Exporting for website

Can someone tell me the best setting to export a clip of a person speaking that will be put on their website. I shot the clip in HD. The settings Im using is below. Although it looks OK, its not crystal clear. Any suggestions?
Current, 24 Frames, High Quality
Filter-Sharpen (4)
Size-Custom 640x480
Sound IMA 4:1
Sample Size 22.050

For starters, your aspect ratio is wrong. Click on the option to make your video 16:9 Try 640 X 360. Take the filters off unless the original needs it.
How in focus is the original as viewed at 100% size or externally on a HD set? Garbage in, garbage out as they say. You should Color Correct the clip before you export it to anything other than HDV too BTW. Will make a difference in the apparent quality in the end for sure.

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    This tutorial may explain on how to get a Fireworks comp into Dreamweaver.
    You need to slice all the images separately, including the background images as Linda mentioned,  You would use the background images to be called in via a stylesheet.
    A series of beginner Dreamweaver tutorials that may be of help also:
    Creating your first website (series)
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/Dreamweaver/10.0_Using/WS42d4a1c0291fbe4e59147ede1232ff9686c-8 000.html

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    I will second the Flash suggestion. Great a .flv file and play it on your site with a flv player. Some are more difficult than others to use.
    NOTHING is fool proof with this kind of stuff. Flash has the highest install rate on all computers and is as close as you can get to fool proof. You can also put a link on you site to download the latest flash player. The other plus is that it tends to have the best results with low file sizes. This is what YouTube and similar sites use to play their video.
    PS. I highly suggest this flv player... It's free for non-commercial use and almost free for other uses...

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    Thanks for the feedback! We will put into our feature requests database.
    Thanks again for helping us shape the future of Project ROME
    Forum Moderator

  • Edit Color Sync for Exports for Web Sites

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    I understand that Aperture uses a proprietary color sync profile
    If the profile were proprietary, it would be an illegal profile under the ICC Specification.
    However, I note that my RAW images exported from Aperture 2.0 as jpg's and then uploaded to web sites such as Jalbum and Orkut are washed out.
    If you did not disable embedding of an ICC source colour space in Aperture, if you did not use a non-ICC enabled browser, the OS X system level services will set up a ColorWorld and convert the pixels in your JPEGs matching from the ICC source colour space to the ICC destination colour space of your display. Thus you will get what you uploaded in the first place.
    I have seen suggestions on this forum that one can change these settings, but the process appears to be only for printers and monitors.
    The idea is that each and every colour device is calibrated and that calibration is captured in a colourimetric colour characterisation from which an ICC colour device profile is computed. Colourants that form certain colours one one colour device at one calibration will form other colours in the same colour device at another calibration and in other colour devices at yet other calibrations. By means of device profiles, the COLOURS can be kept constant while the COLOURANTS are recomputed to compel the device to paint the closest possible match it is capable of.
    Some forums have suggested this is due to those websites being optimized for sRGB.
    The issue is whether people who post pictures do or do not embed ICC source colour spaces into their pictures and whether they pick browsers that are ICC-enabled or pick colour blind browsers.
    To determine if there is an embedded ICC source colour space in a picture, download the picture to disk, open iApple Preview and select Tools > Get Info > Summary.
    Colour Model: This defines the format or model of the colourants, e.g. three component RGB, four component CMYK.
    ColorSync Profile: This defines the ICC source colour space. If there is none in the image file, the system level service assigns the Generic RGB Profile for model RGB, the Generic CMYK Profile for model CMYK and so forth. Therefore, any ICC source colour space than a Generic Profile source colour space is embedded in the image file itself.
    In technical terms, the rule is that to construct a ColourWorld that does a colour space conversion through the PCS Profile Connection Space, you have to have an ICC source colour space and an ICC destination colour space (typically your display profile). It follows that the system level service ASSIGNS an ICC source colour space automatically where is none embedded. The ICC source colour space that is assigned when there is none embedded is the Generic RGB Profile for colourant model RGB, as explained.

