Establishing connection...

When I use
URL url = new URL("");
URLConnection urlC = url.openConnection();
InputStream is = urlC.getInputStream();
is there any way to know if the host is really there without using exceptions?
Thanks in advance

There is a way using the JDK 1.5 InetAddress.isReachable() method to determine whether the host is there. However that doesn't tell you:
(a) whether there is an HTTP server in it,
(b) whether it will accept connections from you,
(c) whether it will all still be there when you come to make the URLConnection.
Catching connect exceptions is really the best solution, why do you need another one?

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    Do a malware check with some malware scanning programs.<br />
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    Message was edited by:

    In the environment definition,
    -> External Application JDBC
    -> Properties
    -> Outbound JDBC Connection
    You have the database URL in the "DriverProperties" field
    Valid URL would be : jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/caps
    !! The doc says that this field is optional !! Seems to be an error in the doc:
    Hope this helps

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    Please help, we can't debug on our Vista machines until this is resolved.

    Definitely. The database needs to be able to contact your PC, so '' won't work.
    Check Preferences - Debugger - Prompt for Debugger Host, initiate another debug session, and when prompted, give your IP instead. Once you had a successful debug session, I'm pretty sure you can uncheck the preference again.
    Have fun,

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    Check with your network team, network conenction between PI and Data base not working , Network team have to open Data base system ports inorder connect PI System.
    check with Basis team about network connectivty,like they are bale to ping Data base server ip or not.
    please go through below thread,
    SQLException: Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the con

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    Dear Paul,
    I am able to open the URL (http://psdb/ReportServer )using
    domian credential and page open with these contents
    Reporting Services Error
    The configuration parameter SharePointIntegrated is set to True but Share Point Object Model cannot be loaded
    Configured the SPN on domain controller , performed the steps required to change the AUTHENTICATION in rsreportserver.config
    file also done the registry settings to disable the loop back settings.
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    I am putting IP address in application server and checked the system number as well.
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    Hi Rekha,
    did you take a look at this page?:
    you can find sap notes - if you're expiriencing problems with idoc import (SAP Notes 677732 (authorizations), 672745 (missing function modules), 212011 (access to IDoc metadata), and 718320)
    also "Authorizations Required to Import from Systems Based On SAP Web Application Server"
    take a look at this page
    and read if carefully it may help you with your problem:)

  • VMware SQL 2008R2 bcp error - SQLState = 08001, NativeError = 0 Error = [Microsoft][SQL Server Client 10.0] Client unable to establish connection due to prelogin failure

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    Windows Server 2008 R2  Standard SP1 64-bit -  SQL Server 2008R2 Standard 64-bit 
    VMware vCenter Server Version 5.1.0
    SQLState = 08001, NativeError = 0
    Error = [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0]Client unable to establish connection due to prelogin failure
    bcp program: 
    The bcp program executes successfully on a local instance of SQL Server.

    The error has nothing to do with BCP as such, but it is a connection problem. That is, for some reason you cannot connect to your instance from the VM. I would exect that you face a similar problem if you tried SSMS.
    It could be a firewall issue, but prelogin suggests that you reach the instance. But possibly you don't come far enough for the login failure to be recorded. Possibly the instance is not configured to audit login failures.
    The message you would see would be similar to
    2010-08-18 14:11:30.91 Logon       Error: 17809, Severity: 20, State: 3
    Possibly followed by a a line that details the message. The error number may be different.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • Status Failure -lo exception:network adapter could not establish connection

    Hi, installed SQL DEVELOPER today and its driving me mad... I am getting this error
    Status Failure -lo exception:network adapter could not establish connection.
    Basic tab I have all the right information, tried test gives same error...
    hostname ajas
    port 1521
    sid altaf
    Network alias altaf
    connect identifier altaf(TRIED SINCE NETW ALIAS DIDNT WORK)
    went to TNS tab and from the list selected the right entry for NETWORK ALIAS,tried test still same error... tested with connect identifier still same error...went to Advanced entered this string jdbc:oracle:thin:@ajas:1521:altaf ..... still same error...what the hell is is the tnsnames.ora entry ...
    ALTAF =
    (SERVICE_NAME = altaf)
    by the way I am able to connect with sql*plus ... lsnrctl gives the lsnr so thats running... tnslsnr is also running...also installed the latest java sdk i.e 1.5... i have set new path to point to this new java.exe i.e 1.5 one... this is really crazy and havent see such probs in any tools i have ever used and that too using it in normal pc ... God knows what will happen if used for remote db's....
    here is listener.ora
    (SID_LIST =
    (SID_DESC =
    (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
    (ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle\ora92)
    (PROGRAM = extproc)
    (SID_DESC =
    (GLOBAL_DBNAME = altaf)
    (ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle\ora92)
    (SID_NAME = altaf)
    no one seems to have answer for this... there are all kinds of strange replies for this problem.... anyone has solved this prob plz reply....
    Message was edited by:

    I've had the same problem when I installed the latest version of SQL developer ( on a machine that still had an older, working version. My problem went away when I changed from an IP name to an IP address. on the connection setup window.

