EXEs without silent installation switches.

In Config Manager 2012 R2, is there a way to install EXEs silently on workstations when the EXE itself dose not have a silent installation switch such as  /silent or /q apart form converting it to MSI,??

My first step in this process is to install the application sliently via command line. If this does not work you will not successfully deploy the app with ConfigMgr. ConfigMgr is just the delivery mechanism.
Gerry Hampson | Blog:
www.gerryhampsoncm.blogspot.ie | LinkedIn:
Gerry Hampson | Twitter:

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    You can find all information in this document http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/deploying_reader9.pdf
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    Sun has answered this very clearly in the JRE INstallation Instructions:
    "Note - you must have administrative permissions in order to install the Java 2 Runtime Environment on Microsoft Windows 2000 and XP. "

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    Dear all,
    I've managed to work this one out for myself. Bit of a nightmare but here we go...
    The nub of the problem is that a default value of the variable that sets the installation directory is not being declared in the msi.
    As a result of this when you perform an installation without the GUI for some files only the installation path defaults to "" or the root directory of the PC.
    Fortunately this path is covered by a Public parameter in the msi file :-) . You can pass public parameters into the msi when you install it. Like this:
    msiexec.exe /i "mymsi.msi" MYPUBLICPARAMETER="myvalue"
    I used the msitoxml application available on sourceforge to have a look at the parameters inside the msi which I grabbed from the temporary. The public parameters always have capital letters.
    So for a silent install of the msi I ended up with this:
    msiexec.exe /i "Oracle Calendar.msi" /qn INSTALLDIR="%programfiles%\Oracle\Calendar"
    Having got the msi install working I thought I would try to find a way to pass the msi switches into the original installshield setup file so that it doesn't need extracting which Oracle might not want us to do.
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    So escaping the extra quotes we have:
    OCal_win_10.1.2exe /s /v"/qn INSTALLDIR=\"%programfiles%\Oracle\Calendar\""
    No idea whether this will help anyone else, but I had to write it up somewhere!

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    Delete the blank between /UL and 1033, and it will work. :-)
    @Davide M, thanks a lot for your helpful article!
    mtarggart wrote:
    I've tried the above command and I keep getting prompted to select an Install Language. I'm trying to install this on Windows 7 x64 Enterprise. From an elevated command prompt pointed to the directory of the Elements install files (C:\PSE 10), this is what I am typing: start /wait setup.exe /UL 1033 /V"SERIALNUMBER=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx".
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    and set \\Servername\Share to your Servershare.
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     I tried to made response file, but it doesn't helps.
    Could you help me?
    Thanks a lot! 

    I have installed it.
    During installation I copied sources from %temp% folder.
    Package installs:
    Lenovo USB Port Replicator (non msi)
    Display Link Core Software (msi)
    Lenovo Display Adapter (msi)
    Then I captured first application. And compiled it ot msi.
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    After that I made batch file:
    msiexec /i LenovoUSBPortReplicator-1.22.msi ALLUSERS=1 ARPNOMODIFY=1 ARPNOREMOVE=1 ADDLOCAL=All REBOOT="ReallySuppress" /qn
    msiexec /i "DisplayLinkCoreSoftware.msi TRANSFORMS=DisplayLinkCoreSoftware.mst ALLOW64BIT=No WIN2KSP4=Yes WINXPSP0=No WINXPSP1=No WINXPSP2=Yes WINSERVER2003=No VISTA=Yes ALLUSERS=1 ARPNOMODIFY=1 ARPNOREMOVE=1 ADDLOCAL=All REBOOT="ReallySuppress" /qn
    msiexec /i LenovoDisplayAdapter.msi TRANSFORMS=LenovoDisplayAdapter.mst ALLOW64BIT=No WIN2KSP4=Yes WINXPSP0=No WINXPSP1=No WINXPSP2=Yes WINSERVER2003=No VISTA=Yes ALLUSERS=1 ARPNOMODIFY=1 ARPNOREMOVE=1 ADDLOCAL=All REBOOT="ReallySuppress" /qn

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    I've try all these solution explained in this kb http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1495
    ...and the right solution is start once iTune with administrative right.
    So...how can I try to make a silent installation of iTunes on 30 PC without without the manual intervention of an administrator?
    Thank you in advance.
    Message was edited by: TheMadMick
    Message was edited by: TheMadMick

    It's not quite what you're looking for, Mick, but there's a link to some possible resources (and a few caveats) in the following post:

  • Integration 10g silent installation will not install WebLogic Workshop

    I am attempting a silent installation, using wli10gR3_win32.exe. I have created a silent.xml using the information on this page: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E13214_01/wli/docs85/install/silent.html.
    I have used that page in the past to successfully create silent installations for versions 8 and 9 of Weblogic, but for version 10g it is not quite working as advertised. I have not found instructions for a silent installation for 10g.
    My silent.xml file contains the following line:
    <data-value name="COMPONENT_PATHS" value="WebLogic Server|WebLogic Workshop|WebLogic Integration|WebLogic Portal" />
    When I run the package with this line, an error is produced in the log file stating that WebLogic Workshop cannot be found.
    When I remove the WebLogic Workshop part of the line then Server, Integration, and Portal all install without errors. Unfortunately, Workshop was requested as well.
    When I run the installation manually, I am offered Workshop as one of the products.
    If somebody can point me to the correct installation documentation or provide the correct syntax for the silent.xml file that would be swell.

