Eseutil Log Playback

If you turn on circular logging for a database, do the logs that existed previous become irrelevant? The customer wants to turn circular logging back on, possible replay some logs that were missing, and then attempt a clean backup. My understanding was
that once you enable circular logging, the previous logs become useless and you should be able to get a clean backup.
MCITP Exchange 2010 | MCITP Lync Server 2010 | MCTS Windows 2008

What problem are they trying to solve? Once you enable circular logging, the logs will be truncated by Exchange yes. It also means you wont be able to restore to the point of failure from a previous backup.
Twitter!: Please Note: My Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.

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    Without having a good backup, you can not ensure about the security of data that would be recovered.
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    Hello ctVolFan,
    As indicated in the "support" section of the SPOT, you should get in touch with self-paced-training(at)ni(dot)com.  I don't believe that team monitors these forums directly.
    Tom L.

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    Final Cut Easy Set Up
    Format - HD
    Rate - 29.97
    Use - 1080p30 FireWire Basic
    Log and Transfer
    Transcode to Apple ProRes 422
    Final Cut Pro version 6.0.5
    Os 10.5.6
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    Memory 14 gb
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    Do you have Perian installed? I had the same problem, but when I disabled Perian in the System Preferences panel and re-transfered the footage, everything looked fine. Once your footage has been re-transfered, you can re-enable Perian.

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    We need more information to help you.  Specifically, the following would be nice:
    What format is your data file in (can you post an example?  Please zip it to save space.)
    Can you post your read and/or write code?  The problem may be there.
    What version of LabVIEW are you using.  This can effect our recommendations.
    As you discerned, there is no fundamental reason for this problem.  On a side note, LVM is a poor format for large amounts of data or a disk buffer.  I would recommend TMDS or HWS, depending on your version of LabVIEW.
    This account is no longer active. Contact ShadesOfGray for current posts and information.

  • No Audio during Log and Capture

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    ... as Bogie says.
    However... this is a non-feature that dates back to slower CPU days... yet, still with all the different formats and such I (ME!!) I believe it's still good practice to leave it off.
    Devoting as much CPU work to the capture process lessens the chance for something to go wrong. You can easily monitor the audio directly out of the deck as needed.
    Sure -- octo cores need 30 apps open just to get your money's worth and I'm sure you won't have any issues using an 8th of one to send audio thru itself while the other 7 and 7/8ths are used for capture... but who wants to risk it?
    Not me... I'm to old to change my ways.
    Blast you FCP v1.2.5 on a beige G3 with 7gig and 15gig hard drive -- you taught me well.

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    #8 External Monitor Viewing.
    Shane's Stock Answer #8:
    A simple path is mac > firewire > camera or deck > rca cables > tv
    Then start up your camera and tv, then open fcp.
    Then go View > External video > all frames
    Video playback should be Apple firewire NTSC (If you are using an NTSC set)
    Audio playback should be Audio follows Video
    Techinially, this should send synched video to your TV
    If for some reason you can't view your timeline on your external monitor, there are a few things to try:
    1) Make sure that the camera/deck is connected and powered on BEFORE you open FCP.
    2) In the Final Cut Pro menu select AUDIO/VIDEO Preferences and make sure your signal is being sent out thru Firewire DV.
    3) Go to the menu and select VIEW>EXTERNAL>ALL FRAMES.
    4) Click in the % box above the image and select FIT TO WINDOW.
    5) Go to VIEW->refresh A/V devices
    6) Make sure the Log & Capture window is closed
    If you want it to play in both the canvas and the external monitor you need to go to the FINAL CUT PRO menu and select AUDIO/VIDIO settings and make sure MIRROR ON DESKTOP is selected under the PLAYBACK OUTPUT section

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    #8 External Monitor Viewing.
    Shane's Stock Answer #8:
    A simple path is mac > firewire > camera or deck > rca cables > tv
    Then start up your camera and tv, then open fcp.
    Then go View > External video > all frames
    Video playback should be Apple firewire NTSC (If you are using an NTSC set)
    Audio playback should be Audio follows Video
    Techinially, this should send synched video to your TV
    If for some reason you can't view your timeline on your external monitor, there are a few things to try:
    1) Make sure that the camera/deck is connected and powered on BEFORE you open FCP.
    2) In the Final Cut Pro menu select AUDIO/VIDEO Preferences and make sure your signal is being sent out thru Firewire DV.
    3) Go to the menu and select VIEW>EXTERNAL>ALL FRAMES.
    4) Click in the % box above the image and select FIT TO WINDOW.
    5) Go to VIEW->refresh A/V devices
    6) Make sure the Log & Capture window is closed
    If you want it to play in both the canvas and the external monitor you need to go to the FINAL CUT PRO menu and select AUDIO/VIDIO settings and make sure MIRROR ON DESKTOP is selected under the PLAYBACK OUTPUT section

