Export Using QT Conversion Causes Crash

Is there a bug-report area?

I've got a 2TB Time Capsule as well.
A time capsule is useless for video. That's like telling us you store everything in a 1999 volvo station wagon.
But what's the problem with having only 10GB free?
When you export (transcode) a video file, the system requires a great deal of swap space (scratch space) for the system and the program as there in nowhere near enough ram in your machine to hold all the data in memory during the hideously complex matrix transformations. This space is used temporarily so you will never see it show up in your file browser but if it is not there, the program will crash.
To address this issue you need to clear off space on your system hard drive so that there is adequate free space for the OS AND you need a drive to hold the media and act as a temp storage (scratch) disk for the program files.

Similar Messages

  • FC export using QT conversion crashes

    FC export using QT conversion crashes. I opened Quicktime and tried to export a clip but it crashed immediately. Can anybody help please, I need to export a short movie to flv to post online.
    Many thanks.
    FC 4.5
    QT 7.5

    hmmm .... i've no experience with your particular FCP/QT version combination.
    did you try to export a self contained or reference movie and then convert that to FLV in Quicktime Player (or in Compressor)?
    similarly, did you try the Export > Using Compressor... option?

  • Export using Quicktime Conversion Save Prompt Freeze

    I'm seeing a bug when I export using Quicktime Conversion using Final Cut Pro 7. From the main save prompt window, if I open "options..." and make my export adjustments and return back to the main save window again, it does not initiate a save when I click the save button. Further, it will not let me cancel out either. The save/cancel buttons will click blue for a moment as if they were pushed, but nothing happens - the save prompt window is totally unresponsive. My only course of action is to force quit. (note: the force quit window does NOT report FCP as unresponsive.) This problem does not happen every time, but enough to be a major annoyance. Has anyone had this issue? Thank you.

    Your lunch break long wait rules out any "frustrated after a few seconds" reaction and would certainly be long enough for a drive that has dozed off to react.
    Some particularly processor intensive formats could conceivably have a short delay before something starts to happen.
    Writing to the system drive is not something I would personally do -I have dedicated storage for my entire video workflow. But this would also rule out a sleeping drive. The system is constantly being written and read.
    If you are writing particularly large files to the system drive, bear in mind that a good chunk of the "tons" of free space is allocated to "swap" files -data that can't be written into RAM is off loaded to the hard drive. Depending just how large the swap files are and how large your video files are, there could be a delay in reallocation of swap file space to allow the video files to be written. Having less space for swap files can cause the OS to slowdown. Drives will generally become less responsive, the fuller they are.
    Note that I am by no means an expert on this, so the percieved slowdown may be less significant than what the paragraph above implies.
    Run Disk Utility and make it a regular part of your maintenance routine. Writing and reading the huge amounts of data that are used in video production can cause problems with the directory structure. Better to catch it early and fix it, directory damage is culmulative. You might not notice it until your files are no longer accessible.
    How is the system response when you export a project as a self contained movie using current settings (same as your Timeline)? Exporting with QuickTime Compression always recompresses your video -even when writing using the same codec as the Timeline already uses, so it will take longer to process.
    Self contained with current settings is the workflow that I always use. The resulting "master" file is brought into Compressor to make the deliverables. This also frees up FCP and lets me continue editing while compression runs in the background.

  • File export using quicktime conversion quit!!!

    I am trying to export a 3 minute film and I have just downloaded flip4mac studio as my client needs it in wmv format. I exported the film yesterday to a quicktime format, so they could watch it online. But today, after i downloaded flip4mac studio when I click on file > export > using quicktime conversion the whole of fcp just quits! when i click on file > export > quicktime movie it is fine, it just seems to be when i click on quicktime conversion. What is going on, it was fine yesterday!!!
    I am using final cut pro version 5.1.4. Please help me because I don't know what the **** is going on!?!

