ESB/JBI example scenarios

I am trying to better understand the relationship between SOA and ESB/JBI and web services. Can anyone give me a few examples/use cases of ESB please or redirect me to resources on the web that you have found useful and that give use cases of ESB and possibly contrast them to SOA and web services?
Thanks in advance,

I (and many others) could ramble on for ages on these topics but I'll try and keep it crisp.
I think of SOA as a set architectural guiding principles. Business processes are factored out into services that can be composed and re-composed into new applications as needed. SOA approaches can be (and have been) implemented without Web Services though perhaps its true to say that the newer technologies lend themselves far more to such use.
One of the technologies that arises largely from the MOM (Message Oriented Middleware) community is the ESB. JBI doesn't define an ESB. JBI is a single VM approach to Integration using a disintermediated model of Message Exchange. An ESB is a larger concept invoving intelligent routing, orchestration and process flow, federated management and many others. Having said that, if I was building an ESB from scratch (see the Open-ESB project at I would have JBI at its heart.
JBI leverages many concepts from Web Services technologies such as WSDL, the concepts of MEPs from WSDL 2.0 and much more besides.
Hope this helps a bit.

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    Not sure what you mean by installing the JDI sdk, but if you didn't download and install the OpenESB/Netbeans installer, I would recommend installing that instead. You can get it here:
    There are some BPEL examples included in netbeans. Create a new project in netbeans and Go to Samples > SOA. I believe they are under the BPEL folder and there are 5 blueprints.
    For other components, you can reference videos. Most components available here have videos showing you how to use netbeans and openesb to create Composite Apps.
    Specifically I learned netbeans/jbi by following the SMTP tutorials included in this blog:
    Hope that helps.

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    Edited by: Mr A on Feb 2, 2010 9:41 PM

    Based on the business requirements, you may need to do the following actions:
    1) Extending standard Idocs.
    2) Complete custom idoc scenario
    3) Enhancing standard Idoc population programs using exits.
    4) Creating custom segments
    5) Creating partner profiles

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    Thanks in advance
    Kishor Kumar s

    Check this -
    How to capture error log in a table in BODS

  • ESB Cluster- Testing Scenario ! ! !

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    we did ESB clustering with
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    ESB RT2 on HOST 2
    ESB DT on HOST 3.
    We followed the below docs to do clustering.
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    Thanks in advance .
    Regards ,

    Did you apply the latest patch set for or
    1. We were not able to create connections to application server with ESB RT in host 1 and appln server with ESB DT in host 3 .
    Are the IP Broadcast adresses correct? Can you reach it from host2?
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    Enable the application 'ascontrol' to true, this van be set in the default-website.xml file. Then as control is enabled on each server on which the 'home' container is installed.
    BTW: did you read my document on clustering SOA?

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    Kind regards,

    This is not possible. Or you must use a PL/SQL package, that you access from ESB, that throws an error.
    Or use BPEL.

