Export Groups to Files in Folders

I'm following up on the great script posted here:
I'm trying to add 2 things
Save using ExportType.SAVEFORWEB
Display an options box in the dialog to choose whether to save the files in separate folders named after the group names
But I cannot get any of those to work.
Any ideas how to do it?

I’ve added a clause to show only one of the selected layerSets at a copy and leave the rest of the layers’ visibility unchanged … maybe it works for Your purpose:
// creates save for web-jpg-copies of mutually hidden layersets with dialog to select layersets and suffix;
// be advised: existing files of identical names will be overwritten without warnings;
// 2009, pfaffenbichler, use it at your own risk;
#target photoshop
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
// get document-path and -title;
var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
var myDocName = myDocument.name.match(/(.*)\.[^\.]+$/)[1];
var myPath = myDocument.path;
var theLayerSets = collectLayerSets(myDocument);
////// filter for checking if entry is numeric, thanks to xbytor //////
numberKeystrokeFilter = function() {
this.text = this.text.replace(",", "");
this.text = this.text.replace(".", "");
if (this.text.match(/[^\-\.\d]/)) {
this.text = this.text.replace(/[^\-\.\d]/g, "");
if (this.text == "") {
this.text = "0"
// create the dialog;
var dlg = new Window('dialog', "pdfs from layersets", [500,300,930,870]);
//create list for layer-selection;
dlg.layerRange = dlg.add('panel', [21,20,279,475], "select layersets to create pdfs of");
dlg.layerRange.layersList = dlg.layerRange.add('listbox', [11,20,240,435], '', {multiselect: true});
for (var q = 0; q < theLayerSets.length; q++) {
dlg.layerRange.layersList.add ("item", theLayerSets[q].name);
dlg.layerRange.layersList.items[q].selected = true
// entry for suffix;
dlg.suffix = dlg.add('panel', [290,20,410,85], "enter suffix");
dlg.suffix.suffixText = dlg.suffix.add('edittext', [11,20,99,40], "", {multiline:false});
// entry for number;
dlg.number = dlg.add('panel', [290,100,410,165], "start with #");
dlg.number.startNumber = dlg.number.add('edittext', [11,20,45,40], "1", {multiline:false});
dlg.number.addNumber = dlg.number.add('checkbox', [55,20,105,40], "add", {multiline:false});
dlg.number.startNumber.onChange = numberKeystrokeFilter;
// field to add layer-name;
dlg.layerName = dlg.add('panel', [290,180,410,270], "layer-name");
dlg.layerName.doAddName = dlg.layerName.add('radiobutton', [11,20,120,40], "add it");
dlg.layerName.dontAddName = dlg.layerName.add('radiobutton', [11,45,120,65], "don’t add it");
dlg.layerName.doAddName.value = true;
// field to select target-folder;
dlg.target = dlg.add('panel', [290,285,410,475], "target-folder");
dlg.target.folderPerSet = dlg.target.add('checkbox', [11,20,100,40], "folder each");
dlg.target.targetSel = dlg.target.add('button', [11,50,100,70], "select");
dlg.target.targetField = dlg.target.add('statictext', [11,80,100,185], String(myPath), {multiline:true});
dlg.target.targetSel.onClick = function () {
var target = Folder.selectDialog("select a target folder");
dlg.target.targetField.text = target.fsName
// ok- and cancel-buttons;
dlg.buildBtn = dlg.add('button', [220,490,410,505], 'OK', {name:'ok'});
dlg.cancelBtn = dlg.add('button', [21,490,210,505], 'Cancel', {name:'cancel'});