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    Yes good advice here. Why use a number that someone else has suggested to you when you could instead do a little experiment on your own? Simply export your image at different quality settings. If you can't notice a difference, better 9 and 10, go for the smaller number. rinse and repeat.
    Be aware: different images call for different quality settings. Simple graphic images compress better than photos with with smooth gradients (sunsets for example). If there was just one best setting, there wouldn't be any setting at all--just a save button. The reason there is a setting is so that you can use exercise your judgement. If you don't trust you own eyes, throw it up on polarb.com and invite some trusted friends to vote.

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    It is now confirmed  that iWeb, and iDVD, has been discontinued by Apple. This is evidenced by the fact that new Macs are shipping with iLife 11 installed but without iWeb and iDVD.
    On June 30, 2012 MobileMe will be shutdown. However, iWeb will still continue to work but without the following:
    Features No Longer Available Once MobileMe is Discontinued:
    ◼ Password protection
    ◼ Blog and photo comments
    ◼ Blog search
    ◼ Hit counter
    ◼ MobileMe Gallery
    All of these features can be replaced with 3rd party options.
    I found that if I published my site to a folder on my hard drive and then uploaded with a 3rd party FTP client subscriptions to slideshows and the RSS feed were broken.  If I published directly from iWeb to the FPT server those two features continued to work correctly.
    There's another problem and that's with iWeb's popup slideshows.  Once the MMe servers are no longer online the popup slideshow buttons will not display their images.
    Click to view full size
    However, Roddy McKay and I have figured out a way to modify existing sites with those slideshows and iWeb itself so that those images will display as expected once MobileMe servers are gone.  How to is described in this tutorial: #26 - How to Modify iWeb So Popup Slideshows Will Work After MobileMe is Discontinued.
    It now appears that the iLife suite of applications offered on disc is now a discontinued product and the remaining supported iApps will only be available thru the App Store from now on. However, the iLife 11 boxed version that is still available at the online Apple Store (Store button at the top of the page) and those still on the shelves of retailers will include iWeb and iDVD. Those two apps were listed in small, gray text on the iLife 11 box that I bought.
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    This might be of some interest to you at this time: Life After MobileMe.

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    Any leads how to solve this problem ?

    Thread moved to Forum Home » Database » SQL Developer
    SQL Developer
    Please, stay tune there.

  • Mail export for OS 10.8.5

    Mail export for OS 10.8.5 (OS Mountain Lion):
    How to export your mailbox?
    Press Option button (keyboard) AND select "Go" folder using your mouse at the top of the window in Finder.
    Look for "Library" on the menu bar.  After you select the Library, you will see Mail folder.
    Open that Mail folder.
    There is only one folder that shows you "V2."  I do not know why it is created.  Go look inside that folder.
    Now, you see your created mail folder such as Mailboxes, MailData, POP- ... folders, and RSS.  Please becareful.
    Please go back two times (arrow left) where you found Mail folder.
    Finally, you drag that specific folder manually - Mail folder   into your external hard disk drive.  That's what you wanted for your backup.
    Hope that help!

    Mail export for OS 10.8.5 (OS Mountain Lion):
    How to export your mailbox?
    Press Option button (keyboard) AND select "Go" folder using your mouse at the top of the window in Finder.
    Look for "Library" on the menu bar.  After you select the Library, you will see Mail folder.
    Open that Mail folder.
    There is only one folder that shows you "V2."  I do not know why it is created.  Go look inside that folder.
    Now, you see your created mail folder such as Mailboxes, MailData, POP- ... folders, and RSS.  Please becareful.
    Please go back two times (arrow left) where you found Mail folder.
    Finally, you drag that specific folder manually - Mail folder   into your external hard disk drive.  That's what you wanted for your backup.
    Hope that help!

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    Any ideas?

    Uhh, the system requirements for Photoshop CC state you need 2 GB RAM, 8 GB recommended. This is likely your problem.

