Export MPEG-4 with Chapters?

I am using Adobe Premier Elements to edit and label home movies.   I want to export the movies to MPEG-4 format and distribute them to relatives on thumb drives for viewing on PC/iPhone/iPad.    Is there any way to preserve the Chapter Markers when the MPEG-4 file is created?     MPEG-4 as a format supports chapters and it would allow someone watching the video file to jump to the next chapter/ scene.    My Premier Elements project has chapter markers that work fine when I export to DVD, but the chapter markers are gone when I try to export to MPEG-4. 

I found a solution and it works well.  I ended up using some freeware called Handbrake to create the MPEG-4 files with chapters.   The MPEG-4 videos can be played on a Computer, Smartphone, or Tablet.   
Step 1: Create your Adobe Premier project with chapter markers
Step 2: Use Adobe Premier to create a DVD ISO folder of your project
Step 3: Use the Handbrake program to create an MPEG-4 file from your DVD ISO folder
You will want the MPEG-4 files to have an extension of .m4v (not .mp4), so that they will play on Apple and other devices.   Use the iPad setting in Handbrake which gives you 640x480 output.
In Handbrake:
Click Source
Choose Folder  d:\Home Movies in DVD iSO Image Folders\1966 Home Movies
Under Preset, choose iPad
Click Start to encode the video
You now have a MPEG-4 version of your video that you can play on your iPad, iPhone, Android, Computer, or other devices. 

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    No prob's
    1. Ensure that compressor is installed on your system.
    2. Export the sequence as a Quicktime movie using sequence settings.
    3. Launch compressor and bring your exported sequnce in, now you can apply one of the presets and, over time, read the manual and understand all of the subtleties of compression.

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    Yes, it works in older versions. That is what I use.
    No. No resolution.
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    All the best,

    I don't think you there is a command to do what you are asking automatically for a bunch of clips, but FCP X supports chapter markers. You just have to add them in the timeline.
    If the project settings equal the clip settings and the export settings, there should be no transcoding involved.
    However, I believe that a simpler solution can be achieved (and this one is guaranteed to do no transcoding).
    Download and install QTCoffee (a free download from http://www.3am.pair.com/QTCoffee.html)
    Open a terminal window, type "catmovie -o mymovie.mov -auto-chapters "
    (without the quotes but with the trailing SPACE; use the name you want to give the new movie instead of mymovie.mov)
    Drag the movie files into the terminal window. Press ENTER.
    Boom! (couldn't resist :-))
    p.S.: By default this will place the newly created movie in your home folder (or on whatever is the active directory in the terminal shell at the time)

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    That process will work, but won't give you HD video (as iDVD output is only SD). If you have FCE and Quicktime Pro, you could create what you are after.
    1) In FCE, use File->Export->Quicktime movie ... (and include all markers) -> File1
    2) In FCE, use File->Export->Using Quicktime Conversion ... -> File2
    3) Using Quicktime Pro open File1 and File2, extract the chapter track (text track) from File1 and then add it to File2.
    4) Using Quicktime Pro make the newly added text track in File2 the chapters for the video track. Save the result a self contained QT movie file.
    You will now have a a HD video file with chapters.

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    Sure, no problem.
    1. Go to Project > Project Info in iDVD.
    2. Make sure "DVD Type" is set to a single-layer DVD.
    3. Under "Encoding," choose "Best Performance." Is the arrow solidly in the green portion of the quality bar? If so, go ahead and burn your disc.
    4. If not, choose "High Quality." Again, go ahead and burn your disc if the arrow is solidly in the green.
    3. If the arrow still isn't in the green, select Professional Quality. If the arrow's in the green, burn your disc. If not, you'll have to delete some of the menus (scene selection, etc.) or menu content and check again. You should be able to burn up to 2 hours if you don't have a lot of other menu content.

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    Wow I didn't even know there was an Updated version, I am using 10.0.5.
    I also realize while I was watching a Youtube video, in the export box, the person export box looked different to mine, he had After export and Includes drop down arrows, and I have Video Codec, Audio file format, and Open with drop down arrow
    is this a update I have to pay for? how can I update it?
    <<<My Version

  • NewTek Tricaster MPEG 2 with Premiere CS4

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    Our first event that I used the Tricaster with was a Highschool graduation with 3 cameras that was being streamed to the internet and then all 250 students are getting a copy of the program on DVD.  I recorded it with the standard profile and checked it out after the event and it all looked good.  Our second event with it was the next day and since we were not delivering the content on DVD to the client I recorded it with the Studio profile just to try it out.  Much to my surprise on Monday when I burned the DVD from the graduation (recorded with standard MPEG 2) it looked very soft and not suitable to deliver to all the students.  I do not have the exact setting that I used since I am not at my office right now but the basic workflow is as follows.
    1.  Moved the MPEG files from the tricaster to my edit computer via an external drive.
    2.  Created a new Premiere Pro Project
    3.  Sequences settings were set to Desktop, MPEG 2 (ofter specifics I cannot remember)
    4.  Dropped in my timeline
    5.  Trimmed start and end.
    6.  Export MPEG 2 DVD (NTSC High Quality Preset), Quality changed to 5, Constand Bit Rate of 7 Mbps.
    7.  Import into a new Encore Project, set chapters every 5 min, built a DVD Image
    8.  Burn the DVD with Image Burn.
    The DVD is really bad.  I just could not pass this out to anyone.  The closeup shots look OK, not great but OK.  Any wide shots look really bad.  I have not been able to come up with any combination of settings to get the DVD to look any better.  I did not have a ton of time to mess with it on Monday and plan on trying some other things next week when I am back in the office.
    Then I tried the other program that was recorded with the Studio Profile MPEG 2.  The first attemp all the movement looked strobed.  Any movement had studder.  I tried several different things to get this to look good and I "Think" what I did when I finally got a good looking DVD was in my timline in Premiere I set it to "Interlace Consectutive Frames" and then exported my MPEG 2 DVD files.  It does not make sense to me why that made any difference since it is a inlerlaced format to start with, but what ever it takes to get it to look right I guess.
    If you have any interest in reading what NewTek says about the MPEG formats you can see it at.
    If any of you are using the Tricaster and can get good looking DVD's after recording with the Standard MPEG 2 format please let me know your workflow.  I would really like to avoid having to re-edit this graduation.
    I am going to be using the Tricaster for a college graduation Wed thru Fri and I will be recording it to the Studio Profile, since it appears that I can get a good looking DVD with that, but I will also be recording to outside recorders (both to Tape and to a HDD) until I can get this Tricaster MPEG 2 stuff figured out.

