Event ids and solution

Is there any link/article where we cna find list of critical event ids with respect to Server role?
We wanted to create a repository/KBase for all critical events and its solution.
Pls suggest if any such refernece for Windows 2012.

this one may be helpful...

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    Are there any list of critical event ids which needs to be monitored in Exchange 2013?
    We wanted to list all critical event ids and its solution.
    pls help

    I wouldn't collect all of those IDs as there could be plenty of them. I would look at the system health and perform certain daily, weekly or monthly checkouts based on the functionality that is enabled in your environment to ensure environment is healthy.
    Also suggest you to implement a monitoring product like SCOM with Exchange management pack. That will cover all the critical alerts and alert you with the recommended action whenever any error is logged.
    Besides Exchange 2013 has some of the new inbuilt features like Managed Availability that will perform self-healing up to certain level. Check here for more details
    Server Health and Performance

  • App-V 5 sp2, Citrix user profile manager and Event IDs 19104

    the environment:
    Full Infrastructure, Appv 5 sp2 Client on server 2008r2, xenapp 6.5 and Citrix user profile manager.
    We get the event error 19104 on published packages. But not on all users. %APPDATA%\Microsoft\AppV\Client\VFS and %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\AppV\Client\VFS are excluded per
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    List of directories to exclude:
    Still some users get app-v Applications, but some that are copies of the ones working does not get the Applications. I have tried to delete the profile. but still no closer to a solution. Anyone got this working?

    Thanks Nicke, I should have tried harder to get you to come and work with me in Oslo earlier this year ;)
    That thread does point on the Profile managment, and redirection of %appdata% and %localappdata% . Those to folders are not redirected. But when i run Procmon, i can see that a working user creates the c:\users\<username>\appdata\local\temp but non
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  • Errors for excel - excel service unavailable. Event Viewer has error event ids - 5239 and 5231.

    Errors for excel - excel service unavailable. Event Viewer has error event ids - 5239 and 5231. 
    We restart the excel service app and it solves. Looking for permanent solution.

    To resolved the issue do a simple restart. 
    Restart the server
    Before restarting, verify that this problem occurs often. It may be an intermittent problem that is automatically corrected and does not require you to restart the server.
    If the problem occurs often, restart the server running Excel Services Application.
    If the problem continues to occur often, and restarting the server did not correct the problem, confirm that the hardware of the server is functioning correctly, or reinstall Excel Services Application and re-add the server to the server farm.
    Here's the article with the explanation: Error communicating with Excel Services
    Application - Events 5231 5239 5240
    Please 'propose as answer' if it helped you, also 'vote helpful' if you like this reply.

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    Thanks so much! I am backing up the entire computer now with an external hard drive - this should be fine right? And surely if I am backing up the whole computer these projects/videos will be backed up too? I wasn't sure how to do this any other way and I am clearly not great with tech issues. Once this is done and I am sure my projects/videos are safe I will do the delete and reinstall bit. Thanks for taking the time to help

  • Event IDs 508,509 and 510 (Health Service ESE Store) on SCOM agents

    Hi Team,
    Many of my SCOM agents are getting the Event IDs 508,509 and 510 on them.
    HealthService (2944) Health Service Store: A request to write to the file "C:\Program Files\System Center Operations Manager\Agent\Health Service State\Health Service Store\edb.log" at offset 1485312 (0x000000000016aa00) for 512 (0x00000200)
    bytes succeeded, but took an abnormally long time (60 seconds) to be serviced by the OS. This problem is likely due to faulty hardware. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
    Because of these events I keep getting "Health Service Heartbeat Failure" Alerts in SCOM whenever these events occur on the agents. After a couple of minutes these alerts get auto resolved and closed.
    Has anyone faced a similar issue and let me know what should be done here to solve the issue.
    S K Agrawal

    I am still not able to resolve the issue. But I came to know that the servers that had this issue were having some issue with the blade servers they all were hosted on and probably this is the issue they got these Event IDs.
    I am closing this as a faulty hardware issue on the servers.
    Thanks, S K Agrawal

  • Training & Event management and Appraisal

    Can anyone tell us that Training & Event management and Appraisal are available standard ESS package?

