Event handling across classes

I have a (newbie?) question regarding event handling:
I have a database class which has an update method and invokes a databaseGUI class to display the data:
/// databaseClass instantiated as DatabaseClass dataConn = new DatabaseClass()
public class DatabaseClass {
     Public void updateData {
     // write values to database
     Public void showData {
        thisDBGUI = new databaseGUI();
        // populate screen with data from database through database GUI class
        // add a button to the interface via addUpdateButton method of databaseGUI class
/// databaseGUI class
public class databaseGUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
     public void addUpdateButton() {
        buttonPanel = new JPanel();
        updateButton = new JButton ("Udpate Record");
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
         // need to call dataConn.updateData method
}Please forgive the incomplete snippets; everything displays perfectly and the code executes fine EXCEPT I do not know to use the actionPerformed method to execute the updateDatabase method on the dataConn instance. Any help is greatly appreciated!
David Erickson

Personally, I would move the actionlistener into the DatabaseClass.I agree, but I would do it a different way (just due to personal preference):
public class databaseGUI extends JFrame {   
     public void addUpdateButton(DatabaseClass dbc) {
          buttonPanel = new JPanel();
          updateButton = new JButton ("Udpate Record");
     }Then, just pass a reference to "this" when you call databaseGUI's constructor.
I just like this method better because the GUI object is still setting up the entire GUI on its own. Personal preference, no more.

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    but i have another class and i make object of toolBar class and i move toolBar icons only how can i move the event handling as open ,save,copy,paste to my another class
    i want to ignore actionPerformed of toolBar class and listen to my another's class actionPerformed

    Rather than trying to use the ToolBarDemo class as-is you can use/modify the methods in it for your own class, like this:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.net.URL;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.TextAction;
    public class ToolBarIconTest implements ActionListener
        static final private String OPEN  = "open";
        static final private String SAVE  = "save";
        static final private String COPY  = "copy";
        static final private String PASTE = "paste";
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            String cmd = e.getActionCommand();
            if (OPEN.equals(cmd))
                System.out.println("show a JFileChooser open dialog");
            if (SAVE.equals(cmd))
                System.out.println("show a JFileChooser save dialog");
        private JToolBar getToolBar()
            JToolBar toolBar = new JToolBar();
            return toolBar;
        protected void addButtons(JToolBar toolBar) {
            JButton button = null;
            //first button
            button = makeGeneralButton("Open24", OPEN,
                                       "To open a document",
                                       "Open", this);
            //second button
            button = makeGeneralButton("Save24", SAVE,
                                       "To save a document",
                                       "Save", this);
            //third button
            button = makeGeneralButton("Copy24", COPY,
                                       "Copy from focused text component",
                                       "Copy", copy);
            //fourth button
            button = makeGeneralButton("Paste24", PASTE,
                                       "Paste to the focused text component",
                                       "Paste", paste);
        protected JButton makeGeneralButton(String imageName,
                                            String actionCommand,
                                            String toolTipText,
                                            String altText,
                                            ActionListener l) {
            //Look for the image.
            String imgLocation = "toolbarButtonGraphics/general/"
                                 + imageName
                                 + ".gif";
            URL imageURL = ToolBarIconTest.class.getResource(imgLocation);
            //Create and initialize the button.
            JButton button = new JButton();
            if (imageURL != null) {                      //image found
                button.setIcon(new ImageIcon(imageURL, altText));
            } else {                                     //no image found
                System.err.println("Resource not found: "
                                   + imgLocation);
            return button;
        private Action copy = new TextAction(COPY)
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                JTextComponent tc = getFocusedComponent();
                int start = tc.getSelectionStart();
                int end = tc.getSelectionEnd();
                if(start == end)
        private Action paste = new TextAction(PASTE)
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        private JPanel getTextFields()
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
            panel.add(new JTextField(12), "North");
            panel.add(new JTextField(12), "South");
            return panel;
        public static void main(String[] args)
            ToolBarIconTest test = new ToolBarIconTest();
            JFrame f = new JFrame();
            f.getContentPane().add(test.getToolBar(), "North");
    }Use the -cp option as shown in the ToolBarDemo class comments
    C:\jexp>java -cp .;path_to_jar_file/jlfgr-1_0.jar ToolBarIconTest

  • Event handling across unrelated classes

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    The applications themselves use what they need for their particular thing. Here's the question. I designed this thinking that I can have these pre-created panels of what I need, and add the listeners in the application. For example, something like this:
    tabbedPanePanel.getLinePanel().getColorCombo().addItemListener(new ItemListener......);
    When I do this as described in the application, when the colorCombo box is changed, it doesn't trip the event (I was in debug tracing through). Obviously my design is flawed, but I don't know how to change it to make it work. There are two things I need help with improvement.
    First, how can I use these re-usable widgets, when the actions are different depending on the application, and the items that the actions would affect are specific to the applications?
    Second, what would a better design paradigm be for better encapsulation, and performance for these actions (item listeners and such) and the widgets themselves?
    Thank you,

    Think in terms of gathering data instead of actions. That is, each panel gets some user input. Put all the user input in some sort of data object, and provide a method that returns the data object. E.g. Imagine a color panel that lets the user enter R, G, and B:
    public class ColorPanel extends JPanel {
             // TextFields....
            public Color getColor() {
                     // returns a color based on the values in the text fields
    }It is important not to put any OK or Cancel buttons in the panels. You save the OK and Cancel buttons for another main panel that is application specific. When the OK button is pressed, you collect the data and apply it.

