Exchange 2013 - Search SMTPReceive logs on CAS

Is there a sensible way to search the SMTP Receive protocol logs on the client access servers?  The Get-MessageTrackingLog cmdlet only searches the mailbox servers, but I need to be able to look at what's connecting to the CAS sometimes and manipulate
those logs.  The transport logs are entirely too verbose for some of my needs.
I've been parsing the logs via PowerShell using some form of these piped commands I've put together, and it's certainly functional, but I can't help but feel that I'm doing things the hard way.
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Logs\FrontEnd\ProtocolLog\SmtpReceive\*' -Include '*.LOG' |
Where-Object -Filter {$_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)} |
Sort-Object -Property 'LastWriteTime' |
Get-Content |
Where-Object -Filter {$_ -like '*,530 5.7.1 Client was not authenticated,*'} |
ConvertFrom-Csv -Header 'date-time','connector-id','session-id','sequence-number','local-endpoint','remote-endpoint','event','data','context' |
ForEach-Object -Process {
[void]($_.'local-endpoint' -match '(.*):([0-9]*)$')
$lip = [IPAddress]$Matches[1]
$lport = [Int]$Matches[2]
[void]($_.'remote-endpoint' -match '(.*):([0-9]*)$')
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
'date-time' = [datetime]$_.'date-time';
'connector-id' = [string]$_.'connector-id';
'session-id' = [string]$_.'session-id';
'sequence-number' = [int]$_.'sequence-number';
'local-endpoint' = [string]$_.'local-endpoint';
'local-endpoint-ip' = $lip;
'local-endpoint-port' = $lport;
'remote-endpoint' = $_.[string]'remote-endpoint';
'remote-endpoint-ip' = [IPAddress]$Matches[1];
'remote-endpoint-port' = $rport = [Int]$Matches[2];
'event' = [string]$_.'event';
'data' = [string]$_.'data';
'context' = [string]$_.'context'
} |
Format-Table -Property 'date-time','remote-endpoint-ip','data'

 There will be 4 types of message tracking logs in Exchange 2013 unlike in Exchange 2010 we have only 2.
•MSGTRK   These logs are associated with the Transport service.
•MSGTRKMA   These logs are associated with the approvals and rejections used by moderated transport. For more information, see Moderated Transport.
•MSGTRKMD   These logs are associated with messages delivered to mailboxes by the Mailbox Transport Delivery service.
•MSGTRKMS   These logs are associated with messages sent from mailboxes by the Mailbox Transport Submission service
For protocol logs 
We just need to navigate to the below location alone in Exchange 2013 and copy the receive connector logs which will be identical to analyze the protocol logs via excel.
“C:\program files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Logs\Hub\ProtocolLog\SmtpReceive”
You can refer my blog as well
Cheers !!
Remember to mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question.That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you Check out my latest blog posts on Thanks Sathish

