Export for actionscript - Not in first frame

Just a simple question.
Don't need to know if it works or not I have tested it. What
I want is to understand. Here it is:
If I use the Export for actionscript and I unselect the
Export in first frame, the item that will be linked by the ID in
the library must appear on the timeline. Normally it must be on a
frame that has played. IE frame 3 the item is there so I can use it
from the frame 3 to the last frame. This is how it works for the
_root. If I'm in a clip, the code can be on the first frame with a
stop. That means that the Item is on the second frame and has not
displayed, but it is accessible by the code.
Why on the root the item must appear on the frame where the
code is or before the code, but if in a clip, the code can works
even the item reside on a later frame that will never display
because there is a stop on the first one?
Tanx for your help to understand!

I think that this is probably because of how flash streams
content. In order for flash to play frame 2 on the timeline, it
COMPLETELY loads all the code and assets for that frame (but not
frame 3) and then 'plays' that frame. Therefore on the main
timeline, code on frame 2 can't access exported clips from frame 3.
However, if your movie clip is (for example) on frame 4,
flash will stream/load everything (including your complete move
clip) when the play head reaches that frame, so all assets within
that frame are available because in order to even 'play' frame 4,
flash has had to load the entire movie clip contents.

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    // Replace "sound" with the "Class" name you put in the ActionScript tab for the audio clip
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    cs5 will scan the current directory and all subdirectories for class files.  sometimes you can have a name conflict and not realize it and that can cause substantial problems.
    when desperate, create a new directory with no subs, save your current project there (with a new name).

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    so if I wanted to use getDefinitionByName to access the class, I would need to instantiate it in my code by doing this:
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    Is there a way that I can import the files into the library and have it omit the file extension?
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    if not, is there an Flash Extention or plug in that will allow batch renaming using regular expression or wildcards?


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    graphic symbols can be useful for designers that like to design using the timeline:  when you scrub the playhead across a movieclip, the movieclip doesn't play.  but when you scrub the playhead across a graphic, the graphic will play.
    i'm a developer, not a designer.  i've never used a graphic even when i was a newbie.  and, i'd venture to say 90% of the contributers to these forums are also developers/not designers and i'll bet they don't use graphics, either.  if you don't use timeline animation, you have no use for graphic symbols.
    but for designers that do a lot of timeline animation, graphics can be very useful.

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    The coverflow art equals the album coverart. That art MUST be embedded to show. It doesn't matter if you are actually listed in the iTunes store or not. Now the picture that shows in the store along with website info, customer reviews, etc. is pulled from the iTunes image tags (<itunes:image href="http://yourpictureURL.jpg" /> within your podcast xml file.
    I found the following link within the podcast maker forum with more info from a forum moderator: http://homepage.mac.com/rfwilmut/notes/faq.html#coverart
    BTW when a picture is embedded (whether using iTunes to embed or something else), the actual image, NOT a link to the image is "built into" the file whether mp3 audio or m4v video. I did extensive tests embedding a 50k picture and saw the file's size increase substantially, though not exactly matching the photo size.
    Embedding solved my video coverflow picture issue too. Changing/uploading a new image to your server will NOT change the picture shown in album coverart. Thus your "channel" can have a changeable image (the one in the iTunes tag) but each episode can have its own logo/album art.

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    I play around with the html5 video tag and the possibilities to get implemented videos working on the iPhone. I exported the video via the standard function in Quicktime (Encoding Video for Wi-Fi, 3G, and EDGE) which is installed on 10.6.
    I implemented the exported reference-mov file in my page but on the iPhone only the cell version is viewable - when WIFI is switched off. If WIFI is switched on the iPhone shows the poster image with the crossed play button in the front but the regarding video (not the cell version) can't be started
    The desktop (computer) version of the same video is displayed on Safari on the MacBook via the reference file.
    Is there someone who knows something about this behavior?
    Kind regards

    This is all to do with MIME types.
    iPhones play .m4v files (as exported from quicktime) but will only accept then if delivered as "video/mp4" not "video/m4v".
    The easiest way to do this to edit you .htaccess file by adding the line:
    AddType video/mp4 mp4 mp4v mpg4 m4v
    Apache Servers should now add that MIME type to their internal list.
    Note: You should still upload the .m4v file (not rename to .mp4 as some have done) - it will now play over wifi.
    Hope this helps and thanks to kingkong36 for the original solution.
    If you are unsure how to edit your .htaccess file then then is lots of documentation online - just search '.htaccess' but a quick method is to make a .txt file containing the above line, upload that to the root file of your site and then rename it '.htaccess' from htaccess.txt - removing the '.txt' first.
    Be careful though that you are not overwriting another file - make sure you ftp software is set to 'Show hidden files' or similar, then edit that one if there is one as files beggining 'dot' are hidden by default.
    Cheers, Tim.