  • Event handling across master/detail regions.

    I have a table displaying a few targets in the master region and the details of the selected target are shown in an other region. The selected target is passed as an input parameter to the dependent region.
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    Currently, we display the first region table with no rows selected. When the user selects a row, the table selection listener updates the input parameter to the detail region which then gets refreshed.

    Hi Frank,
    This is the contents of the pageDef where I'm including the master(first one) and detail regions(second one). The highlighted parameter('cohTargetName') is the selected target input parameter to the detail region.
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    Can you provide me with an example of defining this parameter in terms of the first row of the table ?
    <taskFlow id="coherenceGroupRegion"
    <parameter id="targetName" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/uimodel"
    <parameter id="targetType" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/uimodel"
    <parameter id="refreshTime" value="${viewScope.sdk_pagetemplate_model.contextHeader.timeStamp}"/>
    <taskFlow id="coherenceNodeTableRegion"
    *<parameter id="cohTargetName" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/uimodel"*
    <parameter id="targetName" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/uimodel"
    <parameter id="targetType" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/uimodel"
    <parameter id="refreshTime" value="${viewScope.sdk_pagetemplate_model.contextHeader.timeStamp}"/>

  • Applet Event Handler

    Would someone please help me. I am new to applet development and I get a compile error associated with the event handling in my first ever applet code as follows:
    C:\j2sdk1.4.2_01\bin>javac trajectory_j.java
    trajectory_j.java:248: illegal start of expression
    private class Handler implements ActionListener {
    trajectory_j.java:248: ';' expected
    private class Handler implements ActionListener {
    2 errors
    This is the code:
    // trajectory Analysis Program: trajectory_j.java
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class trajectory_j extends JApplet implements ActionListener {
         private JTextArea introductionArea, resultsArea;
         private JLabel spanLabel, chordLabel,
              thicknessLabel, massLabel, altitudeLabel, velocityLabel,
              trajectory_angleLabel, time_incrementLabel, rotation_factorLabel,
              calculationLabel, resultsLabel;
         private JTextField spanField, chordField, thicknessField,
              massField, altitudeField, velocityField, trajectory_angleField,
              time_incrementField, rotation_factorField;
         private JButton startButton, resetButton, contButton, termButton;
         String introduction_string, span_string, chord_string, thickness_string, mass_string,
              altitude_string, velocity_string, trajectory_angle_string,
              time_increment_string, rotation_factor_string, results_string;
         double span, chord, thickness, mass, altitude, velocity, trajectory_angle, time_increment,
              rotation_factor, distance, velocity_fps, elapsed_time;
         int status_a;
         int status_b;
         int status_c;
    /* deletion of code segment a
              span = 0;
              chord = 0;
              thickness = 0;
              mass = 0;
              altitude = 0;
              velocity = 0;
              trajectory_angle = 0;
              time_increment = 0;
              rotation_factor = 0;
              distance = 0;
              velocity_fps = 0;
              elapsed_time = 0;
              velocity_fps = 0;
              elapsed_time = 0;
         // create objects
         public void init()
              status_a = 0;
              status_b = 0;
              status_c = 0;
              // create container & panel
              Container container = getContentPane();     
              Panel panel = new Panel( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.LEFT));
              container.add( panel );
              // set up vertical boxlayout
              Box box = Box.createVerticalBox();
              Box inputbox1 = Box.createHorizontalBox();
              Box inputbox2 = Box.createHorizontalBox();
              Box inputbox3 = Box.createHorizontalBox();
              Box buttonbox = Box.createHorizontalBox();
              introduction_string = "This is the introduction";
              // set up introduction
              introductionArea = new JTextArea( introduction_string, 10, 50 );
              introductionArea.setEditable( false );
              box.add( new JScrollPane( introductionArea ) );
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );
              box.add( inputbox1);
              // set up span
              spanLabel = new JLabel( "span (feet)" );
              spanField = new JTextField(5 );
              inputbox1.add( spanLabel );
              inputbox1.add( spanField );
              Dimension minSize = new Dimension(5, 15);
              Dimension prefSize = new Dimension(5, 15);
              Dimension maxSize = new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 15);
              inputbox1.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up chord
              chordLabel = new JLabel( "chord (feet)" );
              chordField = new JTextField(5 );
              inputbox1.add( chordLabel );
              inputbox1.add( chordField );
              inputbox1.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up thickness
              thicknessLabel = new JLabel( "thickness (feet)" );
              thicknessField = new JTextField(5 );
              inputbox1.add( thicknessLabel );
              inputbox1.add( thicknessField );
              inputbox1.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up mass
              massLabel = new JLabel( "mass (slugs)" );
              massField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox1.add( massLabel );
              inputbox1.add( massField );
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );
              box.add( inputbox2);
              // set up altitude
              altitudeLabel = new JLabel( "altitude (feet)");
              altitudeField = new JTextField(5 );
              inputbox2.add( altitudeLabel );
              inputbox2.add( altitudeField );
              inputbox2.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up velocity
              velocityLabel = new JLabel( "velocity (Mach Number)");
              velocityField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox2.add( velocityLabel );
              inputbox2.add( velocityField );
              inputbox2.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up trajectory_angle
              trajectory_angleLabel = new JLabel( "trajectory angle ( -90 degrees <= trajectory angle <= 90 degrees )");
              trajectory_angleField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox2.add( trajectory_angleLabel );
              inputbox2.add( trajectory_angleField );
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );
              box.add( inputbox3);
              Dimension minSizeF = new Dimension(70, 15);
              Dimension prefSizeF = new Dimension(70, 15);
              Dimension maxSizeF = new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 15);
              inputbox3.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeF, prefSizeF, maxSizeF));
              // set up time_increment
              time_incrementLabel = new JLabel( "time increment (seconds)" );
              time_incrementField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox3.add( time_incrementLabel );
              inputbox3.add( time_incrementField );
              inputbox3.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeF, prefSizeF, maxSizeF));
              // set up rotation_factor
              rotation_factorLabel = new JLabel( "rotation factor ( non-negative number)" );
              rotation_factorField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox3.add( rotation_factorLabel );
              inputbox3.add( rotation_factorField );
              inputbox3.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeF, prefSizeF, maxSizeF));
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );
