Export synonyms for database

Hi all,
How to export synonyms from SQL Developepr using the Tools --> Databse Export

Apologies if I mis-understand your question, but here is how I just did it.
Tested on SQL Developer 1.5.1 connected to 11.1 db instance.
Tools->Database Export
1. Source/Destination: Specify connection + output file, click Next
2. Types to Export: Select Synonyms, click Next
3. Specify Objects: Click "Go" under connection name in left list box to populate, shuttle desired synonyms to right list box, click Next
4. Export Summary: Review work to be done, click Finish
After processing, the export file is shown in a SQL Worksheet editor.

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    Is it a standard practice to create PUBLIC SYNONYMS
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    FOR <package_name>;The practice is to create synonyms for database objects on other schemas where you want to reference them locally without having to specify the schema name. It's not specific to packages.
    If there's no need to create the synonym then don't do it.

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    You'll probably want to use these views:
    user_objects - includes created (DATE) column.
    user_tab_privs - not just tables (e.g., includes EXECUTE privileges on functions).
    Data dictionary views beginning with 'user_' cover objects owned by the current user only.
    Almost all of the data dictionary views (and all of the three mentioned above) also have 'all_' and 'dba_' versions.
    For example:
    all_objects inculdes everything in user_objects, plus objects in other schemas on which the current user has privileges.
    dba_objects include every object in the database. (Not everyone is allowed to see the dba_ views.)
    Here's one of many possible ways to use these views:
    SELECT     'GRANT '
    ||     privilege
    ||     ' ON "'
    ||     table_name
    ||     '" TO '
    ||     grantee
    ||     CASE
              WHEN  grantable = 'YES'
              THEN  ' WITH GRANT OPTION;'
              ELSE  ';'
    FROM     user_tab_privs
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                     FROM    all_objects
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                                                           , 'DD-Mon-YYYY'

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    Client is using Oracle
    How to use Export utility for databases without the following errors:
    EXP-00056: ORACLE error 6550 encountered
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 41:
    PLS-00302: component 'SET_NO_OUTLINES' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 15:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
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    Export: Release - Production on Thu Apr 23 17:01:06 2009
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
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    PLS-00302: component 'SET_NO_OUTLINES' must be declared
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    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
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    C:\Documents and Settings\USER>

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    . exporting tablespace definitions
    . exporting profiles
    . exporting user definitions
    . exporting roles
    . exporting resource costs
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    Thank you.
    David Massey.

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    plus80 -s APPS/***** @E:\EBSTEST\ebstestappl\ad\11.5.0\admin\sql\adappsgs.pls &systempwd 1 INV APPLSYS APPS TRUE FALSE TRUE
    Program exited with status 3
    Cause: The program terminated, returning status code 3.
    Action: Check your installation manual for the meaning of this code on this operating system.Connected.
    old 2: ad_apps_private.create_grants_and_synonyms(&2,'&3','&4','&5','FALSE');
    new 2: ad_apps_private.create_grants_and_synonyms(1,'INV','APPLSYS','APPS','FALSE');
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-20000: ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing
    object:create_grants_and_synonyms(1,INV,APPLSYS,APPS): create_base_gs(INV,APPS): In Synonyms
    ORA-06512: at line 5
    I checked the database and there isn't MTL_ONHAND_DISCREPANCY synonym. But there is MTL_ONHAND_DISCREPANCIES synonym.
    This is an upgraded instance from 11.0.3 and first time I am running Re-create grants and synonyms for APPS schema.
    Plz let me know if anyone of you faced this issue.

    there is no such table MTL_ONHAND_DISCREPANCY or synonym in Applications Is that custom table created in your db?
    After dropping this table from APPS schema 'Re-create grants and synonyms for APPS schema' went thru fine.Its correct
    This table does not exist in INV schema in
    Could be possible that the consultant could have created this table in INV and APPS schema by mistake or whatever.Yes, with the same name, there might be table in APPS SCHEMA. When you run recreate grants and synonyms, adadmin tries to create synonym for that table in APPS schema. since there is object available with the same name in apps chema, you got that error.

