Exchange 2007 script problem

If I comment the first line and uncomment the second the script runs as expected, or when it's run for one individual contact.  But when it's run against the entire OU it fails and returns the error at the bottom of the posting.  Any ideas?
$MC = get-mailcontact -organizationalunit "OU=myOU,DC=domain,DC=com" -resultsize Unlimited
#$MC = get-mailcontact "George"
ForEach($Contact in $MC) {
$TargetContactExternalAddress = $Contact.ExternalEmailAddress
$TargetContactExternalAddressString = [string]$TargetContactExternalAddress.AddressString
Set-mailcontact $Contact.Name -WindowsEmailAddress $TargetContactExternalAddressString
WARNING: Object has been corrupted and it is in an inconsistent state. The following validation errors have occurred
WARNING: Could not convert property WindowsEmailAddress to type SmtpAddress. "George" is not a valid SMTP address
WARNING: Object has been corrupted and it is in an inconsistent state. The following validation errors have occurred:
WARNING: Could not convert property WindowsEmailAddress to type SmtpAddress. "NicK" is not a valid SMTP address

Hi FromDun,
Agree with Tony, this issue occurred because the variable $TargetContactExternalAddressString haven't returned as a smtpaddress.
To handle the error, you can also try and catch to get the failed contacts:
$MC = get-mailcontact -organizationalunit "OU=myOU,DC=domain,DC=com" -resultsize Unlimited
#$MC = get-mailcontact "George"
ForEach($Contact in $MC) {
$TargetContactExternalAddress = $Contact.ExternalEmailAddress
$TargetContactExternalAddressString = [string]$TargetContactExternalAddress.AddressString
Set-mailcontact $Contact.Name -WindowsEmailAddress $TargetContactExternalAddressString -ErrorAction stop}
Write-Host "$($ get error $($_.exception.message)"
If there is anything else regarding this issue, please feel free to post back.
Best Regards,
Anna Wang

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    i have this configuration:
    - idm
    - sun gateway
    - microsoft exchange 2007
    i need to launch some power shell script from gateway machine throught after action in idm workflow but i have this error:
    + $mailboxservers = @(get-exchangeserver | where {$_.ServerRole -like '*mailbox*'});
    Exception calling "GetCurrentForest" with "0" argument(s): "The network path was not found."
    my script run from gateway works correctly but not from idm workflow.
    Someone can help me?
    Thanks in advance.

    so your setup is IdM--->Win32_IdM_Gateway--->Exchange2007_64 ?
    Did you solve this problem, yet?
    This is our setup, too, and we did not successfully create a user with RecipientType = MailUser or RecipientType = MailboxUser.
    However, we successfully tested our IdM installation against Exchange2007_32.
    Does anybody have a clue ?

  • Health Check in Exchange 2007 Scripting

    Hi All,
    I have been looking around for scripts which would help me perform regularised health checks in my enviornment. After lot of googling i was able to get a script which would meet my requirements. However i have a few challenges involved in extracting some
    more information:
    1. Mailbox Store Size, Free Diskspace percentage for mailbox servers
    2. Remote Mail flow Tests & Mailflow test to every exchange 2007 mailbox servers in org.
    3. Automating Email of collected data (in HTML) to Administrator.
    4. Executing the script Automatically without triggering it from Exchange Management Shell.
    Script Below
    param( [string] $auditlist)
    Function Get-CustomHTML ($Header){
    $Report = @"
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "">
    <META http-equiv=Content-Type content='text/html; charset=windows-1252'>
    <meta name="save" content="history">
    <style type="text/css">
    DIV .expando {DISPLAY: block; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; RIGHT: 8px; COLOR: #ffffff; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TEXT-DECORATION: underline}
    TABLE {TABLE-LAYOUT: fixed; FONT-SIZE: 100%; WIDTH: 100%}
    .dspcont { display:none; BORDER-RIGHT: #B1BABF 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #B1BABF 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 16px; FONT-SIZE: 8pt;MARGIN-BOTTOM: -1px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: #B1BABF 1px solid; WIDTH: 95%; COLOR: #000000; MARGIN-RIGHT:
    0px; PADDING-TOP: 4px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #B1BABF 1px solid; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; POSITION: relative; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f9f9f9}
    .filler {BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; BORDER-TOP: medium none; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; MARGIN-BOTTOM: -1px; FONT: 100%/8px Tahoma; MARGIN-LEFT: 43px; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; COLOR: #ffffff; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-TOP:
    4px; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; POSITION: relative}
    .dspcont1{ display:none}
    a.dsphead0 {BORDER-RIGHT: #B1BABF 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5em; BORDER-TOP: #B1BABF 1px solid; DISPLAY: block; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: -1px; MARGIN-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: #B1BABF 1px solid; CURSOR: hand; COLOR:
    a.dsphead1 {BORDER-RIGHT: #B1BABF 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5em; BORDER-TOP: #B1BABF 1px solid; DISPLAY: block; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: -1px; MARGIN-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: #B1BABF 1px solid; CURSOR: hand; COLOR:
    #ffffff; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 4px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #B1BABF 1px solid; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; POSITION: relative; HEIGHT: 2.25em; WIDTH: 95%; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #7BA7C7}
    a.dsphead2 {BORDER-RIGHT: #B1BABF 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5em; BORDER-TOP: #B1BABF 1px solid; DISPLAY: block; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: -1px; MARGIN-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: #B1BABF 1px solid; CURSOR: hand; COLOR:
    #ffffff; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 4px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #B1BABF 1px solid; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; POSITION: relative; HEIGHT: 2.25em; WIDTH: 95%; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #7BA7C7}
    a.dsphead1 span.dspchar{font-family:monospace;font-weight:normal;}
    BODY {margin-left: 4pt}
    BODY {margin-right: 4pt}
    BODY {margin-top: 6pt}
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function dsp(loc){
          var foc=loc.firstChild;