dlg.warning = dlg.add('statictext', [21,520,410,560], "be advised: existing files of the same name will be replaced without prompting", {multiline: true});
var myReturn = dlg.show ();
// in case of OK;
if (myReturn == true && dlg.layerRange.layersList.selection.length > 0) {
// get the number instead of the name;
var theLayerSelection = new Array;
var theColl = dlg.layerRange.layersList.items;
for (var p = 0; p < dlg.layerRange.layersList.items.length; p++) {
if (dlg.layerRange.layersList.items[p].selected == true) {
theLayerSelection = theLayerSelection.concat(p);
// collect the rest of the variables,
var theSuffix = dlg.suffix.suffixText.text;
var theNumber = Number (dlg.number.startNumber.text) - 1;
var theLayerNameAdd = dlg.layerName.doAddName.value;
var theDestination = dlg.target.targetField.text;
var theNumbering = dlg.number.addNumber.value;
var folderEach = dlg.target.folderPerSet.value;
// save for web options;
var webOptions = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb();
webOptions.format = SaveDocumentType.JPEG;
webOptions.includeProfile = false;
webOptions.interlaced = 0;
webOptions.optimized = true;
webOptions.quality = 80;
// history state;
var historyState = myDocument.activeHistoryState;
// create the pdf-name;
if (theSuffix.length > 0) {
var aSuffix = "_" + theSuffix
else {
var aSuffix = ""
// do the operation;
for (var m = theLayerSelection.length - 1; m >= 0; m--) {
var theLayer = theLayerSets[theLayerSelection[m]];
theLayer.visible = true;
// numbers;
if (theNumbering == true) {
theNumber = bufferNumberWithZeros((Number (theNumber) + 1), 2);
theNumberString =  "_" + theNumber
else {
theNumberString = ""
// get the layername for the pdf-name;
if (theLayerNameAdd == true) {
var aLayerName = "_" + theLayer.name.replace("/", "_")
else {
var aLayerName = ""
// hide other layers;
for (var n = theLayerSelection.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
var aLayer = theLayerSets[theLayerSelection[n]];
if (aLayer != theLayer && aLayer.visible == true) {
aLayer.visible = false
// create the individual folders;
if (folderEach == true) {
var aFolder = new Folder (theDestination+"/"+(theLayer.name.replace("/", "_"))).create();
var theDestination2 = theDestination+"/"+(theLayer.name.replace("/", "_"))
else {theDestination2 = theDestination};
// hide the llast added layer;
myDocument.exportDocument(new File(theDestination2+"/"+myDocName+aSuffix+aLayerName+theNumberString+".jpg"), ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, webOptions);
myDocument.activeHistoryState = historyState;
else {alert ("no document open")};
////// buffer number with zeros //////
function bufferNumberWithZeros (number, places) {
var theNumberString = String(number);
for (var o = 0; o < (places - String(number).length); o++) {
theNumberString = String("0" + theNumberString)
return theNumberString
////// function collect all layersets //////
function collectLayerSets (theParent) {
if (!allLayerSets) {
var allLayerSets = new Array}
else {};
for (var m = theParent.layers.length - 1; m >= 0;m--) {
var theLayer = theParent.layers[m];
// apply the function to layersets;
if (theLayer.typename == "ArtLayer") {
// allLayerSets = allLayerSets.concat(theLayer)
else {
// this line includes the layer groups;
allLayerSets = allLayerSets.concat(theLayer);
allLayerSets = allLayerSets.concat(collectLayerSets(theLayer))
return allLayerSets