              box.add( buttonbox);
              // set up start
              startButton = new JButton( "START" );
              buttonbox.add( startButton );
              Dimension minSizeB = new Dimension(10, 30);
              Dimension prefSizeB = new Dimension(10, 30);
              Dimension maxSizeB = new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 30);
              buttonbox.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeB, prefSizeB, maxSizeB));
              // set up reset
              resetButton = new JButton( "RESET" );
              buttonbox.add( resetButton );
              buttonbox.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeB, prefSizeB, maxSizeB));
              // set up cont
              contButton = new JButton( "CONTINUE" );
              buttonbox.add( contButton );
              buttonbox.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeB, prefSizeB, maxSizeB));
              // set up term
              termButton = new JButton( "END" );
              buttonbox.add( termButton );
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );          
              // set up results
              resultsArea = new JTextArea( results_string, 10, 50 );
              resultsArea.setEditable( false );
              box.add( new JScrollPane( resultsArea ) );
              // add box to panel
              panel.add( box );
              // register event handlers
              Handler handler = new Handler();
              spanField.addActionListener( handler );
              chordField.addActionListener( handler );          
              thicknessField.addActionListener( handler );
              massField.addActionListener( handler );
              altitudeField.addActionListener( handler );
              velocityField.addActionListener( handler );          
              trajectory_angleField.addActionListener( handler );
              time_incrementField.addActionListener( handler );
              rotation_factorField.addActionListener( handler );
              startButton.addActionListener( handler );
              resetButton.addActionListener( handler );
              contButton.addActionListener( handler );
              termButton.addActionListener( handler );
    // private inner class for event handling
    private class Handler implements ActionListener {
         // process handler events
         public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
              // process resetButton event
              if ( event.getSource() == resetButton )
              // process contButton event
              if ( event.getSource() == contButton )
              // process endButton event
              if ( event.getSource() == termButton )
              // process span event
              if( event.getSource() == spanField ) {
                   span = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( span_string );
              // process chord event
              if( event.getSource() == spanField ) {
                   span = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( chord_string );
              // process thickness event
              if( event.getSource() == thicknessField ) {
                   thickness = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( thickness_string );     
              // process mass event
              if( event.getSource() == massField ) {
                   mass = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( mass_string );
              // process altitude event
              if( event.getSource() == altitudeField ) {
                   altitude = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( altitude_string );     
              // process velocity event
              if( event.getSource() == velocityField ) {
                   velocity = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( velocity_string );
              // process trajectory_angle event
              if( event.getSource() == trajectory_angleField ) {
                   trajectory_angle = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( trajectory_angle_string );
              // process time_increment event
              if( event.getSource() == time_incrementField ) {
                   time_increment = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( time_increment_string );
              // process rotation_factor event
              if( event.getSource() == rotation_factorField ) {
                   rotation_factor = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( rotation_factor_string );
              // process startButton event
              if ( event.getSource() == startButton && status_b == 9 ) {
                   status_c = 1;
         } // end method event handler
    } // end Handler class
         } // end method init
         public void strtb()
    /* deletion of code segment 1
                   new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class
                        // set text in resultsArea
                        public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        if( status_c == 1 ){
                        resultsArea.setText( results() );
    /* deletion of code segment 2                    
                        }// end method actionPerformed1
                   } // end anonymous inner class1
              ); // end call to addActionlistener1
         } // end method strtb
         public void reset()
    /* deletion of code segment 3
                   new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class
                        // set text in resultsArea
                        public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        span_string = "";
                        chord_string = "";
                        thickness_string = "";
                        mass_string = "";
                        altitude_string = "";
                        velocity_string = "";
                        trajectory_angle_string = "";
                        time_increment_string = "";
                        rotation_factor_string = "";
                        results_string = "";
                        spanField.setText( span_string );
                        chordField.setText( chord_string );
                        thicknessField.setText( thickness_string );
                        massField.setText( mass_string );
                        altitudeField.setText( altitude_string );
                        velocityField.setText( velocity_string );
                        trajectory_angleField.setText( trajectory_angle_string );
                        time_incrementField.setText( time_increment_string );
                        rotation_factorField.setText( rotation_factor_string );
    resultsArea.setEditable( true );
                        resultsArea.setText( results_string );
    resultsArea.setEditable( false );
                        span = 0;
                        chord = 0;
                        thickness = 0;
                        mass = 0;
                        altitude = 0;
                        velocity = 0;
                        trajectory_angle = 0;
                        time_increment = 0;
                        rotation_factor = 0;
                        distance = 0;
                        velocity_fps = 0;
                        elapsed_time = 0;
    /* deletion of code segment 4               
                        } // end method actionPerformed2
                   } // end anonymous inner class2
              ); // end call to addActionlistener2
         } // end method reset
         public void cont()
         public void calculate()
         distance = 1;
         altitude = 2;
         trajectory_angle = 3;
         velocity_fps = 4;
         elapsed_time = 5;
         public String results()
         results_string =
         "Distance =\t\t" + distance + " miles\n"
         + "Altitude =\t\t" + altitude + " feet\n"
         + "Trajectory Angle =\t" + trajectory_angle + " degrees\n"
         + "Velocity =\t\t" + velocity_fps + " feet per second\n"
         + "Elapsed Time =\t\t" + elapsed_time + " seconds\n"
         + "\nstatus_a = " + status_a + "\nstatus_b = "
         + status_b + "\nstatus_c = " + status_c;
         return results_string;
    public void start()
    if(status_a == 0 )
    if (status_b == 0)
    }// end method start
    } //end class trajectory_a