  • Unable to establish connection with SQLServer from Java Application

    Dear All,
    I am facing the issue of establishing connection with SQL Server from Java project developed in NWDS. I am writing a jaas plug-in, as a part of that I am writing a login module to authenticate a web application through jaas, and I got need of fetching some data from SQL Server which is located in remote host. I am getting error in the line of code
    I also added the 3 jar files (msbase.jar,mssqlserver.jar,and msutil.jar) to my login module project and copied the same files at C:\usr\sap\J2E\JC01\j2ee\cluster\server0\bin\ext\MSSQL.
    My MI Landscape is j2ee stack + abap stack +WAS 6.40 with MAXDb as a database.
    Could anyone please let me know the solution if you are aware of it.
    Thanks and Regards,

    I solved it by writing the following code
    Connection con;
    Statement stmt;
    DataSource ds;
    Context ctx;
    ctx = new InitialContext();
    if(ctx == null)     throw new Exception("Boom - No Context");
    con = ds.getConnection();
    stmt = con.createStatement();
    String query = "SELECT * FROM SubjectBIR where Subject_ID='" + user + "'";
    ResultSet result  = stmt.executeQuery(query);

  • Network Adapter cannot establish connection

    Hello. I can't seem to find an answer to this anywhere: I have a database that can be accessed via JDBC from certain IP addresses but not others. The ones that can't access it give me the exeception: "Network Adapter cannot establish connection" The database machine can be PINGed from the client; the IP address of the database is used so it's not a name resolution problem; we are instatiating the driver correctly...AND it WORKS from other clients!
    Does anyone have any ideas as to what the problem could be?

    If there are firewalls involved, connections on port 1521 have to be allowed.

  • Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database Server in Essbase studio

    I am using Essbase Studio Release for developing XOLAP cubes and deploying them on to Essbase server .
    I am getting the below Error while deploying the cube onto Essbase server.
    error : Failed to deploy Essbase cube.
    Caused by: Failed to build Essbase cube dimension: (TimeHierarchy) .
    Caused by: Cannot get async process state. Essbase Error(1021001): Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database Server.
    From Essbase Studio -> Datasources tab, I could able to connect to SQL Database server..Please let me know how to resolve this issue.

    Thanks for the reply.
    There was a problem with my Essbase now i m pointing to other server.
    now I am getting the below Error:
    Failed to deploy Essbase cube.
    Caused by: Cannot end incremental build. Essbase Error(1025008): Join Specification near [[TIMEID]] is invalid. Please verify the Xolap Schema file.
    Please let me know how can I validate my cube and what changes might require in my Cube definitions?

  • Failed to Establish Connection with SQL Database Server (EAS)

    We have recently installed version of essbase. Everything is working just peachy. One of my users tried to build a load rule using an Oracle ODBC data connection and gets the error:
    Failed to Establish Connection with SQL Database Server.  See log for more information.
    When I look in the log I see this:
    [Tue Feb 28 09:14:43 2012]Local/Sample/Basic/mressler@EnCanaAD/4240/Info(1013091)
    Received Command [SQLListDsn] from user [mressler@EnCanaAD]
    [Tue Feb 28 09:14:43 2012]Local/Sample/Basic/mressler@EnCanaAD/4240/Info(1021020)
    Cannot read SQL driver name for [Backup Exec Catalogs] from [ODBC.INI]
    [Tue Feb 28 09:15:03 2012]Local/Sample/Basic/mressler@EnCanaAD/5228/Info(1013091)
    Received Command [SQLRetrieve] from user [mressler@EnCanaAD]
    [Tue Feb 28 09:15:03 2012]Local/Sample/Basic/mressler@EnCanaAD/5228/Info(1021020)
    Cannot read SQL driver name for [Backup Exec Catalogs] from [ODBC.INI]
    [Tue Feb 28 09:15:03 2012]Local/Sample/Basic/mressler@EnCanaAD/5228/Info(1021004)
    Connection String is generated
    [Tue Feb 28 09:15:03 2012]Local/Sample/Basic/mressler@EnCanaAD/5228/Info(1021041)
    Connection String is [DSN=Test;UID=...;PWD=...;]
    [Tue Feb 28 09:15:03 2012]Local/Sample/Basic/mressler@EnCanaAD/5228/Info(1021006)
    SELECT Statement [SELECT '1' from dual] is generated
    [Tue Feb 28 09:15:03 2012]Local/Sample/Basic/mressler@EnCanaAD/5228/Info(1021013)
    ODBC Layer Error: [IM004] ==> [[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_ENV failed]
    [Tue Feb 28 09:15:03 2012]Local/Sample/Basic/mressler@EnCanaAD/5228/Info(1021014)
    ODBC Layer Error: Native Error code [0]
    [Tue Feb 28 09:15:03 2012]Local/Sample/Basic/mressler@EnCanaAD/5228/Error(1021001)
    Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database Server. See log for more information
    [Tue Feb 28 09:15:03 2012]Local/Sample/Basic/mressler@EnCanaAD/5228/Warning(1080014)
    Transaction [ 0x140002( 0x4f4cfd87.0x7b890 ) ] aborted due to status [1021001].
    I have tested that the ODBC connection can connect to the database. The sql query has been dumbed down to select '1' from dual. I have not included the word "select" in the query.
    Anyone seen this before? We are in the process of uninstalling the Oracle client completely and re-installing it to see if this solves the issue. We only installed the 64 bit version of the Oracle client. I am running on Windows Enterprise 2008 R2 - 64 bit. EAS, Essbase, EIS are all 64 bit installs. I believe Studio is the only one that is 32bit. However we are not currently using this product.

