Export webpages to remote web-hosting server

Hi guys, I have already got a domain name and web space hosted by a web-hosting company, may I know how do I export these webpages that I have created in iWeb to the remote server. I know that I can use FTP, but where can I locate the webpages that I have created? Is there any underlying issues?

Use the File/Publish to a folder... function in iWeb. You can choose your desktop as the "folder" destination, to make things simple.
Now use your ftp client to upload the published site folder and the index.html file you see next to it, to the host of your choice.

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    I have set up a Remote Dexktop Service using the "Quick" deployment method in Server Manager and everything is working greate internally, but I cannot start an app published in Remote Web Access from outside our network.
    The problem is that it wants to start the using the internal URL, for example, server.domain.local, instead of the external one, for example remote.server.com.
    I therefore want to know how I can change the default URL for the Remote Web Access server and all the Remote Web Apps in Windows Server 2012?
    I have allready looked in Server Manager and I can change some of the deployment settings in server manager, but there is no way to alter the URL of the Remote Web Access server. See below images:
    Pressing the internal URL only results in opening the internal URL.
    This was very simple to do in Windows Server 2008 R2 using the tsconfig tool, but it does not seam to be any way of solving this in server manager.
    A possible sollution would be to alter the registry someware in HKLM->Software->Microsoft->Windows NT->Terminal Services. But this can easaly lead to problems due to wrong format, etc. and is probably not supported.
    Is there a simpler and supported way?

    That option can be used to connect to any machine that you want.  The error message indicates that the client machine cannot resolve the name "server.domain.local" to an IP address that it can connect to.
    You have several options for configuring that tab on the RDweb site.  You can even remove it entirely. 
    Customization of RD Web Site
    RD Web provides a number of customization options for the RD Web interface, including the ability to control default Gateway server settings and redirection settings. These settings
    are controlled by editing the web.config file located in %SYSTEMROOT%\Web\RDWeb\Pages.
    Displaying Local Help
    To display local help for users instead of the web-based help, edit the LocalHelp value and change the value from false to true.
    <!-- LocalHelp: Displays local help for users, instead of the web-based help. Value must be "true" or "false" -->
    <add key="LocalHelp" value="false" />
    When this value is changed, a user that clicks on Help in the upper right corner of the RD Web login page will open the local help file instead of web-based help.
    Hiding the Connect to a Remote PC Tab
    The RDWeb page
    Connect to a Remote PC tab can be hidden from users to prevent connections to any servers through RD Web other than the servers configured in a collection. By default, this setting is set to true and the
    Remote Desktops tab is displayed. To hide the tab, set the value to false.
    <!-- ShowDesktops: Displays or hides the Remote Desktops tab. Value must be "true" or "false" -->
    <add key="ShowDesktops" value="true" />
    When the value is set to false, a user will not see the Connect to a Remote PC tab when logged on to the RD Web page
    RD Gateway Settings
    If the Connect to a Remote PC tab is enabled, an administrator can configure RD Web to use a Gateway server when connecting to remote computers. To specify a gateway, edit the below
    value with the name of the RD Gateway server:
    <!-- DefaultTSGateway: Admin can preset this to a given Gateway name, or set to "" for no gateway. -->
    <add key="DefaultTSGateway" value="" />
    The default authentication method for the RD Gateway server can also be configured by editing the following section of the web.config:
    <!-- GatewayCredentialsSource: TS Gateway Authentication Type.
    Admins can preset this.
    0 = User Password
    1 = Smartcard
    4 = "Ask me later"
    <add key="GatewayCredentialsSource" value="0" />
    Devices and Resources
    By default, only Printers and Clipboard are redirected on connections made using the Connect to a Remote PC tab. If the user clicks the
    Options << button, the redirection settings for a specific connection can be modified
    To configure each specified redirection option to be enabled or disabled by default, edit the following section in the web.config file:
    <!-- Devices and resources: Preset the Checkbox values to either true or false -->
    <add key="xPrinterRedirection" value="true" />
    <add key="xClipboard" value="true" />
    <add key="xDriveRedirection" value="false" />
    <add key="xPnPRedirection" value="false" />
    <add key="xPortRedirection" value="false" />
    LAN Experience Defaults
    Windows Server 2012 RD Web Access can display a new user selectable option for optimizing the connection for a LAN experience. This option is displayed at the bottom of the RD Web
    page and can be controlled by the administrator using the following section of the web.config file:
    <!--  Checkbox to opt for optimized LAN experience -->
    <add key="ShowOptimizeExperience" value="false" />
    <add key="OptimizeExperienceState" value="false" />
    This value is set to false by default, but when changed to true, the following checkbox will display at the bottom of the webpage. The LAN experience
    checkbox can also be set as enabled by default.
    Each setting can also be modified using the IIS Manager user interface:
    Don Geddes - SR Support Escalation Engineer - Remote Desktop Services - Printing and Imaging

