Export of Slideshow Problem

I am having a problem with exporting slideshows that are more than 10 minutes in length.  At exactly the 10 minute mark the images in the Quicktime Movie brighten up and are somewhat washed out from that point on.  This occurs even in the middle of an image (for example if an image runs from 9:56 to 10:10, it will brighten up exactly at the 10:00 mark).  Prior to the 10 minute mark everthing seems to be fine.  I've had this problem with several different slideshows.  I am using OS X 10.6.8 and Aperture 3.2.
Has anyone else had this problem?  Any suggestions for correcting the problem are appreciated.  Thanks.

I am having this EXACT same problem. 
I posted my own question here: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3699460
I have a slideshow that is appx 11:35 and contains 193 images and 3 songs.  At exactly the 10 min mark there is an overall boost in brightness that remains until the video is done playing.  I've tried various resolutions and formats, but in each try, the same issue occurs at the 10 min mark.  Viewing natively within Aperture this boost in brightness does not appear, only after exporting.
The theme I'm using is the Vintage Snapshots (may not be the actual title, I'm not at my Mac today - but it's the theme where snapshots are layered over the top of random images from throughout the entire show, with a ken burns effect)
I'm using the latest version of Aperture 3 on a 27" iMac Core i7 with 8GB of RAM and 2GB of dedicated GPU RAM on the 6970 card.
Hopefully Apple can help us with this one!!!

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    Are you saying that you cannot export a slideshow from iPhoto to the Desktop and then drag it from the Desktop (or the Movie frolder where it can be stored) into an open iDVD menu window?
    Export the slideshow at the large or medium size:
    They drag the movie file into the open iDVD window.  NOTE: do not move the movie file once it's been added to iDVD. That's why it should be placed in folder where you intend to keep it permanently or at least until the iDVD project is completed and burned to a disk image and then to disk.

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    Does your exported slideshow video open, when you ctrl-click it and use "Open with > QuickTime Player"  from the contextual menu?
    If yes, select one of the videos in the Finder, use the Finder command "File > Get Info" and set the "open with" for the video to "QuickTime Player".
    And press the "Change all" button.

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    Or do you have some other reason this process is not working on my Mac Pro with OS X  10.9.5 (13F34)?
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    Please help with these EXPORT FAILURE questions.
    Thank you, very much.

    To re-install iPhoto
    1. Put the iPhoto.app in the trash (Drag it from your Applications Folder to the trash)
    2. Download it from the App Store to reinstall It's on your Purchases List* there.
    For older versions that have been installed from Disk you'll need these additional steps:
    2a: On 10.5:  Go to HD/Library/Receipts and remove any pkg file there with iPhoto in the name.
    2b: On 10.6: Those receipts may be found as follows:  In the Finder use the Go menu and select Go To Folder. In the resulting window type
    2c: on 10.7 or later they're at
    A Finder Window will open at that location and you can remove the iPhoto pkg files.
    3. Re-install.
    If you purchased an iLife Disk, then iPhoto is on it.
    If iPhoto was installed on your Mac when you go it then it’s on the System Restore disks that came with your Mac. Insert the first one and opt to ‘Install Bundled Applications Only.
    *Sometimes iPhoto is not visible on the Purchases List. it may be hidden. See this article for details on how to unhide it.
    One question often asked: Will I lose my Photos if I reinstall?
    iPhoto the application and the iPhoto Library are two different parts of the iPhoto programme. So, reinstalling the app should not affect the Library. BUT you should always have a back up before doing this kind of work. Always.

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    Getting it out of Aperture is not a problem. When you export the slide show select 1080p as the export format.
    What happens then gets tricky. To create a true high def 1080p DVD requires Blu-Ray. So you will need an external Blu-Ray recoreder and software to create the DVD.
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    Several folks have fixed this with a reinstall.
    To re-install iPhoto
    1. Put the iPhoto.app in the trash (Drag it from your Applications Folder to the trash)
    2. Download it from the App Store to reinstall It's on your Purchases List* there.
    *Sometimes iPhoto is not visible on the Purchases List. it may be hidden. See this article for details on how to unhide it.
    One question often asked: Will I lose my Photos if I reinstall?
    iPhoto the application and the iPhoto Library are two different parts of the iPhoto programme. So, reinstalling the app should not affect the Library. BUT you should always have a back up before doing this kind of work. Always.