  • Playback is not working in OpenScript for loadtesting web/http wizard

    hi gems...
    i am facing another issue with OATS while playing back the recorded scripts for load testing. But this time i dont know whether the remedy will come from our application or from OATS.
    I have recorded some simple steps in our application for loadtesting.
    My navigations in OpenScript:
    New > Load Testing(Protocol Automation) > Web/HTTP > Default Repository > Opened a blank script > started recording > Browser window got opened > hit the url of our application > logged in with a username/pasword > logged out.
    Scripts got recorded successfully. Now when i started playback, then it got failed with the error:
    +Failed to solve variable web.input.Submit using path .//input[@name='Submit']/@value+
    In our application, every sessionid gets captured and may be because of that recorded script and playback script made two different sessionids for login.
    Because when i did the comparison between the recorded and playback script, then i got the below line which is not matched between those two:
    +<form method="POST" id="formLogin" name="formLogin" action="/wm/j_spring_security_check;jsessionid=C9D732999E78008EC5CB3B77A6B703A4" onsubmit="return validateForm(this)">+
    jsessionid value is not matched between the recorded script and playback script.
    But when i did functional/regression testing of the same, then it worked perfectly without any failure.
    Kindly give your views. Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: gogol on May 23, 2012 12:44 AM

    below is the java code for the run block generated while recording:
    public void run() throws Exception {
              http.get(2, "", null, null, true,
                        "ISO8859_1", "ISO8859_1");
                   http.solve("http.jsessionid", "jsessionid=(.+?)(?:\"|&)", "", true,
                             Source.Html, 0, EncodeOptions.None);
                             ".//INPUT[@name='Submit']/@value", "Sign In", 0,
                             "struts.token", 0, EncodeOptions.None);
                             "G6CH0685ZPGKE6TUQUQRDES62AZRAT8J", 0, EncodeOptions.None);
              http.get(9, "", null,
                        null, true, "GB18030", "GB18030");
                                                      http.param("j_username", "escortadmin1"),
                                                                "{{web.input.Submit,Sign In}}"),
                                  true, "ISO8859_1", "ISO8859_1");
                   http.solveXPath("", ".//A[@title='Logout']/@href",
                             "logout.jsp?logoutToken=0.5167720505173382", 0,
              http.get(21, "", null,
                        null, true, "GB18030", "GB18030");
                                  true, "ISO8859_1", "ISO8859_1");
              http.get(31, "", null,
                        null, true, "GB18030", "GB18030");

  • Not able to playback siebel open ui functional scripts from OTM

    Hi All,
    I have recorded a Siebel Open UI functional script using web wizard of OpenScript.It contains navigating url,typing username and password,clicking enter button.
    When I tried to playback from OpenScript,it works fine.But when I tried to execute from OTM,broser is launched and navigated to the url,then it failed.
    I am getting "Failed to playback: No browser launched" error from OTM report.
    OATS Version : Build 129
    IE Version : 9.0.8112.16421
    I have found one more strange thing,after playing back from openscript,if the Siebel Open UI login page exists in the browser,then OTM is able to playback with the scripts,it is logging in to the application.
    Can anyone help me to fix this issue?

    Informatica Domain File path D:\Informatica\9.1.0 - domains.infa
    Informatica Power Center Path D:\Informatica\9.1.0\server
    Yes, I m able to connect to the Informatica repository through the Informatica client.
    I tried adding the windows machine name to the hosts file, but didn't help.
    veeravalli - I've followed all the instructions in the document. I rechecked all the details corresponding to the host, domain and port number and they are correct.