       document.write('<style type="text/css">\n'+'.dspcont{display:block;}\n'+ '</style>');
    <b><font face="Arial" size="5">$($Header)</font></b><hr size="8" color="#CC0000">
    <font face="Arial" size="1"><b>Version 1  |M & C | <A HREF=''></A></b></font><br>
    <font face="Arial" size="1">Report created on $(Get-Date)</font>
    <div class="filler"></div>
    <div class="filler"></div>
    <div class="filler"></div>
    <div class="save">
    Return $Report
    Function Get-CustomHeader0 ($Title){
    $Report = @"
     <div class="dspcont0">
     <h1><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="dsphead0" onclick="dsp(this)">
     <span class="expando">show</span>$($Title)</a></h1>
     <div class="dspcont0">
    Return $Report
    Function Get-CustomHeader ($Num, $Title){
    $Report = @"
     <h2><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="dsphead$($Num)" onclick="dsp(this)">
     <span class="expando">show</span>$($Title)</a></h2>
     <div class="dspcont">
    Return $Report
    Function Get-CustomHeaderClose{
     $Report = @"
      <div class="filler"></div>
    Return $Report
    Function Get-CustomHeader0Close{
     $Report = @"
      <div class="filler"></div>
    Return $Report
    Function Get-CustomHTMLClose{
     $Report = @"
    Return $Report
    Function Get-HTMLTable{
     $HTMLTable = $Content | ConvertTo-Html
     $HTMLTable = $HTMLTable -replace '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"  "">', ""
     $HTMLTable = $HTMLTable -replace '<html xmlns="">', ""
     $HTMLTable = $HTMLTable -replace '<head>', ""
     $HTMLTable = $HTMLTable -replace '<title>HTML TABLE</title>', ""
     $HTMLTable = $HTMLTable -replace '&lt;', "<"
     $HTMLTable = $HTMLTable -replace '&gt;', ">"
     $HTMLTable = $HTMLTable -replace '</head><body>', ""
     $HTMLTable = $HTMLTable -replace '</body></html>', ""
     Return $HTMLTable
    Function Get-HTMLLink ($activeURL){
    $Report = @"
    <a href=$activeURL>$activeURL</a>
    Return $Report
    Function Get-Ink ([String]$inData){
    [String]$inclPercentage = @(35..100)
    $positive = ($inclPercentage, 'Success', 'Ready', 'Running', 'OK', 'True', 'Information')
    If ($positive -match $inData)
    $Report = @"
    <font color='#009900'>$inData</font>
    $Report = @"
    <font color='#FF0000'>$inData</font>
    Return $Report
    Function Get-HTMLBasic ($Detail){
    $Report = @"
      <td width='75%'>$($Detail)</td>
    Return $Report
    Function Get-HTMLDetail ($Heading, $Detail){
    $Report = @"
     <th width='25%'><b>$Heading</b></font></th>
     <td width='75%'>$($Detail)</td>
    Return $Report
    $input | foreach {$targets += @($_)}
    If ((Test-Path variable:\targets) -eq $True){
       Write-Host "Server list input detected on pipeline" -ForegroundColor Yellow
     if ($auditlist -eq ""){
       Write-Host "No server list specified, getting all Exchange 2007 servers" -ForegroundColor Yellow
       $targets = Get-ExchangeServer | Where-Object {$_.IsExchange2007OrLater -eq $True}
       if ((Test-Path $auditlist) -eq $false)
        Write-Host "Invalid server list specified: $auditlist" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
        Write-Host "Using Audit list: $auditlist" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        $Targets = Get-Content $auditlist
    $now = Get-Date
    #Custom Expressions
    $latencyMS = @{Name="Latency(MS)";expression={[Math]::Round(([TimeSpan] $_.Latency).TotalMilliSeconds)}}
    $MessageLatencyTime = @{Name="MessageLatencyTime";expression={[Math]::Round(([TimeSpan] $_.Latency).TotalMilliSeconds)}}
    $hotLink = @{Name="URL";expression={Get-HTMLLink ($_.URL)}}
    $colourResult = @{Name="Result";expression={Get-Ink ($_.Result)}}
    $colourStatus = @{Name="Status";expression={Get-Ink ($_.Status)}}
    $colourType = @{Name="Status";expression={Get-Ink ($_.Type)}}
    $newResult = @{Name="Result";expression={If ($_.Result.ToString() -ne 'Success'){Get-Ink ('Failure')} Else {Get-Ink ('Success') }}}
    $fullReport = Get-CustomHTML "Exchange 2007 "
    $fullReport += Get-CustomHTMLClose
    Foreach ($Target in $Targets){
    Write-Host "Collating Detail for $Target" -ForegroundColor Yellow
     Write-Host "..getting basic computer configuration"
     $ComputerSystem = Get-WmiObject -computername $Target Win32_ComputerSystem
     switch ($ComputerSystem.DomainRole){
      0 { $ComputerRole = "Standalone Workstation" }
      1 { $ComputerRole = "Member Workstation" }
      2 { $ComputerRole = "Standalone Server" }
      3 { $ComputerRole = "Member Server" }
      4 { $ComputerRole = "Domain Controller" }
      5 { $ComputerRole = "Domain Controller" }
      default { $ComputerRole = "Information not available" }
     $OperatingSystems = Get-WmiObject -computername $Target Win32_OperatingSystem
     $TimeZone = Get-WmiObject -computername $Target Win32_Timezone
     $Keyboards = Get-WmiObject -computername $Target Win32_Keyboard
     $SchedTasks = Get-WmiObject -computername $Target Win32_ScheduledJob
     $BootINI = $OperatingSystems.SystemDrive + "boot.ini"
     $RecoveryOptions = Get-WmiObject -computername $Target Win32_OSRecoveryConfiguration
     $exServer = Get-ExchangeServer | where {$_.Name -eq "$Target"}
     $exVersion = "Version " + $exServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Major + "." + $exServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Minor + " (Build " + $exServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Build + "." + $exServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Revision + ")"
     switch ($ComputerRole){
      "Member Workstation" { $CompType = "Computer Domain"; break }
      "Domain Controller" { $CompType = "Computer Domain"; break }
      "Member Server" { $CompType = "Computer Domain"; break }
      default { $CompType = "Computer Workgroup"; break }
     $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader0  "$Target - Role(s): $($exServer.ServerRole)"
     $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "2" "Basic Server Information"
      $MyReport += Get-HTMLDetail "Computer Name" ($ComputerSystem.Name)
      $MyReport += Get-HTMLDetail "Computer Role" ($ComputerRole)
      $MyReport += Get-HTMLDetail "Exchange Role(s)" ($exServer.ServerRole)
      $MyReport += Get-HTMLDetail "Last System Boot" ($LBTime)
      $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose
      Write-Host "..getting logical disk configuration"
      $Disks = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Target Win32_LogicalDisk
      $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "2" "Logical Disk Configuration"
       $LogicalDrives = @()
