Export 60GB ( 4h ) of footage to DVD...

Hi everyone ,
I have some videos shot on mini DV tapes and I have recently captured the footage with Imovie.
(60GB of clips, DV PAL .
I don't have the time to edit it at the moment, I 'd like to be able to watch the rough footage from time to time on my TV.
I could obviously export all this to 15 DVDs but I'd like to avoid this process.
Is there a way I can simply compress and export all this to 1 or 2 DVD ?
Thanks for you input

Using iDVD, you can fit 2 hours of footage on a single DVD. iDVD doesn't care about file size, just running time.
60GB is a bit more than 4 hours, right? So 3 DVDs is the best you can get down to. You have to make 3 exports from iMovie (or 3 iMovie projects) to do that.
EDIT: Come to think of it, using dual layer discs you can fit 4 hours. But that still makes it two discs and they are more expensive than single layer discs.
Message was edited by: Lennart Thelander

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    Importing iDVD Projects and Themes
    DVD Studio Pro 4 can import projects from iDVD 3 and iDVD 4. You can import an iDVD theme by using the theme in a project within iDVD and importing the project into DVD Studio Pro. When creating the project within iDVD, you do not need to use the final assets or make a complete project.
    Note: DVD Studio Pro will not import projects from iDVD 1, iDVD 2, and iDVD 5. In general, iDVD needs to be installed on the same system as DVD Studio Pro. An exception is if you import an iDVD 4 archive project.
    To import an iDVD project or archived project into DVD Studio Pro:
    1 Do one of the following:
    • Choose File > Open.
    • Press Command-O.
    2 Locate and select the iDVD project or iDVD 4 archive project in the Open dialog, then click Open.
    DVD Studio Pro imports the iDVD project.
    About the iDVD Project Import
    When DVD Studio Pro imports an iDVD 3 or iDVD 4 project or iDVD 4 archive project, it has standard locations it looks for to find the assets and themes used in the project. This is especially important if the project uses custom themes.
    The standard locations that DVD Studio Pro uses are (in this order):
    • iDVD project bundle: This is the file created when you save the project.
    • [user]/Library/iDVD/Favorites: This folder is located in your home folder.
    • [root]/Library/iDVD/Favorites: This folder is located at the root of your disk.
    • /Network/Library/iDVD/Favorites: This folder is on a network system specifically
    configured by your system administrator for this purpose. (This is not the same as having a server networked into your computer.)
    • iDVD application bundle: This is the iDVD application file that contains the default theme elements.
    Note: When you create an archive project in iDVD 4, you can choose to include the themes and encoded files. For the best portability, you should include both options. This results in a larger archive file, but ensures you can take the file to any DVD Studio Pro system and import it without missing assets. If you do not choose to include the themes and encoded files in the archive file, those assets must be available in one of the standard locations.
    If your project will have automatically-created chapter index (scene selection) menus based on markers embedded in the video, it can be easier to create these within iDVD prior to importing the project into DVD Studio Pro. This ensures the chapter index menus use the selected theme’s background and include arrow buttons to navigate between the menus.
    Important: To ensure all iDVD menu elements import correctly into DVD Studio Pro, you must navigate to each chapter index menu within iDVD before saving the project. This is also true for any menus you add to your iDVD project by clicking the Folder button.
    Issues With Importing iDVD Projects
    There are some issues to be aware of when you import iDVD projects:
    • If you import an iDVD project with DVD-ROM content, DVD Studio Pro does not update the settings in the Disc Inspector’s General tab to reflect the DVD-ROM content. You must manually select the DVD-ROM layout and choose the folder to include.
    • When you create a slideshow in iDVD, you can add arrow buttons to each still to provide viewers with an additional method of jumping to the previous and next stills. These arrow buttons are not imported when you import an iDVD project into DVD Studio Pro. The viewer must use the Previous and Next buttons on the DVD player’s remote control to jump between stills.
    • The button highlights used in iDVD may look different when imported into DVD Studio Pro. In most cases, the text in the buttons is set to be included in the highlight. Additionally, buttons that use an underline in iDVD will not have an underline when imported into DVD Studio Pro.
    • When you import an iDVD project, you may find that the button that is highlighted by default on some menus changes. During the project import, DVD Studio Pro numbers the buttons on each menu and highlights button 1 by default. You can assign any button on a menu to be the default button in the Menu tab in the Menu Inspector.
    • If you import an iDVD project that contains a drop zone configured as a slideshow and has multiple slides assigned to it, DVD Studio Pro only shows the slideshow’s first slide in the drop zone.
    Source: +DVD Studio Pro User Manual+

