Exit button in applet

hi u see in the code that i have made a button an exit button and i did this code but when i run the code is fine but when i click the exit button it dos not clos the applet
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class assignment2_1 extends Applet implements ActionListener {
JTextField ID, Mark;
JLabel IdLabel, MarkLabel;
JButton ExitButton;
JTextArea Disply;
String stnum;
int studentnum;
int stid;
int assimak;
public void init() {
GridBagLayout GBL = new GridBagLayout();
GridBagConstraints cr= new GridBagConstraints();
cr.weightx=cr.weighty = 2.0;
cr.gridx=1; cr.gridy =2;
cr.gridheight = 1; cr.gridwidth = 2;
add(IdLabel=new JLabel("Enter Student ID"),cr);
// IdLabel.setBackground(Color.lightGray);
cr.weightx=cr.weighty = 2.0;
cr.gridx=5; cr.gridy =2;
cr.gridheight = 1; cr.gridwidth = 2;
add(ID = new JTextField(9),cr);
cr.weightx=cr.weighty = 2.0;
cr.gridx=1; cr.gridy =3;
cr.gridheight = 1; cr.gridwidth = 2;
add(MarkLabel=new JLabel("Enter Assignment Mark"),cr);
// MarkLabel.setBackground(Color.lightGray);
cr.weightx=cr.weighty = 2.0;
cr.gridx=5; cr.gridy =3;
cr.gridheight = 1; cr.gridwidth = 2;
add(Mark=new JTextField(9),cr);
Mark.addActionListener( this );
cr.weightx=cr.weighty = 2.0;
cr.gridx=1; cr.gridy =4;
cr.gridheight = 1; cr.gridwidth = 2;
add(Disply=new JTextArea(10, 20),cr);
// Disply.setBackground(Color.lightGray);
cr.weightx=cr.weighty = 1.0;
cr.gridx=5; cr.gridy =5;
cr.gridheight = 1; cr.gridwidth = 2;
add(ExitButton=new JButton("Exit"),cr);
ExitButton.addActionListener( this );
/* Container container = getContentPane();
container.setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
IdLabel = new JLabel("Enter Student ID ");
container.add( IdLabel );
ID = new JTextField(9);
container.add( ID );
MarkLabel = new JLabel("Enter Assignment Mark ");
container.add( MarkLabel );
Mark = new JTextField(5);
Mark.addActionListener( this );
container.add( Mark );
Disply = new JTextArea( 10, 20);
container.add( Disply );
ExitButton = new JButton("Exit");
ExitButton.addActionListener( this );
container.add( ExitButton );
stnum = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter total assignment" );
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
studentnum = Integer.parseInt( stnum );
stid = Integer.parseInt(ID.getText());
assimak = Integer.parseInt(Mark.getText());
if (evt.getSource() == Mark)
showStatus ("heeeea "+ studentnum);
if (evt.getSource() == ExitButton )

U wrote:
if (evt.getSource() == ExitButton )
Try the following:
assign a ActionCommandString to your Button using the setActionCommand-Method and then, in the ActionListerner:
if (evt.getActionCommand().equals("Exit"))