  • Strokes on appearance is getting cut off when exporting for web & Devices

    I'm a screen print artist using Adobe Illustrator CS5 in windows 7(blah!) to export images of our customers' artwork into a huge folder of images on a server. The images are then loaded into a program so that they can be viewed company-wide and by the customer.
    Occasionally, when there is an appearance applied to text it seems to cut off the tops and/or bottoms of the outermost stroke.This seems to be only happening to text, and happens randomly and is very annoying. See the image attached.
    it does this with both JPEG and PNG images, and whats more, changes when you adjust the image size. it either gets better or worse. I have to change the image size on every export so that they are all within our size requirements.
    I have found that if you put the art into an envelope with all the settings at 0 and then export for web it prevents this from happening. However, that isn't very efficient as i need to be moving a ton of artwork a day, and I am not the only person who may be working on the Illustrator file.
    Is there any setting either in illustrator or windows that may be causing this anomaly?

    Try adding:
    Effect >> Path >> Outline Object
    So  your type will still be editable
    If that does not work you may want to:
    Type: Create Outline
    I only had this problem once before, on some snickerdoodle cookies package, and that was a script font. Might be related to the font you use.

  • FCP 7 exporting for DVD, Image problems

    New here so sorry if I'm a little slow with everything.  We shot some concert footage using 4 cameras, 3 cameras shot in 1440X1080 HDV 1080i60 and the other camera shot in AVCHD but was imported as 1440X1080 ProRes 422.  I edited the video in a sequence with settings of 1440X1080, field dominance of Upper (odd), and compressor HDV 1080i60.  I was trying to find a way to export for SD DVD in the best quality I could and found Ken Stone's site,
    It's worked for me on other projects. This project is a 2 1/2 hour DVD, so I tested that method on a minute of the footage and it didn't come out well just for one camera.  I followed Ken Stone's page and took the sequence and changed the settings to field dominance None, and compressor to ProRes 422.  Then I exported using quicktime conversion with settings of ProRes 422 HQ.  Once that file is exported I've been taking it to Compressor and using either DVD Best 90 Minutes or 120 Minutes.  On the max bitrate I don't go above 7.9 and on the average I'm usually around 6.7 for Best 90 minutes and 5.2 for Best 120 minutes.  Whenever I put the footage in DVD Studio Pro, the footage from the 3 cameras shot in 1080i60 look great but the footage originally shot in AVCHD has all sorts of lines and distortion on movement.  I'm just trying to find out if there is a better way for me to take my footage from final cut to SD DVD and still get good looking footage out of the original AVCHD footage.  I don't really understand why the footage from the AVCDD footage is coming out like that since it was imported as ProRes 422.  Any ideas on how to fix this?

    Thanks a lot, this did the trick.
    Yeah I'm doing a dual layer dvd, but I'm sending it off for replication so from what I've read it sounds like I have to build and format the dvd, then burn each Layer to it's own dvd.  Do you have any experience with this?  The break point is kind of confusing me right now because it sounds like just a lot of trial and error.
    Thanks again

  • Using Quicktime's "Export for Web" feature in iWeb?

    Does anyone know if this is possible within iWeb, that is, to use movies created using Quicktime's "Export to Web" feature, which really seems to deliver superior movie quality?
    Much appreciated,

    Thanks, good stuff, though I'm still having a small problem with this. I'm getting a gray line around the top and left of my movie and the right side of the player is getting cut off. When I try to make the width larger, it just moves the gray line further to the left.
    Any ideas?
    *This is the script that I added to the html snippet in iWeb.* I changed the height to 505px because it was cutting off the bottom of the player at 496.
    <iframe src="http://idisk.me.com/brianderr/Public/KANYE%20PT%201/kanye1.html"
    style="width:720px; height:505px";
    *This is the script from my read me file that I kept:*
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
    <title>QuickTime Pro - Export for Web - KANYE PT 1</title>
    <script src="http://www.apple.com/library/quicktime/scripts/ac_quicktime.js" language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="http://www.apple.com/library/quicktime/scripts/qtp_library.js" language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="http://www.apple.com/library/quicktime/stylesheets/qtp_library.css" rel="StyleSheet" type="text/css" />
    <body><script type="text/javascript"><!--
    QTWritePosterXHTML('Click to Play', 'KANYE%20PT%201-poster.jpg',
    '720', '496', '',
    'controller', 'true',
    'autoplay', 'true',
    'bgcolor', 'black',
    'scale', 'aspect');

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