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    b. Execute adadmin
    c. Choose -> Maintain Applications Database Entities menu
    d. Choose -> Re-create grants and synonyms for APPS schema
    2 workers got failed ...
    i chked the worker log file i found
    sqlplus -s APPS/***** @/stageAPP/stageappl/ad/11.5.0/admin/sql/adappsgs.pls &systempwd 1 PO APPLSYS APPS TRUE FALSE TRUE
    old 2: ad_apps_private.create_grants_and_synonyms(&2,'&3','&4','&5','FALSE');
    new 2: ad_apps_private.create_grants_and_synonyms(1,'PO','APPLSYS','APPS','FALSE');
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-20000: ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing
    object:create_grants_and_synonyms(1,PO,APPLSYS,APPS): create_base_gs(PO,APPS):
    In Synonyms
    ORA-06512: at line 5
    Workaround $adctrl
    Worker Code Context Filename Status
    1 Run Grants/Synonyms R115 adappsgs.pls FAILED
    2 Run Grants/Synonyms R115 Wait
    3 Run Grants/Synonyms R115 Wait
    4 Run Grants/Synonyms R115 Wait
    5 Run Grants/Synonyms R115 Wait
    6 Run Grants/Synonyms R115 Wait
    7 Run Grants/Synonyms R115 Wait
    8 Run Grants/Synonyms R115 Wait
    9 Run Grants/Synonyms R115 Wait
    10 Run Grants/Synonyms R115 Wait
    11 Run Grants/Synonyms R115 Wait
    12 Run Grants/Synonyms R115 Wait
    13 Run Grants/Synonyms R115 Wait
    14 Run Grants/Synonyms R115 Wait
    15 Run Grants/Synonyms R115 Wait
    16 Run Grants/Synonyms R115 Wait
    SQL> select owner, object_type from dba_objects where object_name = 'XXGOD_SEQ_DECORTIMESHEET_HDR';
    Its Cutom Object .. I think i need to drop/rename anyone .. which one i should drop / rename .
    Is it possible to skip the failed workers .. if do .. please give me the steps ...

    There is 8 option(hidden) avaliable but i suggest dont use this option.(As you mention its a custom,if you belive it wont problem you can use this hidden option or drop 'XXGOD_SEQ_DECORTIMESHEET_HDR' and recreate it later,its own your risk) By the way please check below notes which is similar error like yours
    Run Adadmin To Recreate Grants And Synonyms ORA-20000 ORA-00955 In Synonyms Loop:create_synonym(GL,PLAN_TABLE,APPS,PLAN_TABLE) [ID 437714.1]

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    It is a bit unclear what you are sending these POs to the other system for? Is it for matching to invoices there? Is it for receiving into inventory there?
    Are these two entities belong to the same parent but on two different oracle apps databases?
    In essence what do they do with the PO that you are sending to them?
    Why do you think there will be intercompany invoicing?