    Yes, Training & Event management and Appraisal are available in ITS based ESS business package.
    But latest ESS business package(webdynpro based) do not have training and event management. You may need to deploy Learning solution. Full functionality of Appraisal is available with ehp4 of ESS BP.

  • Allow Non-Administrator accounts to create event sources and write to event logs

    We are setting up BizTalk 2013 in Windows Server 2012 and one of the requirements is to allow the service account to create sources and write in event logs (Application) of the BizTalk servers. We have found what it seems to be a simple solution for this
    without giving service accounts local admin rights.
    Give Full control for the following registry keys to the service accounts or groups to allow creating of event sources and write to event logs:
    Note: when changing permissions for EventLog key, the child keys will inherit the permissions by default except Security key which must be done manually.
    Initial tests using a .net test app seems to work as expected. New event sources are being created in the event logs and writing to the event logs after that works perfectly.
    The above method has been deployed in production and this is the most suitable solution for us.

    Hi Keong6806,
    Thanks a lot for posting and sharing here.
    Do you have any other questions regarding this topic? If not I would change the type as 'Discussion' then.
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

  • Wizardpen and Xorg 1.8.1, Genius Tablet problem and solution

    Hello!!! I post this information just to contribute with a solution to a problem I was fighting with in the last days. I search for an answer and did not find it. If someone need more information feel free to ask. Oh! And sorry for my english.
    The Problem:
    After the update of Xorg and the Wizardpen driver from the AUR my tablet was not working anymore. The hal policy did not work, because Xorg now uses other method for hotplugged devices. If you want to learn more read this http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xorg#InputClasses
    We have to tell Xorg wich is the driver for that device creating an InputClass. To do that, we need some info about the tablet first. Execute:
    grep -i name /proc/bus/input/devices
    and search for a line with the name of your tablet. In my case is:
    Name="UC-LOGIC Tablet WP8060U"
    Now we need to calibrate the tablet, first execute:
    cat /proc/bus/input/devices
    And search for a devices with the name you see before. In my case:
    I: Bus=0003 Vendor=5543 Product=0005 Version=0100
    N: Name="UC-LOGIC Tablet WP8060U"
    P: Phys=usb-0000:00:02.0-3/input0
    S: Sysfs=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/usb2/2-3/2-3:1.0/input/input5
    U: Uniq=
    H: Handlers=mouse0 event5
    B: EV=1f
    B: KEY=c01 0 3f0001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    B: REL=303
    B: ABS=100000f
    B: MSC=10
    See the line "H: Handlers=mouse0 event5". The last part tells you the device is in event5 (note that we do not use the mouse0), in your case could be other. Use this info to execute the next command with your event number:
    wizard-calibrate /dev/input/event5
    Follow the on screen instruccions (press the pen on a corner of the tablet and on the oposite corner).  The last lines of the output look like this:
    Driver "wizardpen"
    Option "TopX" "2691"
    Option "TopY" "3249"
    Option "BottomX" "31462"
    Option "BottomY" "30089"
    Option "MaxX" "31462"
    Option "MaxY" "30089"
    We will use this info in a moment.
    Later create a text file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/70-wizardpen.conf and put this content in it, but remember to change the text "THE NAME OF YOUR TABLET" to match the name you find previously and the configuration of your tablet calibration:
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "wizardpen"
    MatchProduct "THE NAME OF YOUR TABLET"
    MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
    Driver "wizardpen"
    Option "TopX" "2691"
    Option "TopY" "3249"
    Option "BottomX" "31462"
    Option "BottomY" "30089"
    Option "MaxX" "31462"
    Option "MaxY" "30089"
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "wizardpen ignore mouse dev"
    MatchProduct "THE NAME OF YOUR TABLET"
    MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/mouse*"
    Driver ""
    In my case the file is
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "wizardpen"
    MatchProduct "UC-LOGIC Tablet WP8060U"
    MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
    Driver "wizardpen"
    Option "TopX" "2691"
    Option "TopY" "3249"
    Option "BottomX" "31462"
    Option "BottomY" "30089"
    Option "MaxX" "31462"
    Option "MaxY" "30089"
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "wizardpen ignore mouse dev"
    MatchProduct "UC-LOGIC Tablet WP8060U"
    MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/mouse*"
    Driver ""
    Restart X or restart your computer and that's all. MY TABLET WORKS!!!
    I read somewhere else, I don't remember where, that you can set other match sentences for Xorg that do not work for me, for some reason this is false for my tablet so I did not use this but for you may work. Inside the "Section" -> "EndSection" you can try to put this "Match" sentences in case Xorg failed to recognize your device.
    MatchIsTablet "on"
    MatchVendor "UC-LOGIC|KYE Systems|Ace Cad"
    MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/by-id/usb-UC-LOGIC_Tablet_WP8060U-event-mouse"
    The last one is obtained whit this command:
    ls /dev/input/by-id
    search for two devices, one called usb-name_of_your_tablet-event-mouse and other called usb-name_of_your_tablet-mouse, in my case the output of the "ls /dev/input/by-id" command is:
    If you want to try you have to put those devices names in the right place, note that this not work for me. The file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/70-wizardpen.conf would be like this, remember to change the device path to match yours:
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "wizardpen"
    MatchIsTablet "on"
    MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/by-id/usb-UC-LOGIC_Tablet_WP8060U-event-mouse"
    MatchVendor "UC-LOGIC|KYE Systems|Ace Cad"
    Driver "wizardpen"
    Option "TopX" "2691"
    Option "TopY" "3249"
    Option "BottomX" "31462"
    Option "BottomY" "30089"
    Option "MaxX" "31462"
    Option "MaxY" "30089"
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "wizardpen ignore mouse dev"
    MatchIsTablet "on"
    MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/by-id/usb-UC-LOGIC_Tablet_WP8060U-mouse"
    MatchVendor "UC-LOGIC|KYE Systems|Ace Cad"
    Driver ""
    Ok, I hope someone find this usefull, good luck!
    Last edited by gooze (2010-06-25 18:55:18)