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    4008 rundll32
    4400 conhost
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    1832 noderunner
    4392 MSExchangeHMWorker
    1828 mqsvc
    700 svchost
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    3596 w3wp
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    7532 MSExchangeTransport
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    11576 w3wp
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    1008 svchost
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    7608 w3wp
    1588 updateservice
    4148 Microsoft.Exchange.Search.Service
    640 w3wp
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    2568 SMSvcHost
    1188 svchost
    4 System
    3484 rdpclip
    0 Idle
    Performance Counters Layout information: A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 15716, counter : time in resource per second Value=30 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 15716 StartupTime: 130608376318179644, currentInstance
    : ad-powershell-defaultdomain(95CC324A) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=38216, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 15716, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 15716 StartupTime: 130608376318179644, currentInstance : mb-powershell-defaultdomain(CC014C00)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=37888, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 15716, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 15716 StartupTime: 130608376318179644, currentInstance : rpca-powershell-defaultdomain(4598AFAF)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=37560, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3596, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3596 StartupTime: 130608368805385179, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangemapimailboxapppool(E28F3117)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=37232, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3596, counter : time in resource per second Value=86 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3596 StartupTime: 130608368805385179, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangemapimailboxapppool(F9439F58)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=36904, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3596, counter : time in resource per second Value=301 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3596 StartupTime: 130608368805385179, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangemapimailboxapppool(35491652)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=36576, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10088, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10088 StartupTime: 130608368435182301, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangemapifrontendapppool(2C7F2005)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=36248, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10088, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10088 StartupTime: 130608368435182301, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangemapifrontendapppool(BE5C2DAA)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=35920, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10088, counter : time in resource per second Value=50 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10088 StartupTime: 130608368435182301, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangemapifrontendapppool(C0FDFAE0)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=35592, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 640, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 640 StartupTime: 130608368405334576, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeowacalendarapppool(8F10D1B5)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=35264, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 640, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 640 StartupTime: 130608368405334576, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeowacalendarapppool(2D8C9EBA)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=34936, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
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    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=34608, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 12208, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 12208 StartupTime: 130608368146087354, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeautodiscoverapppool(6DABF262)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=34280, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 12208, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 12208 StartupTime: 130608368146087354, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeautodiscoverapppool(D1C6EF4D)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=33952, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 12208, counter : time in resource per second Value=1002 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 12208 StartupTime: 130608368146087354, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeautodiscoverapppool(FD072087)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=33624, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 11576, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 11576 StartupTime: 130608368080143532, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeecpapppool(57806648)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=33296, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 11576, counter : time in resource per second Value=204 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 11576 StartupTime: 130608368080143532, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeecpapppool(E27E6507)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=32968, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 11576, counter : time in resource per second Value=1804 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 11576 StartupTime: 130608368080143532, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeecpapppool(B648688D)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=32640, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10820, counter : time in resource per second Value=64 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10820 StartupTime: 130608368364391554, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeoabapppool(CC31A917)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=32312, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10820, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10820 StartupTime: 130608368364391554, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeoabapppool(58D0A79D)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=31984, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10820, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10820 StartupTime: 130608368364391554, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeoabapppool(8149E8D2)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=31656, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7608, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7608 StartupTime: 130608367931073979, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeowaapppool(4AA799E7)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=31328, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7608, counter : time in resource per second Value=792 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7608 StartupTime: 130608367931073979, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeowaapppool(C3953468)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=31000, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7608, counter : time in resource per second Value=2537 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7608 StartupTime: 130608367931073979, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeowaapppool(160BE662)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=30672, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5904, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5904 StartupTime: 130608367955918049, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangepowershellapppool(3CF18BF)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=30344, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5904, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5904 StartupTime: 130608367955918049, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangepowershellapppool(A686C810)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=30016, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5904, counter : time in resource per second Value=2178 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5904 StartupTime: 130608367955918049, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangepowershellapppool(9E48CD5A)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=29688, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3832, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3832 StartupTime: 130608365723574632, currentInstance : rpca-noderunner-contentenginenode1(316BF6E3)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=29360, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3832, counter : time in resource per second Value=1148 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3832 StartupTime: 130608365723574632, currentInstance : mb-noderunner-contentenginenode1(2EE8286C)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=29032, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3832, counter : time in resource per second Value=322 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3832 StartupTime: 130608365723574632, currentInstance : ad-noderunner-contentenginenode1(61591E6)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=28704, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 8232, counter : time in resource per second Value=73 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 8232 StartupTime: 130608367954980517, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangepowershellfrontendapppool(FAEFA1B4)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=28376, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 8232, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 8232 StartupTime: 130608367954980517, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangepowershellfrontendapppool(34B9187E)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=28048, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 8232, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 8232 StartupTime: 130608367954980517, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangepowershellfrontendapppool(E1115251)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=27720, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 9828, counter : time in resource per second Value=909 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 9828 StartupTime: 130608367291344391, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangerpcproxyapppool(99BB8ED6)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=27392, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 9828, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 9828 StartupTime: 130608367291344391, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangerpcproxyapppool(B190F21C)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=27064, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 9828, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 9828 StartupTime: 130608367291344391, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangerpcproxyapppool(8B7590B3)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=26736, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7908, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7908 StartupTime: 130608366316230865, currentInstance : rpca-edgetransport-edgetransport.exe(911B6EB3)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=26408, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7908, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7908 StartupTime: 130608366316230865, currentInstance : mb-edgetransport-edgetransport.exe(A5AF4BBC)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=26080, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7908, counter : time in resource per second Value=679 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7908 StartupTime: 130608366316230865, currentInstance : ad-edgetransport-edgetransport.exe(E79D4A36)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=25752, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7096, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7096 StartupTime: 130608366107949622, currentInstance : rpca-umworkerprocess-umworkerprocess.exe(970CCE33)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=25424, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7096, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7096 StartupTime: 130608366107949622, currentInstance : mb-umworkerprocess-umworkerprocess.exe(8A7F8A3C)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=25096, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7096, counter : time in resource per second Value=89 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7096 StartupTime: 130608366107949622, currentInstance : ad-umworkerprocess-umworkerprocess.exe(95818B6)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=24768, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7532, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7532 StartupTime: 130608366287637157, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangetransport-msexchangetransport.exe(24F56C33)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=24440, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7532, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7532 StartupTime: 130608366287637157, currentInstance : mb-msexchangetransport-msexchangetransport.exe(92FB3D3C)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=24112, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7532, counter : time in resource per second Value=12 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7532 StartupTime: 130608366287637157, currentInstance : ad-msexchangetransport-msexchangetransport.exe(2447ECB6)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=23784, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6292, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6292 StartupTime: 130608366134668487, currentInstance :
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=23456, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6292, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6292 StartupTime: 130608366134668487, currentInstance :
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=23128, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6292, counter : time in resource per second Value=704 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6292 StartupTime: 130608366134668487, currentInstance :
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=22800, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6524, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6524 StartupTime: 130608366054199628, currentInstance :
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=22472, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6524, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6524 StartupTime: 130608366054199628, currentInstance :
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=22144, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6524, counter : time in resource per second Value=40 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6524 StartupTime: 130608366054199628, currentInstance :
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=21816, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5656, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5656 StartupTime: 130608365987637119, currentInstance : rpca-umservice-umservice.exe(E39A1133)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=21488, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5656, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5656 StartupTime: 130608365987637119, currentInstance : mb-umservice-umservice.exe(FFBB273C) RefCount=1
    SpinLock=0 Offset=21160, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5656, counter : time in resource per second Value=45 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5656 StartupTime: 130608365987637119, currentInstance : ad-umservice-umservice.exe(9A8AC6B6) RefCount=1
    SpinLock=0 Offset=20832, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5948, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5948 StartupTime: 130608365970762140, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangetransportlogsearch-msexchangetransportlogsearch.exe(EF66F2D3)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=20504, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5948, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5948 StartupTime: 130608365970762140, currentInstance : mb-msexchangetransportlogsearch-msexchangetransportlogsearch.exe(B020391C)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=20176, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5948, counter : time in resource per second Value=28 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5948 StartupTime: 130608365970762140, currentInstance : ad-msexchangetransportlogsearch-msexchangetransportlogsearch.exe(20578116)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=19848, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5864, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5864 StartupTime: 130608365966074661, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangethrottling-msexchangethrottling.exe(8C1DA893)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=19520, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5864, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5864 StartupTime: 130608365966074661, currentInstance : mb-msexchangethrottling-msexchangethrottling.exe(AB2BADDC)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=19192, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5864, counter : time in resource per second Value=8 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5864 StartupTime: 130608365966074661, currentInstance : ad-msexchangethrottling-msexchangethrottling.exe(8962F4D6)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=18864, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5356, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5356 StartupTime: 130608365930918390, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangesubmission-msexchangesubmission.exe(60747EB3)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=18536, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5356, counter : time in resource per second Value=400 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5356 StartupTime: 130608365930918390, currentInstance : mb-msexchangesubmission-msexchangesubmission.exe(67B4173C)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=18208, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5356, counter : time in resource per second Value=390 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5356 StartupTime: 130608365930918390, currentInstance : ad-msexchangesubmission-msexchangesubmission.exe(85200236)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=17880, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3980, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3980 StartupTime: 130608365902793374, currentInstance :
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=17552, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3980, counter : time in resource per second Value=15105 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3980 StartupTime: 130608365902793374, currentInstance :
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=17224, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3980, counter : time in resource per second Value=1570 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3980 StartupTime: 130608365902793374, currentInstance :
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=16896, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3676, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3676 StartupTime: 130608365883887116, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangemailboxreplication-msexchangemailboxreplication.exe(276F4DB3)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=16568, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3676, counter : time in resource per second Value=55 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3676 StartupTime: 130608365883887116, currentInstance : mb-msexchangemailboxreplication-msexchangemailboxreplication.exe(95E41BC)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=16240, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3676, counter : time in resource per second Value=1045 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3676 StartupTime: 130608365883887116, currentInstance : ad-msexchangemailboxreplication-msexchangemailboxreplication.exe(394712B6)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=15912, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5272, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5272 StartupTime: 130608365924980876, currentInstance :
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=15584, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5272, counter : time in resource per second Value=13 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5272 StartupTime: 130608365924980876, currentInstance :
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=15256, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5272, counter : time in resource per second Value=1004 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5272 StartupTime: 130608365924980876, currentInstance :
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=14928, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 4892, counter : time in resource per second Value=2260 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 4892 StartupTime: 130608365821855891, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangemailboxassistants-msexchangemailboxassistants.exe(DEAC0933)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=14600, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 4892, counter : time in resource per second Value=19900 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 4892 StartupTime: 130608365821855891, currentInstance : mb-msexchangemailboxassistants-msexchangemailboxassistants.exe(A754293C)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=14272, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
    A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 4892, counter : time in resource per second Value=3491 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 4892 StartupTime: 130608365821855891, currentInstance : ad-msexchangemailboxassistants-msexchangemailboxassistants.exe(EE890EB6)
    RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=13944, categoryName...