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. If you plan on taking the slideshow into iDVD to burn to disc then exporting at HD is a waste of time and effort. iDVD reduces all content to:
    720 x 540 pixels for standard video in NTSC format
    854 x 480 pixels for widescreen in NTSC format 640 x480
    Thus crop the photos to the size you want and try again as standard or widescreen.
    It's been my experience that creating the slideshow in iDVD gives me the best onscreen image resolution.
    The downside to this method is that you can't have the Ken Burns effect (not problem for me as I don't use it), can have only one transition per slideshow and no unique themes.
    The upside is that the music plays as it should whereas iPhoto has problems with too much dead air between tracks and early termination at the end of the music.
    You might consider creating the slideshow in iMovie or a 3rd party application like Photo to Movie or PhotoMagico. PhotoPresenter is another 3rd party slide show application and offers over 25 animated themes, some of which are shown on this demo page: PhotoPresenter Animated Slideshow Themes. It has the Ken Burns effect but it is applied to all photos the same way with no user control.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier versions) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. There are versions that are compatible with iPhoto 5, 6, 7 and 8 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. Just put the application in the Dock and click on it whenever you want to backup the dB file. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
    NOTE: The new rebuild option in iPhoto 09 (v. 8.0.2), Rebuild the iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup" makes this tip obsolete.

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    I have made a slideshow of garden images (with music) that I would like to share with a client of mine. (Ideally, I would like to email it as a Quicktime movie, so they can view on their home computer.)
    Everytime I try to export the slideshow, I get the error message:
    The operation can’t be completed because the item can’t be found.
    I can't figure out the problem.

    I'm having the same problem. The Slideshow plays, and when I export it gives the error you originally stated.
    A few seconds later....
    I've recreated the library by re-importing the images, created a new slideshow, added a music track and the same issue.
    I am running Mountain Lion, on an Mac Pro 8-Core. Any suggestions would be helpful, I am trying to create a wedding DVD for a friend.

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    When i exported to mp4 h.264 photo quality gets ruined, everthing looks pixel.
    I am using following setting:
    full hd screen size 1920x1080 16:9
    bitrate: 256kb/s
    frame rate auto
    i think problem is with bitrate....please tell me which bitrate to use for smooth video.

    iPhoto 11 consists of several versions.  What exact version do you have.  Use the iPhoto ➙ About iPhoto menu option to get the exact version.
    With iPhoto 9.5.1 the size ratio of the slideshow should be set to what you want in the slideshow Settings pane:
    Then click on the Export button at the bottom and select the HD size you want to have:
    With iPhoto 9.4.3 and earlier the following options are available:
    The bit rate is at 7 Mbps.
    iPhot0 9.5.1 doesn't specify the bit rate.  However, I exoprted one to the desktop, opened the slideshow with Quicktime Player and checked the Info window for the bit rate and got this:

  • Origami Slideshow Problem

    I spent 2 hours working on a slideshow of my last hiking trip. Right before I went to export the slideshow, I changed the aspect ratio rom 16:10 to 16:9. Doing this rearranged ALL of the slides in my slideshow, with no way to undo it. It took the main full screen slide and placed it in a 4 photo layout as the first image instead of by itself. All other images there after we're also on different page layouts. So the photos I wanted to emphasize in larger photo boxes were now in smaller ones, or they were cropped wrong, etc. You figure there would be something that tells you "This might change the layout of your slideshow." But nothing, and no way to revert.
    Besides that, it wouldn't be as big a deal if it we're easier to make the slideshow. Since creating photo books allows drag and drop to swap images and being able to choose the layout of the page to arrange the images appropriately, why would that not be implemented into the slideshow creation. It's the same basic idea. But instead you have to drag the order of the thumbnails above to reorganize the images below, which gets confusing in itself.
    I hope some changes/updates are made to the slideshow features. Has anyone else had problems like this? Is there any way to easily organize the photos in the slideshow that I may have missed?

    Hi Rich, same thing happened to me and I ended up spending an entire week preparing the slideshow to look exactly the way I wanted before iphoto would actually let me export it the way I arranged photos.
    What I found is that the Origami slideshow option modifies the order / crop factor of the photos when you add or remove a photo from the slideshow.  The only way around this issue is by going through every photo in the slideshow and ensuring they all look the way you want them to just before export.
    As mentioned, as soon as you make one adjustment to a photo, there is a good chance that the whole project has been thrown out of whack again.  Anyway I persisted and finally got it looking the way I wanted.
    I hope that Apple has recognised this issue and is going to implement a fix for this fantastic new theme.
    Sorry I could not be of help.

