Exporting  the file for YouTube by QuickTime 7 Pro. Error Message-36:I/O.

Quickime 7 Pro.
I can't export the video file to put it on YouTube.
I use Fast Start.
When the export becomes 100%, the error message-36:I/O appears and I can't go on.
Please help!

Make sure you're entering in _both_ the user name and key code _exactly_ as in the email Apple sent you. Any error in either, including leaving off a salutation (for instance, if the email says "Mr. John Smith") will cause the registration to fail.
Also make sure you did indeed purchase a key for Windows. QuickTime keys are not cross-platform.
Hope this helps.

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    douglas i wrote:
    Am I correctly uploading a .mov file to YouTube by using the Export File command with the export setting set to .h264 then if I wish a reasonable size file for upload?
    Sure. There are many ways to get videos to YT and yours is a reasonable approach.
    "Reasonable size" should be thought of in terms of upload time. Again, YT will re-compress whatever you give it. So depending on how quickly you need to get it up on the Web, it's better to upload files that have more information than less information. (To that end, some folks upload very large Pro Res files; they also have a lot of patience.) 
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    By using BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHECKIN2 Function module I am uploading the Files for the Document number.
    My problem is - After uploading the files to the document number the files are not in check in status.
    I want the files to be checked in after uploading the from the FM.
    Can anyone tell me what I am missing ? How to do check in the files.
    I am passing the following values to FM.
          ls_files-SOURCEDATACARRIER = ls_file-DATA_CARRIER.
          ls_files-WSAPPLICATION     = ls_file-application.
          ls_files-DESCRIPTION       = ls_file-file_desc.
          ls_files-STORAGECATEGORY   = ls_file-category.
          ls_files-DOCFILE           = ls_file-doc_path.
          ls_files-CHECKEDIN         = 'X'.
            DOCUMENTTYPE            = ls_file_data-dokar
            DOCUMENTNUMBER          = ls_file_data-doknr
            DOCUMENTPART            = ls_file_data-doktl
            DOCUMENTVERSION         = ls_file_data-dokvr
            RETURN                  =  ls_return
            DOCUMENTFILES           =  lt_files
        COMPONENTS              =
    I appriciate you response on this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Check the values you are passing into ls_files .
    you dont need to pass checkedin = 'X'.
    and check the storagecategory field - this should not be blnak.
    ls_files-WSAPPLICATION = ls_file-application.
    ls_files-DESCRIPTION = ls_file-file_desc.
    ls_files-STORAGECATEGORY = ls_file-category.
    ls_files-DOCFILE = ls_file-doc_path.
    ls_files-CHECKEDIN = 'X'.
    This FM will work. No issues just check the values you are psssing into this LS_FILES structure.
    Rest of the fields are corect.

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    I want the files to be checked in after uploading the from the FM.
    Can anyone tell me what I am missing ? How to do check in the files.
    I am passing the following values to FM.
          ls_files-SOURCEDATACARRIER = ls_file-DATA_CARRIER.
          ls_files-WSAPPLICATION     = ls_file-application.
          ls_files-DESCRIPTION       = ls_file-file_desc.
          ls_files-STORAGECATEGORY   = ls_file-category.
          ls_files-DOCFILE           = ls_file-doc_path.
          ls_files-CHECKEDIN         = 'X'.
            DOCUMENTTYPE            = ls_file_data-dokar
            DOCUMENTNUMBER          = ls_file_data-doknr
            DOCUMENTPART            = ls_file_data-doktl
            DOCUMENTVERSION         = ls_file_data-dokvr
            RETURN                  =  ls_return
            DOCUMENTFILES           =  lt_files
        COMPONENTS              =
    I appriciate you response on this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Any answers for this?

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