Export to Excel - File Name WAD 7.0

Hi All,
I am using Export to Excel Functionality with WAD 7.0 to export the report to excel format.
I have used button web item, with an excel picture above it. The functionality works fine.
But while exporting the name of excel file shown is WAD 7.0 name.
ex. My WAD 7.0 name is IFIOP_C07_W700, the excel file also gets saved in this name.
I want it to be made customizable.
Can you throw some pointers.
Sri Arun Prian

i have the same issue now where i need to populate the xport file name as report name. can you send me your solution please.

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    when i execute my program one excel sheet is getting generated.for this i have used a fm 'SAP_CONVERT_TO_XLS_FORMAT'.i want to capture that excel file name and i want to pass it to next function module as input.bcz i should not do any hard coding like passing the filename directly into the function module.
    anybody have any suggestion for this.

    Here is the piece of code ....
    I hope this will add some help to u...
    FORM convert_xls_itab.
      break devuser.
          i_field_seperator    = 'X'
          i_line_header        = 'X'
          i_tab_raw_data       = wa_tab
          i_filename           = p_file
          i_tab_converted_data = it_data
          conversion_failed    = 1
          OTHERS               = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    **--- Perform to move the data into an internal data
    Thanks & Regards
    Ashu Singh

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    I am using the CRJ SDK 12 to export to Excel file, but i i want to format the font of Cells in Excel when exporting them.
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    There's no control over per-cell formatting for Excel exports.
    Ted Ueda

  • Excel file name at BIRT

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    reportContext.setPageVariable( reportContext.PAGE_VAR_PAGE_LABEL, "desired_name" );
    At the tab script of a table.
    Does anybody how to do this? Any kind of REPORT_VAR or something like that?
    Thank you all.
    P.D. This s my first post, if I made any mistake, please let my know. Thanks again.

    Sorry for be late to answer. I´m using BIRT 4.3 whith the org.eclipse.birt.report.engine.emitter.nativexls_1.0.0.201110122114.jar
    But now i´m thinking that the problem is at SpagoBi becose BIRT serve the xls report ok with its name and its table named sheets without script. the script is to name the xls sheets in SpagoBI. and i was looking for something like that.


    작성날짜 : 2002-04-08
    다음은 export시에 date function을 file name으로 이용하는 방법을
    1)DATE 를 넣어서 shell program 으로 exp 를 하는 방안은 다음과 같다.
    CDATE=d`date '+%m%d%H%M%S' `;export CDATE
    exp scott/tiger file=$CDATE.dmp full=y
    2) UNIX prompt 에서
    $setenv CDATE=d`date '+%m%d%H%M%S' `
    exp scott/tiger file=$CDATE.dmp full=y
    Reference Documents

    Hi All,
    I got the solution.
    The code which i had written in the FM is wrong.
    OUTPUT = SY-DATUM - 1. // Wrong.
    The correct one is below :
    Temp = SY-DATUM - 1.
    OUTPUT = Temp.
    And after that, in FM's Export tab, it should be Export parameter as OUTPUT and checked the "Pass value" check box.
    For the Physical File : <F=TEST>.txt.
    Here the FM which i created was FILENAME_EXIT_TEST.
    When I am calling the corresponding Logical file in the APD, It is working fine.
    Thanks for your inputs.

  • Bitmap is not exporting to excel file

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    i am using oracle 9i discoverer version

    Bitmaps in the workbook titles are not exported. I guess it was just too difficult to do when they added bitmaps into the titles.
    Rod West