    The following are copies of html and java source code files for a prior runnable version ( trajectory_b ) of this program which can enlighten some functionality intended by the program.
    <appletcode = "trajectory_b.class" width = "800" height = "600">
    // trajectory Analysis Program: trajectory_b.java
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class trajectory_b extends JApplet implements ActionListener {
         private JTextArea introductionArea, resultsArea;
         private JLabel spanLabel, chordLabel,
              thicknessLabel, massLabel, altitudeLabel, velocityLabel,
              trajectory_angleLabel, time_incrementLabel, rotation_factorLabel,
              calculationLabel, resultsLabel;
         private JTextField spanField, chordField, thicknessField,
              massField, altitudeField, velocityField, trajectory_angleField,
              time_incrementField, rotation_factorField;
         private JButton startButton, resetButton, contButton, termButton;
         String introduction_string, span_string, chord_string, thickness_string, mass_string,
              altitude_string, velocity_string, trajectory_angle_string,
              time_increment_string, rotation_factor_string, results_string;
         double span, chord, thickness, mass, altitude, velocity, trajectory_angle, time_increment,
              rotation_factor, distance, velocity_fps, elapsed_time;
         int status_a;
         int status_b;
         int status_c;
    /* deletion of code segment a
              span = 0;
              chord = 0;
              thickness = 0;
              mass = 0;
              altitude = 0;
              velocity = 0;
              trajectory_angle = 0;
              time_increment = 0;
              rotation_factor = 0;
              distance = 0;
              velocity_fps = 0;
              elapsed_time = 0;
              velocity_fps = 0;
              elapsed_time = 0;
         // create objects
         public void init()
              status_a = 0;
              status_b = 0;
              status_c = 0;
              // create container & panel
              Container container = getContentPane();     
              Panel panel = new Panel( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.LEFT));
              container.add( panel );
              // set up vertical boxlayout
              Box box = Box.createVerticalBox();
              Box inputbox1 = Box.createHorizontalBox();
              Box inputbox2 = Box.createHorizontalBox();
              Box inputbox3 = Box.createHorizontalBox();
              Box buttonbox = Box.createHorizontalBox();
              introduction_string = "This is the introduction";
              // set up introduction
              introductionArea = new JTextArea( introduction_string, 10, 50 );
              introductionArea.setEditable( false );
              box.add( new JScrollPane( introductionArea ) );
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );
              box.add( inputbox1);
              // set up span
              spanLabel = new JLabel( "span (feet)" );
              spanField = new JTextField(5 );
              inputbox1.add( spanLabel );
              inputbox1.add( spanField );
              Dimension minSize = new Dimension(5, 15);
              Dimension prefSize = new Dimension(5, 15);
              Dimension maxSize = new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 15);
              inputbox1.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up chord
              chordLabel = new JLabel( "chord (feet)" );
              chordField = new JTextField(5 );
              inputbox1.add( chordLabel );
              inputbox1.add( chordField );
              inputbox1.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up thickness
              thicknessLabel = new JLabel( "thickness (feet)" );
              thicknessField = new JTextField(5 );
              inputbox1.add( thicknessLabel );
              inputbox1.add( thicknessField );
              inputbox1.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up mass
              massLabel = new JLabel( "mass (slugs)" );
              massField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox1.add( massLabel );
              inputbox1.add( massField );
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );
              box.add( inputbox2);
              // set up altitude
              altitudeLabel = new JLabel( "altitude (feet)");
              altitudeField = new JTextField(5 );
              inputbox2.add( altitudeLabel );
              inputbox2.add( altitudeField );
              inputbox2.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up velocity
              velocityLabel = new JLabel( "velocity (Mach Number)");
              velocityField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox2.add( velocityLabel );
              inputbox2.add( velocityField );
              inputbox2.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up trajectory_angle
              trajectory_angleLabel = new JLabel( "trajectory angle ( -90 degrees <= trajectory angle <= 90 degrees )");
              trajectory_angleField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox2.add( trajectory_angleLabel );
              inputbox2.add( trajectory_angleField );
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );
              box.add( inputbox3);
              Dimension minSizeF = new Dimension(70, 15);
              Dimension prefSizeF = new Dimension(70, 15);
              Dimension maxSizeF = new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 15);
              inputbox3.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeF, prefSizeF, maxSizeF));
              // set up time_increment
              time_incrementLabel = new JLabel( "time increment (seconds)" );
              time_incrementField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox3.add( time_incrementLabel );
              inputbox3.add( time_incrementField );
              inputbox3.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeF, prefSizeF, maxSizeF));
              // set up rotation_factor
              rotation_factorLabel = new JLabel( "rotation factor ( non-negative number)" );
              rotation_factorField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox3.add( rotation_factorLabel );
              inputbox3.add( rotation_factorField );
              inputbox3.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeF, prefSizeF, maxSizeF));
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );
              box.add( buttonbox);
              // set up start
              startButton = new JButton( "START" );
              buttonbox.add( startButton );
              Dimension minSizeB = new Dimension(10, 30);
              Dimension prefSizeB = new Dimension(10, 30);
              Dimension maxSizeB = new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 30);
              buttonbox.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeB, prefSizeB, maxSizeB));
              // set up reset
              resetButton = new JButton( "RESET" );
              buttonbox.add( resetButton );
              buttonbox.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeB, prefSizeB, maxSizeB));
              // set up cont