  • JBI Installation Error on Windows

    The problem:
    JBI default install fails on windows. We have solved the problem with a workaround, listed below.
    Our configuration is:
    * JBI 1.0
    * Application server Q2
    * Windows 2000
    We get the following symptoms:
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    * server.log reports "NoClassDefFoundError: javax/jbi/JBIException"
    * jbi install log reports "The input line is too long."
    Our solution:
    1) Replace C:\Sun\AppServer\bin\asant.bat with the file listed below. We have moved setting the class path from the command line to an environment variable.
    2) Re-run the installation scripts:
    C:\Sun\jbi\install>C:\Sun\Appserver\bin\asant.bat -DAS_INSTALL=C:\Sun\Appserver -DJBI_HOME=C:\Sun\jbi -DJBI_DOMAIN_ROOT=C:\Sun\Appserver\domains\domain1 -f install_jbi_domain.ant
    C:\Sun\jbi\install>C:\Sun\Appserver\bin\asant.bat -DJBI_HOME=C:\Sun\jbi -DJBI_DOMAIN_ROOT=C:\Sun\Appserver\domains\domain1 -f C:\Sun\jbi\install\install_sample_components.xml
    @echo off
    rem Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
    rem SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
    call "C:\Sun\AppServer\config\asenv.bat"
    set ANT_HOME=%AS_ANT%
    set ANT_OPTS=""
    set CLASSPATH=
    if exist "%HOME%\antrc_pre.bat" call "%HOME%\antrc_pre.bat"
    if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" @setlocal
    rem %~dp0 is expanded pathname of the current script under NT
    set DEFAULT_ANT_HOME=%~dp0..
    rem Slurp the command line arguments. This loop allows for an unlimited number
    rem of arguments (up to the command line limit, anyway).
    set ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS=%1
    if ""%1""=="""" goto doneStart
    if ""%1""=="""" goto doneStart
    goto setupArgs
    rem This label provides a place for the argument list loop to break out
    rem and for NT handling to skip to.
    rem find ANT_HOME if it does not exist due to either an invalid value passed
    rem by the user or the %0 problem on Windows 9x
    if exist "%ANT_HOME%\lib\ant.jar" goto checkJava
    rem check for ant in Program Files on system drive
    if not exist "%SystemDrive%\Program Files\ant" goto checkSystemDrive
    set ANT_HOME=%SystemDrive%\Program Files\ant
    goto checkJava
    rem check for ant in root directory of system drive
    if not exist %SystemDrive%\ant\lib\ant.jar goto checkCDrive
    set ANT_HOME=%SystemDrive%\ant
    goto checkJava
    rem check for ant in C:\ant for Win9X users
    if not exist C:\ant\lib\ant.jar goto noAntHome
    set ANT_HOME=C:\ant
    goto checkJava
    echo ANT_HOME is set incorrectly or ant could not be located. Please set ANT_HOME.
    goto end
    for %%i in ("%ANT_HOME%\lib\*.jar") do call "%ANT_HOME%\bin\lcp.bat" %%i
    call "%ANT_HOME%\bin\lcp.bat" %AS_INSTALL%\lib\sun-appserv-ant.jar
    if "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" goto noJavaHome
    if not exist "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" goto noJavaHome
    if "%_JAVACMD%" == "" set JAVACMD=%JAVAHOME%\bin\java.exe
    if exist "%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar" set LOCALCLASSPATH=%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar;%LOCALCLASSPATH%
    goto checkJikes
    if "%_JAVACMD%" == "" set _JAVACMD=java.exe
    echo Warning: JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set.
    echo If build fails because sun.* classes could not be found
    echo you will need to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable
    echo to the installation directory of java.
    if not "%JIKESPATH%"=="" goto runAntWithJikes
    set CLASSPATH="%AS_INSTALL%/lib/appserv-se.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%/lib/admin-cli.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%/lib/appserv-admin.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%/lib/j2ee.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%/lib/appserv-ext.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%/lib/appserv-rt.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%/lib/commons-launcher.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%/lib/install/applications/jmsra/imqjmsra.jar";"%LOCALCLASSPATH%"
    "%_JAVACMD%" %ANT_OPTS% -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot="%AS_INSTALL%" -Djava.library.path="%AS_INSTALL%\bin;%AS_ICU_LIB%" "-Dant.home=%ANT_HOME%" %ANT_ARGS% %ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS%
    goto end
    set CLASSPATH="%AS_INSTALL%/lib/appserv-se.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%/lib/admin-cli.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%/lib/appserv-admin.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%/lib/j2ee.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%/lib/appserv-ext.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%/lib/appserv-rt.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%/lib/commons-launcher.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%/lib/install/applications/jmsra/imqjmsra.jar";"%LOCALCLASSPATH%"
    "%_JAVACMD%" %ANT_OPTS% -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot="%AS_INSTALL%" -Djava.library.path="%AS_INSTALL%\bin;%AS_ICU_LIB%" "-Dant.home=%ANT_HOME%" "-Djikes.class.path=%JIKESPATH%" %ANT_ARGS% %ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS%
    goto end
    set _JAVACMD=
    if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" @endlocal
    if exist "%HOME%\antrc_post.bat" call "%HOME%\antrc_post.bat"

    I tried your updated asant.bat file. Now I am getting following error.
    C:\Sun\jbi\examples\Demo\demo.ant:228: as.install.dir: ${as.install.dir} does not exist. EXIT
    can u help?