    I updated the driver to the last version in AUR. It works without any configuration at me (no calibration or custom xorg.conf entries). I tried with xorg-server 1.9+ only, though.

  • What are the options for integrating the event catalog and event landing pages in our website?

    We'd like to integrate the event catalog and event landing pages into our website but would prefer not to use the standard iframe embed code. Are there other solutions available, like an API or something else?
    Reason for this is that when we tried it with the iframe embed code the event catalog seems to load quite slow in a webpage on our website. Plus it seems we can't change the width and height of the event catalog with the CQ5 editor, or have the event catalog embed dynamically change in size depending on the amount of events in the catalog.

    Keeping everything in one scene is the better way to go.  Scenes are useful for animators who do not use navigation, they just make movies that play frame after frame without stopping.  But for anything that involves navigating the timeline you will have less headaches if you just avoid them and keep everything in the one main timeline.
    There are primarily two approaches to implementing pages in a timeline.  Either spread them out along the timeline and navigate from frame to frame to access them, or create them as movieclips (all in the same frame) and manage their visibility.  The latter approach makes it easier to maintain the status of a one page if navigating to another is necessary.  And you might find it useful to mix these two approaches at times.
    When you have everything on one timeline, you can have a layer dedicated to actionscript that you extend the full length of the timeline, which makes shareable code, such as variables and functions, available to anything along the timeline.  This avoids any need to have duplicate function definitions since you can have the same single function available to multiple pages in the site.  I usually use two actions layers... one for the shared stuff which has all code in frame 1 only, and another for frame specific code such as timeline commands and other action coding that needs to happen at particular frames.

  • How do you date and time stamp iCal entries?  We share an event calendar and need to know when a new event was entered into iCal.

    How do you date and time stamp iCal entries?  We share an event calendar and need to know when a new event was entered into iCal.