  • After Export to Excel File error while opening using xmlwriter in silverlight

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    "The file you are trying to open, 'test.xls', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do uou want to open the file now ?"
    If i click Yes file opens correctly but it shows above message . Can any one suggest me how to avoid this programatically with the following code.
    I tried by changing the file saving as  .xls to .xlsx  but it doesnt works.
    Public Sub Export()
    Dim ss As String = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"
    Dim DataType As String
    Dim DataValue As Object
    'Dim DataView As C1.Silverlight.Data.DataView = m_DataGrid.ItemsSource
    'Dim ItemsSource As C1.Silverlight.Data.DataTable = DataView.Table
    Dim XmlSettings As XmlWriterSettings
    Dim ColumnBinding As Binding
    Dim FieldName As String
    Dim DataGridColumn As C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridColumn
    Dim ColumnIndex As Integer
    Dim J As Integer
    Dim DataGridRow As C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridRow
    Dim CommonUtil As New GoldCRM.Core.Common.Util
    Dim PropertyInfo As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
    Dim CellFormat As String
    If m_DataGrid.Rows.Count = 0 Then Exit Try
    XmlSettings = New XmlWriterSettings
    XmlSettings.Indent = True
    XmlSettings.NewLineOnAttributes = False
    Using myXML As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(m_Stream, XmlSettings)
    With myXML
    .WriteProcessingInstruction("mso-application", "progid=" & ControlChars.Quote & "Excel.Sheet" & ControlChars.Quote)
    .WriteStartElement("Workbook", ss)
    .WriteStartElement("DocumentProperties", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office")
    .WriteElementString("Author", m_DocumentProperties.Author)
    .WriteElementString("LastAuthor", String.Format("{0} {1}", Application.Current.Resources("EmpFirstName"), Application.Current.Resources("EmpLastName")))
    .WriteElementString("Created", m_DocumentProperties.Created)
    .WriteElementString("LastSaved", m_DocumentProperties.LastSaved)
    .WriteElementString("Company", Application.Current.Resources("REPORTINGSITENAME"))
    .WriteElementString("Version", m_DocumentProperties.Version)
    .WriteEndElement() 'Document Properties
    .WriteStartElement("ExcelWorkbook", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel")
    .WriteElementString("WindowHeight", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowHeight)
    .WriteElementString("WindowWidth", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowWidth)
    .WriteElementString("WindowTopX", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowTopX)
    .WriteElementString("WindowTopY", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowTopY)
    .WriteElementString("ProtectStructure", m_WorkbookProperties.ProtectStructure)
    .WriteElementString("ProtectWindows", m_WorkbookProperties.ProtectWindows)
    .WriteEndElement() 'Excel Workbook
    For I As Integer = 0 To m_Styles.Count - 1
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ID", ss, m_Styles(I).ID)
    If m_Styles(I).Name <> "" Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Name", ss, m_Styles(I).Name)
    End If
    If Not m_Styles(I).Alignment Is Nothing Then
    If m_Styles(I).Alignment.Horizontal <> 0 Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Horizontal", ss, m_Styles(I).Alignment.Horizontal.ToString)
    End If
    If m_Styles(I).Alignment.Vertical <> 0 Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Vertical", ss, m_Styles(I).Alignment.Vertical.ToString)
    End If
    If m_Styles(I).Alignment.WrapText = True Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "WrapText", ss, "1")
    End If
    End If
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Bottom")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Left")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Right")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Top")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteEndElement() 'Borders
    Dim myFont As Excel.Styles.Font = m_Styles(I).Font
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "FontName", ss, myFont.FontName.ToString)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Size", ss, myFont.Size)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Color", ss, myFont.Color.ToString.Remove(1, 2))
    If myFont.Bold = True Then .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Bold", ss, "1")
    If myFont.Italic = True Then .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Italic", ss, "1")
    If myFont.Underline <> 0 Then .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Underline", ss, myFont.Underline.ToString)
    Dim myInterior As Excel.Styles.Interior = m_Styles(I).Interior
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Color", ss, myInterior.Color.ToString.Remove(1, 2))
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Pattern", ss, "Solid")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Style
    Next I
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ID", ss, "DateStyle")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Format", ss, "General Date")
    .WriteEndElement() 'NumberFormat
    .WriteEndElement() 'Style
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ID", ss, "HeaderStyle")
    .WriteAttributeString("x", "Family", ss, "Swiss")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Bold", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Font
    .WriteEndElement() 'Style
    .WriteEndElement() 'Styles
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Name", ss, "WORKSHEET")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ExpandedColumnCount", ss, m_DataGrid.Columns.Count)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ExpandedRowCount", ss, m_DataGrid.Rows.Count + 100) 'Temporary fix: sometimes 1 row is not added.