Similar Messages

  • Close button in applet

    hi u see in the code that i have made a button an exit button and i did this code but when i run the code is fine but when i click the exit button it dos not clos the applet
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class assignment2_1 extends Applet implements ActionListener {
         JTextField ID, Mark;
              JLabel IdLabel, MarkLabel;
         JButton ExitButton;
    JTextArea Disply;
    String stnum;
    int studentnum;
    int stid;
    int assimak;
    public void init() {
    GridBagLayout GBL = new GridBagLayout();
         GridBagConstraints cr= new GridBagConstraints();
         cr.weightx=cr.weighty = 2.0;
         cr.gridx=1; cr.gridy =2;
         cr.gridheight = 1; cr.gridwidth = 2;
    add(IdLabel=new JLabel("Enter Student ID"),cr);
    //     IdLabel.setBackground(Color.lightGray);
         cr.weightx=cr.weighty = 2.0;
         cr.gridx=5; cr.gridy =2;
         cr.gridheight = 1; cr.gridwidth = 2;
         add(ID = new JTextField(9),cr);
    cr.weightx=cr.weighty = 2.0;
         cr.gridx=1; cr.gridy =3;
         cr.gridheight = 1; cr.gridwidth = 2;
         add(MarkLabel=new JLabel("Enter Assignment Mark"),cr);
    //     MarkLabel.setBackground(Color.lightGray);
    cr.weightx=cr.weighty = 2.0;
    cr.gridx=5; cr.gridy =3;
         cr.gridheight = 1; cr.gridwidth = 2;
         add(Mark=new JTextField(9),cr);
         Mark.addActionListener( this );
    cr.weightx=cr.weighty = 2.0;
    cr.gridx=1; cr.gridy =4;
         cr.gridheight = 1; cr.gridwidth = 2;
         add(Disply=new JTextArea(10, 20),cr);
    //     Disply.setBackground(Color.lightGray);
    cr.weightx=cr.weighty = 1.0;
    cr.gridx=5; cr.gridy =5;
         cr.gridheight = 1; cr.gridwidth = 2;
         add(ExitButton=new JButton("Exit"),cr);
         ExitButton.addActionListener( this );
    /*     Container container = getContentPane();
              container.setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
         IdLabel = new JLabel("Enter Student ID ");
              container.add( IdLabel );
         ID = new JTextField(9);
              container.add( ID );
         MarkLabel = new JLabel("Enter Assignment Mark ");
              container.add( MarkLabel );
                   Mark = new JTextField(5);
                   Mark.addActionListener( this );
              container.add( Mark );
              Disply = new JTextArea( 10, 20);
                   container.add( Disply );
         ExitButton = new JButton("Exit");
         ExitButton.addActionListener( this );
              container.add( ExitButton );
    stnum = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter total assignment" );
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    studentnum = Integer.parseInt( stnum );
         stid = Integer.parseInt(ID.getText());
              assimak = Integer.parseInt(Mark.getText());
    if (evt.getSource() == Mark)
    showStatus ("heeeea "+ studentnum);
         if (evt.getSource() == ExitButton )

    Are you trying to run this in a browser or using AppletRunner? I don't think you can close a browser window just by calling System.exit(). You have to find some way to close the browser.
    Check for exceptions in the Java console.

  • Calculator Exit Button

    I'm a total beginner in Java, i use Eclipse to develop my codes.
    First of all I'm dutch so sorry for my crappy English.
    This is what i have:
    package org.oefening.rekentoestel;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Rekenmachine1 extends Applet
        // Maakt nieuwe tekstvelden aan
        TextField invoervak1, invoervak2, resultaat;
        // Maakt nieuwe buttons aan
        Button keer, plus, delen, procent, aftrekken, afsluiten;
        // Zegt dat getal 1, 2 en het resultaatgetal double moeten zijn, dus ook achter de ",".
        double invoergetal1, invoergetal2, resultaatgetal;
        public void init()
        // Maakt de tekstvelden aaan   
        invoervak1 = new TextField(12);
        invoervak2 = new TextField(12);
        resultaat = new TextField(12);
        // Voegt de maalbutton toe, met actionlistener om het getal te onthouden.
        keer = new Button( "x" );
        keer.addActionListener( new maalHandler() );
        // Voegt de plusbutton toe, met actionlistener om het getal te onthouden.
        plus = new Button( "+" );
        plus.addActionListener( new plusHandler() );
        // Voegt de deelbutton toe, met actionlistener om het getal te onthouden.
        delen = new Button( "/" );
        delen.addActionListener( new delenHandler() );
        // Voegt de aftrekbutton toe, met actionlistener om het getal te onthouden.
        aftrekken = new Button( "-" );
        aftrekken.addActionListener( new aftrekkenHandler() );
        //Voegt de procentbutton toe, met actionlistener om het getal te onthouden.
        procent = new Button("%");
        procent.addActionListener( new procentHandler());
        // Voegt de Afsluitbutton toe, met actionperformed om het programma af te sluiten.
        afsluiten = new Button("Afsluiten");
        afsluiten.addActionListener ( new afsluitenHandler() );
        // De volgorde waarin de tekstvelden en buttons komen te staan.
        class afsluitenHandler implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionListener e)     
    // ActionListener wordt toegevoegd in deze class.
    class maalHandler implements ActionListener
        // Als je op de maalbutton klikt wordt het antwoord van getal1 * getal2
         // weergegeven in het resultaat tekstveld
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            String invoer1 = invoervak1.getText();
            invoergetal1 = Double.parseDouble(invoer1); //parseDouble zet string om naar Double.
            String invoer2 = invoervak2.getText();
            invoergetal2 = Double.parseDouble(invoer2); //parseDouble zet string om naar Double.
            resultaatgetal = invoergetal1 * invoergetal2; // De berekening
            resultaat.setText("" + resultaatgetal);
    class procentHandler implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
         String invoer1= invoervak1.getText();
         invoergetal1 = Double.parseDouble(invoer1);
         String invoer2 = invoervak2.getText();
         invoergetal2 = Double.parseDouble(invoer2);
         resultaatgetal = invoergetal1 / invoergetal2 * 100;
         resultaat.setText("" + resultaatgetal);
    class plusHandler implements ActionListener
         // Als je op de plusbutton klikt wordt het antwoord van getal1+getal2
         // weergegeven in het resultaat tekstveld.
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            String invoer1 = invoervak1.getText();
            invoergetal1 = Double.parseDouble(invoer1); //parseDouble zet string om naar Double.
            String invoer2 = invoervak2.getText();
            invoergetal2 = Double.parseDouble(invoer2); //parseDouble zet string om naar Double.
            resultaatgetal = invoergetal1 + invoergetal2; // De berekening
            resultaat.setText("" + resultaatgetal);
    class delenHandler implements ActionListener
         // Als je op de deelbutton klikt wordt het antwoord van getal1/getal2
         // weergegeven in het resultaat tekstveld.
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            String invoer1 = invoervak1.getText();
            invoergetal1 = Double.parseDouble(invoer1); //parseDouble zet string om naar Double.
            String invoer2 = invoervak2.getText();
            invoergetal2 = Double.parseDouble(invoer2); //parseDouble zet string om naar Double.
            resultaatgetal = invoergetal1 / invoergetal2;// De berekening
            resultaat.setText("" + resultaatgetal);
    class aftrekkenHandler implements ActionListener
         // Als je op de minbutton klikt wordt het antwoord van getal1-getal2
         // weergegeven in het resultaat tekstveld.
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            String invoer1 = invoervak1.getText();
            invoergetal1 = Double.parseDouble(invoer1); //parseDouble zet string om naar Double.
            String invoer2 = invoervak2.getText();
            invoergetal2 = Double.parseDouble(invoer2); //parseDouble zet string om naar Double.
            resultaatgetal = invoergetal1 - invoergetal2; // De berekening
            resultaat.setText("" + resultaatgetal);
    }I know, it's a very crappy calculator.
    The problem is the exit button, it doesn't work at all.
    Any solutions?