  • Applet loads/plays in preview, but not on live web host server

    When I use FireFox 3 to browse to the “flexdc08.htm” document (yes, javascript is turned on) I get this message in the browser status bar – “Applet llp3 started”.
    But, only a blank page is ever displayed, nothing ever gets loaded, the application never starts.
    Specifically, I am questioning this line of code in the “flexdc08.htm” file –
    <APPLET CODE="llp3.class" ARCHIVE="llp3.jar,skinw.jar" width=664 height=453 MAYSCRIPT>
    The files “llp3.class” and “skinw.jar” do not exist. “llp3.jar” does exist.
    Here is a complete listing of the code in “flexdc08.htm” –
    <BODY BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 rightmargin=0>
    <DIV ID='TDemoID' STYLE='position:absolute; left:10; top:10; visibility:visible'>
    <APPLET CODE="llp3.class" ARCHIVE="llp3.jar,skinw.jar" width=664 height=453 MAYSCRIPT>
    <PARAM NAME="ProjectFile" VALUE="flexdc08.ctd" />
    <PARAM NAME="TC" VALUE="0x000000" />
    <PARAM NAME="SynchLoad" VALUE="1" />
    <PARAM NAME="FromSkin" VALUE="1" />
    <PARAM NAME="LoadingMsg" VALUE="Loading Demo..." />
    <PARAM NAME="ExpiredMsg" VALUE="Time limit expired." />
    <PARAM NAME="CorruptedMsg" VALUE="Demo File is corrupted." />
    <PARAM NAME="LoopMsg" VALUE="Loop" />
    <PARAM NAME="ProjectName" VALUE="Project Name" />
    <PARAM NAME="ProjectVer" VALUE="Project Version" />
    <PARAM NAME="Author" VALUE="Author" />
    <PARAM NAME="AURL" VALUE="Author's URL" />
    <PARAM NAME="AEMail" VALUE="Author's E-Mail" />
    <PARAM NAME="StopMsg" VALUE="STOP! The HTML page has been modified." />
    <PARAM NAME="IsLoop" VALUE="0" />
    And, here is a complete listing of all of the files on the web host server –
    The applet starts and plays fine when previewing from within Dreamweaver. It's just when it is published o the web host server and tried to access from there in a browser that it will not start.
    Is there a good way to debug the applet startup?
    These files were provided to us from a vendor on a CD, which plays when inserted into the PC drive.

    Are you sure you are uploading the pages to the correct location?
    Could you post a screen capture of your expanded files window, showing the remote server and local file structures?
    I'm guessing they're not identical and that you may be uploading to a redundant root folder.

  • How to use Mac Mini as web hosting server?

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    I have a few domains that I want to host on my mac mini.
    How do I configure/setup the mac mini?

    yes, a little. it's nice for people not used to setting up from source or doing tons of stuff in the command line. it installs like any other mac application & puts a nice control pane in system preferences. plus, you can set up for updates to keep everything current with patches.
    I'm not sure how to handle the multiple domains, but whatever you find on apache that covers this should also or mostly apply to you too.

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    Would you please recommend a web host server compatible with Apple? Thank you.

    Please see this for starters https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2014/04/05/faq-on-ceo-resignation/
    Brendan made the personal decision to not only step down from CEO but to also leave Mozilla. This has lead to some individuals and article writers assuming he was fired or forced to resign.
    I get the feeling that you came to the (wrong) conclusion that Mozilla only found out about his support prop 8 donation (made in 2008) after he went from CTO to CEO and the board then must have fired or forced him out after. This is not true as Mozilla knew about this donation since March 2012 due to a article that was written at time. Thanks to California law where such donations require name, employer and it be public record somebody found it and wrote about then. If the board did not support Brendan for who he is then perhaps he would not have been made CEO right?
    You should keep using Firefox as Brendan Eich would want that and because Mozilla did not fire nor forced him out.
    In fact he could probably come back to working at Mozilla in some role if he wanted to as the Mozilla board encouraged him to stay in some capacity when he chose to leave.
    Chris Ilias made a long post about what happened and the support that Mozilla and people at Mozilla have for Brendan. Was going to quote it here but the forum software does not quote very well.
    Oh and Mozilla is hardly closed minded as they support equality which includes LGBT. https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2014/03/29/mozilla-supports-lgbt-equality/

  • Web hosting server?