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "FullColumns", ss, m_DataGrid.Columns.Count)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "FullRows", ss, m_DataGrid.Rows.Count + 100) 'Temporary fix: sometimes 1 row is not added.
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "DefaultRowHeight", ss, 15)
    For Each DataGridColumn In m_DataGrid.Columns
    If DataGridColumn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible Then
    If TypeOf DataGridColumn Is C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridNumericColumn Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitWidth", ss, 1)
    ElseIf TypeOf DataGridColumn Is C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridDateTimeColumn Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitWidth", ss, 1)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitWidth", ss, 0)
    End If
    If DataGridColumn.Width.Value <= 100 Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Width", ss, 100)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Width", ss, DataGridColumn.Width.Value)
    End If
    End If
    J = 0
    For Each DataGridRow In m_DataGrid.Rows
    J += 1
    If TypeOf DataGridRow Is GoldCRM.Controls.Filter.clsFilterRow Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, J)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitHeight", ss, 0)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Height", ss, 15)
    ColumnIndex = 0
    For Each DataGridColumn In m_DataGrid.Columns
    If DataGridColumn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible Then
    FieldName = String.Empty
    If TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridBoundColumn Then
    ColumnBinding = TryCast(DataGridColumn, DataGridBoundColumn).Binding
    If ColumnBinding.Path IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = ColumnBinding.Path.Path
    End If
    ElseIf TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridTemplateColumn Then
    If DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath.Trim
    End If
    End If
    If Not FieldName.Equals(String.Empty) Then
    ColumnIndex += 1
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, ColumnIndex)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "MergeAcross", ss, 0)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "StyleID", ss, "HeaderStyle")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Type", ss, "String")
    If DataGridColumn.Header IsNot Nothing Then
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Data
    .WriteEndElement() 'Cell
    End If
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Row
    End If
    If Not (TypeOf DataGridRow Is GoldCRM.Controls.Filter.clsFilterRow) Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, J + 1)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitHeight", ss, 0)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Height", ss, 15)
    ColumnIndex = 0
    For Each DataGridColumn In m_DataGrid.Columns
    If DataGridColumn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible Then
    FieldName = String.Empty
    If TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridBoundColumn Then
    ColumnBinding = TryCast(DataGridColumn, DataGridBoundColumn).Binding
    If ColumnBinding.Path IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = ColumnBinding.Path.Path
    End If
    ElseIf TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridTemplateColumn Then
    If DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath.Trim
    End If
    End If
    If Not FieldName.Equals(String.Empty) Then
    ColumnIndex += 1
    Dim DataCellValue As Object = Nothing
    If Not (TypeOf DataGridRow Is GoldCRM.Controls.Filter.clsFilterRow) Then
    PropertyInfo = CommonUtil.GetProperty(DataGridRow.DataItem, FieldName)
    If PropertyInfo IsNot Nothing Then
    DataCellValue = PropertyInfo.GetValue(DataGridRow.DataItem, Nothing)
    End If
    End If
    CellFormat = String.Empty
    If DataCellValue IsNot Nothing Then
    Select Case DataCellValue.GetType.Name.ToUpper
    Case "BitmapImage".ToUpper
    DataValue = "Image"
    DataType = "String"
    Case "Hyperlink".ToUpper
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = "Hyperlink"
    Case "Decimal".ToUpper
    DataType = "Number"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    Case "DateTime".ToUpper
    If CType(DataCellValue, Date).Year > 1900 Then
    DataType = "DateTime"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    CellFormat = "DateStyle"
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    End If
    Case Else
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    End Select
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = String.Empty
    End If
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, ColumnIndex)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "MergeAcross", ss, 0)
    If Not CellFormat.Equals(String.Empty) Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "StyleID", ss, CellFormat)
    End If
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Type", ss, DataType)
    .WriteEndElement() 'Data
    .WriteEndElement() 'Cell
    End If
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Row
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Table
    .WriteEndElement() 'Worksheet
    .WriteEndElement() 'Workbook
    End With
    End Using
    Catch ex As Exception
    Throw New Exception(ex.Message, ex)
    If m_Stream IsNot Nothing Then
    End If
    m_Stream = Nothing
    m_DataGrid.IsLoading = False
    DataValue = Nothing
    'DataView = Nothing
    'ItemsSource = Nothing
    XmlSettings = Nothing
    ColumnBinding = Nothing
    DataGridColumn = Nothing
    End Try
    End Sub

