Estructura event

Buenas tardes, tengo un problema con la sstructuta Event, tengo Una estrucura de casos, ejemplo, así: inicio, medir, abrir, cerrar. En el caso medir tengo una estructura event en el cual debo encender y apagar unos LEDs Por acción de un botón.
El problema es que a causa del event no se me ejecuta el caso de abrir.
Como puedo hacer para cerrar el event y que me.pasenal caso abrir.
Gracias. Soy muy nueva en Labview.
Angy Pirazan
Estudiante de Ingeniera Química

Holaa te enivo la foto de lo que te hablo a ver si me entiendes y  puedes ayudar, muchas gracias 
Angy Pirazan
Estudiante de Ingeniera Química

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    Buenos días Husama,
    Existen dos maneras de hacerlo, la primera es con una estructura de caso, y dentro de un ciclo While, estar revisando el estatus del boton a ver si entra o no al CASE.
    Sin embargo, esta opción no es la más eficiente, ya que como estas haciendo pooling constante del valor del boton, se consume mucho procesador.
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    I don't think there is any way to stop the execution of a sequence structure in your case 0 (well except hitting the LabVIEW Stop button). What you can do though is to use different program structure to implement the same thing. Seperate your sequences in case 0 into many individual cases in a while loop, like a state machine structure for example. This way by dividing them into different cases, you can decide exactly when an exit condition can be checked.
    Hope this helps,

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    S_AHR_61016216 - Cancellations per Attendee , i think there is no standard report for cencelation of business events, type and group.
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    Apple - Mac OS X - Feedback

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    There is no event list option on iCal like the one on the iPhone.
    That number means that you have an event invitation. Use iCal>View>Show Notifications to choose what to do with the notification.

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    Greetings Judith,
    Before making any attempts at deleting calendar data, backup what you have just in case:
    Click on each calendar on the left hand side of iCal one at a time highlighting it's name and then going to File Export > Export and saving the resulting calendar file to a logical location for safekeeping.
    iCal has an automated function located in iCal > Preferences > Advanced > Delete events "X" days after they have passed.  By typing in a value for days you can tell iCal to delete all events before that time frame.
    Today is 4-16-2012.
    If I wanted to delete all events prior to 1 year ago (4-16-2011) I would type in "365" for the number of days.
    Once you type in the number of days you want kept in iCal, close the preferences and then quit iCal.
    Re-open iCal and check to see if the events are gone.  If not you may want to leave it open for several minutes and then quit again.
    Once the events are removed go back to  iCal > Preferences > Advanced > Delete events "X" days after they have passed and make sure the check mark is removed to prevent future deletion.
    Hope that helps.

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    Yes it would and many people have suggested tit. Add your voice to the chorus at iPhoto Menu -> Provide Apple Feedback.
    A workaround - and it's no better - is to go to an album and select al, then give all those pics a keyword. Then in grid view you can see which pics have the keyword. (View -> Keywords)

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    Hi Tom,
    Thanks for the suggestion.
    Yes, I am working on Windows. As you suggested, I compiled .rc file but the compile option for .r file was disabled. After compiling the .rc file, I again rebuild the complete project and tested my build. But still I was not able to achive the desired result.
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    pageLayoutCO (controller)
    ----header (Region)
    ----------messageComponentLayout (Region)
    ----------HideShow (Region)
    -----------MessageComponentLayout (Region)
    ------------------------SubmitButton(ID:ClearBtn, fires partial action named clear)
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    if ("clear".equals(pageContext.getParameter(OAWebBeanConstants.EVENT_PARAM)))
    if (pageContext.getParameter("ClearBtn") != null) {
    what should i do in order to capture the button event in the pageLayout Controller
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: user8898100 on 2011-8-2 上午7:49

    Its really strange that its not able to caputure the event in CO.
    Below is the way in which we handle to Submit action at CO level.
    /Check whether ClearBtn is same in case too.
    System.out.println("Inside the Clear Btn Action");

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    Please check on event sender setup.
    Have you click on "Create Complete Journal Entry Events" on 4th step of Event sender in Event Filter option ?

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    Start here:
    iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows

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    HI All,
             I have conditions to check before the insertion of "Calendar Event".For this I am using Item Adding Event Receiver ,When Click on Save button I need to get all the values of Items filled in NewForm.aspx and check
    the condition,If condition satisfies make them insert else show alert info  as"Not Valid",Below is code and error message
    public override void ItemAdding(SPItemEventProperties properties)
               string StartTime = properties.AfterProperties["Start Time"].ToString();
               string EndTime = properties.AfterProperties["End Time"].ToString();
    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    Use the New "Keyword to create an object instance
    Can any one help me how can I do it.
    Quality Communication Provides
    Quality Work.
    Siddiqali Mohammad .

          Have you tried with the code snippet as mentioned below
    string EndDate = Convert.ToString(properties.AfterProperties["EndDate"]);
    string StartDate = Convert.ToString(properties.AfterProperties["EventDate"]);
    If my post is helpful - please click on the green arrow to mark it as answer

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