Exception handling to catch the outcome of a select

I want to use exception handling to exit me out of a function module.  I want to have one exception for all errors.
For example, if this select statement does not work, how do I finish up this code to make it work.
error type cx_bsx
select * from t001 where BUKRS = '!@#$'
catch <not sure what> into INTO error
raise exception error
When I use cx_bsx with the catch, nothing happens even though the select statement fails. Basically I want the catch to work in the same manner as this:
if sy-subrc ne 0.
raise error_table_read.

If this code is in a function module, then why not just use the function  module exceptions.
if sy-subrc ne 0.
raise error_table_read.
What are you gaining by "catching" this exception in the function module.  By using the "exceptions" part of the function module, you are passing this exception back to the calling program.
Rich Heilman

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  • Exception handling for all the insert statements in the proc

    @IncrStartDate DATE
    ,@IncrEndDate DATE
    ,@SourceRowCount INT OUTPUT
    ,@TargetRowCount INT OUTPUT
    ,@ErrorNumber INT OUTPUT
    ,@ErrorMessage VARCHAR(4000) OUTPUT
    ,@InsertCase INT --INSERT CASE INPUT
    BEGIN --Main Begin
    DECLARE @SuccessNumber INT = 0
    ,@SuccessMessage VARCHAR(100) = 'SUCCESS'
    ,@BenchMarkLoadFlag CHAR(1)
    ,@BenchmarkFlow INT
    ,@MonthYearStart DATE
    ,@MonthYearEnd DATE
    ,@StartDate DATE
    ,@EndDate DATE
    /* Setting the default values of output parameters to 0.*/
    SET @SourceRowCount = 0
    SET @TargetRowCount = 0
    /*Setting the Start and end date for looping */
    SET @MonthYearStart = @IncrStartDate;
    SET @MonthYearEnd = @IncrEndDate;
    /* Setting the @InsertCase will ensure case wise insertion as this sp will load data in different tables
    @InsertCase =0 means data will be inserted in the target TAB1
    @InsertCase =1 means data will be inserted in the target TAB2
    @InsertCase =2 means data will be inserted in the target TAB3
    @InsertCase =3 means data will be inserted in the target TAB4
    @InsertCase =4 means data will be inserted in the target TAB5
    @InsertCase =5 means data will be inserted in the target TAB6
    if @InsertCase =0
    WHILE (@MonthYearStart <= @MonthYearEnd)
    SET @StartDate = @MonthYearStart;
    SET @EndDate = @MonthYearEnd;
    /* Delete from target where date range given from input parameter*/
    AND [YEAR] BETWEEN year(@StartDate) and year(@EndDate)
    /*Insert data in target-TAB1 */
    SET @MonthYearStart = DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @MonthYearStart)
    SELECT @TargetRowCount = @TargetRowCount + @@ROWCOUNT;
    END -- End of whileloop
    SELECT @ErrorNumber = ERROR_NUMBER() ,@ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE();
    END--End of Main Begin
    I have the above proc inserting data based on parameters  where in @InsertCase  is used for case wise execution.
     I have written the whole proc with exception handling using try catch block.
    I have just added one insert statement here for 1 case  now I need to add further insert  cases
    I will be using following to insert further insert statements 
    if @InsertCase =1 
    I just needed to know where will be my next insert statement should be fitting int his code so that i cover exception handling for all the code