    I now want to make my calculator to have just one textarea.
    The calculator has 3 now, one for input 1, input 2 and the output (result).
    So, i want to bring that down to just one textarea for input and output.
    package org.rekenmachine;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    public class Rekenmachine extends JFrame
        // Maakt nieuwe tekstvelden aan
        TextField invoervak1, invoervak2, resultaat;
         // Maakt nieuwe buttons aan
        Button keer, plus, delen, procent, aftrekken, afsluiten;
        // Zegt dat getal 1, 2 en het resultaatgetal double moeten zijn, dus ook achter de ",".
        double invoergetal1, invoergetal2, resultaatgetal;
        public Rekenmachine() {
            super.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,3));
            // the code from your init method
            super.setVisible(true); // display "this" frame
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      new Rekenmachine(); // instantiate a Rekenmachine
        // Maakt de tekstvelden aaan   
        invoervak1 = new TextField(12);
        invoervak2 = new TextField(12);
        resultaat = new TextField(12);
        // Voegt de maalbutton toe, met actionlistener om het getal te onthouden.
        keer = new Button( "x" );
        keer.addActionListener( new maalHandler() );
        keer.setBounds(new Rectangle(90, 58, 100, 80));
        // Voegt de plusbutton toe, met actionlistener om het getal te onthouden.
        plus = new Button( "+" );
        plus.addActionListener( new plusHandler() );
        // Voegt de deelbutton toe, met actionlistener om het getal te onthouden.
        delen = new Button( "/" );
        delen.addActionListener( new delenHandler() );
        // Voegt de aftrekbutton toe, met actionlistener om het getal te onthouden.
        aftrekken = new Button( "-" );
        aftrekken.addActionListener( new aftrekkenHandler() );
        //Voegt de procentbutton toe, met actionlistener om het getal te onthouden.
        procent = new Button("%");
        procent.addActionListener( new procentHandler());
        // Voegt de Afsluitbutton toe, met actionperformed om het programma af te sluiten.
        afsluiten = new Button("Afsluiten");
        afsluiten.addActionListener ( new afsluitenHandler() );
        // De volgorde waarin de tekstvelden en buttons komen te staan.
        class afsluitenHandler implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)     
    // ActionListener wordt toegevoegd in deze class.
    class maalHandler implements ActionListener
        // Als je op de maalbutton klikt wordt het antwoord van getal1 * getal2
         // weergegeven in het resultaat tekstveld
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            String invoer1 = invoervak1.getText();
            invoergetal1 = Double.parseDouble(invoer1); //parseDouble zet string om naar Double.
            String invoer2 = invoervak2.getText();
            invoergetal2 = Double.parseDouble(invoer2); //parseDouble zet string om naar Double.
            resultaatgetal = invoergetal1 * invoergetal2; // De berekening
            resultaat.setText("" + resultaatgetal);
    class procentHandler implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
         String invoer1= invoervak1.getText();
         invoergetal1 = Double.parseDouble(invoer1);
         String invoer2 = invoervak2.getText();
         invoergetal2 = Double.parseDouble(invoer2);
         resultaatgetal = invoergetal1 / invoergetal2 * 100;
         resultaat.setText("" + resultaatgetal);
    class plusHandler implements ActionListener
         // Als je op de plusbutton klikt wordt het antwoord van getal1+getal2
         // weergegeven in het resultaat tekstveld.
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            String invoer1 = invoervak1.getText();
            invoergetal1 = Double.parseDouble(invoer1); //parseDouble zet string om naar Double.
            String invoer2 = invoervak2.getText();
            invoergetal2 = Double.parseDouble(invoer2); //parseDouble zet string om naar Double.
            resultaatgetal = invoergetal1 + invoergetal2; // De berekening
            resultaat.setText("" + resultaatgetal);
    class delenHandler implements ActionListener
         // Als je op de deelbutton klikt wordt het antwoord van getal1/getal2
         // weergegeven in het resultaat tekstveld.
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            String invoer1 = invoervak1.getText();
            invoergetal1 = Double.parseDouble(invoer1); //parseDouble zet string om naar Double.
            String invoer2 = invoervak2.getText();
            invoergetal2 = Double.parseDouble(invoer2); //parseDouble zet string om naar Double.
            resultaatgetal = invoergetal1 / invoergetal2;// De berekening
            resultaat.setText("" + resultaatgetal);
    class aftrekkenHandler implements ActionListener
         // Als je op de minbutton klikt wordt het antwoord van getal1-getal2
         // weergegeven in het resultaat tekstveld.
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            String invoer1 = invoervak1.getText();
            invoergetal1 = Double.parseDouble(invoer1); //parseDouble zet string om naar Double.
            String invoer2 = invoervak2.getText();
            invoergetal2 = Double.parseDouble(invoer2); //parseDouble zet string om naar Double.
            resultaatgetal = invoergetal1 - invoergetal2; // De berekening
            resultaat.setText("" + resultaatgetal);