    Thank you for your response. That does adequately cover the
    client-originated sessions, but still leaves the ability I am
    looking for unavailable.
    It did serve to definitively answer my most pressing
    question, however, with this statement:
    Note: ColdFusion cannot create a session if an initiator
    application uses a SendGatewayMessage method to start an
    interaction with a client, such as an SMS user. In this case, the
    sending code must keep track (for example, in a database) of the
    messages it sends and their destinations. When a response event
    arrives, it can look up the origniatorID to determine whether it
    was in response to an outgoing message.
    I will play around with the Application scope to see if there
    might be a workable solution there.

  • [JS] Basic question about event listeners and event handlers

    I am very new to the whole topic of event listeners and event handlers.  I'd run the test for the following problem myself, but I don't know where to start, and I just want to know if it's impossible -- that is, if I'm misunderstanding what event listeners and event handlers do.
    Say I have an InDesign document with a text frame that is linked to an InCopy story.  Can I use an "afterImport" event listener on the text frame to perform some action any time the link to the InCopy story gets updated?  And will the event handler have access to both the story that is imported, and the pathname of the InCopy file?

    Thank you, Kasyan.
    Both of those are good solutions.
    We are currently using InDesign CS4 and InCopy CS5.  I'm hoping to get them to purchase the whole CS5 suite soon, since I'd like to start writing scripts for InDesign CS5 as soon as possible, as long as I'm going to have to be doing it in the not too distant future anyway.  The greater variety of event handlers sounds like it might be something that is crucial to the project I'm working on, so that adds to the argument for getting CS5.
    Thanks again.  You have no idea how helpful this is.  I made some promises to my boss yesterday that I later realized were  based on assumptions of mine about the InDesign/InCopy system that didn't make any sense, and I was going  to have to retract my promises.  But after reading your response I think I can still deliver, in a slightly different way that I had been thinking before.

  • Events move_contol and size_control in class cl_gui_dialogbox_container

    Here's quite a tricky problem, which I could need some help for.
    I have an object of class cl_gui_dialogbox_container with some HTML in it. The users can resize and move the control on the screen. Now position and size shall be kept in a dictionary table for each user.
    I've registered the three events close, move_contol and size_control
      CALL METHOD gc_dialogbox->set_registered_events
          events                    = gt_events
    with event_ids 8, 11 and 12 and set the three handlers, e.g.
      SET HANDLER cl_event_receiver_tree=>handle_close
      FOR gc_dialogbox.
    I created three corresponding methods handle_close, handle_move_control and handle_size_control.
    Well, so far for what I've done. Now the results:
    If I close the dialogue box, ABAP correctly jumps into method handle_close. But at that point, the control has already been closed! So I can't read size and position any more.
    If I move or rezise the window, nothing at all happens... Not even the debugger would pop up if I do anything with the box.
    Does anyone here know how to do this?
    Edited by: Jan Krohn on Nov 22, 2008 3:17 PM

    A quick update in case anyone else is looking for a solution:
    I've still not found out how to handle the events move_control and size_control.
    However, when handling close_control, it's possible to catch size and position:
    call the methods to obtain size and/or position
    call a cfw flush
    only then the parameters will be filled with the correct values.
    Important: This must happen after the close button has been pressed, but before the control will be destroyed. So put it in the correct place in your source code.