              contButton = new JButton( "CONTINUE" );
              buttonbox.add( contButton );
              buttonbox.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeB, prefSizeB, maxSizeB));
              // set up term
              termButton = new JButton( "END" );
              buttonbox.add( termButton );
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );          
              // set up results
              resultsArea = new JTextArea( results_string, 10, 50 );
              resultsArea.setEditable( false );
              box.add( new JScrollPane( resultsArea ) );
              // add box to panel
              panel.add( box );
              // register event handlers
              Handler handler = new Handler();
              spanField.addActionListener( handler );
              chordField.addActionListener( handler );          
              thicknessField.addActionListener( handler );
              massField.addActionListener( handler );
              altitudeField.addActionListener( handler );
              velocityField.addActionListener( handler );          
              trajectory_angleField.addActionListener( handler );
              time_incrementField.addActionListener( handler );
              rotation_factorField.addActionListener( handler );
              startButton.addActionListener( handler );
              resetButton.addActionListener( handler );
              contButton.addActionListener( handler );
              termButton.addActionListener( handler );
    } // end method init
         // process handler events
         public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
              // process resetButton event
              if ( event.getSource() == resetButton )
              // process contButton event
              if ( event.getSource() == contButton )
              // process endButton event
              if ( event.getSource() == termButton )
              // process span event
              if( event.getSource() == spanField ) {
                   span = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( span_string );
              // process chord event
              if( event.getSource() == spanField ) {
                   span = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( chord_string );
              // process thickness event
              if( event.getSource() == thicknessField ) {
                   thickness = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( thickness_string );     
              // process mass event
              if( event.getSource() == massField ) {
                   mass = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( mass_string );
              // process altitude event
              if( event.getSource() == altitudeField ) {
                   altitude = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( altitude_string );     
              // process velocity event
              if( event.getSource() == velocityField ) {
                   velocity = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( velocity_string );
              // process trajectory_angle event
              if( event.getSource() == trajectory_angleField ) {
                   trajectory_angle = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( trajectory_angle_string );
              // process time_increment event
              if( event.getSource() == time_incrementField ) {
                   time_increment = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( time_increment_string );
              // process rotation_factor event
              if( event.getSource() == rotation_factorField ) {
                   rotation_factor = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( rotation_factor_string );
              // process startButton event
              if ( event.getSource() == startButton && status_b == 9 ) {
         } // end method event handler
         public void strtb()
                   new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class
                        // set text in resultsArea
                        public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        resultsArea.setText( results() );
                        }// end method actionPerformed1
                   } // end anonymous inner class1
              ); // end call to addActionlistener1
         } // end method strtb
         public void reset()
                   new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class
                        // set text in resultsArea
                        public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        span_string = "";
                        chord_string = "";
                        thickness_string = "";
                        mass_string = "";
                        altitude_string = "";
                        velocity_string = "";
                        trajectory_angle_string = "";
                        time_increment_string = "";
                        rotation_factor_string = "";
                        results_string = "";
                        spanField.setText( span_string );
                        chordField.setText( chord_string );
                        thicknessField.setText( thickness_string );
                        massField.setText( mass_string );
                        altitudeField.setText( altitude_string );
                        velocityField.setText( velocity_string );
                        trajectory_angleField.setText( trajectory_angle_string );
                        time_incrementField.setText( time_increment_string );
                        rotation_factorField.setText( rotation_factor_string );
    resultsArea.setEditable( true );
                        resultsArea.setText( results_string );
    resultsArea.setEditable( false );
                        span = 0;
                        chord = 0;
                        thickness = 0;
                        mass = 0;
                        altitude = 0;
                        velocity = 0;
                        trajectory_angle = 0;
                        time_increment = 0;
                        rotation_factor = 0;
                        distance = 0;
                        velocity_fps = 0;
                        elapsed_time = 0;
                        } // end method actionPerformed2
                   } // end anonymous inner class2
              ); // end call to addActionlistener2
         } // end method reset
         public void cont()
         public void calculate()
         distance = 1;
         altitude = 2;
         trajectory_angle = 3;
         velocity_fps = 4;
         elapsed_time = 5;
         public String results()
         results_string =
         "Distance =\t\t" + distance + " miles\n"
         + "Altitude =\t\t" + altitude + " feet\n"
         + "Trajectory Angle =\t" + trajectory_angle + " degrees\n"
         + "Velocity =\t\t" + velocity_fps + " feet per second\n"
         + "Elapsed Time =\t\t" + elapsed_time + " seconds\n"
         + "\nstatus_a = " + status_a + "\nstatus_b = "
         + status_b + "\nstatus_c = " + status_c;
         return results_string;
    public void start()
    if(status_a == 0 )
    if (status_b == 0)
    }// end method start
    } //end class trajectory_b