       Foreach ($LDrive in ($Disks | Where {$_.DriveType -eq 3})){
        $Details = "" | Select "Drive Letter", Label, "File System", "Disk Size (GB)", "Disk Free Space", "% Free Space"
        $Details."Drive Letter" = $LDrive.DeviceID
        $Details.Label = $LDrive.VolumeName
        $Details."File System" = $LDrive.FileSystem
        $Details."Disk Size (GB)" = [math]::round(($LDrive.size / 1GB))
        $Details."Disk Free Space" = [math]::round(($LDrive.FreeSpace / 1GB))
        $Details."% Free Space" = Get-Ink ([Math]::Round(($LDrive.FreeSpace /1GB) / ($LDrive.Size / 1GB) * 100))
        $LogicalDrives += $Details
       $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable ($LogicalDrives)
      $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose
      if ($exServer.ServerRole -like "*ClientAccess*")
      {$MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "2" "OWA Connectivity"
       Write-Host "..performing OWA connectivity test"
       $colOWAResults = Test-OwaConnectivity -ClientAccessServer $Target
       $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable ($colOWAResults | select MailboxServer, $hotLink, Scenario, $colourResult, $latencyMS, Error)
       $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose
    Write-Host "..getting queue details"
      if ($exServer.ServerRole -like "*HubTransport*")
      $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "2" "Queue Information"
      $colQs = Get-Queue -server $Target
      $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable ($colQs | Select-Object NextHopDomain, $colourStatus, MessageCount, NextRetryTime)
      $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose
      Write-Host "..getting mailbox database information"
      $spaceLog=[System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::GetEventLogs($target) | where {($_.LogDisplayName -eq "Application")}
      $db = @{Name="database";Expression={$_.ReplacementStrings[1]}}
      $freeMB = @{Name="MB";Expression={[int]$_.ReplacementStrings[0]}}
      $whiteSpace = $spaceLog.entries | where {($_.TimeWritten -ge $now.AddDays(-1))} | where {($_.EventID -eq "1221")} | select $db,$freeMB
      $ws = @{Name="White Space";expression={}}
      if ($exServer.ServerRole -like "*Mailbox*")
       $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "2" "Mailbox Stores"
       $colMailboxStores = Get-MailboxDatabase -Server $Target -Status | Sort-Object Name
       $storeTable = @()
       Foreach ($objMailboxStore in $colMailboxStores)
        [string]$totalUsers = (get-mailbox -database $objMailboxStore).count
        [string]$empty = $totalUsers.Length -eq 0
        if ($empty -eq 'True')
         [string]$totalUsers = "0"
        $storeDetails = "" | Select Name, Mounted, "Total Users", "White Space", LastFullBackup
        $storeDetails.Name = $objMailboxStore.Name
        $storeDetails.Mounted = Get-Ink ($objMailboxStore.Mounted)
        $storeDetails."Total Users" = $totalUsers
        $storeDetails."White Space" = (($whitespace | where {$_.database -match $objMailboxStore.Name} | select -last 1).mb)
        $storeDetails.LastFullBackup = $objMailboxStore.LastFullBackup
        $storeTable += $storeDetails
        $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable ($storeTable)
       $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose
       $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "2" "MAPI Connectivity"
       Write-Host "..performing MAPI connectivity test"
       $colMAPIResults = Test-MAPIConnectivity -Server $Target
        $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable ($colMAPIResults | select Database, $newResult, $latencyMS, Error)
       $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose
       $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "2" "Mailflow Test"
       Write-Host "..performing Mailflow test"
       $colMailflowResults = Test-Mailflow -Server $Target
        $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable ($colMailflowResults | select TestMailflowResult, $MessageLatencyTime)
       $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose
      Write-Host "..getting Exchange services"
      $ListOfServices = (gwmi -computer $Target -query "select * from win32_service where Name like 'MSExchange%' or Name like 'IIS%' or Name like 'SMTP%' or Name like 'POP%' or Name like 'W3SVC%'")
      $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "2" "Exchange Services"
       $Services = @()
       Foreach ($Service in $ListOfServices){
        $Details = "" | Select Name,Account,"Start Mode",State,"Expected State"
        $Details.Name = $Service.Caption
        $Details.Account = $Service.Startname
        $Details."Start Mode" = $Service.StartMode
        If ($Service.StartMode -eq "Auto")
          if ($Service.State -eq "Stopped")
           $Details.State = $Service.State
           $Details."Expected State" = Get-Ink ("Unexpected")
         If ($Service.StartMode -eq "Auto")
          if ($Service.State -eq "Running")
           $Details.State = $Service.State
           $Details."Expected State" = Get-Ink ("OK")
         If ($Service.StartMode -eq "Disabled")
          If ($Service.State -eq "Running")
           $Details.State = $Service.State
           $Details."Expected State" = Get-Ink ("Unexpected")
         If ($Service.StartMode -eq "Disabled")
          if ($Service.State -eq "Stopped")
           $Details.State = $Service.State
           $Details."Expected State" = Get-Ink ("OK")
         If ($Service.StartMode -eq "Manual")
          $Details.State = $Service.State
          $Details."Expected State" = Get-Ink ("OK")
         If ($Service.State -eq "Paused")
          $Details.State = $Service.State
          $Details."Expected State" = Get-Ink ("OK")
        $Services += $Details
        $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable ($Services)
       $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose
        $eventLogs=[System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::GetEventLogs($Target) | where {($_.LogDisplayName -eq "Application") -OR ($_.LogDisplayName -eq "System")}
        $warningEvents = @()
        $errorEvents = @()
        $LogSettings = @()
     $MyReport += Get-CustomHTMLClose
     $fullReport += $MyReport
     $MyReport = $null
     $Date = Get-Date
     $Filename = ".\" + "Exchange_Health" + "_" + $date.Hour + $date.Minute + "_" + $Date.Day + "-" + $Date.Month + "-" + $Date.Year + ".htm"
     $fullReport | out-file -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename
     Write "Audit saved as $Filename"
    Invoke-Item $Filename

