Evaluating a char variable which contains a Expression

I am creating a function ,which has got three parametrers and it should return a numeric value.
I will write down the function
create function fun1(expr varchar,res1 number,res2 number)return number
if expr then
return res1;
return res2;
end if;
This is my logic, expr parameter can have any expressions,eg: CTC+basic+hra>5000
my function should evaluate this and return the respective values.
Anybody please help me out for this issue.If you have some other logic to implement the same please do replay.

Here's a function (It can cause too many hard parses, I don't know any other solution for 9i)
  function fun1(
    expr  varchar2,
    res1  number,
    res2  number)
    return number
    res  number;
    execute immediate 'select :res1 from dual where ' || expr ||
                      ' union select :res2 from dual where not ' || expr
                 into res
                using res1, res2;
    return res;
  DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(fun1('1+1>1', 1, 2));

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    You don't mention what version of Reader?  And you are using the AcroPDF.dll, yes?
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    Hello, Konstantin.
    You can use differnet methods to do this.
    Method №1.
    You can open one (any) query, that uses your variable in Metadata repository (active objects). If you don't know such  query - you can create it.
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    Method №2.
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    Open SE11.  Choose table RSZELTDIR.
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    Best regards,
    Alexander Kuzmich

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    <operationResponse name="OPERATION2" result=""/>
    <operationResponse name="OPERATION3" result=""/>
    <operationResponse name="OPERATION4" result=""/>
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    Hi, XPath and XQuery are conceptually different. XPath expression can not have variables while an XQuery expression can have a variable inside the XPath when the expression is bound to a variable.
    To work around the issue, instead of using the condition in XPath expression inside replace you should write the XQuery expression of REplace in such a way that it results in what you need.
    For ex. if I take the example above:
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    Hi all
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    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure Myproc(v_count in NUMBER) as
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DUAL WHERE ROWNUM like '''||v_count||'%'' ';
    END myproc;
    Procedure created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.31
    No errors.
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    SQL&gt; EXEC Myproc(2);
    BEGIN Myproc(2); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00998: must name this expression with a column alias
    ORA-06512: at "MYUSERNAME.MYPROC", line 3
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.16
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    Bear in mind that VIEWs are not supposed to be parameterised. That is why Nature gave us a WHERE clause. However, there is one, albeit slightly clunky, way of doing it....
      2  SELECT * FROM scott.emp
      3  WHERE deptno = sys_context('userenv','client_info')
      4  /
    View created.
    SQL> exec dbms_application_info.set_client_info(10)
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> SELECT * FROM emp_view
      2  /
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM
          7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       2450
          7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5000
          7934 MILLER     CLERK           7782 23-JAN-82       1300
    SQL> Cheers, APC

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    From your description, PD is not a field so you cannot reference it as a field. You can do what you want by referring to the textbox:
    =IIf(ReportItems!Textbox24.Value >= 50."Green","Black")
    "You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek." -
    Blind Seer, O Brother Where Art Thou
    Please Mark posts as answers or helpful so that others may find the fortune they seek.

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    String letters=""+leter1+letter2+letter3;is fine and dandy. What it actually compiles to is
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    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
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    NLSRTL Version - Production
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    l_text             LONG RAW;
    l_importTypeFile   UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE ;
         PKG_COMMON.PROC_FOPEN(g_Directory, P_FILENAME,    'RB',l_importTypeFile,    p_error_cd, p_error_msg) ;
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Siva,
    Are you trying to use data from this .csv file into your realtion tables. If yes and If you are using 11g Oracle database. I would suggest you create External Tables using the below query,
    STEP1: You need a Directory where your SCHEMA has read/write access. Store the csv file in that directory.
    STEP2: Create an EXTERNAL Table script. Please refer the above URL. Examples are for coma delimiter (,); replace it with your pipe (|) in the code
    STEP: Once your external table is created you can simply create a relational table as below:
    CREATE  TABLE relation_table
    SELECT * FROM external_table;

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    How can I solucionate this???
    Thank you!!