  • Enhance standard class with event handler method

    In trying to enhance a standard class with a new event handler class, I find that the ECC 6.0 EHP4 system does not appear to recognise the fact the method is an event handler method.  The specific example is a new method to handle the event CL_GUI_ALV_GRID->USER_COMMAND. 
    I notice that the flag called Active has not been ticked - see image below.  Perhaps this is the reason why the event handler is not being triggered.
    Note that there is an event handler for the same event in the standard class which obviously is executed as expected.  Any ideas on limitations in the system or I am missing a step?

    Thank you for your replies.
    There is a bug in the ALV handler of a standard SAP class (when executed in ITS WebGUI) and I was hoping to create a custom event handler as an Enhancement to execute some custom code to sort of "handle the bug". 
    I agree - ideally it should be done in a Z class but that will not give me access to the object methods and attributes of the enhanced class.

  • Event handling in seperate class

    hello... i have a gui w/ a series of combo boxes, text fields, etc. (call this the GUI file)
    upon pressing a button, i need to run a series of event handling that will use info from many of these components
    i would like to create a separate java file for the button event handling, but need this file to have access to many componets in the GUI file - does anyone know a nice way to do this?

    i'm not quite sure how to do that... in my GUI class,
    I construct the actuall gui within the constructor..
    then i have a simple driver that creates an instance
    of class GUI and calls the constructor... how can I
    pass a reference of the GUI to the handler in that
    scenario??it would be better if you post your code. Some people like me can't just imagine.

  • Event handling in global class (abap object)

    Hello friends
    I have 1 problem regarding events in abap object... how to handel an event in global class in se24 .
    Reema jain.
    Message was edited by:
            Reema Jain

    Hello Reema
    The following sample report shows how to handle event in principle (see the § marks)..
    The following sample report show customer data ("Header"; KNB1) in the first ALV list and sales areas ("Detail"; KNVV) for the selected customer (event double-click) in the second ALV list.
    *& Report  ZUS_SDN_TWO_ALV_GRIDS
    REPORT  zus_sdn_two_alv_grids.
      gd_okcode        TYPE ui_func,
      go_docking       TYPE REF TO cl_gui_docking_container,
      go_splitter      TYPE REF TO cl_gui_splitter_container,
      go_cell_top      TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container,
      go_cell_bottom   TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container,
      go_grid1         TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
      go_grid2         TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
      gs_layout        TYPE lvc_s_layo.
      gt_knb1          TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF knb1,
      gt_knvv          TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF knvv.
    "§1. Define and implement event handler method
    "     (Here: implemented as static methods of a local class)
    *       CLASS lcl_eventhandler DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_eventhandler DEFINITION.
          handle_double_click FOR EVENT double_click OF cl_gui_alv_grid
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_eventhandler DEFINITION
    *       CLASS lcl_eventhandler IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_eventhandler IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD handle_double_click.
    *   define local data
          ls_knb1      TYPE knb1.
        CHECK ( sender = go_grid1 ).
        READ TABLE gt_knb1 INTO ls_knb1 INDEX e_row-index.
        CHECK ( ls_knb1-kunnr IS NOT INITIAL ).
        CALL METHOD go_grid1->set_current_cell_via_id
    *        IS_ROW_ID    =
    *        IS_COLUMN_ID =
            is_row_no    = es_row_no.
    *   Triggers PAI of the dynpro with the specified ok-code
        CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>set_new_ok_code( 'DETAIL' ).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_double_click
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_eventhandler IMPLEMENTATION
      SELECT        * FROM  knb1 INTO TABLE gt_knb1
             WHERE  bukrs  = '1000'.
    * Create docking container
      CREATE OBJECT go_docking
          parent                      = cl_gui_container=>screen0
          ratio                       = 90
          OTHERS                      = 6.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    * Create splitter container
      CREATE OBJECT go_splitter
          parent            = go_docking
          rows              = 2
          columns           = 1
    *      NAME              =
          cntl_error        = 1
          cntl_system_error = 2
          OTHERS            = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    * Get cell container
      CALL METHOD go_splitter->get_container
          row       = 1
          column    = 1
          container = go_cell_top.
      CALL METHOD go_splitter->get_container
          row       = 2
          column    = 1
          container = go_cell_bottom.
    * Create ALV grids
      CREATE OBJECT go_grid1
          i_parent          = go_cell_top
          OTHERS            = 5.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    "§2. Set event handler (after creating the ALV instance)
      SET HANDLER: lcl_eventhandler=>handle_double_click FOR go_grid1.  " Or:
    " SET HANDLER: lcl_eventhandler=>handle_double_click FOR all instances.
      CREATE OBJECT go_grid2
          i_parent          = go_cell_bottom
          OTHERS            = 5.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    * Display data
      gs_layout-grid_title = 'Customers'.
      CALL METHOD go_grid1->set_table_for_first_display
          i_structure_name = 'KNB1'
          is_layout        = gs_layout
          it_outtab        = gt_knb1
          OTHERS           = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
      gs_layout-grid_title = 'Customers Details (Sales Areas)'.
      CALL METHOD go_grid2->set_table_for_first_display
          i_structure_name = 'KNVV'
          is_layout        = gs_layout
          it_outtab        = gt_knvv  " empty !!!
          OTHERS           = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    * Link the docking container to the target dynpro
      CALL METHOD go_docking->link
          repid                       = syst-repid
          dynnr                       = '0100'
    *      CONTAINER                   =
          OTHERS                      = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    * NOTE: dynpro does not contain any elements
      CALL SCREEN '0100'.
    * Flow logic of dynpro (does not contain any dynpro elements):
    *  MODULE STATUS_0100.
    *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *       text
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
      SET PF-STATUS 'STATUS_0100'.  " contains push button "DETAIL"
    *  SET TITLEBAR 'xxx'.
    * Refresh display of detail ALV list
      CALL METHOD go_grid2->refresh_table_display
    *    EXPORTING
    *      IS_STABLE      =
    *      I_SOFT_REFRESH =
          OTHERS         = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    *       text
    MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
      CASE gd_okcode.
        WHEN 'BACK' OR
             'END'  OR
    *   User has pushed button "Display Details"
        WHEN 'DETAIL'.
          PERFORM entry_show_details.
        WHEN OTHERS.
      CLEAR: gd_okcode.
    ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    *&      Form  ENTRY_SHOW_DETAILS
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM entry_show_details .
    * define local data
        ld_row      TYPE i,
        ls_knb1     TYPE knb1.
      CALL METHOD go_grid1->get_current_cell
          e_row = ld_row.
      READ TABLE gt_knb1 INTO ls_knb1 INDEX ld_row.
      CHECK ( syst-subrc = 0 ).
      SELECT        * FROM  knvv INTO TABLE gt_knvv
             WHERE  kunnr  = ls_knb1-kunnr.
    ENDFORM.                    " ENTRY_SHOW_DETAILS

