Executing external programs from PL/SQL?

Hi All,
Is it possible to execute external
programs (i.e. shell scripts, or
perl scripts) from a stored procedure
or trigger?
I know that typically it is the other
way around, but hey try telling that
to my boss.

you cant execute any operating system commands from plsql
procedures. but you can achieve result by using either java
stored procedure or pro*C program .
Suresh Vemulapalli

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    Which version of oracle you are using.
    If it 8i, you can use external procedures/libraries. REfer to ORacle PLSQL documentation.
    If you are using Oracle 7+ you can use dbms pipes to post your command string and a cron job to read the pipe and execute the string.
    An alternate ugly way is to write to a file and some process reading the file at a regular interval.
    Arvind Balaraman

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              microedition.configuration     CLDC-1.1     
              microedition.profiles     MIDP-2.0

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    problem is that i do not know how to launch the
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    You probably don't want to hear this, but writing a test tool is not easy if you are going to try to catch events etc. It's probably a bit too hard for you if you don't know how to invoke an app within the same VM.

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            try {
                java.lang.ProcessBuilder pn = new java.lang.ProcessBuilder("array_function_test.pl");
                //pn.directory(new java.io.File("K:\\work"));
                java.lang.Process pr = pn.start();
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                String tmp = new String("");
                byte b[] = new byte[1000];
                int i = 0;
                while (i != -1) {
                    tmp += new String(b);
                getSelectionsDisplayTextArea().setText(getSelectionsDisplayTextArea().getText() + "\n\n" + tmp);
            } catch (java.io.IOException ex) {
                getSelectionsDisplayTextArea().setText(getSelectionsDisplayTextArea().getText() + "\n\n" + ex.getMessage());

    Hi Fonsi!
    One way to execute an external program is to use the System Exec.vi. You find it in the functions pallet under Communication.

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    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Guys,
    I have reviewed the option of using scheduler and javascript and they do satisfy my requirements PARTIALLY. Any calls to operating system commands through these features will be made on the server where APEX is installed.
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    sqlplusw.exe user/password@database @script1.sql
    sqlplusw.exe user/password@database @script2.sql
    sqlplusw.exe user/password@database @script3.sql
    sqlplusw.exe user/password@database @script4.sql
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    Thanks & Regards,

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    You cannot do it directly from PL/SQL. PL/SQL is.. well, kind of abstract ito the actual platform it runs on. PL/SQL cannot talk directly to operating system. It cannot (itself) do socket calls, file I/O calls, use the printer, etc.
    All this has to be done using a lower level implementation library - like UTL_FILE for example that wraps internal C written modules that does file I/O. PL/SQL can call these to do I/O on its behalf. Ditto for wrappers like UTL_TCP and others.
    There is no default wrapper for calling external processes from PL/SQL. It can however be done indirectly using the external procedure (EXTPROC) feature, or using Java to do it.
    The latter is the easiest. You create a Java stored proc that can access the operating system and run external programs and commands. You punch a big hole in the Oracle Java security to allow this Java stored proc access to the operating system. Next you create a PL/SQL wrapper for this Java proc which then in turn can be called from PL/SQL.
    Just remember that you MUST secure this hole you've punched into Oracle security. If any Oracle user can access this PL/SQL wrapper, they can hack, compromise, trash or simply destroy your entire Oracle account on that server.
    Here is the basic code:
    create or replace and compile Java Source named "OSCommand" as
    -- java:        OS COMMAND
    -- descr:       Executes an Operating System Command using the JAVA RTS
    -- IN parameter:        os command to execute (including fully qualified path names)
    -- OUT parameter:       returncode [\nstring]
    --                      where string a max of 32000 chars of the output of the command
    --                      (note that \n is used as separators in the string)
    --                      returncode=-1   Java RTS error occurred (e.g. command does not exist)
    --                      returncode=255  o/s command failed (e.g. invalid command params)
    import java.io.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    public class OSCommand{
            public static String Run(String Command){
                    Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
                    int     rc = -1;
                            Process p = rt.exec( Command );
                            int bufSize = 32000;
                            int len = 0;
                            byte buffer[] = new byte[bufSize];
                            String s = null;
                            BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream( p.getInputStream(), bufSize );
                            len = bis.read( buffer, 0, bufSize );
                            rc = p.waitFor();
                            if ( len != -1 ){
                                    s = new String( buffer, 0, len );
                                    return( s );
                            return( rc+"" );
                    catch (Exception e){
                            return(  "-1\ncommand[" + Command + "]\n" + e.getMessage() );
    show errors
    create or replace function OSexec( cCommand IN string ) return varchar2 is
    -- function:    OS EXEC
    -- descr:       PL/SQL wrapper for the Java OSCOMMAND stored proc
    language        JAVA
    name            'OSCommand.Run(java.lang.String) return java.lang.String';
    show errors
    -- Punching a hole into the Java VM sandbox. The following must be run as
    -- sysdba. Substitute SCOTT with the applicable schema that owns the OSEXEC
    -- and OSCOMMAND stored procs.
            SCHEMA  varchar2(30) := 'SCOTT';
                    '<<ALL FILES>>',
    -- example: running the Unix/Linux date command to get the current date and time
    SQL> select OSexec('/usr/bin/date') as STDOUT from dual;
    Fri Sep  1 08:09:34 SAST 2006
    1 row selected.
    SQL>Edited by: Billy Verreynne on Sep 4, 2008 6:26 PM to make the code snippet readable with the new Jive forum s/w.

