Execute function formula web bps

Hi all,
In my bps web layout I have two function formula, when I start the layout the first function formula is started while the second function not.
How can I do please?

Not sure if I understood your problem totally but what if you create two planning functions and two planning sequences correspondingly (type exit) for each of these two FMs and in the web layout you specify one planning sequence as 'to be executed on start of layout'.

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    You can attach a FunctionButton to a layout: on the parameter "Function After Data Change" of your planning layout component choose your FunctionButton.
    Then on your FunctionButton, select false for the parameter "Visible".
    Your function is automatically executed, when data change in the planning layout.

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    Hi Leticia,
    Attaching an automatic function to the Planning folder and executing the planning folder in WIB are two different things.
    Once you have attached the Automatic function to the Layout in the folder, you could execute the folder using the SAP GUI interface or the Web interface.
    Refer below help link for more details.

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    Will a function that runs, before the data gets saved, work for you? You can configure such a function to run before the save command behind the save button you create in the planning application.

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    Hi All,
    I have a similar problem - but for variable exits.
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    Thanks in Advance.

    The following formula will return a last execution time minus an hour.
    =If(FormatDate(LastExecutionDate(); "hh")="00"; "23"; FormatNumber(ToNumber(FormatDate(LastExecutionDate(); "hh"))-1;"00"))+FormatDate(LastExecutionDate(); ":mm:ss")
    There may be a better way of doing it but I have not found it.

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    Hi Marc,
    The planning function is supposed to do that i.e. based on certain other variables change the data in the layout. After the data is locked obviously there should not be any changes.
    What I was trying to achieve is somehow to be able to access the Planning Folder even though the pre-function is run. Else we would have to go with the way you suggested i.e. create either a separate folder or create a separate layout with no Planning Functions attached. The issue becomes the user has to first get the error message.. realise that the data is locked and then go to another layout / folder.

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    In a web bps interface that I've got in my system.There's the following script implemented on a text component.
    Could you let me where I can find the element corresponding to this :
    document.write ( ' <b><%=otr(ZBPS/001)%></b>' );
    Thanks a lot,
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function fPossible()
    document.write ( '<a href="#1" onclick="top.window.close(); bspSubmit(\'Function_button_Assigned2\'); return false;" class="sapBtnStd"; return true; title="">' );
    document.write ( ' <nobr>' );
    document.write ( ' <%=otr(ZBPS/001)%>' );
    document.write ( ' </nobr>' );
    document.write ( '</a>' );
    document.write ( '</BR>' );
    document.write ( '</BR>' );
    document.write ( ' <TABLE width="650px" border="2" padding="8" text-align="center">' );
    document.write ( '  <TR text-align="center">' );
    document.write ( '   <TD text-align="center">' );
    document.write ( '    <A><%=otr(ZBPS/002)%></A>' );
    document.write ( '   </TD>' );
    document.write ( ' </TR>' );
    document.write ( '</TABLE>' );

    Go to transaction bps_wb
    Click on Goto/ OTR /OTR entries
    Select your package ZBPS.
    Hope this answers your question.
    David Thoumieux

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    k.. now iam getting some error on page.
    I have embeded the two view in to window.
    But now after running the application i am getting connection error
    com.sap.mw.jco.JCO$Exception: (102) RFC_ERROR_COMMUNICATION: Connect to message server host failed Connect_PM TYPE=B MSHOST=jktr3 GROUP=SPACE R3NAME=R32 MSSERV=sapmsR32 PCS=1 ERROR Group SPACE not found TIME Fri Sep 26 15:05:59 2008 RELEASE 700 COMPONENT LG VERSION 5 RC -6 MODULE lgxx.c LINE 4288 DETAIL LgIGroupX COUNTER 1
        at com.sap.mw.jco.MiddlewareJRfc.generateJCoException(MiddlewareJRfc.java:457)
        at com.sap.mw.jco.MiddlewareJRfc$Client.connect(MiddlewareJRfc.java:989)
        at com.sap.mw.jco.JCO$Client.connect(JCO.java:3193)
        at com.sap.dictionary.runtime.mdi.DataProvider.<init>(DataProvider.java:90)
        at com.sap.dictionary.runtime.mdi.DataProvider.<init>(DataProvider.java:122)
        ... 61 more

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    Exception caught: com.sap.mw.jco.JCO$Exception: (104) RFC_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE: The current application triggered a termination with a short dump. com.sap.mw.jco.JCO$Exception: (104) RFC_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE: The current application triggered a termination with a short dump. at com.sap.mw.jco.MiddlewareJRfc.generateJCoException(MiddlewareJRfc.java:516) at com.sap.mw.jco.MiddlewareJRfc$Client.execute(MiddlewareJRfc.java:1514) at com.sap.mw.jco.JCO$Client.execute(JCO.java:3980) at com.sap.mw.jco.JCO$Client.execute(JCO.java:3417) at com.sap.ip.bi.base.application.service.rfcproxy.impl.jco640.Jco640Proxy.executeFunction(Jco640Proxy.java:362) at com.sap.ip.bi.base.application.service.rfcproxy.impl.jco640.Jco640Function.executeRfc(Jco640Function.java:75) at com.sap.ip.bi.base.application.service.rfcproxy.base.RfcFunction.execute(RfcFunction.java:46) at com.sap.ip.bi.bics.dataaccess.resource.impl.bi.selector.variableprocessor.RfcServiceWithVariables.executeCreationFunctionForVariableHandling(RfcServiceWithVariables.java:64) at com.sap.ip.bi.bics.dataaccess.resource.impl.bi.selector.ProviderSelectionObject.isApplicable(ProviderSelectionObject.java:339) at com.sap.ip.bi.base.application.impl.Application.checkAndCreateService(Application.java:709) at com.sap.ip.bi.base.application.impl.Application.createService(Application.java:634) at
    Exception caught: com.sap.ip.bi.base.exception.BIBaseRuntimeException: Jco exception thrown while executing function "BICS_PROV_OPEN" against system "SAP_BW" com.sap.ip.bi.base.exception.BIBaseRuntimeException: Jco exception thrown while executing function "BICS_PROV_OPEN" against system "SAP_BW" at com.sap.ip.bi.base.application.service.rfcproxy.base.RfcFunction.execute(RfcFunction.java:48) at com

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    How can I Programming Key Functions in Web Dynpro Java, like F1, F2, F3...??
    Thanks in advance.
    P:D. I don´t have Swine Flu.

    Please see the below link.

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    Could you help me?
    Luca Grilli

    There is no resource in the said location
    https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/com.sap.km.cm.docs/library/webas/tutorial on using knowledge management functions in web dynpro.htm  ...
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    Vani Rao

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    How to get the SUMCT SUMGT functionality in WebI reports using variables/formulates, as these fictions cant be used in Bex if we are developing a BO report on top of that.
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    Thanks  & Regards

    Srry for disturbance.
    Got the soln for the same. Can be achieved easily using report context.
    For more details refer below link.. :

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    User defined functions are not supported in WebI at report level.

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