ESSCMD error

I am trying to run Esscmd script from with a perl-cgi script as follows
system ("E:\\Hyperion\\essbase\\bin\\esscmd.exe", "E1_test.cmd")
system ("esscmd.exe", "E1_test.cmd")
Both give the following error:
"Essbase Command Mode Interface - Release 9.3.1 (ESB9. Copyright (c) 1991, 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. U.S. Patent Number 5,359,724 U.S. Patent Number 6,317,750 Failed in GCInit(). Return code [10] ARBORPATH variable isn't set, using default value You should always set ARBORPATH variable Using ARBORPATH [\ARBOR\] ARBORPATH dump: \(5c) A(41) R(52) B(42) O(4f) R(52) \(5c) Path to locale files passed to GCInit() was [\ARBOR\\locale] ESSLANG variable isn't set Could not find the locale files at specified location".
Esscmd command runs fine from windows command promt. Env. ARBORPATH is set to "E:\Hyperion\Essbase" and PATH is set to "E:\HYperion\essbase\bin".
Esscmd.exe is present in "E:\Hyperion\Essbase\bin" and "E:\Hyperion\AnalyticAdministrationServices\server\bin".
I understand that perl-cgi script is unable to locate esscmd because it looks in it's default cgi-bin folder somewhere in C:\Program files\Apache Group\Apache\cgi-bin.
Will the problem be solved if I set ARBORPATH to "E:\HYperion\essbase\bin" along with "E:\Hyperion\Essbase". Will this have any other implications?
IS there any other way I can get rid of this issue.
Any pointers will be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance!!

i thnk that after you login, you need to select the application and database; this is on a separate command line, not together with the login; check syntax?<BR>rgds

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    set PATH=%EPM_ORACLE_HOME%\bin;%PATH%;
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    I am not sure whether startMaxL.bat still can be used in this situation.^^^Why would you think that essmsh.exe versus startmaxl.cmd would behave substantially (or even at all) differently? It isn't supposed to. StartMaxL.cmd has a bunch of pathing information -- that's what it's there for so you don't have to modify the path as per many of the above comments. Someone (so, like everyone) more infrastructurally (I just invented that word) proficient than I can likely explain why it has to be so. What I do know is that I use startmaxl.cmd in place of essmsh.exe and it seems to work. I've done this running MaxL code out of ODI and it works like a champ, just like essmsh.exe did in ODI
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    Hi Raja!
    First and foremost, I would like to thank you for your answer.
    I have checked it and there are no restrictions involved with the item nor with the BP.
    I can't exactly determine the cause of this error.
    I believe you do have other suggestions, don't hesitate to post it here.

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    Essbase Command Mode Interface - Release 9.3.1 (ESB9.
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    U.S. Patent Number 5,359,724
    U.S. Patent Number 6,317,750
    ESSLANG environment variable not set
    Failed getting locale. Please set proper ESSLANG environment.
    The ESSLANG is set correctly to English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary, and all other essbase related environment variables appear correct.
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    Check you environmental variables related to hyperion
    Go to control panel->system->system properties->advance->environmental variables. or right clik on my computer >advanced>->environmental variables
    You should have something like this C:\Hyperion............... in your classpath variable.
    Also do check your Essbase installation logs

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    I think you made a confusion between the general log of your script (OUTPUT...) and the error log of each loading (for each loading line).As the error log is erased each time, I am affraid that you should mention a different error file for each loading.At the end, if you want, you can concatenate these files.Hope this helps.Denis ZubaTHESYS [email protected]://www.Thesys-Solutions.comT?l.: +41 21 653 56 12Mobile: +41 79 688 80 12

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    Had to change
    #!/usr/bin/perl --

  • "Error 1002097 Unable to Load database" while starting an Essbase App.

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    I am getting below error while starting an Essbase Application:
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    Below is an extract from the Essbase Application Log:
    [2012-04-04T14:14:03.816-19:14] [RPA] [ESM-6] [ERROR] [32][] [ecid:1333566842161,0] [tid:2058170128] Unable to lock file
    [SID/essbase/user_projects/epmsystem/EssbaseServer/essbaseserver1/app/RPA/RPA/RPA.esm]. Essbase will try again after a short
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    [SID/essbase/user_projects/epmsystem/EssbaseServer/essbaseserver1/app/RPA/RPA/RPA.esm]. Please make sure other processes do not
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    [SID/essbase/user_projects/epmsystem/EssbaseServer/essbaseserver1/app/RPA/RPA/RPA.esm] for database
    [RPA][2012-04-04T14:14:04.821-19:14] [RPA] [SVR-97] [ERROR] [32][]
    [ecid:1333566842161,0] [tid:2058170128] Unable to load database [RPA]
    [2012-04-04T14:14:04.821-19:14] [RPA] [SVR-97] [ERROR] [32][]
    [ecid:1333566842161,0] [tid:2058170128] Unable to load database []
    [2012-04-04T14:14:04.835-19:14] [RPA] [SVR-97] [ERROR] [32][]
    [ecid:1333566842161,0] [tid:2058170128] Unable to load database []
    Please sugest pointers to start the application.