    Hi Mike,
    With Oracle Support's help, we got 3 of the 5 servers working now. We were using the Datadirect drivers but were configuring them wrong! You have to use the Standard Connection portion in the setup, specifying the Host, Port Number (1521) and the SID. We were using the TNSNames Connection which worked in the past, but apparently does not now.
    So I am down to 2 servers not working. They are both Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise 64 bit, running Oracle EPM Essbase When I Open SQL in EAS it prompts for database (Essbase Server, App, DB) and when I hit ok it pops up with "Network error: Cannot Locate Connect Information For []". We did not do any of the suggestions in the document you linked to get the other 3 servers working. When you hit ok on that error, you then get another error stating, "There are no Data Sources defined. 'SQL data sources' option will be disabled". We do have datasources defined on the server.
    Any ideas?
    Edited by: Mike on Mar 1, 2012 8:38 AM

  • Essbase Error(1021001) Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database...?

    Hi there!
    I am very new in Essbase and I am receiving the error message quoted below while trying to load data in a Cube. Weird thing is that we have checked all connections already and they are working correctly, however this process is still failing.
    If someone can give us an idea to troubleshoot it, that would be really appreciated.
    Thanks very much in advance for any help and regards!
    MAXL> deploy data from model 'Production_GL_Cube_SchemaModel' in cube schema '\Production_GL\Cube_Schemas\Production_GL_Cube_Schema' login AdminUserAccount identified by MyPassword on host '' to application 'ORA_HFM' database 'GL' overwrite values using connection 'ServerName' keep all errors on error ignore dataload write 'E:\Logs\DataLoad_Error_2013.';
    BPM Connect Status: Success
    Failed to deploy Essbase cube. Caused by: Failed to load data into database: GL. Caused by: Cannot get async process
    state. Essbase Error(1021001): Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database Server. See log for more information
    BPM maxl deployment ...failure.

    Hi Celvin,
    Thanks for your reply and my apologies for not coming back before on this issue.
    For the benefit of other readers, after hours struggling with the issue, we focused our attention in the following portion of the ORA_HFM.log file:
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/54996/Info(1013157)
    Received Command [Import] from user [Service_Acct@Native Directory] using [GL.rul] with data file [SQL]
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Info(1021041)
    Connection String is [DRIVER={DataDirect 6.1 Oracle Wire Protocol};;Port=1521;SID=PRODUCTION;UID=...;PWD=...;ArraySize=1000000;]
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Info(1021006)
    SELECT Statement [SELECT cp_127."ACCT" AS "Accounts_CHILD",
             cp_127."PERIOD_MEMBER" AS "Period_CHILD",
             cp_127."PERIOD_YEAR" AS "Years_CHILD",
             'INPUT'  AS "View_CHILD",
             cp_127."ENTITY"  AS "Entity_CHILD",
             cp_127."PRODUCT_LINE" AS "Custom1_Product_CHILD",
             cp_127."Function" AS "Custom4_Function_CHILD",
             cp_127."B_U" AS "Business_Unit_ORACLEBUSINESS",
             cp_127."ORACLEFUNCTION" AS "Oracle_Function_CHILD",
             cp_127."LEGALENTITY" AS "Oracle_Entity_CHILD",
             'P' || cp_127."PRODUCTLINE" AS "Oracle_Product_CHILD",
             'A'[Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Info(1021043)
    Connection has been established
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Info(1021044)
    Starting to execute query
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Info(1021013)
    ODBC Layer Error: [S1000] ==> [[DataDirect][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver][Oracle]ORA-04063: view "REP_ESSBASE.VW_GL_BALANCES" has errors]
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Info(1021014)
    ODBC Layer Error: Native Error code [4063]
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Error(1021001)
    Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database Server. See log for more information
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Error(1003050)
    Data Load Transaction Aborted With Error [1021001]
    Then we concentrated in the following error message: *ODBC Layer Error: [S1000] ==> [[DataDirect][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver][Oracle]ORA-04063: view "REP_ESSBASE.VW_GL_BALANCES" has errors]*
    So, we checked the database and noticed the schema and their views were damaged and -due to this- they lost all their properties (like data types, for example). So, we had to recompile all of them in order to avoid any loss of data. This was done in TOAD, as per the following info:
    Finally, once all the views on this schema were rebuilt and fixed, we were able to deploy the Cube again.
    Hope this help in the future. Cheers!!

Maybe you are looking for