Exporting particular User

i have a small doubt about exporting any user,When we export by giving command:
exp system/pass file=abc.dmp owner=abc log=abc.log
Does all Triggers,Indexes,Synonyms are exported when we run this command or not...

A user export exports ALL objects owned by the user. When it comes to synonyms this means private synonyms are exported but PUBLIC synonyms on the user objects are not exported. Generating the create public synonym statements via SQL using SQLPlus however is a trivial task.
HTH -- Mark D Powell --

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    Hi Viji.
    Saha way is actual way for authority tcode but user authority in TCODE:- SE38 he/she can run report(ZREPORT) wise program is run is no authority check.
    Another way is you have also check authority in program level.
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    Thanks & Regards

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    try this :
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     -Start "11/17/2014 09:00:00" -End "11/17/2014 17:00:00" -Sender "user@domain"| Select-Object eventid,sender,timestamp,@{Name="Recipients";Expression={$_.recipients}},@{Name="RecipientStatus";Expression={$_.recipientstatus}},messagesubject
    | Export-CSV c;\tracking.csv
    Then import file to excel
    Please mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question. That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you. Thank you! Off2work

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    Hi Sateesh,
    This message will appear if either the background jobs are not scheduled, or UWL cannot tell that the background jobs are scheduled. The message no longer appears once you ensure the background jobs are scheduled to run via the user id UWL_SERVICE and that user is mapped to my portal user ID UWL_SERVICE.

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    Hi Vikas.
    You can use BAPI in LSMW to craete Material or You can use direct input method. Both methods as follows below:
    Using BAPI in LSMW:
    First maintain IDOC Inbound Processing steps by giving PORT and Partner Type and Partner Numberby clicking 'settings' icon in menu path in LSMW Screen.
    Adn then execute LSMW and maintain the values as below in the first step.
    BusinessObject Method(BAPI)
    Business Object       BUS1001006                      Standard material
    Method                     SAVEDATA                        Create and change materia
    Message Type         MATMAS_BAPI                   Create and change materia
    Basic Type               MATMAS_BAPI03               Create and Change Materia.
    For the selecting of views, you can maintain fields for all views(From Basic view to costing view) in your excel and populate with 'X' in respective fields for activating views.
    In the 6th step (Maintain field mapping and conversion rules). you can map those fields for views which you want to activate since we have all views are in the standard structure.
    Using Direct Input Method:
    Standard Batch/Direct Input
    Object                      0020                                             Material master
    Method                     0000
    Program Name          RMDATIND
    Program Type           D                                                  Direct Input
    For the selecting of views, you can maintain fields for all views(From Basic view to costing view) in your excel and populate with 'X' in respective fields for activating views.
    In the 6th step (Maintain field mapping and conversion rules). you can map those fields for views which you want to activate since we have all views are in the standard structure.

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    no, when using facetime you log in with the apple id you want people to reach you at, so unless you both agree to share one apple id for all the facetime you do, it will be necessary for you to logout and login each time you use the application.

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    Dear all,
    I have checked all the above scenarios.
    There is no excluded agent existing . The bindings are correct. Let me describe the scenario little bit more in detail.
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    EXP-000008 ORACLE error 600 encountered.
    ORA-00600: internal error code,arguments: [12811], [41965],[]
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_EXPORT_EXTENSION", line 248
    ORA-06512 : at line 1
    EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccssfully
    But this error message comes only for one user not for others.
    Please suggest the solution for this problem.
    Thanks in advance,

    This is a known 9i bug,
    Bug# 2443896, it is documented here --> Metalink Note 2443896.8
    OERI:[12811] from concurrent SELECT and DDL (DROP) with SQL_TRACE=TRUE
    This bug was fixed in I strongly suggest you to apply tha last patchset available. Since the terminal patchset available for 9iR2 is you will prevent to hit known bugs up to this version.
    This is just my personal recommendation, but Oracle Support Services has the last word on this issue.
    ~ Madrid

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    I think you need to reach out to BASIS consultant to check out the Cost involved for User ID for the SAP application.

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    Here is an article with a list of privilege related dictionary views
    How do I find out which users have the rights, or privileges, to access a given object ? http://www.jlcomp.demon.co.uk/faq/privileges.html
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

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    Please help me out to resolve this issue.
    Is this problem is related to webdynpro abap? or
    Is this a portal issue?

    Hi balamurugan ,
    may be check the user setting for the User id .
    right click on the view click user setting . and check whether he hide that button .
    look at the pic.
    If any UI element is made invisible it will show the option invisible elements .
    you can restore it .
    Chinnaiya P
    Edited by: chinnaiya pandiyan on May 28, 2010 4:59 PM


    Hi Experts,
    Iam facing a problem i.e
    If iam assigning a desktop to a particular user the user is not reflecting any changes......
    if iam keeping ***
    then we are able to adapt the changes but i want only particular user to adapt the changes ..
    how it is possible  plz help me in this...
    waiting for u r response.....

    Hi ,
    If your are not sure about user name , use the wildcard pattern , but make sure you use only a single *
    1)IF User = shilpa*
    THEN Portal Desktop = dekstop path
    2)IF User =*  shilpa  *
    THEN Portal Desktop = dekstop path
    Here 1st option will work , 2nd will not work. "  use only a single *   "
    Sunitha Hari

  • How to set Internet limits to particular user by gpo ?

    How to set Internet limits to particular user by gpo ?
    Thanks & Regards, Amol . Amol Dhaygude

    >>How to set Internet limits to particular user by gpo ?
    What Internet limits do you want to set for specific users? Group Policy user settings can be configured to apply to specific users, like via security filtering or GPP item-level targeting. The path for Internet Explorer policy settings under User Configuration
    is: User Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Internet Explorer.
    You can also use GPP Internet Settings extension to manage IE settings and use GPP ILT to apply the settings to specific users. However, GPP settings can be edited by standard users after getting applied.
    Regarding GPP Internet Settings extension, the following article can be referred to for more information.
    Internet Settings Extension
    http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc754649.aspxBest regards,
    Best regards,
    Frank Shen

  • Mysite is not opening for particular user

    We have configured User profile service application with permission to create mysite in our environment. One particular user is not able to open mysite. When try to open mysite it generate an unexpected error message and given correlation ID. When followed
    the log file with reference to correlation ID. I found following error in ULS.
    My Site: PersonalSpaceRedirect: Unknown error: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls.PersonalSpaceRedirect.RedirectToPublicPage(SPWeb web)
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls.PersonalSpaceRedirect.LoadControl(Object sender, EventArgs a).
    Please notice that this is for a single user so we dont to recreate the user profile service application for restore database. Any help is higly appreciated.

    I am having the same issue. I traced it to a problem with the Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls.PersonalSpaceRedirect part on default.aspx. I'm still not sure what the underlying issue is, though. This is in SharePoint 2013 SP 1.

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