    *[2012-04-04T14:14:03.816-19:14] [RPA] [ESM-6] [ERROR] [32][] [ecid:1333566842161,0] [tid:2058170128] Unable to lock file*
    Solution would be easy if the Essbase Agent is stopped using the services.msc (services panal)on Windows while a process is currently running, or if there has been an abnormal termination of the Essbase Agent, orphaned ESSSVR processes can be left. Shuting down the Essbase server using ESSCMD or MaxL then Check Task Manager confirm the ESSBASE.exe process later by this ESSSVR.exe processes should end if still NO then Do an "End Process" on any ESSSVR.exe process that is still running. Start the Essbase service and start the application.
    ESSSVR.exe is process which keep application Alive (bad thing is if u have many applications running similarlly u have same numbe of ESSSVr .exe will be running in task master ..but u cant find out which one belongs to which application :( )
    looking at your error i can say , First of all you need to know what is Lock in EAS ? and what locks exist
    (right-click on Essbase Servername, EDIT->LOCK and EDIT->LOCKED OBJECTS, and if your database/outline appears in there, unlock it.)
    Check any antivirus- and backup software that may be scanning / running on your Essbase folders as that can lock the files and any ESSSVR process stays when the Essbase Agent is stopped
    More over another chance of getting error is when you have you page and index files in different location and rest otl, script in another drive .. usually while taking back up in OTL,csc drive u do get created index file and page file even u have page and index file in diffrent drive so doe to this u get this error unable to load database
    Hope this give u some idea

  • Loading Errors-Essbase

    Hi all,
    Please help me with this..
    I got the following errors while load is running in essbase, I have seen this in log files..
    All other cubes loaded successfully, except 1 cube.
    ERROR 1054004 - Application is not loaded
    ERROR - 1002097 - Unable to load database
    The Oracle website shows
    Possible solution for 1st error is Make sure that you created the filters correctly.
    2nd error is not mentioned there.
    Please help me solving this issue.

    First of all can you start this database from say EAS, does it say it cannot start?
    It might be a hung esssvr.exe process, stop all the databases and if you still see an esssvr.exe process running you may need to end that process unless you can stop it with maxl or esscmd.
    If you are unsure how to do it then it might be easier to give the box a reboot.

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    The explanation of error 1130610 is the following:Possible Problems - Essbase cannot open a file. Possible Solutions - If you are using an error file, make sure that the error file is being created in a directory that already exists. Make sure you are using the ESSCMD IMPORT command correctly. Put all files the ESSCMD script needs in the $ARBORPATH\APP\applicationName\databaseName directory. Run the ESSCMD script from the $ARBORPATH\APP\applicationName\databaseName directory. Check the ESSCMD script for invalid paths. Make sure every folder that the script is pointing to exists. If you are using an error file, make sure that the error file is being created in a directory that already exists.

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    "Planning is Unable to obtain a connection to Hyperion Essbase. If this problem persists, please contact your administrator"
    My case is a bit different from the other threads on the similar topic in the forum.
    I am able to login using ESSCMD.
    Can anyone suggest what should I do next?

    Thank you for your reply.
    I installed Essbase and Planning recently. I am using version System9.
    I created only one application.
    I checked Datasource connections, the Essbase username and password are correct.

  • Data Load error in Essbase

    Hello all-
    I extracted some data on flat file from my application in production using report script and i am trying to push the data in another essbase cube using rule file and it comes up with following error:
    Reading Rule SQL Information For Database [Database name]
    Reading Rules From Rule Object For Database [Database name]
    Parallel dataload enabled: [1] block prepare threads, [1] block write threads.
    Loading Unicode-encoded data to non-Unicode mode application is not supported
    Unexpected Essbase error 1003048
    I have previously pushed the level 0 data export many times and this time i am trying to push it via rule file and it come up with this error. How can i look if my orginal application is a unicode application or not??? The rule file that i am using is also from the source application .. I tried loading the data in the same source application but different database and it came up up with same error... Anybody have come across this error before?
    Please advise!

    *Error “Loading Unicode Encoded Data to Non Unicode Mode Application is not Supported” When Importing An Export File. [ID 764447.1]*
    When doing an export with a Report Script the export file is being saved as an UTF-8 document.
    Subsequently when importing the export file back into the database the following error occurs:
    “Loading Unicode encoded data to Non Unicode mode application is not supported”.
    The file has to be saved as an ANSI file for the import to work.
    When exporting data from the EAS console, the export file is created as UTF-8 encoded.
    As such Essbase cannot read this file when importing it back in.
    This is Bug 6763776 and has been fixed in version 11.1.1.
    This issue has been fixed in version 11.1.1.
    If you are unable to upgrade at this time then the suggested workaround is to use MaxL or Esscmd to run the report script, as running it in this manner will save the file in non-unicode mode and thus allow you to load it back in without errors.