    please refer to my scripts below, it should get you started.
    you can customsise this to your needs and add relevant information.
    Thiyagu | MCTS/MCITP - Exchange 2007 | MCSE 2003[Messaging] | This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • Exchange 2007 server problems

    Hello everyone,
    I am having some trouble with our Exchange 2007.
    Since some days ago I am having extrange troubles with out Exchange 2007 server. Users are been asked to write their user and password very oftenly, and I don't know the reason. Additionaly I have realised the OAB is not downloading properly in any Outlook
    client. If I try to do it I am given an error number0x8004010F
    I have been checking exhange server 2007 event viewer and I found a 80040115 error saying OALGen found an error accessing public folders while trying to generate OAL
    Another error comes out inmediately after  saying to check if Public folder store is mounted and there are replicas of Address Lists folders.
    Another event viewer error says there was a problema trying to update availability information for the public folder in the virtual machine NAMESERVER
    We have other 3 Exchange 2003 servers which I cannot remove because of an application we are using, accessing to them. As long as I know public flders are stored in Exchange 2007 server and not replicated in any other server, so I don't know if this has
    something to do with the error.
    Any idea of what might be going on?
    Thank you very much.
    Best regards,

    I know I'm not addressing your direct issue, but at this point you need to seriously be looking at removing all Exchange 2003 boxes.  Exchange 2003 has left extended support:
    What exactly is it with this app that causes it to lock on to 2003 only? 
    Microsoft Senior Exchange PFE
    Twitter:   LinkedIn:
    Note: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

  • Syncing Address book and Exchange 2007 - some problems

    I do have a weird problem, not all of my contacts are uploaded to exchange when I create them in Address Book. I need this so that exchange pushes them on my Blackberry.
    In Address Book 5 (Snow Leopard), I do have 2 accounts : On My Mac and Exchange.
    Do I need to copy them over? If yes, then, how to avoid duplicates?
    Thanks beforehand for your help.

    Since Apple does not even support public folders of the type "mail" for their Apple Mail, I doubt they will support "contact" PFs any time soon. Your only chance will be to add the information from your contact PFs to you Active Directory as "Contacts". These will be shown in your Exchange GAL, which is accessible with Address Book and your Outlook users will still be able to also use the contacts.

  • I have a problem connecting to my company exchange 2007 server from my IPAD2 the same settings worked with the IPAD1

    Hi All
    Can anybody help with this problem when trying to authenticate on the Microsoft Exchange Sever.
    I have been trying to connect the mail client on the IPAD2 to my company email (Exchange 2007 server)
    There appears to be an issue with the SSL settings for the IPAD 2 and Apples new OS
    I know that it’s not supported but I also know that the previous version of the IPAD worked fine using the same settings.
    Just to confirm I can access the email via Safari therefore I know that the Public Key is loaded in the web browser.
    Can anyone confirm that the Public Key has been installed on the IPAD 2 email client?
    Is there anyway to edit the SSL settings?
    Thanks in advance fro your help

    Try using Static IP and force a connection.
    You can get the settings from your other devices that are connected to the router.