  • HTML5 playback issue when playing lots of html5 videos on a single page

    I've got a use case where I need to play 48 to 150 videos per page and number of pages could be from few to thousands. I use html5 for video playback.
    The video tag I use is the below one:
    &lt;video width="20" height="20" autobuffer controls preload="none" &gt;&lt;source src="MY_VIDEO_WITHOUT_EXTENSION"type='video/webm; codecs="vp8,vorbis"'&gt;&lt;/video&gt;
    I have an Apache http server serving the videos. I store the videos without the extension so I've modified the httpd.conf and added "DefaultType video/mp4" since all videos have been transcoded to mp4 with h.264/mpeg-4 with AAC audio.
    I created a simple html with the above video tag repeated 46 times with each having a different source. The videos are of varying lengths from few minutes to close to an hour. I noticed that I can play the first few videos - around 15 of them. I pause each video before playing the next one. After 15 videos or so, I start seeing the loading icon and the video just won't play no matter how long I wait.
    I used firebug to see what's happening and noticed that it is waiting on the GET request. I see no incoming requests on the apache server logs for those failed videos.
    If i reload the page and play those videos that didn't play earlier they would play without any issue till I reach the number of videos i've selected to play around 15 or so and then the problem starts again. The problem is not with the videos since they play at one time or the other based on what videos I choose to play first. I have no other tabs open that may interfere with this.
    I noticed that I do not have this problem on Google Chrome, all videos play without any issues. So, it looks like it is a firefox issue. I have the latest FF and Chrome btw.
    I added "browser.cache.memory.capacity" property and set it to 1GB but it still didn't help. The memory and CPU usage on the task manager is not significant enough to be the cause of this issue. I have 32GB RAM and 6core CPU. And its not just my desktop, its several other desktops that have this issue.
    Even if I remove the codecs and use type='video/mp4', it doesn't work. I've tried removing autobuffer and it behaves the same.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    The video tag I use is the below one:
    &lt;video width="20" height="20" autobuffer controls preload="none" &gt;&lt;source src="MY_VIDEO_WITHOUT_EXTENSION"type='video/webm; codecs="vp8,vorbis"'&gt;&lt;/video&gt;

  • Can I set a default Playback preference for multiple users on same PC?

    I am setting up an editing suite for our University which has a "per machine" Creative Cloud licence. It is a PC installation. This machine will be used by a class of students who will log in with their own credentials. I need to set the preferences for Premiere (video output, workspace layout, default drives etc) so that it will be the same for all users logging in since we want a consistent setup for teaching purposes and dont want to have to help each student set up so that it shows correctly on the monitors. Is there a way of saving this setting as the default for every user?  In particular, as we have dual monitors, we want to save the preferences - Playback to always appear on the second monitor. This is really important for us - I need an answer before building more suites.
    (Adobe won't let me ask them directly, so I have to wait for someone to provide an anwser on the forums... not great customer support in my book)  this editing suite for the purpose of teaching editing or something else?
    Next ...what is your experience with PPRo?
    You can set up the machine(s) initially exactly how you want them  in regards to hardware and screen layouts etc.  Thats easy and can be called..'University of Waikato Default Edit Workspace' for example. That is  only part of it though.
    You can set up and share a common Key Board Short cut Preference File.  Same as Export Presets.
    There is no way you can "Default" all the USERS stuff for individual unique projects  though without creating a massive potential for disaster and confusion.
    Each will need to have access to many separate drive locations for their media (audio, graphics, footage) and the knowledge to create, access and locate it.
    THey will each need a separate Location for their Projects as well as their media.
    If they are editing students...they should be taught how to set up everything for themselves so they have an understanding of the fundamentals and basic s of NLEs