  • Handle events in global class

    Hi all,
    I am working on handling events in global classes.
    but my event is not triggererd,i m not able to find where it's going wrong.
    Below is my code.
    Global Class:ZCL_TEST_EVENT
    Checkrange is event handler for exceededrange.
    below is the code for methods.
    method checkrange.
      write:/ 'Vendor not within the range'(001).
    method displayvendor.
      DATA : exlfa1 TYPE lfa1.
      IF  imlifnr NOT BETWEEN 1000 AND 2000.
        RAISE EVENT exceededrange.
           INTO exlfa1
        WHERE lifnr = imlifnr
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        WRITE : / exlfa1-lifnr,exlfa1-name1.
        WRITE : / 'No vendor found'(002).
    below is the report I developed.
    REPORT  ztest_113.
    parameters :plifnr type lfa1-lifnr obligatory.
    data : obj type ref to ZCL_TEST_EVENT.
    CALL METHOD obj->displayvendor
        imlifnr = plifnr
    Please help

    Yes, you do need to write the SET HANDLER statement. As per your current design, you can set the event handler in your method CONSTRUCTOR. Like:
    method constructor.
    Naimesh Patel

  • Event handling and inner classes

    Hi everyone,
    When assigning an actionlistener object to a swing component, is making the encapsulating component implement actionlistener better performance-wise than using inner classes? I ask this because my application is pretty slow to start-up, and I'm using lots of inner classes.
    I don't want to go ahead and change the event-handling unless I'm sure it will do any good, because the time restriction is too tight for wasting. Does using addActionListener(this) just pass a reference to itself or is an object generated for each call?
    Thanks in advance,

    Passing this only passes a reference. But you won't get a big improvement over inner classes. (If you use one listener object instance and pass that instance to the event sources. Do you?)

  • Global class event handler not called

    I am having a problem where I created a function module that instatiates an application log class. This application log class has methods ON_* for public events of other classes.
    The function module then processes its routines and as a result some of these events are raised. Ex: The function module creates a Purchase order and in that class I have a public even PO_CREATED that is raised upon succesfull creation of the PO. The global class APPLICATION_LOG I created has a method ON_PO_CREATED for event PO_CREATED of class ZCL_MAT_PO.
    I put a break point in the APPLICATION LOG method but is os not called.
    ANy idea of what Iam doing wrong or missing?

    Hi Leo, did you set the handler method?
    SET HANDLER <method_name> FOR <object>.
    Rich Heilman

  • Problem in handling Before_User_Command Event in CL_GUI_ALV_GRID class

    I have created an ALV grid control and I am also handling the before_user_command event of cl_gui_alv_grid class.
    My aim is to use POPUP_TO_CONFIRM function module when the users click on the add/delete row button.
    Control is going to the event if I am clicking on any other button of the control except add/delete row buttons.
    And in the class attributes those operation description is saying they are local.
    Please let me know how make control to go to before_user_command event when users click on add/delete button.
    Thanks in advance,
    Suneel C

    Hi Suneel,
    For you requirement, I dont see why you cant include the functionality for the pop up within the USER_COMMAND event itself.
    Algorithm for the USER_COMMAND event:
    Step 1: Check E_UCOMM is 'ADD' or 'DELT'.
    Step 2: If yes, call FM for POPUP_TO_CONFIRM; else continue to other E_UCOMM
    Step 3: If ans is 'No', exit Method - else continue with Add/ Delete as required

  • JTabbedPane single event handling class.

    I have a list of proxyNames which are stored in a Vector.
    These proxy names are then displayed as Tabs accordingly.
    For every tab there is a specific action to be performed.
    I want to write a single event handling class for handling all events.
    What I have is this:
    Object proxyName = eNum.nextElement();
    tabbedPane.addTab(proxyName.toString(), null, null, "Proxy");
    class ItemHandler implements ChangeListener{
    public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e){
    for(int i=0; i < v.size(); i++){
    // Perform action on choosing the concerned tab...
    How do I have a single event listener?