  • Problem: Mixed Exchange 2007 / 2013 CAS Servers with wildcard certificates in Europe and non-wildcard Certficate in China

    we have following problem. We have a mixed multi-domain one-forest AD environment. We also have still a mixed exchange 2007 / 2013 environment. We also have different CAS Servers for 2007 SP3 (RU15) and 2013 (CU8) in europe and one 2007 SP3 (RU15) CAS Server
    in China, because of bad connection to Europe. For the Migration to 2013 in Europe we installed a wildcard-certificate * and used the Set-OutlookProvider EXPR -CertPrincipalName msstd:*, so the wildcard certificate is accepted. Everything in
    Europe works fine, inside and outside also between exchange 2007 and 2013 (both CAS Server 2013 and 2007 use the same wildcard certificate). But since the change of the Set-OutlookProvider EXPR we are facing problems with our CAS Server in China, because this
    server has a different non-wildcard certificate and a different domain name ( instead Now we have the problem that this Chinese CAS server the Outlook Anywhere does not work anymore and prompts always for the username. As
    I see it is because of the EXPR change. Is it possible to set the the Outlook-Provider EXPR per Cas-Server ? (They also have their own Autodiscover on this front-end server). Because I see that the Outlook-Provider can only be stored forest-wide.
    If not the other solution would be to register the chinese cas server in our domain and use the same wildcard certificate on this system right ?
    Any help would be appreciate….

    Yes setting the EXPR value is most likely the cause of your issue.  When you set this value you are telling Outlook to only accept connections from connections that have the cert with the subject name you specify here.
    Unfortunately, based on my experience I believe this is an organization wide setting and cannot be configured on a CAS by CAS basis (If I'm wrong someone please keep me honest :)).  
    So the only option would you have is to change all the URLs to be on * domain.  There's no need to change the domain the server actually resides on.  The other option would be to purchase a UCC Cert with all the names you need and apply
    to all your CAS servers and reset the EXPR value. 
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread

  • Exchange 2007 SP3 Search Problems

    I reset all the search indices on my mailbox databases. Event viewer has told me the crawl is complete and everything checks out when I do “test-exchangeSearch”
    from PS. However, the index folders are considerably smaller than the original ones, (1.3GB vs 7GB) and only about 1% of database size. Multiple users can prove to me that searches are incomplete and not returning reliable results when just doing basic folder
    searches from Outlook 2007. help!

    After speaking with a senior MS Engineer, if you already have SP3 applied and tried to reinstall the search as I outlined above, you have corrupt your Exchange install and the ONLY option is to rebuild the box. After reinstalling Windows and Exchange, the
    proper procedure to get search working perfectly is outlined below:
    4. If you haven’t already,
    upgrade toExchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3.
    Exchange 2007 SP3 includes several major Search-related fixes and upgrades MSSearch 3.0 to MSSearch 3.1.  This is a highly significant
    5. Update to the latest available Rollup Update.
    There are some very significant search fixes in the Rollup Updates for Exchange 2007 SP3. Some of these fixes are absolutely essential to install.
    For example, Exchange 2007 SP3 Rollup Update 2 includes a fix that allows Exchange server to index emails even when the attachment cannot
    be parsed – this is the number one call generator for Exchange 2007 search support cases.
    To restate, upgrade to the very latest available Exchange 2007 SP3 rollup update, as there are many more search fixes available in the latest
    rollup updates.
    Install IFilters and register them – follow ALL the steps below.
    Install Filter Pack 1.0, which allows Exchange 2007 to index Office 2007 documents:
    2007 Office System Converter: Microsoft Filter Pack
    7. Install the hotfix which addresses a known issue when search crawls a .vsd file.
    960502 Description of the 2007 Office system hotfix package (Offfiltx.msp, Visfilter.msp): December 16, 2008;EN-US;960502
    Additional Information on the hotfix:
    960166 Error message when a search process crawls a .vsd file on a Windows 64-bit operating system that is running the 2007 Office Filter
    Pack: "The filtering process has been terminated";EN-US;960166
    Register the Filter Pack 1.0 IFilters. This is a manual process with Exchange 2007 but we have created a script to automate the process.:
    944516 How to register Filter Pack IFilters with Exchange Server 2007;EN-US;944516
    9. Install Filter Pack 2.0 which allows Exchange to index Office 2010 attachments as well as some additional file types.
    Download details: Microsoft Office 2010 Filter Packs
    10. Register IFilters 2.0 with Exchange 2007.
    How to Register IFilters 2.0 with Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010
    11. Disable signature verification for the Exchange 2007 search services by putting in the HOSTS file.
    Certificate Revocation List
    When the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 loads a managed assembly, the managed assembly calls the CryptoAPI function to verify the Authenticode signature
    on the assembly files. The CryptoAPI function checks a Certificate Revocation List
    (CRL) that is available at
    . This action requires an Internet connection.
    Microsoft Search Indexer service (Microsoft.Exchange.Search.ExSearch.exe)
    is a managed assembly that is loaded by Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. After installing Exchange 2007 SP3, if the Exchange server or DNS cannot resolve for any reason
    the outgoing HTTP requests may be dropped and an error message is not returned. This delay causes the CRL to time out and cached CRLs will expire. This affects the Microsoft Search Indexer service in such a way that any new email fails to be indexed.
    Instructions to Modify HOSTS file on the Exchange 2007 Server
    Add the following: – here are the instructions:
    a. Go Start – Programs and choose Command Prompt and choose Run as Administrator.
    b. Within the Command Prompt, change to this directory (the drive will be the one where you installed the OS):
    c. Add the following entry to the HOSTS file:
    d. Save the HOSTS file.
    Rebuild Indexes
    using ResetSearchIndexes.ps1
    How to Rebuild the Full-Text Index Catalog
    a. Go Start – Programs and choose Exchange Management Shell and choose Run as Administrator.
    b. Change to this directory (the drive will be the one where you installed Exchange 2007):
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts
    c. It is suggested that you rebuild indexes for one or a few databases at a time – use the following command to rebuild the indexes for 1
    databases called dbname1 and dbname2:
    .\ResetSearchIndex.ps1 –force dbname1 dbname2
    d. It is suggested not to run the following command unless you have 1 Exchange 2007 server only in your environment because it will cause
    all databases on all Exchange 2007 (and all Exchange 2010 servers, if there are any) to be reindexed at that same time:
    .\ResetSearchIndex.ps1 –force all
    Monitor the Application Event Log for Event ID 110 for a particular database.
    This will indicate the new index is complete for that database.
    15. After receiving Event ID 110 for a database, check to see if the size of the CatalogData folder for that database is the expected
    5% to 10% of the database size. If the size of the CatalogData folder is significantly smaller than that or if the size is a few kb or a few mb, go
    to Step 17.
    16. After you have received Event ID 110 and the size of the CatalogData folder is normal, test searching in Outlook online mode
    and OWA to make sure search is working. 