    Hi Erland & Mudassar, I have attempted to recreate Mudassar's original problem..here is my TABLE script;
    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TAB1] Script Date: 2/5/2014 7:47:48 AM ******/
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TAB1](
    [COL1] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
    [COL2] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
    [COL3] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
    [START_MONTH] [int] NULL,
    [END_MONTH] [int] NULL,
    [START_YEAR] [int] NULL,
    [END_YEAR] [int] NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    Then here is a CREATE script for the SPROC..;
    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[TryCatchTransactions1] Script Date: 2/5/2014 7:51:33 AM ******/
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[TryCatchTransactions1] (
    @IncrStartDate DATE
    ,@IncrEndDate DATE
    ,@SourceRowCount INT OUTPUT
    ,@TargetRowCount INT OUTPUT
    ,@ErrorNumber INT OUTPUT
    ,@ErrorMessage VARCHAR(4000) OUTPUT
    ,@InsertCase INT --INSERT CASE INPUT
    BEGIN --Main Begin
    DECLARE @SuccessNumber INT = 0
    ,@SuccessMessage VARCHAR(100) = 'SUCCESS'
    ,@BenchMarkLoadFlag CHAR(1)
    ,@BenchmarkFlow INT
    ,@MonthYearStart DATE
    ,@MonthYearEnd DATE
    ,@StartDate DATE
    ,@EndDate DATE
    /* Setting the default values of output parameters to 0.*/
    SET @SourceRowCount = 0
    SET @TargetRowCount = 0
    /*Setting the Start and end date for looping */
    SET @MonthYearStart = @IncrStartDate;
    SET @MonthYearEnd = @IncrEndDate;
    /* Setting the @InsertCase will ensure case wise insertion as this sp will load data in different tables
    @InsertCase =0 means data will be inserted in the target TAB1
    @InsertCase =1 means data will be inserted in the target TAB2
    @InsertCase =2 means data will be inserted in the target TAB3
    @InsertCase =3 means data will be inserted in the target TAB4
    @InsertCase =4 means data will be inserted in the target TAB5
    @InsertCase =5 means data will be inserted in the target TAB6
    IF @InsertCase =0
    WHILE (@MonthYearStart <= @MonthYearEnd)
    SET @StartDate = @MonthYearStart;
    SET @EndDate = @MonthYearEnd;
    /* Delete from target where date range given from input parameter*/
    AND START_YEAR BETWEEN year(@StartDate) and YEAR(@EndDate)
    /*Insert data in target-TAB1 */
    VALUES ('Z','X','Y')
    SET @MonthYearStart = DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @MonthYearStart)
    SELECT @TargetRowCount = @TargetRowCount + @@ROWCOUNT;
    END -- End of whileloop
    IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0
    SELECT @ErrorNumber = ERROR_NUMBER() ,@ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE();
    END--End of Main Begin
    I am just trying to help --danny rosales
    UML, then code

  • A catch-all "exception handler" - what's the end of an stack trace?

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    The way I've started implementing it is I redirect error out to a custom output stream:
    public class ConsoleOutStream extends ByteArrayOutputStream {
        private JFrame owner;
        public ConsoleOutStream(JFrame owner) {
            this.owner = owner;
         * Writes <code>len</code> bytes from the specified byte array
         * starting at offset <code>off</code> to this byte array output stream.
         * @param   b     the data.
         * @param   off   the start offset in the data.
         * @param   len   the number of bytes to write.
        public synchronized void write(byte b[], int off, int len) {
            super.write(b, off, len);
         * Writes the specified byte to this byte array output stream.
         * @param   b   the byte to be written.
        public synchronized void write(int b) {
        private void checkForExceptions() {
            if(this.toString().indexOf("xception") != -1) {
    }then i redirect System.err:
    PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new ConsoleOutStream(this));
    The problem is that the checkForExceptions() method will be called, e.g. 3 times for each exception - and I just want to display an error message to the user once (of course).
    Anyone done something similar?

    I'm interested in catching all "unhandled errors"how about:
    public static void main(String[] args){
        //whatever you would normally call from main
        }catch (Throwable e){
             System.out.println("There was an unhandled exception:");

  • Bypass exception handler?

