Evaluations in LIS - Hiding a figure key, is it possible ?

Hi everyone,
I have a doubt regarding LIS-Evaluations, i have created a formula based on a figure key. Now, I want to hide the figure key so the evaluation, shows me instead the formula, may I do this? How is it possible ?
Thanks in advance on your answers,

Unfortunately, the period is part of the paragraph content, so it will always be present when you use the <$paratext> building block. In order to get of the period a the end of the cross-ref, you have to get rid of it in the source paragraph.
Try modifying the caption paratag to be a run-in to a new partag that holds only the punctuation (use the next pgf setting in the caption paratag to make entry easier). Clumsy, but it will satisfy your corporate style guidelines.

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    Hi Marz,
    You can download Win2012 R2 from mentioned link
    and key is provided in mentioned link
    I have already downloaded it and checked it, it is working fine without issue.
    If you have installed Evaulation version and unable to use KMS key then Try mentioned link, it is very helpful
    Steps are
    1. check Current Edition
    DISM /online /Get-CurrentEdition
    2. Check Target Edition
    DISM /online /Get-TargetEditions
    DISM /online /Set-Edition:ServerStandard /ProductKey:D2N9P-3P6X9-2R39C-7RTCD-MDVJX /AcceptEula
    DISM /online /Set-Edition:ServerDatacenter /ProductKey:W3GGN-FT8W3-Y4M27-J84CP-Q3VJ9 /AcceptEula
    Now you can install the new Windows 2012 R2 KMS key. If you run in to any issues here, restarting the KMS Service can help (("net stop sppsvc" and "net start sppsvc") . Try that first.
    slmgr.vbs /ipk D2N9P-3P6X9-2R39C-7RTCD-MDVJX
    slmgr.vbs /ipk W3GGN-FT8W3-Y4M27-J84CP-Q3VJ9
    once it done, we can cross check the time period
    slmgr.vbs /dlv
    Kirpal Singh

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    Hi Cora,
    Yes, multiple key ranges do work, but it is a bit complicated as Dzmitry suggests. Your example row expansion will not work, as the row expansion needs to remain in the same columns for each part of the expansion. (In other words, EVRNG(G15:G20;L15:L20) is wrong but EVRNG(G15:G20;G25:G30) is ok.) To achieve your result, Dzmitry is correct that you will probably need to use two EVDREs.
    That said, multiple expansions work as follows:
    If you are not using an expansion, or you use NOEXPAND in your columns or rows, you can use a multiple key range for formatting purposes and simply hardcode in the members that you wish to see in each key range.
    If you want to see different expansions in each key range, then you need to use a special expansion syntax. To take your example, say you have a single dimension in your column with column range defined EVRNG(H13:J13;M13:O13). You could have your column expansion on the category dimension be "PRIORYR,ACTUAL,PLAN|PLAN,ACTUAL,PRIORYR", giving you the same set of categories reversed in each column.

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    Hello again greg_the_man.  I, unfortunately, do not have any other solutions.  I have had a simliar issue on a notebook of mine for a long time in which the back button for media players randomly activates.  This makes music or video worthless when the issue arises, so I understand how frustrating it can be. 
    The only article I was able to find only mentions the method we've already tried.  However, I do know that on some models (I am pretty sure this only applies to the ProBook line of notebooks, but it is worth a shot) have a seperate "function key support" installed.  I am sure you would have noticed this in your list of installed applications but check again just in case. 
    Please click the white star under my name to give me Kudos as a way to say "Thanks!"
    Click the "Accept as Solution" button if I resolve your issue.

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    Check to see if this works:
    Create and Import your Matte into PrPro. Place it on the desired Video Track, and then extend its Duration for all Clips on that Timeline. Apply the Track Matte Keying to the first Clip, and make the attributes adjustments to it. Rt-click that Clip, and choose Copy. Then lasso all other Clips in that Track, Rt-click on them and choose Paste Attributes. Does that work?
    Good luck,
    PS - not sure if a Nested Sequence would also do what you want.

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    Thanks & Regards,
    Jai Shankar.

    No, you need to have one key field, and value of this can be different in each segment/node.
    If your file looks like this, and assume your file contains H for ( Header)and D for (details)> and these values acts as key value to determine the nodes.
    Then keyfied name be any name like <i>Key</i>.
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    Would really appreciate your help.

    Hi Visu,
    Your answer is really helpful, thanks for that. But while I am trying to hide some key figures it is not allowing me to do so. It is either hiding all the key figures or unhiding all. Please let me know if why the system is behaving like this.