  • OO ALV validation check without event DATA_CHANGED and results via popup

    Hi Gurus,
    I'm working on SAP ECC 6.0 and I'm facing a problem during the ALV validation check. My requirement is to show an ALV with one editable field. In addition I have to pre-initialize this field in order to give a reference value to the user, but this is not always correct, or better, this field represent the maximum amount available, but, because of other validation checks, this field is not always correct (and it's ok, it's not a problem), and if it is greater than another amount I have to display an error.
    I was thinking about catching the event DATA_CHANGED and do the checks inside of it. It works but not completely, because if the user do not change anything the event is not raised and I cannot do my checks.
    My solution is to do the checks without catching the DATA_CHANGED event and display the errors in a separate popup window.
    The checks are ok, but I have problems during the displaying of the results: I would like to use the class CL_ALV_CHANGED_DATA_PROTOCOL in order to display the errors, I tried creating the Object:
      Data: go_Error Type Ref To CL_ALV_CHANGED_DATA_PROTOCOL.
      Create Object go_Error
    *      i_container =
          i_calling_alv = go_0200_Alv
    giving it a reference to the ALV (the go_0200_Alv is my CL_GUI_ALV_GRID object).
    Then I did many Call Methods to the Add_Protocol_Entry to add the message in the protocol and then display them calling the Display_Protocol Method of my "go_Error".
    The Popup is shown and the "links" to the ALV are correct (if I double click a message it selects the corresponding row of the ALV, but (and it's my problem) I cannot see the Description of the Column with the error: the popup window is an ALV grid itself with 3 columns ("Message Type", "Name of the Column" and "Message Text") where I can see correctly the Message Type and the Message Text but not the name of the column.
    Debugging the code I found that If I catch the event, the parameter er_Data_Changed (the class CL_ALV_CHANGED_DATA_PROTOCOL) is filled with some other informations like Modified Rows and other attributes like FieldCatalog, Row-ID, so I thought the problem was related to that, and that's why I replicated the whole case in my processing, filling every table I would see if I use the "standard way" for validation. Bu it didn't correct the error. I still don't see the name of the Column.
    This is my code, it's only the part interested, If you need other informations, please ask me and I will copy them.
    form CHECK_ALV_0200_0110 Changing pc_Error Type Char01.
      Data: lt_MatchK1 Type tp_Matches1_Key_t,
            l_Message  Type Char100,
            l_MessX    Type String,
            l_QtaRes   Type ZDM_AMT_ASSIGNED,
            l_QtaAcc   Type ZDM_AMT_ACCRUED,
            l_QtaStep  Type ZDM_AMT_ASSIGNED.
      Field-Symbols: <fs_Table>    Type Standard Table,
                     <fs_Master>   Type Standard Table,
                     <fs_Mod_Cell> Type LVC_S_MODI,
                     <fs_Line>     Type Any,
                     <fs_Field>    Type Any,
                     <fs_Any>      Type Any.
      Data lt_Matches_Alv_Mod Type tp_Matches1_Alv_t.
      Data ls_Modi Type LVC_S_MODI.
      Data: l_Row_ID Type I,
            l_Tabix  Type I.
      Field-Symbols: <fs_Match_ALV> Type tp_Matches1_Alv_s.
      Free go_Error.
      CREATE OBJECT go_Error
    *      i_container =
          i_calling_alv = go_0200_Alv
    * Validation Checks
      Clear pc_Error.
      Clear ls_Modi.
      Loop At gt_Matches1_Alv Assigning <fs_Match_ALV>.
        l_Tabix = Sy-Tabix.
        Check <fs_Match_ALV>-Status Eq con_Status_Temp.
    *   Set the Modified Row for the CL_ALV_CHANGED_DATA_PROTOCOL object
          Append <fs_Match_ALV> To lt_Matches_Alv_Mod.
          Add 1 To ls_Modi-Row_Id.
          ls_Modi-FieldName = 'AMT_DEDUCTED'.
          Write <fs_Match_ALV>-Amt_Deducted To ls_Modi-Value Currency <fs_Match_ALV>-Waers.
          Condense ls_Modi-Value No-Gaps.
          ls_Modi-Tabix = l_Tabix.
          Append ls_Modi To: go_Error->mt_Mod_Cells,
          l_Row_ID = ls_Modi-Row_Id.
        Clear l_Message.
        If <fs_Match_ALV>-Amt_Deducted Eq 0.
          pc_Error = con_X.
          CALL METHOD go_Error->Add_Protocol_Entry
              i_msgid     = 'ZDMV'
              i_msgty     = 'E'
              i_msgno     = '005'
    *          i_msgv1     =
    *          i_msgv2     =
    *          i_msgv3     =
    *          i_msgv4     =
              i_fieldname = 'AMT_DEDUCTED'
              i_row_id    = l_Row_ID
    *          i_tabix     =
        Case g_Dynnr.
          When '0110'.
            Perform Get_ResQtaDispute1 Using lt_MatchK1
                                       Changing l_QtaRes.
            Perform Get_ResQtaAccrued1 Using <fs_Match_ALV>
                                       Changing l_QtaAcc.
    *      When '0111'.
    *        Perform Get_ResQtaDispute2 Using lt_MatchK2
    *                                         <fs_Match_ALV>
    *                                   Changing l_QtaRes.
    *        Perform Get_ResQtaAccrued2 Using <fs_Match_ALV>
    *                                   Changing l_QtaAcc.
        Add <fs_Match_ALV>-Amt_Deducted To l_QtaStep.
        If l_QtaStep > l_QtaRes.
    *     Store the Error
          pc_Error = con_X.
          Write l_QtaRes To l_Message Currency <fs_Match_ALV>-Waers.
          Condense l_Message No-Gaps.
          CALL METHOD go_Error->Add_Protocol_Entry
              i_msgid     = 'ZDMV'
              i_msgty     = 'E'
              i_msgno     = '002'
              i_msgv1     = l_Message
    *          i_msgv2     =
    *          i_msgv3     =
    *          i_msgv4     =
              i_fieldname = 'AMT_DEDUCTED'
              i_row_id    = l_Row_ID
    *          i_tabix     =
        If l_QtaStep > l_QtaAcc.
    *     Store the Error
          pc_Error = con_X.
          Write l_QtaAcc To l_Message Currency <fs_Match_ALV>-Waers.
          Condense l_Message No-Gaps.
          CALL METHOD go_Error->Add_Protocol_Entry
              i_msgid     = 'ZDMV'
              i_msgty     = 'E'
              i_msgno     = '002'
              i_msgv1     = l_Message
    *          i_msgv2     =
    *          i_msgv3     =
    *          i_msgv4     =
              i_fieldname = 'AMT_DEDUCTED'
              i_row_id    = l_Row_ID
    *          i_tabix     =
      If pc_Error Eq con_X.
    *   If there was at least one error, Display the Popup
        go_Error->mt_FieldCatalog[]   = gt_0200_FCat[].
        go_Error->ms_Layout-Zebra     = con_X.
        Get Reference Of lt_Matches_Alv_Mod[] Into go_Error->Mp_Mod_Rows.
        CALL METHOD go_error->display_protocol
    *      EXPORTING
    *        i_container        =
    *        i_display_toolbar  =
    *        i_optimize_columns =
    Do you know if there is a particular issue about that? Or, maybe, I'm doing something wrong...
    Please help me
    Edited by: Claudio Distrutti on Oct 31, 2008 12:38 PM