    This error is not resolved in CU8.
    [PS] C:\>Get-ExchangeServer | fl *version*
    AdminDisplayVersion : Version 15.0 (Build 1076.9)
    - <Event xmlns="">
    - <System>
    <Provider Name="MSExchange Common" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="49156">106</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2015-04-15T10:14:22.000000000Z" />
    <Security />
    - <EventData>
    <Data>Time in Resource per second</Data>
    <Data>MSExchange Activity Context Resources</Data>
    <Data>The exception thrown is : System.InvalidOperationException: Instance 'ad-powershell-defaultdomain' already exists with a lifetime of Process. It cannot be recreated or reused until it has been removed or until the process using it has exited. at System.Diagnostics.SharedPerformanceCounter.FindInstance(Int32 instanceNameHashCode, String instanceName, CategoryEntry* categoryPointer, InstanceEntry** returnInstancePointerReference, Boolean activateUnusedInstances, PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime lifetime, Boolean& foundFreeInstance) at System.Diagnostics.SharedPerformanceCounter.GetCounter(String counterName, String instanceName, Boolean enableReuse, PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime lifetime) at System.Diagnostics.SharedPerformanceCounter..ctor(String catName, String counterName, String instanceName, PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime lifetime) at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.InitializeImpl() at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.get_RawValue() at Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.ExPerformanceCounter.get_RawValue() Last worker process info : System.ArgumentException: Process with an Id of 884 is not running. at System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(Int32 processId) at Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.ExPerformanceCounter.GetLastWorkerProcessInfo() Processes running while Performance counter failed to update: 15084 w3wp 16804 powershell 16368 SCNotification 21108 conhost 22744 dllhost 17224 conhost 844 MsMpEng 21100 conhost 5580 taskhostex 1724 Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.Service 3852 MSExchangeDagMgmt 13764 MonitoringHost 1264 fms 832 LogonUI 25828 mmc 1688 inetinfo 7900 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker 3840 rundll32 1252 SMSvcHost 15040 msseces 3916 w3wp 1676 svchost 2968 Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService 14600 explorer 5548 MSExchangeMailboxReplication 1236 svchost 5976 scanningprocess 2096 WMSvc 2200 w3wp 13376 WmiPrvSE 19472 powershell 8116 umservice 24492 powershell 24060 conhost 7204 MSExchangeTransportLogSearch 1812 WmiPrvSE 16348 w3wp 10260 svchost 2496 conhost 3784 Microsoft.Exchange.AntispamUpdateSvc 9932 Microsoft.Exchange.ContentFilter.Wrapper 16280 conhost 2056 svchost 1192 spoolsv 2052 noderunner 320 smss 5920 scanningprocess 11152 ParserServer 8068 UMWorkerProcess 3756 conhost 304 svchost 2888 w3wp 732 svchost 1900 winlogon 14948 w3wp 22700 noderunner 2872 updateservice 2000 w3wp 700 svchost 1992 mqsvc 4128 Microsoft.Exchange.EdgeSyncSvc 28636 ParserServer 17912 conhost 20652 ParserServer 1960 svchost 14168 msdtc 11436 ParserServer 19192 ParserServer 4536 Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4Service 16168 WmiPrvSE 10132 w3wp 27800 noderunner 25644 mmc 2452 ParserServer 640 lsass 1932 svchost 632 services 3216 ForefrontActiveDirectoryConnector 17436 svchost 4504 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Service 4500 ParserServer 2772 WmiPrvSE 28200 dllhost 10528 VSSVC 10520 dllhost 7932 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker 1032 rundll32 1920 sftracing 7492 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker 14384 rdpclip 26016 conhost 24464 powershell 13332 MSExchangeHMHost 1008 svchost 10920 csrss 7040 MSExchangeThrottling 3160 MSExchangeTransport 1004 svchost 572 winlogon 7464 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker 10880 WmiPrvSE 7892 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker 12632 CcmExec 992 svchost 10904 WmiPrvSE 4868 Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4Service 6160 w3wp 14348 conhost 8312 dllhost 14776 w3wp 13480 dwm 5720 Microsoft.Exchange.Pop3 544 wininit 7008 Microsoft.Exchange.UM.CallRouter 4420 Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4 6140 Microsoft.Exchange.Pop3 5764 Microsoft.Exchange.Pop3Service 964 svchost 7428 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker 13580 MonitoringHost 25096 noderunner 5700 scanningprocess 13456 conhost 24656 MSExchangeMailboxAssistants 5260 Microsoft.Exchange.RpcClientAccess.Service 6080 Microsoft.Exchange.Search.Service 11288 powershell 3960 MSExchangeDelivery 4440 MSExchangeFrontendTransport 6112 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker 12712 ParserServer 5248 conhost 1368 HealthService 6536 MSExchangeSubmission 26076 conhost 3084 rundll32 6100 Microsoft.Exchange.Pop3Service 24200 conhost 536 csrss 7812 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker 10396 svchost 10824 conhost 21596 MSExchangeHMWorker 7416 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker 852 dwm 7368 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker 468 csrss 17552 conhost 2260 SMSvcHost 12100 CmRcService 4772 Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4 10372 ParserServer 3044 EdgeTransport 4760 conhost 14672 svchost 15100 hostcontrollerservice 6048 msexchangerepl 5616 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker 436 svchost 4 System 6408 Microsoft.Exchange.ServiceHost 0 Idle Performance Counters Layout information: A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 23084, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 23084 StartupTime: 130735656036583286, currentInstance : rpca-e14cmdletswrapper-defaultdomain(B61B0DD9) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=40184, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 23084, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 23084 StartupTime: 130735656036583286, currentInstance : mb-e14cmdletswrapper-defaultdomain(290EF16) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=39856, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 23084, counter : time in resource per second Value=102 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 23084 StartupTime: 130735656036583286, currentInstance : ad-e14cmdletswrapper-defaultdomain(2CDA669C) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=39528, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 11288, counter : time in resource per second Value=81 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 11288 StartupTime: 130735664378248405, currentInstance : ad-powershell-defaultdomain(95CC324A) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=39200, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 11288, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 11288 StartupTime: 130735664378248405, currentInstance : mb-powershell-defaultdomain(CC014C00) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=38872, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 11288, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 11288 StartupTime: 130735664378248405, currentInstance : rpca-powershell-defaultdomain(4598AFAF) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=38544, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3044, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3044 StartupTime: 130732607834359955, currentInstance : rpca-edgetransport-edgetransport.exe(911B6EB3) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=38216, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3044, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3044 StartupTime: 130732607834359955, currentInstance : mb-edgetransport-edgetransport.exe(A5AF4BBC) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=37888, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3044, counter : time in resource per second Value=400734 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3044 StartupTime: 130732607834359955, currentInstance : ad-edgetransport-edgetransport.exe(E79D4A36) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=37560, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 2200, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 2200 StartupTime: 130730082646643505, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeowaapppool(4AA799E7) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=37232, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 2200, counter : time in resource per second Value=280053 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 2200 StartupTime: 130730082646643505, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeowaapppool(C3953468) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=36904, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 2200, counter : time in resource per second Value=142126 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 2200 StartupTime: 130730082646643505, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeowaapppool(160BE662) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=36576, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 14776, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 14776 StartupTime: 130730081973252112, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangepowershellapppool(3CF18BF) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=36248, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 14776, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 14776 StartupTime: 130730081973252112, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangepowershellapppool(A686C810) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=35920, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 14776, counter : time in resource per second Value=2068875 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 14776 StartupTime: 130730081973252112, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangepowershellapppool(9E48CD5A) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=35592, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 15084, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 15084 StartupTime: 130730081886009912, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeoabapppool(8149E8D2) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=35264, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 15084, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 15084 StartupTime: 130730081886009912, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeoabapppool(58D0A79D) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=34936, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 15084, counter : time in resource per second Value=55883 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 15084 StartupTime: 130730081886009912, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeoabapppool(CC31A917) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=34608, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 14948, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 14948 StartupTime: 130730081557522734, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangepowershellfrontendapppool(E1115251) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=34280, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 14948, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 14948 StartupTime: 130730081557522734, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangepowershellfrontendapppool(34B9187E) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=33952, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 14948, counter : time in resource per second Value=1576 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 14948 StartupTime: 130730081557522734, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangepowershellfrontendapppool(FAEFA1B4) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=33624, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 13332, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 13332 StartupTime: 130730081246077528, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangehmhost-msexchangehmhost.exe(87A5B053) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=33296, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 13332, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 13332 StartupTime: 130730081246077528, currentInstance : mb-msexchangehmhost-msexchangehmhost.exe(FB9D599C) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=32968, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 13332, counter : time in resource per second Value=20422 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 13332 StartupTime: 130730081246077528, currentInstance : ad-msexchangehmhost-msexchangehmhost.exe(4E220B96) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=32640, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 27800, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 27800 StartupTime: 130732559851229547, currentInstance : rpca-noderunner-contentenginenode1(316BF6E3) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=32312, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 27800, counter : time in resource per second Value=250572035 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 27800 StartupTime: 130732559851229547, currentInstance : mb-noderunner-contentenginenode1(2EE8286C) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=31984, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 