Export loss of quality

I work in screen printing and I'm having trouble keeping image quality while exporting.
My art department is sending AI files to a xitron rip station. the ripped files then become a tiff.
the quality of the tiff. is high after the rip. I then load the tiff. into illustrator and then into a template.
this is done so I can position multiple files at certain distance. when I go to export, I select tiff, greyscale,
300ppi, no anti-aliasing, no lzw compression. after its exported is when the loss of quality happens. Is this
because the art is being rasterized and the very act of exporting is saving it as lower quality file? or should I be using
the un ripped/vector files to set up in the template and then save as AI file, then send that file to the rip?
I've only been using illustrator for about 2 days now and I'm lost. The art department doesn't know what the problem is.  
thank you
- lost in Wisconsin

abandoned the plan because of how the work flow at my job would have changed. I downloaded Photoshop and was able to set my templates to 1000ppi.
I'm now able to use the ripped files and save them as a high quality tiff. which means I no longer have to add more steps to my process.
I might try a few more things in illustrator just because I feel like I cheated by switching programs. If the vector files work or I find
another solution I'll let you know.
thanks again.
-cheating in Wisconsin

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    Something has to be done iMovie '11 When Are you going ship '12 or '13

    Welcome to iMovie Discussions.
    (..Sob!..) If you can bear the anguish and argument and technicalities and angst, Search for "Steve Mullen" and follow any of those threads: you'll find all manner of description about what's happening, what's going wrong, how to correct it, whether it can be corrected ..and so on, and so forth..
    (See this thread: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=11846858&#11846858 ..)
    I've never noticed this problem: but when I HAVE seen poor quality - by adding an iMovie '09 title onto pristine DV footage, like this:
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    Karl suggested opening the exported movie in QuickTime, and pressing ⌘ and 'J' and ticking the 'High Quality' box in the lower-right corner of Video Settings:
    See here, and click on 'Start Slideshow'.
    Steve disagrees, I think, with this, and says that this simple fix doesn't work.
    Try it, and see if it works for you.

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    Why is it that commercial 'hollywood' SD are still miles apart from my 'home made' version?
    Because they use super-expensive hardware compression.
    Still, I make DVDs that look almost exactly like the output from Pr using my Kona card.
    I wonder if you're ending up with double-compression on your DVD.  And maybe I'm confused here, but it sounds like you're using Toast and Encore, and I see no reason for that, if so.
    There are a few ways to get to DVD from Pr.  The simplest may be just to send your Pr project to Encore, using Dynamic Link.  That will ensure you're only compressing once.
    Another is to export from Pr or AME using a DVD preset, and when you take the resulting MPEG2 to Encore, be sure your clips are set to "Don't transcode."  And use the comparable strategy for BR.
    CBR at 8 should yield you stunning looking DVDs.

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    Interesting question, there's two elements to it, firstly what you assume 'most companies' want and secondly what can Indesign do to help you.
    Firstly, all companies are different and have different workflows and requirements.  The simplest thing to do is to send 'the company' your PDFs as you have them now and ask them to make sure they are suitable.  If not, or if this won't work for you move on to the second question...
    Secondly, yes, Indesign can do that, and I for one frequently use Indesign for just that purpose, refrying PDFs from multiple sources to a more consistent standard.  It depends on what you are using the PDFs for as to what export settings you use but Indesign is very good at this, with the exception of the greyscale part you mentioned.  Others could offer more detailed advice but you have to use Acrobat Pro to make sure this is working properly and apply fixes as necessary.  Personally if greyscale id needed I use the 'TouchUp Object' tool and a plugin called Pitstop but there are other methods too, let us know your specific problems, if any.
    One very useful tool when putting PDFs through Indesign like this is Scott Zanelli's MultiPageImporter, highly recommended for placing more than one page, and sometimes even when placing only one page too!

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    FORMATL Windows Media
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    CODEC: Windows Media Video 9
    Encoding Passes: Two
    Bitrate mode: Variable Constrained
    Framerate: 59.94
    Pixel Aspect: Square Pixels
    Decoder complexitiy: Auto
    Keyframe interval: 5  seconds
    Average video bitrate 5000
    Peak Video bitrate 8000
    peak video buffer size 5
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Correct, it has its own ways to mess up your video.
    So, you're not helping with the question at all, you're just rallying against YouTube?
    Thanks for your help.
    We had issues like that with 2 Pass VBR. We even dialled in huge data rates which did not fix the issue,m Switching to a CBR profile fixed it "good enough" but not perfect. In our case wmv was demanded by the client (PowerPoint). I concluded the wmv encoder was defective in AME and best avoided.
    Can you use H.264 instead for your purpose?
    Thanks for the suggestion! I just tried H.264 and had the same exact issue, though.
    Since the individual pieces weren't having the problem, I decided to try some tests. Every piece along was fine, except for the "Begin Transmission" part, which still screwed up.
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    Thanks for your help, though!