    Hello Claudio
    Nobody prevents you from calling your event handler method go_grid->HANDLE_DATA_CHANGED directly!
    What do I mean with that?
    I assume you are calling method go_grid->CHECK_CHANGED_DATA at the beginning of the PAI module to catch any changes from the editable ALV grid. Within the event handler method you do your validation and send the error popup if necessary.
    Now when the user closes the error popup and pushes e.g. the SAVE button then I can happen that method HANDLE_DATA_CHANGED does not trigger event DATA_CHANGED because nothing was indeed changed on the ALV grid. Yet the invalid value is still there.
    However within the FORM routine for saving the data you can just call your event handler method directly:
    FORM save_data.
    CALL METHOD go_grid->handle_data_changed
    *      er_data_changed =
          e_ucomm = 'SAVE'.
    Now within your event handler method you always know when the method was called because if method CHECK_CHANGED_DATA triggers event DATA_CHANGED the IMPORTING parameter ER_DATA_CHANGED is bound whereas it is empty when the method is called from your SAVE routine.
    METHOD handle_data_changed.
        IF ( er_data_changed IS BOUND ).
          lo_log = er_data_changed.
          CREATE OBJECT lo_log.
    " Do the validations and send error log if necessary
      lo_log->DISPLAY_PROTOCOL( ).