  • Re: Best options for exporting a sequence and making a DVD

    I using iPad 2.

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    >>What are my options in terms of burning these parts on to separate DVD's<<
    20 episodes totaling 50 hours equals about 2.5 hours per episode assuming all episodes have the same duration.  Fitting 2.5 hours onto one single layer DVD would require a low bit rate which means quality wouldn't be anywhere near best, but that's a judgement call you'll have to make based on several factors.  For example; if there is not much motion in the video (talking heads, etc), you can get by with a lower bit rate and may not notice any quality difference.
    >>what is the process>>
    The process is essentially the same as it is when authoring a regular DVD with 2 hours or less of content.  However, with as many discs as you'd need to complete this "set," you'll need to create a separate DVD Studio Project for each disc.  Basically, you'd use one of Compressor's DVD Presets (or customize a preset) to create an MPEG--2 video file (.m2v) and a Dolby Digital audio file (.AC3).  Import both of those assets into your DVD Studio Pro project for authoring and burning.
    If you want to keep one episode per disc, DVD Studio Pro does have a 150 minute preset or you could use dual-layer discs with a higher bit rate for better quality.  Again; your call.
    >>what size DVD RW should I buy<<
    Size?  12cm.  Capacity?  Single layer, single sided DVD discs (DVD-5) have a rated capacity of 4.7Gb (4.37Gb actual), including menus.  If you use single layer discs and want to keep the quality reasonably good, you'd need at least 50 discs to complete this "set" with each disc holding roughly 2 hours of footage if you keep the menu on each disc simple.  Or, you could use dual-layer discs (DVD-9) which have a capacity of about 7.95Gb - almost doubling the recordable capacity.  There are also dual-sided, dual-layer discs available (DVD-18) but they are relatively expensive and have to be manually turned over to continue playback ... but they do have roughly 15.9Gb capacity.
    >>what bitrate should I use, and what quality I should expect for the burn<<
    Exactly; the quality is dependent on the bit rate chosen, as well as the quality of the compression.  Using compression markers where needed can greatly increase the quality of playback but will most likely increase the file size of the compressed video.  For the best quality, keeping the bit rate  as high as possible allowed under the DVD specification will yield the best quality but some DVD players may choke if the bit rate is too high.  For best quality I typically aim for a bit rate around 7.6 to 8.0Mbps but that will only allow about one hour of footage.
    Naturally, if you decrease the bit rate, you can fit more footage onto the disc but quality will be sacraficed.   Here's a chart approximating DVD bit rates and durations for single layer discs (does not include space for menus):
    3.5Mbps - 120 minutes
    5.0Mbps -   95 minutes
    6.0Mbps -   82 minutes
    7.6Mbps -   65 minutes
    8.0Mbps -   60 minutes

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    Trying to preserve my childrens memories before I attempt to install leopard
    You're better off by creating a data DVD through the Finder or elsewhere than attempting to use iDVD or similar software to create a video DVD. Locate the video files in the Finder and burn them as you would any other file.

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    yes get that!  Though what I meant by the dvd is....  if I'd of left it running exporting to dvd, and the files need more than 1 disk, will LR3.2 prompt me to swap disks during burn?
    No. The disc burner is very primitive. It just errors out. At least it did in LR 2. I haven't tried since, but I doubt this was made any better. You're better off just exporting and burning the files yourself in other software.
    P.S. Are you sure that you need quality 100? There is generally no visible improvement above 85 but only an enormous, wasteful increase in filesize. See this article for an analysis. Your jpegs should be about 7 MB at the next to highest "quality". That might get you to 900 images on a disc (at least if it is DL).