  • Working with AVCHD: Log and Transfer FAQs

    Disclaimer: Apple does not necessarily endorse any suggestions, solutions, or third-party software products that may be mentioned in the topic below. Apple encourages you to first seek a solution at Apple Support. The following links are provided as is, with no guarantee of the effectiveness or reliability of the information. Apple does not guarantee that these links will be maintained or functional at any given time. Use the information below at your own discretion.
    Working with AVCHD: Log and Transfer FAQs
    Log and Transfer was introduced to the product chain in Final Cut Express 4, and is the program's process for ingesting files in the AVCHD format utilizing MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 video coding and either Dolby AC-3 or uncompressed linear PCM audio coding. The most frequently observed problems relating to the Log and Transfer process are generally quite easily addressed.
    What should I know before attempting to ingest my footage?
    The following facts regarding the Log and Transfer process were adapted from the [Apple Knowledge Base article|] on transferring AVCHD in Final Cut Pro 6.0.1 but still hold true for the current version of FCE:
    AVCHD support is available only on Intel-based Macintosh computers.
    AVCHD camcorders typically connect to computers via USB 2.0, not FireWire.
    DVD-based AVCHD camcorders are not supported in Mac OS X 10.4 or earlier.
    Standard definition video recorded with AVCHD camcorders cannot be accessed in the Log and Transfer window. SD and HD clips should not be mixed on the same HDD.
    Preview of AVCHD video in the Log and Transfer window is limited to 1x forward playback. Scrubbing the playhead does not update the video in the Preview area until you stop scrubbing.
    When you choose to transfer AVCHD audio in the Logging area, audio is automatically mixed down to stereo.
    AVCHD footage is not ingested natively but is transcoded to the Apple Intermediate Codec.
    Apple Intermediate Codec files are significantly larger than the original AVCHD files. FCE does not estimate the size of a transcoded AVCHD file before ingesting, so it is possible to exceed the available space on your capture disk during transfer. Before ingesting, keep in mind that the disk space required is about ten times greater than the size of the native AVCHD file.
    Which specific formats can be ingested by Log and Transfer?
    Only AVCHD footage can be ingested through the Log and Transfer process. Other formats and variants such as AVCHD Lite are not supported. All video should be recorded in a frame size of either 1440x1080 or 1920x1080 and a frame rate of 25 or 29.97 frames per second. Audio recorded on AVCHD camcorders is generally at a rate of 48kHz. If your camera shoots in a format that does not comply with one of these setups then it is most likely not supported by the application and is not guaranteed to work correctly.
    Which Easy Setup preset should I select before ingesting my footage?
    It is extremely important to select the preset that matches your media before you attempt to ingest via Log and Transfer. There is only one Easy Setup preset that matches the frame size and rate of your footage. If you intend to ingest AVCHD clips through Log and Transfer you will first need to select one of the following presets:
    AVCHD-Apple Intermediate Codec 1440x1080i50
    AVCHD-Apple Intermediate Codec 1440x1080i60
    AVCHD-Apple Intermediate Codec 1920x1080i50
    AVCHD-Apple Intermediate Codec 1920x1080i60
    If these four options do not appear under your Easy Setup list then you probably need to run Software Update and update to FCE 4.0.1. DO NOT cycle through the available presets until you find one that works - there is only one preset that matches your media and it should be evident which one to choose by the way it is named. Select the AVCHD preset that mentions your frame size and frame rate (i50 presets support both 50i and 25p frame rates; similarly, i60 presets support both 60i and 29.97p frame rates). If you do cycle through many options in the hope of selecting the correct one through guess-and-check you will probably have corrupted your preference file and need to [trash your preferences|] before continuing.
    Why don't my clips appear when I open the Log and Transfer window?
    Make sure your camcorder records AVCHD in a format supported by FCE4. It should be connected to one of your computer's USB ports (never connect it to an external hard drive or other external device such as your keyboard or a USB hub), powered on, and set to video playback mode.
    If the camcorder +does not+ mount on your Desktop your USB port or cable may be malfunctioning. Try plugging it in to another port or using a different USB cable to see if it makes a difference.
    If the camcorder does mount on your Desktop but the clips do not appear in the Log and Transfer window you will need to point the program to the directory that contains your media.
    First, click the Add Folder button in the upper left of the Log and Transfer window. The button looks like this:
    Then, you will need to navigate to the root directory in which your media is stored. Most camcorders call this folder "PRIVATE" or "AVCHD" and it should be located at the very top level of the camcorder when mounted. If your camcorder records to a valid AVCHD directory structure then your clips should load after the Add Folder process is completed.
    I would like to keep a working backup of my original clips so that I can delete them off the camcorder's internal memory. How should I do this?
    There are two main ways to keep a backup of your clips. The first is to ingest every clip on your camcorder through the Log and Transfer process, and store the Apple Intermediate Codec files the application creates in an easily accessible place such as an external FireWire drive. The advantage of this method is that you have the ability to open back up old editing projects, reconnect the media as necessary, and keep going as if you'd never left. However, due to the large amount of space AIC takes up (usually somewhere in the vicinity of 41-50GB an hour when transcoded from AVCHD), this is not always feasible.
    Another often preferable approach is to copy over the root directory in which your clips are stored (usually named "PRIVATE" or "AVCHD") from the camcorder to your computer or an external drive. As long as you maintain the original file structure, you will be able to ingest your clips again at a later date using the "Add Folder" process detailed above to navigate to their new location.
    My clips appear, but when I attempt to ingest a red exclamation point appears and the window displays the message "Error: No Data"
    This is one of the most common problems that users experience when trying to ingest their media through the Log and Transfer process. Luckily, it also has one of the easiest solutions.
    In the Log and Transfer window, click on the gear icon in the top right and select "Preferences" in the contextual menu that appears.
    Make sure the video is set to transcode to the Apple Intermediate Codec and the audio is set to Plain Stereo.
    After doing so, hit OK and try to ingest again.
    I am experiencing a problem that is not covered in this tip or the solutions here do not work.
    The best thing to do at this point would be to trash your preferences and start a new topic in the [FCE Forum|] with a detailed description of your problem. Check out the user tip on [Basic Troubleshooting in Final Cut Express|] for more information.
    This is the 1st version of this tip. It was submitted on December 03, 2010 by skalicki`.
    Do you want to provide feedback on this User Contributed Tip or contribute your own? If you have achieved Level 2 status, visit the User Tips Library Contributions forum for more information.