  • Script for exporting the Delegated List from Exchange 2007

    We are Planing to Migrate the Exchange 2007 Mailbox to O365 by Hybrid deployment.
    So i would like to generate the List of delegated access rights on Mailboxes, could you help the script for genetating the delegated list.

    Look into get-Help Get-MailboxPermission
    When you see answers and helpful posts, please click Vote As Helpful, Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer.
    My Blog: Unlock PowerShell
    My Book:
    Windows PowerShell 2.0 Bible
    My E-mail: -join ('6F6C646B61726C406F75746C6F6F6B2E636F6D'-split'(?<=\G.{2})'|%{if($_){[char][int]"0x$_"}})

  • Upgraded to Exchange 2007 - Problems with opening attachments in e-mail Treo700wx

    We upgraded our server at work to Exchange 2007.  Ever since then, there have been multiple problems, on of which I am not able to open pdf files, excel or word files on my handheld 700wx.  Anyone else have this problem.  Talked with Verizon, they suggested downloading a new version of the pdf viewer.  That didn't work.  Looking for any suggestions.
    Post relates to: Treo 700w (Verizon)

    Since your company is now using 2007, good chance you will need a Windows Mobile 6 and up phone.  Please install this update to get your phone to windows mobile 6.0: 
    Be sure to follow the instructions on the page. 

  • Mail for Exchange + exchange 2007 problem

    I have a Customer with an Exchange 2007 SP1 server
    Two of the workers has an E65.
    They were using MfE up untill 3 months ago with no problems
    now when they try to sync, it just gets stuck at connecting
    i can see it reaches the IIS on the server with the exchange due to the cert popup(made it untrusted for testing purpose), and when i check the IIS logs i can see the connection attempt.
    i installed the latest MfE that was released last week and the problem still exhists.
    this is what his admin_log1.txt contains:
    09/07/2008 11:44:22 Setting OFFLINE Status to False
    09/07/2008 11:44:23 Setting ROAMING status to False
    09/07/2008 11:44:23 Setting DISK FULL status to False
    09/07/2008 11:45:14 Setting OFFLINE Status to False
    09/07/2008 11:45:14 Setting ROAMING status to False
    09/07/2008 11:45:14 Setting DISK FULL status to False
    09/07/2008 11:51:13 Setting OFFLINE Status to False
    09/07/2008 11:51:13 Setting ROAMING status to False
    09/07/2008 11:51:14 Setting DISK FULL status to False
    09/07/2008 11:51:31 Setting OFFLINE Status to False
    09/07/2008 11:51:31 Setting ROAMING status to False
    09/07/2008 11:51:31 Setting DISK FULL status to False
    09/07/2008 11:55:07 Profile Updated
    09/07/2008 11:55:07 unable to open snapshot database (-1)
    09/07/2008 11:55:09 PeakTime active
    09/07/2008 11:55:10 PeakTime active
    09/07/2008 11:55:11 PING Command Requested
    09/07/2008 11:55:14 PeakTime active
    09/07/2008 11:57:19 Cancel Job:0, Type:"Sync Job On Profile":
    09/07/2008 11:57:51 Cancel Job:1, Type:"Sync Job On Profile":
    09/07/2008 11:57:53 PING Command Requested
    09/07/2008 12:02:19 Profile Updated
    09/07/2008 12:02:19 Cancel Job:0, Type:"Sync Job On Profile":
    09/07/2008 12:02:20 PeakTime active
    09/07/2008 12:02:31 PeakTime active
    09/07/2008 12:03:59 Cancel Job:2, Type:"PING Job- Always-Online":
    09/07/2008 12:04:29 Mail for Exch. Build : 2.05.005
    09/07/2008 12:04:29 Device Model: E65
    09/07/2008 12:04:29 Serial Number: 353262011169553
    09/07/2008 12:04:29 Device Software Version: 2.0633.65.01
    09/07/2008 12:04:56 PeakTime active
    09/07/2008 12:07:52 Profile Updated
    09/07/2008 12:07:53 PeakTime active
    09/07/2008 12:08:02 PeakTime active
    09/07/2008 12:08:23 Cancel Job:3, Type:"Polled Sync Job":
    09/07/2008 12:08:49 PeakTime active
    09/07/2008 12:09:00 PeakTime active
    09/07/2008 12:22:37 Setting ROAMING status to False
    09/07/2008 12:38:51 PeakTime active
    09/07/2008 13:21:00 Setting ROAMING status to False
    09/07/2008 13:36:15 Setting ROAMING status to False
    09/07/2008 14:13:37 Setting ROAMING status to False
    09/07/2008 17:00:00 AUDT Timer expired
    09/07/2008 17:00:00 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 17:00:05 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 17:05:37 HTTP Server Error 408 : Request Timeout
    09/07/2008 17:08:50 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 17:30:06 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 17:35:38 HTTP Server Error 408 : Request Timeout
    09/07/2008 17:38:51 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 17:53:36 Setting ROAMING status to False
    09/07/2008 18:00:06 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 18:05:39 HTTP Server Error 408 : Request Timeout
    09/07/2008 18:08:50 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 18:30:06 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 18:35:38 HTTP Server Error 408 : Request Timeout
    09/07/2008 18:38:50 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 19:00:06 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 19:05:38 HTTP Server Error 408 : Request Timeout
    09/07/2008 19:08:50 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 19:13:18 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 19:17:01 Profile Updated
    09/07/2008 19:17:03 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 19:17:14 Profile Updated
    09/07/2008 19:17:16 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 19:17:16 Profile Updated
    09/07/2008 19:17:17 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 19:17:22 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 19:17:50 Cancel Job:9, Type:"Meeting Response":
    09/07/2008 19:18:10 Mail for Exch. Build : 2.05.005
    09/07/2008 19:18:10 Device Model: E65
    09/07/2008 19:18:10 Serial Number: 353262011169553
    09/07/2008 19:18:10 Device Software Version: 2.0633.65.01
    09/07/2008 19:18:54 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 19:25:49 Profile Updated
    09/07/2008 19:25:50 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 19:25:51 Profile Updated
    09/07/2008 19:25:51 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 19:26:03 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 19:26:42 Cancel Job:10, Type:"GlobalAddressLookup":
    09/07/2008 19:38:01 Profile Updated
    09/07/2008 19:38:02 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 19:38:03 Profile Updated
    09/07/2008 19:38:04 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 19:38:27 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 19:38:45 Cancel Job:11, Type:"OutOfOffice":
    09/07/2008 19:51:10 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 19:51:10 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 19:51:10 Setting OFFLINE Status to False
    09/07/2008 19:51:10 Setting ROAMING status to False
    09/07/2008 19:51:10 Setting DISK FULL status to False
    09/07/2008 20:17:11 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 20:17:11 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 20:17:11 Setting OFFLINE Status to False
    09/07/2008 20:17:11 Setting ROAMING status to False
    09/07/2008 20:17:11 Setting DISK FULL status to False
    09/07/2008 20:17:43 Profile Updated
    09/07/2008 20:17:44 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 20:17:44 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 20:17:53 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 20:18:19 Cancel Job:0, Type:"Sync Job On Profile":
    09/07/2008 20:21:10 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 20:21:10 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 20:21:10 Setting OFFLINE Status to False
    09/07/2008 20:21:10 Setting ROAMING status to False
    09/07/2008 20:21:10 Setting DISK FULL status to False
    09/07/2008 20:51:07 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 20:51:07 OffPeakTime active
    09/07/2008 20:51:07 Setting OFFLINE Status to False
    09/07/2008 20:51:08 Setting ROAMING status to False
    09/07/2008 20:51:08 Setting DISK FULL status to False
    i have another customer with an exchange 2003 server, when i tested the MfE to there it worked fine.
    please any help would be appritiated, i pretty much hit a brick wall with this problem.