    Yikes! Is that a minimal program? When I am trying to do something new, or facing a problem that causes me to get stuck for more than an hour, I create a short program to solve just that problem. In time, you create a directory of test programs that's useful, and with practice, solving a problem in isolation is a faster (and generally better) way to go about things that doing it all in a larger application.
    Any way, here is your code, with a change listener added in method makeSubpanel. If you don't want the listener called the very first time, add it at the end of this method. I also fixed some bugs in createProxyList.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class TrialTabbed extends JPanel {
        // Will hold all file names read from the /config directory.
        private Vector v,v1;
        JTabbedPane tabbedPane,tabbedPane2;
        Object proxyName;
        public TrialTabbed(){
            tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
            // Instantiate the Vector.
            v1 = new Vector();
            Component panel1 = makeTextPanel("Blah");
            tabbedPane.addTab("Debug Mode", null, panel1, "Debug");
            Component panel2 = makeSubPanel();
            tabbedPane.addTab("Normal Mode", null, panel2, "Normal");
            // Add the tabbed pane to this panel.
            setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));
        protected Component makeTextPanel(String text) {
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(false);
            JLabel filler = new JLabel(text);
            panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));
            return panel;
        private Component makeSubPanel(){
            JPanel panel4 = new JPanel(false);
            panel4.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));
            tabbedPane2 = new JTabbedPane();
            //new code - a change listener for pane2
            tabbedPane2.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener(){
                public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e){
                    int tab = tabbedPane2.getSelectedIndex();
                    if (tab == -1)
                        System.out.println("no tab selected");
                    else {
                        String filename = tabbedPane2.getTitleAt(tab);
                        File file = new File("..", filename); //brittle!
                        if (file.isDirectory())  {
                            String[] contents = file.list();
                            int size = contents == null ? 0 : contents.length;
                            System.out.println(filename + " contains " + size + " files");
                        } else
                            System.out.println(filename + " has length " + file.length());
            //end of new code
            ItemHandler itemHandler = new ItemHandler();
            v = createProxyList();
            // Enumerate thru the Vector and put them as tab names.
            Enumeration eNum = v.elements();
                proxyName = eNum.nextElement();
                tabbedPane2.addTab(proxyName.toString(), null, null, "Proxy");
            return panel4;
        // Display the file names in this directory as tab Names.
        //new code: changed dirName to "..", fixed some obvious bugd
        private Vector createProxyList(){
            String dirName = "..";
            File file = new File(dirName);
                String[] s = file.list();
                for(int i=0; i< s.length; i++){
    } // End for.
    } // End of if.
    return v1;
    } // End createProxyList().
    class ItemHandler implements ChangeListener{
    public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e){
    System.out.println("IN CHANGE LISETENER" + proxyName.toString());
    } // End actionPerformed.
    } // End Inner class ItemHandler.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("TabbedPaneDemo");
    frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}
    frame.getContentPane().add(new TrialTabbed(),BorderLayout.CENTER);
    frame.setSize(500, 425);

  • Bug: RichTextEditor "Initialize" not classed as event handler

    I'm trying to load the RichTextEditor control in a popup window. Here's my code:
    var rte:RichTextEditor = new RichTextEditor();
    rte.width   =  600;
    rte.height  =  500;
    rte.title   =  'Edit Text';
    I need to add the initialize event handler so I can add a button to the toolbar (as per the example on the Adobe website).
    However, when I type:
    rte.initialize  =  "addSaveButton()";
    Flash Builder says this is invalid as "initialize" is actually a function and doesn't accept any parameters.
    Compare this with:
    <mx:RichTextEditor initialize="addSaveButton()"/>
    Flash Builder recongises "initialize" as an event handler and therefore accepts the addSaveButton() function.
    Can anyone else confirm whether this is a bug with the SDK or not? I can simply add the button outside of the RTE for now, but then I'd have to wrap the RTE in a separate panel to accomodate the button, which isn't ideal.
    Thanks in advance.

    this is how to add the event listener

  • Event-Handling  Between 2 Classes

    Trying to learn where did I make a mistake!
    Here is a very simple sample code:
    2 classes (each has 1 (awt-style)Panel & 1 (awt-style) Button. By clicking on one of the buttons how do I change the Background (color) of the Panel in the other class?
    //***********Sample Code **********************
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class App extends Frame
    Panel_1 ap1; //ap1 --> additional panel #1
    Panel_2 ap2;
    public App()
    //re: Panel_1
    ap1=new Panel_1();
    //re: Panel_2
    ap2=new Panel_2();
    public static void main(String[] args)
    App app=new App();
    class Panel_1 extends Panel implements ActionListener
    Panel_2 p2;
    Button ap1b=new Button();
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
    if (ae.getSource()==p2.ap2b)
    System.out.println("Test Panel 1");
    class Panel_2 extends Panel implements ActionListener
    Panel_1 p1;
    Button ap2b=new Button();
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
    if (ae.getSource()==p1.ap1b)
    System.out.println("Test Panel 2");

    There are several ways to do this. Without going into all of them, let's narrow them down by thinking in terms of design. Why should the panels know anything about each other? Each panel is its own deal. The component which has both of the panels should be the one listening to the buttons.
    Really there is no reason to have separate classes for the panels, but if you must, then write a listener as an inner class of the frame class, then pass that listener to the constructor of each panel as you instantiate it. Then you can have the listener work with both panels directly.

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