    I have got serveral hundreds of stored procs calling one error handling proc in case of an error.
    Inside this error handling proc I have use the command "raise_application_error" to generate an error message for the user of our application. Unfortunately, the calling stored procs contain an exception handler that catches the generated exception.
    It's hardly possible to change hundreds of stored procs.
    So is there a mechanism to raise the exception and pass it to the application regardless of the exisitence of an exception handler?
    Yours, Heiko Kaschube

    Actually, the exception you raised shouldn't be caught in the calling stored procs except there's "WHEN OTHERS THEN" section to catch all the exceptions which are not caught by other sections. What you need to do is, in "WHEN OTHERS THEN" section, check the error code. If the error is generated by raise_application_error, then raise the error again.

  • It takes long time to invoke the Exception handler code

    In our setup there is firewall between the Appserver that is using toplink and the database.The firewall terminates idle connection on any port if the connection is idle for 1 hr.So i have implemented an exception handler to reconnect when the connection is broken.The code works fine but It takes 15 mins for the exception handler code to be invoked.
    The database is Oracle and the driver is thin driver,OS is solaris.No external connection pool
    I had registered the exceptionhandler to the serversession,should i register it with each ClientSession?

    yes ,15 mins is the time taken before the server session's exception handler code is invoked.
    The following is the exception handler code on the sever session.Any thing wrong?
    server.setExceptionHandler(new ExceptionHandler()
    public Object handleException(RuntimeException ex)
    {//This method is executed only after 15 min ,if the connection is broken
    String mess=ex.getMessage();
    System.out.println("In handler excep mess is "+mess);
    if ((ex instanceof DatabaseException) && (mess.equals("connection reset by peer.")||(mess.indexOf("IOException :Broken pipe")!=-1)))
    DatabaseException dbex = (DatabaseException) ex;
    dbex.getAccessor().reestablishConnection (dbex.getSession());
    return dbex.getSession().executeQuery(dbex.getQuery());
    return null;
    What could be wrong ?
    I tried Oracle's connection cache Impl created a connection pool using the same thin driver and on the same env.SQLException is thrown immediately on using the broken connection.so I feel the driver is not causing any problem.
    Is there any way in toplink to keep the connections active?or Is there any way to poll all connections in the connection pool and check If they are connected instead of waiting until the exception gets thrown and handle it?

  • Exception Handling for many bean objects of a container class in a JSP page

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    I have one JSP page which will use different objects in the container class object through the getter methods of the container class.
    My question is how to implement the exception handler for all the objects in the container so that the JSP page can handle all exceptions if occurrs in any object in the container?
    Please give me some suggestions. Thanks

    Thanks for your reply.
    Since the container is the accessor class, I have no other super class for this container class, I think I will try the try catch block in the getter methods.

  • Exception Handling in bounded taskflows - expected behaviour

    I'm currently reviewing exception handling in bounded task flows and some things does not seems to be very clear for me.
    (q1) Does it make sense that a bounded task flow calls a method (via a method activity) defined on the page definition of another page (outside of the BTF) by using a #{data.xxxmyPageDef.myMethodName.execute} EL expression?
    (q2) Is is correct to expect the application to execute the method marked as ExceptionHandler in the taskflow, whenever an exception occurs?
    (q3) I created 5 different scenarios where I call a service method which throws an exception, from within a page fragment of the BTF.
    (q3 – sc1) Call a service method through the binding layer of the current page (by using #{bindings.xxx.execute})
    Result: A dialog containing the exception message appears.
    This is what I expected. Althought, the exception handler method does not seems to be invoked.(q3 – sc2) Call a service method through a task flow method activity using #{bindings.xxx.execute}
    Result: A dialog containing the exception message appears.
    This is what I expected. Althought, the exception handler method does not seems to be invoked.(q3 – sc3) Call a service method through a task flow method activity using #{data.myPageFragementPagedef.xxx.execute} (accessing the pageDef of the page fragment)
    Result: Nothing happens.
    This is not what I expected. Although, the exception handler method does nog seems to be invoked, I expect the ADF Error Handler to create a FacesMessage.(q3 – sc4) Call a service method through a task flow method activity using #{data.myPageContainingThePageFragmentPageDef.xxx.execute} (accessing the page containing the BTF region)
    Result: Nothing happens.
    This is not what I expected. Although, the exception handler method does nog seems to be invoked, I expect the ADF Error Handler to create a FacesMessage. (q3 – sc5) Call a service method through a task flow method activity using #{data.aPageOutsideTheBTFPageDef.xxx.execute} (accessing a page outside the BTW)
    Result: Nothing happens.
    This is not what I expected. Although, the exception handler method does nog seems to be invoked, I expect the ADF Error Handler to create a FacesMessage. (q4) How can it be possible that – without an exception handler – exceptions occur when calling method activities, without the exceptions being translated to FacesMessages?
    Thanks in advance,
    Koen Verhulst