  • Key figure summation

    Hi All
    I searched SDN forums and could not find a solution for the same.
    I have added a keyfigure as display attribute in 0costcenter masterdata. The same is available as display attribute in headcount cube (0papa_c02) via 0mast_cctr. Now at the reporting level, the values for the key figure is not summing up at the node level for costcenter hierarchy as a normal functionality of display attribute. It works fine for normal key figures.
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    Hi Jacob
    I created one calculated key figure which contains the real key figure from the cube. When I press Ok, it will get saved. The only thing I could see is the properties of the calculated key figure/ key figure. Where I can see count all values <>0 in calculate result as.
    I could not find below at the query level. Are you talking about the aggregation tab in the infoobject maintainance in BW side?
    "on the next screen in bottom left corner, there is a button (I think it will say "Expand" if you log on in english). Click that one and now you get to set the aggregation behaviour. Set the exception aggregation to 'count all values 0' and the reference char to the costcenter (I think your mst. costcenter in this case)"

  • Grouping of key figures

    Hi Gurus!
    I need your advice. For example in our BEx query we have  a lof of key figures (AB, AS, AD, BS, BD, BG, CF, CA...) in columns. And we would like to disjoint them by additional row with captions A, B, C.. like following:
    A                   B                    C
    AB, AS, AD    BS, BD, BG..  CF, CA
    So, we need to group key figures. Is it possible in QD?
    Regards, Iryna.

    Hello Iryna,
    In QD Create a structure in the column area (right-click and choose "new Structure"
    Under new structure create 3 new selection for A, B and C.
    Put A before every AB, AS, AD.
    Put B before every BD, BG
    Put C before every CF, CA
    Right-click in AB and choose "Level Down"
    Do the same for the other key-figures AS, AD, BD, BG, CF and CA
    The query will show with the display desired.
    You can create 3 new formulas instead of 3 new selections, where each formula would be for example A = ASADAB.
    The level down behaves in the same way with formula or selection.
    Assign points if helpful.

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    I found this thred, https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/475d3b03-c67e-4ef5-83d3-24e31a586a1e/download-the-evaluation-windows-server-2012-r2-product-key?forum=winserver8gen but it didn't help.
    Any suggestions?

    The evaluation ISO does not require a key. If it is asking for a key, it may be a bad copy.
    . : | : . : | : . tim

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    Hi everybody!
    Does anybody know if it is possible to create a button in BEx Analyzer for changing the scaling of all/certain key figures?
    Is it possible to use functions from the BEx API? I don't want to use Excel formulas like "divide by 1.000".
    Thanks in advance,

    you cannot  create button in Bex analyzer....infact you can change it's properties at the local view level once the query is run in the key figure properties when you execute the query thorugh bex analyzer....you canot put a buttin justto change the scaling factor...aslo you can change this at the ewb template level...if you run the query on the web.....

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    How the Weighting  key in Vendor Evaluation is updating for Each Vendor?
    If it is automatically Updating why ME6E is required?
    Gibi Philip

    Weighting Keys
    A weighting key is an identifier under which the weighting factors for a number of main criteria can be grouped together and saved.
    If you know that you will want to carry out an evaluation repeatedly with certain main criteria and certain weighting factors, you can save this combination under a weighting key.
    When you carry out the next vendor evaluation, just enter the relevant weighting key instead of entering a weighting factor for each individual criterion. The system then automatically sets all the weighting factors.
    There are two possible types of weighting key in the standard system:
    Key 01
    Key 02
    Key 01 permits the equal weighting of all criteria.
    Key 02 enables you to evaluate vendors supplying small parts, for example.
    The weighting factors under this key are distributed as follows:
    Price 5
    Quality 3
    Delivery 2
    Gen. service/support 1
    External service provision 2
    Hope it explains you the importance ...

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      I am updating a very important hierarchy which is used in many queries and in many Restricted key figures. Is it possible to find in which Restricted Key Figures this specific hierarchy is used??
    Thanks in advance.

    I was able to find a solution
    I built a new dataset in report builder using the same table as before but tried out the "Group and Aggregate" function and for the case_ship
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  • Key Figure Doubt

    Anybody can help me regarding following doubt
    Restricted Key figure-Key figure having some restriction
    Calculated Key Figure and Formula -Doubt that both are same or different.

    rajesh.behera wrote:
    > Anybody can help me regarding following doubt
    > Restricted Key figure-Key figure having some restriction
    > Calculated Key Figure and Formula -Doubt that both are same or different.
    Restricted KF
    Giving restriction to a Key Figure value based on a Charactorstic value
    Eg.   We want to see all Order Value (KF) which comes under 0plant = 100
    Here we have given restriction to KF which shows only Order Value is 0plant = 100.
    Calculated KF
    Deriving a KF value based on existing KF,this is global which be reused for any other report which create on top of your info provider. 
    Eg.  We want to provide 10% hike on existing Basic salary to employees
    Gross Salary = Bsal+10% of Bsal ...   He Gross Salary is not available but it has been derived by using Calculated KF
    Best Regards

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