    I had faced the same issue today, So I had removed workshop and the installation was successful. But the weird thing is after the installation I could see the "workshop" was installed under BEA_HOME.
    Did any one face the same issue?
    Vijay Bheemineni.

  • Silent installation of Adobe Photoshop element 10

    I installed Adobe Photoshop Element 10 without silent installtion. then following products are installed.
    1.Element 10 organiser
    2.Adobe Air
    3. Adobe Community Help
    4.Adobe Photoshop.com Inspiration Browser
    5.Adobe Photoshop Element10
    These 5 products installed
    But when i installed the application with silent call then "Adobe Photoshop.com Inspiration Browser" this product not getting installed.
    In following way i installed yhe package:
    1. Create an “application.xml.override” file:
    2. Paste the following code into Notepad.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Data key="EULADelay">0</Data>
    <Data key="Registration">Suppress</Data>
    <Data key="Updates">Suppress</Data>
    3. Choose File > Save As.
    4. Choose Save As Type > All Files.
    5. Choose Encoding > UTF-8.
    6. Type “application.xml.override” in the File Name text box.
    7. Save a copy of the file to the root of the “Adobe Photoshop Elements 10” folder and to the root of the “ElementsOrganizer” folder in the “Adobe Photoshop Elements 10” folder copied in Step 1.
    8. (Optional) Open the Setup.ini file from the “Adobe Photoshop Elements 10” folder copied in Step 1 in Notepad and change it as follows:
    9.  Set DISABLEEMSFEATURES to 1.  A value of 1 (DISABLEEMSFEATURES=1) turns off the Photoshop.com membership features.
    10. Set DISABLEOLSFEATURES to 1. A value of 1 (DISABLEOLSFEATURES=1) disables retail online services and to display available educational online services.
    11. Save the Setup.ini file and close Notepad.
    12. To start the installation, right-click the Windows Command Prompt utility, select Run As Administrator, and navigate to the location containing the Setup.exe file.  Type the following line with the appropriate modifications:
    Installation Command:
    "path to Setup.exe" /UL%LangCode% /V“SERIALNUMBER=%AOO volume license serial number%"
    So please suggest that why the Adobe Photoshop.com Inspiration Browser is not getting installed by Silent call.
    Thanks in Advance

      The inspiration browser is part of the plus service for users in the US who sign up to photoshop.com

  • InDesign CS5 7.0 Silent installation?

    Dear all,
    in our Company we use the Altiris Deployment solution for packaging and automatic deployment.
    We need to create a silent installation of Adobe InDesign CS5 (7.0).
    Our machines are running Windows XP SP3.
    The installation should be in language german, without an serial (trail). The serial will be inserted
    after installation from our IT-Department. All components have to be installed with the automatic
    The folder structure from the setupfiles is the following:
    Could someone tell me which commands I have to use to install the files? I think I will also need
    an customized "install.xml", is that right?
    I am looking forward to get some answers soon.
    best regards
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <!-- Set this to reflect desired install location. -->
        <Property name="INSTALLDIR">C:\Program Files\Adobe</Property>
        <!-- Set this to reflect desired install language. -->
        <!-- Available languages: -->
        <!-- da_DK -->
        <!-- de_DE -->
        <!-- es_ES -->
        <!-- es_MX -->
        <!-- fi_FI -->
        <!-- fr_CA -->
        <!-- fr_FR -->
        <!-- it_IT -->
        <!-- nb_NO -->
        <!-- nl_NL -->
        <!-- pt_BR -->
        <!-- sv_SE -->
        <Property name="installLanguage">de_DE</Property>
        <!-- To serialize the application during installation, uncomment this -->
        <!-- property and replace the placeholder with your serial number.    -->
        <!-- Property name="serialNumber">xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    -->
        <!-- AdobeInDesign7AppBase-mul -->
        <Payload adobeCode="{F9766AC1-1461-1033-B862-DF8FE1C033BE}">

    I've tried all the advice given to date, but the ID CS5 version crash continues to occur on start up only on one user profile with error message EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS).
    It looks like others have had a similar problem, but theyve been able to resolve it by copying over their preferences from an earlier version of ID, but I don't have earlier versions on this computer, so I'm out of luck.
    I doubt copying over preferences is ever correct. There are no documented cases that I know of where copying preferences works and deleting them does not.
    Essentially every crash gives an EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS) error. You need to inspect the stack trace for anything that is specific to yours. In your case it references a ProtectiveShutdown, so consult the ProtectiveShutdownLog file in the InDesign Recovery folder for more information.
    You deleted all of these?:
    ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe InDesign CS5
    ~/Library/Caches/Adobe InDesign
    ~/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign
    ~/Library/Saved Application State/com.adobe.InDesign.savedState

  • Silent install switches for iTunes 10 for Windows

    I want to do large scale silent installations of iTunes 10 for Windows.
    I also don't want iTunes it to automatically run, once the install has finished.
    I'm using the /quiet /passive switches.
    The program seems to install without a problem, but when it tries to automatically run it gives an error message.
    Apple Application Support was not found.
    Apple Application Support is required to run iTunes. Please uninstall iTunes, then install iTunes again.
    Error 2 (Windows error 2)
    I'm not sure how to automatically install Apple Application Support, which would presumably solve the error message problem.

    Hi Gold. AppDeploy is probably the place to check, although digging through for the relevant information is going to be a trial. here's a link to their 9.x page, but the other version information from version 7.x may be relevant too.
    EDIT: sorry, forgot the link:
    Message was edited by: b noir

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