Similar Messages

  • On list view in folders, how do I click drag second group of files?

    Back in Snow Leopard and all previous systems, I was able to on list view in a folder be able to click and drag a set of files to select them, then by pressing command again, click drag on a second group of files I would like to select together and so forth. This was handy as I can select really quick on list view folders and files which I need. Obviously the files are listed alphabetically and I don't need to select them all, only groups of files eg. files which are all pdfs that are randomly spread out based on names, or mp3s which I want to move but not move the folders that are in the same folder. You get my drift.
    Now on Lion, I can only click drag first group of files, and then on second selection by pressing command, I cannot drag anymore files except for the first click of the file I select.
    Is this going to be like this for Lion or did Apple leave this out accidently? Is there a setting I can set back to previous style of group click/drag selection?
    This is a bit annoying as I would like to quickly group select a could of groups in a folder QUICKLY to drag to other folders or to simply trash them all in one go. Now I have to stop and start and it slows down my productivity when I have to clean my files on my computer.
    Thanks for your help.

    I have the same problem.
    I've made another post...
    Hoping this is a Bug and not a new feature...

  • New files and folders on a Linux client mounting a Windows 2012 Server for NFS share do not inherit Owner and Group when SetGID bit set

    Problem statement
    When I mount a Windows NFS service file share using UUUA and set the Owner and Group, and set the SetGID bit on the parent folder in a hierarchy. New Files and folders inside and underneath the parent folder do not inherit the Owner and Group permissions
    of the parent.
    I am given to understand from this Microsoft KnowledgeBase article (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/951716/en-gb) the problem is due to the Windows implmentation of NFS Services not supporting the Solaris SystemV or BSD grpid "Semantics"
    However the article says the same functionality can acheived by using ACE Inheritance in conjunction with changing the Registry setting for "KeepInheritance" to enable Inheritance propagation of the Permissions by the Windows NFS Services.
    1. The Precise location of the "KeepInheritance" DWORD key appears to have "moved" in  Windows Server 2012 from a Services path to a Software path, is this documented somewhere? And after enabling it, (or creating it in the previous
    location) the feature seems non-functional. Is there a method to file a Bug with Microsoft for this Feature?
    2. All of the references on demonstrating how to set an ACE to achieve the same result "currently" either lead to broken links on Microsoft technical websites, or are not explicit they are vague or circumreferential. There are no plain Examples.
    Can an Example be provided?
    3. Is UUUA compatible with the method of setting ACE to acheive this result, or must the Linux client mount be "Mapped" using an Authentication source. And could that be with the new Flat File passwd and group files in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc
    and is there an Example available.
    Windows Server 2012 Standard
    File Server (Role)
    +- Server for NFS (Role) << -- installed
    General --
    Folder path: F:\Shares\raid-6-array
    Remote path: fs4:/raid-6-array
    Protocol: NFS
    Authentication --
    No server authentication
    +- No server authentication (AUTH_SYS)
    ++- Enable unmapped user access
    +++- Allow unmapped user access by UID/GID
    Share Permissions --
    Name: linux_nfs_client.host.edu
    Permissions: Read/Write
    Root Access: Allowed
    Encoding: ANSI
    NTFS Permissions --
    Type: Allow
    Principal: BUILTIN\Administrators
    Access: Full Control
    Applies to: This folder only
    Type: Allow
    Access: Full Control
    Applies to: This folder only
    -- John Willis, Facebook: John-Willis, Skype: john.willis7416