    Disclaimer: Apple does not necessarily endorse any suggestions, solutions, or third-party software products that may be mentioned in the topic below. Apple encourages you to first seek a solution at Apple Support. The following links are provided as is, with no guarantee of the effectiveness or reliability of the information. Apple does not guarantee that these links will be maintained or functional at any given time. Use the information below at your own discretion.
    Working with AVCHD: Log and Transfer FAQs
    Log and Transfer was introduced to the product chain in Final Cut Express 4, and is the program's process for ingesting files in the AVCHD format utilizing MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 video coding and either Dolby AC-3 or uncompressed linear PCM audio coding. The most frequently observed problems relating to the Log and Transfer process are generally quite easily addressed.
    What should I know before attempting to ingest my footage?
    The following facts regarding the Log and Transfer process were adapted from the [Apple Knowledge Base article|] on transferring AVCHD in Final Cut Pro 6.0.1 but still hold true for the current version of FCE:
    AVCHD support is available only on Intel-based Macintosh computers.
    AVCHD camcorders typically connect to computers via USB 2.0, not FireWire.
    DVD-based AVCHD camcorders are not supported in Mac OS X 10.4 or earlier.
    Standard definition video recorded with AVCHD camcorders cannot be accessed in the Log and Transfer window. SD and HD clips should not be mixed on the same HDD.
    Preview of AVCHD video in the Log and Transfer window is limited to 1x forward playback. Scrubbing the playhead does not update the video in the Preview area until you stop scrubbing.
    When you choose to transfer AVCHD audio in the Logging area, audio is automatically mixed down to stereo.
    AVCHD footage is not ingested natively but is transcoded to the Apple Intermediate Codec.
    Apple Intermediate Codec files are significantly larger than the original AVCHD files. FCE does not estimate the size of a transcoded AVCHD file before ingesting, so it is possible to exceed the available space on your capture disk during transfer. Before ingesting, keep in mind that the disk space required is about ten times greater than the size of the native AVCHD file.
    Which specific formats can be ingested by Log and Transfer?
    Only AVCHD footage can be ingested through the Log and Transfer process. Other formats and variants such as AVCHD Lite are not supported. All video should be recorded in a frame size of either 1440x1080 or 1920x1080 and a frame rate of 25 or 29.97 frames per second. Audio recorded on AVCHD camcorders is generally at a rate of 48kHz. If your camera shoots in a format that does not comply with one of these setups then it is most likely not supported by the application and is not guaranteed to work correctly.
    Which Easy Setup preset should I select before ingesting my footage?
    It is extremely important to select the preset that matches your media before you attempt to ingest via Log and Transfer. There is only one Easy Setup preset that matches the frame size and rate of your footage. If you intend to ingest AVCHD clips through Log and Transfer you will first need to select one of the following presets:
    AVCHD-Apple Intermediate Codec 1440x1080i50
    AVCHD-Apple Intermediate Codec 1440x1080i60
    AVCHD-Apple Intermediate Codec 1920x1080i50
    AVCHD-Apple Intermediate Codec 1920x1080i60
    If these four options do not appear under your Easy Setup list then you probably need to run Software Update and update to FCE 4.0.1. DO NOT cycle through the available presets until you find one that works - there is only one preset that matches your media and it should be evident which one to choose by the way it is named. Select the AVCHD preset that mentions your frame size and frame rate (i50 presets support both 50i and 25p frame rates; similarly, i60 presets support both 60i and 29.97p frame rates). If you do cycle through many options in the hope of selecting the correct one through guess-and-check you will probably have corrupted your preference file and need to [trash your preferences|] before continuing.
    Why don't my clips appear when I open the Log and Transfer window?
    Make sure your camcorder records AVCHD in a format supported by FCE4. It should be connected to one of your computer's USB ports (never connect it to an external hard drive or other external device such as your keyboard or a USB hub), powered on, and set to video playback mode.
    If the camcorder +does not+ mount on your Desktop your USB port or cable may be malfunctioning. Try plugging it in to another port or using a different USB cable to see if it makes a difference.
    If the camcorder does mount on your Desktop but the clips do not appear in the Log and Transfer window you will need to point the program to the directory that contains your media.
    First, click the Add Folder button in the upper left of the Log and Transfer window. The button looks like this:
    Then, you will need to navigate to the root directory in which your media is stored. Most camcorders call this folder "PRIVATE" or "AVCHD" and it should be located at the very top level of the camcorder when mounted. If your camcorder records to a valid AVCHD directory structure then your clips should load after the Add Folder process is completed.
    I would like to keep a working backup of my original clips so that I can delete them off the camcorder's internal memory. How should I do this?
    There are two main ways to keep a backup of your clips. The first is to ingest every clip on your camcorder through the Log and Transfer process, and store the Apple Intermediate Codec files the application creates in an easily accessible place such as an external FireWire drive. The advantage of this method is that you have the ability to open back up old editing projects, reconnect the media as necessary, and keep going as if you'd never left. However, due to the large amount of space AIC takes up (usually somewhere in the vicinity of 41-50GB an hour when transcoded from AVCHD), this is not always feasible.
    Another often preferable approach is to copy over the root directory in which your clips are stored (usually named "PRIVATE" or "AVCHD") from the camcorder to your computer or an external drive. As long as you maintain the original file structure, you will be able to ingest your clips again at a later date using the "Add Folder" process detailed above to navigate to their new location.
    My clips appear, but when I attempt to ingest a red exclamation point appears and the window displays the message "Error: No Data"
    This is one of the most common problems that users experience when trying to ingest their media through the Log and Transfer process. Luckily, it also has one of the easiest solutions.
    In the Log and Transfer window, click on the gear icon in the top right and select "Preferences" in the contextual menu that appears.
    Make sure the video is set to transcode to the Apple Intermediate Codec and the audio is set to Plain Stereo.
    After doing so, hit OK and try to ingest again.
    I am experiencing a problem that is not covered in this tip or the solutions here do not work.
    The best thing to do at this point would be to trash your preferences and start a new topic in the [FCE Forum|] with a detailed description of your problem. Check out the user tip on [Basic Troubleshooting in Final Cut Express|] for more information.
    This is the 1st version of this tip. It was submitted on December 03, 2010 by skalicki`.
    Do you want to provide feedback on this User Contributed Tip or contribute your own? If you have achieved Level 2 status, visit the User Tips Library Contributions forum for more information.