    hi i have exatly the same problem...a stuk problem   i'm very disappointed with nokia business support for mail for exchange.
    Missing Protocol Version Header. Reverting to EAS 2.0
    i tryed ALL sort of setting in mfe, but the real thing is that an iphone 4 and my old sumsung are ok with same account in is not a exchange server wrong setting...
    exchnage 2007 sp1 patched
    no problem with iphone 4 same identical account and server (1 minute to set it and to see email) no request of ssl or not ssl, the autoredirect to owa internal default site is trasparent to the client....
    no problem with my samsung shg-i780 win mobile 6.1
    NO sync with my new E5 ....
    if i login to same OWA server from nokia web browser, i access with my user but only in LIGHT owa and not FULL owa: i can't change it in the login page but after that i see without problems my mailbox.Not in MFE.....
    in the iphone 4 or windows mobile 6 i try same public server like this :  and also in browser i can access to it in FULL mode.
    in the nokia NO i can't , i can access only in web with , the http autoredirect to local deafault owa site seems that it's not ok in the nokia web and mfe.
    i have many loop login screen for password in nokia in the mfe but the password is OK.

  • Problems doing activesync with Exchange 2007 on AT&T Centro

    I have an AT&T Centro and a PC laptop. I recently changed jobs and now have a Mac OS X (10.5.8) at work. I immediately was able to set up ActiveSync on my Centro in order to obtain emails and update contacts and datebook. However, last week, I was migrated over to the Exchange 2007 server, and even after changing the mail server name, I keep getting the message "You are attempting to access a web page that has an invalid security certificate (server name mismatch)."
    I have contacted our technical support people, who tried to tell me that they only support Blackberries and iPhones. However, they did agree to review the documentation I found online, which indicated that the certificate would need to be reissued to the correct site name, or that the server should be aliased externally and internally.
    When I sent this link to them, instead of following these directions, they replied that another employee had a similar problem and was able to solve it by downloading the Build 86 VersaMail update on smartphone. However,when I looked into this, it was only for Sprint users, not AT&T.
    I have spent many hours trying to solve this problem and don't know where else to turn. I have reviewed many of the forum items and can't quite find my situation.
    By the way, the laptop stopped syncing with the phone when I began doing ActiveSync with the Mac. Now that ActiveSync no longer works with the Mac, I am able to sync again with the laptop. However, I'm less worried about that and more worried about being able to sync with the Exchange server, since that is the only way to access emails when I am away from the office and don't have a wireless connection on my laptop.
    Can anyone help?
    Post relates to: Centro (AT&T)

    You will need to have your IT folks provide you with the cert & you can create your own palmos version with this tool
    At that point, sync the newly created palm compatible certs.pdb to the handheld (not to the memory card) and when you go to your mail website in blazer, you should be able to go to https:// & have a blue lock symbol.Give your versamail EAS sync another shot as well. Also, while not supported, I have seen people have luck installing the versamail 401 update on verizon 755p even, so could give it a shot on your at&t centro.
    Note that the latest osx (10.6 is it?) release has removed the palmos sync conduits from their isync program.