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  • How to start coherence server using node manager of remote web-logic server

    We want to manage our coherence servers using web-logic. Our requirement is as such we want to keep single web-logic Admin Server and add all other node-manager to the same web-logic Admin Server.
    Now when we create machine on node 1 (on which Admin Server is running) and add node manager of other server it is not responding and shows status as inactive.
    Status: Inactive
    Problem description: weblogic.nodemanager.NMException Exception encountered while communicating with this node manager
    Version: (not available)
    Looking at the log files it gives below info
    <Sep 10, 2011 6:31:55 AM> <WARNING> <Configuration error while reading domain directory>
    weblogic.nodemanager.common.ConfigException: The domain 'BlazeVMA' at 'null' was not registered in the nodemanager.domains file and dynamic domain registration is not supported. Please register the domain in the nodemanager.domains file.
    at weblogic.nodemanager.server.NMServer.getDomainManager(NMServer.java:254)
    <Sep 10, 2011 7:53:58 AM> <WARNING> <I/O error while reading domain directory>
    java.io.FileNotFoundException: Domain directory '/data/oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/BlazeVMA' not found
    Even after I have added the domain name in above directory. It returns with the same error.
    Please let me know if anyone has faced the same issue while running coherence server on remote system using weblogic admin console on one machine and node manager on other machine.

    Thank You Rene.
    This issue is resolved, but now I am facing issue while starting the coherence server on the remote node using node manager.
    In the weblogic > coherence_server logs I am getting
    Oracle Coherence Version Build 19111
    Grid Edition: Development mode
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    2011-09-11 07:14:40.231/1.453 Oracle Coherence GE <Error> (thread=Main Thread, member=n/a): Error while starting cluster: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The specified address "/hostname" is not a local address.
    at com.tangosol.net.InetAddressHelper.getLocalMTU(InetAddressHelper.java:139)
    Please let me know if anyone has faced the same issue and know resolution.

  • Problems on installing BlazeDS on GoDaddy's shared Linux web hosting server

    GoDaddy's shared Linux hosting supports Tomcat (V 5.0.27 on JVM 1.5.0_22).
    I installed BlazeDS v3.2.0.3978 on the same Tomcat (5.0.27) with the same JVM (1.5.0_22) in my Laptop and it works fine. I created a
    simple Java testing class and put it in BlazeDS war file. I deployed the BlazeDS war file in the local Tomcat. I created a testing MXML file with the RemoteObject to access the Java class using localhost as the URL. Everything works fine.
    Now I deployed the same BlazeDS war file with a different WEB-INF/Flex/services-conf.xml (differnet host name) in the Tomcat in GoDaddy
    and using the same MXML file with the services-config.xml pointing to the URL hosted by GoDaddy. I got a long error message.
    It was too long and out of the screen and I can only see the middle part of it as following:
    initialDestinationId = (null)
              messageAgents = (Array)#9
                [0] (mx.rpc::AsyncRequest)#10
                  authenticated = false
                  autoConnect = true
                  channelSet = (mx.messaging::ChannelSet)#6
                  clientId = (null)
                  connected = false
                  defaultHeaders = (null)
                  destination = "blazeds-tester"
                  id = "FA03C06F-D7F6-2CED-58F9-975C1FCE94A4"
                  reconnectAttempts = 0
                  reconnectInterval = 0
                  requestTimeout = -1
                  subtopic = ""
          connected = false
          connectTimeout = -1
          enableSmallMessages = true
          endpoint = "http://xyz.com/blazeds/messagebroker/amf"
          failoverURIs = (Array)#11
          id = "my-amf"
          mpiEnabled = false
          netConnection = (flash.net::NetConnection)#12
            client = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#4
            connected = false
            objectEncoding = 3
            proxyType = "none"
            uri = "http://xyz.com/blazeds/messagebroker/amf"
          piggybackingEnabled = false
          polling = false
          pollingEnabled = true
          pollingInterval = 3000
          protocol = "http"
          reconnecting = false
          recordMessageSizes = false
          recordMessageTimes = false
          requestTimeout = -1
          uri = "http://xyz.com/blazeds/messagebro
    It seems that the BlazeDS was not running in Tomcat at GoDaddy because I got a similar error when I shutted down the local Tomcat running
    in my laptop and have the MXML file to call the localhost Tomcat's BlazeDS:
              initialDestinationId = (null)
              messageAgents = (Array)#9
                [0] (mx.rpc::AsyncRequest)#10
                  authenticated = false
                  autoConnect = true
                  channelSet = (mx.messaging::ChannelSet)#6
                  clientId = (null)
                  connected = false
                  defaultHeaders = (null)
                  destination = "blazeds-tester"
                  id = "CE8C6CE6-5448-C6A2-2E04-9768F9E6C04C"
                  reconnectAttempts = 0
                  reconnectInterval = 0
                  requestTimeout = -1
                  subtopic = ""
          connected = false
          connectTimeout = -1
          enableSmallMessages = true
          endpoint = "http://localhost:8080/blazeds/messagebroker/amf"
          failoverURIs = (Array)#11
          id = "my-amf"
          mpiEnabled = false
          netConnection = (flash.net::NetConnection)#12
            client = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#4
            connected = false
            objectEncoding = 3
            proxyType = "none"
            uri = "http://localhost:8080/blazeds/messagebroker/amf"
          piggybackingEnabled = false
          polling = false
          pollingEnabled = true
          pollingInterval = 3000
          protocol = "http"
          reconnecting = false
    Any suggestions? Has anyone successfully deployed and run BlazeDS in the Tomcat in GoDaddy's shared Linux web server?