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    Just a note: Adobe needs to seriously address the audio-syncing issue in Prelude if they want filmmakers to take an interest in using Prelude. It is a tedious, time consuming ordeal to import into Premiere and then back again to Prelude.
    Thanks, guys!

    >Just a note: Adobe needs to seriously address
    https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/mmform/index.cfm?name=wishform for bug reports or feature requests

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    But this file is no good to use in DVD studio pro as it stretches the clip vertially to meet the 720 x 576 DVD resolution.
    If i change the sequence resolution to 720x576 it seems to letterbox it fine and now it needs rendering, but when rendered i get a lot of boxy artifacts appearing in the video (the footage has a pure blue background so really suffers from any compression issues)
    How do i set this up to make a DVD
    DP Mirror door G4 867Mhz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Sounds like we have arrrrselves a pirate!
    Wether it be 4:3 or 16:9 you'll have to be puttin' that footage in a sequence that studio pro will be able to digest. You're going to have the bars regardless.
    Figure on making it right for your final output.
    I guess it's some kind of TV.
    Still you can put it one of those two conver to MPEG2 and it'll work for ya just fine.

  • Progressive dvcprohd footage to dvd export  - looks like youtube !

    this is gonna need a compressor / dvd studio pro guru to
    I have been searching the internet / forums etc etc for hours - have tried heaps of suggested settings but just cant get a good result - I am on a brand new mac pro quad core - the latest Final cut studio with all latest software updates.
    my fcp timelines look beautiful - cinema desktop preview looks great.
    sending to compressor from my dvcprohd ntsc progressive fc timeline - using settings under the dvd tab - mpg 2 and ac3.
    but after running through compressor:
    i am getting hideous stair stepping. Any small line on the screen that crosses the horizontal at an angle (ie not flat) looks awful.
    The video looks like youtube. washed out - no macro blocking - but stair stepping / herringbone is off the scale-after reviewing the dvd and raw mpg 2 files both on the monitor and on a tv.
    As far as i can tell -There shouldnt be any interlacing issues because interlacing shouldnt happen - i shoot and work progressive all the way through my work flow - and all my sequences are set up as progressive at the correct frame rates.
    is this a downscaling issue?
    the format is set up correctly with frame rate and progressive settings matching my source
    after trying the standard best quality settings and getting youtube results:
    i tried: cbr 7 mbs , (its only 42 mins of video) - from my limited research on the forums it appears that cbr at a high bit rate works better for top quality dvds than vbr 2 pass - which seems counter intuitive. please correct me if i am wrong. 2 pass vbr at similar bit rates gives me no noticeable improvement in quality.
    frame controls on -resize filter better
    output fields same as source
    deinterlace fast (i really dont know why this option is there as i am working prog all the way through
    but i suspect compressor may be trying to deinterlace my prog footage?)
    adaptive details on and off have bene tried
    100% duration relative to source.
    I have been trying for 3 days to get a good result and am literally pulling my hair out. I have 8 test dvds - nothing looks right.
    i suspect a bug in compressor - i have read a few posts about similar items - have tried a few suggested settings - and they havent worked. Am considering looking at another product (bit vice / sorenson) if i cant get this resolved - but maybe i am missing something simple.
    i am even reading about people getting better results through IDVD... which would indicate a compressor bug- perhaps..

    Try exporting from FCP timeline to selfcontained QuickTime file first, and processing this file with Compressor. Report if there is any difference, please. I am asking because I just found similar bug considering HDV 1080i50 format.

  • Exporting anamorphic (2.39:1) footage to DVD

    I'm struggling with exporting my film to DVD -- I shot with anamorphic lenses to the wide screen aspect ratio of 2:39:1. I can view the files okay in FCP after checking the anamorphic box. But once I start exporting with compressor, the only wide screen option I get is 16:9 (1.78:1), which looks squished on screen. the same in DVD Studio Pro, the only option for standard definition is 16:9. How can I make the DVD look "un-squished"? Is there any option for manually setting the aspect ratio? I can't seem to find it... Help please!