    +(q1) Does it make sense that a bounded task flow calls a method (via a method activity) defined on the page definition of another page (outside of the BTF) by using a #{data.xxxmyPageDef.myMethodName.execute} EL expression?+
    No. Exceptions should be handled locally.
    +(q2) Is is correct to expect the application to execute the method marked as ExceptionHandler in the taskflow, whenever an exception occurs?+
    Only for exceptions that are before Render Response. The Render Response Phase is not handled in ADFc. So exceptions that occur in managed beans may fall through
    +(q3) I created 5 different scenarios where I call a service method which throws an exception, from within a page fragment of the BTF.+
    +(q3 – sc1) Call a service method through the binding layer of the current page (by using #{bindings.xxx.execute}) Result: A dialog containing the exception message appears.+
    This is what I expected. Althought, the exception handler method does not seems to be invoked.
    The binding layer has an error handler you can override in the DataBinings.cpx file
    +(q3 – sc2) Call a service method through a task flow method activity using #{bindings.xxx.execute}+
    Result: A dialog containing the exception message appears.
    This is what I expected. Althought, the exception handler method does not seems to be invoked.
    Again, you use the binding layer to invoke the service
    +(q3 – sc3) Call a service method through a task flow method activity using #{data.myPageFragementPagedef.xxx.execute} (accessing the pageDef of the page fragment)+
    Result: Nothing happens.
    This is not what I expected. Although, the exception handler method does nog seems to be invoked, I expect the ADF Error Handler to create a FacesMessage.
    Never use such a call. Its bad practice as there is no guarantee the container you reference is active. Always have the method call activity have its own binding defined when accessing a method call activity. I know there are lots of example floating aroundthat you #{data ...} and many are from 10.1.3. This should be avoided alltogether though
    +(q3 – sc4) Call a service method through a task flow method activity using #{data.myPageContainingThePageFragmentPageDef.xxx.execute} (accessing the page containing the BTF region)+
    Result: Nothing happens.
    This is not what I expected. Although, the exception handler method does not seems to be invoked, I expect the ADF Error Handler to create a FacesMessage.
    Again, this is not a proper use of the ADF framework.
    +(q3 – sc5) Call a service method through a task flow method activity using #{data.aPageOutsideTheBTFPageDef.xxx.execute} (accessing a page outside the BTW)+
    Result: Nothing happens. This is not what I expected. Although, the exception handler method does nog seems to be invoked, I expect the ADF Error Handler to create a FacesMessage.
    accessing a page outside the BTW (!!!) This should ring a worst practices alarm on your laptop (obviously doesn't do it either)
    +(q4) How can it be possible that – without an exception handler – exceptions occur when calling method activities, without the exceptions being translated to FacesMessages?+
    Exceptions are not handled in a single place but stacked. The business service raises an exception and passes it to the binding layer if not handled. The binding layer handles the exception and if it can't passes it to ADFc. ADFc can handle this exception if it is not during Render Response.
    Bottom line: There is no single point of exception handling. So as a recommendation for best practices
    - Catch and handle exceptions as close as possible to their origins
    - If things can go wrong, thy will - use try/catch blocks in managed beans
    - Use an exception handling activity in all bounded task flows. In the case of task flow call activities being used exceptions can bubble up to the caller. However, this would take users out of their current application context
    - Exceptions not handled in ADFc can be intercepted by overriding the application task flow exception handler (used by the exception handler activities). This would give you a chance e.g. to handle issues during Render Response
    - Never fight the framework, never bend the framework: Don't use out of scope access to page definitions and resources. Exception handling is not a replacement for bad code practices (sorry for saying this, its not meant to be rude) :-)
    Though I don't have a qualified numbers of bugs open for exception handling in ADF between and now (and some that are open), but there are issues reported in this area. If there is something that really feels wrong, please go ahead and file a bug and provide a test case for development to have a look. The Render Response issue, for example is something we are aware of and that is in discussion (afaik knows, there is a change in exception handling in JSF 2 that may have an impact to what we can do in ADFc).