    I have a mac pro, 2x 2.66 GHZ Dual core Intel Xeon, 2 GB RAM, 1ST hard drive, free space 136GB - second hard drive 204GB. Operating system: Mac OS X 10.4.10 - Quicktime version 7.2.0 - player version 7.2. - Flip4Mac version, flip4mac wmv studio, downloaded and purchased from their site.
    My project details - filmed on Sony Z1 in HDV, captured via firewire (preset HDV), device preset Sony HDV 1080i 50, sequence preset, HDV - 1080i 50.
    These the normal settings i usually use for all the projects that I have ever done. Have I always set it up wrong or am I just going crazy? Also do I need a separate plugin to connect flip4mac and final cut? I have never used flip4mac before, so I don't really know how it works!
    I googled 'flip4mac final cut plugin' and it said:
    Final Cut Pro: Flip4Mac MXF components may cause unexpected quit
    Issue or symptom
    With more than one Flip4Mac component installed, Final Cut Pro may unexpectedly quit when you open it in Mac OS X 10.4.10.
    Products affected
    Final Cut Pro
    Mac OS X 10.4.10
    Flip4Mac MXF components
    Delete or temporarily remove the following items:
    Library/Application Support/Final Cut Pro System Support/Plugins/Flip4Mac Editcam Plugin.bundle
    Library/Application Support/Final Cut Pro System Support/Plugins/Flip4Mac XDCAM Plugin.bundle
    Library/Application Support/Final Cut Pro System Support/Plugins/Flip4Mac Profile Plugin.bundle
    Library/Preference Panes/Flip4Mac Editcam.prefPane
    Library/Preference Panes/Flip4Mac XDCAM.prefPane
    Library/Preference Panes/Flip4Mac Profile.prefPane
    Library/QuickTime/Flip4Mac Editcam.component
    Library/QuickTime/Flip4Mac XDCAM.component
    Library/QuickTime/Flip4Mac Flip4Mac Profile.component
    Is this relevant to my problem?
    Thanks for your help.

  • Unable to "export using quicktime conversion" getting "General Error"

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    I have a Matrox HD card and here are my specs:
    Model Name:          Mac Pro
      Model Identifier:          MacPro3,1
      Processor Name:          Quad-Core Intel Xeon
      Processor Speed:          2.8 GHz
      Number Of Processors:          2
      Total Number Of Cores:          8
      L2 Cache (per processor):          12 MB
      Memory:          12 GB
      Bus Speed:          1.6 GHz
      Boot ROM Version:          MP31.006C.B05
      SMC Version (system):          1.25f4
      Serial Number (system):          G88111W5XYL
      Hardware UUID:          99E22DCE-A768-5AD0-9134-7316FF147D0D

    What are the properties of your source clips for your project? Click on the source clip in the FCP browser, and once selected type Command + 9 to see the properties of the clip. Either report those properties, or  take a screen shot of the Item Properties and post it here.
    What are your sequence settings?
    Click anywhere on the timeline, and type Command + 0 {zero}, then either report them or take a screen shot of your sequence settings and post it here.
    Have you tried restarting your system?
    Have you tried trashing your Final Cut Pro preferences?

  • Saving Settings for use with Export using Quicktime Conversion

    Dear All,
    Is it possible to save a set of settings for use with the Export using Quicktime Conversion feature? The reason I ask is that we have to export a quicktime of every tv commercial we make (using the same settings) and it would be great if "one click" could deliver the export settings we need.
    All the best, Sean

    Well, you can create a droplet from Compressor that would do what you'd like...
    Open compressor and in the Help menu, Select the user manual. Navigate to page 315.

  • Missing with chapter markers after Export Using QuickTime Conversion

    I have my FCE workflow setup as follows:
    I create the sequences using relatively large video source files, in Apple Intermediate Codec (AIC).
    Then, I use Export -> Using QuickTime Conversion to H.264 Codec, but my chapter markers are lost.
    If I use Export -> QuickTime Movie, the chapter markers are preserved, but the codec is still AIC.
    I need a compressed file with chapter markers. What am I missing?