  • I want to submit a concurrent program from pl/sql. Please help me.

    Dear all,
    I want to submit a concurrent program from pl/sql. But I failed. Please help me.
    I create a concurrent program in 'Cash Management, Vision Operations (USA)' responsibility. <strong>And it be submitted success in EBS</strong>.
    I create a test script in pl/sql. And use 'FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE' to initialize ebs, then use 'FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST' to submit
    the consurrent program, But the procedure aways return <strong>0</strong>.
    I cannot found the reason. Please help me.Thanks.
    <em>Attached informations may describe the problem:
    1.The concurrenct submitted success in EBS.</em>
    request_id = 4750655 (Sorry, I dont know how to add pictures.)
    <em>2.The initialize informations which from SQL</em>.
    AND FCR.REQUEST_ID = 4750655;
    Result: user_id = 1318;
    responsibility_id = 50579;
    application_id = 260;
    application_short_name = 'CE';
    program_short_name = 'CALLK009';
    <em>3.The test script code.</em>
    -- Created on 2008/10/22 by ERIC
    -- Local variables here
    Wv_conc_req_id VARCHAR2(10) DEFAULT NULL;
    Wv_conc_req_id := FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST(
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    , CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0)
    <em>4.The concurrent program code.</em>
    create or replace package body CALLTEST is
    ,PvO_retcode OUT VARCHAR2)
    FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(fnd_file.log, 'TEST');
    end CALLTEST;

    Can you check from which schema you are executing FND_REQUEST? You can try as follows;
    Connect to your required schema, create a synonym on apps.fnd_request, connect from apps and finally execute grant all on apps.fnd_request to all.
    You can check for relevance from Doc ID: Note:147495.1
    Please do keep in the mind the soultion above should be applied to a test/dev EBS instance first.
    I hope this would be of help.

  • How can I run an external program from a PLSQL procedure?

    Is there a package to run an external program from PLSQL? or is there another way to do that?

    here there is an example about how a PL/SQL procedure can
    work with an external C program.
    Apart from that you have Java Stored Procedures option
    to carry out your task.
    Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide Contents / Search / Index / PDF
    Joel P�rez

  • Call C++ programs from PL/SQL

    Can someone give me an example of how to call C++ programs from PL/SQL ASAP please?

    You can use External Procedure facility of of PL/SQL (Assuming your DB is 8 or 8i)
    Please refer the doc at http://oradoc.photo.net/ora8doc/DOC/server803/A54654_01/10_procs.htm

  • Running an External Program from Batch on Windows Server 2008R2 Failing

    I am trying to run an external program from a batch job and it is failing with this error message:
    Ext. prog.: ERROR: Input redirection is not supported, exiting the process immediately.
    Ext. prog.: External program terminated with exit code 1
    The program I am trying to run is:  timeout
    This command works on the OS: timeout -t 30
    I have setup the step to look like this:
    Under External Program:
    -Name: timeout
    -Parameter: -t 30
    I have also tried:
    -Name: timeout -t -30
    I am running ECC 6.04 on top of Windows Server 2008R2 with SQL Server 2008R2. 
    When we were running in Server 2003 on ECC 6.0 I was able to use the Sleep program just fine in the same manner.  I have found out that sleep is not available in server 2008.  It was replaced with timeout.
    After an update to EHP4 and moving to Windows Server 2008R2, Is there any pre-work that needs to be done on the SAP or Windows side before we can run external programs?
    Thank you,

    > SAPService<SID> and <SID>ADM both have Administrator rights for the server.
    > That means they should have full access.
    No - this is no more true like that since Windows 2008, it's a bit more complex:
    > Where would you setup the permission/policy to "interact with the desktop"?
    Add the policy using group policy editor (gpedit.msc)

  • How to execute  a program  from another

    Hi, expert
    Sorry for this question, but how can I do to execute a program from another with no parameter.
    I will thanks an answer, it's urgent...
    P.D. Points rewarded.

    Simple,  use the SUBMIT statement.
    SUBMIT zreport and return.
    RIch HEilman

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    Can I use Runtime.exec() directly from a bean?
    If so, are there any security considerations?

    I found this article rather helpful:

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    Try here:

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    What about if this program will call other java programs?

    Perhaps the Java Developer's Guide would be a good place to start

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