    I'm making some "major" progress on this problem.
    1. Apparently the "semantics" issue to honor SGID or grpid in NFS on the server side or the client side has been debated for some time. It also existed as of 2009 between Solaris nfs server and Linux nfs clients. The Linux community defaulted to declaring
    it a "Server" side issue to avoid "Race" conditions between simultaneous access users and the local file system daemons. The client would have to "check" for the SGID and reformulate its CREATE request to specify the Secondary group it would have to "notice"
    by which time it could have changed on the server. SUN declined to fix it.. even though there were reports it did not behave the same between nfs3 vs nfs4 daemons.. which might be because nfs4 servers have local ACL or ACE entries to process.. and a new local/nfs
    "inheritance" scheme to worry about honoring.. that could place it in conflict with remote access.. and push the responsibility "outwards" to the nfs client.. introducing a race condition, necessitating "locking" semantics.
    This article covers that discovery and no resolution - http://thr3ads.net/zfs-discuss/2009/10/569334-CR6894234-improved-sgid-directory-compatibility-with-non-Solaris-NFS-clients
    2. A much Older Microsoft Knowledge Based article had explicit examples of using Windows ACEs and Inheritance to "mitigate" the issue.. basically the nfs client "cannot" update an ACE to make it "Inheritable" [-but-] a Windows side Admin or Windows User
    [-can-] update or promote an existing ACE to "Inheritable"
    Here are the pertinent statements -
    "In Windows Services for UNIX 2.3, you can use the KeepInheritance registry value to set inheritable ACEs and to make sure that these ACEs apply to newly created files and folders on NFS shares."
    "Note About the Permissions That Are Set by NFS Clients
    The KeepInheritance option only applies ACEs that have inheritance enabled. Any permissions that are set by an NFS client will
    only apply to that file or folder, so the resulting ACEs created by an NFS client will
    not have inheritance set."
    If you want a folder's permissions to be inherited to new subfolders and files, you must set its permissions from the Windows NFS server because the permissions that are set by NFS clients only apply to the folder itself."
    3. I have set up a Windows 2008r2 NFS server and mounted it with a Redhat Enteprise Linux 5 release 10 x86_64 server [Oct 31, 2013] and so far this does appear to be the case.
    4. In order to mount and then switch user to a non-root user to create subdirectories and files, I had to mount the NFS share (after enabling Anonymous AUTH_SYS mapping) this is not a good thing, but it was because I have been using UUUA - Unmapped Unix
    User Access Mapping, which makes no attempt to "map" a Unix UID/GID set by the NFS client to a Windows User account.
    To verify the Inheritance of additional ACEs on new subdirectories and files created by a non-root Unix user, on the Windows NFS server I used the right click properties, security tab context menu, then Advanced to list all the ACEs and looked at the far
    Column reflecting if it applied to [This folder only, or This folder and Subdirectories, or This folder and subdirectories and files]
    5. All new Subdirectories and files createdby the non-root user had a [Non-Inheritance] ACE created for them.
    6. I turned a [Non-Inheritance] ACE into an [Inheritance] ACE by selecting it then clicking [Edit] and using the Drop down to select [This folder, subdirs and files] then I went back to the NFS client and created more subdirs and files. Then back to the
    Windows NFS server and checked the new subdirs and folders and they did Inherit the Windows NFS server ACE! - However the UID/GID of the subdirs and folders remained unchanged, they did not reflect the new "Effective" ownership or group membership.
    7. I "believe" because I was using UUUA and working "behind" the UID/GID presentation layer for the NFS client, it did not update that presentation layer. It might do that "if" I were using a Mapping mechanism and mapped UID/GID to Windows User SIDs and
    Group SIDs. Windows 2008r2 no longer has a "simple" Mapping server, it does not accept flat text files and requires a Schema extension to Active Directory just to MAP a windows account to a UID/GID.. a lot of overhead. Windows Server 2012 accepts flat text
    files like /etc/passwd and /etc/group to perform this function and is next on my list of things to see if that will update the UID/GID based on the Windows ACE entries. Since the Local ACE take precedence "over" Inherited ACEs there could be a problem. The
    Inheritance appears to be intended [only] to retain Administrative rights over user created subdirs and files by adding an additional ACE at the time of creation.
    8. I did verify from the NFS client side in Linux that "Even though" the UID/GID seem to reflect the local non-root user should not have the ability to traverse or create new files, the "phantom" NFS Server ACEs are in place and do permit the function..
    reconciling the "view" with "reality" appears problematic, unless the User Mapping will update "effective" rights and ownership in the "view"
    -- John Willis, Facebook: John-Willis, Skype: john.willis7416

  • Snow Leopard Finder's Get Info fails to show Owner and Group for some files or folders which reside on a Shared Volume, hosted by G5 Server w/ OS 10.4 - why?