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    Thanks for the help!
    MacBook 2.0 GHz 2GB iMac G5 1.8GHz 2GB   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    export using the feature "Movie to DV Stream" there is no loss of quality from the original DV file right?
    There will be loss of quality if you export via iMovie's expert settings! The video is deinterlaced and the embedded timestamp is lost!! This is an old bug.
    To preserve the original quality you must therefore always remember to export via the Full Quality preset instead.

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    When I export with lossless compression, of course I get a 150G file - owch. The sum total size of the originals are 2.63G
    Any suggestions?

    iMovie will re-compress. To me this is a small price to pay for having an edited movie. Personally, I would optimize, but if you keep your movies simple, you will be OK without. If you decide to apply image stabilization or speed changes, you will definitely need to optimize. Optimization resolves the highly compressed h.264 frames into full frames in Apple Intermediate Codec.
    While the quality loss you may experience is not likely to be visible to the naked eye, if that is your only criterion, then avoid iMovie and follow QuickTime Kirk's advice.
    Here is a [sample video|http://vimeo.com/7093442] that I made in a Dentist Office. You can see what the re-compression looks like. In this case, I did not optimize.
    Editing in iMovie is non-destructive, so you can try it both ways (imovie and QuickTime Pro) and see if you can tell the difference.
    Message was edited by: AppleMan1958

  • Why Is There A loss In Quality When I impoer a Minidv tape into Imovie 08

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    sorry for 'overwhelming' you with info
    yes, all apps copy the dv-encoded material from miniDV devices 'natively' = lossless import..
    but only iM08 then adds some 'loss' .. nobody knows exactly, what & how.. but you are not able to EXport lossless from within iM08 ..
    example: import dv, export dv = adds blurr and 'magnifies' somehow the same file .. ( ! )
    using iMHD≤6, FCE/P allows you, to export lossless = highest quality possible (except the parts of your project, which need renderning, e.g. titles, transitions...)
    example: import dv, export dv = same quality ...
    so, if _pic quality_ is your major concern, avoid iM08 ..
    if you want fast results and export quality doesn't matter: iM08
    if you want a Library off all imports ever and full integration into AppleTV/, YT.. = iM08
    if you want other codecs than dv and simple use = iM08
    if you want all imports for any future project and high dv quality = FCE/P
    if you want easy to use and high dv quality = iMHD≤6 ..
    if you want other codecs than dv and Hollywood quality = FCP

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    Can I add something to the HTML code that will make the quality match how it looks in Quickime?

    ASP-CT wrote:
    It is so obvious that there is a noticable loss of quality in all files exported from LR
    Most of the people in this forum who try to help others with Lightroom are pleased with the quality of exported results we're getting. If you are unsatisfied, it would behoove to explain.
    I mean, for me, there is no loss of quality (in fact, image is 100% same) when exporting in original format. And when exporting in reduced sizes in formats like jpeg there is some softening unless output sharpening is applied.
    Otherwise, color is same, tone is same, brightness is same - it's all good for me...
    Exception: some viewers are not color managed, or are color managed but do it "wrong" (I have no idea why color management tends to be so problematic)  - in which case color (and to some extent tone) will be off...
    What about you?
    ASP-CT wrote:
    it is assumed that the photographer is doing something wrong
    Operator error is a frequent culprit, but it's not the only culprit - sometimes computer setup is to blame. But if that's the case, you know who is going to have to make it right, right? Anyway, if all is well using another software, that may be a path of less resistance.
    Don't get me wrong - Lr may have bugs which are influencing correct functioning in your case - but insisting that it's all Lr and none you (or your computer..) is a place from which there is nowhere to go, except to that other software we were talking about, but beware - it may have problems too .
    My advice: take a deep breath, maybe a walk, even sleep on it if need be, then start again from a cooler place.

  • Adobe Flash - Loss of quality in images

    I am building a movie in Adobe Flash but when previewing in Flash it shows image quality as perfect but when previewing in HTML it is losing its image quality. Do you know why?

    ASP-CT wrote:
    It is so obvious that there is a noticable loss of quality in all files exported from LR
    Most of the people in this forum who try to help others with Lightroom are pleased with the quality of exported results we're getting. If you are unsatisfied, it would behoove to explain.
    I mean, for me, there is no loss of quality (in fact, image is 100% same) when exporting in original format. And when exporting in reduced sizes in formats like jpeg there is some softening unless output sharpening is applied.
    Otherwise, color is same, tone is same, brightness is same - it's all good for me...
    Exception: some viewers are not color managed, or are color managed but do it "wrong" (I have no idea why color management tends to be so problematic)  - in which case color (and to some extent tone) will be off...
    What about you?
    ASP-CT wrote:
    it is assumed that the photographer is doing something wrong
    Operator error is a frequent culprit, but it's not the only culprit - sometimes computer setup is to blame. But if that's the case, you know who is going to have to make it right, right? Anyway, if all is well using another software, that may be a path of less resistance.
    Don't get me wrong - Lr may have bugs which are influencing correct functioning in your case - but insisting that it's all Lr and none you (or your computer..) is a place from which there is nowhere to go, except to that other software we were talking about, but beware - it may have problems too .
    My advice: take a deep breath, maybe a walk, even sleep on it if need be, then start again from a cooler place.