  • Exception Handling in Web Center for UI related Errors not working.

    Hi Guys,
    I have implemented Error Handling in ADF Application with Custom Model Exception Handler ( which is "CustomExceptionHandler extends DCErrorHandlerImpl") to catch all Model Layer Exception and to customize those error messages.
    I have implemented Error Handling in ADF Application with Custom View Exception Handler ( which is "CustomViewErrorHandler extends oracle.adf.view.rich.context.ExceptionHandler";) to catch all View Layer Exception and to customize those error messages.
    The design for this is , in Model Custom Exception Handler i find the exception message in "public String getDisplayMessage(BindingContext bindingContext,Exception exception) " method and throw RuntimeException to pass this exception to Custom View Layer Exception , so that i can handle all the exception @ View Layer it self .
    In the View Layer Exception Handler i am navigating to specific error page using
    String contextPath = ((HttpServletRequest)FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest()).getContextPath();
    ExternalContext ectx = facesContext.getExternalContext();
    All these things absolutly working in ADF Application for all the exception ( Model , View ) and i am successfully navigating to error page.
    Problem  :
    When i implement the same thing in Webcenter Application ( Model Custom Exception Handler and View Custom Exception Handler), Model Part is working as expected , but View Custom Exception Handler is not all calling .
    i am assuming that ,this View Custom Exception Handler (CustomViewErrorHandler extends oracle.adf.view.rich.context.ExceptionHandler) works only for JSF Life cycle
    "Allows frameworks to intercept otherwise unhandled exceptions thrown during the JSF lifecycle. ExceptionHandlers can be registered by adding a service file with a class name at META-INF/services/oracle.adf.view.rich.context.ExceptionHandler." from http://jdevadf.oracle.com/adf-richclient-demo/docs/apidocs/oracle/adf/view/rich/context/ExceptionHandler.html";
    As Webcenter Portal uses ADF Life Cycle this Exception Handler is not calling , i am not sure.
    if any one has any idea please let me know .
    Annapareddy Srinivasrao
    Edited by: Srinivasrao Annapareddy on May 22, 2013 12:06 PM

    i used runtime exception along with the wdwsmodel exception

  • Exception Handling in Stripes framework

    Pls help me to setup the Exception handling...
    1.how to catch the exception occuring in ActionBean method,using our custom
    exception handle method?
    not sure to integrate this both?
    becas in the example it shows only the MyExceptionHandler class ...how it is
    linked to the method in the ActionBean

    The same answer as in: http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5264689

  • How to catch the error occurred in Integration Process, and then save it?