    One more time: "Where are you looking at the exported file? After making a DVD or somewhere else?"
    Can you answer this for me? How are you looking at this material? Off the DVD you've burned? Is that what you're saying? Comparing the QuickTime Movie export to a DVD burned from a PhotoJPEG export? Or are you playing it from the computer to HDMI? If so are you using the QuickTime player? Is the QT player set to high quality playback? Yes, PhotoJPEG (not JPEG Photo) is a very large file especially at full quality. You probably don't need any more than 75% quality. I'd be very surprised if you say you can see the difference between 75% and 100%.
    The length of the video is important not the size of the disc. iDVD's compression is fixed by the length of movie and the amount of content that has to be encoded.

  • Export Using QuickTime Conversion To Windows Media (.wmv)

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    I tried to set in and out points, but it made no difference.
    So now I can't make a file that can get played on Windows computer that has only Windows Media player. And .avi file is not an option since I can't get one compressed enought, so it turns out too big. I understand that I can buy some third party software to make .wmv file, but I want to make sure that out of box Final Cut Pro HD 4.5 can't make Windows Media files before spending extra money.

    You need to buy the full version of flip-4-mac to encode/save to a wmv. Sounds like you only have the trail/free playback version...
    You need either the pro version or studio version:

  • Export using QuickTime Conversion + SMB automount problems

    I have noticed an interesting (read bad) behavior in FCP (5.0.4) - If I try to do an export using quicktime conversion with the destination being an automounted (via netinfo) smb share as opposed to a apple-k mounted share in m4v, 3g, mp4, image sequence, still image or quicktime movie - I get a File Error: Unknown Folder. However if I do the same export but in avi, wmv, dv stream, or flc formats, it works fine.
    Trying to do the same export operation in quicktime pro produces an error -120, which is equivalent to directory not found.
    Seems like a quicktime problem dealing with the automounted shares, anyone else run into this issue? Have a fix?
    C M I

    I know I can save locally + that it is tied to the quicktime components - I'm looking for fix/workaround that addresses the issue and streamlines my workflow, thats the reason I set up the automounter in the first place.
    So it's clear though, quicktime has no problem with smb in a general sense, it only has problems w/ the automounted smb shares - manual or command+k mounting of smb shares offer no problems.
    I use the automounting for two reasons: first is to emulate unc paths for rush render queue and second is to have consistent working paths to static content on a file server so final cut docs can be passed from editor to editor and link consistently.

  • Difference between Export QT and Export Using QT Conversion?

    I am exporting video from FCE4 into iDVD, and can't understand the difference between Export QuickTime Movie and Export Using QuickTime Conversion.
    The first is much faster, but the video seems to suffer in quality. Am I missing something?

    "Export Using QuickTime Conversion" gives you many more options
    (and many more ways of making mistakes); and it always recompresses.
    Using "Export QuickTime Movie" gives you the option to uncheck
    the "Recompress" box, which should produce a better result,
    if you're not changing codecs.

  • Export Using Quicktime Conversion getting too long

    Hi everyone ! I work with Final Cut Pro for over a year now. I have the last mac book pro from April 2011 and i just finished a talk show for a guy i work for.
    The problem is, i started the export since 2 hours and he tells me that i have to wait 4 hours. It's only 31% !!
    I need your help 'cause i have an apointment in 2 hours and i have to give him the show ! When i do the export without the conversion, it takes 15 mins but the frame is not good and there's some problems with the video. I need to do the conversion to make it work right ! I do it before but with shorts video clips, now it's for a show of 18 minutes and it takes to much time.
    Please help me !
    Ah, i forgot, the show was shot with 3 Canon 7D so i don't understand why it takes so long...
    Thanks !

    >Why si it necessary to converted to ProRes ?
    Because FCP doesn't work with non-FCP codecs well.  It isn't designed to.  It, like Avid, craves that the media be converted to an editing codec that it supports.  H.264 isn't viable in FCP because it is highly compressed.  FCP isn't designed to work with that format natively.
    Adobe Premiere CAN work natively with H.264 because it is designed to.  It has presets, it uses graphics cards that enable CUDA and the Mercury Engine to enable more processing power to be thrown at the H.264 files.  If you don't have a graphics cards that enables CUDA and the Mercury Engine...editing H.264 in Premiere Pro is a DOG!
    >Can i do it with Adobe Media Encoder from the CS5 Suite ? It's the only converter that I have !
    Uhmmm....you should have Compressor.  It comes with Final Cut Pro...part of the install disk.  Installs by default.
    >I walways use QT Conversion because without, i have some problems with the images, it started with pixels, sometimes it frozes a few seconds but the sound continue to roll and even a green screen come sometimes.
    Because you aren't doing things right.  You need to convert the footage to ProRes before you edit to avoid these issues.