  • MAXL error logging

    Hi Guys,
    I have a script to import a number of dimensions, this was previously done with an Esscmd script but is now in a MAXL script. Is it possible to write to an error log for each dimensionn I dont seem to be able to get the syntax correct;
    import database Appname.DBname dimensions
    connect as 'user' identified by 'password' using server rules_file 'Products' preserve all data on error append to '\\\server\\share\Products.err',
    connect as 'user' identified by 'password' using server rules_file 'Customer' preserve all data on error append to '\\\server\\share\product.err',
    and so on, this will error at the first comma at the end of line 3, if I replace the comma with semi colon the first statement is executed ok but not the second.
    All help appreciated

    What happened is that you used the error file after each transaction, you should add the error file after your last transaction or build. Or if you want to have separate error files you have to have separate statements for each dimension build that starts with 'importdatabase Appname.DBname dimensions'.
    here's a sample of a single statement:
    import database sample.basic dimensions
    from server text data_file 'genref' using server rules_file 'genref' suppress verification,
    from server text data_file 'level' using server rules_file 'level' suppress verification,
    from server text data_file 'time' using server rules_file 'time'
    preserve input data on error append to 'C:\Hyperion\EAS\eas\client\dataload.err';

  • Error in data load

    hi all,
    iam using ESSCMD Scripting IMPORT statement to load the data into my database i got an error saying
    Error in File
    [datafile.txt] Which is a [Unable To Determine] Spreadsheet
    if any one faced it prior please help me out
    thanks in advance

    There may some problems like-
    1) Is the data source already open? The data source will already be open if a user is editing the data source. Analytic Services can load only data sources that are not locked by another user or application.
    2) Is the data source name and the path name correct?
    Some time, you have data source file on desktop (d:\documents and settings\username\desktop\datafile.txt), It creates the problem due to space. Try to put the data source in any drive (like C:\datafile.txt)
    3) Are you giving the right syntax in IMPORT command. i.e. giving the appropriate path corresponding to numeric parameter( 1,2,3,4).
    Hope it will help you..
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Converting EssCmd to mxl - INCBUILDDIM

    We've started to look into converting our esscmd process to mxl using cmd2mxl. The first issue we've run into is that the IncBuildDim command lines failed to be converted. Below is a copy of one of our dim update processes in esscmd:
    Login "localhost" "admin" "password" ;
    Select "0db1" "db1";
    IncBuildDim 2 "cst1" 3 "E:\1data\cst1.txt" 4 "E:\essbase\logs\0db1\cst1.err" 2 N;
    IncBuildDim 2 "cst2" 3 "E:\1data\cst2.txt" 4 "E:\essbase\logs\0db1\cst2.err" 2 N;
    IncBuildDim 2 "cstar3" 3 "E:\1data\cstar3.txt" 4 "E:\essbase\logs\0db1\cstar3.err" 2 N;
    IncBuildDim 2 "parts" 3 "E:\1data\parts.txt" 4 "E:\essbase\logs\0db1\parts.err" 2 N;
    IncBuildDim 2 "blcrdpt" 3 "E:\1data\eblcrdpt.txt" 4 "E:\essbase\logs\0db1\blcrdpt.err" 2 Y;
    EndIncBuildDim 1;
    Exit ;
    After running the conversion command, the log file showed that it could not parse the IncBuildDim statement lines.
    We've checked with tech support and the feedback is that there is no corresponding mxl command for IncBuildDim. Our questions are:
    1) Is the statement from tech support true?
    2) If that's the case, how to modify the above process in esscmd so that it'll get converted to mxl?
    Thanks for all the help.

    I'm not sure why your incremental dim builds are not converting,. I've not had a problem with it, but if you want to create it manually here are some samples from tech reference how to do it
    For Data File Sources:
    import database sample.basic dimensions
    from server text data_file 'genref' using server rules_file 'genref' suppress verification,
    from server text data_file 'level' using server rules_file 'level' suppress verification,
    from server text data_file 'time' using server rules_file 'time'
    preserve input data on error append to 'C:\Hyperion\EAS\eas\client\dataload.err';
    For SQL Sources:
    import database sample.basic dimensions
    connect as 'usrname1' identified by 'password1' using server rules_file 'genref',
    connect as 'usrname2' identified by 'password2' using server rules_file 'level',
    connect as 'usrname3' identified by 'password3' using server rules_file 'time'
    on error append to 'C:\Hyperion\EAS\eas\client\dataload.err';
    For Data and SQL Sources:
    import database sample.basic dimensions
    from server text data_file 'genref' using server rules_file 'genref',
    from server text data_file 'level' using server rules_file 'level',
    connect as 'usrname1' identified by 'password1' using server rules_file 'genref',
    connect as 'usrname2' identified by 'password2' using server rules_file 'genref'
    on error append to 'C:\Hyperion\EAS\eas\client\dataload.err';

  • MAXL Errors in a Working Script

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    Is that this error?:##1003001 Duplicate Members From Same Dimension On Data Record, [%s] Records CompletedIf so, could it be that this error is not fatal and that maxl just doesn't know the difference between a fatal and non-fatal error?-z

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