    i have the same issue now where i need to populate the xport file name as report name. can you send me your solution please.

  • Need help with Dynamic Excel File Name please.

    I am try to output an excel file with dynamic date. 
    Here what I done.
    I am using SQL 2012.
    Create Execute SQL Task Connect Type: Excel
    Create Data Flow Task set to DelayValidation: True
    Create OLE DB Sourc
    Create Data Converstion
    Excel Destination
    Excel Connection, Expression, select ExcelFilePath
    @[User::sXLFilePath] +  @[User::sFileName] + RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR, 2) DATEPART("DD", GETDATE()), 2)+ RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR, 2) DATEPART("MM", GETDATE()), 2) + RIGHT((DT_WSTR,
    4) DATEPART("YYYY", GETDATE()), 2) +".csv"
    What I try to accomplish is output the file with each day append to it, date must be DDMMYY.
    I google it and found many samples, tested it, and none of them is work for me. 
    Any suggestions or some examples to share is greatly appreciate. 
    I am new to SSIS.  I found one poster have similar issue and inside the posted below, there was one suggestion to create variable and connection string but how do I bind that variable to Excel Connection manger.
    Please help.
    Thank you so much in advance.
    Ex: SOX_CAM_SQL_Report _020215.csv
           SOX_CAM_SQL_Report _030215.csv
    --Similar issue:
    Suggestion in the above posted but where can bind this to Excel Connection Manger. 
    Please help provide step by step.  Thanks.
    "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\\temp\\" + "ExcelTarget" + (DT_WSTR,4)DATEPART("yyyy",GETDATE())  +
    ".xls" + ";Extended Properties=\"EXCEL 8.0;HDR=YES\";"
    And yes, as you were intimating, the delay validation on the dataflow should be set.

    Hi NguyenBL,
    According to your description, you created ssis package to export data from database to excel, when the package runs, you want to create new excel and name the file with time stamp. If that is the case, we can achieve the goal by following steps:
    Create a script task used to create excel files.
    Create a data flow task to export data from database to excel.
    Add OLE DB source to data flow task.
    Add Excel Destination to data flow task.
    Create connection manager for OLE DB and Excel.
    Click Excel Connection Manager, in Properties window, click (…) button next to Expressions, then set ExcelFilePath with expression like below:
    "C:\\ETL Lab\\CreateNewExcel\\ExportData_"+REPLACE((DT_STR, 20, 1252)(DT_DBTIMESTAMP)@[System::StartTime], ":", "")+".xls"
    For detail information, please refer to the document:
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Wendy Fu
    Wendy Fu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Export List of File Name with Faces Identified

    I'd like to export a list from Aperture, into any file format - Words, Numbers, rich text, MS Word, MS Excel, anything!!
    The list would show the file name and all the faces identified in that file.
    My daughter is in her High School dance team. I've taken more than 1000 photos. Here is is the end of the season and I'd like to distribute the photos among the dancers/parents. They don't have the software or care to take the time to sort through the pics to figure out which photos they are in. I'd at least like to give them a list of photos so that can find the ones
    Faces can be a helpful feature (though I hate all the file versions all over the place in iPhoto and Apeture).
    I've read that Faces is not stored in the metadata of the file. I've tried to export metadata, but not much comes out other than the standard file size, camera settings, etc.
    Easier to describe the situation, I guess, but would be helpful for many photos with people (weddings, parties, reunions, genealogy photos ...)
    which is Faces is supposed to be about, RIGHT???
    I guess a work around could be exporting the files from the identified faces. That seems like it would just junk up more storage/memory. I guess you could use a file list  naming app and then delete the exported files - that just seems stupid.
    I expect a little more from a souped up version of iPhoto for $79. Especially if I have Adobe Creative Suite with Bridge. If Apple wants to give a little shove to Apple, and bring novice users from looking for a non Apple solution, I think this would be an EASY no brainer.
    Thanks anyone who has a solution of a decent work around.
    Beth in Wisconsin
    Aperture 3.06
    Adobe Creative Suite 6