  • View + stored function + synonym for other user

    Dear All!
    I've got a quite strange problem which I cannot decide whether it's caused by my lack of knowledge on the appropriate topic or by an Oracle bug. I'm already after some heavy googling on the topic and I was unable to track any valuable answers neither in forums nor in the Oracle documentation. I'll try to be as short and specific as possible.
    Database: Oracle 10g
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    "CORE     Production"
    TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    I have two users in the database for a single Web application: UAPP01, which is the owner of application DB objects and UAPP02 which is the application user connecting to the DB. The application runs for quite many years by now and DB structure layout has always been following a simple logic: for each DB object used by the app. (tables, views, packages and stored procedures/functions) and found in the UAPP01 there exists a synonym in the UAPP02 schema. For the privileges to be set correctly a role is created: RL_MY_APPL which is granted the necessary privileges on objects of UAPP01 (CRUD on tables, SELECT on views, EXECUTE on procedures, etc..). This role is granted to UAPP02.
    In the previous days I was about to extend the DB with a view that invokes a stored function. This pattern has already occured in the DB previously so I kept following existing conventions: I've created the stored function and the view in the UAPP01 schema, granted SELECT on the view to RL_MY_APPL and created the synonym for it in the UAPP02 schema. This is where the entire functionality began to act strange. I'll try to explain with a simplified example that was sufficient to reproduce the problem:
    REM ========================================
    REM Execute below code as UAPP01 user.
    REM ========================================
    REM Test function.
    RETURN p_param *2;
    REM Testview version 1. causing trouble.
    WITH testdata AS
    SELECT /*+ materialize*/ LEVEL AS d
    FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 100
    SELECT a, b, c, SUM(d) AS sum_d
    SELECT FLOOR(dbms_random.VALUE(1, 100)) a, FLOOR(dbms_random.VALUE(1, 100)) b, FLOOR(dbms_random.VALUE(1, 100)) c, testfunction(d) AS d
    FROM testdata
    GROUP BY CUBE(a, b, c)
    REM Testview version 2. not causing trouble.
    SELECT a, b, c, SUM(d) AS sum_d
    SELECT FLOOR(dbms_random.VALUE(1, 100)) a, FLOOR(dbms_random.VALUE(1, 100)) b, FLOOR(dbms_random.VALUE(1, 100)) c, testfunction(d) AS d
    GROUP BY (a, b, c)
    REM Synonym.
    CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM UAPP02.testview FOR UAPP01.testview;
    REM Grants.
    When creating TESTVIEW with the 1 ^st^ version I cannot query it using the UAPP02 user, I'm constantly getting the error: ORA-00904: : invalid identifier. However, when I use the 2 ^nd^ version everything runs perfectly. What is common in the two cases is that both versions use the TESTFUNCTION function. I have not granted the EXECUTE rights on TESTFUNCTION to the RL_MY_APPL since it was never needed previously (for other views using stored functions) and as far as I know it's not necessary (as both the view and the function are owned by UAPP01). The strange thing in the above behaviour is that the function is used by both versions, however only one of them fails. This is where I thought it's not a granting issue, otherwise neither of the versions would have worked and I think I would have received a different error stating that UAPP02 lacks the necessary privileges on underlying objects of the view.
    As I further digged into the problem by examining the EXPLAIN PLAN output for the two versions I found that version 1. leads to a TEMP TABLE TRANSFORMATION and to MULTI TABLE INSERTs, whereas version 2. simply executes the query without doing such things. In my setup I presume the MULTI TABLE INSERTs were caused by the GROUP BY CUBE. When I simply removed the CUBE and used only GROUP BY the TEMP TABLE TRANSFORMATION remained in place but the MULTI TABLE INSERTs disappeared. As a result of this small modification the view again began to work when I executed it through the synonym and using the UAPP02 user.
    With the original DB objects of our application the behaviour is even more strange: the error comes up if I select from the view and filter for a column that is grouped in the query whereas it works correctly if I filter for the aggregated columns. However, I couldn't reproduce this with the above simplified example.
    No problem occurs with any of the versions if I query the view using the UAPP01 user.
    This hectic behaviour made me suspect that the TEMP TABLE TRANSFORMATION + MULTI TABLE INSERT + synonym + stored function combo appears to bring a strange Oracle bug to the surface...
    As a final note: when executing GRANT EXECUTE ON TESTFUNCTION TO RL_MY_APPL everything works fine in all cases. I know I could simply live with this but I'd really like to get to the bottom of this. Although this extra GRANT appears to solve the problem I don't really trust it. I'd really like to avoid the bug emerging again in Production in case this extra GRANT were not sufficient due to some unknown misteries.
    Excuse me, the post has become a bit lengthy. Thanks in advance for anyone who's willing to read through and answer it!
    Krisztian Balazs Szaniszlo

    The error is thrown at run-time and only for the UAPP02 (second) user.
    The problem is that the appearance of errors is independent of whether the query contains the call to the stored function or not.
    So far I thought that if I use a stored function indirectly, like in this setup: UAPP02.synonym -> UAPP01.view -> UAPP01.stored function, then I don't need the grant. Of course, I understand that if I had used it directly, like :UAPP02.synonym -> UAPP01.stored function then I'd need the GRANT EXECUTE.
    Shall I just ignore the strange behaviour and go on by adding GRANT EXECUTE privilege on all the functions used indirectly through views? It seems to solve the problem, but this behaviour is disturbing me quite and I fear the real root cause of the problem can emerge later in a different fashion.

  • Automated export appearing on database list

    I have an Azure SQL Database (Web edition) with an automated export set for daily exports.
    Sometimes (like today for instance) when I log into Azure management portal, I see an additional database listed with the name of my export.
    As far as I know, an export should not be listed as a new available database, right?
    Why this is happening and how can I fix that?
    Thank you,
    .NET Software developer for industrial internet and automation system.

    Hello Igor, 
    Thank you for asking this question.
    The Automated Export service creates a database copy of the database you are exporting. It then will perform the export operation on the copy of the database. This is done to guarantee transaction consistency during the export. After the export has completed
    the database copy will be deleted. 
    You can learn more about Import/Export and Automated Export here https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/hh335292.aspx
    Additionally if you are interested in our Basic, Standard, or Premium service tiers, they come with built-in restore capabilities.
    You can learn more about these capabilities and other business continuity capabilities here https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/hh852669.aspx
    If you would like to share more about your scenario or discuss Azure SQL Database's backup and restore capabilities in further detail please email me at Elfish at Microsoft dot com.
    Thanks and I hope this helps,

  • How to set ORACLE_HOME for database and apps server in same server

    Hi, I have problem here to set ORACLE_HOME in .bash_profile for database and apps server. please help me to set this Oracle Home.