  • In Editable ALV the BACK/CANCEL/EXIT buttons are not working?

    I wrote a editable FM based ALV, working fine that when user changes the data and press SAVE button, values are transfering into prog. But, i need to put a validation that, if user changes the values and press BACK/CANCEL/EXIT button, i need to popup the message that "Do you want to save changes", my PF-STATUS is good(because, SAVE is working).
    But, its not working that when user done changes and press BACK button (forgot to press SAVE button), system taking me to selection screen/screen 0!! I my code is as below,
    FORM pick USING v_ucomm     TYPE syucomm
                                         it_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
      DATA: v_answer TYPE char1.
      READ TABLE it_z_tbl  INDEX it_selfield-tabindex
       INTO w_z_tbl.
      CASE v_ucomm.
        WHEN '&IC1'.
            " working fine this functionality
            MESSAGE i000 WITH 'Double click on key field'.
        WHEN 'SAVE'.
            " working fine this functionality
          PERFORM popup_for_user_decision CHANGING v_answer.
          CHECK v_answer = '1'.
          PERFORM now_update.
    when i put the break point on the first line of this piece of code, its not stopping on pressing BACK/CANCEL/EXIT buttons!! (its stoppig for SAVE press or double click)
    Its stopping at this point,
    i_callback_user_command  = 'PICK'
    IF sy-subrc <> 0 =================> its stopping at this point!
    Pls. let me know why system is not recognising that i hv a PICK form (SAVE and Double clicks are working fine)?
    Thank you

    Actually BACK is standard user command so it is not stopping and going to selection screen.
    Give some other use command like 'BCK' and try....

