Executing .air file from vc++

I am currently executing an air file from vc++ by using the command "ShellExecute".
ShellExecute(NULL,"open", fully_qualified_file_name, NULL,NULL, SW_ShowNormal);
The above is working fine.
But my problem is that
"I don't want to show the setup window to user"
I want setup should be run in silent mode so I tried with "-silent" parameter but It did not worked.
My Problem:
1. How to hide the setup screen from user.
2. Because I am hiding the setup screen from user. I want that the destination folder should also be specified by paramaters of ShellExecute command.
Actually I am taking the destination folder in C library. I want my application should be install at the location where my C library wants.
Please Reply

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    String content = "echo off\n" + "vol " + drive + ": | find /i \"Serial Number is\"";
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    File directory = new File(drive + ":");
    File file = File.createTempFile("bb1", ".bat", directory);
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    Dear Peter,
    You are totally right, I got this as mistake copy paste. I'm just having a Java utility for running external files outside Oracle DB, this is the method runFile()
    I'm passing it the content of script and names of file to be created on the fly and executed then deleted, sorry for the mistake in creating caller function.
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    echo off
    vol C: | find /i "Serial Number is"
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    Thanks for tracing teh issue to that details ;) hope you coul help.

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    Did you search before posting?
    Re: Execute a .exe file present in the Application Server

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    Hi Kristen
    Have you tried using ActionScript 2? You might give that a go
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    Try here:

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    You might improve your chances of getting help if you do two things:
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    2) ChangeSystem.out.println(IOEx); to IOEx.printStackTrace(); (in the eventhat is in fact related to "not working").

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    The problem with using the native 'open()' command you posted is that you probably also need to provide the full path to the executable that will open the .air file, and what's more if something goes wrong there is no way for you, the developer, to programatically determine this. In that sense it is better to use the Buddy API xtra - just be sure to remember to distribute it with your projector:
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              Process p=null;
              Runtime rt=Runtime.getRuntime();
    catch(Exception e)
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    Make sure that the command that's being exec'd works from the cmd line.
    Then read this article and do what it says:
    Then if you still are having problems explain what "...it is not working with .msi files..." really means, and provide a [SSCCE Example program|http://mindprod.com/jgloss/sscce.html]

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    From the FAQ:
    2. How do you launch an external program on a Microsoft Windows platform from a program developed on the Java [tm] programming language?
    The following will launch notepad in Microsoft Windows NT:
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c notepad.exe");
    To launch a program in Microsoft Windows 95/98 use:
    The Runtime class allows interaction between a program and its environment. The first string command instructs the command line interpretor, cmd to open up the calculator application.
    The exec() methods do not use a shell; any arguments must have the full pathname to the shell as well as the command itself.
    For example, to run a shell on the UNIX� platform, type:
    Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
    Process p = rt.exec("/usr/bin/sh -c date");
    To run a batch file under Microsoft Windows 95/98:
    Process p = rt.exec("command.com /c c:\\mydir\\myfile.bat");
    To run a batch file under Microsoft Windows NT:
    Process p = rt.exec("cmd /c c:\\mydir\\myfile.bat");
    where 'cmd' and 'command.com' are the command-line interpreters for Microsoft Windows machines.
    The Runtime.exec() methods might not work effectively for some processes on certain platforms. Special care should be taken with native windowing, daemon, WIN16/DOS process or some shell scripts.

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    We can't use forms_ddl because we have a very big sql script for creating a package.
    Please help,

    Strange, whenever I have installed forms I got sqlplus too without asking for it. If it is not installed, wouldn't your best bet be to install it ?

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    We are doing context-sensitive help, and using RH9.
    My developer has a 64-bit Window machine, using C#.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks - Jess

    This post has information from Praful Jain (of Adobe) and a link to another relevant thread. There was a link to it in the article on my site.
    As your developer is using C#, you should also look at the OLH as there is information about you being able to create the calls.
    I thought there were other resources on this and am trying to find them.
    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

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    This works:
    public void execute() throws Exception {
    String s = "c:\\cs47auxs\\omnijar\\omni.bat";
    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("\"" + s + "\"");
    "The Database Has Been Successfully Reloaded.",
    "Information Message",
    Here's the .bat 'omni.bat'
    set JAVA_HOME=c:\j2sdk1.4.2_04\bin
    %JAVA_HOME%\java -jar C:\CS47AUXS\OMNILOADJAR\OmniLoad.jar
    This doesn't work:
    public void execute() throws Exception {
    String s = "c:\\cs47auxs\\omnijar\\jobomni.bat";
    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("\"" + s + "\"");
    "The Database Has Been Successfully Reloaded.",
    "Information Message",
    Here's the .bat file 'jobomni.bat'
    SET JH=C:\J2SDK1.4.2_04\BIN
    %JH%\java -jar omniload.jar
    Can anyone shed some light here? Even when I execute the application from the command line the new DOS box doesn't become visible nor can I see any errors. If I could just get that visibility, I could probably figure out what is going wrong.

    Same problem with me as well.... Badly looking for a solution...
    I predict the following:
    - If your batch file has pretty less number of dos/shell commands then it gets executed fine with exec() and proc.waitFor();
    - If you increase the number of dos/shell commands in the bat file then try executing it then it definately hangs at proc.waitFor();
    Even "cmd.exe /C C:\\test.bat" hangs... if the commands are more...
    Is this some sort of bug? or am i doing anything wrong? I tried searching for solution on the net and search forums... but couldnt find a solution for the same.. not sure where i missed, what i missed...
    Incase some one finds a solution.. do post it here...
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