  • Anyone get FCP to 'export using compressor' without it crashing?

    As per the subject lads, for a long while now FCP 6 produces the spinning beachball and hangs indefinitely when I try to 'export using compressor'. I have to export using QT, then import the QT file into compressor where it works from time to time ( I think it's a really buggy app ).
    Done all the usual things to try to fix it including full updates etc but it still crashes FCP. It would be handy to get it to work so if anyone has an answer I'd be grateful.

    Yep trashed the lot, but I do use instances. I've come across some folks who allow compressor to employ all the available instances but expect FCP to function in the background and they experience hangs and crashes. I have allowed compressor to use half my instances and it fairly whizzes through the work when dealing with self-contained QT movies ( when it isn't playing up ) but I didn't think that using half my instances would still crash FCp when exporting directly off the timeline.
    I'll disable instances and see if that cures it. If it does then it's actually worth abandoning 'export using compressor' off the timeline when I know Compressor works so quickly with self-contained QT movies and instances.

  • General error on Export   Using quicktime conversion

    I have created a film that I am able to export using the Quicktime movie feature.
    but if I use the Quicktime Conversion feature I get a "general error" (no number)
    I am trying to export the files in a smaller form for CD's.
    The film was in HD.
    FCE Version 4.0.1
    OSX 10.5.6
    Imac 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2
    3 GB of Ram
    over 300 GB of hard drive space.
    Any ideas would be great.

    I have a project with three films in it.
    Each film is about 3 min long, all shot in HD format.
    All footage imported via FCE.
    The films all of a product with a screen. I have made a duplicate of the video layers. Put a 4 point mask in with a feather to adjust the screen colour (gamma adjustments).
    Also the into to the film is some text done directly in FCE.

  • No Audio when I export using quicktime conversion

    This problem has just started. In my time line my movie places with both audio and video. When I try to export it using quicktime conversion I get a file with video but no audio. If I go to the audio settings button and click preview, I hear nothing. I have exported using the exact same settings many times before without problems.
    If I export the file using quicktime movie, I get both audio and video.
    This is driving me crazy, Can anyone help? Thanks!

    I got no audio on the DVD when I exported from FCE using the Quicktime Movie setting. I finally determined it was because my audio was at 44.1k Hz. I upsampled to 48k and there was sound on the final DVD. This is not normally a problem when input comes from a camera, but if you are doing a DVD of a Keynote presentation and adding separate sound to it from a CD, this becomes a problem.
    Certainly no more than a little annoying that there's nothing said during the FCE export that this audio won't be exported. It's just not there.

  • Export using quicktime conversion only exports 23 seconds of my project...

    I am trying to output a promotional video to .wmv format using the quicktime conversion. It only exports 23 seconds of footage before stopping, which is no use at all.
    Whats wrong?
    I have tried setting ins and outs around the video, and I have tried selecting all the content in the timeline, but nothing seems to help.

    DOC EDITOR wrote:
    Thank you, very much. The cost of the flip version needed is only $49 so that is not bad, but why would you actually need something extra when the conversion option is available in Final Cut? I would understand if the option did not exist at all and the flip 4 mac would make the option available.
    Not on mine. I had to buy a third party product to do that.
    AFAIK, the ability to be exporting to wmv is not included with FCS or Compressor or QT. If it appears in your options, you may have installed another app that includes the transcoders and codecs.
    Microsoft and Apple do not cooperate in the format wars, neither will support the other and there's money involved. It's a shame becuase Flash is whacking both of them stupid and Silverlight is even kinda cool. QT's days are probably numbered.

Maybe you are looking for