27800, counter : time in resource per second Value=309575 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 27800 StartupTime: 130732559851229547, currentInstance : ad-noderunner-contentenginenode1(61591E6) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=31656, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 21596, counter : time in resource per second Value=276568 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 21596 StartupTime: 130732616321024370, currentInstance : ad-msexchangehmworker-msexchangehmworker.exe(712B0516) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=31328, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 21596, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 21596 StartupTime: 130732616321024370, currentInstance : mb-msexchangehmworker-msexchangehmworker.exe(6177C09C) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=31000, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 21596, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 21596 StartupTime: 130732616321024370, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangehmworker-msexchangehmworker.exe(39325ED3) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=30672, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 8068, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 8068 StartupTime: 130730079342620471, currentInstance : rpca-umworkerprocess-umworkerprocess.exe(970CCE33) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=30344, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 8068, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 8068 StartupTime: 130730079342620471, currentInstance : mb-umworkerprocess-umworkerprocess.exe(8A7F8A3C) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=30016, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 8068, counter : time in resource per second Value=489 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 8068 StartupTime: 130730079342620471, currentInstance : ad-umworkerprocess-umworkerprocess.exe(95818B6) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=29688, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 16348, counter : time in resource per second Value=393256 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 16348 StartupTime: 130730082964967615, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeecpapppool(B648688D) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=29360, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 16348, counter : time in resource per second Value=4885 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 16348 StartupTime: 130730082964967615, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeecpapppool(E27E6507) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=29032, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 16348, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 16348 StartupTime: 130730082964967615, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeecpapppool(57806648) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=28704, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3160, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3160 StartupTime: 130732607510143268, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangetransport-msexchangetransport.exe(24F56C33) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=28376, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3160, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3160 StartupTime: 130732607510143268, currentInstance : mb-msexchangetransport-msexchangetransport.exe(92FB3D3C) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=28048, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3160, counter : time in resource per second Value=42 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3160 StartupTime: 130732607510143268, currentInstance : ad-msexchangetransport-msexchangetransport.exe(2447ECB6) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=27720, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7008, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7008 StartupTime: 130730079088089233, currentInstance : RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=27392, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7008, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7008 StartupTime: 130730079088089233, currentInstance : RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=27064, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7008, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7008 StartupTime: 130730079088089233, currentInstance : RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=26736, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 8116, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 8116 StartupTime: 130730078965276725, currentInstance : rpca-umservice-umservice.exe(E39A1133) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=26408, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 8116, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 8116 StartupTime: 130730078965276725, currentInstance : mb-umservice-umservice.exe(FFBB273C) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=26080, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 8116, counter : time in resource per second Value=555 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 8116 StartupTime: 130730078965276725, currentInstance : ad-umservice-umservice.exe(9A8AC6B6) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=25752, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7900, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7900 StartupTime: 130730078996839212, currentInstance : RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=25424, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7900, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7900 StartupTime: 130730078996839212, currentInstance : RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=25096, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7900, counter : time in resource per second Value=218529 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7900 StartupTime: 130730078996839212, currentInstance : RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=24768, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7204, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7204 StartupTime: 130730078901370474, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangetransportlogsearch-msexchangetransportlogsearch.exe(EF66F2D3) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=24440, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7204, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7204 StartupTime: 130730078901370474, currentInstance : mb-msexchangetransportlogsearch-msexchangetransportlogsearch.exe(B020391C) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=24112, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7204, counter : time in resource per second Value=611 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7204 StartupTime: 130730078901370474, currentInstance : ad-msexchangetransportlogsearch-msexchangetransportlogsearch.exe(20578116) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=23784, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 4868, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 4868 StartupTime: 130730078594026714, currentInstance : RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=23456, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 4868, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 4868 StartupTime: 130730078594026714, currentInstance : RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=23128, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 4868, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 4868 StartupTime: 130730078594026714, currentInstance : RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=22800, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5764, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5764 StartupTime: 130730078701682966, currentInstance : RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=22472, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5764, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5764 StartupTime: 130730078701682966, currentInstance : RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=22144, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5764, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5764 StartupTime: 130730078701682966, currentInstance : RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=21816, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7040, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7040 StartupTime: 130730078816526722, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangethrottling-msexchangethrottling.exe(8C1DA893) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=21488, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7040, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7040 StartupTime: 130730078816526722, currentInstance : mb-msexchangethrottling-msexchangethrottling.exe(AB2BADDC) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=21160, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7040, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7040 StartupTime: 130730078816526722, currentInstance : ad-msexchangethrottling-msexchangethrottling.exe(8962F4D6) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=20832, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6536, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6536 StartupTime: 130730078769807986, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangesubmission-msexchangesubmission.exe(60747EB3) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=20504, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6536, counter : time in resource per second Value=159000 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6536 StartupTime: 130730078769807986, currentInstance : mb-msexchangesubmission-msexchangesubmission.exe(67B4173C) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=20176, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6536, counter : time in resource per second Value=273020 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6536 StartupTime: 130730078769807986, currentInstance : ad-msexchangesubmission-msexchangesubmission.exe(85200236) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=19848, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 4420, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 4420 StartupTime: 130730078654651715, currentInstance : RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=19520, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 4420, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 4420 StartupTime: 130730078654651715, currentInstance : RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=19192, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 4420, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 4420 StartupTime: 130730078654651715, currentInstance : RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=18864, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6160, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6160 StartupTime: 130730078749026715, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeservicesapppool(E8BBF810) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=18536, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6160, counter : time in resource per second Value=1867617 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6160 StartupTime: 130730078749026715, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeservicesapppool(10FE94BF) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=18208, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6160, counter : time in resource per second Value=3331874 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6160 StartupTime: 130730078749026715, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeservicesapppool(E0DE475) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=17880, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10132, counter : time in resource per second Value=84124 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10132 StartupTime: 130730079880745472, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangerpcproxyapppool(99BB8ED6) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=17552, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10132, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10132 StartupTime: 130730079880745472, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangerpcproxyapppool(B190F21C) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=17224, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10132, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10132 StartupTime: 130730079880745472, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangerpcproxyapppool(8B7590B3) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=16896, cate...</Data>
    I used method
    1, but it did not help
    Method 2:
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Add-Pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Setup
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf
    New-PerfCounters : The performance counter definition file C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\GlsPerformanceCounters.xml could not be found.
    Any idea ?
    Если Вам помог чей-либо ответ, пожалуйста, не забывайте жать на кнопку "Предложить как ответ" или "Проголосовать за полезное сообщение"