    Do you get any error messages on the Tomcat logs when the app is started?
    Johnking08 wrote:
     I created a simple Java testing class and put it in BlazeDS war file.
    What do you mean by this? Have you deployed the blazeds.war and your own war file to the server or did you somehow put your code inside the blazeds.war?

  • Why can I see my .swf file in the folder on the web hosting server but it doesn't display on the page?

    Go to www.handstool.net, go to "products" tab in menu bar, "clamshells" link in sub-menu.

    That's strange.
    When I view source directly from your page via the URL you provided even I don't see it.
    But when I do a Save As your page and open the html I see following part in your code..look at the part in red (this is not in view source though):
    <style type="text/css">
    a:link {
        color: #333;
    a:visited {
        color: #333;
    a:hover {
        color: #333;
    a:active {
        color: #333;
    </style><style media="screen" type="text/css">#FlashID {visibility:hidden}</style></head><body class="twoColFixRtHdr">
    <div id="container">
      <div id="header">
      <!-- end #header -->
      <img src="clamshells_files/logoClamshells.gif" alt="H&amp;S Tool Clamshells" width="250" height="180">
      <object style="visibility: visible;" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" class="headeranim
    Strange...very strange.

  • HELP! First time connecting to web host. How do I download my site files!!

    Okay! My site is on my web host! I am a little lost since my web host gave me not totally clear directions on how to do this. I had sent him some of my pages including my home page he connected to their web server along with a dating software that was connected to the pages I sent. This is what he wrote after the comments in bold and so I am little lost.
    Putting this here to show what I can access. >> Here is how you can access your control panel of the dating software: with my sign in and password info given
    Putting this here to show what I can access. >> Here is how to access your control of the site itself on my web hosting server: with my sign in and password info given
    Be sure to download the entire site into your Dreamweaver and place a backup copy of it on an external hard drive or someplace else secure.
    That's where I am lost, how do I download to DW? I previously loaded locally since I was working on my site on my lap top, so I know I have change those setting in DW. I can look thru my DW book. It's the download part I am a little confused about.
    Thanks for responses to help me!

    Remote view, local view shows the files on your computer (thus the name local).
    Just a tip, you can expand the files panel to full page by clicking on the expand icon on the far right hand side, (click on this again in expanded window to return to the main DW program).

  • FTP no longer connects to hosting server after the latest update.

    I was able to successfully connect to the web hosting server yesterday before the update. Today, after the update I can no longer connect to the hosting server via FTP. Any suggestions?

    Check your site definition settings in Site > Manage Sites. 
    Nancy O.

  • Extract data from remote desktop(presentation server)

    Hi friends,
       How to import and export  data from remote desktop (presentation server) to my sap server.
    I have user name password of the remote desktop(presentation server)
    Please guide me.