    Frustrations with file permissions abound, as certain co workers are unable to manually determine their level of permission or who to ask to make changes to files and folders belonging to others. Users of Snow Leopard desktop OS get unhelpful feedback via Finder's Get Info, seeing only the permissions listed for "Everyone" and a statement that "You have custom access".  The custom message exists, presumably, because ACL's are employed on the shared volume in an attempt to give managerial control over these volumes to specific users, even if all users can create files and folders on those volumes.
    Shared volumes are partitions of an external RAID which are set up as sharepoints on a G5 tower running Server 10.4.  Other persons in the office, using machines that are running desktop OS 10.5, can correctly see the assigned Owner and Group permissions (although the "custom access" still shows).  This at least lets the 10.5 user know who created a given file or folder, so that they can resolve permissions-restricted issues if they come up (i.e. User A wants to delete file X, but as it was created by User B, A must contact B and have them delete it.  In 10.6 it appears that A cannot determine who B is).
    I know that ACL's are functioning (enabled on the drive) since we have been making use of ACL-granted write privileges for quite a while (and the custom access seems to be evidence too).
    An error I encountered, pertaining to this, is that I used a 10.6 machine to create a working folder, then generated and saved several files in this location.  Expected permissions thus would be Owner = me (i.e. the user I was logged in as), R/W, Group = staff, R only, Everyone = R only.  However, immediately the permissions shown in Finder / Get Info consisted only of Everyone = R only, with no entry for Owner or Group.  Moreover, clicking + to add either an Owner or a Group resulted in error message that I had entered an invalid user or group, even though I typed in correct info (such as trying to add "staff" as a group).

    Frustrations with file permissions abound, as certain co workers are unable to manually determine their level of permission or who to ask to make changes to files and folders belonging to others. Users of Snow Leopard desktop OS get unhelpful feedback via Finder's Get Info, seeing only the permissions listed for "Everyone" and a statement that "You have custom access".  The custom message exists, presumably, because ACL's are employed on the shared volume in an attempt to give managerial control over these volumes to specific users, even if all users can create files and folders on those volumes.
    Shared volumes are partitions of an external RAID which are set up as sharepoints on a G5 tower running Server 10.4.  Other persons in the office, using machines that are running desktop OS 10.5, can correctly see the assigned Owner and Group permissions (although the "custom access" still shows).  This at least lets the 10.5 user know who created a given file or folder, so that they can resolve permissions-restricted issues if they come up (i.e. User A wants to delete file X, but as it was created by User B, A must contact B and have them delete it.  In 10.6 it appears that A cannot determine who B is).
    I know that ACL's are functioning (enabled on the drive) since we have been making use of ACL-granted write privileges for quite a while (and the custom access seems to be evidence too).
    An error I encountered, pertaining to this, is that I used a 10.6 machine to create a working folder, then generated and saved several files in this location.  Expected permissions thus would be Owner = me (i.e. the user I was logged in as), R/W, Group = staff, R only, Everyone = R only.  However, immediately the permissions shown in Finder / Get Info consisted only of Everyone = R only, with no entry for Owner or Group.  Moreover, clicking + to add either an Owner or a Group resulted in error message that I had entered an invalid user or group, even though I typed in correct info (such as trying to add "staff" as a group).

  • Can I group list view by folders then files (like in Windows)

    I'm brand new to Mac (was a Windows user since 1993) and so now I'm starting over as a NOOB!
    One thing that's driving me crazy is that I am used to viewing my list of files and folders with the folders grouped together alphabetically (or chronologically) and then the files grouped together alpha or chrono.
    Can this be done in Mac; if so, how? I've been searching for an answer and have not found it.

    welcome to Discussions!
    you can sort files by type by opening a finder window and clicking View>Show View Options, clicking show "Kind", and clicking on it's icon in the right of the finder window. Items will be sorted alphabetically by kind, and within each kind alphabetically by name.
    Good luck!

  • New files and folders missing Group "Access is Denied"

    We have recently changed all of our XP machines over to Windows 7 and have now noticed that when a user creates new files or folders on the network it's not adding access for all users.  The only way around this is to open the file/folder on the users
    machine it was created on and edit the "Group or user name" under the Security tab.  Even as an administrator I'm unable to open any of these files/folders.
    Our server is SBS 2011.

    please post the SHARE permissions from the folder that is used also. Therefore open the folder properties, SHARING tab and open the Advanced permissions.
    Best regards
    Meinolf Weber
    Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
    My Blog: http://blogs.msmvps.com/MWeber
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.

