<faces-config >
I don't think I need to show the backing bean with the userClick() method since the error is that this method is not even called (I added a system.out.println() to this method - which is never executed)
So the problem must be before
BTW I am using Sun RI 1.1.01 as shipped with the MyEclipseIDE extensions.
Thanks a lot for your very much appreciated help

The problem is that you have two forms. Put a single form.

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    Replace <jsp:include page="somepage.jsp">
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    See thread: http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?messageID=3413354&#3413354

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    Simplest way is to rewrite html page into jsf page.
    You can use session bean in your managed bean like this:
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    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
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    private Context  ctx;
    private Object res;
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                     res = ctx.lookup("Service");
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    First of all, how do you concluded that you're dealing with packaging problem?? It seems problem is in response from web service. The toolkit you have is not able to parse the soap response. Tomcat solves problem probably because of the different jars he has for web service client.
    In either way, i have personally experienced problems with JD packaging (11g). The WAR created by JD was working well in embedded WLS shipped with JD, but when deployed to production WLS 10.3.1, i got a "IO exception; premature end of file". The only solution was to create a WAR by ant.
    Here is ANT sample script for building java classes, packaging into war, deploying to WLS (for this last one, you need to reference external jar):
    <target name="build">
    <!-- compile -->
    <javac debug="true" debuglevel="${debuglevel}" source="${source_version}" target="${target_version}" destdir="${output.dir}">
    <src path="${src.location}"/>
         <target name="war" depends="build">
    <delete file="${target_war_file}"/>
    <war destfile="${target_war_file}" webxml="src/WEB-INF/web.xml" manifest="/src/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" update="true">
    <classes dir="${output.dir}"/>
    <lib dir="${build_libs.location}">
    <include name="**/*.jar"/>
    <!-- include important jsf files files -->
    <zipfileset dir="${path.to.conf.folder}" prefix="WEB-INF">
    <include name="adfc-config.xml"/>
    <include name="trinidad-config.xml"/>
    <include name="web.xml"/>
    <include name="weblogic.xml"/>
         <taskdef name="wldeploy" classname="weblogic.ant.taskdefs.management.WLDeploy">
    <pathelement location="c:/oracle/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar"/>
    <target name="deploy">
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    targets="${wls.targets}" securitymodel="CustomRoles" source="${target_war_file}" nostage="false"/>
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    <!--     properties for deploy

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    Thank in advance for any help you can offer,

    I was able to import the word documents as long as there was only one text frame on the master page. However, when I created multiple text frames (the text in the word document needs to flow from frame 1 to frame 2), it always imported into frame 2 and skipped frame 1. In case it is helpful to understand what I mean, I attach two screenshots. The first (sans text) is the master page, and the second is Page 1 after running the script. I added the labels Frame 1 and Frame 2 to Page 1, not the Master, because otherwise the text gets imported into the frame with the words "Frame 2". I suspect I have to label the frames in InDesign and then add something to the script that says insert into the Frame 1, but I'm not sure how to do that.
    It wasn't clear from your narrative in June that the text frames were linked, and that the text needed to flow between frames.
    The script, as implemented, only overrides one text frame, (textFrames[0],  which is the top-most text frame in the stacking order), and then places the text in it. Clearly that's not correct for your scenario.
    You mention 3 frames but only mention flowing between 2 frames.
    Anyhow, it sounds like you want the script to override all 3 text frames, and then to place in the first textframe.
    The first is easy, the question is really what should happen when there are more than 3 text frames -- should it override all text frames, or only some. You could specify which ones with a Script Label, or you could do something more clever. For the moment, let's just override all text frames.
    Then you have to specify which one to place into. You could just select the frame you want and Arrange > Bring To Front. Or we could specify frames[2], which should be the 3rd-from-the-top (after frames[0] and frames[1]). I'll do the latter, but feel free to keep the script the same and do the former:
        i, frames;
    for (i=0; i<p.length; i++) {
        frames = p[i].appliedMaster.textFrames.everyItem().override(p[i]);
        frames[2].place(new File("/path/to/page"+p[i].name+".doc"));