  • Why do button functions included in external actionscript not persist across frames?

    this one drives me nuts!
    if i include an external actionscript file in frame one of my
    movie, then [as you'd expect] all the functions, global variables
    etc contained in that external AS file are available throughout my
    movie - with one notable exception.
    if i add a button to the stage - in a frame other than frame
    one - whose onRelease handler is defined in the external AS, the
    function is not called when the button is clicked - i have to
    re-include the external AS file again on the frame in which the
    button resides, in order for the buttons function to be called.
    anyone know why this is - and if there's a way round it?
    how come all the other functions in the AS persist across all
    frames and all timelines in the movie, but the button handlers only
    seem to be available on the actual frame in which the AS file is

    I think you and I are dealing with similar issues and the
    root cause is referred to as "scope." The only difference between
    your and my problems is that your code is in an external as file
    and mine is on the timline. But in both instances, code that should
    work doesn't. Robert Reinhardt has covered this in an article at
    He is the author of the Flash Actionscript Bible series and so
    knows what he is talking about. I have been studying it for an hour
    and darn if I can understand the second page of it. I've asked for
    help myself about this at

  • Websites - Export for browsers not compatible with Flash

    The export of websites in Flash format is great and gives the opportunity to use nice transition effects for example. But I see several downsides:
    1. It's not possible to view the site with browsers that don't support Flash.
    2. It's not possible to use the navigate by using the back and forword buttons.
    3. The referencing in search engines may not be as easy as with a non-Flash website.
    It would be a great option to be able to decide for the publishing of websites between the current option (with Flash) and second one not using Flash.

    Thanks for the feedback! We will put into our feature requests database.
    Thanks again for helping us shape the future of Project ROME
    Forum Moderator


    I'm having a QT problem. It seems no matter what size QT file I want to compress into an iPod file, it either stays the same size or gets larger. Ever since the QT update to 7.1.3, I've been having strange things going on with my QuickTime. I'm also having a problem Exporting a QT file into a WMV file through Flip4Mac plugin. Anyone else having compression problems like the iPod exporting? Or can anyone suggestion why my QT Pro is not compressing QT clips into iPod format??

    Is there a way to force Quicktime to use Multi-Pass encoding with an iPod-compatible h.264 Configuration?
    Yes. In QT Pro (or application with QT Pro routines access) simply use the "Movie to MPEG-4" export option and restrict the Profile to "Baseline" and set mode to "Best (multi-pass)" in the advanced options window. However, be advised that this workflow is limited to the original H.264 settings and will not produce a 640 x 480 "LC" profile/higher data rate iPod compatible movie. Where "LC" files are required, try using either MPEG Streamclip (my preference) or ffmpegX application for conversion. Both allow the multi-pass option.
    The second Pass doesn't double encoding time, but it does result in a much more usable file with a lower bitrate (and lower filesize).
    True, however, depending on content and possible custom video data rate user settings, multi-pass conversions can become less stable and monotonically exceed qunatimization limitations making the movie unsynchable to iPod or even unplayable in QT/iTunes players. If this happens, you can switch back to the single-pass mode which is much more stable and clips the data rates much more efficiently to conform to target average. Basically, think of the multi-pass mode as an attempt to acheve "constant quality" (which somestimes fails) and the single-pass as a "constant data rate" (which varies the quality to maintain stability) mode.

  • Export for Web - not working

    I tried this once and it worked fine, even with other programs running. Now with only QuickTime running the export keeps canceling out (export unexpectedly failed).
    I tried rebooting and get the same thing.
    Any ideas?

    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to create hyperlink to export to excel.
    The URL to execute the export is as follows:
    {Site URL}/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?CS=109&Using=_layouts/query.iqy&List={List GUID}&View={View GUID}&CacheControl=1
    After getting the GUID, you  need to “decode” the list GUID.
    Replace %7B with {
    Replace %2D with –
    Replace %7D with }
    More information:
    Create Link to Export Library Contents to Excel
    SharePoint - Create a link to export to Excel
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • AddChild + "export in first frame" unchecked

    Hi all,
    i've got this problem that i can't figured out. i've tried
    google and adobe website, but no luck. i guess the people here
    could help me
    this is about addchild and export in first frame. i wanna
    call an object from my library. in its linkage option i:
    1. name it "rectangle"
    2. give a class name "Rect"
    3. have a base class "flash.display.MovieClip"
    4. check "export for Actionscript"
    5. unchecked "import in first frame"
    no problem this far.
    but when i tried to call it in main timeline with this
    var a:Rect = new Rect();
    i got this error:
    1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant:
    1180: Call to a possibly undefined method Rect.
    why is that?
    isn't flash automatically generate the class for me?
    (a definition of this class could not be found in the
    classpath, so one will be automatically generated in the SWF file
    upon export.)
    can anyone help with my problem...

    because you haven't done anything to export your class.
    if you're not going to let flash take care of exporting your
    class in the first frame, you have to do something to export it
    later. and you're not and flash won't do that automatically
    becauese it doesn't know what you want to do.

  • Export in first frame

    I have some large movie clips that I don't want to load in
    the first frame. So in my publish settings I set my classes to load
    in frame 3. Then I've turned off "Export in first frame" for my
    large movie clips and place them on the stage in frame 2. I've
    placed a simple "loading" message in frame 1 and 2. This worked in
    AS2, but in AS3 my movie clips are invisible when I turn off
    "Export in first frame". I think they are invisible because I'm
    making a game and there are bullets being fired from the x and x
    coordinates of were the enemies should be.
    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    because you haven't done anything to export your class.
    if you're not going to let flash take care of exporting your
    class in the first frame, you have to do something to export it
    later. and you're not and flash won't do that automatically
    becauese it doesn't know what you want to do.

Maybe you are looking for

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