  • Remove permissions for a security group for all files and folders in a folder and all subfolders?

    I found a script that adds rights to files and folders.
    We need to grant administrators rights to a set of folders for a specific project.
    # CACLS rights are usually
    # F = FullControl
    # C = Change
    # R = Readonly
    # W = Write
    $Verify=Read-Host `n "You are about to change permissions
    on all" `
    "files starting at"$StartingDir.ToUpper() `n "for security"`
    "principal"$Principal.ToUpper() `
    "with new right of"$Permission.ToUpper()"."`n `
    "Do you want to continue? [Y,N]"
    if ($Verify -eq "Y") {
    foreach ($file in $(Get-ChildItem $StartingDir -recurse)) {
    #display filename and old permissions
    write-Host -foregroundcolor Yellow $file.FullName
    #uncomment if you want to see old permissions
    #CACLS $file.FullName
    #ADD new permission with CACLS
    CACLS $file.FullName /E /P "${Principal}:${Permission}" >$NULL
    #display new permissions
    Write-Host -foregroundcolor Green "New Permissions"
    CACLS $file.FullName
    When the project is over, we need to undo the changes and remove administrators permissions from the same group of folders.
    How do we change the script to remove administrators group members instead of adding?

    I'm not sure I understand how to use that example script to undo the changes in the script I posted..
    Is there  a way to just change a few lines in the first script so that it removes instead of adding the administrators group?
    This line appears to be the line that adds permissions:
    #ADD new permission with CACLS
    CACLS $file.FullName /E /P "${Principal}:${Permission}" >$NULL
    What would be the syntax to remove the  permissions
     from files and folders in $StartingDir= "C:\Users"
    and everything below it?

  • Need some "Export Layers to File" script, but with some improvements

    Hey guys, anyone knows if there's a script who does the same "Export Layers to File" but like this:
    *Save layers in .PNG with transparency (Trim/Save/etc)  Ok, the original script already does that.
    *File created with the Layer Name ( Ex: Layer named as "Forum"  saved as Forum.png )
    *Layers inside photoshop groups, saved in folders with the group name. ( Ex: Group named "Header" with layer "Logo" inside goes like that C:/Header/Logo.png )
    Anyone knows about the existence of such a great scritpt like this one ? ^^
    Thanks a lot

    This might do...
    If you select "Save all layers within all LayerSets" it will give you the option of LayersetName - LayerName

  • SSRS - Export multiple pdf file

    SSRS report background :
    Report generating 50 student details with 50 page (each student one page- group by student).
    now data will export one pdf file with 50 page where each page having one student details. 
    Requirement :
    instead of one single pdf with 50 page i want 50 pdf file so i can send each report to respective student

    generating one pdf file with 50 page where each page having one student details.
    Hi ,
    Please follow below steps;
    Step1. Create one Row Group based on Student.
    Step2.Row Group has been created. We can see the Group1 in the Row Group Pane.
    Right Click on the Group1 column Delete Columns only.
    Delete Column window comes, Choose Delete column only and click on
    Step3.Now you can see the Group1 column is deleted but Group1 is still available in the report that groups data Student wise.
    Step4.Go to Group1 property by right click on Group1 in Row grouping pane.
    In the Group property, go to Page Break Page Break Option Check the box for “Between each instance of a group” and “at the end of group”.
    Right click on the Tablix go to Tablix property. Tablix property windows comes: Check “Add Page break after” and in column header, check “Repeat header columns on each page.”
    Step5.After implementing Page Break and Grouping, run the report and export it to PDF.