    Do you have separate columns for Year and Month Name. If Yes, Then why it is so confusing?
    1. create a dashboard prompt with month name column
    2. Assign it to monthname variable
    3. In your report use above variable any where.., but what ever you are doing should be logical and valid to get some data.
    In general above approach will work.
    You said, "No! I don't want to do a filter with month! I would like to pass this variable, in this example don't make sense but I need to pass a char variable with presentation variable to do another things..."
    what does that mean, what you are trying to do with the variable in your report. If you give a example that would be better.
    - Madan

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    Can you please help me out.
    Points will be Given.
    Many thanks
    Anil Roy.

    hi anil
    The header line is always left-justified .
    We basically have three options for formatting :
    S , A and H.
    every line in Alv top-of-page is of 60 char length(slis_listheader-info).so i think the only option we have is to add required spaces to the left and display the required string
    reward if helpfull

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    Hi Babu
    Did you get the answer to the query....if yes please drop me a mail on this as I have the same requirement and thanks in advance...
    my id   [email protected]

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    CRE_RES_CIVIC_ADDR - This button is displayed among the Region Items (Region 2)
    ADD - Automatically created as part of a Tabular Form (Region 3 - Updateable Report).
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    The problem I have encountered is that this Conditional Process also gets run if I submit the ADD Button. The reason being is that the word "ADD" is contained within the Expression 1 string "GET_RES_CIVIC_ADDR,CRE_RES_CIVIC_ADDR".
    Note that if I change the REQUEST value for these two Item Level Buttons to names that do not contain the word ADD, the problem is fixed.
    Is this a known bug? Or do I have to edit the value of Expression 1, so that each Button Name/Request Value is enclosed in quotes or the like?

    I was under the impression that the values in Expression 1 would be a list of comma delimited values (e.g. A,B,C and not ABC) and would be evaluated individually. However, you are correct. It is being evaluated as advertised.
    A note for others that have this problem - the evaluation of :REQUEST is Case Sensitive, so if the Item Level Button had been named 'Get_Res_Civic_Addr' (using Camel Case) instead of 'GET_RES_CIVIC_ADDR', (Upper Case), there would not have been a match with the 'ADD' Request and therefore the After-Submit process would not have been run by the ADD button.
    To prevent this in the future, we are going to standarise using the PL/SQL Expression Condition (checking :REQUEST) and also ensure that our Item Level Buttons "Request Value" is Camel Case (just an extra precaution).

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    I am trying to use below in a Dynamic Action to Set Value with PL/SQL Function. The dynamic action does not update the item appropriately. I tried to run the below directly in SQL Workshop but received the error "PLS-00372: In a procedure, RETURN statement cannot contain an expression". How can I get below to return the value needed?
    rqstdaloe number;
    rqstdeloe number;
    devpercent number;
    rqsttarget date;
    timeleft number;
    PSPTime number;
    DevTime number;
    DevPer number;
    rqstdeloe := :P2_REQUEST_ELOE;
    DevPer := ROUND(DevTime/PSPTime,2)*8;
    timeleft := TRUNC(((NVL(rqstdeloe,0) - NVL(rqstdaloe,0))/DevPer)+.99999,0);
    rqsttarget := to_date(sysdate,'mm/dd/yyyy') + timeleft;
    RETURN rqsttarget;

    Hi Dave,
    just a quick hint. If you just want to have the time part of a date/sysdate, you can use TRUNC to do that. So your existing code
    rqsttarget := to_date(sysdate,'mm/dd/yyyy') + timeleft;could be changed to
    rqsttarget := trunc(sysdate) + timeleft;If you perform a TO_DATE on a date variable, the PL/SQL engine will first convert that date variable with an implicit type conversion to a VARCHAR2, because the TO_DATE interface only supports VARCHAR2's and NUMBER's.
    But implicit type conversions are always dangerous, because if your default date format mask isn't mm/dd/yyyy your TO_DATE will fail.
    My Blog: http://www.inside-oracle-apex.com
    APEX Plug-Ins: http://apex.oracle.com/plugins
    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/patrickwolf

  • Need a "display filter" to find http packet which contains a specific word

    hi friends
    in my test lab, i have deployed a web server.
    in default website folder (wwwroot) i have a text file named myfile.txt within which i have written some words, for example the word "computer".
    i started capturing traffic via Microsoft network monitor
    now via my client's browser, i browse this address   http://myserver/myfile.txt & my text file contents are shown within IE.
    now i need a display filter in Microsoft network monitor which find this packet for me ( i meani need to find the single http packet which contains the word "computer".
    i spent a lot of times but it didn't result.
    any help please?
    thanks in advance

    You can use the ContainsBin plugin and there's an example in the library under Search Frame.  For example the following looks for the word FONT.
    ContainsBin(FrameData, ASCII, "FONT")
    Also, just to let you know, we released Message Analyzer (http://blogs.technet.com/MessageAnalyzer), which also has this capability and a lot of other things that might help, such as regex expressions.

Maybe you are looking for

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