    If you mean to have both simultaneosly set on the same OS session, of course that's not possible. But you can configure them on your profile, and choose them when needed. The following is an excerpt from my .bash_profile
    export EDITOR=vi
    umask 022
    alias O='cd ${ORACLE_HOME}'
    {       export ORACLE_SID=db102
            export ORACLE_BASE=/home/oracle/base
            export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/OraHome10
            export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib
            export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin
            export TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_BASE/OraHome11/network/admin
            export PS1='[\u@\h_10 \W]\$ '
    {       export ORACLE_SID=db11
            export ORACLE_BASE=/home/oracle/base
            export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/OraHome11
            export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib
            export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin
            export PS1='[\u@\h_11 \W]\$ '
    {       export ORACLE_SID=XE
            export ORACLE_BASE=/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle
            export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/10.2.0/server
            export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib
            export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin
            export TNS_ADMIN=/home/oracle/base/OraHome11/network/admin
            export PS1='[\u@\h_XE \W]\$ '
    }If I want to set Oracle 10g environment I type "o10" at OS prompt, "o11" for 11g, and so on.

  • Synonyms for packaged procedures

    Heres something that is currently bothering me.
    Why are we not allowed to create synonyms for procedures and functions within packages ?
    Our database has too many individual procedures and functions for my liking and I would like to move some of them into packages. Consequently I want to create synonyms to avoid changing application code.
    I have found metalink note 1061643.6 which confirms this cannot be done, but it also goes on to say:
    "Oracle does this using the STANDARD package with overloaded functions and procedures such as TO_CHAR() and TO_DATE(), but how Oracle does this is proprietary information and is not available to the public."
    (Thanks Oracle)

    The basic reason for this restriction is that the Oracle synonyms are alternative names only for database objects, not for PL/SQL objects like packaged function and procedures.
    But moving stored procedures/functions to packages is a good idea, recommended by all the experts, with many benefits for you in the future.
    There is a simple solution for you problem, with very little impact on the continuity or performance of your applications:
    1. Copy the code of the DB stored procedures and functions to PL/SQL packages, mirroring them into packages subprograms.
    2. Replace the body of the DB procedures and functions with plain calls to their packages equivalents, transforming them effectively into wrappers behaving like synonyms.
    3. Change gradually the code of the application to call directly the packages functions and procedures
    4. When the change is completed, delete the wrappers.
    BTW If Oracle does not support a feature, than you it's better not to use it. Modifying the STANDARD package or using some volatile, undocumented features is not a clever move...

  • 10g export to 9i database

    Hi all
    Can i import 10g ( export to 9i database.
    i execute import command in 9i database.
    Please help as soon as posible.

    There are compatibility issues you should consider prior to attempt this export/import operation. If you took the export with the 10g export tool it won't be possible to be imported to any database prior to 10gR2, you are required to export from the 10gR2 DB with 9i export and import this data to the 9i Database with the 9i import tool.
    For further references I suggest you to take a look at the Metalink Note:
    Compatibility Matrix for Export & Import Between Different Oracle Versions
         Doc ID:      Note:132904.1
    ~ Madrid

  • Create Synonym for Object Type not supported; Why?

    Does anybody know the reason why Oracle does not support the creation of synonyms for object types?
    In our application we use many schemas to separate subsystems. The schema name has a version identifier included to allow multiple product versions loaded in the database at the same time.
    We reference objects between schemas by using synonyms, to avoid hardcoding the schema names.
    Therefore I must refrain from using object types, currently.
    Does anybody have such a multi-schema architecture, also?
    What is your experience?

    Type synonym is now supported in Oracle9i Release 2. The practice of using multi-schema architecture is an excellent practice for large applications. This provides a level of abstraction to simplify application maintenance, whihc you must have experienced. In conjuction with Object types, you can further simplify your application through reuse of user-defined types.
    Do you have an email address that I can contact you for further discussion off-line.
    Does anybody know the reason why Oracle does not support the creation of synonyms for object types?
    In our application we use many schemas to separate subsystems. The schema name has a version identifier included to allow multiple product versions loaded in the database at the same time.
    We reference objects between schemas by using synonyms, to avoid hardcoding the schema names.
    Therefore I must refrain from using object types, currently.
    Does anybody have such a multi-schema architecture, also?
    What is your experience?

  • ORA-22816 on a Synonym for Remote Table

    I created a synonym for a remote table in the portal schema.
    When I tried inserting value into the table, I get this error
    Error: An unexpected error occurred: ORA-22816: unsupported feature with RETURNING clause (WWV-16016)
    The portal schema is in a 9i database and the remote table in a 8i database

    Try creating a form on this synonym. You should be able to do the table insert through the form.
    However, you should make sure that the DB link is a public db link.

Maybe you are looking for