  • Auditing failed access to files and folders in Windows Storage Server 2008 R2

    I've been trying to figure out why I cannot audit the failed access to files and folders on my server.  I'm trying to replace a unix-based NAS with a Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 solution so I can use my current audit tools (the 'nix NAS
    has basically none).  I'm looking for a solution for a small remote office with 5-10 users and am looking at Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 (no props yet, but on a Buffalo appliance).  I specifically need to audit the failure of a user to access
    folders and files they are not supposed to view, but on this appliance it never shows.  I have:
    Enabled audit Object access for File system, File share and Detailed file share
    Set the security of the top-level share to everyone full control
    Used NTFS file permissions to set who can/cannot see particular folders
    On those folders (and letting those permissions flow down) I've set the auditing tab to "Fail - Everyone - Full Control - This folder, subfolders and files"
    On the audit log I only see "Audit Success" messages for items like "A network share object was checked to see whether client can be granted desired access (Event 5145) - but never a failure audit (because this user was not allowed access by NTFS permissions).
    I've done this successfully with Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 w/SP1 and am wondering if anybody has tried this with the Windows Storage Server version (with success of course).  My customer wants an inexpensive "appliance" and I thought this new
    variant of 2008 was the ticket, but I can't if it won't provide this audit.
    Any thoughts? Any of you have luck with this?  I am (due to the fact I bought this appliance out of my own pocket) using the WSS "Workgroup" flavor and am wondering if this feature has been stripped from the workgroup edition of WSS.

    Hi Jeffrey,
    The steps to setup Audit on a WSS system should be the same as a standard version of Windows Server. So please redo the steps listed below to see if issue still exists:
    Enabling file auditing is a 2-step process.
    [1] Configure "audit object access" in AD Group Policy or on the server's local GPO. This setting is located under Computer Configuration-->Windows Settings-->Security Settings-->Local Policies-->Audit Policies. Enable success/failure auditing
    for "Audit object access."
    [2] Configure an audit entry on the specific folder(s) that you wish to audit. Right-click on the folder-->Properties-->Advanced. From the Auditing tab, click Add, then enter the users/groups whom you wish to audit and what actions you wish to audit
    - auditing Full Control will create an audit entry every time anyone opens/changes/closes/deletes a file, or you can just audit for Delete operations.
    A similar thread:
    TechNet Subscriber Support in forum |If you have any feedback on our support, please contact [email protected]

  • Exporting an .ai file to a bitmap file

    In Illustrator Scripting (VBscripting), how can you export an ai file to a bitmap file?
    In Illustrator you can open an ai file and by selecting the Export option you have a choice of formats and one of them is BMP.  How can this be done in scripting?  I did look at the AIExportType, but BMP is not in the list.
    aiJPEG = 1
    aiPhotoshop = 2
    aiSVG = 3
    aiPNG8 = 4
    aiPNG24 = 5
    aiGIF = 6
    aiFlash = 7
    aiAutoCAD = 8
    I will also need to do this same method by Exporting to an eps file.
    The task is the following:
    When a client uploads an image file, we need to automatically export the file to bmp and to esp, thus having 3 files (original upload, bmp, and esp).  The file types that we are exporting, so far, will be ai, esp, and pdf (more to follow I am sure).
    We also need to get information about each file.
    Is it vector or a bitmap?
    Color:  RGB, CMYK, or Pantone?
    Is there text or curves or both?
    What is the DPI resolution?
    What is the image size?
    Any help would be beneficial.

    On a different issue...
    If you have a groupitem (contains a textframe and a rectangle object), I can
    loop thru the group item, but it seems that it gives a type back as group
    item for each item in the group.  But it should give back TextFrame and a
    rectangle.  Any ideas?

  • When a group of files is selected, how can I copy just the file names?

    I used to be able to select a group of files in a finder window, copy, then paste the names in an email or document. It no longer allows this. Is there away around this other than copying each file name individually?