    Bottom line is the mainconcept mpeg encoder that is licensed into CS4 is garbage, it looks terrible with any settings. I have a tricaster also but never moved anything from it to premiere to encode to dvd. We render everything out from Premiere as an AVI and then use Grass Valley (canopus) Procoder to encode it to MPG for our broadcast server or DVD. It encodes much faster and looks twice as good. I can encode 3 hours of video in 14 minutes on it's high quality setting at 8mbit cbr.
    here is an example, from left to right its CS4, CS5, CS5, Procoder.
    one of the cs5 encodes had bad settings but the other one and procoder are much sharper then CS4.

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    20" 2GHz Intel Core Duo   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

    Hi there
    Sorry, but your post seemed to initially infer you were just referring to a Button you would insert on a page. At least that's what I understood when I posted with what I did.
    Now it would seem you are referring to the Playback Controls that Captivate supplies? So either I grossly misunderstood your initial issue or you are now switching gears and asking about something different.
    What I posted earlier does not apply to the Captivate Playback Controls.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

  • Can't make MPEG-2 with audio via Compressor

    Hi guys, help,
    I'm trying to make a single file MPEG-2 with video AND audio exporting from FCP.
    This file is intented for broadcast television, so i can't end up with 2 seperate audio/video files.
    Every time I select MULTIPLEXED MPEG-1/LAYER 2 AUDIO I get some *.m2t file which I cannot play in anything. Is it possible to just get a simple MPEG-2 file with audio and video?
    Many thanks.

    Are you using Compressor 2 or 3? In v.3 there are 3 MPEG-2 options, listed under Apple/Formats/MPEG-2/
    they are:
    Elementary Stream which is your basic .m2v file, video only, used for DVDs
    Program Stream which is a .mpg file - probably the one you would want
    Transport Stream - .m2t file - what you are getting now.
    I am not familiar enough with the different streams to give you a breakdown of what they all mean, but I have encountered similar issues. The .m2t file will play on systems that recognize the format, unforunately the Mac doesn't seem to recognize it natively (and yet it created it!!) The .mpg is probably what you are looking for but I remember having problems building it in Compressor 2 so you might want to consider the upgrade. Worth it for Compressor alone in our shop!
    Now for my problem, does anyone know how to get a 5.1 mix embedded into the .m2t file??
    Vic DiAngelo

  • Please, how make a DVD menu with chapters? FCPX

    I already instaled FCPX but I can't find where I can make a profesional DVD menu as in DVD studio before. There is only "share" and this is for amaters not for me. I need make profesional DVD with chapters, caregories etc.
    Please is there anybody who know how or where make it ?
    Thanks very much to all.

    Export a movie from FCP X.  Import the resulting movie into FCP 7 or older version of FCP.  Add chapter markers as needed, then export to Compressor and on to DVD Studio Pro for authoring and burning.  Hopefully you didn't delete the old pro apps before installing FCP X.
    If you're waiting for Apple to add a full featured DVD app, don't hold your breath.  Apple has declared that the DVD-Video format is dead and apparently they think no one should be using it.

  • Is it possible to joing files with chapters bookmarks WITHOUT NEEDING transcoding?

    Is it possible in FCPX to joing files with chapters bookmarks at the beginning of each clip (clips and project propieties the same so no need to render) and then exporting the project as one file WITHOUT NEEDING transcoding? Simply I want to join homogeneus files and place chapter marks inbetween. Or any program that does this? thanks

    I don't think you there is a command to do what you are asking automatically for a bunch of clips, but FCP X supports chapter markers. You just have to add them in the timeline.
    If the project settings equal the clip settings and the export settings, there should be no transcoding involved.
    However, I believe that a simpler solution can be achieved (and this one is guaranteed to do no transcoding).
    Download and install QTCoffee (a free download from http://www.3am.pair.com/QTCoffee.html)
    Open a terminal window, type "catmovie -o mymovie.mov -auto-chapters "
    (without the quotes but with the trailing SPACE; use the name you want to give the new movie instead of mymovie.mov)
    Drag the movie files into the terminal window. Press ENTER.
    Boom! (couldn't resist :-))
    p.S.: By default this will place the newly created movie in your home folder (or on whatever is the active directory in the terminal shell at the time)

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