    Dear Kirby, Thank you so much for your reply.
    I'm familiar with Metadata. I've worked with Canto Cumulus and Filemaker.
    I guess a more important question - where is the Faces data stored?
    I'm looking to export a text version by file name, such as in a spreadsheet. Something like this
    File Name     PhotoFile_01.jpg     PhotoFile_01.jpg     PhotoFile_03.jpg
    Faces ID'd    Nina Totenburg        Carl Kasel               Tom Ashbrook     
    Faces ID'd    Carl Kasel                Peter Sagel            
    Faces ID'd    Terri Gross               Terri Gross              Nina Totenburg
    Faces ID'd     Renee Montaigne    Tom Ashbrook
    File Name                    Face 1               Face 2          Face 3               Face 4
    PhotoFile_01.jpg         Bob Braun         Tina Fey        Andy Warhol
    PhotoFile_02.jpg         Leah Jones       Beyonce        Tina Turner      Dave Matthews
    PhotoFile_03.jpg         Lisa Liu            Geena Davis
    Anything that would identify the faces in a photo to a text file ....
    Yes I understand that most of the IOS software is supposed to make it easier for the new and less techie user. But if you are going to create all these versions and mini files for the photos, why not make them accessible to a power user. I'm not a coder, but I've been using macs for 25 of my 40 years.
    What gets me is that you go to the trouble of identifying all the Faces. What is Faces really supposed to help you with?
    I mean Facebook is better at face recognition than this. Don't go on a tangent - about this - just sayin'.
    Thanks for your time!

  • Can i export an excel file to my I-Cal & if so how?

    Hi.  I have a large amount of data/dates in an excel file and I would like to easily export these into my I-Cal. Please advise.

    But if it's a big album, be sure to create a new folder on the desktop first, to export them into. Having hundreds of individual photos on your desktop will slow your computer to a crawl.

  • Default export path and file name

    Inside Visual Studio, when developing reports, is there a way to tell the report the path I want to save my exported file to?
    So for example, I run the report.
    I then export the report as an Excel file.
    Now when the SaveAs screen appears, I would like my declared directory to be pointed to.  Does this make sence?
    Very easy to do in other programming environments, not sure why I cannot figure it out in the SSRS environment.
    Thanks in advance.
    A valiant warrior dies but once, a coward dies a thousand times before his death.

    I would like my declared directory to be pointed to.
    No, this is not possible in SSRS.
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

  • Export Artboards with file name = to artboard name

    My job requires me to deal with multiple artboards in a single file (same project versioned out among several clients). Is there any way to export from Illustrator where the exported file's name would match the name of the artboard rather than documentName-01, documentName-02 and so on?
    Note: I am working with CS5

    You can rename the artboards there.
    The name gets part of the file name on export.

  • Export with dynamic file name

    Hi everyone.
    I want to know how export oracle tables with dynamic file name on windows XP platform.

    You'd have to generate the export command-line or par file using a script -- Windows or SQL !
    It would be easy to use SQL to generate the script.
    So you could have a BATch file that
    a. Calls the SQL to generate the export command-line or parfile
    b. Executes the export
    even possibly run in a loop.
    Hemant K Chitale

  • Room Data not getting exported to excel file

    I am facing a small issue regarding collaboration rooms.
    I created some Rooms and Created few Tasks in each room. I tried to export the task details in a excel file. For most of the rooms it is working fine but for few rooms either data is not getting exported or some data is missing in the generated excel file.I am working on EP 7.0  and all the rooms are created from the same user.
    What could be the possible reason for such a behaviour ?  Kindly Help me with this.

    i believe you can use GUI_DOWNLOAD simply for this purpose.
        FILENAME                        = 'c:\abc.xls'
       FILETYPE                        = 'ASC'
       WRITE_FIELD_SEPARATOR           = 'X'
        DATA_TAB                        = ITAB
    it will work, i believe.

  • Another question about import/export to excel file?

    Hi, I need to know urgently if it's possible to import/export excel files from/to JSP with unpredicted number of fields each row. For example, row 1 in the excel file can have 5 columns of data, row 2 has 3 columns of data, etc...
    Does reading from excel file in JSP require that we know beforehand how many columns there are and what each column represent?

    go read http://jakarta.apache.org/poi !!!!!!
    No it doesnt. the POI api provide method to determine the number of cells in a row.

Maybe you are looking for

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