    I'm also at 10.5.4, just had forgotten to update my profile.
    One "gotcha" can be if the application, such as Mail, is actually able to DO something with the files. In the case of Mail, it can add the content of many sorts of files to the message, or add the files to a message as attachments. That's why the Clipboard will say the content is "text/items" since what will be pasted depends on the destination. This is relatively new in OS X--I remember being astonished when it first turned up.
    TextEdit, IF it is in Rich Text Format, can also handle a number of different sorts of files. If you want to use TextEdit as the "intermediate" destination to get a text list, be sure you go to the Format menu item, and select "Make Plain Text" before you paste. Actually, since I use TextEdit mainly for tasks, such as hand coding HTML, I have its default behavior to open all new windows in plain text, then if I actually want some formatting, I change it to Rich Text. In Rich Text it will accept pasting of all sorts of graphics files, so you see the jpeg, gif or png, you can even paste sound files in as actual sound files (and they'll play, too), plus the icons for folders and other files (such as PDFs).

  • Shortcut for selecting multiple files within folders

    I'm archiving a load of work on to CD and deleting the files off of my server but keeping the folders on there for reference.
    Currently, I am having to SHIFT + click / COMMAND + click &drag to select these files and it is taking me forever.
    Is there a keyboard shortcut that allows me to select all files within folders rather than just a select all which will select the folders aswell?

    I would switch to list view, then click on the "Kind" column which will group the folders together.  Now you can click and drag to select a large range of files, excluding the folders, or you can click on the first file, the Shift click on the last file to select a large range of files.  At most you would need to do this twice.  Once for files listed above folders, and once for files listed below folders.
    If you want to use the Terminal, there are powerful Unix commands that can do this, however, that same power when misused can wipe out your disk :-)

  • Export a NAS File System within Sun Cluster

    could some one please tell me how can i export a NAS file system within a Sun Cluster

    Thanks I made sucessuly.
    The final procedure:
    1 create the disks in vertias (not the volumen)
    2 if you add new disk, recreate the did
    scdidadm -L
    scdidadm -r (must exec in all nodes)
    scgdevs (in all nodes)
    3 Disable the resouces using scswitch -n -j (the resouce)
    in my case we disable all resouce but NOT the resouce group. (only exec in one node)
    Make the new file system. :-D. makefs. (in one node)
    4 make the new pount mount in all nodes.
    5 insert the new line in vfstab (remenber the mount at boot to set to no)
    scrgadm -pvv | grep "FilesystemMounPoints="
    6 You must put the "FilesystemMounPoints=" in same orden in vfstab
    I use the sunplex (more easy) ..
    Renable to online your resources.
    Test to switch over to another node.
    The new filesystem may be automaticaly mounted.
    Bye an thanks for the help

  • Mouse right-click doesn't work while clicking on files in folders

    Hi there,
    I have an iMac 8,1 with 10.6.8 OS.
    Mouse is a Logitech M-BZ105A connected via USB.
    About a week ago, I've noticed weird problem with my mouse: nothing happens when I right-click on files in folders. Nothing shows up.
    - left-click works (it's set as the main one)
    - right-click works when clicking NOT on a file
    - right-click works when clicking files ON a Desktop
    I tried changing right-click to the main one, but then the left-click wouldn't work.
    Very annoying as I can't use many handy functions like Compress, Get info, Trash (of course I can still drag it to remove it, but RCM would be better).
    Restarting iMac didn't help.
    Any ideas?

    Good work so far, doesn't sound like the mouse, but maybe a 3rd party app.
    One way to test is to Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, Test for problem in Safe Mode...
    PS. Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive
    Reboot, test again.
    If it only does it in Regular Boot, then it could be some hardware problem like Video card, (Quartz is turned off in Safe Mode), or Airport, or some USB or Firewire device, or 3rd party add-on, Check System Preferences>Accounts (Users & Groups in later OSX versions)>Login Items window to see if it or something relevant is listed.
    Check the System Preferences>Other Row, for 3rd party Pref Panes.
    Also look in these if they exist, some are invisible...

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