  • No longer able to mute or change playback output device for capture.

    I have no preview button to turn off in my capture window and have instead gone into the FCP preferences to change the playback output device to something other then my Fireface800 IO device, such as the built in output so that what's being captured only comes out the little speaker in the tower.
    Thus I am free to work on other stuff. (8 core mac pro, gobs of ram, multitasking has never been a problem, even while capturing HD.)
    But as of the latest update (I keep all my apps up to date), capture plays through the System default device no mater what the FCP setting. So with out a mute button for the capture, I'm screwed.
    I'm screwed because I have to Mix down an EP while I capture 26 hours of conference footage at the same time. Obviously, I can't mix properly with that chatter playing loudly over it.
    Apple said I have to reinstall because there's no preview button and there should be but I am curious if there's any other way (because it's a huge pain in the *** and tends to screw up other things) and I would like to know if the way I usually do it is broken for other people, so I know if I can upgrade to the latest version again because it was some goofball problem with the framework that reinstalling fixed or if not because that's a bug in 7.0.3
    1. Choose one audio output (say, Built in Line Output or your default sound card) everywhere that matters in the Final Cut preferences for Audio output, including Audio Playback Output which is what I've been using to switch this for, gosh, years probably just out of habit.
    2. Log and Capture, capture some footage from tape. (I happen to be working with a basic HDV firewire profile.) What device do you hear output from?
    3. Stop capturing... and, if you wish, for good measure, close the capture window.
    4. Go back to FCP preferences, now choose a DIFFERENT audio output, say, Built In Speaker Output.
    5. Try to capture some footage. Is the sound coming out of the built in speaker now?
    Thank you.

    excuse me, not linksystem, its a verizon FIOS wireless router &amp; modem as part of the package. i was thinking my old setup.
    new system...cant edit my posts....?

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