  • Help need in XML to Proxy scenario

    HI Guys,
    I have got one scenaio from xml file --> ABAP proxy. This is for SNC integration, Product Acitivity Data. Please have a look the following xml file.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <N102>SO. CALIF.</N102>
      <N102>SO. CALIF.</N102>
    1. Can you please tell me, Do we need Multimapping in this?
    2. To take this file into PI, do we need to use Ananimity bean parameters to sender file adapter module?
    3. the sender side XSD schma as follows is it okay are any change are required
    ROOT     Complex Type          
    OUTPUT     Element          0..unbounded
    TRANS_HEADER     Element          0..unbounded
    SET_ID     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    CNTL_NUMB     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    CUST_NUMB     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    H01_XQ     Element          0..unbounded
    XQ01     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    XQ_Y2K_DATE1     Element     xsd:date     0..1
    Group_N1     Element          0..unbounded
    H02_N1     Element          0..1
    N101     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    N102     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    N103     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    N104     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    H02_N1_N4     Element          0..1
    N401     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    N402     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    N403     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    H02_N1_DTM     Element          0..1
    DTM01     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    DTM_Y2K_DATE     Element     xsd:date     0..1
    Group_LIN     Element          0..unbounded
    D01_LIN     Element          0..unbounded
    LIN02     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    LIN03     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    LIN04     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    LIN05     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    LIN06     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    LIN07     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    LIN08     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    LIN09     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    D01_PO4     Element          0..unbounded
    P0401     Element     xsd:integer     0..1
    D01_N9     Element          0..unbounded
    N901     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    N902     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    Group_ZA     Element          0..unbounded
    D02_ZA     Element          0..unbounded
    ZA01     Element     xsd:string     0..unbounded
    ZA02     Element     xsd:decimal     0..unbounded
    ZA03     Element     xsd:string     0..unbounded
    ZA04     Element     xsd:string     0..unbounded
    ZA05     Element     xsd:string     0..unbounded
    ZA06     Element     xsd:string     0..unbounded
    ZA07     Element     xsd:string     0..unbounded
    ZA08     Element     xsd:string     0..unbounded
    ZA09     Element     xsd:string     0..unbounded
    S01_CTT     Element          0..unbounded
    CTT01     Element     xsd:string     0..1
    Any kind if help is good.
    Many thanks in advance.

    Hi Abhishek,
    Any example scenario do you about this model. I will explain our scenario situation, please give me your idea.
    We are doing Customer colloboration on SNC 7.0 with PI 7.11. Everyday customer sales files almost 100 comes individually EDI messages comes in EDI flat file, there is intermediate company will conver EDI flat file into xml messages. This xml file has got first 5 tags header information and the rest 50 to 100 lin items. This kind of header and lin information 3 to 5 messages per one xml.
    EX:  <RooT>
               <OUTPUT> -- 0..unbound
                  <Header-1>   --- 0..1
                  <Header-2>  ---  0..1
                  <Line -1>     0..n
                  <Line -7>     0..n
                       <ZA>      0..1
                       <ZA>      0..1
                  <Trailer>        0..1
    This is the structure. We need to populate all this customer information into Product Activity Notification on SNC 1..1.
    Could you please give me your ideas and recommandations.
    Many thanks for your help & effort.

  • Offline Scenario - How to Automatically Manipulate Fields

    Hello all,
    Good day! I would just like to ask in Adobe Interactive Forms using ABAP if its possible to modify fields automatically?
    So example scenario is let's say this a table with a modifiable field sorted by Operation and there is a field where you can place a value A, B,and C.
    Ex structure in PDF
    Catalog - Drop Down
    Priority (A, B, C).
    There is another table in the PDF form. Sorted by catalog and what it will is that it will populate the A, B, C fields based on the Catalog. Sorted by Catalog.
    Ex Structure
    Also keep in mind that since you can input the Catalog in the first table, the 2nd table should be appended.
    Not sure if this is possible via ABAP in the offline scenario, though if this is required using Java Script your help will still be welcome (just let me know how to code it in the events).
    Thanks and Regards

    For a dynamic form like that, you will certainly have to code it in Formcalc or Javascript. you need to check the Adobe Help for examples.
    It provides lots of examples on how to code in Formcalc and Javascript. You may even want to join the Live Cycle Designers group over at google groups for specific coding questions.

  • IDOC to EDI scenario

    Dear All,
    need your help on how to configure and deploy a scenario for a IDOC to EDI (856)  .  I believe this is like "IDoc to X12 - > X12 to EDI" using AS2 adapter.  BASIS has configured the B2B addon installation and I am not sure about the EDI part in this scenario..
    can you please inform what that the steps (A to Z) needs to be followed and would be great if example scenarios can be uploaded .

    Hi Fernando,
    I guess you're referring to this thread: IDOC to EDI scenario
    For that reason, please do close this one.
    Thank you.