    1. how to catch the error occurred in Integration Process, and then save the detailed error message to the file?
    2. there are fault message type for inbound message interface, how to use the fault message type in IR?
    Message was edited by: Spring Tang
    Message was edited by: Spring Tang
    detailed message output
    Message was edited by: Spring Tang
    fault message type

    Hi Spring,
    If u give an exception step along with your Transformation Step, whenever some error occurs in your message mapping, this exception block wil be triggered.
    You can configure your exception block to do all exception processing that you want. This exception handling is like any other java Exceptio n Handler. You can do anything that you want in your exception handler block on the basis of your requirements.
    <i>If an exception is triggered at runtime, the system first searches for the relevant exception handler in surrounding blocks. If it does not find the correct exception handler, it continues the search in the next block in the block hierarchy.
    When the system finds the correct system handler, it stops all active steps in the block in which the exception handler is defined and then continues processing in the exception handler branch. Once the exception handler has finished processing, the process is continued after the block.
    If the system fails to find an exception handler, it terminates the integration process with an error.</i>

  • Avoid transaction roll back using exception handler

    Hi everybody!
    I've created a proxy service in OSB using a DB adapter for polling from a database table. I've configured the service to be transactional with same transaction for reponse. The proxy has a route node that routes to a business service created from a db adapter for storing the polled data. Insert table has a db trigger associated wich raises a custom exception in certain cases. I need to catch that exception in the route exception handler to avoid the full transaction to be marked rolled back. For this, I've setup a response with failure action in the handler.
    After testing the service I realized that it's not working as expected as transaction is being rolled back when the trigger raises the exception (so registry is not marked as polled in source table).
    Could anyone explain me which action should be taken to avoid a rollback when handling exception?
    Best regards,

    Hi Athhek,
    If I set reply with success then both route node and system error handlers are executed. I get following response metadata
    <con:metadata      xmlns:con="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/test/config">
    <tran:response-code      xmlns:tran="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports">1</tran:response-code>
    and also following error reaches system handler:
    <con:fault      xmlns:con="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/context">
    Expected active transaction, actual transaction status: Marked Rollback
    When I set reply with error only route node handler is executed but I still get
    <con:metadata      xmlns:con="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/test/config">
    <tran:response-code      xmlns:tran="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports">1</tran:response-code>
    Thank you.

  • Generalised Event Exception Handler

    Hi all experts,
    Can anybody plz tell how to create a generalised Exception Handler , so that wenever a exception is generated in the main method the Exception Event Handler shud be initialised to catch the exception for all the exceptions generated at runtime.
    I want the Exception Event Handler to catch the exceptions for RFC BAPI,EJB Webservice,etc..as i am using this in my application to give general message at runtime if any exceptions is generated from the try-catch block.
    Waiting for the reply.

    Hi SK,
    There is a general Exception that you can use for all exceptions thrown.
    just add this code for any exception you want to catch.
        // try anything
    catch(Exception e)
       // catch any exception

  • Struts exception handling - Exception handler

    Hi ,
    I need some help for struts exception handling . Global exception is working fine in my struts application . But I need to show the exception stack trace also in the screen whenever the exception occurs.I guess this can be achieved if we use a custom exception handler instead of struts default exception handler . Can anyone please provide me a sample code to deal with a custom ExceptionHandler class ?
    Thanks in advance...

    The struts provides org.apache.struts.action.ExceptionHandler class for creating the custom exception handlers. All the custom Exception Handlers should extend the ExceptionHandler class and override the execute() method.
    //An Example
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ExceptionHandler;
    import org.apache.struts.config.ExceptionConfig;
    public class CustomExceptionHandler extends ExceptionHandler {
    public ActionForward execute(Exception exception, ExceptionConfig config, ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm formInstance,
    HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException {
    try {
    // TODO CustomeCode
    System.out.println("Exception Handler for the specific error");
    }catch (Exception e) {
    return (super.execute(exception, config, mapping, formInstance, request, response));
    Struts-config.xml File
    <exception key="error.system" type="java.lang.RuntimeException"
    handler="com.visualbuilder.handler.CustomExceptionHandler" path="/index.jsp" />
    Note:- This will transfer the control to the index.jsp after calling the exception handler. In the struts-config.xml we are adding the global exception for RuntimeException. You can add any exception like the previous example to some actions only.
    I have taken this example from following link. You may visit it.
    I would like if you share knowledge with me.