    Question is not clear to me...
    Thank u,

  • Windows 2008 Server crashed - How to find location of remote shared files that they used to access on remote web app?

    We have a client that was running windows 2008 server.  A previous IT person had setup their system, so we were walking into a situation where there were many unknowns.  Server was mainly handling emails only, and we were able to get their exchange
    database off and export PSTs to hosted exchange via microsoft.
    Everything went fine with that, however one user said that he used to access files on the server via the remote web app as he described.  He would go to the following url:
    and he would use his login and then he would see several links to folders.  He could then click on those and see his desired files.  
    We were able to get the server booted again, however we could not find any of the files he described on it at all, leaving me to suspect that perhaps this remote link was accessing another PC.  
    We have the old server up and running, however the link above is no longer active because we have pointed the domain to the new hosted exchange server.  As I am still learning and my boss wanted me to research this on my own and figure out how to find
    out where these files are located.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  
    Just as a note I did try access mail.localhost.com/remote/menu.aspx# on the server but this did not work.  Is there any way in the IIS 7 management console to figure out where this was pointing to?  

    I figured it out - The server was using sharepoint to host these files.  I browsed localhost:987 and opened the sharepoint site locally on the server.  They had several documents to be exported, however when clicking on Open in Explorer it was
    giving an error that local client was not configured.  I installed Desktop Experience and after that was able to open it in Windows Explorer and copy all files off.  

  • Server 2012 R2 essentials url rewrite to exchange 2013 breaks remote web workplace

    Hi all
    Have a server 2012 r2 with essentials experience installed and an exchange 2013 sp1 on a member server.
    I have 2 certificates
    remote.domain.com for the essentials rww
    mail.domain.com for exchange owa
    I have added the administrator account to enterprise admins and have joined the exchange server with the essentials connector, so it appears on the dashboard.
    Both certificates are installed correctly.
    I have installed ARR 3.0 and created a serverfarm mail.domain.com and accepted that it created url rewrite for me.
    Server farm does not have ssl offload enabled.
    The url rewrite is setup like this:
    Requested url: matches pattern, Using: Wildcards, Pattern *
    Conditions: Match All, Input: HTTPS, Type: Matches the pattern, Pattern: ON
    Action: Route to server farm
    Scheme: https://, Server farm: mail.domain.com, Path: /{R:0}
    Stop processing of subsequent rules: checked
    Now pointing protokol 443 til the IP of the essentials server and navigating to https://mail.domain.com/owa brings the owa logon page with my trusted server certificate and all.
    Everything works fine.
    If I then navigate to https://remote.domain.com/remote then the webpage should show the login to the essentials remote web workplace. 
    But instead it shows a some what crippled version, like forms and pictures missing and it is obviously not working.
    Trying to troubleshoot i changed the url rewrite from wildcards to exact match and put owa into the pattern field.
    Then my remote web workplace showed up correctly with the matching certificate and all was fine.
    But now owa shows a 404 directory not found.
    I guess I need some help on this.
    Somehow that server farm and the url rewrite, messes up my default website, with the remote site.
    Much appreciated...

    RE-Run the WSE wizard to reset the Internet settings.
    Remove ARR and URLReWrite.
    Once removed reboot.
    Install ARR and URLReWrite again by downloading.
    Do NOT configure any farm settings.
    Use the ARRConfig utility that comes with WSE:
    That TN page explains how to run the utility. Make sure you have exported the mail certificate including Public Key and Extended Properties first.
    Philip Elder Microsoft Cluster MVP Blog: http://blog.mpecsinc.ca

  • Small Business Server 2011 Remote Web Access RDP doesn't work.

    I have setup Windows small business server 2011 and a separate Terminal Server on a Windows Server 2008 r2 box.
    Remote Web Access webpage works fine, I can check email and view network drives online. The problem I have is that I cannot connect to any computer using the Connect button. 
    When I click connect button, a file is downloaded. e.g. QITS.Rdp is downloaded.
    Once I run the QITS.rdp, it will ask me for credentials. I input it and will get the following error.
    I do not know where to start to look for this problem. Anyone can shed some light?

    Hi Toby,
    Just an addition. Did you use an administrator account to logon the RWA and then connect to the remote computer?
    Did encounter the same issue?
    Meanwhile, please refer to following threads and check if can help you.
    Gateway - Unable to connect via IP (Netbios, FQDN work fine)
    If any update, please feel free to let me know.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu

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