  • Exchange 2013 Search Issues

    We are having many issues with users being able to search old emails since migrating to Exchange 2013.  We have renamed the search index files and rebuilt multiple times and they all state healthy at this time but users are still having issues finding
    old emails.  Trying to see if this is a product issue or a server issue and if so what needs to be done.  Using Standard edition with 5 databases at this time.

    Thank you for your question.
    Is there any error when we search email in outlook or OWA? I suggest we could post error to
    [email protected] for our troubleshooting.
    Did user search email within a week? Because we want to know if those emails were deleted by Retention Policy.
    Are there relevant event id or application log?
    We could make sure the service of “Microsoft Exchange Search” is running on all Exchange mailbox server. if the service of “Microsoft Exchange Search” is running on all Exchange mailbox server. we could restart it to check if the issue persist.
    If OWA could search email, we could rebuild the outlook profile to check if the issue persist.
    If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know. 
    Best Regard,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    Jim Xu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange 2013 or SP1 Installaing Single CAS Role not installaing EWS virtual directory in mixed environment

    Hi Experts,
    I am facing issue while installing exchange 2013 sp1 in mixed(2007, 2010 and 2013) environment, the issue is: CAS role not installing/configuring "Echangeweb" (ews) virtual directory if i install only CAS role. If i install CAS role and mailbox
    role then there is no issue, everything is fine.
    In single CAS role installation, "EWS" folder is creating inside "Exchangeweb" folder but it shows empty folder.
    If any one have any idea please let me know, why this is happening? was i am doing anything wrong while installing?
    Ravi Nalla

    Hi Ravi,
    Agree with Martina. I install Exchange 2013 CAS server and Mailbox server separately. "exchweb" folder exists on Mailbox server only. Here is the exchweb folder information on Mailbox server for your reference.
    Here is the ews folder information on CAS server for your reference.
    Hope it helps.
    Best regards,
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange 2013 backup and log truncation question

    I have a scenario where I have 5 Exchange mailbox servers as members of a DAG, everything running fine, log truncation is working, but seems to be working differently than I am expecting it to work, as in previous versions of Exchange. I am used to the
    logs being truncated immediately after the full backup completes. What is happening is that the server is retaining a weeks worth of logs. Everything older than 7 days gets truncated after a full backup completes. Is this expected behavior? I am running Exchange
    2013 CU3 on Server 2012, backup software is HP Data Protector 8 running the latest updates. I am running a VSS backup. The DAG is not a lagged copy of the DB's either.