  • Loading page animation while JSF page is being loaded

    JSF 2.1
    Mojarra 2.1.7
    JBoss 7.1.1
    The backing bean on my JSF page(s) are view-scoped, and during the initial request, the backing bean's @PostConstructor method may take some time to return as it is calling external systems that are outside of my control. Thus, during the RENDER_RESPONSE phase of the initial request to the JSF page, it may take, on average, 3 to 5 seconds to return ( sometimes longer than that .... which again, is outside of my control ). While this is happening, the page rendered is of course blank as the response has not been written yet.
    Naturally, I am thinking of a way to show an animated loading image.
    1) I have seen suggestions of using a4j:status and a4j:region, but these are only valid for Ajax requests, while what I need is something that I can use during the initial request ( not a post back ), of a JSF lifecycle.
    2) Suggestions of using two HTML divs... one DIV shows the animated image while the other DIV wraps the real content, but is initially hidden. Then use window.onload() to swap the style of the two DIVs so that the DIV wrapping the real content becomes visible while the DIV wrapping the animated image becomes hidden.
    But then again ... these DIVs will NOT be written to the response yet as I am still in RENDER_RESPONSE phase.
    The only thing that I can think of is to:
    3) Create another page whose sole purpose is to show the animated image, then somehow immediately forward the request to the real page. The animated image on the first page will hopefully continue animating until the final page is rendered.
    What have you guys done ?

    jmsjr wrote:
    gimbal2 wrote:
    3(alt)) show a view which displays the animation and then triggers the long-loading page to be requested (no forward). The long-loading page does not generate any response until there really is something to show, to keep the animation view visible.
    This was the simplest solution by far .. although there are some quirks to be deal with when using IE.As usual :/ It remains a questionable product no matter how many times they reinvent the wheel.

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    It should not give the second page. i also checked by giving the condition if &page& eq 1  but no difference iam getting two pages.
    Pl. let me know how to solve this problem since this is very very emergency issue.

    Hi Mark,
                  If i am not wrong is this Tcode for customer/vendor balance confirmation? In the standard script that u mentioned, the first page id the letter, and the second page contains the balance sheet.You would not be able to restrict the blank pages from coming, coz there are in all three scripts configured for the TCode F.17, so the blank pages are bound to come, even if the conditions for pages are maintained. I have faced similar problems in my development too....
    Thanks & Regards
    SAP Consulatant.
    Reward with points if useful

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    If you middle-click on the home icon it will open a new tab containing the home page.

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    This is well documented in http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E15523_01/web.1111/b31973/af_navigate.htm

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    I need a help in the below scenario;
    - I have two Master pages wid different header title and other information which I required for two different body pages.
    I need to assign the 1st master page with all content of first page data (both design pages will display table data).
    so the first page display should start with 1st master page  and 1st body and after finishing the content of first table..
    2nd master and body page starts with the content of 2nd table..
    The issue is I am getting one extra page when I am checking design pages
    Please let me know your valuable suggestion.. Helpful answer will be highly appreciated !!!
    Edited by: Dev on Aug 20, 2010 4:36 PM

    HI Otto,
    I am also facing similar problem,
    I too hv 2 master pages and 2 body pages respectively.
    first master page assigned to first body page
    and second master page assigned to second body page.
    But still i am able to view one extra body page in my design view.
    Kindly help.

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    You might try using this print diagnostic utility to see if it helps solve your problem.
    There are several solutions within the utility that fixes several printer issues.
    Say Thanks by clicking the Kudos Star in the post that helped you. Please mark the post that solves your problem as Accepted Solution.
    I am employed by HP

  • How do I replace my index (Home) page with a new page?

    My iWeb site has a "Home" page as it's default index page. I renamed the page "Home4" and created a new "Home" page in hopes that the new page would become the default page. Nope, it still goes to "Home4".
    Next, I tried deleting Home4, now I just get an error message when trying to go to the site.
    I should mention that I deleted the Home4 page through the MobilMe website, not in iWeb. I see that there is an index.html file in the site directory which I "assume" is a redirect to what iWeb considers to be the "Default" page. But, I see no way to edit or even view the contents of the index.html page.
    How do I create/replace an index page?
    Message was edited by: GoldwingTX

    Your new home page need to be the first one at the top of the sidebar of iWeb.
    iWeb will build a new index.html which redirects to the new home page
    Safari > menu bar > Safari > Clear the cache of your browser before visit your website

  • I am trying to use the embed tag - to embed an html page with in a page embed src="page.html" /

    <pre><nowiki><!DOCTYPE HTML>
    <embed src="page.html" />

    The <embed> tag works in Windows IE 9, and Opera, Now! But not in Firefox yet. Whats up with that? I guess we will see who is going to be left behind.

  • How change default hom page with my application page

    Default home page is open with link http://localhost:8080/apex/ .
    I need to type http://localhost for open open my application .

    Another option since Oracle10g XE does not come with Apache, you can replace the License page (index.htm) with this HTML code to automatically route you from http://localhost to http://localhost/apex/
    <HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=http://localhost/apex/">
    You do this by replacing the index.htm found in the base directory when you ftp to the XE database. Also, to change the port from port 8080 to port 80 run
    SQL> exec dbms_xdb.sethttpport(80);

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