  • Exit button not working in exe file made with Aggregator

    I created an .exe file using Aggregator in full screen mode but the exit button on the skin doesn't work. When I click the exit button, the dislay hiccups (wobbles a bit) but the file keeps playing and doesn't close. This is especially problematic since this occurs in full screen. The only way to exit is by hitting the Escape key on the keyboard. The exit button works fine in individual .exe files of the modules; it's just in the aggregated .exe file that the exit button doesn't work. Is there anything special I need to do to make the exit button work with Aggregator?

    Hi, this is more J2EE related stuff, SAP came with a solution but is taking ages to get the next page after the "Exit" button is pushed:
    Go to VisualAdnmin >server(n) >Services >Configuration Adapter >
    (Right side Pane) webdynpro >sap.com >tcwddispwda >PropertySheet
    Edit the property sheet and change the custom value for the property
    "sap.locking.maxWaitInterval" to 200.
    Note 1113811, explains why these kind of errors happen.
    I still waiting for a better solution from SAP.

  • Exit button not working in MS Explorer

    Hi. The exit button in our Captivate courses are not working
    all of a sudden. They work in FireFox but in MS IE. We are using
    Capivate 2.0. IE version is 6.0.

    Hi Apparo,
    In onAction method of the Exit button, a call is made to the TargetExitApplication as follows:
    Also, the Exit button does work in the Address Overview/Edit/Review Page, but not in W-4 Tax and Benefits Enrollment.
    Any help on this problem !!!

  • Exit Button not working in ESS

    Hi All,
    We have configured ESS in our landscape. When I go to any Overview/Edit/Review Page (in W-4 Tax, Add/Change dependents etc..), the Exit button which is present is not working. When I click the Exit button, it doesn't exit the current view,  but instead stays at the current location.
    Can anyone tell me the reason for this strange behaviour? Also, where should I make the code level changes for the Exit button work.
    Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Apparo,
    In onAction method of the Exit button, a call is made to the TargetExitApplication as follows:
    Also, the Exit button does work in the Address Overview/Edit/Review Page, but not in W-4 Tax and Benefits Enrollment.
    Any help on this problem !!!

  • How to make Exit button for Out-of-browser application

    Greetings all,
    This sounds so simple, yet I can't find anything about it.  I want to make an Exit button in a Silverlight 4 Out-of-browser application.  When the user clicks the button, the application is to quit or close or exit.  (The same effect as if the user clicks
    the red X icon in the upper right-hand corner of a window.)
    Any ideas will be appreciated.

    Jonathan --
    Yes, the word Page has taken on many meanings in the last 15 years.  I'll clarify.  When I make a simple Silverlight OOB (out-of-browser) application using Visual Studio 2010, I ask Visual Studio to Add New Item, then choose Silverlight Page.  Let's
    say I name it Page2.xaml.
    By default VS2010 already made another page for me, MainPage.xaml.
    Now, here is my need:  On the page called MainPage.xaml, I want to place a large button that says Exit Application.  When the user clicks that button, I want the application to end and the entire window to close.  This is the standard behavior in most traditional Windows
    applications, for example in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access.  In any of those traditional applications, the user can, from the menu, choose File/Exit.  If he does, then not only does the application quit, but also the window
    closes itself.  The user doesn't have to click the small red X icon in the upper right corner. 
    That simple behavior of almost all traditional Windows applications, large and small, is what I'm looking for in my simple Silverlight
    OOB applications:  An Exit command that quits the application and closes the window itself.
     Sorry for the confusion.  I really appreciate your help.  Any ideas?

  • Exit Button script won't work in Adobe Reader 8

    I have this code on Exit button for pdf form:
    to give warning before Exit: Have a second RealExit Button hidden to execute the code
    var answer = xfa.host.messageBox("Are you sure you want to Exit?","Warning Message",2,1);
    I tried both the code one at a time but no luck in Adobe Acrobat Version 8, works like a charm in Adobe Acrobat 9
    I would like the user to click the Exit button if they choose to exit. However it doesn't work in Adobe Acrobat 8 but works in 9 version. Is there a work around? Any suggestions???

    This answer may not be a big help but sure will give you some level of understanding....
    Check the URL>>>http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/402/kb402673.html
    Check the section "PDF Forms-related issues:" starting mid page.....
    Not all releases/versions are good. Some releases tend to have some bugs...the version you tested could be one of them. Adobe always recommends to be on the latest version. If client still on older version that is client's problem especially there should not be any restrictions on upgrading to Latest version when the software is free!