    I will check the HP Data Protector setting, but I do not think that setting is valid or anything configurable.
    Here is the contents of some various commands for one of my databases, all of which are configured identically, tell me if you see something set incorrectly. Hopefully I have redacted enough internal stuff:
    RunspaceId                            : 8467f253-8c82-4206-a002-14779e701b0e
    Identity                              : DB1\EX2013-MB1
    Id                                    : DB1\EX2013-MB1
    Name                                  : DB1\EX2013-MB1
    DatabaseName                          : DB1
    Status                                : Mounted
    InstanceStartTime                     : 12/10/2013 7:02:44 PM
    LastStatusTransitionTime              :
    MailboxServer                         : EX2013-MB1
    ActiveDatabaseCopy                    : EX2013-MB1
    ActiveCopy                            : True
    ActivationPreference                  : 1
    StatusRetrievedTime                   : 1/7/2014 12:54:19 PM
    WorkerProcessId                       : 10292
    ActivationSuspended                   : False
    ActionInitiator                       : Unknown
    ErrorMessage                          :
    ErrorEventId                          :
    ExtendedErrorInfo                     :
    SuspendComment                        :
    RequiredLogsPresent                   :
    SinglePageRestore                     : 0
    ContentIndexState                     : Healthy
    ContentIndexErrorMessage              :
    ContentIndexVersion                   : 1
    ContentIndexBacklog                   : 0
    ContentIndexRetryQueueSize            : 0
    ContentIndexMailboxesToCrawl          :
    ContentIndexSeedingPercent            :
    ContentIndexSeedingSource             :
    CopyQueueLength                       : 0
    ReplayQueueLength                     : 0
    ReplaySuspended                       : False
    ResumeBlocked                         : False
    ReseedBlocked                         : False
    MinimumSupportedDatabaseSchemaVersion : 0.121
    MaximumSupportedDatabaseSchemaVersion : 0.126
    RequestedDatabaseSchemaVersion        :
    LatestAvailableLogTime                :
    LastCopyNotificationedLogTime         : 1/7/2014 12:38:09 PM
    LastCopiedLogTime                     :
    LastInspectedLogTime                  :
    LastReplayedLogTime                   :
    LastLogGenerated                      : 3510
    LastLogCopyNotified                   : 3510
    LastLogCopied                         : 0
    LastLogInspected                      : 0
    LastLogReplayed                       : 0
    LowestLogPresent                      : 2875
    LastLogInfoIsStale                    : False
    LastLogInfoFromCopierTime             : 1/7/2014 12:54:19 PM
    LastLogInfoFromClusterTime            : 1/7/2014 12:54:16 PM
    LastLogInfoFromClusterGen             : 3510
    LogsReplayedSinceInstanceStart        : 0
    LogsCopiedSinceInstanceStart          : 0
    LatestFullBackupTime                  : 12/9/2013 10:31:32 PM
    LatestIncrementalBackupTime           :
    LatestDifferentialBackupTime          :
    LatestCopyBackupTime                  :
    SnapshotBackup                        : True
    SnapshotLatestFullBackup              : True
    SnapshotLatestIncrementalBackup       :
    SnapshotLatestDifferentialBackup      :
    SnapshotLatestCopyBackup              :
    LogReplayQueueIncreasing              : False
    LogCopyQueueIncreasing                : False
    ReplayLagStatus                       : Enabled:False; PlayDownReason:None; Percentage:0; Configured:00:00:00; Actual:00:00:00
    DatabaseSeedStatus                    :
    OutstandingDumpsterRequests           : {}
    OutgoingConnections                   : {}
    IncomingLogCopyingNetwork             :
    SeedingNetwork                        :
    DiskFreeSpacePercent                  : 99
    DiskFreeSpace                         : 4.365 TB (4,798,945,292,288 bytes)
    DiskTotalSpace                        : 4.366 TB (4,800,702,836,736 bytes)
    ExchangeVolumeMountPoint              :
    DatabaseVolumeMountPoint              : C:\Disks\DB1\
    DatabaseVolumeName                    : \\?\Volume{b95c7aa2-2cd9-430e-ab75-ea4b0efba659}\
    DatabasePathIsOnMountedFolder         : True
    LogVolumeMountPoint                   : C:\Disks\DB1\
    LogVolumeName                         : \\?\Volume{b95c7aa2-2cd9-430e-ab75-ea4b0efba659}\
    LogPathIsOnMountedFolder              : True
    LastDatabaseVolumeName                :
    LastDatabaseVolumeNameTransitionTime  :
    VolumeInfoError                       :
    IsValid                               : True
    ObjectState                           : Unchanged
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MailboxDatabase -Identity db1  |fl
    RunspaceId                                   : 8467f253-8c82-4206-a002-14779e701b0e
    JournalRecipient                             :
    MailboxRetention                             : 30.00:00:00
    OfflineAddressBook                           : \Default Offline Address Book
    OriginalDatabase                             :
    PublicFolderDatabase                         : CMBS1CC\CMBS1PF\CMBS1PF
    ProhibitSendReceiveQuota                     : Unlimited
    ProhibitSendQuota                            : 2 GB (2,147,483,648 bytes)
    RecoverableItemsQuota                        : 30 GB (32,212,254,720 bytes)
    RecoverableItemsWarningQuota                 : 20 GB (21,474,836,480 bytes)
    CalendarLoggingQuota                         : 6 GB (6,442,450,944 bytes)
    IndexEnabled                                 : True
    IsExcludedFromProvisioning                   : False
    IsExcludedFromInitialProvisioning            : False
    IsSuspendedFromProvisioning                  : False
    IsExcludedFromProvisioningBySpaceMonitoring  : False
    DumpsterStatistics                           :
    DumpsterServersNotAvailable                  :
    ReplicationType                              : Remote
    AdminDisplayVersion                          : Version 15.0 (Build 775.38)
    AdministrativeGroup                          : Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)
    AllowFileRestore                             : False
    BackgroundDatabaseMaintenance                : True
    ReplayBackgroundDatabaseMaintenance          :
    BackgroundDatabaseMaintenanceSerialization   :
    BackgroundDatabaseMaintenanceDelay           :
    ReplayBackgroundDatabaseMaintenanceDelay     :
    MimimumBackgroundDatabaseMaintenanceInterval :
    MaximumBackgroundDatabaseMaintenanceInterval :
    BackupInProgress                             :
    DatabaseCreated                              : True
    Description                                  :
    EdbFilePath                                  : C:\Disks\DB1\DB\DB1.edb
    ExchangeLegacyDN                             : /o=%%%%%/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=EX2013-MB1/cn=Microsoft
    Private MDB
    DatabaseCopies                               : {DB1\EX2013-MB1, DB1\EX2013-MB2, DB1\EX2013-MB3, DB1\EX2013-MB1-DR,
    InvalidDatabaseCopies                        : {}
    AllDatabaseCopies                            : {DB1\EX2013-MB1, DB1\EX2013-MB2, DB1\EX2013-MB3, DB1\EX2013-MB1-DR, DB1\EX2013-MB2-DR}
    Servers                                      : {EX2013-MB1, EX2013-MB2,
    EX2013-MB3, EX2013-MB1-DR, EX2013-MB2-DR}
    ActivationPreference                         : {[EX2013-MB1, 1], [EX2013-MB2, 2], [EX2013-MB3, 3], [EX2013-MB1-DR, 4], [EX2013-MB2-DR, 5]}
    ReplayLagTimes                               : {[EX2013-MB1, 00:00:00], [EX2013-MB2, 00:00:00], [EX2013-MB3,
    00:00:00], [EX2013-MB1-DR, 00:00:00], [EX2013-MB2-DR, 00:00:00]}
    TruncationLagTimes                           : {[EX2013-MB1, 00:00:00], [EX2013-MB2, 00:00:00], [EX2013-MB3, 00:00:00], [EX2013-MB1-DR,
    00:00:00], [EX2013-MB2-DR, 00:00:00]}
    RpcClientAccessServer                        : EX2013-MB1.%%%%%%.local
    MountedOnServer                              :
    DeletedItemRetention                         : 60.00:00:00
    SnapshotLastFullBackup                       :
    SnapshotLastIncrementalBackup                :
    SnapshotLastDifferentialBackup               :
    SnapshotLastCopyBackup                       :
    LastFullBackup                               :
    LastIncrementalBackup                        :
    LastDifferentialBackup                       :
    LastCopyBackup                               :
    DatabaseSize                                 :
    AvailableNewMailboxSpace                     :
    MaintenanceSchedule                          : {Sun.1:00 AM-Sun.5:00 AM, Mon.1:00 AM-Mon.5:00 AM, Tue.1:00 AM-Tue.5:00 AM, Wed.1:00
    AM-Wed.5:00 AM, Thu.1:00 AM-Thu.5:00 AM, Fri.1:00 AM-Fri.5:00 AM, Sat.1:00 AM-Sat.5:00 AM}
    MountAtStartup                               : True
    Mounted                                      :
    Organization                                 : %%%%%%%
    QuotaNotificationSchedule                    : {Sun.1:00 AM-Sun.1:15 AM, Mon.1:00 AM-Mon.1:15 AM, Tue.1:00 AM-Tue.1:15 AM, Wed.1:00 AM-Wed.1:15 AM, Thu.1:00 AM-Thu.1:15
    AM, Fri.1:00 AM-Fri.1:15 AM, Sat.1:00 AM-Sat.1:15 AM}
    Recovery                                     : False
    RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup                : False
    Server                                       : EX2013-MB1
    MasterServerOrAvailabilityGroup              : DAG1
    WorkerProcessId                              :
    CurrentSchemaVersion                         :
    RequestedSchemaVersion                       :
    AutoDagExcludeFromMonitoring                 : False
    AutoDatabaseMountDial                        : GoodAvailability
    DatabaseGroup                                :
    MasterType                                   : DatabaseAvailabilityGroup
    ServerName                                   : EX2013-MB1
    IssueWarningQuota                            : 1.9 GB (2,040,110,080 bytes)
    EventHistoryRetentionPeriod                  : 7.00:00:00
    Name                                         : DB1
    LogFolderPath                                : C:\Disks\DB1\LOGS
    TemporaryDataFolderPath                      :
    CircularLoggingEnabled                       : False
    LogFilePrefix                                : E01
    LogFileSize                                  : 1024
    LogBuffers                                   :
    MaximumOpenTables                            :
    MaximumTemporaryTables                       :
    MaximumCursors                               :
    MaximumSessions                              :
    MaximumVersionStorePages                     :
    PreferredVersionStorePages                   :
    DatabaseExtensionSize                        :
    LogCheckpointDepth                           :
    ReplayCheckpointDepth                        :
    CachedClosedTables                           :
    CachePriority                                :
    ReplayCachePriority                          :
    MaximumPreReadPages                          :
    MaximumReplayPreReadPages                    :
    DataMoveReplicationConstraint                : SecondCopy
    IsMailboxDatabase                            : True
    IsPublicFolderDatabase                       : False
    MailboxProvisioningAttributes                :
    AdminDisplayName                             : DB1
    ExchangeVersion                              : 0.10 (
    DistinguishedName                            : CN=DB1,CN=Databases,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative
    Groups,CN=%%%%%,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=%%%%%%,DC=%%%
    Identity                                     : DB1
    Guid                                         : 765d01d0-4468-43fd-a1e8-ad205b25c8ee
    ObjectCategory                               : %%%%%%.%%%/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Private-MDB
    ObjectClass                                  : {top, msExchMDB, msExchPrivateMDB}
    WhenChanged                                  : 12/10/2013 7:02:44 PM
    WhenCreated                                  : 11/13/2013 11:00:58 AM
    WhenChangedUTC                               : 12/11/2013 12:02:44 AM
    WhenCreatedUTC                               : 11/13/2013 4:00:58 PM
    OrganizationId                               :
    OriginatingServer                            : %%%%%-DC4.%%%%%.%%%
    IsValid                                      : True
    ObjectState                                  : Changed
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | ft Name,Server,LastF*Backup,LastI*Backup,LastD*Backup -AutoSize
    Name       Server        LastFullBackup       LastIncrementalBackup LastDifferentialBackup
    MB1-DB0    EX2013-MB1    1/6/2014 11:30:46 PM
    DB1        EX2013-MB1    1/6/2014 11:30:46 PM
    DB2        EX2013-MB1    1/6/2014 11:30:46 PM
    MB3-DB0    EX2013-MB3    1/6/2014 10:45:44 PM
    DB5        EX2013-MB3    1/6/2014 10:45:44 PM
    DB6        EX2013-MB3    1/6/2014 10:45:44 PM
    MB2-DB0    EX2013-MB2    1/6/2014 10:15:39 PM
    DB3        EX2013-MB2    1/6/2014 10:15:39 PM
    DB4        EX2013-MB2    1/6/2014 10:15:39 PM
    MB1-DR-DB0 EX2013-MB1-DR 1/6/2014 8:00:23 PM
    MB2-DR-DB0 EX2013-MB2-DR 1/6/2014 8:15:22 PM