  • AE CS6 Export to FCP7 quality issues

    Hi guys, Im having the issue of exporting uncompressed (or h.264, Prores, animation and others) files from AE (and PP) and then experiencing quality loss when importing into FCP7. There is a noticeable loss in quality when both viewed in FCP7 and exported from.
    The files exported from AE look fine in VLC, PP and FCPX, so I am assuming this is a FCP7 issue.
    Any idea where i am going wrong and how i can get around it without having to overhaul my workflow?
    Thanks in advance.

    ryanh65956935 wrote:
    The files exported from AE look fine in VLC, PP and FCPX, so I am assuming this is a FCP7 issue.
    Thanks in advance.
    As LaRonde says, we'll ned something more tangible and specific.
    FCP will, if you wish, work in the codec native to the first clip you drop into a project. If you do not export in the same codec, something could get compressed or quantized. So, please tell us what you means exactly by quality loss and what codec and pixel dimensions you are starting with and ending with.

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    That's the odd thing they seem the same.. I've tried to out put to .mov files and the new sequence is compressed in to letter box, original looks ok?

  • Editing Canon 7D footage without without loss of quality

    First time poster, long time reader, so please go easy – you guys all started somewhere, now its time for me J
    I’ve done video editing for a while now, only as a hobby though, with consumer camcorders and basic editing software. I absolutely love doing it and now I’ve taken the step up to a 7D and been asked to do a music clip for a band (call it timing). By the way I am using Adobe CS4 and CS5.
    My questions (you’ll have to excuse my vagueness – I am newb when it comes to the technical side) is what should I shoot it in? 60fps or 25fps? NTSC or PAL?. It would only be for Youtube and perhaps DVD/Blu-Ray to distribute elsewhere, but I still would like the highest quality possible, and from the past, there’s nothing worse than shooting in the wrong format – so I wanted to try get this right the first time. Hence my post
    What really confuses me is the loss of quality from the camera to online. I find that sometimes I have to import the footage (from other video cameras I have had – Sony and Canon MiniDV’s, Panasonic HS300, GoPro Hero etc) into Premiere, edit the clips, export to a file, then import into AE and add effects, then export once more. Each time I try different formats and each time the quality differs but I seem to lose plenty of quality along the way. I know it’s not simple but for this music clip I would like to learn a bit more beforehand, what the correct workflow would be to minimise loss of quality, so I am better prepared.
    Thanks in advance,

    My questions is what should I shoot it in? 60fps or 25fps? NTSC or PAL?.
    That's way too broad a question for a forum about NLE software. The simple answer is, "whatever you want." The less-simple answer is, "it depends." Whether you shoot 60fps or 30fps or 25fps or 24fps or XXfps is all about the look you want, so experiment. NTSC and PAL don't have any application to HD video (despite their regular use to label certain HD formats as such).
    What really confuses me is the loss of quality from the camera to online. I find that sometimes I have to import the footage (from other video cameras I have had – Sony and Canon MiniDV’s, Panasonic HS300, GoPro Hero etc) into Premiere, edit the clips, export to a file, then import into AE and add effects, then export once more. Each time I try different formats and each time the quality differs but I seem to lose plenty of quality along the way. I know it’s not simple but for this music clip I would like to learn a bit more beforehand, what the correct workflow would be to minimise loss of quality, so I am better prepared.
    With relatively few exceptions, you don't have to worry about this--you certainly don't have to worry about this with 7D footage and Premiere Pro and After Effects. Both programs support the footage natively; it's more a matter of learning how to use the suite applications in a manner that avoids exporting to intermediate files. Dynamic Link is one way, but you can also import a Premiere Pro project/sequence directly into AE. A high-resolution intermediate is another way. There is a whole section of the help documents that describe the interoperability between the applications; reviewing it closely will help get you up to speed, so that you can ask more specific questions about workflow, etc.

  • Iphoto loss of quality

    We are importing photos into iphoto directly from a Canon camera. The file format of the camera is jpg.
    1. Is there any loss of quality when importing them from the camera and exporting them onto the Hard Disk when using iPhoto to achieve this.
    2. We rotate some of the photos using iphoto before exporting them - we noticed that the file size reduces - is there a loss of quality because of this?
    Many thanks,

    If you're looking for a lossless rotation of those portrait photos tryXee.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

  • Free converter .mov to iMovie without loss of quality?

    Does anyone know a free converter .mov to iMovie without loss of quality?
    Many thanks.
    British Voice Over

    It is suggested to output MOV with AIC codec to keep the raw video quality at max.
    Output like this: Share->Export Using QuickTime..
    In pop-up windows, click Options->in Moive Settings pop-up window, click Settings button->In Compression Type box, choose Apple Intermediate Codec
    Good luck.

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