    You'll need to scale the footage in the widest "legal" format, manually letterbox it, and then export/ transcode as usual.

  • 4K footage to DVD: what are the best settings for exporting in Premiere Pro CC v7.2.2?

    Hello everyone!
    I am editing a big bunch of short 4K clips (XAVC in MP4) which will then go onto DVDs. The idea is to get as many of those clips on a DVD as possible. Using Premiere Pro 7.2.2 on Windows 8.
    What I would like to know is whether I'm actually using the best possible settings for this case, because the video exported to MPEG2-DVD doesn't look that good. Or maybe it needs to be exported to a different format and rather converted to DVD format after?
    The sequence setting are the following:
    RED Cinema
    Frame rate: 29,97 fps
    3840x2160 (16:9)
    Square pixels
    The export settings I've been using:
    Aspect  ratio: 16:9
    TV Format: PAL
    Field order: progressive
    Frame rate: 25
    Video quality: 100
    Bitrate: VBR
    1, I've tried different bitrates, also setting minimum at 9, but this blows up the file size too much (as i mentioned, the idea is to get at many clips as possible on a DVD)
    GOP: M - 3, N - 15 (haven't touched those)
    Multiplexer: none (should i put DVD?)
    I'm using maximum render quality
    Have I given all the information?
    Any help will be appreciated!@

    As Ann has advised do not expect too much, you are going down a lot in quality.
    Why are you also going from NTSC to a PAL output?
    Premiere will drop frames to get from 29.97 to  25.
    PAL DVD players read NTSC discs fine as long as they are region 0
    Why are you trying to produce a DVD anyway?
    A Bluray would be far better quality.
    Also a minimum 9 is way wrong, c9.6 is the max in the spec and hence avoided as your system is trying to push the spec limits to close.
    I used to use 6 - 7.5 - 8.8 in my VBR and they looked fine, now I am all HD.

  • Exporting 16:9 Xl1s footage-again.

    I am a recent FCP convert from Sony Vegas and am extremely confused by FCP's exporting preferences. I have been reading the multitudes of posts, tutorials, blogs etc about exporting 16:9 footage from FCP. None of them have seem to answer my questions and concerns. I have shot 98% of the footage on a Canon XL1s 16:9 and have imported it thru the easy set up DV NTSC Anamorphic preset. Everything seems fine there. Of course when I export it via QT Movie NTSC DV Anamorphic and then drop it in the viewer its 4:3. This seems to be what the multitudes of posts I have read are about. My question is, what are the consequences of this? Has my footage's aspect ratio been altered? HAve I compromised quality when I export for final print? The footage is tagged as Anamorphic in the browser and item properties after its imported, but after export it is not. Yet when I check the anamorphic tag in the browser it displays in the proper aspect ratio again. I've read that the footage should be exported via QT Conversion, but apparently you cannot render as a reference file as you can in QT Movie which is all I want to do right now while I continue to edit and will output to Widescreen DVD in the end. I guess in short is, what is the absolute proper way to export this widescreen footage to where I won't be screwed later?

    If you export your Timeline with current Sequence Settings and bring that back into FCP, you might have to reset the Anamorphic flag:
    Select the item in the Browser and press command and 9.
    Locate Anamorphic in the left hand column. Click in the Clip column just to the right to place a check mark there. It will display correctly in FCP.
    Sometimes, the Anamorphic flag does not stick, when you view in QuickTime Player.
    In QT Player: Press command and J keys to get the Properties window.
    Click on Presentation. Click the checkbox next to Conform Aperture. The setting will jump to Clean, displaying your movie correctly.
    You should save it in this state if the movie is only going to be viewed on a computer.
    When you build a DVD with this movie, you take it in in its 4:3 squashed ratio and tell DVD SP that the file is 16:9 Letterbox. Click the movie track in the graphic display. The button to set 16:9 letterbox is at bottom right of the DVD SP interface.

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