  • Customised Exception handling class.....

    Hello Friends,
    I am working on a project for which I need to create my own exception handling class.
    The reason I need this class is to catch any exceptions and get a customised error message
    according to each exception and then be able to display those messages on web page.
    some examples of the exception I want to catch and display appropriate message are..
    1. a duplicate reord in db
    2. wrong data type (this will deal with ints,doubles and strings data types)
    3. date type validation ( to make sure its date object instead of a string)
    and there are several more messages but if can get some help or idea from any one to design a class for the above errors I might be able to manage other errors as well.
    greatly appreciate any respnses.

    First off, you can extend Exception:
    public class MyException extends Exception {
    }You can put some custom messages into the class:
    public class MyException extends Exception {
      public static final String DUPLICATE_RECORD = "Duplicate record in db",
                           WRONG_DATA_TYPE = "Wrong data type",
                           VALIDATION_ERROR = "Invalid data type";
    }Then, have your constructors, which take a String as an argument, so they can get your 'presets' or a custom message:
    public class MyException extends Exception {
      public static final String DUPLICATE_RECORD = "Duplicate record in db",
                           WRONG_DATA_TYPE = "Wrong data type",
                           VALIDATION_ERROR = "Invalid data type";
      public MyException(String message) {
    }You could also have a series of exception classes: DuplicateRecordException, WrongDataTypeException, ValidationException, etc. Hope that helps.

  • Console Exception Handling.  Allow another attempt for user before exiting

    I am trying to implement a very simple program that prompts the user for info and reads in a few numbers. If the user accidentally enters a letter instead of a number I want the user to get another chance, not just execute the exception handler and exit the program (as it does now). I'd rather have the user get stuck in an endless loop waiting for valid input versus exiting on the first invalid entry.
    The code I am using is something like this:
       System.out.println("Enter a number?");
       int b=System.in.read();
       char c=(char) b;
       String s=String.valueOf(c);
       p.setDummyValue(Integer.parseInt(s) ); //**Possible Exception Here
    catch(NumberFormatException e) {
       System.out.println("Invalid Input");
       // *** I'd love to somehow return to the "Enter a number" line from here
    catch(IOException e) {
       //IO error code here
    }Q: How can I implement the ability to allow a user to correct invalid input?

    Something like this should work:boolean numberValid = false;
    while (!numberValid) {
         try {
              System.out.println("Enter a number?");
              int b=System.in.read();
              System.in.skip(System.in.available()); // skip carriage return
              char c=(char) b;
              String s=String.valueOf(c);
              numberValid = true;
         } catch(NumberFormatException e) {
              System.out.println("Invalid Input");
         } catch(IOException e) {
              //IO error code here

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    In 2006 I bought a wacom graphire 4 tablet including photoshop elements 4 and 3. Recently I replaced my Mac (new Mac: OS X version 10.8.4 - 2.9 GHz Intel Core 15 - 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3) and now I want to install photoshop elements 4 and 3 again, and wh

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    Hello All, We had an EPMA Type HFM application whose all dimensions were local, The application validated and deployed successfully. We tried loading data into the HFM application and the data load was successful. Then we decided to convert all of th

  • Problem with ALV list

    Hi friends,               I have created one program with alv list, but i am unable to add one header and footer, also i have to add one logo to the program. Plese some one tell me a easy procedure to add a header, footer and also a logo. If you can

  • Attach a document to my BOM

    Hello Gurus, How can i attach a drawing or flowchart to my BOM. How do i maintain this document in the Document Management system. Please advise me on a steo by step basis. Thanking you in anticipation Sri.

  • From USB to IEEE-1394: question about HD capture, editing, sharing.

    I'm new to editing video but have a question about capturing video into Premiere Elements 7. I have been using a Canon HF11 which shoots only in HD and only has USB output to copy video to my desktop. I don't have a Blu-ray burner yet but I have burn