  • Exchange 2007 CAS cutover to 2010 CAS experiencing some problems

    We have just finished the cutover from Exchange 2007 CAS to Exchange 2010 CAS. Have had a few problems that we cannot nail down. First, On some external connections to Exchange 2010 CAS the redirection to the 2007 CAS take about 30 seconds or more. 
    All DNS seems to be in place. We have our external records for and We had the internal records for both as well. the virtual directories have been change on the 2007 CAS servers to point to Internal connections
    and redirections seem fine. Externally I can access 2007 and 2010 separately just fine. Any thoughts are assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 

    Please try to disable Outlook Anywhere on your Exchange 2007 CAS infrastructure in the "Internet Facing AD Site" by utilizing the cmdlet: Disable-OutlookAnywhere -Server <cas2007>. Optionally, you can also remove the RPC over
    HTTP proxy component.</cas2007>
    In addition, I recommend you refer to the following article to compare your configuration:
    Transitioning from an Exchange 2007 environment to Exchange 2010
    Hope this helps!
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Email sync problem treo on exchange 2007

    i am running a palm treo pro. it worked fine on my company exchange server for months. my company recently upgraded to an 'exchange 2007' server. since then, my emails will not send out. while they appear to transmit (and even sit in the outbox for a second) they do not actually arrive. if i hit send/receive they will sometimes go but will not automatically go if i am in the 'push' mode....the device is also very slow in grabbing emails but they typically do arrive.
    contacts, calendar continue to sync fine. i can connect to the internet witout problem too.
    it is mainly an issue with emails.
    palm even replaced my device and i have basically the same problem.
    (i notice that when i am looking at the outlook email page the message at lower left says 'error' during sync process, but then it recovers and the activesync log says it synced successfully.)
    any ideas? my company techs cannot come up with a solution.
    Post relates to: Treo Pro T850U (Unlocked)

    thanks for your suggestion but obviously yes i have deleted the account. (in fact i have even changed the device.)
    i have tried it in what seems to me every possible combination of (with contacts, without contacts; with calendar sycn, without it; with other items on the device, with all of the other programs and files deleted back to factory settings; etc etc etc).
    the problem is the same: on activesync push email, sent emails disappear (never arrive) and new ones are very slow to arrive into the inbox.

  • Weird problem with exchange 2007 rollup 8 on

    When trying to connect to our Exchange 2007 server using I get the error message:
    "The Exchange Server “email” doesn’t have the minimum required version installed. To use Mail with Exchange, the server must be running Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 or later. Contact your server administrator."
    I confirmed with our administrators that we are running update rollup 8. What could be the problem?
    Console logs:
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM Mail[9648] Error: Error validating url for store
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] ------ STACK TRACE ------
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 1 -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator addPersistentStoreWithType:configuration:URL:options:error:] (in CoreData) + 711
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 2 +[ABExchangeSource checkDatabaseVersionsWithUID:] (in Exchange) + 364
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 3 -[ABExchangeSource initWithUID:] (in Exchange) + 42
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 4 +[PHXSource(DataSourceClient) sourceOfClass:] (in AddressBook) + 78
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 5 0x0000000100116c98 (in Mail)
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 6 0x000000010011042c (in Mail)
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 7 -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] (in AppKit) + 95
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 8 -[NSControl sendAction:to:] (in AppKit) + 94
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 9 -[NSCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] (in AppKit) + 1715
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 10 -[NSButtonCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] (in AppKit) + 555
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 11 -[NSControl mouseDown:] (in AppKit) + 624
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 12 -[NSWindow sendEvent:] (in AppKit) + 5409
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 13 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] (in AppKit) + 4717
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 14 0x0000000100033524 (in Mail)
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 15 -[MailApp_MAO MAOsendEvent:] (in MailActOn) + 55
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 16 -[MailApp_MTProvider MTsendEvent:] (in MailTags) + 76
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 17 -[NSApplication run] (in AppKit) + 474
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648]
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 18 NSApplicationMain (in AppKit) + 364
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 19 0x000000010000167c (in Mail)
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] 20 0x00000002 (in Mail)
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] -------------------------
    2009/11/13 3:30:48 PM [0x0-0x50050][9648] Debugger() was called!
    2009/11/13 3:54:15 PM 2009/11/13 3:54:16 PM /Applications/[14380] MDS Error: unable to create user DBs in /var/folders/Dm/DmqJ2VWFL8Jq87O3SojzU++TI/-Caches-//mds

    According to the error message, "a process for app-pool MSExchangeServicesAppPool couldnt respond to a ping. the event id is 5010", I find a related article for your reference:
    Event ID 5010 — IIS Application Pool Availability 
    Please follow the article to check whether application pool has been started.
    Additionally, I notice that you said "all my microsoft outlook accounts, outlook web acces and the mail on mobile devices (iphone and android) work fine.", please run following command to check whether parameter "EwsAllowMacOutlook"
    value is True:
    Get-CasMailbox | FL
    If the parameter "EwsAllowMacOutlook" value is False, please set it to True via following command:
    Set-CasMailbox -Identity FQDN -EwsAllowMacOutlook $True
    If still not work, please contact MAC Support for help. For your convenience:
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

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