  • Custom close / exit button in HTML widget

    how to set a custom close / exit button in a HTML widget for iBooks Author? I want to replace or hide the standard button in the top left corner.
    I already tried some JavaScript but nothing seems to work so far. Where can this button be modified or disabled and how to create a custom one?
    Best regards

    Hi Ken,
    thanks for your reply.
    It's good to hear that this button can be changed.
    It would be interesting to know how this can be achieved. Any hints?
    Best regards

  • Exit button code not working in published captivate file

    I have created a elearning module in captivate 8. I have an exit button at the end of the module. The button has the inbuilt code ''on success - exit''. When I publish this file to swf or AICC format, this exit button doesnot work. Please help!

    have you confirmed that this javascript code ( only
    javascript code in html, no swf) works?
    in some cases the window.close() statement works only for
    popup windows. so make sure of it.

  • How to hide exit button on overview view of adress iview.

    Hello Gurus,
    Can anybody suggest me how to hide the exit button on overview page of address iview?

    1) If you want the exit button to be hided u can use the following code in doModify as we know this doModify will be called each time the action is performed so when we use this code exit button will be hided all the time.
    Button btn_ui= (button) view.getElement("Button_ID");
    2) if you want to hide only on specific time then better to use the value attribute of type com.sap.ide.webdynpro.uielementdefinitions.Visibility  then bind this to exit button's property--> visibility and in your code wherever required set the visibility.
    Ex: value attribute name : va_Exit_Visible
          type : com.sap.ide.webdynpro.uielementdefinitions.Visibility

  • Exit button not working in Captivate 7 published output

    Hi. I am using Capivate v7 and am experiecing this problem with published output:
    I am using an Exit button that runs the standard javascript code
    so that the user can exit the presentation. The button works fine when I test out the presentation using Internet Explorer 8, but when I generate an output and try running the .swf file, the button does not work.
    How do I get an Exit button to work for the .swf output?
    - Michael Fekete

    Yes, the close X does work 100% of the time. That's because the browser itself is just a window in the operating system. And you are commanding the window to close.
    And you might find yourself asking why that would work while the Exit button fails. And it would be that it's a security issue. Security prevents the window from closing because if a web site was nefarious, it could actually trap you by making changes and quickly closing the window and preventing you from browsing elsewhere.
    It's simple to turn off the Exit button. Just click Project > Skin Editor and clear the Close checkbox.
    Cheers... Rick

  • Exit button not working in Safari

    Has anyone run into this, specifically with Safari? I created a module in Captivate 8, that has a close button on the skin. The module has been uploaded to my clients LMS and it closes no problem on all other browsers except Safari. I tried creating a button on the last page of the slide as well with the "exit" action and that doesn't seem to work either in Safari. Does anyone have an idea how to fix this issue?

    I tried an Exit button (clickbox associated with the action Exit).  It freezes Safari for about 10-15 seconds and then finally closes the browser tab.

  • Exit button not visible in standard applications

    Hi all,
    When we call a standard ESS application ( bank or address) from the detailed navigation, the exit button is not appearing in the application.
    However, when we open the same application from the area page, the exit button is appearing correctly.
    Any idea why this could be happening?

    Diana Menezes wrote:
    > Hi Markus,
    > You are right. When i exit the application from the ESS role, it takes me back to the corresponding are page.
    > However, i have multiple ESS roles (different roles for diffrent countries). For now, i have done all the settings ( sap.xss.menuhdr, sap.xss.menuargrp and sap.xss.menuarea iview parameters definition) for the ESS US role. So when i exit the application from this role, it takes me to the area page corresponding to this role. But when i exit the application from any other role, i get an error. This is probably because the system is searching for the area grp/area page that i had defined in the iview. Is there a way i can define multiple area grp/area pages for the same iview/application?
    > TIA.
    Hello Diana,
    no you cant. In this case the system wouldnt know which one to call. But as you have said you have multiple roles each role has its own (version) iview of the area- and areagrouppage. You just have to change the iView setting by editing the iview which you embedded into the role. Open the role and click you through to the iview, adjust the view properties to pass the correct areapage as application parameter. By doing this you neither change the settings of the original iview nor do you change the properties of the iviews of the other roles.
    I hope this helps,

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