  • Exchange 2013 - Cleaning UP logs files (Client Access Server)

    I have to client access server and it is running out of space
    Is there anywhere in the C:\ drive where I can delete some space (e.g. log files)

    If you refer to C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles, you can delete them manually or use a Powershell script to delete them.
    Here is the similar thread for your reference.
    If you refer to other log files, please free let me know.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Cara Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange 2013 mailbox added to the CAS array

    We are upgrading to Exchange 2013 from Exchange 2010. Following the development guide, we have
    installed the first mailbox server in the Exchange 2010 environment which has 3 Exchange 2010 CAS server
    in the array. When installing the mailbox role, we did not choose the client access role but after
    the installation we can see that the Exchange 2013 Mailbox server is added to the CAS array and yet
    we did not choose the client access role. How does this happen, and to proceed ?

    I see the same thing in my lab:
    Get-ClientAccessArray | FL
    RunspaceId        : 16b992b3-270f-4ae1-a3c3-fa9e2ea73d69
    ExchangeLegacyDN  : /o=Wingtiptoys/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=Ou
    Fqdn              :
    Site              :
    SiteName          : Default-First-Site-Name
    Members           : {EXCH-2010, EXCH-2013}
    AdminDisplayName  :
    ExchangeVersion   : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
    Name              :
    DistinguishedName :,CN=Arrays,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administr
                        ative Groups,CN=Wingtiptoys,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=wingtiptoys,DC=ca
    Identity          :
    Guid              : 27968af1-1624-4ff3-85c8-e38e68183afe
    ObjectCategory    :
    ObjectClass       : {top, server, msExchExchangeServer, msExchClientAccessArray}
    WhenChanged       : 4/12/2014 12:51:18 PM
    WhenCreated       : 4/12/2014 12:51:18 PM
    WhenChangedUTC    : 4/12/2014 7:51:18 PM
    WhenCreatedUTC    : 4/12/2014 7:51:18 PM
    OrganizationId    :
    OriginatingServer :
    IsValid           : True
    Microsoft Senior Exchange PFE
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  • Exchange 2013 search integration

    I am wondering on how to integrate Exchange 2013 into SharePoint 2013.
    As far as I know SharePoint 2013 and Exchange 2013 integration allows the users
    to share/view tasks between SP2013 and Ex2013/Outlook
    to share/view contacts between SP2013 and Ex2013/Outlook
    integrate libraries/lists into Outlook
    This is what I did not find any information about:
    Is it possible to crawl exchange 2013 public folders or mailboxes with SharePoint 2013?
    Is it possible to crawl private mailboxes and show a user search results from his/her own mailbox in search results?
    Are  there any other intergration methods between exchange 2013 and SP2013, that I missed?
    I would greatly appreciate any insights on these matters from the community or msicrosoft.
    Thank you

    Hi Nils,
    If you want to crawl a public folder in Exchange Server, then you can create a content source with the Exchange public folder as the source type in SharePoint Search service application.
    If you want to crawl the mailboxes in Exchange, then you can add
    Exchange mailboxes as sources to either an eDiscovery set or a query in SharePoint.
    After that you can crawl the eDiscovery Center to get the results.
    With Exchange server, we can configure the email alerts and use site mailbox app in SharePoint. We can also
    use Outlook to post directly to lists and libraries without having to open SharePoint.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange 2013 certtificate and FQDN of CAS/MB servers

    Good Morning,
    I have read articles that say I should not need anything but the fqdn names of things like and on the cert you install on the exchange server. I went that route and installed it on every exchange server
    but for some reason, the client gets prompted for credentials with this configuration.
    When I create a cert with all the CAS/MB FQDN names ( ie. casmb01.mycompany.pvt) on the cert, they do not get prompted and the exhttp allows the outlook client to connect properly.
    this is a 2007 to 2013 migration. I am testing just the connectivity and have not put the 2013 as the proxy yet.
    The clients also have an internal host name .pvt in the cert so I would imagine this would be a problem for outlook anywhere unless they vpn in and trust the local CA.
    Can I use only the autodiscover and mail
    does anyone else have this set up this was?

    Here's what I would do:
    If you are planning on allowing people to access Outlook Anywhere and Active Sync Externally
    Since you can only have 1 cert bound to IIS I would create the cert via a 3rd party CA.  They will only give you a cert for publicly accessible tlds. So on that cert you will need,
    and  The legacy can really be anything you want, and is needed for OWA and  ActiveSync redirection.  Once I have the cert, I would change all the virtual directories to have their respective * addresses.  In
    order for this to work properly with DNS (internally you get an internal address) you will need to create a dns zone called and point that to your 2013 CAS servers and another one for and point that to your 2007 Servers.
    If you are not allowing any external access then you can just create whatever certs you want to via your internal CA.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread

  • Exchange 2013 RBAC 403/log out

    HI everyone
    We have an issue with password resets via OWA. It was working fine, then one day it starting giving 403 errors. we reset the Virtual directories and ran repairs on dotnet4. Now if you select it, you get logged out of OWA, no 403 just logged out? Can't see
    any errors on exchange. Any advise is always appreciated

    Since the issue only happens to one user and this user can access mailbox in OWA well, I think the issue should be an Outlook issue. Please create a new Outlook profile with new credentials to have a try.
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange 2013 / 2013 Coexistence - OWA rendering on 2010 CAS for 2013 Mailbox

    So I'm running Exchange 2013 CU2v2 alongside Exchange 2010 SP3 (both on top of 2008 R2 SP1) and I'm having a bit of a weird thing happen when migrating test users from Exchange 2010 to 2013. 
    After migrating a user from a database on the 2010 server to a database on the 2013 server, when you access OWA (through a url pointing at the 2013 server), it still appears to render on the 2010 CAS (and functions normally). If you click ? > About it
    shows properly that the mailbox server is the 2013 server, but the host address and client access server are still the old 2010 server. It seems that after a few hours it fixes itself. ECP, however, renders properly on the 2013 server immediately after migration.
    The migration completes successfully with no errors, and outlook connects fine after migration, hitting the 2013 CAS.
    I thought maybe this had to do with the Exchange Information Systems Cache, as in 2010 this was occasionally an issue:
    but the mailbox will still render on the 2010 CAS even after restarting the ExchangeIS service.
    I should also note that this behavior DID NOT occur with Exchange 2013 CU1 alongside 2010, and only started happening after upgrading to CU2v2.
    Does anyone have any thoughts as to why this is happening and what I can do to make it transition quickly to render OWA against the new mailbox? Thanks!