  • Exception in ESB Header Functions (ehdr:getRequestHeader)

    I was working on the context based routing in the ESB.
    My scenario is a simple File to File scenario where I want to make some changes
    in the Filter Expressions in the Routing service part.
    I want to include the Header functions in order to route the file adapters.
    If I Input some two text files of different name in Input File what file name I have
    specified in the Header must only written in the Output File.
    For this I am trying it in RS Filter Expression part and when I drop the Header
    function ehdr:getRequestHeader function some exception is shown like
    Funtion of name "ehdr:getRequestHeader" not Found .
    I was also using the sample Headersupport demo working component which they
    have specified in the following link.
    Anyone have Idea on this.

    See the samples on the new ESB OTN page.
    There isn't much GUI support but look at the JMS sample jdev project and study the filters for routing and xsl for setting headers. The hardest part is setting the namespaces correctly.

  • Idoc to file scenario - collect idocs

    Hi experts,
    I need help regarding collecting the idocs as per the reciver id available in idoc.
    After collecting these idocs at XI, the data of all idocs should be transferred in one text file.
    How I can do this ?
    Give me complete solution with example scenario ?
    Please do not give any example in standards scenarios as given in SAP BASIS Patterns.
    Study SAP

    Plz do refer the following links:
    /people/pooja.pandey/blog/2005/07/27/idocs-multiple-types-collection-in-bpm - Collection of IDoc to Single File
    /people/stefan.grube/blog/2006/09/18/collecting-idocs-without-using-bpm - collecting IDocs without BPM
    Also this link,
    Edited by: Vinod Reddy on Jun 26, 2008 9:23 AM

  • How will the system handle delta in the below scenario

    How will the system handle delta in the below scenario
    Day 1
    Document Number| Customer | sales value
    1001| RAMLAL | 10000
    Your change log for DSO will read
    Req1| 1001|RAMLAL|10000|N
    Day 1
    Req1| 1001|RAMLAL|10000|
    Document Number| Customer | sales value
    1001| RAMLAL | 30000
    Your change log for DSO will read
    Req2 | 1001 | RAMLAL | -10000 | X
    Req2 | 1001 | RAMLAL | 30000
    1001 | RAMLAL | 30000
    Day 2
    Please explain with example
    Scenario 1: Req1 & Req2 are deleted ONLY from change log on Day 3
    On Day 4:
    Document Number| Customer | sales value|STOR_NO(ROCANCEL)
    1001| RAMLAL | 10000|C
    What will happen to the Sales Value in the cube?
    What will happen to the Req1&Req2 in the cube?

    Please explain with example
    Scenario 1: Req1 & Req2 are deleted ONLY from change log on Day 3
    On Day 4:
    Document Number| Customer | sales value|STOR_NO(ROCANCEL)
    1001| RAMLAL | 10000|C
    What will happen to the Sales Value in the cube?
    What will happen to the Req1&Req2 in the cube?
    Document Number| Customer | sales value|STOR_NO(ROCANCEL)
    1001| RAMLAL | 10000 |C
    --> Here 1000 is not correct value, as 1000 is change to 3000. It should be 3000. record should be as below.
    Document Number| Customer | sales value|STOR_NO(ROCANCEL)
    1001| RAMLAL | 30000 |C
    --> As this data related to sales, and i hope you are using standard ABR extractors(Business Content).
    ABR datasources delivers before and after images.
    Before image:
    Document Number| Customer | sales value|STOR_NO(ROCANCEL)
    1001| RAMLAL | -3000 |C
    Before image:
    Document Number| Customer | sales value|STOR_NO(ROCANCEL)
    1001| RAMLAL | 0 |C --> value changed from 3000 to Zero.
    If you are loading in additive or Overwrite into an ODS total sales for 1001 at end of day 4 will be Zero.
    Hope it helps

  • SAP ECO demo scenario

    i've been going through the REAL ESTATE SALES component under SAP ECO (engineering construction and operations).
    i've tried searching for best practices regarding real estate sales for a demo example scenario, but was unable to find on the help portal.....kindly advise where can i find it.

    have you checked the materials available on the Service Marketplace: ?
    Hope that helps!
    Message was edited by: Ivaylo Ivanov

  • Business Scenario for BPA, CPA and PPO

    Hi All,
    can you please give some business example(scenario) where you are actually using the following ?
    1) Business Purchase Agreement - BPA
    2) Planned Purchase Order - PPO
    3) Contract Purchase Agreement - CPA.
    i am trying to see what are benifits of CPA or PPO against BPA. with actual scenarios
    Thanks in advance
    Prashant Pathak

    I think, you should have raised this query under 'Finance' or 'Order Management' :-)

Maybe you are looking for