  • Event 2115 and 31551 generated

    Hi All
    I know there is much information relating to the two event IDs above, mainly relating to performance issues.
    Essentially, I am seeing the above Event ID for the following Workflows:
    There are others, but these are the main ones.  However it is the content of the message that is interesting.  E.g.
    Log Name:      Operations Manager
    Source:        Health Service Modules
    Date:          22/01/2014 13:14:50
    Event ID:      31551
    Task Category: Data Warehouse
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      <SERVER>
    Failed to store data in the Data Warehouse. The operation will be retried.
    Exception 'SqlException': Sql execution failed. Error 6602, Level 16, State 2, Procedure sp_xml_preparedocument, Line 1, Message: The error description is 'End tag 'ResolutionStateId' does not match the start tag 'nStateId'.'.
    The XML parse error 0xc00ce56d occurred on line number 1, near the XML text "<Root><Item><DomainName>ResolutionState</DomainName><DomainContentXml><Root><ResolutionState><ResolutionStateId>254</ResolutionStateId><ResolutionStateGuid>497186A1-5606-4B0C-91C1-30BA37232A82</ResolutionStateGuid><ResolutionStateName>Resolved</ResolutionStateName><PredefinedInd>1</PredefinedInd><CreatedDateTime>2013-10-09T16:43:58.353</CreatedDateTime><LastModifiedDateTime>2013-10-09T16:43:58.353</LastModifiedDateTime></ResolutionState><ResolutionState><ResolutionStateId>247</ResolutionStateId><ResolutionStateGuid>F791ED45-DCB4-475F-8A36-539A9CA8E495</ResolutionStateGuid><ResolutionStateName>Awaiting
    One or more workflows were affected by this.  
    Workflow name: Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.Synchronization.DomainSnapshot 
    Instance name: eb249cfa-4f62-4bd9-a181-a6641d78ebd9 
    Instance ID: {1600518F-0CD5-5385-5C79-AABC665ED81B} 
    Management group: <MG>
    Log Name:      Operations Manager
    Source:        Health Service Modules
    Date:          22/01/2014 13:14:43
    Event ID:      31551
    Task Category: Data Warehouse
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      <SERVER>
    Failed to store data in the Data Warehouse. The operation will be retried.
    Exception 'SqlException': XML parsing: line 1, character 108, illegal xml character 
    One or more workflows were affected by this.  
    Workflow name: Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.CollectEventData 
    Instance name: <SERVER>
    Instance ID: {4629E455-0F9F-6EF9-4761-6D8BC5F0DCCA} 
    Management group: <MG>
    Log Name:      Operations Manager
    Source:        Health Service Modules
    Date:          22/01/2014 13:14:23
    Event ID:      31551
    Task Category: Data Warehouse
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:     <SERVER>
    Failed to store data in the Data Warehouse. The operation will be retried.
    Exception 'SqlException': OLE DB provider 'STREAM' for linked server '(null)' returned invalid data for column '[!BulkInsert].DateTime'. 
    One or more workflows were affected by this.  
    Workflow name: Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.CollectPerformanceData 
    Instance name: <SERVER>
    Instance ID: {4629E455-0F9F-6EF9-4761-6D8BC5F0DCCA} 
    Management group: <MG>
    I have looked at the relevent performance stats on the SQL Server hosting the DW Database.  I can confirm that Disk queues are consistently zero, and that idletime never drops below 98%.
    It's probably worth noting that the above started happening following the DW database running out of space.  More space was allocate to the disk and the database files were expanded.  However, the above is now occurring.
    Anyone have any idea what might be the cause?

    For Event 2115
    For Event 31551
    We where advised from Microsoft support to run the following SQL query against the DW database:
     1. Backup the OpsMgDW DB.
    2. In SQL Management Studio, issue the command below for the OpsMgr DW DB:
      DBCC CHECKIDENT ("EventChannel", RESEED, 3);
        Please save the output of above.
    3. After above query completes, please issue command below to confirm the
      DBCC CHECKIDENT ("EventChannel");
     After we did that and restarted the HealtService on the RMS and MS the event 31551/31552 where resolved and as a bonus the event
    26319 also seems to be resolved. And just for the record the UAC is still active.
    you can check below link,
    Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question, please click "Mark As Answer"

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