Evernote: How to remove it completely?

Hey all, I need to remove Evernote from my Mac and re-install it because Evernote isn't working so well.
How can I completely remove Evernote? I saw someone recommend 'AppDelete' and another app, but how can I trust these apps? Is there an app I could download from the MacApp Store?

From the context of your questions I surmise you want to know not just how to delete the Evernote app from your Mac, but also how to delete all your information from Evernote's records. Assuming that is correct, first log in to your Evernote account and erase all your notes. Then, delete the Evernote app according to Apple's instructions for uninstalling apps.
Although you can deactivate an Evernote account, I don't believe there is a way to permanently delete an account without intervention from their customer support. Merely erasing all your notes from Evernote should accomplish what you seek though.
I saw someone recommend 'AppDelete' and another app, but how can I trust these apps?
You don't. They are unreliable in general. None of them are necessary, and some of them (not App Store programs though) are harmful and will corrupt your Mac.

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    It's in the System Preferences - Users & Groups.

    Select the item in that list then click on the Delete [-] button.
    For future reference:
    Uninstalling Software: The Basics
    Most OS X applications are completely self-contained "packages" that can be uninstalled by simply dragging the application to the Trash.  Applications may create preference files that are stored in the /Home/Library/Preferences/ folder.  Although they do nothing once you delete the associated application, they do take up some disk space.  If you want you can look for them in the above location and delete them, too.
    Some applications may install an uninstaller program that can be used to remove the application.  In some cases the uninstaller may be part of the application's installer, and is invoked by clicking on a Customize button that will appear during the install process.
    Some applications may install components in the /Home/Library/Applications Support/ folder.  You can also check there to see if the application has created a folder.  You can also delete the folder that's in the Applications Support folder.  Again, they don't do anything but take up disk space once the application is trashed.
    Some applications may install a startupitem or a Log In item.  Startupitems are usually installed in the /Library/StartupItems/ folder and less often in the /Home/Library/StartupItems/ folder.  Log In Items are set in the Accounts preferences.  Open System Preferences, click on the Accounts icon, then click on the LogIn Items tab.  Locate the item in the list for the application you want to remove and click on the "-" button to delete it from the list.
    Some software use startup daemons or agents that are a new feature of the OS.  Look for them in /Library/LaunchAgents/ and /Library/LaunchDaemons/ or in /Home/Library/LaunchAgents/.
    If an application installs any other files the best way to track them down is to do a Finder search using the application name or the developer name as the search term.  Unfortunately Spotlight will not look in certain folders by default.  You can modify Spotlight's behavior or use a third-party search utility, EasyFind, instead.
    Some applications install a receipt in the /Library/Receipts/ folder.  Usually with the same name as the program or the developer.  The item generally has a ".pkg" extension.  Be sure you also delete this item as some programs use it to determine if it's already installed.
    There are many utilities that can uninstall applications.  Here is a selection:
        1. AppZapper 2.0.1
        2. AppDelete 3.2.6
        3. Automaton 1.50
        4. Hazel
        5. AppCleaner 2.1.0
        6. CleanApp
        7. iTrash 1.8.2
        8. Amnesia
        9. Uninstaller 1.15.1
      10. Spring Cleaning 11.0.1
    For more information visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on removing software.

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    thank you,
    Edited to add additional info: The apps I deleted on the advanced options app list are not listed in the applications list anymore, but the icons are still on the desktop and they work. Just wanted to clarify.
    Message Edited by didan on 12-20-2008 09:15 AM

    Go to Options > Advanced > Applications. Are they listed there? If so, delete.
    If not listed there, then they are not installed and all you see is an install shortcut, which is no big deal. Hide them.
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    There's some confusion going on here.
    Although you can always re-download the game from the "cloud" (the AppStore), that maybe seperate to your saved game progress.
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    HI Nicolas,
    I chatted with Rev-Trac support earlier today and here is what they have come back to me with.
    Assuming the change in question was carried out in the development  system. Changes to fields in tables should in most cases be captured in transports. Assuming it was a transportable change then go to the development system and execute transaction SE16 and query Rev-Trac table /RSC/T_MFM_4T filtering by TABLENAME.
    On executing the query you should see a list of transports involved with changes to the transport. You can then check to see if there is a recent transport associated with the change - if so then you can find out who created the transport by using standard SAP functionality."
    If you find this doesn't help, then please contact your Rev-Trac Administrator who can then log a support request on our support portal at www.xrsc.com
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    Hi sarikas15080040,
    To completely uninstall Flash Player use the uninstaller:
    Uninstall Flash Player | Mac OS
    Uninstall Flash Player | Windows

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    Unfortunately, you cannot do very much with your phone unless you get assistance from the previous owner, they should either provide you with the password to unlock it or remove their account from the phone entirely remotely through iCloud.com > Find My Phone.

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    Errr...thats no good then, it keeps prompting me to login to Keychain under user "login" whch I have not set any password for (I even tried root password but still does not work) and when I try to update the password, I cant, as it keeps saying that I need to enter the "Current Password" which I have no idea what it is. I did delete the user/account "login" as per some guides, but it keeps on reappearing, is this because I am trying to modify the built-in Guest account? as per my previous post:
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    Thank you.

    To make sure, click Finder on your Dock.
    Then click on Applications and scroll down looking for the Thunderbird App.
    If you find it there, do a control click "Move to Trash" or click hold and drag it to the Trash.
    For more on OS X Finder, see > Mac Basics: The Finder
    For more on OS X in general, see > Mac Basics - Apple Support

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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Unsync all music and resync
    - Reset all settings      
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up                             
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.

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    Did you delete the files from your Remote server?
    Deleting the local site folder or the site definition in DW will have no effect on your remote site.
    When I go to your URL, I see the index.html page with 16 code errors and this background image:
    So the site is still online until you delete those files from your server.
    Nancy O.

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