    Exact same symptoms here;
    Single site, 1 Exchange 2013 CU3 on 2012 Server, 1 Exchange 2010 SP3 as source for migration;
    Exchange 2013 configured as external access 'cas' owa etc. and proxy to 2010.
    Accessing an 2010 mailbox thu 2013 works correctly (OWA, ECP, ActiveSync, Outlook Anywhere etc.)
    Created new mailbox on 2010, migrated to 2013 and this mailbox is accessed/proxied thru OWA 2010. Strangely this mailbox is hosted on the proxying 2013 server now but still gets proxied. ECP for this user does instantly connect to the correct 2013 server.
    The 2010 OWA connecting to 2013 mailbox server: help | about:
    Host address: https://ex2010.corp.local/owa
    Proxy host address: https://ex2013/owa
    Proxy version: 15.0.775.0
    Proxy server name: ex2013
    S/MIME control: not installed
    Exchange Client Access server name: ex2010.corp.local
    Exchange Client Access server .NET Framework version: 2.0.50727.5472
    Client Access server version:
    Client Access server platform: 64bit
    Mailbox server name: ex2013.corp.local
    Mailbox server Microsoft Exchange version: 15.0.775.0
    Other Microsoft Exchange server roles currently installed on the Client Access server: Mailbox, Hub Transport
    Authentication type associated with this Outlook Web App session: Basic
    Authentication type for Exchange Client Access server to Client Access server proxy session: Negotiate
    Public logon: Yes
    So to me is that the 2013 server is still proxying to 2010 and the 2010 CAS is accessing the mailbox on 2013 ;).
    This even when the mailbox is moved on the 2013 server itself!!
    How strange is this?!
    Arian van der Pijl

  • Migrating from 2010 windows nlb cas array to exchange 2013 using netscaler for HLB

    i currently have exchange 2010 sp3 setup as follows
    2 cas/ht using windows nlb for as the nlb name
    2 mailbox servers using 1 dag for replication between them.
    I would like to stand up 2 new CAS 2013 sp1 servers(2012 r2) and use our netscaler hlb to load balance and do ssl offloading.
    id like to use the hlb to load balance and ssl offload all possible traffic not just owa, i.e. activesync etc.
    the netscaler is running version 10.5.
    does anyone have any thoughts on how to perform such a migration?
    id like to make this as seamless as possible for the user, so no owa name change or anything like that.
    thx in advance for any help.

    Exchange 2013 CAS cannot be managed effectively without an Exchange 2013 mailbox server since the CAS won't run the Exchange 2013 management tools without it.  Your Exchange 2013 servers should simply have both roles.  There are few cases where
    splitting the roles has any business value.
    If what you're planning to do is within the same forest and organization, then it's a "transition", not a "migration".  What you are asking to do is easy.  Build the Exchange 2013 servers, configure load balancing, test
    access, and then switch the DNS records to point to them.
    Personally, I would skip the SSL offloading.  It's my opinion that it makes the solution more difficult to troubleshoot without providing any real benefit.
    Ed Crowley MVP "There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

  • How to add exceptions for Sender Filtering in Exchange 2013 Edge

    hi everyone.
    got a bit of a problem.
    I've installed 2 exchange 2013 servers. one for Mailbox-CAS (Hub) & one as Edge Server.
    I've configured Blocked domains for blocking my users from sending emails to public mail servers such as Hotmail,google & yahoo and I've set up some users as exceptions (such as CEO & managers).
    I wanna configure my Edge server to block inbound email from such servers as well & have to set some exclusions.
    as I searched online, the command would be "set-senderfilterconfig -blockeddomainsandsubdomains"
    but I can't use -Bypassed switch as I do in Content Filtering.
    now my question is am I using the right method (commands & stuff) to reach my goal?
    also how I set some users as exceptions?
    thanks in advance
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    I find this article for your reference:
    Understanding Anti-Spam and Antivirus Mail Flow
    If you want to block inbound email, please try to configure IP Block list, IP Block List providers, blocked domain or blocked sender.
    If you want to block outbound email, please try to configure Recipient Filtering, like Recipient Block list.
    More details to check the article above.
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange 2013 resubmit mails

    HI all,
    Experiencing issue With Exchange 2013 environment ( 2 servers With cas and mailbox role With DAG)where some of Our emails are beeing resubmitted.
    So far cant see any pattern on why or where it sends Message twice to a recepient.
    Any idea where i can start to troubleshoot or what that might cause this?
    Please mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question. That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you. Thank you! Off2work

    Did the recipients receive duplicate emails?
    Could you please check message tracking log for related message?
    For the issue about the number of messages in Shadow redundancy (under delivery type), I recommend you run the Get-TransportConfig  | fl shadow* command and post result here for further research.
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

  • Advice on Setting up Exchange 2013

    I put this in the Hyper-V forum because the questions I have are more related to overall Hyper-V config than Exchange. Since I am more familiar with VMWare, I do not know if the concept I have on Hyper-V is correct for Exchange. We have two Hyper-V hosts
    connected to an EMC SAN via 10GB iSCSI. On the SAN, we created the Storage Pool and LUNs to handle the Exchange 2013 databases and Logs. The Hyper-V environment already had a CSV for the various VMs and that seems to work nicely. We created the Exchange
    VMs in there as well. Now, to add the LUNs for the databases and logs, we also created CSV out of all those LUNs and then started to create virtual hard disks (.vhdx format) to fill up the LUNs. This was done through the Settings on the Exchange 2013 VMs using
    a SCSI controller.
    So, my question is, should the databases and LUNs be CSVs or should we do this some other way that will allow the VMs to failover and still maintain a connection to the storage. I read about Pass-Through disks and iSCSI within the VM itself, but both of
    these seem to have either failover issues or performance issues. So what are my options here?
    MCITP Exchange 2010 | MCITP Lync Server 2010 | MCTS Windows 2008

    Yes, see the recommendations from the Exchange team.
    A search immediately took me here:
    Best Practices for Virtualizing & Managing Exchange 2013
    Best Practices for Virtualizing and Managing Exchange 2013 6 6 Target Audience This guide is intended for IT professionals and technical decision makers (TDMs ...
    Brian Ehlert
    Learn. Apply. Repeat.

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