  • How to export iPhoto slideshow to quicktime and then view on video iPod?

    How do you export a slideshow to a Quicktime movie (from iPhoto) so that the resulting Quicktime movie is then viewable on an iPod?
    I've exported slideshows (with transitions, specified Ken Burns effects, music, etc.) to Quicktime movies to try to view these on my iPod. I don't want to view my photo albums since they don't have of the effects that the slideshow has. There is an option to save the slideshow in a small file size that is presumably viewable on an ipod. About 80% of the time, however, the Quicktime movies are then NOT viewable on my iPod. My iPod just freezes when I try to start the movie.
    Here are the steps I use to export
    1. From iPHoto Select the slideshow / File / Export / select small movie
    2. From iTunes / File / Import / select the Quicktime movie that was created from the slideshow
    Background info
    1. Apple G5 purchased in 2003, 2 CPUs, CPU Speed 2 GHz. Memory 2GB. Bus Speed 1 GHZ. CPU TYpe PowerPC 970 (2.2)
    2. iPhoto '08 version 7.1.1 (354)
    3. Video iPod purchased in May 2006. (60 GB). Uses iPod software version 1.2.3 (most current version for this iPod)
    4. Quicktime Player version 7.3.0 Player Version 7.3 (7.3)
    I've tried synchronizing my iTunes with the Quicktime movie to a new iPod and that doesn't work either. I've tried many different approaches but none of these ever work. I'd really appreciate any thoughts or ideas you might have. Thank you!

    You probably will need a 3rd party application to convert the . mov QT file that iPhoto creates into a format for the iPod. Some are VisualHub, ViddyUp, and iSquint. You can find them at VersionTracker.com.
    Happy Holidays
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

  • I have followed all the instructions to export a slideshow but it does not work

    can someone please tell me why i can not export a slideshow when i used to be able to What has changed

    There are 9 different versions of iPhoto and they run on 9 different versions of the Operating System. The tricks and tips for dealing with issues vary depending on the version of iPhoto and the version of the OS. So to get help you need to give as much information as you can. Include things like:
    - What version of iPhoto.
    - What version of the Operating System.
    - Details. As full a description of the problem as you can. For example, if you have a problem with exporting, then explain by describing how you are trying to export, and so on.
    - History: Is this going on long? Has anything been installed or deleted? - Are there error messages?
    - What steps have you tried already to solve the issue.
    - Anything unusual about your set up? Or how you use iPhoto?
    Anything else you can think of that might help someone understand the problem you have.

  • Impromptu Slideshow Problem

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    Bugjoe wrote:
    Maybe this is something important to understand where the blocking point is.
    I agree. Although there is lots of common code when building previews for library module, there is also something different at play when building previews for slideshow.
    PS - I attempted to use Adobe's new SDK method to build previews for slideshow in ShowBiz, but had to abandon (thus the reason v4.0 was never released) due to an insurmountable problem - building of previews would get blocked in full-screen mode (it was fine in the other modes). - dunno if problem you're having is related or not.
    Note: for me (win7/64) - slideshow plays (almost) OK sometimes (unlike previews in library module which look perfect, color / tone is off in slideshow), as long as there aren't too many photos, in which case it hangs forever...
    Summary: Clearly there is something different in how color/screen is handled in lib previews vs. slideshow previews, and maybe other things...
    Sorry: I realize I've raised more questions than provided answers.
    Bugjoe - I take it you have tried exporting a slideshow, and that's ok? Problem is just playing in Lightroom, right? (same here).
    PS - If you want to report this problem to Adobe:
    http://feedback.photoshop.com/photoshop_family/products/photoshop_family_photoshop_lightro om

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    Hi Neal,
    I just exported a small slideshow to quicktime. I see what you mean now, share is grayed out.
    I have no problem sharing video clips from my digital camera.
    Hmmmmm, there has got to be a reason for this.
    I would share/export the slideshow and use the smallest size. This is the correct size for emailing and putting in your Movies folder on your iDisk.

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